Tags & RSS Capsules to be Phased Out

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  1. Simone Smith profile image82
    Simone Smithposted 12 years ago

    You may have noticed there is no longer a tags section on the Create a Hub page, and that the option to add the RSS Capsule has been removed from the HubTool.

    On our blog, we have announced that we are retiring tags and the RSS Capsule due to decreased utility and use. You can find all the details you need in that post, however, even if you do not read the post, we want to assure you that we will not be automatically removing the RSS Capsule from Hubs until February 4th, 2013, so you will have plenty of time to prepare for the change.

    Hubbers who have incorporated the RSS Capsule into one or more of their Hubs will receive an email from us letting them know which Hubs will be affected. This list will make it easier for all of us to either update our Hubs ahead of time by manually removing the RSS Capsules before the end of the year or checking the Hubs after February 4th and fixing any formatting issues that might surface as a result of the capsule’s disappearance.

    You may also view all of your Hubs containing RSS Capsules in this special section of your Statistics page.

    Just wanted to give you a heads up on that front! Though it can be hard to let go of things we are used to, we are very excited about the new features we will be introducing to the site (and  the HubTool) over the coming weeks and months, so we hope you will join us in cheering “Out with the old, in with the new!”

    1. theclevercat profile image87
      theclevercatposted 12 years agoin reply to this
      1. paradigmsearch profile image59
        paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this


        1. paradigmsearch profile image59
          paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I never did get around to using RSS capsules. I am psychic...

          As for the tags, removal of those didn't increase my pulse rate either. smile

          1. PegCole17 profile image96
            PegCole17posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Oh good. I never learned the RSS feature either. Just one less thing. I thought tags were important to search engines.

            1. Jean Bakula profile image87
              Jean Bakulaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I'm not sure about the worrying part. The three hubbers the administration decides to showcase on my profile page (which annoys me, it should be my choice who and what I want to showcase) have hubs nothing like mine. I write on Metaphysical topics. So if the tagging is a bad as the "matching" up of hubbers we have to showcase, it's not helpful to us as writers.

      2. Simone Smith profile image82
        Simone Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry about that, theclevercat! I can't figure out why the URL you shared isn't working, but the link from my initial post is.

        Here's the URL again: http://blog.hubpages.com/2012/12/phasin … s-capsule/

    2. Cardisa profile image91
      Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I miss the tags but the RSS can definitely be retired to the old age home, I hope it gets no pension for all I care. I wish the tags could be reinstated though.......even though there is little chance of that cool

      1. Simone Smith profile image82
        Simone Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Honestly, because tags were so misused that we had not actually been using them internally for months. @____@

        Did you use them for aggregating some of your Hubs?

        1. Cardisa profile image91
          Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Yes I did for the sole purpose of placing some RSS feeds all over the internet. But I also found that I always remember to tag my hubs when it was around because it was always there with suggestion when I opened the hub. Now, if I don't place all my tags when I create the hub, I can never remember to go back and do them. sad

    3. rfmoran profile image65
      rfmoranposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The tags section is still there. If the tags section is removed how will one be able to revive a snoozing hub. Often it's not possible to revise a title without destroying the meaning of an article, but adding tags can give a hub new life.

      1. Cardisa profile image91
        Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I think Simone is referring to the auto tags suggestion tool.

        1. Simone Smith profile image82
          Simone Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          That's right. smile

          1. rfmoran profile image65
            rfmoranposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you for the clarification. Since I didn't know what it was I guess I won't miss it.

            1. sholland10 profile image88
              sholland10posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I think I am with rfmoran on this one.  LOL  I thought we were losing our tags/keywords... I don't remember having "suggested tags."

    4. moonlake profile image86
      moonlakeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have already been removing RSS feeds. No matter how you put them in they show things that have nothing to do with the hub your adding them to. Hate to see the tags go.

      1. Simone Smith profile image82
        Simone Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Glad to hear it, moonlake! Sorry for any inconvenience regarding tags.

    5. Millionaire Tips profile image86
      Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The tags are still there on the  Create a Hub.  I am guessing that this is simply a timing issue between implementation and announcement.

      1. Cardisa profile image91
        Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        It's the previous auto tag suggestion tool, remember the one where a bunch of tags would show up when you create a hub ad you just click to add them?

        I guess it's confusing since it was already removed during the changes earlier this year.

  2. profile image74
    RichBestposted 12 years ago

    Same here. Post not found, either.

  3. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    Let's try: http://blog.hubpages.com/2012/12/phasin … s-capsule/

    edit: yep, this one works. smile

  4. wjack2010 profile image60
    wjack2010posted 12 years ago

    If you're removing tags, at the very least, allow automatic-tags, so during QAP process, a bot or something scans for appropriate tags and incorporates them, wouldn't that be a better system?

    Getting rid of tags makes NO sense to me!

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      We have been automatically adding tags based on Hubs' content and Topics for a while- long before the QAP came out, actually! big_smile

      1. DS Duby profile image73
        DS Dubyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Not sure if I'm understanding this correctly. So from now on we the writers don't tag our own hubs but hubpages does it automatically and we dont have to worry about it, is this correct cause if not I can't find an option to add tags to my hub I'm currently writing not even on the create a hub page.

        1. Simone Smith profile image82
          Simone Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          We've already been doing this automatically, actually! So yes- no need to add tags to your Hubs. big_smile

  5. Rosyel Sawali profile image61
    Rosyel Sawaliposted 12 years ago

    Uh oh! I've added RSS feeds to a number of my hubs if I'm not mistaken. I will need to review them ^_^

    1. DrMark1961 profile image99
      DrMark1961posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have RSS capsules on all of my hubs!

    2. Millionaire Tips profile image86
      Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have a lot of RSS capsules as well.  I made sure they were customized so that they were on related topics only.  For this reason, I spent a lot of time thinking through and choosing tags.

      I liked the RSS capsules because they could link the new hubs to the old ones without my having to edit them manually as I wrote new hubs.

    3. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry about that y'all! Rest assured that you have plenty of time to remove them if you think they may compromise your Hubs' formatting in any way. If you think their removal won't mess things up, you can just let that happen automatically. smile

  6. DrMark1961 profile image99
    DrMark1961posted 12 years ago

    If Hubpages is a business, and your primary objective is to earn an income for your business, deleting the RSS capsule does not make sense. If a reader finishes an article and then finds another interesting article on the RSS feed, and then clicks on it, HP sees increased readership. Have you determined that having an RSS capsule is more expensive to the business than the profits gained from it? What is the logic of deleting it?

    1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
      Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      RSS Capsules equal "duplicate content" in the eyes of Google, and are very likely to contain content unrelated to any given hub in question unless someone took the time to customize said RSS feed.

      Searchers most often find content they searched for, and then...move on to whatever else they are doing on the web that day.  I'm reasonably sure it is infrequent for someone to see an RSS feed, and say, "oh look!  I can't wait to read this exceptionally unrelated article to the one I just read!"

      Besides, using groups and text hyperlinks in the body of a page...gets the job done much better, and in a more visually appealing sort of way.

      1. ktrapp profile image94
        ktrappposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      2. DrMark1961 profile image99
        DrMark1961posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I would think that if someone were reading about dog behavior, and then saw another article about dog behavior, he would be tempted to delve into the next article; I know if  see an interesting article I tend to read it. I cannot believe all searchers are so shallow as to just stop reading one article.
        Why is it duplicate content? If they are used correctly, and the way HP encouraged their use, they do not contain unrelated content.
        I do not think text hyperlinks get the job done better. They do not include the summary to let the potential reader know what the article is about.

        1. janderson99 profile image51
          janderson99posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Seems like the tail is wagging the dog.
          The only stated reason for dumping RSS is that they can use the tags - when these go RSS goes. I too use RSS (external) on most of my hubs - provides authority -like a list of references that gets refreshed. Bad move IMO. No discussion, no feedback requested. No point commenting anymore. No one listening. Move on.

          1. Simone Smith profile image82
            Simone Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            We actually did get feedback from the top Hubbers with the most RSS Capsules in their Hubs by emailing them directly and asking them for their thoughts on the subject.

            The majority said that they were already actively removing the RSS Capsules from their Hubs, and that they thought removing them altogether would be fine. smile

            1. janderson99 profile image51
              janderson99posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Nice chrissie pres! I have 481 hubs to edit! Blah!

            2. Jean Bakula profile image87
              Jean Bakulaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I don't think it's fine to remove the RSS tags at all. It took me a long time to customise them, and I believe it got attention to my work. It's getting so there is really no reason to write here at all.

          2. Millionaire Tips profile image86
            Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            How will this change affect the RSS capsules in blogs?  I use them externally also.

            1. Cardisa profile image91
              Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Use your HP widget instead, I find it works better. I also use my link list instead of the RSS and only add relevant hubs to my blogs.

              I also realized that after removing my RSS feeds from my hubs, traffic increased.

          3. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
            Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Isn't authority granted by Google?  Perhaps the analyst at Hubpages.com know more about Google's "vision" than we do?

            I dumped RSS Feeds over a year ago...time flies, maybe it's been two...and I got sandboxed for dumping them all for about two months...however, nowadays I've noticed how I get a serious bit of recognition by Google in the genres I regularly publish in.

            In other words...I'm making no bones...what I do here...has become more and more successful since I discarded RSS Feeds.

            So I'm not saying you are "wrong," I'm saying that dumping RSS feeds has been very right on this end.

            1. Victoria Lynn profile image89
              Victoria Lynnposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Well, that's good to know, Wesman. :-)

            2. wilderness profile image89
              wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I, too, had at least one and sometimes two RSS feeds on each hub and dumped them all some time ago.

              Traffic has risen considerably since then - was it those feeds?  Don't know, but DO know that traffic from within my subdomain has risen as well, meaning that those feeds weren't doing any good anyway.

              Most days, traffic from my subdomain is second only to google dot com; it beats out HP, it beats all the other googles and it beats both yahoo and bing.  By respectable margins, I might add, and it happens without RSS feeds.

              1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
                Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Ditto here.

                I should find the percentage...but unless someone links something of mine on davidicke.com, rense.com, or theblaze.com (LOL!  really!)...Google.com is far far away my main traffic source....which incidentally, is the goal here.

                1. sabrebIade profile image78
                  sabrebIadeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Amazingly, Bing is accounting for a great deal of my traffic now.
                  Google is running second or third on a lot of my Blogs, Hubs etc.

          4. profile image0
            Bronwyn J Hansenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            What do you expect on HP? There has rarely been consultation with the members concerning any changes here.
            If RSS = duplicate content as far as Google are concerned, why are Google not removing RSS from blogger?

            1. Simone Smith profile image82
              Simone Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Ah, but we *did* consult with top RSS Capsule users on this one! big_smile

              There's nothing wrong with RSS as a feature/concept. We're just removing an antiquated capsule that very few used.

        2. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
          Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Dog behavior is a great subject, and one I'm very interested in personally - and if I read your article on dog behavior, and if you have placed it within HP groups between the two most related dog behavior articles, then they show up as links and thumbnails at the bottom, and I will surely read those next!

      3. thisisoli profile image77
        thisisoliposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        No they don't. An RSS feed is recognized as such, if a site uses full content from RSS feeds it's going to notice, but including a related news feed with article summaries wont hurt you.

        1. sabrebIade profile image78
          sabrebIadeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          That's what I thought.
          As long as there was more original content than RSS everything was fine.

  7. janderson99 profile image51
    janderson99posted 12 years ago

    Nothin' changed
    December Fool's Joke

  8. cclitgirl profile image94
    cclitgirlposted 12 years ago

    Good to know!  Thank you for posting this.  smile
    I never did use that RSS tool...I was too scared it would not work properly.  lol

    1. Rusticliving profile image80
      Rusticlivingposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Same for me, however, I did click the link to see if I had any hubs with the RSS feed and it turned out I had put on in only one of my hubs.. I never rememebr doing that. LOL  So I went ahead and deleted it.
      Thanks Simone for this update. I'm always excited about new changes that will help us! Hub Pages ROCKS!

  9. Rosie2010 profile image67
    Rosie2010posted 12 years ago

    Thanks for the info, Simone.  I'm not good in tags, so HP adding auto tags is a great idea for me. 

    We had already discussed the pros and cons of RSS feeds in the forums a few months ago, so I had already deleted all RSS capsules in my hubs... I think.  But if I had missed one or two, it's ok by me if they get removed.

  10. waynet profile image69
    waynetposted 12 years ago

    Shouldn't that be February 2013?

    1. Just Ask Susan profile image92
      Just Ask Susanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Good catch Wayne smile

    2. paradigmsearch profile image59
      paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Haven't you heard? There will be no 2013. lol

    3. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah! What paradigmsearch said!!

      (Thanks for the catch, Wayne smile)

  11. Rain Defence profile image79
    Rain Defenceposted 12 years ago

    Why has this been done and what replaces it? All of my hubs contain RSS feeds. How do I now show linked articles with a summary?

    1. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Won't the link capsule do that?

      1. Simone Smith profile image82
        Simone Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this


  12. profile image0
    Sophia Angeliqueposted 12 years ago

    I've actually been removing them anyway. I'm not sure what you mean by tags. Are you saying that we won't be allowed to enter our keywords anymore? If so, how is that going to work. I always write around a keyword.

    1. viryabo profile image83
      viryaboposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Good question!.

    2. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think when you say "keyword" you're referring to what we called "tags". We have been generating those automatically for Hubs for quite a while now, so you don't need to worry about that. big_smile

  13. tillsontitan profile image80
    tillsontitanposted 12 years ago

    Yes, tags are still there but we'll bid them fond farewell in February!

    1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image76
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm glad to see the tags go as they added work I didn't need to do.  Also, I never did understand RSS feeds, thank goodness!  I'm discovering the simpler and less technical I keep things, the better things go.

      1. Cardisa profile image91
        Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I hope you realize it's not the current tag feature where you need to add your own tags, but the previous auto tag suggestion tool. You still must add tags to your hubs for increased exposure and traffic.

        1. Simone Smith profile image82
          Simone Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Nope- no tags are added to Hubs anymore by Hubbers.

  14. claudiafox profile image69
    claudiafoxposted 12 years ago

    I would like the RSS capacity retained. RSS provides useful updated information to a topic. I consider it so valuable I would consider leaving HubPages if the RSS tool was removed. In general perhaps HP might consider a process to bring in the new tools before removing the old. That would provide a more stable environment.

    1. claudiafox profile image69
      claudiafoxposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      How I use RSS in my hubs: see example http://claudiafox.hubpages.com/hub/Space-Weather.  Suggestion: If the aim in removing RSS is to stop people RSS-ing their own hubs, (in their own hubs to improve scores) maybe HP can write a script to disable that.  And leave the valid informational use of RSS.

      1. tussin profile image57
        tussinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Why not just replace the RSS feed with static links?  When I look at hubs with an RSS capsule, it doesn't look that much different from the link capsule. 

        It would be nice if HP automatically converted RSS feeds to link lists come February, but I assume they are going to make each Hubber shoulder the burden of that.

        1. Victoria Lynn profile image89
          Victoria Lynnposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I guess that would work! Just will take some time. :-)

          1. ktrapp profile image94
            ktrappposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Vicki - If you want to add links to some of your other related Hubs, you may be better off to just add a  couple within the content of your Hub as opposed to a list at the end. It would be best to make the link text or anchor text naturally occurring words and not necessarily the title of the Hub or even any keywords.

            In-content links with naturally occurring text are thought to help the SEO of the target page. But you wouldn't want to add a lot. The more links on a page, the less value they may have in terms of helping the target page.

            1. Victoria Lynn profile image89
              Victoria Lynnposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Hi, ktrapp! So using the links capsule isn't the best idea either? It's best to use hyperlinks within the text?

            2. DrMark1961 profile image99
              DrMark1961posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Hi ktrapp does that mean links have more value if there are only a few per article, instead of including a longer selection at the bottom of the article for the reader to choose from?

              1. ktrapp profile image94
                ktrappposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I've seen a few SEO experts that say that is the case. The less links on a page, the more value is passed to the target page(s). Also, the higher up in the HTML the link is, the more value it has.

                Here's another one: say you have the link text 'eye infections in dogs' twice on a page, but the two links go to two separate destination Hubs--Google gives more weight or value to the destination that occurs first. I actually wrote a Hub with these backlink tips awhile ago. (But I would never suggest using the same link text multiple times - looks spammy and is confusing.)

                I believe I read somewhere once (I can't seem to locate the link now) that users are much more likely to click on in-content links anyway. That seems logical to me because if the link is relevant enough to be included in the content that the reader searched for in the first place, then that relevant link may also be of interest. You're such a great niche writer this should be really natural to do.

            3. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
              Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this


              Some folks may not know...just highlight a word or phrase in edit mode, click the "chain" icon, and insert url for the hyperlink.

              It's the best thing going ...one of the best things about creating content on this site.

        2. DrMark1961 profile image99
          DrMark1961posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks Tussin that is a good idea.
          It is just going to take some time as I already have over 140 hubs with RSS capsules that I will have to replace with link capsules, and as you mentioned I am not expecting help from HP--my shoulders shall have to handle that burden.

  15. Victoria Lynn profile image89
    Victoria Lynnposted 12 years ago

    Like Dr. Mark said, you can control your RSS feeds to include only relevant, related hubs. That's what I always did so that readers could find similar articles. I like RSS feeds and DO click on the links on others' hubs when I find something more on the topic. I like the little summary part, too. I guess we could use the links box, but that takes longer. The in-text links are okay, just not as noticeable. Oh, well, if it increases traffic, as Cardisa and others have said, then that's good. We'll just have to see what happens . . . . Do I need to remove my hub about "How to Use RSS Feeds - Idiot's Guide." LOL! :-)

  16. sabrebIade profile image78
    sabrebIadeposted 12 years ago

    "With this wisdom in mind, we have decided to remove tags and the RSS Capsule from HubPages.com.
    Tags and used to be very important on HubPages, but due to abuse by spammers, we developed an automated system that develops tags for Hubs automatically (which will ultimately save you time and leave Hubbers less dumbfounded when trying to determine which tags are or are not appropriate)."

    Ummmm...that sounds like the tags are going and will be replaced by an automated system.
    I dont like the idea of HP coming up with my tags for my Hubs themselves.

    1. Jean Bakula profile image87
      Jean Bakulaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Me either. I wrote a lot of articles about Greek goddesses, but didn't want men to think I was Wiccan, so put RSS feeds to call attention to the fact I also wrote a lot about Greek gods. I think people often clicked on my feeds, as they went by subjects and categories. I feel sure I will lose traffic because of this. And of course it will change the whole way the hub is formatted. I just wrote my last piece on HP.

      1. sabrebIade profile image78
        sabrebIadeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Well I guess we will see.
        I just went to my Hubs and tags are now gone.
        (I just love it when something I put so much effort into gets wiped out so casually.)
        But hey...I was wrong about ads at the bottom of a page killing profits, it didn't affect them that I could tell, good or bad.
        So I will wait and see if traffic plummets with the Tags gone.

        1. Victoria Lynn profile image89
          Victoria Lynnposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          They say that HubPages will automatically put in tags. That's cool with me. They're probably better tags than the ones I choose! :-)

          1. sabrebIade profile image78
            sabrebIadeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I have to respectfully disagree with you there.
            I have yet to see any automated system that out thinks good old human creativity.
            Just out of curiosity, is there a major site that auto-tags articles for you?

        2. Shawnte87 profile image81
          Shawnte87posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I know the feeling. I put a lot of effort in to my tags and there's no telling what the effects of the auto tag will have on our hubs.

      2. profile image0
        Bronwyn J Hansenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry to see you go Jean, but have the feeling that you will not be the only one.

    2. viryabo profile image83
      viryaboposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If i remember very well, the automated tags thingy was kind of messed up IMHO. On my hubs it usually came up with strange keywords that sounded meaningless.

      I just stopped using them. But if that's coming back again, i can just imagine crappy keywords surfacing all over again.

  17. DrMark1961 profile image99
    DrMark1961posted 12 years ago

    Are videos next? Will HP cut out images if Martha Stewart thinks it is advisable? Does anyone have any idea what I should not be including in my future hubs?

  18. Rosyel Sawali profile image61
    Rosyel Sawaliposted 12 years ago

    Thanks for the email. It made removing my RSS feeds capsules from my hubs easier! ^_^ Done! I'm sorry to see it go though sad

  19. LetitiaFT profile image69
    LetitiaFTposted 12 years ago

    There is a risk with phasing out tags. If, for instance, I were to write a review on the Hilton hotel in Paris, I would tag it "hotel". An algorithm based on most common searches would almost certainly place it under celebrities. Moreover, the categories are not always very logical, and tags enabled us to correct that to a degree. Of course, I realize there are dishonest folk out there who cram in tags indiscriminantly in the hope of being seen, thus invalidating the others. Could there be a middle road?

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      We've been pretty careful to develop an automatic tagging system that doesn't get caught by simple problems like that. Don't worry, LetitiaFT!! big_smile

  20. LetitiaFT profile image69
    LetitiaFTposted 12 years ago

    There is a risk with phasing out tags. If, for instance, I were to write a review on the Hilton hotel in Paris, I would tag it "hotel". An algorithm based on most common searches would almost certainly place it under celebrities. Moreover, the categories are not always very logical, and tags enabled us to correct that to a degree. Of course, I realize there are dishonest folk out there who cram in tags indiscrimnantly in the hope of being seen, thus invalidating the others. Could there be a middle road?

    1. DrMark1961 profile image99
      DrMark1961posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If that were the case, you would have a high bounce rate, and it would affect your page ranking. This change does not seem like a good idea to me. Your "middle road" suggestion sounds good--why can´t we see the tags and delete those that are inappropriate?

      1. Millionaire Tips profile image86
        Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I agree that we should at least be able to see the auto generated tags, so we can make sure they accurately reflect the hub.

    2. sabrebIade profile image78
      sabrebIadeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is exactly what I am afraid of.
      But like I said...I'll give it a week or two and see what happens to traffic.

      Sadly this "week or two" I'm giving is right in the middle of what is usually my highest traffic times.
      Too bad they couldn't have made this change during a "flat" period such as after January 1st when the Christmas rush is over.

  21. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago


  22. claudiafox profile image69
    claudiafoxposted 12 years ago

    On the removal of RSS capsules. When I read this thread I see two types of RSS;
    1. self-referential ( that is RSS to own hubs); and
    2. external; references to external info related to the hub.  For example
    "today's earthquakes" on an earthquake topic hub.
    I can understand the removal of RSS for own hubs; but what's the downside of external RSS to HubPages?
    Can you please explain the logic.
    Thank you

  23. Rain Defence profile image79
    Rain Defenceposted 12 years ago

    I don't see why removing RSS feeds to your own related hubs is a good idea. I asked for an explanation and wasn't given one so don't hold your breath.

  24. QudsiaP1 profile image61
    QudsiaP1posted 12 years ago

    Goodness gracious! 210 hubs to remove RSS from I better start! Good thing we have a timeline till the 4th of February. Personally I started using RSS and tags soon after joining hubpages.

    I think the change may be good.

    *fingers crossed* big_smile

    1. QudsiaP1 profile image61
      QudsiaP1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Phew all done! Removed all the RSS and took me only 93 minutes to do it... o.O

  25. Rain Defence profile image79
    Rain Defenceposted 12 years ago

    It's an easy link, but no summary so little incentive for someone to click and of course useless as a backlink. I liked the idea of the RSS feed updating as you published newer hubs. Ah we'll, if its home then it's gone, not good IMO but that's life if you write on someone else's site.

    1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
      Wesman Todd Shawposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You can, of course, use the link capsule with summary....but I don't think those make the page very attractive.

  26. Rain Defence profile image79
    Rain Defenceposted 12 years ago

    Gone its gone I meant. Autocorrect kicked in..

  27. livewithrichard profile image72
    livewithrichardposted 12 years ago

    No problem getting rid of tags... they provided no benefit other than for internal searches anyway.  They are not keywords and the tags pages went away a long time ago.  However, I would rather have NO TAGS than have HP auto-generate tags for my content.

    No problem getting rid of RSS feeds either.  Most people here were using them wrong anyway.  An rss feed is supposed to be used to show freshly updated content... nothing is freshly updated when you are only posting rss feeds to your own hubs.  A while back when we had the news rss feeds, they were useful because they made our hubs more dynamic but even then they were often providing unrelated material.  Unrelated material on your hubs now is a signal to Google to demote the value of your content.  Everyone should be happy the rss capsules are going away... it will keep people from misusing them and be a reminder that you have to be more diligent in keeping linked content relevant to the main topic of your hubs.

    1. Jean Bakula profile image87
      Jean Bakulaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I began deleting some RSS feeds last night, and it wasn't so bad. I was new to online writing and about 6 months in when I began using them, so they were customized. I think they brought attention to other hubs in my same genre, while now we have to display 3 hubs from other hubbers, and from what I see, they don't have much to do with our genre, some of the ones they put on my page are way off the mark. So I think the tags will be too. I am going to remove the RSS feeds gradually. It seemed it took long to put them on, but maybe because I was newer then and have more expererience now. Most of them have been moved to the bottom anyway, so it's just a matter of deleting the capsule. You'll get an email from the administration, lest you forget where you put them!

  28. Simone Smith profile image82
    Simone Smithposted 12 years ago

    Hey y'all!

    I don't see any new questions coming up, so I'm un-stickying and closing this thread, but if something comes up that needs addressing, do feel free to report it in the Technical Problems on HubPages Forum. big_smile

  29. Barbara Kay profile image76
    Barbara Kayposted 12 years ago

    Am I getting this right? Hubpages will be creating the tags for our hubs and we can no longer link to our own hubs?

  30. profile image0
    Bronwyn J Hansenposted 12 years ago

    That is what it looks like.

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