Lets Get Some Followers

Jump to Last Post 1-50 of 53 discussions (151 posts)
  1. profile image0
    Ben Blackwellposted 10 years ago

    I want to do an experiment.  Let's all make a post here and introduce ourselves.  Then, we can all follow any hubbers who post here if we wish.  I'll start -

    I'm Ben Blackwell, and I've been here for about two months.  I've just recently started writing short stories and poems, but I mainly write non fiction articles on philosophical and social topics, as well as scientific ones.

    1. Ari Sky profile image59
      Ari Skyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Ben. Nice shot at getting to know others in the community I must say, and maybe just what I needed. I just joined today and hopefully I'll figure out what the hell I'm doing soon!

      1. profile image0
        Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Cool.  I just looked at your first featured hub, and it looks pretty good (though it's not something I'd usually read).  I've followed you and am looking forward to some more work.

        1. Ari Sky profile image59
          Ari Skyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Stay at home mom. Thousands of $$ in debt. Life in shambles. Adorable 17 month old. Eh.... I'm sure I'll find some other off things to write about as well!

          1. profile image0
            Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Cool.  Good luck in your future writing career here.

    2. IslandBites profile image89
      IslandBitesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I've been here since April 2013, still not sure of some rules. I'm doing good, I think. For now, I'm writing mostly recipes. But my last hub was about ecotourism, and I hope is gonna be the first of a series of "Travel and Places" hubs.

      1. profile image0
        Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Cool.  I've seen you around a bit.  Good luck.

    3. HeatherH104 profile image75
      HeatherH104posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Ben, you have some great ideas on bringing the community together.

      I'm Heather, a former music therapist now stay at home mom. I used to work with children with severe/profound disabilities, mostly autism. I've written some on that, some on my gripes with schooling, poems, and items tracing back to my PA Dutch roots, especially family recipes.

      I'd love to get to know more of you better.

      1. Ari Sky profile image59
        Ari Skyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        You just  gained another follower! I have close ties with dealing with autism and I can already tellthat I like what you have to offer. I'm new here, so I don't expect to write about topics that I would want a lot of traffic through just yet, because I want them to be up to par. I look forward to everything you post in the future!

        1. HeatherH104 profile image75
          HeatherH104posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you Ari Sky! Following you back, looking forward to reading yours. smile

    4. Laura Schneider profile image82
      Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, Ben! I've been here for 3 years+ and still enjoy the HP community. You'll find certain people you'll decide to avoid in the forums for their vitriolic posts (squabbles can break out, doesn't mean you need to get pulled in), especially regarding politics, but for the most part (95%+) folks are all friendly and helpful and want to see us all succeed.

      My one word of advice to everyone (newbies or not): do your writing in Microsoft Word first, run the spelling AND grammar checkers (set to "formal" writing) before posting to HubPages using the Hub tools. Higher quality hubs get more search engine business, are more fun to read, are more fun to follow, get higher scores and earn more, etc. etc. Oh, and never abbreviate things like "etc." or write in passive voice, both of which can obscure the true meaning of what you're trying to convey.

      Also, let me stress: HubPages should never be thought of as anything more than cup-of-coffee money: you can't make a living here, or even a second-job income, or (probably) even a reasonable stream of residual income. Just think of it as a fun place to write that you can sometimes get paid a little "mad" money for. And, you'll hone your writing skills (which employers always love) in a safe and caring environment and be able to get recognition for your work. If you're lucky, even your family members might read one or two of your Hub articles. :-) But don't be disappointed if they don't. Do HP for yourself, because you want to, because it's fun and relaxing to write and a challenge to write a great hub with great pictures you took yourself.

      Sorry, that was a lot more than one word of advice. My final word: be succinct. LOL --Laura

      1. profile image0
        Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        That is good advice.  I always write first on OpenOffice, then save it, then publish it.  I make any changes on both versions of the hub.  Thanks for the comment.

        1. wjlambert profile image66
          wjlambertposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Smart, I usually use Google Docs, then repost to [wherever]. But I have offline copies as well.

      2. Savio Dawson profile image92
        Savio Dawsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Laura,

        That's a good and valid advice! In fact, the people who really made money here were the ones before 2011, but that has changed now... Thanks for driving home the point...

        Hello Team,

        This is Savio and I have been here on Hubpages for seven months now and enjoy posting once in a while... So, good to keep in touch and before you'll know I am following you already... Actually this is a good idea!

    5. lifelovemystery profile image75
      lifelovemysteryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I joined HubPages last year and write in fits and spurts. I'll write about anything.

      1. profile image0
        Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this


    6. Mary Cimeni profile image67
      Mary Cimeniposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Amazing. My name is Mary, new to hub. I don't use usernames because I easily forget them, so you can see my real name in my hubpages account. I'm a writer at heart, passionate about travel and adventure. My profile says everything about me. Nice to meet you all.

      1. Barbara Kay profile image74
        Barbara Kayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        You'll be happy someday that you used your own name as a user name. Many of us that have been here for awhile wish that we had used ours.

    7. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi everyone.  I am Alan in Tasmania, Australia.   Love ecology, alternative technology, friendly people without baggage, and try to do a good Hub now and then.
      Have travelled a lot, particularly went to Cuba and Haiti last year... .awesome places and beautiful people.  The humming birds are exquisite... especially the Bee Humming Bird, (that is what you think it is at first glance), because it shines with brilliant colours in the sunlight.
      This is a great idea for a Hub, Ben, thank you.

      1. profile image0
        Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks.  Nice to meet you.

    8. Nimesh De Silva profile image65
      Nimesh De Silvaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I'm Nimesh De Silva. It may be hard to read my name, but I assure you my hubs are not. I've been here just two months now and I really enjoy writing here-mainly because I have got excellent traffic results as of now.

      Anyway, as mentioned in my profile as well, I have very very diversified interests. So I will be writing on almost anything that comes across my mind. It may something current, or something very old or even random day-to-day things.

      I hope you will find my hubs interesting and useful. Thanks for following.

    9. CraftytotheCore profile image72
      CraftytotheCoreposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi everyone!  My name is Brandi.  I write whatever I'm passionate about in the moment.  smile  I've been here for two months and thought I would just try it out.  I liked everyone so much I've stayed on board!  Nice to meet you all.

    10. ambcreations profile image61
      ambcreationsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hello, I am Ademola from Nigeria. I joined HP almost two weeks ago. I am interesting in writing on business, finance and management as these are areas I have a couple of experience. Nice to meet you all.

    11. Angie Martin profile image60
      Angie Martinposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Ben - You always have great ideas! I'm Angie, living in California, but my roots are in the Midwest (Kansas). I love geeky things: comic books, video games, collectibles, comic book based movies & tv. I also write about television and movies, short stories & poetry, dating and whatever else I feel like writing about that day. I'm getting ready to republish my first novel as an e-reader and just finished writing my second book. Both are suspense novels and I'll be posting excerpts here on HP soon. I'm excited to follow some new hubbers due to this thread!

    12. rose-the planner profile image61
      rose-the plannerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What a wonderful idea to meet other Hubbers!  I have been here 4 months and I have met some truly great people, but their is always room for more.  Take care and have a wonderful evening!  -Rose

    13. forbcrin profile image61
      forbcrinposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Ben,

      I have been around for a while and tried a lot of topics. I am not following a set course, I am member in several forums, and I am on the lookout for intelligent hubs.

      I really hate "how to" and "advises" however I read some and if they are really bad, I comment.

      However among the wast of time and bandwidth, there are really nice pieces and I think is worth spending the time here.

      Have some fun!

    14. SpaceShanty profile image94
      SpaceShantyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Ben,

      I'm Chris from the United Kingdom and have been here about 3 months, I have 10 Hubs and almost 5000 views so far.  I had a real push when I started and got those 10 made but haven't done much since as I have been busy with working a day job.  Your Hubs look very interesting and I am now following you.
      Good Luck!

      1. profile image0
        Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks.  Glad to meet you.

    15. myefforts profile image64
      myeffortsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Joined hub pages this May, wrote 16 hubs so far. I like the community. I try to write on topics of common interest and things that people often consider petty but have a lot in them to be learnt.

      1. Laura Schneider profile image82
        Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Good plan! Welcome to Hub Pages and best of luck to you! I look forward to following your work!

    16. Betty Hardin profile image60
      Betty Hardinposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Everyone:

      I just joined Hub Pages about a week ago. I like to write about generating money online and online marketing.  I just published my 3rd Hub.

      1. Laura Schneider profile image82
        Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Welcome, Betty Hardin! I just read and love your article on making money online. Everyone reading this should benefit from it! Best of luck to you!

    17. danciasusilo profile image77
      danciasusiloposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Awesome idea Ben smile
      My name is Dancia Susilo, singer/songwriter and I joined Hubpages just because I enjoy writing. I have a lot of poems posted and other things. I plan to write more reviews and health related topics.

    18. davidlivermore profile image92
      davidlivermoreposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I'd rather get followers by the quality of my content, as I follow only those whose content I would enjoy.

      No offense to your topic, but it's just how I see things.

      1. Laura Schneider profile image82
        Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Actually, I think your point was Ben Blackwell's point, too: that by introducing ourselves, and checking out each other's work, we can then decide if we want to follow that person--based on the quality of their work, not just blindly because they posted here. That was my impression, at any rate, and how I've been acting: I check out the work of people who post interesting intros here and if I like it I might choose to follow them. Cheers! --LS

    19. wjlambert profile image66
      wjlambertposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I'm Wes Lambert I've been here for 3 months. I came to HubPages because I did not feel that my articles were getting the views I had hoped for at Squidoo.  I have since started with other revenue-sharing sites to explore as many possibilities as I can.   

      I'm still not sure that HupPages is better than blogging on my own domain(s), although it does tend to deliver payment sooner

    20. Philanthropy2012 profile image81
      Philanthropy2012posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, I'm Philanthropy2012 (Dennis Kurtin) and I've been on HubPages for almost two years now!

      In that time I've racked up more than 200 hubs and followers and I write about religion, philosophy, law, science and language.

      It's a pleasure to meet and read all of your stories.


    21. Heather Says profile image93
      Heather Saysposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, I'm Heather!

      I've been on HP for two years now.  I write mostly recipe and DIY hubs.  My hubbing has been on again off again during that time but I got back into it this past summer.  My traffic and earnings are the best they've ever been so I'll be sticking around for the long haul.

      1. rebekahELLE profile image86
        rebekahELLEposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Your hubs are great!  I gave your Breaking Bad Cupcakes a tweet and share last night.

        1. Heather Says profile image93
          Heather Saysposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Aw thanks smile That makes my day smile

  2. Santano McCalla profile image79
    Santano McCallaposted 10 years ago

    Hello all, I'm Santano McCalla. I've been here for two days and I've been having a blast learning the ropes and writing my first couple articles. Now I'm just looking forward to writing more and getting involved with the community, though to be honest I have no idea what the community is like. My encounters have been fun and friendly so far though.

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That's good.  Thanks for posting here, and good luck with your Hubpages efforts.

  3. MyFunHealthyLife profile image65
    MyFunHealthyLifeposted 10 years ago

    We've done this off and on in past years. It's an effective idea, but it can also turn overly promotional, and therefore, some threads that went that direction were banned. So, yes, because of the number of new hubbers, I think these kinds of threads are a good thing. And there are some great new writers. I'm a composer and write hubs under my real name, Daniel Carter, and I'm also a health and well-being enthusiast and write under this account MyFunHealthyLife.

    I'm working on a lot of music projects, but haven't had time to write many new hubs on music or my projects, and as I gather notes about health and well being, I write a hub when I can for this account and publish it.

    Thanks, all.

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Cool.  If that happens, I don't think it will happen immediately, but I'll be on the lookout.  Thanks.

      1. MyFunHealthyLife profile image65
        MyFunHealthyLifeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        You're welcome, Ben. I look forward to checking out your hubs along with many others.

  4. Mamajo3304 profile image60
    Mamajo3304posted 10 years ago

    Hi,Im Jodi. I have been a freelancer for 2 years and joined hubpages last week.

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Cool.  Welcome aboard.

  5. spartucusjones profile image91
    spartucusjonesposted 10 years ago

    Hi, I'm Spartucus Jones. I wear a mask.

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Nice to meet you.  I like your opening line on your profile.

  6. Thief12 profile image91
    Thief12posted 10 years ago

    I've been here since March. I write mostly about films and TV shows, but also have a couple of hubs about technology. I also plan to write more about music and travel, and other subjects that interest me.

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Cool.  I have seen you around a bit here.

  7. profile image0
    Alise- Evonposted 10 years ago

    Hi, I'm Alise- Evon (Alise for real, though Evon is my middle name.)  Per my profile, I've been here 7 months now- how time flies- enjoying meeting really neat people from all over.
    I'm a former Speech Therapist turned herbalist and teacher.  I basically enjoy encouraging people to learn more about the wonderful creations humans are, dig deeper into themselves to work toward better emotional and physical health, get back to a slower rhythm of life, and know the satisfaction in learning some traditional skills.

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Cool.  It looks like you have some good hubs.

  8. profile image0
    jkhosaposted 10 years ago

    Hi I'm Jaskirat. Just finished my 10th hub and I hope it gets featured.  I was at Squidoo for a bit but moved to Hubpages, the people here are more friendly and I enjoy making hubs in general.  Thanks for reading.

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Cool.  Good luck here.

  9. NiaG profile image83
    NiaGposted 10 years ago

    Hello everyone, my name is Nia and I've been hubbing for almost 2 years. I mostly write hubs on whatever I'm curious about at the moment. I just recently decided to quit working, move to Cabo San Lucas, MX and see where the wind blows me. I've only saved for a year of living so I plan to do all I can to live life here to the fullest and after the year I hope I have a little more direction on knowing what I want to do with my life. Good luck to all the new and older hubbers! I've really enjoyed my time here on Hubpages.

    1. sallybea profile image82
      sallybeaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I write and demonstrate the art of Wet Felting wool to create wearable items such as hats or flowers.  I also like to get up with real close to insects and flowers with my macro lens.

      1. profile image0
        Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Cool.  Looks like you're doing well here.

    2. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That's good.  Hopefully, you'll find out more about yourself through this time.  Good luck.

    3. Mamajo3304 profile image60
      Mamajo3304posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That is so cool- I wish I had the guts to do such a thing!

  10. LagunaAlkaline profile image87
    LagunaAlkalineposted 10 years ago

    Hi everyone!  My name is Amanda and I've been a Hubber for 2 years.  I have been writing on and off during that time.  I write about everything and anything.  I love to research and learn new things.  Right now, I am into Criminology stuff.  It's nice to meet all of you!

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Nice to meet you as well.

    2. Mamajo3304 profile image60
      Mamajo3304posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      My daughter is studying Criminology- I think that is a cool subject. :-) Like you, I write about a little bit of everything. Whatever peaks my interest at the time I suppose :-)

  11. Weldon Jewellers profile image59
    Weldon Jewellersposted 10 years ago

    hi everyone!

    i'm garret, i joined hubpages three (?) years ago, but never really got involved in the community, and am determined to make amends for that now! i live in dublin, have a gorgeous four year old and 7-month old twins, so have a very busy life smile

    i work in the antiques field, specialising in 18th century Irish silver and estate jewellery, and love what i do.

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Cool.  That is a good goal to set for yourself.  Good luck.

  12. LuisEGonzalez profile image77
    LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years ago

    This is one of the few posts that are actually nice but a word of advice, do follow those whose works interests you but do not follow indiscriminately or in quick succession as doing so may be detrimental to your profile score.

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, ok.  Thanks for letting us know.

    2. CraftytotheCore profile image72
      CraftytotheCoreposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, that's true Luis.  I had a follower who was following over 12,000 Hubbers and she was banned the other day.  She only had about 10 followers and had 1 published hubs.

      1. Laura Schneider profile image82
        Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Wow! No wonder she was banned. I only follow people whose work I'm genuinely interested in reading--too little time to follow anyone indiscriminately--there's writing to be done, after all.

        1. CraftytotheCore profile image72
          CraftytotheCoreposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Unfortunately, I don't think she knew what she did wrong.  I saw her asking a question and the next thing she was banned.   I like to encourage writers and read their hubs.  I have learned some amazing things on here!

          1. Laura Schneider profile image82
            Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I totally agree--I like that, too! (And being encouraged by other writers.) I'm following as many writers as I can keep up with, but there are soooo many great articles out there and sooo many great Hubbers... I've learned "some amazing things on here", too! So many smart people with useful, fantastic things to share. I'm lucky I discovered HubPages because it is such a fun place for me to "play" and learn and write. (And pick up a teeny amount of money, too.)

            1. CraftytotheCore profile image72
              CraftytotheCoreposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I just read two of your Hubs Laura!  I enjoyed them thoroughly.  Thank you for the great read.

              1. Laura Schneider profile image82
                Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                That's really sweet--thanks for the feedback! I've read several of yours as well and voted them up and useful and interesting. :-) You're a good writer! Cheers!

                1. CraftytotheCore profile image72
                  CraftytotheCoreposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  Thank you for those kind words Laura!  big_smile

  13. profile image0
    Kommadantposted 10 years ago

    I'm Kevin. I have been a member for awhile, but not active.  Mainly due to not having enought time to dedicate what I need to in order to write decent articles.

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That's understandable.

  14. JA Givens profile image60
    JA Givensposted 10 years ago

    I'm J.A. Givens, and I am a young writer just starting of here on hubpages. I have a great novella in the work as well as short stories and other creative writing

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Nice.  I've started to get into creative writing myself.  Good for you.

    2. Phoenix Rire profile image60
      Phoenix Rireposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi JA, I just joined 15 hours ago. I'm practicing creative writing of my own. I've only posted poetry at the moment, but I'm working on a novel as well. I like what I read of your novella.

  15. Yvonne Decelis profile image69
    Yvonne Decelisposted 10 years ago

    I'm Yvonne and I have been a fairly active "Hubber" for a little over a year. I am a graduate student and am also in the process of writing a book (it's done but I am waiting for an Intro from someone and also need to make some choices about a cover for the book I am writing - to be titled "It's Not as Bad as it Sounds (my life with MS & Fibro)"

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Good luck with your book.

      1. Yvonne Decelis profile image69
        Yvonne Decelisposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks (I could definitely use the luck. Lord knows my SSDI won't pay the student loans back)!

    2. freefogging profile image60
      freefoggingposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yvonne...I also have Fibromyalgia and MS, among a list of other debilitating diseases..just wanted to say Hi to a fellow Fibromite and tell you Good luck with your book!!!     Valerie

      1. Yvonne Decelis profile image69
        Yvonne Decelisposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you very much Valerie!

  16. NiaG profile image83
    NiaGposted 10 years ago

    Yvonne D. I sent your profile page to a friend. She has just been diagnosed with MS as well. Hopefully she can get some perspective from your hubs.

    1. Yvonne Decelis profile image69
      Yvonne Decelisposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I hope she can. She can also write to me if she wants (YDCBook@yahoo.com). It is a crappy thing to get diagnosed with. I would be  happy to help her if she wants to talk about it. (It took me close to 2 years to get over being diagnosed with it.) Thanks a bunch!

      1. Mary Cimeni profile image67
        Mary Cimeniposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Yvonne and freefogging. I wonder if we have met already in some online support groups but I quite have a lot of friends with fibro. I'm gonna share to them your hub, hopefully they'll get some inspirations or point of views.

  17. Man of Strength profile image71
    Man of Strengthposted 10 years ago

    Hi, I joined HubPages about 4 months ago. I write poems on various topics and full length articles as well. So far so good. It's been slow going but I know all good things come to those who wait. I've made some good friends on here with my fellow hubbers. Good luck to all.

    1. profile image0
      Ben Blackwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That's cool.  I do both articles and poems as well.  Good luck to your future here.

  18. profile image52
    orangestoneposted 10 years ago

    Well done, Laura. You are exceptionally wise and well spoken.
    Very well done, indeed.
    R.L. Livingstone

  19. freefogging profile image60
    freefoggingposted 10 years ago

    My name is Valerie, but I use the nickname "Freefogging" because I have fibromyalgia which gives me "brain fog" and I love Tom Petty. So...I put them both together and came up with "Freefogging"lol. I am a nurse who loves to write. I started writing here about 2008? and have been absent from HP for quite a while because of illness and family problems. I think everything is good now, so I'm back. I enjoy HP because of the writing platform and how easy it is to navigate.
    I love to write...I also have two boys, ages 28 and 29...a husband of 29 years and two dogs who are my "babies" and go everywhere with me.
    It's nice to meet all of you!!!!!!

  20. Doodlehead profile image47
    Doodleheadposted 10 years ago

    My name's Karen, but I go by Doodlehead.   I have been here about a year and a half.   In that time at one point I had a potentially reasonable flow of money from under 20 hubs.   This seems to have changed though with Google's modifications to search priorities.  We'll see.

  21. freecampingaussie profile image60
    freecampingaussieposted 10 years ago

    Hi!  I am freecampingaussie.  We are taking a break from traveling Australia & have just finished a camping trip in Britain/Europe. We are now exploring USA & Canada.  I enjoy spending time here on hubpages.

  22. profile image0
    epsonok0posted 10 years ago

    My username is epsonok0 I am a fan of historical writers, and how they kept there identity hidden. So I looked around my desk top and concocted my identity.
    I am composed of a single eyeball suspended in a super nova. Oh wait, thats just my profile pic. LOL

  23. FatFreddysCat profile image95
    FatFreddysCatposted 10 years ago

    Salutes 'n' hoots. I'm FatFreddysCat. If you want to read Hubs about KISS, '80s B movies, long-lost heavy metal bands, and random pop culture nerdism, I'm your guy.

    I've been here for two and a half years, and haven't seen a nickel in all that time but I'm having fun! big_smile

  24. sparkleyfinger profile image84
    sparkleyfingerposted 10 years ago

    I am Sparkleyfinger. (aka Linzi) I am creative and a bit nuts. I like to save cash and explore! My hubs are mostly creative, money saving, educational, and theres even a bit of opinionated nonsense, just for good measure!

  25. Aaron Seitler profile image59
    Aaron Seitlerposted 10 years ago

    Hiya Guys
    I'm Aaron,I live in Britain and I'm non-descript in a similiar sense to most other people here.I've been here since October and try to match eloquence and humour in the few hubs that I publish but ought to spend more time on this site.

  26. Santano McCalla profile image79
    Santano McCallaposted 10 years ago

    Wow, so many awesome people. big_smile

    1. profile image0
      epsonok0posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I know right! Best set of responses ive ever seen. And look. No fighting. LOL

  27. profile image0
    Alice Ann Dayposted 10 years ago

    Hello, I'm Alice.  Been here for weeks only.  Much nicer than bubblews.  That messes with my head.  I tend to write fiction and poetry.  Pleased to meet you all.

  28. Happy Joy Joy profile image61
    Happy Joy Joyposted 10 years ago

    Hi my name is Carol and I am brand new on hubpages.  I have followed everyone in this post.  Great idea and thanks.

    1. HeatherH104 profile image75
      HeatherH104posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Carol, I'm Heather and I'm following you back. Looking forward to reading your writings! Good luck on hubpages. smile

      1. Happy Joy Joy profile image61
        Happy Joy Joyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Heather smile

  29. LisaKoski profile image79
    LisaKoskiposted 10 years ago

    Hello! I'm Lisa and I've been here for almost two years now. I'm a self proclaimed book nerd and write mostly on anything book or writing related with a couple of other hubs touching anything else that strikes my fancy smile

    1. danciasusilo profile image77
      danciasusiloposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Lisa! I love reading about literature so you got a new follower. I write poetry about life, psychology based hubs, reviews and upcoming musicians. Also pardon my ignorance, but what does the "a" on your picture mean? I'm still fresh on Hubpages.

      1. Laura Schneider profile image82
        Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        An "A" on a person's profile picture means that they have completed the rigorous Apprentice program, which is currently on hold/being evaluated. Apprentice graduates are typically the best-of-the-best Hubbers, and Lisa Koski indeed personifies that statement. :-)

        1. danciasusilo profile image77
          danciasusiloposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Oh I see smile Thanks for the info! How do you get into the program?

          1. Laura Schneider profile image82
            Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            It's currently being "evaluated", so nobody can sign up for it at the moment. Look under the Help menu for more information. It's been on hold for so long that I'm not sure it will be re-offered, but that's just my personal fear (I want to sign up, too!). :-)

  30. johnsonrallen profile image90
    johnsonrallenposted 10 years ago

    Robert J here, although everyone calls me John (wish I could change my screen name!). I believe I started when Ben started, so roughly 2 months now. I started doing mostly thoughts on books I've read but shifted to guitar related hubs. Those seem to be doing much better for me, so that'll be my focus.

    1. danciasusilo profile image77
      danciasusiloposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I love guitar smile followed

  31. Happy Joy Joy profile image61
    Happy Joy Joyposted 10 years ago

    Yay I am so excited my 1st hub finally got featured!!!  smile

    1. profile image0
      Alice Ann Dayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thats fantastic.  congratulations!

  32. VinitaAmrit profile image69
    VinitaAmritposted 10 years ago


  33. gqgirl profile image65
    gqgirlposted 10 years ago

    Hello Ben,
    I'm Sabrae. I live in the North Georgia Mountains (USA) and I've been on HubPages for a little over 3 years now. I love write about ANYTHING that peaks my interest and will spend days researching a topic if it interests me. Good to meet you!

  34. Happy Joy Joy profile image61
    Happy Joy Joyposted 10 years ago

    Thanks guys!!! smile

  35. profile image0
    hlwarposted 10 years ago

    Hello everyone! *(*´∀`*)☆

    I've been on HubPages for about 19 months and finding this discussion has made me realize I've never officially introduced myself here. Better late than never, right? Anyway, my name is Heather, I live in New Jersey, U.S.A., and I'm older than I look (though I don't act my age XD). At present I write movie reviews for Korean films, articles on Japanese music (prefer rock/metal and visual kei), and am uploading my old young adult, high-fantasy novel.

    My interests are rather eclectic and I may eventually write about other things I love like: anime, cooking and baking, gardening, horses, art and drawing, fitness and exercising - and other random stuff. I'm usually happiest when I'm obsessing over something and right now I'm being geeky into DC comics. Who knew?

    Nice to meet you all! ^^

  36. lions44 profile image91
    lions44posted 10 years ago

    Great idea, Ben.  I’m CJ Kelly  ("lions44") and found Hub Pages at the end of 2012.  Have always enjoyed writing. Finding the site has really helped in the quality of my work.  I specialize in non-fiction, mostly military history, but I also dabble in music.

  37. Availiasvision profile image78
    Availiasvisionposted 10 years ago

    Hello, I'm Availia's Vision and I write about adventure, travel, backpacking, and various other topics that interest me.  I've been on HubPages for over a year and am loving this community.  I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you.   

    Has anyone else noticed that there seems to be fewer hubs being written and fewer writers than there used to be?  I don't see as many Hubs pop up on my feed.  I want so more interesting material to read!

    1. danciasusilo profile image77
      danciasusiloposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Availia! You have such a pretty name! Adventure, travel, and backpacking are all things my aunt LOVES to do. I'm sure to follow you since I want to do those things after I become a psychiatrist. I write mainly poems but I write psychology based hubs, reviews and started writing about aspiring musicians

  38. Mamajo3304 profile image60
    Mamajo3304posted 10 years ago

    I am pretty excited- I have 6 Hubs now and all 6 are featured.
    I have been writing internet content almost exclusively for the past 2 years and noticed that a lot of the requests are for payday loans, debt consolidation and the like. So, in looking for various subjects to write on, I decided that this must be popular material.  I got finished writing my article and get a warning box, it seems that HubPages has problems with scam articles. I wasn't worried though because it also said that informative hubs would be approved and I strive to write informative articles no matter where I am writing them for. I got approved and featured :-)

    1. Laura Schneider profile image82
      Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats, Mamajo3304! Keep up the good work! You're right: as long as you're informative, that's what HubPages is looking for. You'll do well here!

    2. Mary Cimeni profile image67
      Mary Cimeniposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      way to go Mamajo3304!

  39. cfin profile image64
    cfinposted 10 years ago

    Hello, My name is Cfin. I write fantasy fiction, reviews, funny bits and random stuff, and although I am a suit wearing law graduate I am a nerd, 25, serious, yet random. I like nice people and believe that the world is a constant battle between us and them (the bad ones). Feel free to give me a shout anytime to chat on any of the above.


  40. Austin Enfroy profile image59
    Austin Enfroyposted 10 years ago

    Hello everyone my name is Austin Enfroy and although i've already been on hubpages for almost a year, i never really got any followers or wrote very many hubs.  My goal is to soon get hard to work because i really enjoy writing and interacting with fellow hubbers smile  Thank you to anyone who comments on my hubs or becomes followers!

    1. Laura Schneider profile image82
      Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome, Austin! I look forward to reading your existing and new Hubs and hope that you will read and follow mine, too. I tend to write in spurts with sometimes months between new Hubs, but that's okay! We all have our pace that we write at. Cheers!

    2. danciasusilo profile image77
      danciasusiloposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yay! I'm "new" to Hubpages so I haven't been active in the forums. This is my start smile Looking forward to read your hubs!

  41. ehonhdouzi profile image69
    ehonhdouziposted 10 years ago

    Hello, everyone, I'm now a college student, I joined in Hubpages a week ago, I am glad to be here to find someone to follow, my english is not very good, anyway , it is so cool here!!!

    1. Laura Schneider profile image82
      Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome to Hub Pages and congratulations on already completing your first Hub! I know I learned some things (like when the first email was sent! 1971!)

      You mentioned that your English is not so good; it needs some work, I admit, but you'll do okay here if you use my secret trick: do your writing first in Microsoft Word and use its automatic spelling and grammar checker so that it catches most of the boo-boos by underlining them in different colors. Once you're done writing, you still need to edit the document to make sure that, for example, you're using the correct forms of "your, you're, and yore" (LOL) and "peak" vs. "pique" and other things like possessives that Microsoft Word isn't good at catching for you because they pass the spelling and grammar checkers most of the time. Once you're done with editing, and have removed most/all of the squiggle lines from under your text, then copy and paste the text into the Hub Tool capsules. Your readers and fellow writers will flock to your content! It's always better and easier to read a well-written Hub, don't you think?

      My other secret weapon: Read the book "The Elements of Style" by Strunk and White cover-to-cover (it's tiny and cheap and will only take a few hours to read and highlight the important parts for you). That will be a good guide to getting your grammar in shape in no time, and it's easy-reading, and sometimes humorous, too. (White--as in E.B. White, the author of Charlotte's Web, the children's story.) That book makes good writing fun! (I think I even wrote a hub about that if you're looking for more information about improving your writing skills...).

      Sorry to ramble on with unsolicited advice, but really this advice is for all writers in the HP community, not just you specifically: we can ALL (myself foremost) improve our writing and self-editing skills and make HP a higher-quality site and get more traffic and money as a result.

      Keep up the good work--I'm following you and loved your first Hub!


      P.S. Love your avatar! So friendly and approachable!

  42. profile image68
    insert-name-hereposted 10 years ago

    Hi! I'm insert-name-here. I like joking around and being silly and dislike tomatoes. Now you know enough about me to write my biography!

    I joined I *think* 3 weeks ago. But then I remembered life and being an adult (pff. I'm 23.) and stopped writing. Now I don't know what to write. I have tons of ideas, but nothing I'd write a hub about. I write game reviews on my online journal and take video of games I'm playing, so it only makes some sense (I guess?) that I have a lot of game related ideas for hubs. Outside of that I write stories, cook, and do intense tae kwon do. Ah... and because I couldn't leave the "nerd" label alone... I'm also a computer scientist. Who is minoring in game design. I'll just get my coat and see you guys at PAX.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image82
      Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Nerds are certainly welcome here! They haven't kicked me out yet, at any rate, and I'm a geek--physics degree, 20+ years tech writing/freelancing/consulting. Get busy and write about your games for Hub Pages--there's a whole area for that type of thing. Write about game design. Get paid for your ideas! Why not? Don't worry about it, just do it and see where it takes you. Bet you learn a few more things about game design by writing about it, for example... Cheers! --LS

  43. profile image0
    JustCraftyposted 10 years ago

    I'm JustCrafty and I have been writing hubs for over two years.  I write about what strikes me, doing things for charity and crafting.

    Always looking for followers.

    1. danciasusilo profile image77
      danciasusiloposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Crafts are amazing smile I enjoy doing anything artsy. I usually make earrings smile I love having my stuff personalized too so it doesn't hurt to have some handy skills! You have gained a new follower smile

  44. ktnptl profile image74
    ktnptlposted 10 years ago

    Hello Ben,

    My name is Kenny and I am a new hubber here. I am on hub pages since last two weeks and have 3 featured hubs published. I like to make new friends and be in such happening and active community.
    I like to read hubs and mostly forums and to get engaged in communications.
    Please provide me some tips for being a successful hubber like you.


    1. danciasusilo profile image77
      danciasusiloposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome Kenny! Glad to have a new member! It's always great to be a part of such an intellectual and linguistic community so I'm fairly certain you will enjoy it here.

  45. madscientist12 profile image92
    madscientist12posted 10 years ago

    Hi, my name is Danielle and I am a student. I write in my spare time which hasn't been very much lately because of my course load. I like to write about anything that may tickle my fancy at the time. I'm taking a creative writing class this semester to try to boost my writing skills and hopefully something good will come of that. I really enjoy writing, but more as a hobby than an actual career. I hope that everyone who reads my hubs enjoys them and I always welcome comments, questions and feedback!

    1. Laura Schneider profile image82
      Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome, madscientist12! I'm glad to "meet" you. I hope that you do well on Hub Pages! I'll follow you and see what you're writing about... I'm like you--I write about all kinds of weird stuff, whatever happens to strike me at the moment. :-) Hopefully you'll want to follow me, too. I've been a professional technical and freelance writer fulltime for my whole career--21+ years so far. I love writing, but approach it as a job more than as "fun", except HubPages where I get to have "fun" and write about anything I want to. It's really stress-relieving in that sense: I like it here!



  46. profile image0
    mbuggiehposted 10 years ago

    Hello I am Mary. I am an almost retired educator and I write non-fiction articles and non-fiction prose poems on a variety of topics, but most enjoy writing about the Cold War, science, and UFOs. I think this hub is a great idea...thanks!

    1. danciasusilo profile image77
      danciasusiloposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Mary smile I LOVE reading about science! Definite follow!

  47. tw6852 profile image58
    tw6852posted 10 years ago

    I will post here and give it a try.  Bamboo anyone?

  48. susi10 profile image95
    susi10posted 10 years ago

    Hi everyone!
    My name is Susan W. and I am here on HP for about four months now. I write on many topics including science, technology, how to make your own homemade products like bath bombs, gardening and the latest current affairs in the world. I will be following some Hubbers here too. I'm looking forward to following you all! smile

    1. susi10 profile image95
      susi10posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I am a very technical person who loves technology. I am doing a computer programming course and I will be making tutorials soon.

      1. Laura Schneider profile image82
        Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Welcome, sisi10! I've been here about 3 years, writing on and off, and aside from getting massively frustrated occasionally with the site mechanics/scoring, I love it here! The people are so great! Two things from what you said...

        1) Rather than current events, you might want to write "evergreen" hubs (look it up in the forums)--those can earn you money for months and years to come.

        2) If you're writing tutorials, would you write a tutorial on MS Access? I always get confused reading the ones I've written so far. it's like they don't dumb it down QUITE enough at the very beginning for me--they skip the "chapter 1" that would put the pieces together for me. I'm not stupid, except when it comes to Access (physics degree, 20+ year tech writer) so you don't need to lead me by the hand the whole way LOL. :-) I look forward to reading a fellow geek's hubs! Welcome again--and good luck here at HP.


        1. susi10 profile image95
          susi10posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Hi Laura,
          Thanks for your awesome tips, and for replying, you have no idea how much I look up to you! Currently, about 95% of my hubs are evergreen and stellar so they should bring traffic for the years to come. When I will begin writing my tutorials, I will consider MS Access. Unfortunately, I don't know MS Access as well as other programmes but I will definitely consider it.

          It is great to know someone here who has common interests like me, you know, physics, science, technology and so on. I'm looking forward to reading more of your hubs! smile

          1. Laura Schneider profile image82
            Laura Schneiderposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            susi10--Sorry for mistyping your name the first time (I've been reviewing touch-typing--it's apparently not going as well as I thought. Sorry!!) Thanks for your kind words!

            And, yes, there are plenty of us geeks here, so you'll feel right at home. Hope you like my hubs as much as I like yours! Cheers!

  49. profile image0
    mollymcphillipsposted 10 years ago

    Hello All,

    I'm pretty new to HubPages but it's been a lot of fun. I haven't before shown any of my writing to anyone but I figured I might as well get over it, and give it a shot. I've been trying to complete a novel for many years and it's been refeshing to have a chance to just write, write, write. It's given me a lot more motivation. In the meantime, maybe a few people will enjoy reading all my silly stuff.

    I'll be out there reading what everyone has to offer. It's been great so far!

  50. profile image0
    Scott P Williamsposted 10 years ago

    Hello All,

    I'm Scott and It has been almost 2 years for me on HubPages although I haven't been very active. I recently got the urge to start writing again and I will be engaging in more activity throughout the rest of this year. Overall, I think this is a great community of writers. I really enjoy this site and all it has to offer.

    Happy Writing Everybody!


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