Ebay rejection

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  1. redhairedgirl2004 profile image59
    redhairedgirl2004posted 15 years ago

    So I applied to Ebay for affiliation, and they rejected me.  When I asked for an explanation, they said they couldn't give me one for security reasons.  When I replied to this with a smug assertion that since they couldn't give me a good reason for rejecting me I'd just keep applying until they accepted me, I should have known better.  Of course, I found out what I'm betting everyone else here already knows; you can't reapply unless you have other email accounts. 

    So my question is this: Is there anyone that knows why Ebay is rejecting Hubpage affiliate apps?  It eats me only because I KNOW that there can be no rational point to withholding info about why a given application is rejected.

    1. Lissie profile image77
      Lissieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Some good advice above but you are wrong on both accounts here:
      a) emails are easy to get gmail and yahoo for example  - or buy your own domain and get cheap hosting and setup your own addy - most of us have a 100 email address - you just redirect to one to stay sane at night!

      b) If they told you why you could game the system: they say they are not accepting people in a certain postcode/country -you use a different address - Im making that up - that is the very reason they won't tell you. If you havent bought/sold previously with them wait a month or 3 - write a bunch of hubs - you dont have to add ebay to them if you dont want to - and then reapply -
      Oh and remember its you who needs them not vice versa

  2. riotgrrrl profile image69
    riotgrrrlposted 15 years ago

    They rejected me too hun,
    Its annoying isn't it, and i have no idea why...

  3. Marisa Wright profile image84
    Marisa Wrightposted 15 years ago

    They're not targetting Hubbers in particular - it happens everywhere.

    Where are you from?  There are some countries where there is no eBay program so you can't sign up.

    It does seem to help if you have some history as an eBay buyer or seller - I have a special email that I use for HubPages, but I enrolled for the eBay program using the same email I use as an eBay seller. I was approved very quickly.

    1. rmshdc profile image57
      rmshdcposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      too was accepted and approved immediately - without any hassels or rejection!

    2. guidebaba profile image57
      guidebabaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Same here. I am not an e-bay seller but I have bought several items from e-bay. I used the same e-mail ID when I applied and was accepted.

  4. KCC Big Country profile image77
    KCC Big Countryposted 15 years ago

    I was rejected by Ebay as well.

  5. druneric profile image61
    drunericposted 15 years ago

    And, as you already know, I too was rejected. And you already know my theory but I'll post it here for anyone else who's interested: Ebay, as is true of many companies these days, is facing financial difficulties and ceo difficulties so they're probably just going dormant for a while . . . or forever.

  6. expectus profile image71
    expectusposted 15 years ago

    I too was rejected was very sad:( as i've bought and sold lots of things on ebay, how could you mr.ebay boo

  7. JKSophie profile image67
    JKSophieposted 15 years ago

    I got a "no" from e-bay, too sad

  8. riotgrrrl profile image69
    riotgrrrlposted 15 years ago

    its well lame, i used the email address i am signed up to ebay with, and have been a loyal customer over the years!!!!

  9. blondepoet profile image69
    blondepoetposted 15 years ago

    Well that is strange I was rejected to by Ebay even though I used the email address that I have used for the past three years with them,being a very sucessful seller with my own store on there.Mmmm it beats me

  10. LelahKimball profile image76
    LelahKimballposted 15 years ago

    I'm trying to figure all of this out, but I know I read somewhere that eBay will reject you if your hubs don't tie into their sellers' products with prominently placed ads AND/OR you have very high traffic through or hubs.

    I don't know, I'm a big 'ole newbie, and was just hoping to learn something here.

  11. Alexandru profile image39
    Alexandruposted 15 years ago

    I heard that they may even suspend new registrations in summer. They are cleaning up their system.

  12. relache profile image68
    relacheposted 15 years ago

    One of the biggest issues that eBay is facing as the US economy is changing is a growing number of sellers and a shrinking number of buyers.  Their changes in who they are accepting reflects that they are trying to shift from quantity to quality.

    Prospective applicants should keep that in mind.

  13. Moonmaiden profile image68
    Moonmaidenposted 15 years ago

    Then here is a new question. Do I want to support a company that isn't supporting me? I'm thinking of deleting all my Ebay capsules if they turn me down a 2nd time. Unless someone here knows of a reason why I shouldn't.

  14. WeddingConsultant profile image62
    WeddingConsultantposted 15 years ago

    Don't feel bad about being rejected...I was rejected as well.

    I have been an active ebay for over five years, but in their defense I didn't apply using hubpages' guidelines:

    I haven't looked back once and am enjoying my adsense income. I've just not added ebay capsules to my hubs (hey, I'm not a charity!).

    I did start adding amazon capsules...we'll see if that takes me somewhere.

  15. Moonmaiden profile image68
    Moonmaidenposted 15 years ago

    I just got rejected again. Here is what they told me via email. Since they won't say exactly why they rejected me, I can't really fix it.

    Thank you for contacting us regarding your declined application.

    I would like to inform you that we cannot accept your application at this time. Our application review process is updated on an as needed basis and may differ among programs. For security reasons, we do not reveal our exact criteria for accepting affiliates into each program.

    However, the majority of eBay Partner Network applications are declined for one of the following reasons:

    - You are not in compliance with the eBay Partner Network Agreement and/or Code of Conduct.

    - Your stated website is non-functioning or inaccessible

    - The quality of your stated website is not in line with our network standards

    - Your application data is incomplete or unclear

    - Your business model or stated website does not appear to be one that would attract eBay buyers (the eBay Partner Network does not currently provide commissions for bringing eBay sellers or listings to the site)

    - Your business model involves re-directing traffic directly to eBay from display ad networks or paid search

    - Your business model involves a sub-affiliate model

    If you feel that your application deserves a re-review, please forward any additional information that you would like us to consider. It is not necessary to submit an additional application with a different email address. Requests that contain no new information about your promotional methods will not be reconsidered."

    I did use the Hubpages 'how to apply' directions, so if Hubpage staff knows anything I should have done differently let us know.

    1. foreclosure2010 profile image61
      foreclosure2010posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Im not sure but I think it would help if you  list a website
      you control that is not affiliated with hubpages in the application.Im just guessing of course but it is worth a shot because I applied before I knew hubpages existed and there were no problems.

  16. Moonmaiden profile image68
    Moonmaidenposted 15 years ago

    Here is the letter I just sent Ebay.

    Thank you for your answer. I have been advertising Ebay on my Hubpages articles for three years, I have 250 articles now and was aiming for 500. I will be sad to have to take all your ads down now, but I feel like I should only be supporting businesses that will support me back. I have also posted to the Hubpages forum my experience and hopefully some will follow suit and remove your company's ads as well.

    If you ever reconsider let me know.

  17. Capable Woman profile image60
    Capable Womanposted 15 years ago

    Also rejected by ebay.

    1. profile image0
      pldoddposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I wouldn't mind about being rejected, if I could actually sign up! I live in Ireland, we don't have postcodes here so I can't get past the sign up stage, the page keep's asking for a postcode! Very frustrating! You'd think they'd modify the page for us Irish, seeing as Ireland is a country listed with them! I'm certain I'm not the only person in Ireland that's had this problem! Get it sorted E-BAY!

  18. Everyday Miracles profile image86
    Everyday Miraclesposted 15 years ago

    I keep reading these threads about Ebay rejections and I'm honestly astonished. I was accepted about six months or so ago with a site that is... Well, it contains content that some would consider to be "adult" in nature. Oddly, Adsense approved the same site and never dinged me, though I've taken the ads down now. There was *nothing* about that site that should have attracted Ebay buyers, but it did really well with Adsense from the start.

    I wonder why y'all are getting rejected... I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I would take the ads down, personally.

  19. WeddingConsultant profile image62
    WeddingConsultantposted 15 years ago

    Moonmaiden, you quoted ebay as saying:

    "If you feel that your application deserves a re-review, please forward any additional information that you would like us to consider. It is not necessary to submit an additional application with a different email address. Requests that contain no new information about your promotional methods will not be reconsidered."

    Do you know the re-review process? Do you have an email address or # for us? I'm interested since I'd like to give it a try again, but I haven't not found out how to re-apply.

    Ebay has left a bad taste in my mouth over the whole thing, but I'm willing to give it another try.

  20. Moonmaiden profile image68
    Moonmaidenposted 15 years ago

    Early this morning I got a return Email from Ebay saying my letter would be forwarded to another department. I honestly hadn't expected to hear back from them.
    And just now I got an automatic approval letter. So I'm in. I hadn't expected that in a million years.
    How about that?

    As far as who to contact, this is the address they last used to contact me. I have no idea how long that will be good for, but you can try it.

    1. viryabo profile image84
      viryaboposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Tried to write them now using the address. Lets see what happens. been rejected 3ce already, but im adamant. I really need them for a particular item i write about.

  21. sunstreeks profile image80
    sunstreeksposted 15 years ago

    right on.. congrats moonmaiden!  Now have fun sorting through the 250 hubs adding ebay capsules =P

  22. profile image0
    wordscribe41posted 15 years ago

    Thank you for applying to the eBay Partner Network. Unfortunately, we cannot accept your application at this time. If you have questions regarding this process, please contact eBay Partner Network customer support.

    Thank you,

    The eBay Partner Network Team

    Ugh...  I suppose there's no point in reapplying.  Seems they're just not taking new hubbers now...

  23. relache profile image68
    relacheposted 15 years ago

    Wordscribe, since you only have 19 hubs, I think that's the main reason you got rejected.  That's not much of a web presence.

    1. profile image0
      wordscribe41posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, Relache.  I'll shoot for reapplying when I have more hubs.  Thanks for answering.

      1. Fiction Teller profile image60
        Fiction Tellerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I'm not so sure it's the number of hubs.  They seem to be trimming down the partner network and tightening their criteria for accepting applicants, which means--I'm guessing here--that they now need to be sold on new affiliates.  So I'd treat the appeal like a job application letter, in which you emphasize the positive and what you can do for the organization.

        If you haven't already done so, I recommend you write them back as per their instructions and be very specific about your business model and how it will benefit eBay--that is, what you intend to write about, what kind of product-related hubs you'll have, what kind of traffic you're getting, etc. 

        Also, in case it's not obvious...you probably should double-check their terms of service and your application to make sure there are no technical points hurting your application.

        Good luck with this!

        1. profile image0
          wordscribe41posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks, fiction teller.  Many new hubbers are getting rejected, so I think there's truth to the "trimming down" theory.

  24. Janet21 profile image78
    Janet21posted 15 years ago

    This article may shed some light on the eBay approval process.
    http://www.ebaypartnernetworkblog.com/e … l-process/

  25. nicomp profile image58
    nicompposted 15 years ago

    Also rejected by eBay. Been a seller/buyer for over 5 years. No explanation from them.

  26. nicomp profile image58
    nicompposted 15 years ago

    Also rejected by eBay. Been a seller/buyer for over 5 years, with a very good rating. No explanation from them.

  27. kmackey32 profile image52
    kmackey32posted 15 years ago

    I was regected by ebay too!!

  28. lakeerieartists profile image63
    lakeerieartistsposted 15 years ago

    I was rejected the first time I applied, then was accepted.  They obviously are looking for specifics but just aren't letting us know.  I would wait a few months until you are more established, then try again.


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