While entering "pant..." I got an interesting hub title suggestion:
"Smart Ass Thong Panties for Moms Product Review"
Sure is an interesting topic! I suppose it would be fun to write about, but it would probably get flagged.
Has anyone else experimented with the topic/title feature?
Lol...I haven't yet, but I think I'll give ott a try!
Yes, do give it a try! It could be helpful for hub ideas. Although I got another strange one when entering "hair". I was thinking of writing about my hair coloring products, but out came the title suggestion...
"Best Products and Tips to Trim Male Pubic Hair"
Well, I decided to claim the title and we will see what I can do with it! I'm not a guy but do have experience working on a med/surgical unit prepping patients (trim and/or shave) for surgery.
Yes I did, but my own topics are generating more views than the exclusive topic that I claimed.
Wow! Those are off-the-wall for sure. I wonder why such titles would even show up, given HP's somewhat prudish standards....
In any case, I decided to try it out, and both the the titles I entered brought up a list of 'suggested' titles not even remotely related to the topic I entered. Not even a single word in common. In fact, they were so far off-base as to be insane. One I tried, for example, was on a medical device, and one of the suggested titles was, "Landmark Survey....Personality Disorders in the U.S...." another was "How to Make Phone calls to the Ukraine."
I am dumbstruck! There is not so much as an inkling of relativity to what I proposed to write. I believe I will simply ignore this feature.
Everything I've seen come up has been pretty far off base. Not a topic I would ever write about even. I wonder where they are getting the data from for this? Is this the kind of stuff they want us to be writing, in reality?
It all depends on what words you type in. I've been finding some really good titles and I already published three exclusive hubs. This is giving me ideas that keep me going with much more writing than I had done before.
Try this: Look over your existing hubs and try using words from titles of things you already wrote. It may give you ideas that coincide much better with your particular area.
Another idea of mine: When you are about to publish a new hub, use words from it for an exclusive title search before you start uploading your new hub. It may give you an alternative title that is exclusive.
I did try to actually work with it. I'm liking it. I wrote and published two Hub posts from titles now. True, they were kind of lame topics (to me). But, they were posts I could write fairly quickly, basic information which I already had. The challenge was in getting enough word length without rambling on and on about nothing. Also, I needed a specific image to illustrate the information and could not find anything good for free use. I worked it out, but it was a challenge.
@ Glenn Stock:
If I already wrote a hub about something, (with a few exceptions) I probably won't be writing about it again; I don't have a "particular area;" I'm more of a generalist. I have too many interests to list, and I don't have a "niche." So far, that's working ok for me.
Be careful - testing I have done suggests that most of the titles are not competitive. You would think that HP would have done some keyword research, but clearly they have not. Many of the titles are not searched for frequently, or they are common phrases that you have no chance of competing for. In both cases you are unlikely to get much traffic and could be wasting your time and effort. IMO
If you are only going by google Keyword tool then you will see that some of the topics don't seem to be searched frequently if at all...however this is misleading. The google keyword tool is a good source to help you get tags, but it is not the end all.
They tell you if it is not listed, it doesn't mean that it is not searched, just that it is not tracked. You can also try the google preformed text searches, which if you search through google you probably have already seen. It's where you are searching for something and it preforms phrases for you. Check the title in there too. I have found ones that keyword tool showed little to no traffic at all, but I check it in google search and it shows up. Some of those titles have been my most viewed hubs.
I've checked out about 20 using various tools such a Jaaxy, Stealth, etc. and NONE of them passed the test of minimum expected monthly traffic and being competitive. Good for title ideas - but I suggest you do some research to test their REAL potential.
I am using the exclusive title feature. I will agree that I have seen some very "unique" titles, but I have found some really good ones I think.
Though I do think that if you claim a title, you shouldn't be flagged for inappropriate since the HP site was the one who suggested the hubtitle in the first place. Maybe something to bring up in the suggestion box.
Me too and I just published a hub using the feature. We shall see how it performs.
Hi Thallia, yes, I tried it. I actually got a good title to an off-shoot of a hub I am currently writing. When I tried it again the next day I found another good title for a second hub in a series I am writing. But when I tried to claim this one it said it was already taken. I found it strange for HubPages to show it but then snatch it away.
I hope that people won't take an "Exclusive" and just sit on it. Does anyone know - are there any time limits to how long we can claim an exclusive without writing a hub? I would think it should be 30 days max then it goes back to being offered to all.
Hi Maralexa, glad to hear you found some useful titles!
I've also wondered about how long these "Exclusive" titles can be held. As you've mentioned, 30 days would be a good time-frame.
It will be interesting to see how well these hubs perform.
I think you have a valid point. You might consider offering that in the suggestion forum. But the good thing is you can only have 4 exclusives at one time, to try to mitigate the "sitting" on profitable hubs. So only 4 can be taken at a time. Course you times 4 by how many of us can use it and that does start to add up.
Where the heck is this Exclusive feature?
I'm in a brain fog.
donotfear - go to "Start a new hub" enter a word that represents a hub you might want to write. If you write about cats, enter the word "cat" and see what comes up. You might try "garden" and see what comes up. Good luck.
I've written one and claiming some titles to do for later. I like the feature and I hope to do well with it.
I wrote my first exclusive and hoping I'm not wasting my time.
I just read your hub and I don't think you're wasting your time. Even if being exclusive doesn't help, the subject you wrote about our dysfunctional 112th Congress is important for voters to realize at a time when we have no budget and the government continues to spend more money, running our national debt over $16 trillion now. We need to vote for representatives of Congress who want to work to create a budget. I'm glad this title came up as an exclusive and that you wrote about it.
Well, this was interesting. I held a couple of exclusives a week ago when I first tried it. I didn't run into any of the weird titles others have mentioned. But I got a few good ideas for hubs and I held two of them. And I just published my first exclusive tonight.
The word "follow" came up with the title: How to Follow Up on Suggestions from a Meeting
The first thing I noticed after publishing it is that it was immediately listed for Google to find and index. That is, It doesn't have the circle-arrows in the Idle Status.
The other title that I held gave me an error that the URL was already taken. I found that strange since our hub URLs are unique under our subdomains. But I guess it may have something to do with the way the database works. Nevertheless, I was able to type in a different URL to hold it.
As long as we don't change the title itself, we keep the "exclusive" status.
Here's a tip: I found that the words "buy" and "sell" will provide interesting titles with subjects that can be worthwhile writing about. The offers change from time to time as other titles are grabbed. I just held a "unique selling" title now that I completed the other exclusive. So I have my work cut out for me. If it turns out to be a rainy weekend, maybe I'll stay home and get to it.
For now, I'm going to watch how my first one does with traffic.
I'm thinking exclusive titles may pay off down the road instead of right now. They may get steady traffic down the road. Just my guess.
sorry to be pessimistic, but the ones I have checked do not appear to be competitive => poor traffic expectations
I'm wondering what hubpages reasoning on the "exclsuive is" I have heard other p[eople comment on low traffic also
I suspect that its based on common search phrases that you can see under stats for one of your pages (keywords tab). Unfortunately "popular" does not equate with traffic. Competition for the keyword phrase is the key, but HP does not appear to have tested for this. - strange given the Idle hubs policy. Out of 20 I tested, only one was competitive!!!
I think I like it.
Although I am a brilliant and perceptive writer with a wealth of knowledge about a huge range of subjects... I tend mostly to write inconsequential crap about stuff.
Now I can start a new page - key in a word - and the computer tells me what to write about. One thousand words later and I'm a happy and contented bunny.
I don't recommend this method for everyone, or indeed, even myself, but it beats the hell out of keyword research as far I am concerned.
In answer to any questions regarding income...
No. Not a bean.
"key in a word - and the computer tells me what to write about."
Isn't that cool? I couldn't say it any better myself. I just published my first exclusive hub last night and noticed that it immediately became available for Google to index. It's not on hold with the circular arrows in the idle column. Other hubs are held for 24 to 48 hours.
Only time will tell to see how well this really works. If nothing else, at least it's a great way to get new ideas for subjects to write about.
I used an exclusive for the first time and it was held pending, but the exercise was interesting.
I just did one too, just to see if they really aren't held in pending, but its got the usual circle to the right.
That's disappointing.
It would be quite nice if hubbers with a high enough authorscore to be offered the service (it's 80, isn't it?), couldn't also be granted the privilege of immediate indexing.
Or is it only those with scores of 95 or more are being allowed to skip the yellow circle when using the new Exclusive titles??
Izzy, Mine was indexed immediately. No circular arrows show up on my listing. I wonder why yours is on hold. Do you see the word EXCLUSIVE in yellow next to the title in your stats listing? That will confirm that your hub is exclusive. If you changed the title in any way it will lose the exclusive status. I just want to be sure you didn't do that by mistake.
I didn't read anywhere about being over 95 to have that benefit.
No I made the 95 bit up LOL
It is exclusive - it says so in yellow, and has more than the minimum word count and two original photos, so I've no idea why it is in pending mode.
Mind you, nothing in the Learning Centre says that these hubs will not have to go on probation like the others.
Weird that yours didn't.
Yeah that is weird. I am completing another soon and will watch to see if that also gets listed without probation. Should have it done Sunday night. Meanwhile, can anyone else check if they see the "pending icon" ( circular arrows) on a new exclusive hub?
Yep all my Exclusives went round and round like a catherine wheel for a day of so
I just thought of something that may be the reason for this...
When I first grabbed the title, I immediately added a text capsule with some preliminary text. I also added the summary, tags and selected the group I wanted it in. All those things make the score go up even before publishing. The Hub Score already climbed above 60 by the time I published it.
I wonder if a new hub does not go into pending mode if its score is over a certain value.
Can anyone show results that confirm this theory?
What was the delay between when you grabbed it and when you finally published it. This may explain it - may be the count down starts when you grab it.
I'm not sure. I think I grabbed it Wednesday. I published it last night. So it may have been two days.
You may be right. That definitely could be another reason for this. As soon as we get some feedback we'll be able to figure it out.
We need to know three things...
1. How long a title was held before publishing?
2. What was the Hub Score when published?
3. Was the pending icon in the stat report.
24 hours wait is not that monumental. The really critical thing is how long it takes before a published hub is indexed and whether the pending status affects this. If the pending state is bypassed the new hub won't be exposed to the NOINDEX tag purgatory and so could get indexed sooner. Are you a closet 'e' or 'a' (just joking).
The plot thickens - I just noticed that a non-exclusive hub I published yesterday is still swirling in pending mode - but it is shown on my profile with a NOINDEX TAG - I thought that this was not meant to happen??? Maybe the banned links only apply to 'idled' hubs. This may be a cause of the slow indexing - if the bot visits it will see 'pending' hubs as NOINDEX. It would be better if the new article only appeared in the profile after it was approved and featured.
The non-listing of idle hubs in the profile will start happening on Monday. That's why you are still seeing idle hubs in your profile today.
You have an interesting point about pending hubs being listed. I agree with you that they should not be listed until the noindex meta tab is removed. Otherwise this can confuse the bots and we have no idea how Google will react to that.
I just published one in a draft form and the'circle of arrows' was there indicating it is 'pending' - Hubscore 52. I'll be finishing it shortly. I only grabbed the title earlier today.
I just published another article two days after grabbing the title. The swirling arrows are there and so it is 'pending' probably for 48 hours. I also noticed if you edit during the 'pending' period it resets the clock. HP definitely hates me!
While I haven't published an exclusive yet I almost always hold a newly written hub for about a day before publishing because I noticed a few times that the hubscore went up a little on it's own after twenty-four hours. I've not seen one yet that didn't have the arrows. I see no reason why these things would effect an exclusive hub but not a regular one....?
I'm pretty much willing to try anything at the moment, as over the last few days my traffic has tanked.
Since the new profile has gone up my views have well and truly gone down, I'm hoping that they recover soon.
I found a few good ones and have published one I got from the exclusive title pool, however at the moment it's too early to tell.
I'm sure there is a method behind the madness on this new feature, I'm just going to have to trust it for a while, apply some of my own logic and see whether it can lead me back to the land of good traffic.
How does one access this beautiful thing? I tried it today and got nothing. What am I doing wrong?
Under "Start a new hub" put one word only in the title box, then wait to see if titles are suggested. Not every word brings suggestions. Try "hair", I just had suggestions with that. Happy hunting.
Mo, just start typing in a keyword in the title space when starting a new hub. Just wait and the choices will appear if there are any for that keyword.
Wow, those are some interesting choices. I have written several exclusive hubs so far, and haven't seen anything that intriguing!
I wonder if this has to do with particular advertisers? Maybe there is a mattress ad, for example, so they will use different sleep topics on which to place the mattress ad. I am hoping that since HP is willing to go through all the trouble, that these advertisers are willing to pay the big bucks!
???? I have no idea what you are all talking about. This isn't the "Title-Tuner" feature, is it, going by another name??
If not, please explain what this feature is..Thank you.
Thank you! This must be something new...I've had a well-over-qualifying hubber score for at least a few months, now, and I've never seen this drop-down pop up before.
I just published a hub more than two hours ago. I started writing it, and published it when it was done - no waiting. It has a score of 66 and is still in pending mode.
I wonder now though as I looked for another title, if they didn't simply get the list from a competitor that they wanted to beat. The reason I think that it is more random than something people actually typed in is .
1. the weird, maybe even not permitted topics, in the examples shown above
2. The sewing machine one I just published doesn't look like it is going to do very well when I look it up on Adwords.
3. another one I found was for the Sims2 game, which is really weird, because Sims3 has been out for a long time. Long enough that they are probably considering Sims4. Why feature Sims2 when Sims3 is more likely to get readers? I am taking it anyway, it seems easy enough to write.
4. Also there is one "How to Assemble a Quilt Leaf". I have no idea what a quilt leaf is, and I have been quilting for more than a decade. Maybe it doesn't have to do with quilting? I did a Google search and nothing turned up, so I doubt too many people want to know.
While I think it is a useful tool when you have run out of ideas of things to write about, you do have to be careful and do the research to see if they are worth your time and effort.
If you start too get a strong following because of a narrow niche your writing about, doing exlusives may turn off your followers as more then likely the exclusives are not what your followers want to read about.
That's true that the followers may not be interested in some of the topics I write about. However, I write about a wide range of topics, and hope that the followers will just skip the ones that don't interest them.
Since search engine visitors come directly from the title, they won't have that issue.
Okay -- so I just published my second exclusive hub just now. And it never went into pending mode. Just like my first.
It has a hub score of 69. I claimed the title over two days ago and it was in draft mode until just now when I completed my writing and published it.
The only thing I see that's different between me and you guys who have the pending status, is that I didn't claim a title, write it, and publish -- all in the same day.
I think the fact that my exclusive hubs immediately go into index mode is due to holding it a few days in draft mode. That holding period must do it.
I'd like to see if someone else can confirm that, so that we can once and for all understand what's going on here.
You said in a prior post that you published the same day title was claimed. Try claiming another and wait over 48 hours before publishing. Let's see that you go into indexed mode right away too. I can't see anything else that is different.
OK but several others that I brooded over for 2-3 days still did the circuits.
Mark just proved that it has nothing to do with waiting. But did you complete all aspects of the hub as I posted in the prior list?
The only one I have done so far - I started hub, used title, published an hour or so later. Opening score 48, no whirly thing. Five text capsules and a picture to start with.
Great Mark! I think you're on to something! We are getting closer.
So now we can rule out waiting 48 hours. You and I both used a lot of text capsules.
Let's see what the others did? Chime in everyone...
Did you use just one capsule?
For that matter, did you add a summary?
Did you place your hub in a group or let it default to being an Orphan?
I would not be surprised that this is making it go into pending status and mine don't.
As part of the initial creation - yes, I added a summary and put it in a group. Three tags I think. Can't think of much else. Source added to photo capsule.
Yep, I did all those things too. That has to be the reason why you and I skip the pending status. Don't you think so?
Mine has 5 capsules, one image, a poll, an RSS, list of links, 700 words and remains in orbit. I think its your stellar hubber scores - Boo Hoo!
Did you put it in a group?
Did you add a summary?
Maybe Izzy was right? That one has to have a score over 95. But I would think that would have been mentioned somewhere if that were the case.
I noticed that your article has been indexed - Well Done - That is the more important thing rather than the 2 day wait. One of mine published on 1 October, went into orbit for two days, but was indexed yesterday 7 October - though I did submit to webmasters and submitted social links.
Yes, that is what this conversation is all about. We are trying to figure out why my hubs and Mark's hubs get indexed immediately. Am I missing something else that you might be referring to?
What I am referring to is not the removal of the NOINDEX tag but the actual indexing of the article by Google so that it appears in the SERPS. Your article has been indexed. Even before the NOINDEX tag it could take 5-15 days or longer for articles to be indexed. Many hubbers have complained that 'pending' hubs and 'idled' hubs, that have been reawakened have been taking days or weeks to be indexed by Google. Mark's latest has also been indexed.
Wow, I just published that less than 2 hours ago. I noticed Google sometimes picks up new pages on my business site within an hour, but I never thought it would happen on HP. I wonder if it has anything to do with the exclusive title? Now I have no idea what the difference is.
Time to sign off for the night, though. Till tomorrow.
The real issue is that if the bot visits so quickly, and the article is 'pending' and has the NOINDEX tag, the new article won't be indexed. It may take days or weeks for the bot to come back and see that the tag has been removed and so index it. This is potentially a major problem with the 'pending' status and idle status as well. It also has major implications for traffic and earning for hubbers and HP. Time for some ZZZ whoops don't mention that!
I think the reason why the bots know to visit so quickly is because Google knows the new pages exists from the AdSense embedded code. So they know and they send out the bot to check on it in order to determine what category of AdSense ads to display.
Meanwhile, at the same time, the bot can determine if the hub should be indexed or not. You are right about the 'noindex'. This is where the bot stops going any further. And it may be a long time before it returns.
I agree with you that this can be an issue with the 'pending' status on new hubs delaying getting listed in Google. And I am still wondering why Mark and I skip the pending mode and get index so quick. I know you say that Google hates you. But I see no reason for that and I know you are just saying it in jest.
There must be something we are missing in our investigation. And we still need others to give their feedback experience with publishing exclusive titles and getting indexed right away, or not.
As for the idle hubs, I do have to disagree with one thing. Right? I have been using 'noindex' on my business site ever since Google suggested, in their Webmaster Blog, to remove poorly performing pages. I use 'noindex' to hide pages from Google that I know are not doing well with organic traffic, but those that I want to keep anyway, for certain reasons.
So instead of deleting them, I 'noindex' them. I found that this helps increase organic traffic to my other pages. Google is happy and puts more rank weight on other pages. I am sure this is why HP started doing this with the idle hubs. In the long run, it will help us.
One more thing about idle hubs, although this forum thread is about Exclusive Hubs, I"ll just add this one last thought…
Take a look, in your Google Analytics, at your past history of traffic to those hubs that became idle. I I found, in my case, that they were not getting organic traffic. That means that we are not making any money from those hubs anyway. And they were just draining SERP energy away from my other hubs. See my point?
I just published a hub and it did not go into pending status. It is live right now though it has not been indexed... it's only been about 15 minutes. Just for some data sake, my hubber score was at 95 and the hub was a 63.. I started it yesterday, it was not an exclusive title grab. It has 11 fully attributed pictures, 5 map capsules and 8 text capsules along with a ratings and comments capsule. No Ebay or Amazon, 4 tags, and nearly 1600 words in total. Revenue potential shows $$$$. Only the first of my last 4 hubs were placed in pending... not sure why but that first one, my hubber score was only a 91 and when published the hub started at a 58.
Thanks for that feedback with so much informative detail. Your information is extremely helpful. I think I can say what the situation is now, based on your feedback and that of others.
I see that skipping pending status has nothing to do with using an exclusive title or not. It also does not seem to be related to the hub score.
But I do see a pattern that indicates it is related to the Hubber score. Your hubs were not pending when your score was 95. But your first hub did go into pending mode when your Hubber score was 91, as you said. Mark skipped pending mode also and his score was over 95. I published three hubs from the exclusive list and none were pending. My score has also been over 95 each time I published.
So it looks like our hubs do not get the 'noindex' tag when our score is 95 or over. Meaning that we bypass pending status. That is the pattern, but it is no guarantee that it is the reason -- There still might be something else we don't know about.
By the way, bypassing the pending mode simply means there is no 'noindex' tag. So Google will index it the first time the bot visit. It's only been 15 minutes you said. Mine took 24 hours to get indexed in Google. As long as we bypass pending status it should be quicker since we don't need to wait for the bot to come around a second time.
So if you need a score of 95 or over, why does Hubpages not just come out and say that? Why all this guff about how it's algorithmic or whatever was said exactly?
Obviously there is no point in me publishing new stuff. Google slapped me and my hubscore has never recovered. It never will at this rate.
Edit: where did that 95 come from? LOL
Izzy it is all just speculation. Glenn is trying to see if there is a pattern and he has made some good observations... I guess I'll wait a few days and try to publish when my score is lower than 95 and see if I'm idled. Either way it does not matter in the slightest. Index me today or next week or 2 weeks, the pittance earn here now is not going to make or break my wallet or my reputation as a writer.
Izzy, You're 95 now. Go for it and write a hub. Pick an exclusive if you want and see what happens when you publish it. As I mentioned in my last post, there is no guarantee that I'm right. I'm just trying to find a pattern from all our feedback. But the last time you published you were 94 and your hub was pending, so this will be very telling when you publish one now.
Glenn, did you notice this post in the other thread? I don't think the number 95 is the whole story by any means.
http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/104615? … ost2224103
Thank you to both you and janderson99. So at least we can rule that one out too. Like I said, there was no guarantee that the pattern I thought I saw was correct. The plot thickens and we are back at square-one. We may never discover the secret.
Yeah.... But I guess if we could figure it out it would be abused quickly enough.
In one of the threads, I saw someone mention the time of day when the Hub is published as a possible factor in its speed of being featured. That is, if it's published very shortly before the bots (?) come a-callin' then there's no pending involved; but if it's published right afterwards, it may have to pend for a couple of days.
Another thought I had, related to what Simone said about information about the Hub: My guess is that that information could be highly complex, including feedback (if the Hub had been published previously, as relache's was), feedback from the Hopper, the category or topic and how many Hubs that author had previously published in that topic, how authoritative the Hubber is in that topic, etc.
I could go on and on, brainstorming various possibilities. I'm making them up as I go along. But I think some of them might be valid factors that might affect the speed of publication of a Hub.
Maybe the ones that have sped through are actually such flukes that there's no real way to figure out what made their speed possible.
You're confusing one thing with another. When we talk about hubs not having to go through the pending period we mean that there is no NOINDEX tag in the HTML code that tells bots to ignore.
You are talking about timing of bots, which is a totally different thing.
I looked through that other forum and I see that relache said she republished an old hub that was once published before. So I go back to my previous idea that fits out latest pattern of people with scores 95 and up don't have the NOINDEX tag. Her case does not count since it was not a new hub. I already know that old hubs don't get NOINDEX when republished unless they stop getting Google traffic, in which case HP idles the hub by adding the NOINDEX (zzz in our listing).
I also read another post in that other forum that someone doesn't know how we know we bypassed the pending period. We know by two methods... (1) The twirly arrows don't show up upon publishing. In addition to that I looked at he HTML code and the NOINDEX is not there.
I would respond to that post there but that would just be duplicating what I said here. Too bad we have two or three threads running on the same topic. Nothing I can do about that.
Making it up as you go along, as you said you do, is not a scientific approach. Until someone posts here that they published a NEW hub when their score is over 95 and they see the twirly arrows, I'll accept this case closed.
Thanks for the clarification, Glenn. I had wondered about the timing myself, even before someone else mentioned it in the other thread, and so I mentioned it over here along with some other thoughts that were sparked by Simone's comment. I'm glad to get that straightened out.
Concerning what I said about "making it up as I go along": I am talking about brainstorming ideas about why the NOINDEX tag might not be added to the HTML code. Coming up with theories to test is a valid part of science. It is fine to look at a theory before it is tested and say that it is not valid for various reasons, unnecessary to test, and worthy only to be tossed aside. But it is not useless to look at facts from different angles to see whether something becomes clearer when seen in a slightly different light.
Nearly all of the factors I mentioned have been suggested in other places as possible components of HubberScore. And so, in one sense, my brainstormed list was a sort of breakdown of what you have been focussing on so far, basically asking indirectly, Could some components of HubberScore be more important than others in this matter? If HP has all the data broken down already, then it's no skin off their backs to use it in what they believe to be the most effective way, even if it's not possible for most Hubbers to access and use that information.
There were three posts in the other thread which actually did seem to indicate that, although they were not clear-cut.
SimeyC did not mention what his score had been when he published, but it tends to run high.
GreekGeek said that she was pretty sure her score had been above 95 when she published. Hers also tends to run high.
EDIT: I'm not sure i understood the following post correctly, so it may not count.
Coffeegginmyrice mentioned that her score had reached 100 twice on the day she published, but she did not explicitly say that it had been above 95 at the instant when she did.
coffeegginmyrice: http://hubpages.com/forum/post/2225904
Simone's comment said that the procedure is a "work in process." It certainly sounded like it is subject to change, and perhaps in a state of flux at the moment: http://hubpages.com/forum/post/2223991
A quick reply - There is a quality aspect to ZZZ. I had one hub publsihed in July, and 5 others published in the last 6 months that went ZZZ - the only reason was that I linked to one of my external websites - so not traffic related.
Glen, see posts in this thread - some 'a' s with 95+ still go pending
The only thing I didn't do was add mine to a group. Well, one is in a group and the other is not. Both used modules, more than one type. Everything is being held for at least 24 hours. A nuisance. I like to do the promoting right away so I can work on something else. But, I can deal with the waiting, there will be some grumbling however.
Now I know HP hates me! I'm only a low 90's sub-mariner.
I wanted to pipe in here and say that I do the exact same thing; I never publish my Hubs the same day I create them, and I have never experienced the "pending" period.
I must admit this whole matter has put me off publishing anything more here at the moment.
I will be concentrating on other opportunities until this mess is sorted.
I probably will be on the forums far less as well as I HATE the new look, with its tiny, difficult to read font that only fills one third of the width of my screen.
I had to make the font bigger through my web browser. It was making me crazy AND I just got new glasses so no one can say I need new glasses.
Now that I have the font bigger everything is out of whack. My paragraph fonts all look like they are in bold and the stats page spreads too far, going outside the box. Someone needs to do some HTML and CSS fixing.
My main concern that its fair and transparent. HP can do what they like, but they should tell everyone about their criteria. The same applies to the order of the hubs shown on the new topics and sub-topic pages. What's the criteria? I think HP should let everyone know and what authors can do to get their hubs listed on the first or second page. Fairness and Transparency is what is required. Any sense of favorites or special privilege will mean that authors start to look elsewhere to publish.
I published another exclusive with no whirly. I am not an apprentice or a 'favorite' as far as I know. This piece had one pic and five or six text capsules. 900 words. Most of them probably spelt right.
One thing I wondered is if the algo or whatever looked at my other pages. I have deleted a third recently, that were either Zzzzd or about to be zzzzd. So my back catalogue is clean of Zs and whirly things.
Could that make a difference? I have no idea.
Aw, Mark, you're everybody's favorite. Are you fishing? J/K
Lol. Yep. No. Just sharing my non whirly exclusive experience.
Don't take this the wrong way Mark but your cupcakes are a bit distracting.
Might be time for a change. Some Xmas mince pies maybe.
You so and so. Orbit like the rest of us.
Hey Mark, you and I are up late writing and publishing!
These exclusives are giving me so many ideas. I just published my 4th exclusive.
This time it was one I just claimed about 10 hours ago. I wrote it quick and published with one image, 1170 words in several capsules, a summary, a group selection, and 6 tags. Once again - no swirly arrows.
So I just ruled out using a hub that's been in draft mode over a day. This is still leaving it with one thing... score 95 or over. You are 97.
I've done the same, no ZZZ, similar capsules, 5 exclusive plus 3 others - all went into orbit for 24-48 hours. 630 hubs and I'm still a bad boy, only on 90 or so. Its so unfair I could cry!! I want to play on the swings too!
Look how quickly you are advancing! You say you are 90 but as you say that you became 92. Soon you'll be 95 and it be be interesting to see what happens when you publish at that level. That will prove this one way or the other. Keep it up. We all need you at 95!!!
I forgot to reply about your last paragraph... Wondering if it is because you have no idle (zzz) hubs left.
I have six idle hubs and I don't get the twirly arrows when I publish. So we can be sure it is not related to having no idle hubs.
I also had been deleting hubs that are doing poorly. But the idle hubs are NOINDEX anyway, so I can leave them without any repercussions since Google no longer reduces ranking on my other hubs for those. It's funny, but I actually had them on my list to plan to delete, until HP started doing the idle stuff.
Hi Glenn. I'm not late, I'm early - 7am UK time.
I guess we can't spot the pattern yet.
I found it liberating to delete unperforming pages. Although I cherished the writing, sort of, this game isn't about pure writing. So just reviewing those old pages and wondering how to make them attractive to searchers was occupying too much of my time.
I am in two minds about the exclusives. Great for ideas and maybe some of those suggestions are really searched - some of them are bizarre though.
Yeah I actually thought of the time difference just as I clicked to post. For me, it 2:30 in the morning and time to quit for now. I was just motivated to get the quick exclusive done.
I also have yet to see how well exclusives perform. Too soon to tell, but sure am getting a lot of ideas for subjects.
New theory. Average hub score. Mine is 75 - the best it's been for some time,.
Ah! That definitely is another theory. My average is 77. It was 75 a few days ago when I started noticing the lack of swirly arrows. So you could be right. I can't wait till janderson99 gets to a Hubber score of 95.
Never been close - too much of an Ozzie wingeing bastard.
Actually is probably violations score - I've had a few over the years - all fixed, but its probably on my record and can't be removed. I'll never get to play on the swings. Ah well! back to the roundabouts - actually its quite fun watching them go round and round and round.
I can't believe they keep a record of misdemeanours. I have had a few pages pulled for stepping over the boundary of taste. Who knows? Maybe it's as complicated as the way they calculate the HubScore.
Actually 'it don't really matter at all'. The thing that gets me is the delays in getting indexed by Google - but like a dedicated battler that I am I submit every new hub to Google webmasters and they forgive me despite the tainted brush of NOINDEX applied by HP. My traffic has surged, so someone out there loves me. Back to the roundabouts. As an aside - someone has suggested adding turbines to playground roundabouts, so don't you feel guilty of not contributing to saving the planet!
I've had several violations. Those are easy to get. We need to look for a bigger challenge.
I actually wasn't aware of this until I read this forum thread. I just played around with the tool and there are some intersting tittles that have come up. One or two of them were ideas that I've had already but have never gotten around to writing. One was something that I hadn't thought that people would be intersted in. I've picked four tittles and will write about them and see what happens. Like everything else to me at this point it is all one big experiement.
Another update. Just published another Exclusive and this time, yep, a whirly thing appeared.
Hooray! I'm one of the gang.
I published 2 exclusives yesterday while my hubscore was at 94... Each hub gave me a message that it would be pending for 24 hrs but there was no pending they went live right away, and a couple hours later my score shot up to a 97...
And in the past seven hours you shot up to 99! Congratulations.
I was able to get a great exclusive title and am hoping that it will take off. It's on layaway. I am hopeful that as the holiday season winds up, so too will my Hub. I'll update as I learn more.
I have a note of the hubbers that are getting instant 'featuring' of hubs. There are not that many. And I'm not included.
Congrats to those that are. Wish I knew the formula.
It does make a difference. When the bots come round, and the hub doesn't have a 'noindex' tag, you get the Google boost they give to new articles.
This 24 hour delay stops all the search engines from giving hubs that initial boost, and it becomes harder to rank for any keywords.
Maybe so but keep in mind that these are exclusive titles here on HP which means you and only you will have it and if you create a 'good' hub then you will still be the only one here ranking for it.
but... technically speaking, aren't all tittles really exculsive?
No not really. HubPages wants to make sure that someone publishes hubs with exact titles they are suggesting. These titles are offered to Hubbers with scores over 80. See the details...
Well I just published an exclusive title that I started yesterday, and the whirly thing appeared again.
My score is 96 (or was when I hit the publish button).
I still don't know why some are getting instantly featured and others aren't.
It smacks of favouritism
So far, I must have used at least four of these exclusive topics. Based on my experience, I found that they tend to get caught up in slow moving traffic, when compared to most of my other Hubs! Some of the topics are also questionable.
I just published my 8th exclusive hub tonight. I'm having the same results as you with slow moving traffic on most of these. But the process has given my eight ideas to write about, so I'll continue with it and see if more traffic comes along later. I've noticed, even with non-exclusive hubs, that traffic sometimes picks up much later.
Ezines has a rip-snorter if you have access - most appear to be competitive
https://my.ezinearticles.com/write-edit … ggestions/
I forgot I actually had an old ezine account that I never used. I'm good at saving passwords, so I just logged in and checked out the Title Suggestions tool. Cool. But I wonder how good those titles work. As I mentioned in my last post above, I'm not seeing any great traffic on my exclusives from HP.
Did you try writing anything from those suggestions?
Yep I have, I ran through various options and tested them => I have 10 chosen.
When I ran them through Jaaxy.com they appeared to be much more competitive that the HP ones IMO.
Also they are tightly contained in categories which makes them more specific. Of course they are available for the eziners and so you would probably want to change them.
Here's one under business
Commercial Contract Risks
which looks like it would be hopeless but Jaaxy rates it as 'great'
what is also good is
contracts management risks in Jaaxy (also 'great')
gives a good option of
Commercial Contracts Management Risks => longtail
other software I have says that that is competitive.
Coincidence! I was looking through the various business categories and I found that one too.
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