HubPages and Hubbers (authors) earn revenue on this page

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  1. dtr profile image59
    dtrposted 10 years ago

    This is a lie.
    In the footer of the website must no statements about me (the author) be made that are wrong.
    In my case the author doesn't  "earn revenue on this page" and he hasn't any "affiliate relationships" this would base on.
    This text is subject to reword.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The statement says "HubPages and Hubbers".  It doesn't say ALL Hubbers.  Therefore it's possible that SOME Hubbers are not earning, which is correct.

      1. dtr profile image59
        dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        already answered, read up

        1. Marisa Wright profile image85
          Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          More to the point is, why on earth do you care?

          1. dtr profile image59
            dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Soothing question, thank you for this.
            Apart from that you and I know, I don't need to justify myself,
            there are several possibly harmful impacts of an inapplicable statement like this about a person, coming from:
            - dumb tax inspectors
            - envious ex-wifes
            - jealous *friends*
            In my special case it is known about me, being absolutely not font of advertising at all, especially of obtrusive, privacy-ignoring mechanisms x-raying people for to make money. I have to endure it and to put up with it as far as it isn't avoidable. But I can never ever make money that way by myself. Most important is, I can't allow that to be told about me.

            These are just the reasons I know. What really frightens the shit out of me are those, not occuring to me.

            You may answer:
            "So, why are you here? You better should have a WordPress blog." wink
            It's because I like (to spread) the general idea and I believe as long as no better way is found, to get (other) people rewarded substantially for their effort (this encloses HubPages itself), they may or actually have to go this.

        2. wilderness profile image96
          wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          It is also possible that some hubber, somewhere, is earning from any page with any affiliate advertising, through the referral program.  The hubber "Marisa Wright" may be earning from a hub written by the hubber "dtr".

          1. dtr profile image59
            dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            It may be but it isn't.
            No one earns revenue by affiliate relationships and advertisements on this forum page or the "about us", where no ads are shown (not even HubPages). But this is the statement on every page in HubPages.
            And no author earns revenue by affiliate relationships and advertisements on my profile page. But it's told there.

      2. lovebuglena profile image82
        lovebuglenaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        The statement you see on the bottom footer (which is done for legal purposes) is a generic one that appears on all the HubPages pages regardless if the author participates in any of the earning programs or not. There is nothing wrong with that statement. And it is not misleading anyone.

      3. Matthew Meyer profile image71
        Matthew Meyerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        The word "may" will be added to this statement.

        When the update is released this new text will read
        "HubPages and Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, eBay, Google, and others."

        UPDATE: The change is now live and you should see it at the bottom of this page.

        1. profile image0
          Patricia Ferreroposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I have to be honest here. This post has kept me entertained for several days, so I guess I should say "thank you".

      4. profile image0
        Bronwyn Hansenposted 10 years ago

        dtr, the footer is not lying.

        I have been to your profile, and noticed that you have only been here a day, and you have not posted any Hubs.

        You cannot simply sign up and expect to earn money for doing nothing.

        First you need to write original, high quality content Hubs. When you have written thirty or so, you can go to the "my account" link, and apply to join the various revenue programs.

        1. dtr profile image59
          dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I have no intention to do so.
          It isn't the point that I haven't been payed. I don't want to get payed and won't join any of the programs. So it is and keeps being a lie.

          The author earns revenue on this page (btw: not on this forum page, where the footer is also lying) *IF* he/she is participating in any affiliate program and not based on relationships where aren't any.
          The right word would be "depending" and not "based" on. Inclusions like "possibly" or the suffix "if any" would do it.

          1. Barbara Kay profile image75
            Barbara Kayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Why do you consider yourself referred to as an author if you aren't going to write anything? Authors write.

            1. dtr profile image59
              dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              "I have no intention to do so" related to the last sentence:
              "When you have written thirty or so, you can go to the "my account" link, and apply to join the various revenue programs."

              My intention is to write, but not to get paid.

      5. dtr profile image59
        dtrposted 10 years ago

        May it be a known fact that "30 or so" contributions of "high quality content" are imperative to enter an affiliate program, so the condition isn't met by most (felt 80%) of the users and the statement is a lie about all of them.

        1. relache profile image65
          relacheposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I highly recommend you read the Terms Of Use documentation, or in other words, the legal agreement you indicated you completely understood and accepted legally when you registered with this site.  (You did realize that by signing-up to join this site that you were entering a legally-binding agreement with a US company, right?)

          I can't wait to hear your reaction to the legal conditions you have actually accepted if the footer wording is freaking you out.

      6. EricDockett profile image92
        EricDockettposted 10 years ago

        Even though YOU may not be earning from an affiliate program, HP is via the ads on your pages (or would if you had any).  Disclosing that to the public is required by the FTC, and in most cases by the affiliates themselves.

      7. Froggy213 profile image62
        Froggy213posted 10 years ago

        I also would ask why you would join this site if you have no intention of writing some quality content? Or any content at all for that matter? Are you just here to cause issues?

      8. dtr profile image59
        dtrposted 10 years ago

        To repeat the issue:
        A line in the footer tells about the author (me) he/she earns money through advertising affiliate programs. But this isn't true and won't ever be true. Neither did I (the author) sign an affiliate contract, filled the tax information form nor gave a PayPal account. The auther simply doesn't earn money based on affiliate programs. It's just that dead simple.

        Now answering the comments:

        1. -> Bronwyn Hansen (already answered)
        My problem isn't that I haven't been payed.

        2. ->EricDocket
        They may or propably must tell about them earning money by affiliate programs. But they can't tell that about me, if it is untrue.

        3. -> relache
        a. frigthtening Terms of Use are bad news, bad not the issue
        b. I am not freaked out by the footer telling bullshit about me, I am just telling an issue.
        c. there unlikely is written they are allowed to do so
        d. you may hear about that from me in another thread (ot)

        4. ->Froggy213
        Did I write about not wanting to write? No.
        Ok, I did write about not wanting to get money for this and it may sound for some people like the same but it isn't.

        Is it kind of an unwritten forum law or of sports to argue completely missing the point of a thread?

        1. Jayne Lancer profile image81
          Jayne Lancerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          What you are seeing informs of HOW hubbers and HubPages earn. It doesn't say that ALL hubbers actually DO earn.

      9. psycheskinner profile image78
        psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

        The statement is a legal requirement for us as typical hubbers. I think asking for it to be changed for those that are not using this site for its actual core purpose is unreasonable.

      10. dtr profile image59
        dtrposted 10 years ago

        It says: Hubbers (authors) earn money on *this page*. If fhe actual page is a so called Hub I am the author of, it says on *this page*, that I am getting paid -- a lie. On *this page* I can be the only author who gets paid, because I am the only author on *this page*. No other author could earn revenue on *this page*. It's a wording thing to be corrected.

        ->Jayne Lancer
        The line would have to begin with "Hubbers on HubPages" (not "on this page") to get close to what you mean. Nonetheless writing about those without any fürther restriction quite means all there.
        (propositional logic: peas in this pot are green => there are no yellow peas in it)

        -> psycheskinner
        1. It can't be a legal requirement to tell bullshit about someone.
        2. The core purpose of the site isn't what you think.
        It can be reviewed on top of
        "ad revenue" is just one of "all sorts of rewards" hubbers can earn.

        But really thanks to both of you for referring to the topic.

        1. Jayne Lancer profile image81
          Jayne Lancerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Considering your very poor standard of English, how can you possibly be eligible to tell us how the line should be phrased?

          As I said in my previous post, the line only informs of HOW money is earned, whether by HubPages or hubbers.

          1. dtr profile image59
            dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            > Considering your very poor standard of English,
            I take this seriously. German autocorrect of IE10 isn't helpful and the form field the size of four stamps isn't either. I promise to improve.
            Yes, I have no completely valid idea, how the line has to be written (in regard to what's intended and legal issues). But my English is sufficient  to recognize what's obvious.

            For example take a look on this forum page, read the footer line and ask yourself:
            Is there any hubber who earns revenue ON THIS PAGE?
            (yes there may be hubbers on this page who earn revenue, but they don't do it on *this page*)
            If there is only one hubber on a page and who doesn't earn revenue the told way, it is also a false statement.

            1. Jayne Lancer profile image81
              Jayne Lancerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              As far as this page is concerned, somebody would have to click on an ad before anyone earns from it. It's quite possible that nobody has ever earned from this page so far.

              And there are no ads on this page , so nobody could possibly ever earn from it--neither HubPages nor hubbers--yet the statement remains in the footer.

              As I've said twice before, the line only informs of HOW revenue is earned on HubPages, or can be earned, whether by HubPages or hubbers if anyone. To imply what you're trying to tell us, the words ALL and ALWAYS would need to be included.

              Anyway, no matter what you think, the statement obviously fulfills a requirement, legal or otherwise, and that's all it's supposed to do. Whether it seems truthful in your opinion interests nobody.

              1. dtr profile image59
                dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                If you think, the statement
                "Elephants in Africa are female"
                is true because it has to begin with "All" in case of all elephants are meant, you and I have never anything to discuss in life.
                Same if you think the footer statement is valid for this forum page.
                If it is about authors on HubPages and not on this page, it can't be written like that. More of all, they don't earn revenue 'on this page'. This has nothing to do with my opinion.

                "Elephants in Africa do Breakdance to bongo drums."
                This of course doesn't say there are elephants doing Breakdance at all.
                It means: If they do, they are moved by bongo drums.

                It is obvious, that the footer statement is intended to fullfil legal requirements (not it does). That doesn't mean, it may or has to tell what's untrue, false, wrong.

                This is the only place to report issues like that (it isn't essentially a technical issue but may be solved technically). These issues are directed to those who can fix it. There can be a discussion about anything so it is ok to report issues in a forum. That doesn't mean, I desperately wanted to tell to and discuss it with any kind of bigger audience. So who isn't interested, may go or stay where he/she is more interested in. I admit, there are more thrilling topics.

                1. Jayne Lancer profile image81
                  Jayne Lancerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  I went to the trouble of looking at your profile, where I read this statement: "Not natively speaking English, I explicitly want to encourage you to correct my mistakes."

                  Thank you for the laugh.

                  1. dtr profile image59
                    dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    So we are quits.

        2. profile image0
          mariexotoniposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          So... you just came on this site to complain about how the text is worded?
          You're either a troll or you're missing the point of HubPages completely.. or both. Or maybe you just want to try and prove you "know" something. Either way- seems like you're just wasting your time getting snarky with people who are replying to you... Pity.

          1. dtr profile image59
            dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Ehm, no? It has been more like this:
            I registered, filled the profile, entered categories (groups), read the small print, considered the line being a lie on "this page", my profile page. I reported the issue and got reproached with:
            - you can't expect money by not contributing
            - you make a fuss of things unworthy
            - you miss the HubPages thing
            - you just want to troll

            The line is clearly a wrong statement on some pages and has to be adapted to be valid there. That's all I wanted to say. That's what I did.
            The most has been blown up by what's off topic.

      11. FatFreddysCat profile image84
        FatFreddysCatposted 10 years ago

        Oh, for goodness sake.
        Stop feeding the troll, people ...

        1. dtr profile image59
          dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Trolls can for example be identified by recognizing:
          - they attack posters not posts
          - don't contribute to the topic

      12. LeanMan profile image73
        LeanManposted 10 years ago

        Maybe you would like to tackle world hunger, poverty and global warming... If you could apply the same amount of effort into that I am confident the world would be a better place by tea time on Thursday.......

        1. dtr profile image59
          dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          You think, this could be achieved by an amount of effort equally to less than 100 lines of text a day?
          Show me!

      13. Millionaire Tips profile image90
        Millionaire Tipsposted 10 years ago

        I have to say I agree with the OP.  The wording is misleading.  I think that if the OP had been more gentle instead of attacking, other people may have seen the truth in it.

        "HubPages and Hubbers (authors) earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, eBay, Google, and others."

        Maybe some language could be added, such as "HubPages and [/or] Hubbers " or  "based on [any] affiliate relationships".  Either one or both of those would probably do the trick.

      14. ChristinS profile image37
        ChristinSposted 10 years ago

        Wow, are there not bigger issues in the grand cosmic scheme of the universe to be this concerned with?  If everyone poured this kind of energy into actual problems, the world would be a better place.  There is nothing wrong with the phrase as it is worded.  You are the only one here with a problem with it.  Perhaps that should illustrate something to you?

        1. dtr profile image59
          dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          > Wow, are there not bigger issues in the grand cosmic scheme of the universe to be this concerned with?
          People's interests are different. I could ask the same about lipsticks.
          > If everyone poured this kind of energy into actual problems, the world would be a better place.
          1. I just wanted to report the issue.
          2. If everyone poured any kind (amount?) of energy into actual problems, the world would be a better place
          >  There is nothing wrong with the phrase as it is worded.
          > You are the only one here with a problem with it.
          I may be the only one here, who reported it.
          Take a look on the post above yours.
          > Perhaps that should illustrate something to you?
          It does, but nothing, I don't already know.

          (sorry for ">" but the |quote|-thing didn't work for me)

      15. relache profile image65
        relacheposted 10 years ago

        I'm going to let this guy just grind his axe, and get on with my own things.

        It's clear that even if the footer language is changed to make him happy, his own command of English is going to trip him up on writing Hubs and then he'll just be back here, complaining about having Hubs moderated or that they aren't earning him anything.

      16. lobobrandon profile image86
        lobobrandonposted 10 years ago

        Spam!! If you're not happy with the way it works delete your account and find another place. Simple.

        1. dtr profile image59
          dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I don't need it simple, others may.

        2. profile image0
          Bronwyn Hansenposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I agree, lobobrandon. Spam.

      17. Shinzuu Katame profile image70
        Shinzuu Katameposted 10 years ago

        Seriously. You're the first and only person to complain about this, and you're whining like a little b----, too. Meanwhile, despite your profile and "arguments", you're not doing one constructive thing that you make yourself to be out doing. At this point, you might as well just find another website since I doubt anyone's going to want to follow you and read anything you want to say when this is all you even choose to do the second you join the site, and the days to follow.
        I seriously doubt you're even 1/2 the things you claim to be in your profile. I know real philanthropists and I studied with some of the best Psychology and HS professors in the state of Illinois. I've been an IT developer and engineer for 15 years and I've had my fair share of bad eggs. However, not one of these people have such a pathetic approach on such petty subjects.
        You want to study human relationships? Here's a good note for you: Such displays of ignorance and stubbornness on insignificant subjects/topics like this and, at the same time, remaining completely unproductive and not paying mind to perfectly stated reasoning, will repel people from you, not attract them.
        If you're here to write, write. Don't waste people's times with this nonsense.

        1. dtr profile image59
          dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          > (...) and you're whining like a little b----, too.
          You're misbehaving. Your estimation of my emotional state is incorrect. In fact, the highest levels I felt in this discussion have been from irritation to amusement. But thank you for showing that even rude appearance doesn't prevent from gaining readers and followers.

          > Meanwhile, despite your profile and "arguments", you're not doing one constructive thing
          > that you make yourself to be out doing.
          1. You don't know what I am doing.
          2. There came several facts up, withholding me.
          3. If people like you are exemplary for the audience I might face, I wasted my time already by registering.

          > since I doubt anyone's going to want to follow you and read anything you want to say
          > when this is all you even choose to do the second you join the site, and the days to follow.
          There even are people following you.

          > I seriously doubt you're even 1/2 the things you claim to be in your profile.
          The quality of your estimation is already proven to me.

          > I know real philanthropists and I studied with some of the best
          > Psychology and HS professors in the state of Illinois.
          You may try to learn from them before judging people on actually no information.

          > I've been an IT developer and engineer for 15 years and I've had my fair share of bad eggs.
          I've been an IT developer and engineer for 30 years and I've had my fair share of bad eggs.

          > However, not one of these people have such a pathetic approach on such petty subjects.
          This proofs nothing but the purpose of this statement: Insult.

          > You want to study human relationships? Here's a good note for you:

          > Such displays of ignorance and stubbornness
          Being in computer games, try Civilization!

          > on insignificant subjects/topics like this
          Yes! I just have to work me into computer games someday.

          > and, at the same time, remaining completely unproductive
          Accept the fact that there is production in the world not or not yet shown in HubPages.

          > and not paying mind to perfectly stated reasoning,
          This shows, you didn't read.
          I went into nearly every answer, even off topic ones. In detail reading and thinking are basic conditions for me to answer.
          This yielded to the blame, I could invest the effort in something more useful. So what shall it be?

          > will repel people from you, not attract them.
          There is a time and there are methods to attract someone and others to repel.
          This topic has neither been opened to attract nor to repel someone, but just for information.

          > Don't waste people's times with this nonsense.
          After reading your profile, I don't see your general problem in wasting time with nonsense.

      18. BigBlue54 profile image61
        BigBlue54posted 10 years ago

        As the people who can best resolve this issue are HubPages then why are you not talking to them?

        1. dtr profile image59
          dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I don't know how. Perhaps I accepted the fact too early, that they want to have things discussed before getting into it. I didn't find an email address or a contact form to do that.
          Do you know?

          1. BigBlue54 profile image61
            BigBlue54posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Have you taken a look at the help page? At the bottom of the page there is a list of problems. I would suggest the sixth one down "I have suggestions for HubPages" may be the one you want.

            I hope that is of help dtr.

            1. dtr profile image59
              dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              cool Thank you.

          2. lbsf1 profile image67
            lbsf1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I will be honest, if you have spotted that tiny writing at the bottom of the page and decided to do a lawyeresque breakdown of its meaning then I am incredibly surprised that you didn't spot the link called help written in larger text also in the footer which would have allowed you to contact hubpages directly.

            1. paradigmsearch profile image61
              paradigmsearchposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              But that would have been far less entertaining.

            2. Jayne Lancer profile image81
              Jayne Lancerposted 10 years agoin reply to this


            3. dtr profile image59
              dtrposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              There was no help needed, FAQ answered the question of what to do perfectly. I even wasn't surprised because
              1. social platforms generally avoid to get 1000s of e-mails a day
              2. I expected HubPages representatives to answer at the forum

      19. BigBlue54 profile image61
        BigBlue54posted 10 years ago

        Any time. smile

      20. Glow Pebbles profile image62
        Glow Pebblesposted 10 years ago

        To what you speak of, 'based on' and 'relationships' are the main operative words of the sentence which establishes that there is a condition before any financial transfer is to take place; therefore if you do not sign up to any of the below mentioned affiliates thus choosing not to 'base' a 'relationship' with any 'affiliates' then this sentence does not apply to you. The words 'based on' and 'relationships' refer to the conditions on which money is earned.

        It's like saying if you give me a lift I'll pay you, if I don't agree to take the lift, I don't have to give you any money, therefore establishing no 'relationship' ! ;-D

        Hope this helps. 

        HubPages and Hubbers (authors) earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, eBay, Google, and others.

      21. Moon Daisy profile image80
        Moon Daisyposted 10 years ago

        I love it that this issue will be solved in such a simple way, with the use of just one word!

        OP, I don't believe that you're a troll.  You remind me of several people that I know, (some of whom I'm related to!)  People who are very pedantic by nature, and who focus in on the details of things and become a bit obsessed with them.  I'm a little like this myself. 

        From my experience programmers often tend to be like this!  After all, minute attention to detail, and a good grasp of logic are exactly what's needed to be a good programmer.  I don't think there's anything wrong with this, except sometimes people don't get you, and don't understand the point you're trying to make.

      22. Jayne Lancer profile image81
        Jayne Lancerposted 10 years ago

        I think the word 'may' makes the statement seem vague. It was perfectly clear for any native speaker of English as it was. Or it needs to be rephrased beginning with, 'If HubPages and Hubbers (authors) earn revenue on this page ...'

        But who cares, anyway?

        I'm just very disappointed that HubPages has implemented a change suggested by a non-hubbing hubber without further ado when suggestions by legitimate hubbers often seem to land on a 'to do' list until eventually forgotten.

        To make matters worse, the change made was unnecessary, and the non-hubbing hubber is not qualified to make any remark concerning finer points of the English language--especially because he can barely string a sentence together!


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