Has there been another update from Google? I ask since my views have been dropping rapidly every hour since the past 6 hours. Surprisingly the total views in the stats has remained stationary since the same time.
Stats on analytics do not show any abnormal drop in visitors or views.
Are other hubbers facing the same problem?
just checked my hub views for past 24 hours and are considerably down on normal?
I have lost about 150 today but Analytics is reporting normal traffic, in fact, am seeing more activities on Analytics than yesterday so i can't understand why the drop.
Yes, I am experiencing the same thing. My numbers are extremely low in the last 24 hours.
Thanks for everyone bringing this to our attention.
We are currently working to get the stats back up to current.
Thanks for your patience.
We have added an informational message on the stats page.
Here is that message:
"There are some issues with traffic data collection over the last 10-12 hours, causing hub traffic statistics to be under reported during that time. A fix has been deployed, and we expect the data to normalize soon."
You should see your numbers be adjusted gradually and hopefully all will be current by this time tomorrow.
In the meantime, for those of you who don't already have it set up, you should be able to user Google Analytics.
Matthew - I'm curious how stats will reflect the 'missing' views - it's helpful to know our current traffic trends, but would also be good to know what wasn't posted during the 'outage' hours. If the data is all lumped together, it may take a few days to figure out where we really are on the site.
I know you're all super busy - so please don't think of this as a request for more work! And my thanks for being on top of it & keeping us informed. The Account page is the perfect spot for posting the updates (along with maybe dropping by this thread for a few minutes). ;-)
Just to clarify, views have not been lost, just delayed in posting that data to the site.
Our current estimate is that it is going to take 10-24 hours for us to be current. Each hour the numbers displayed should be closer to actual.
So, hopefully by this time tomorrow, stats should be accurate and you can look at the data for the last 16 hours or so.
I know that I will sound terribly pedantic, but this is a writing site - I thought "under reported" should either be hyphenated, or written as one word? (If I am wrong, you have permission to thump me!)
Whatever the cause of this latest (hopefully very temporary) problem, my thanks to the HubPages staff for putting a warning notice about it on the My Account Page. I'm sure nothing is more disconcerting to hubbers who pride themselves on their hubs and who want most of all for those hubs to be read by a large number of people, than to find a sudden, dramatic decline in traffic. Equally, nothing is more reassuring than for HubPages to post a prompt notice about such events on the Account page, and if possible a reason behind them. It helps reassure hubbers that they are not doing anything wrong in their hubs, and that they are not alone. Such notices are among the most helpful which you can post, so thanks for that. Alun.
Yes, I saw that notice on my account page, and also noticed blue arrows exclusively...am I to presume that is part of the problem under investigation?
I notice the same thing-- down a hundred for the day, but total ever exactly the same as last night. Probably a glitch.
My stats. have taken a turn for the worse too. I thought it was bad when they dropped to half their previous number but they are now at a low ebb. Hoping the tide will turn soon and we will see an improvement for all of us. I rarely get disheartened by numbers on a page but this is not looking good today. However I did try to log on earlier and it said site was offline for a time, maybe that has made it look worse (temporarily) than it really is.
Just checked my stats and I was surprised to see a huge drop in traffic. But analytics show otherwise. There is probably just a problem with HP.
Stats seem completely frozen. I think it has happened before and then they eventually update. Hope it is fixed soon:)
Sometimes, I have a horrible feeling that one day HP will just stop answering the telephones and stop opening the mail and stop switching on the lights and stop...
I don't think that "Stats page total views not updated since past 6 hours." would really be correct.
Mine are down 500 hits since last night so something is updating.
If it wasn't updating I'd still be where I was last night right?
HP Stats are showing a 50% drop for me - Google Analytics showing a 20% drop from yesterday evening 5:00PM ET - may be the normal monday decline for me?! Although this morning looks about the same as yesterday morning in Analytics - so may have been a temporary glitch?
Mine has been in a steady drop since 11:00 EST last night.
And no that is not "normal" for me....LOL
A sudden drop of 150 views for me. Was HP offline, maintenance? That usually does the trick. It has happened before, views should start to rise up slowly if not, panic!
When I tried to visit HubPages the first time/earlier today I got the blue and white sign saying unavailable due to maintenance or words to that effect. As I got logged on very quickly after that I hav no way of knowing how long that happened for.
My stats look like lemmings jumping off a cliff. It looks so bad, I hope it does not trigger any of them that are featured to get the H removed. I guess I will go away to do something else and check back later. It is pointless me watching numbers when I cannot alter them.
I compared my first 5 hours yesterday with my first 5 hours today, HP time. I noticed nothing untoward that would indicate an extensive down time. I think we got lucky and it's just a stats glitch.
Update: though Simone is up unusually early today...
Mine are now showing a slight upward trend - so I agree HP stat problem!
Glad I came across this thread. Same here. Analytics saying normal, while HP saying doomed. It's another temporary HP stats glitch. Heart attack averted.
I hope this is just today. My page views are down 50% from the last few days.
I'm currently seeing 10 active visitors to my hubs on analytics which is a lot more than I usually get at this time of day (2.35pm) but my views are still down on the HP stats, something is off here.
Plus my top hubs are still present and accounted for on their usual page rank at google search engines, so I dont think I'm being punished by google.
I am also seeing the same thing as everyone else. My Google Analytics are showing that I am having a pretty normal day, but Hub Pages is not reflecting that. I am sure it will all come out in the wash!
You know, I saw a nearly exact 50% drop in traffic from HP stats yesterday as well, but the analytics information doesn't match. It was off a little but not so much as to give me any real concerns, and it seems to be doing just fine this morning. Maybe HubPages isn't recording the information correctly?
In my case the total remains exactly the same whilst the daily total has been reducing gradually all day.
Google analytics seems fine - so perhaps it will all work out.
It is at times like this that a quick explanation from HP staff would help even if it were to say simply "we are working on it"
Hopefully a staff member will drop in and let us know the problem soon as my stats are down by 50% too.
Record low here this morning. Oh how I miss the traffic HP used to get a
couple years ago.
Ditto here - down at least one third & still dropping. I hadn't noticed this thread, so I posted one as well. Thanks, Relache, for the link to this discussion.
I'm in the same boat, also hardly any notifications coming through the last 24 hours or so. It's very quiet.
Same here. My HP stats are dropping like a rock, but Analytics shows otherwise. In fact my Analytics stats are better today than they have been in a while! My best guess is that this is a Hubpages glitch and (hopefully) nothing to get too worried about.
My stats, although nothing to get excited about on a good day, are also down considerably. Within the past week, though, they were at their highest, with the most organic traffic I'd seen since I joined.
Yeah, I'm having the same problem (went from having almost 400 views to 55--quite a drop, huh?), but having experienced it prior to this glitch, I'm not going to panic. Staff should be working on it if they are not aware already. Keep cool!
As of now the drop has been just over 60% in total views compared to yesterday. Still dropping sharply by the hour. Ever page views almost stagnant (not updated) since the first drop today!
Well, the earnings updated. Appears in order. And confirms their separateness from the stats. Breaking out another cup of coffee.
I've been doing pretty well, and this afternoon when I checked all I have is a sea of blue arrows. Yikes.
Thanks, keep posting reassuring comments here, as at the moment I think my stats. may end up in the minus zone if they drop much further.
Aren´t those earnings for Jan 7? My page views are down for Jan 8; they are now down about 60%, so I will not know if my earnings will be down 60% until tomorrow.
Google Analytics: 657 hits in the past 10 hours.
HubPages: 547 hits in the past 24 hours.
Clearly another HubPages stat reporting problem. Same thing happened last month and went on for a week or so. How annoying.
Your earnings will reflect the proper numbers, just ignore the stat page.
Sure hope this isn't going to be a monthly event.
There appears to be nothing to worry about as I just found out all my Hubpages profiles dropped over 50 percent, but the earnings didn't change at all from yesterday. If the drop in views was real, the earnings would have plunged as well.
Odd that Hubpages staff doesn't just slip a quick note to confirm this so everyone can breath a little lighter.
Staff have done that now, so hopefully the stats will start climbing back up soon!
I think it is Google too. For me, my best hub has dropped like a bomb. It has been no. 1 on the search engine results page for ages and has a couple of photos that someone has put on pinterest. This hub is no-where to be seen on the results page and the pinterest photo is about no.5. Not happy today
All these recurring errors are annoying. I Don't understand why errors that are fixed pop up again and again. Perhaps HP should let sleeping dogs lie for a while and not make constant updates all the time. Some stability on the site would be greatly appreciated!
Where is the error originating? At HP or the third party used for counting traffic? Or is it on the site that maintains the servers?
Who knows? Why does it keep happening? HP needs an "alert banner" on the 'feed' page to notify everyone about issues and when they will be fixed. This would avoid the situation where multiple threads are started about the issue, the HP staff response is buried in one of them and confusion rains and we all get wet.
For example, post this on the "feed" page when you are logged in
1/9/13 Known issue with traffic stats - Fixed! - Correct Stats by 1200 1/9/13 - details
That is very much needed janderson99, an alert banner on our feed will go a long way to clear many worries...BTW this is the first time i have seen such a long red alert on stats page from HP, does it mean things were that bad? :-)
Just out of curiosity, if my stats haven't changed in well over 18 hours or more, will this have a negative effect on my Hub ad program account--like less views, less $$ coming in from yesterday? If so, will the current $ amount be upgraded with the increased views?
BTW, I do appreciate the quick response of HP. Glad we're well on our way to a "fixed" problem.
@GoldenThreadPress The issue is related to how we display the information for users and not to how the traffic was recorded.
The traffic was all accounted for, but there are delays in posting that info to the site. This should not result in any loss of traffic nor ad revenue related to that traffic.
Yeah, this is all well and good. Like all IT stuff though we are eventually told there is a problem and yep, it has or will be fixed and...
Who messed up?
What did they do?
Will they NEVER do it again? Or is it a random "Oh I was just trying something and thought I was playing a computer game".
The funny thing is.. as users we are expected to be grateful. "Oh really you fixed it? Well wow, aren't you amazing".
I work with IT. Bunch of morons with no idea that people might actually rely on the system they continually mess about with in the pretence of improving it. No idea about stability or testing or failsafe - just an endless series of untested changes and hiccups.
The ideal system is one that you don't even notice. It just works.
Yes well, a day of working with 'them' and then home to find they have been busy here as well...
I also demand a name and address of the one who ruined the stats. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD.
Thanks for taking my advice and putting a notice on our account pages. This will help non-forum people know what is happening.
Matthew, thanks so much for letting us know! No worries--I'll stop checking my stats until everything is fixed. : )
It appears the delay began today approximately 12 hours ago.
I noticed my stats frozen about 11:30 pm last night. I am on central time. Today it appears the blue arrows are really showing up.
Michael, I think I noticed it around the same time (also CST). There was a slight but noticeable decline, and today a huge drop overnight & still declining.
It first skipped an update around 9:30 for the hour, but a small number of views at the after 10 update. Then the after 11 pm update...nothing. At least my ad earnings updated a few hours ago. Todays stats, which started showing about 2 hours ago are very, very low! Overall stats are still not correct though.
This "tanking" began for me more than 12 hours ago.
Thanks for letting us know about the problem! I almost had a heart attack when I saw almost all my hubs had blue arrows! Now it will likely only be half of them .
It was Vorpals last time. It was Vorpals this time. HP has got to start remembering to lock that back door...
The langoliers are on the rampage and have forgotten to eat only the past. They are taking on the present and are are headed for YOU, PS. Prepare yourself for battle...
Uhg--not the langoliers! That old chestnut is so over-played....there was one while on SciFi channel where it seems they played that at least once a week...
My views are at their lowest point I hope the update procedure doesn't forget me.
We will wake up tomorrow and it will all have seemed like a bad dream (we hope!).
It's odd that the system ages out the views from 24 hours ago, but doesn't add new views.
Question - what is Vorpals?
I think they may have dropped by Google HQ now...
Generally +2... depending on the GM.
The Vorpal bunny in MP&THG was at least a +4 though.
(No one will get this but if you do... are you running a campaign?)
Its odd they say it is going to be fixing itself each hour. Each hour my numbers are still dropping. Down to 36 views TOTAL on almost 70 hubs!!!! I have never had it drop this low.
My stats are continuing to drop as well. They were down 50 percent this morning....12 hours later, they are even lower. All blue arrows.
Talk about weird......
I went to Adsense and got this message....
"We're sorry, some data in this report is delayed, please try again later. There's no impact to ad serving or payments."
::cue Twilight Zone theme:::
I just got this from Analytics Real-Time, "Resource is not available. Please try again later. One or more of the services on which we depend is unavailable. Please try again later after the service has had a chance to recover."
I have insufficient knowledge to draw any conclusions from this...
I think sabrebIade is right. The Interwebs are indeed collapsing. Actually, I think we have finally attained critical mass. Self-awareness is beginning to emerge. I wonder if it will like us...?
Just got this message when I tried to check Yahoo mail....
"An unexpected problem has occurred. Performing your action again in a few moments will probably solve the problem. If it persists, we suggest you close this window and re-launch Yahoo! Mail."
::cue X-Files theme:::
I think the Interwebs are collapsing.....
Wow!!! Just checked Analytics. Went from 2974 yesterday at one point to 325 ( and dropping) at last check! Hope HP will have the updates fix this number OR offer up some explanation for such a disastrous drop in traffic. This is Not a normal drop off!
"Jan 8, 11am PST - There are some issues with traffic data collection over the last 10-12 hours, causing hub traffic statistics to be under reported during that time. A fix has been deployed, and we expect the data to normalize over the next 24 hours or so."
It's been over 24 hours.
Are we normal yet?
Since late afternoon yesterday views have been updating normally. But the views missing during the down time are still not added.
I am wondering if HP had another outage. In analyntics I saw a point where views went from over a hundred during the hour to suddenly 0! Views started back and dropped back to 0 for several hours. Then HP posted the notice of the problem and views started returning from that point.
My HP-reported views seem to be recovering. But I'm skeptical about what has happened here. If hubbers had not reported this unusual downturn, would HP have picked it up?
My guess is that the stats come from some third party tool that delivers them hourly. They are added to the HP stats which keeps a running tab for the current 24 hour period. For some reason the supply link got broken. When HP noticed they got the supply re-established. But it only kick-started again, and so the missed data was not added. So the data will only be correct after 24 hours (when it containa a full quota). This appears to be happening - almost there now.
Yeah I'm still about 400 down...but that could be normal right?
Oddly,Avg. Visit Duration is up.
I think you're right - I'm climbing all the time and am nearly back to normal for the 24 hour view.
Wonder what horrible "hole" this will make in the stats graph?
That's interesting, but it doesn't answer my question. "When HP noticed..." is the issue. Did they notice on their own, or did it take Hubbers to alert them to the problem? If the latter is the case, then that's the concern I have.
So, so very pleased to see this is indeed a glitch. I almost thought my hub really hadn't had any views. ♡ ♡ ♡
Glad I had fallen behind in my emails and by now things have normalized and I got enough info here otherwise I would have been sitting at the comp with a hefty glass of cognac. lol So glad we have everyone to share stuff with otherwise what's a person to do??
by LongTimeMother 9 years ago
We had this same problem a couple of weeks ago and it was resolved. Same problem again today though, so I'm reporting it. (If we don't report problems, how can we expect them to be fixed?)1 day stats are abnormally low, so I checked the stats on an individual hub. The 'day' stat there is...
by Marcy Goodfleisch 12 years ago
I know, this is the umpteenth thread on traffic - just wanted to check if others saw any odd patterns the past few days? My numbers climbed a bit, and were holding steady at a good number, and literally overnight have dropped by about a third (again). It's becoming time consuming and...
by theherbivorehippi 12 years ago
Has anyone else experienced a ginormous drop in traffic? On this profile, mine was cut in HALF yesterday and today, that half has been sliced in half. I usually see a small drop on Friday and Saturday and up on Sunday, but nothing like this. Everything is blue arrows. Am I alone down here?
by Elizabeth Hanks 11 years ago
I posted two new hubs yesterday. Already, I have 5 facebook likes and 3 different comments on one of the hubs. Unfortunately, the traffic tracker isn't catching any of the traffic that they've seen. They both still have pretty little 0's all the way across the board, which doesn't...
by Paul Deeds 14 years ago
We're doing a little work on the hub stats machine, updates will be delayed for about the next 5 hours or so.
by LongTimeMother 9 years ago
I would really appreciate an explanation from one of the team as to why the stats on my account page do not match the stats on my individual hubs. Checked three hubs. All show significantly more views in the past 24 hours than my account page.My highest traffic hub shows 50% less views on my...
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