I was wondering how much people actually earn on HubPages through HubPages ads program? Does it produces better results than AdSense? How much hubs and tgime does it take to start earning? Yeah, I know, so many questions, but I really need to know the answers. Thanks in advance for answering it.
Most people earn somewhere between 25 cents and a few thousand dollars. Those at the upper end seem shy of revealing how much for some strange reason.
Most hubbers find HPads to do better than adsense alone, but there are exceptions. It probably depends on topic and writing style.
It will take months to years to reach $100 per month. Don't look for it in less than 6 months, if it isn't there in a year (with 100+ good hubs) ask yourself "why not".
After more than 3 years, my 22 hubs, a number of which use my professional knowledge and experience and are based on hours of research, rarely earn more than $5 per month.
Frankly, I do not consider it is worth my time to ask "why not". I stay here for forum entertainment but focus my earning efforts elsewhere.
I guess that's what most of us do. I have my blog which makes me decent money per month, but I spend most of the time here on HubPages, because I want to improve my writing and vocabulary.
The first payout is the hardest. When you first start out as a beginner you have to join twitter FB ect...
It takes a lot of time to get followers on these social sites. It took me 9 months with Adsense HP program was not an option at the time.
On Hp I don't remember when I got my first payout. I will have to check my history so I will be back.
Why do you HAVE to join any social media for promotion?
I would love to not have to use social media but I don't see any other way to get links to my hubs. Do you have any advice WryLilt?
Read my recently published hub... learn how to find niche topics... use Google suggest... learn to make MFPs....
I've been making MFPs ever since I read your article about it and although they make my hubs look great, I have yet to get even ONE page view from them. It's frustrating...especially when you share some of your page view numbers from P views.
I think you need to love writing, and choose a subject that you have expertise in. This is what makes a hub or article worth reading. If you don't have enthusiasm for your subject, it shows in your writing. I think Google is looking for people who are experts on their subjects. You can have mini-niches, but try to keep them sort of in the same ball park, or even write about them on another site. At least that's how I feel about it.
Different sites have different audiences, and as I suggested before, both Wizzley and Infobarrel have stricter rules than Hubpages. They don't accept subjects like why you still haven't gotten over your ex, no religion or politics, no weight loss plans, and generally have higher standards. They don't let mean people fight on forums for 50 pages. I like HP because it is generally a nice community, but it would do well to adopt some of the above practices. I don't understand why recipes are allowed, that's something you copy from a relative or a magazine, but that's just me. I see a lot of spun stuff on here lately from other languages. That has to go.
TT, are you sure? Until the total Pinterest views is greater than the least of the sources in the "traffic" section of the stats, it won't show.
You would have to check each hub individually to see if any are showing up. I thought the same, but figured out that the stats just weren't showing it because the total was too low to show up on the page.
It took 6 months for HP but I wasn't so active during that time period plus my computer was down for 2 months.
After I made my first payout it became easier to reach payout.
I make payout every month now. Since I deleted 30 of my hubs my payouts have been awesome with lesser better quality hubs.
Nobody discloses their earnings because its against Google TOS at least it use to be!
I have seen quite a few people disclosing their earnings here. Is it agains their rules and regulations? I have to checkout their TOS again.
It really all depends on what you write about, whether you use SEO, and how much you write. No one can give you a good answer. You all need to use good grammar and punctuation.
It was when I had 80 hubs, that I started doing well.
I do a lot of SEO. I have learnt quite a few things in past two months.
I'm not on the HubPages ads program, but thought I would give my 2 cents opiniion in case it might help someone. I earn strictly from Google and I have been making pay out consistently. When the HubPages ad program first came out, I tried it for a trial period and it was awful for me. I think high traffic is needed to do well with the HubPages ads program. It does not work for me because I don't do the all of the Facebook, social networking stuff. I don't get an extra-ordinary amount of traffic, but I have a few good hubs that account for most of my earnings. By, the way, my hubs are not on this account. This user id is a secondary account. The bottom-line is, you should try both ad systems to see how much you'll earn and which one is the best for you.
There are many Hubbers who are here for more than 5 years. I don't think they would be here if it's not worth being here. Talking of me, I am an ex-Banker and have multiple eggs on my basket. HubPages is the first revenue sharing site I have used, so I have an attachment to HP. I don't plan to leave this site. I have learned so much after joining this site and I am sure I would still be learning a lot.
Got my Adsense account just about 5 days ago (joined HP 3months ago) and make a little over a dollar a day using HP ads...
Through adsense I've made nill..
Got my ebay account activated yesterday, so let's hope earnings improve
I had my Best return yesterday - The grand sum of .06c
I don't believe my writing style is inferior to others here...
Sadly there is always going to be a degree of income manipulation involved when no real transparency exists! Good Luck in your endeavors...
I don't think there is any income manipulation involved, my earnings have been increasing consistently each month. You write a lot of poetry and that is why you're not earning much. Creative writing just doesn't fare well on the internet in general.
According to self-reported statistics I've collected over the past several years on a Hub I have on earnings, a pretty steady 60% of Hub authors makes $10 or less per month.
For new users, the average time it takes to make first payout ranges from 9 to 18 months.
I am thinking of producing 100 quality hubs within one month as I have a lot stuff related to SEO and blogging.
True that. But these topics are always searched by people. I usually write about trending topics and they do fairly well without too much of SEO optimization.
You can do well on Hubpages compared to your own site, yes. Sometimes. But there is a difference between "trending" topics and "saturated" topics. Saturated topics often never get serious traffic from Google, ever.
last month was the first month I've had adsense. I made about $2.50 for half of last month. So far, I've broken that limit this month. I'm no expert, but I think that the success of the HP earning program is going to depend on your content. Is your content popular? If it is, then it will generate more traffic, which will generate more income. That would be my guess.
I guess hubs related to SEO and tech tend to do better. Don't they?
It is just like the rest of the internet, a lot of topics can be popular. You have to be offering something people want, and that is not already a saturated topic.
Everyone and their mother claims to know about SEO. With all due respect, how can you write about SEO if it's not working for you.
That's kind of what I was wondering as I read through this thread...
WryLilt, I don't know much about SEO, except a bit here and there. But my mother knows nuts. So your statement, "Everyone and their mother claims to know about SEO", is not true. I just 'followed' wowtgp, so that I can learn more.
LOL it was a generalised statement.
Wowtgp's hubs have less than 10,000 views and they are generic and rechewed SEO information that isn't even well explained. I'd suggest reading hubs by people who have the experience in getting millions of views and optimising properly.
It's not worth arguing with you now. Just because you have written 76 hubs, doesn't means that you can insult anyone. If you think my hubs are generic, then you stay off them.
What she said is true actually. Just checked your hub on Google Adwords and yeah it's not exactly right. Not siding anyone here, don't want to get into an argument for nothing.
Well seeing as I have 2.5 million views (on this account) plus several other accounts, plus somewhere in the realm of 35 websites... No offence intended, but I recommend going back to the drawing board, getting some good solid niche content going then worrying about teaching other people.
You offend people, even if you don't intend to. I am not trying to teach anyone here. I am free to write about anything I want and nobody can prevent me from doing it: )
And now you are arguing with her for no reason. I suggest sticking to what can help you and ignoring anything you consider a distraction rather than starting arguments.
If you are writing an instructive hub on SEO, then you are trying to teach someone something. Passing along incorrect information, no matter the topic, is useful to no one.
I just thought I'd add, I have an article on SEO that gets very little traffic. The one I have on how to get free traffic, does well. You might want to do SEO, but
check the competition closely to see what aspect of it you should write about.
I haven't looked at your hubs yet, so I'm just sharing my experience.
They don't necessarily do better because they are saturated topics. If you want to know what to write about read my hubs:
- The Best Way To Get More Followers On HubPages
- Best HubPages Topic to Write About to Gain More Page Views and More Followers
Last month I made about $13 which was basically from the 23 hubs I wrote 5 months ago. Traffic to them does increase each month, especially if you use the title tuner in the left sidebar. I've done no SEO besides keyword research with Google's keyword tool. One hub actually gets 3/4 of all my traffic. Without that one popular hub, I think I would make $1 or $2 a month. When you hit on a topic you can rank for (in the first page of google), you'll know, and that's when the money will follow.
I earn a few hundred per month from the Hubpages Ad Program. Plus I have a couple of other accounts that reach payout every few months.
The majority of the time I write a hub and leave it. If you know how to pick a good niche, you do NOT need to ping, share, link, tweet or spam.
Yeah, you don't need to rely on these methods, especially if you are writing on HubPages, but if you have your own blog, you have to have a good backlinking and content marketing strategy. You will have to rely on all these methods, otherwise you are doomed.
Pffft if you niche blog and know how to network and build subscription lists you don't need backlinks.
You just can't start building email lists out of blue, especially if you a newbie like me. Backlinks are indispensable for a new blog. But , each their own, I guess.
Backlinks are pointless if you don't know how to use keywords. You can rank #1 for purple pigeon poop but if no one is Googling it, it's worthless.
Hahaha every time I read that example I burst out laughing, that's a good one.
Wowtgp, with the new Panda, backlinks are not longer as important as under the old Penguin.
I think I wrote a hub on backlinks, SEO and the new way to game Google. I'll go check.
edit: Oh no. I didn't.
Wowtgp, do you know how to use keywords and find niches? If no one is competing for a niche, then you can rank #1-3 without any backlinks etc.
If no one is competing for a particular niche, it means that the niche itself is not so popular and people are not interested in searching for it. It's not even worth the hassle. Why would someone want to rank for a keyword which is not popular at all?
Untrue. There are thousands of undiscovered niches out there. Just means no writer has discovered it OR it's not their field of knowledge. Do YOU always find straight up answers for everything you Google? I don't!
I have a niche that should be oversaturated, but it works for me. Hubs need to age for about a year before people "discover" them. I was never good at SEO, and it doesn't work too well for my niche, I tried changing titles and all that in my first few months, and did worse. I only make pennies on AdSense, so use the HP payout system. I began making money after about 6 months, and make about $100.00 a month now. I do little backlinking, as I don't think it's as important as it was. And I only write once in a while when I feel like it.
I have a blog, but it has all kinds of glitches and after working hard on it for more than a year, haven't made a dime. It's not so easy to attract people when it's only you, don't forget millions of people are drawn to group sites. If you think your niche is good, trust your feelings (or use the force, whatever works). It's also good to write and get accepted on other sites, as Google and even HP can be fickle. Then you may find some of your articles do better on other sites, and you can move them where others may appreciate them more. Wizzley is popular now, and Infobarrel is trying a new payout system. You have to write 10 reasonably good pieces to be accepted. They all attract different people. I hope something in there helps! Good luck.
I joined HP two years ago but didn't start writing until last November. I'm going to be making my first payout this month. It does take time but if you keep writing and working to promote your hubs you will see your earnings increasing each month.
I earn much more from the HP adprogram than from adsense, so to me adsense is over rated.
That's because with the HP ad program on, only the Adsense box at the bottom of the page displays your ID.
Care to elaborate? I'm still somewhat confused about the difference between the two. Thanks WryLilt, I always value your input and advice.
You CANNOT be a member of the Hubpages Ad Program UNLESS you have an Adsense account. This is likely to do with moderation, so letting people with no Adsense use the program would mean that Hubpages would have to do a higher moderation process of applicants, instead of letting Adsense do it. Plus if they let people use it INSTEAD of Adsense, they're in direct competition with one of their own main advertisers.
You CAN just choose to have the Adsense program active. However if you choose to have the Ad program active as well, most of the "Adsense boxes" will be served directly through the program. Only one of the boxes will be linked to your own Adsense account.
Here is an image showing the adverts with/without Ad Program.
Oops sorry, forgot the link!
Thanks for the link WryLilt. My pages never have that many ads on them though, they only ever had 3 ads. One above the fold if I design my hub that way and the other two are always right at the bottom of my hubs, the adsense ones. Honestly who's going to see them down there let alone click on them to earn me money? I think they should be scattered throughout a hub or at least right-aligned, not all the way down the page where no one ever looks. No wonder I only earn about 1 cent a day from them.
Sleeplog, the bottom 728x90 ads at the end of my articles are the ones bringing me money in my website. When I shifted it above the fold, I don't get good response. I also have a 160x600 Skyscraper ads on my left panel, but it hardly bring any money. I think for content-type articles, the best place is still at the bottom of the article, especially when readers want to know more about the topic.
I don't see any of those ads in your hubs Walter but I do see a ad program ad above the fold of most of your hubs. Do hubs display differently for different people? And how come you can choose the ad sizes and where they go? I can't do any of those things.
Sleepylog, I am referring to my website. Wonder if I can put the link here, but better not. Would it be alright if I put it in your fan mail?
I don't think we can experiment with the ad positions in HubPages because they are preset.
Oh OK, I thought you were referring to your hubs. No it's OK, no need to send me the link, but thanks for asking first
Sleepylog, some of those adverts only show when logged out. Try logging out and visiting your hubs again
You will need to sign out and then view your hubs in order to see how many ads are on them as they don't all appear to you when signed in. Also don't forget a lot of the ads are Adsense Ads even on the HP Ad program, but only one is paid out directly from Adsense if you use HP Ads, and that is the last one on the bottom right of the page.
Interesting topic. I have joined 5 days ago and my results have varied from 0.24 to 0.09 per day with 20 new hubs, all featured but unpromoted. The best performing article I have written was actually posted yesterday, with a topic critical of the Pope. However, I have written mainly on travel experiences that are directly within my knowledge and all a little peculiar. I think, on these figures, I should be able to achieve some sort of payout with HP's ad program within a couple of months.
how do you direct your earnings to either adsense or hubpages?
You need to sign up or input your affiliates here: https://hubpages.com/my/earnings/affiliate/
This is all about traffic just give quality content and get revenue from it. This is also true that first payout is so hard ...not only via hubpages if you make general blog then also it would be hard to get $ from adsense first time.
I am signed up WryLit, thanks for the response. I had just heard you could control the ads as far as adsense and hubpages. Not sure how to do that.
You can either have A) Hubpages Ad Program and one Adsense box OR B) All Adsense boxes.
You can't control the type of advert served except for Adsense and only in your 60% share. And unless you know what you're doing, you could block high paying adverts. So it's not a good idea
Adsense pays by clicks, Ad program pays by views.
If you aren't good on writing on topics that get clicks, ad program is better.
Ad program is also $50 payout vs Adsense $100 payout.
Even with Ad program, you still get one Adsense box.
Interesting discussion.
From my experience SEO changes daily depending on which animal Google wants to take for a walk.
So many of the SEO experts are nothing of the sort - they are simply trying to baffle the illiterate with jargon that sounds impressive for the purpose of selling a product.
There I've said it.
I would have thought that using Hubpages with its PR6 is a good way to generate traffic to your site/hub but you still need to do Key Word research to get targeted traffic.
There is no point in writing a very impressive hub on "The Perfect Golf Swing For The Left-Handed Lactating Mother" if no-one is searching that keyword. And the last time I checked I was the only one that had searched for it! Not sure why - I just thought it was catchy.
And keyword tools are not always the "be all and end all" they claim to be.
For example I use a top ranked one (KW tool) and for the term "14 ways significantly improve your photography today" in exact match searches the KW tool tells me that there are 3705 searches per month. Now that is a long tailed keyword with the word "substantially" in it.
Seriously? Who would use that?
Of course the searches will stay high this month because you are probably going to go and look. If you do you will see it is easy to rank for with only 2 competing sites with that exact keyword in the title.
Go write a hub!
Oh and I am on $0.10 after a few days. 9 - 18 months to go to get to $50.00. I won't be holding my breath.
Bredies, try " "The Perfect Golf Swing For The Left-Handed"... I think you'll have a better chance.
Well said Bredies.
"Guru" usually goes hand in hand with "I can only make money from you giving it to me, not from SEO".
I found that earning with Hub Pages Ad Program are higher in total than with Google AdSense alone. At least in my case. Of course it takes time to earn money (and reach the minimum payout) for both AdSense and Ad Program. Don't expect to get rich or you'll be left disappointed. You will earn something though but give it time as it may not happen right away.
I have read a lot on SEO and have a few things I have written (non SEO) are on page one of Google but would not consider myself an expert.
Much of the SEO stuff online is outdated and Google knows people try to game the system which is why most it doesn't work or won't work for long.
As for writing about SEO it is a very saturated subject (800,000,000 results).
I think that Google ranks pages partly on views so a rubbish SEO article with lots of hits might rank higher than a really good article.
Unless you are a very respected writer in the field of SEO with a loyal following I wouldn't bother.
I can see that you do not know much about SEO, but your advice holds true.
Many people have learned lots of SEO tricks, but cannot write for buttons.
So they apply their knowledge and gain traffic, even when their writing is substandard and their information is infactual.
Many here on Hubpages can testify to that.
Because of this, Google is constantly updating their algorithm. Sites like Hubpages that allow substandard work to be published suffer. Let's hope the new QAP rules actually work.
Again it is true that your work is only as popular as the platform it is written on.
HP was previously an extremely powerful platform.
It still can be, once they have cleared out the old wood.
"I can see that you do not know much about SEO"
Can you please explain.
I can see two things that jump out at me... IzzyM may have been referring to something else.
1. - 800,000,000 results - These are not all results competing for the topic. This is the number of pages (that Google could find) that include that keyword ANYWHERE. It could be in a sentence, a forum post, a signature, a copied and pasted note, the description of an image. It doesn't necessarily mean that all those results are COMPETING to rank for that term.
2. Ranks on views? I think you may have the cart before the horse there. You can't get views if you don't rank well. However there are indications that Google ranks based on things such as time on page and people who press the back button too fast.
I've been here on HP for 16 months and the one article I have that has gotten the most views and continues to do well is one I wrote before I knew a darned thing about anything. I think it was my second or third article! Go figure!
Hi WryLilt
1. Yes I understand, it was just an example.
"how to do your own seo work" has 70,000,000 results, maybe a better example.
2. As an overly simple example, if there were only two articles on SEO, one written a year ago which received all the traffic it would rank higher than one written today as Google partly uses visits as a measure of popularity. To be honest the only person who truly knows SEO is the people who write the algorithm at Google.
BTW I have only been on here 2 weeks but I have one article on page one of Google
1. No, those are pages that include those words apart, or anywhere on the page. In fact some of them only include two or three of those words scattered in the whole page. For instance a page where there was a sentence like "Today I went to work and then I had to do SEO for a client."
Those 70,000,000 results are not COMPETING for that term. Many of them don't even match that term exactly. I checked and there are 739,000 results which include the exact words "How to do your own SEO work" in that exact order. The majority of them however, are not competition. They randomly include the words as normal part of their text flow (in fact this forum thread ranks number 7 on the first page because you mentioned it.) It's like you doing a recipe for onion rings and randomly mentioning how your dog likes to eat them. Google will see the word "dog" and include you in the millions of results for "dog" but of course you're not trying to compete for the term "dog".
"How to do your own SEO work" only gets 12 searches, globally, per month. Even if you did rank for it, it'd be pointless, as only 12 people on average would ever see your article.
2. True, Google is the only one who knows. But it's not about how much traffic, it's about quality. A million people might click through and stay for 2 seconds because of a fantastic title but terrible 2 sentence article. That, I believe, will rank lower than a well written article where only 100,000 people visit but nearly all of them stay 5 minutes or more.
Can I ask how many views per month that search term is getting? I rank in the top half dozen spots for my name, but seeing as there were only two people with the same name who died in the 1800s and my name isn't a moneymaker, there's rarely more than 25 searches a month for it. Therefore, ranking #1 for it is easy, but still pretty pointless if I'm trying to get serious traffic or money.
Yes you are right! I shouldn't post messages here at 3am when I am half asleep!
For some reason google keyword tool keeps blocking me with the message
"We're sorry...
... but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now"
You can never know which would have been best. I have an account that uses the ad program and an account that goes direct to Adsense.
Comparing the two shows my direct to Adsense account pays me $6/cpm, my Hubpages account pays me $2/cpm. But that doesn't mean that if I make them both direct to Adsense then that $2/cpm will also magically become $6/cpm. I guess I should test that one day
There are other ways to measure income with Hubpages though, other ways of earning money with it. Like the Amazon program.
You have to take all income streams into account.
If you are a business, say promoting garden statues, and you write hubs about designing the perfect garden, with a link to your website selling garden statues .... then you'll have earnt an income from raising your business profile and direct sales. If you're an Avon rep, writing good hubs about makeup techniques, you might find somebody contacts you directly and asks to join your team. I do neither of these, but these ideas are available to some people.
That is great!! I too have one-three on the first 3 spots on page one of Google. Unfortunately they have to be looking for my titles. lol
Rebthomas, try "Purple pigeon poops", you may have better luck, according to WryLilt.
I haven't received a payout yet but I see it like this: If I can make a penny, with time and effort I can make a dollar. After that, it's just a matter of refining your methods until you reach your goal for this site.
I totally agree. I started writing here on April 11, and my earnings have been steadily rising. Sure, they are small right now. But I have faith that if I keep at it, it will keep rising. My goal is be making at least $100 a month off of HubPages. I don't know how long that will take, but I'm going to make it happen!
Too tough a task achieving 100 $ a month. Anyhow best of luck !
This after I read some of the comments and replies made by by the veterans in the HP platform. It gave me an amusing read and I enjoyed it well, especially the 'war' between WryLilt and wowtgp. In face these kinds of active participation and honest involvement make our community one of the best in the world. As I have no much idea on topics like back link and SEO, I don't much care about all these things. I just concentrate on writing one hub a week and try to attract visitors by bringing their attention to different topics. I hope I have achieved some of my goals and can do more better in the coming days. Anyhow my suggestion to you people is that all of you please write simple hubs providing helpful tips to boost traffic, comments and to get more followers for hubbers like me with less knowledge of these technical knowledge on SEO and related traffic boosting mechanism. This is my SOS and hope you will listen it and work out some strategies in this regard.
Early one morning, four years ago, I was out of inspiration, so I went to Google trends.... the number one slot was occupied by something I didn't even know about. 20 minutes' research later and I had my idea - and in the next 20 minutes I knocked out a quick hub on the number one trend that day.
Well, it went a bit nuts/viral and gave me over 50,000 hits.... unfortunately it was short-lived as a year later nobody was looking for it any more. It was one of those "of the moment" things and Google lapped up my hub for the next couple of months as nobody else had written much about it.
I just checked my stats. Total views ever, 55k.... in last 30 days just 29 people. So it gets 1 person/day, now.
Looking at Analytics, it seems to have made me $4.35 ... which is poor pickings compared to my "best ever" hub income which is about $800 for the same amount of effort but is evergreen.
This is awesome information. I hadn't thought about using "trending" sections of websites for topic ideas. $800 off of a single hub is fantastic - what would you say the time frame on it was?
That's the 5 year income. But, when it comes to making money here I'm pretty rubbish as I don't do 90% of stuff I'm "supposed" to do .... I write what I fancy, on a whim.... I don't do any keyword research before I start.
So I am a bad example really,
Earner, thank you for sharing your experience. To me, income is a hit and miss. I never believe I could write a book but now, after meeting Billybuc in HubPages and reading his hubs, I'm planning to write one, LOL. So I'm not so affected by the income, dismal as it may be. I think the satisfaction that comes with writing a novel is good enough for me. And the HubPages community is a good help, when it comes to keeping me motivated.
by Kristy Callan 10 years ago
How much money do you need to earn with the hubpages ad program before they pay you through paypal?
by healthwriterbob 12 years ago
How long did it take for you to reach the $50.00 payout in the HubPages Ad Program?
by Kristin Trapp 12 years ago
Do you earn more money with adsense of hubpages ad program?This question is for those earning more than a few cents a month. I know adsense pays for clicks and hubpages ad program pays for impressions, but I am wondering overall which one people earn the majority of their money from.
by Laura Marie 9 years ago
I was just wondering how successful people are with the Hubpages ad program and if anyone had managed to make payout in one day yet. I have yet to earn over $5 in one day from the ad program. How about everyone else?
by Paul Deeds 13 years ago
Tomorrow, March 3rd, we are excited to officially launch the HubPages Ad Program, a major new way for you to make money from your HubPages traffic. The HubPages Ad Program provides an optimized mix of premium ads from multiple ad partners that will run alongside the Google AdSense ads on your...
by Cardia 7 years ago
In the past I relied solely on Adsense to earn income from Hubpages, however this year I was able to finally open a PayPal account, so I signed up for the Hubpages Ad program. As expected, I saw a drop in my Adsense earnings, but now it's practically non-existent. I was earning a couple dollars...
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