Great news! I just received an e-mail about it. Could not expect anything less from HubPages.
Actually, if the account has a featured lens, all of the lenses will be transferred in the account. Unpublished and WIP will be moved over as unpublished. However only featured lenses will have 301s.
Thanks Paul for clearing up this Question.
Thanks Paul for the clarification. I think I understand it clearer now.
What happens to people that didn't make a new account with the button Squidoo has on our dashboards? What if we have lenses in another account but don't make an account here, where will these end up?
This is answered in the FAQ.
Short answer if you don't opt out, or go through the creation process, we will automatically create accounts for people with featured lenses. Then we will email you account details.
Thank you. With all that's going on, I'm on information overload and forgot I read that
By setting up, does this mean that you will be choosing the usernames for these accounts as Paul based on the current Squidoo username? I want to go this route (not using button on Squidoo dashboard as I want to delay the transfer) but would like to change my Squidoo username.
Just to make things difficult I have one Squidoo account that the username has been taken here on HubPages so what is that going to mean.
Thanks for answering questions!
If you don't opt out, or do the early signup process you'll get a username automatically assigned based on your Squidoo name. If it's available you'll get it, if not, you'll likely get a number appended to it.
I highly recommend doing the early signup and picking your user name.
On squidoo our photo source links are put in a hidden section of the text module so that the url is not visible but the photo becomes a link to that source. Will the source urls for those photos be coming to Hubpages or will we lose them in the move?
Brite-Ideas: Limit is 2 text links to one domain. You are better off using the Amazon capsules.
thanks for the response, appreciate that - my major reason for using the text box was the larger photo - does the amazon product box offer larger photos?
The photos in the capsule are a decent size. You can write your paragraph, add Amazon capsule and then move it up next to your paragraph.
Linda thank you! that would work perfectly - completely solves this issue - very much appreciate your help on this
The Amazon allows you to place the capsule to the left and the right which are decent size pics. Then there is the double arrow which moves it to the center of the page but those product photos are rather small.
thanks again Linda, I'm working on a page and trying that right now, the photos are still a bit small for my taste, but they'll work just fine overall - this solves a big problem with the 100's of pages I (and others of course) are about to start editing next week. much appreciated!
Please note that everything Linda just said about the Amazon module may not be the case much longer as Squidoo had a much better working version than Hubpages. Admin has said that one will be changing.
ok, thanks for the information, I'll keep an eye open for that
We're going to adopt some of Squidoo's formatting options for Amazon products. You can read about what we're planning (note: details may change) in the Amazon section in this FAQ entry: … n-Detailed
Is there ever going to be the opportunity to merge our two accounts? Or to transfer hubs between them? I'd like to have one dedicated to one topic and the other a mix of general interest stuff.
Does that mean that I can't earn money from Amazon any longer now that the sites have merged? I'm really upset about this.
I can use Amazon on Squidoo but not HubPages because I live in Missouri (HP has people manually plug in links, while Squidoo uses their own account and sends payments every couple months). The main reason I joined Squidoo was because I wanted to use Amazon links. Am I just out of luck now or what?
You definitely won't be able to be an Associate of Amazon. But what you may be able to do, once you get adsense, is to join the Hub Pages Amazon program. … am-and-ads
You also get more commission, as much as 8 percent with the HP Amazon program rather than your own affiliate account with Amazon.
Don't hold me to my thoughts on trying the HP Amazon program!
Interesting question and actually an excellent one! I hope somebody answers this quickly with a definite yes or no.
Okay, I found answer for you. Guess what? Those who live in banned states by Amazon our not totally out of the running. Read link above so you can qualify for the Hub Pages Amazon Program. … associates
My understanding is that html is not permitted in text capsules. Many of my Squidoo articles involve words or names with accented letters, or temperatures with degree signs, or trademark symbols. What will happen to these when they are converted to hubs? If they are not retained, how will we distinguish between "pave" and a "pavé" gemstone setting? Many thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks, Linda. Unfortunately that page doesn't appear to address my question about how to deal with html symbols and accented letters (e.g., my pave vs. pavé example), which aren't covered by the allowed html tags. But it's a very helpful page and I've bookmarked it for future reference.
So ... if there's a text editor, meaning it does the HTML for you, then why wouldn't our own HTML transfer over from our lenses? We've just had to do that manually on Squidoo.
Also, speaking of HTML, what about "img src" code, where we've embedded -- often our own images hosted elsewhere -- into our lenses? Will those disappear? That would be good to know in advance if possible.
Relache is good for information. She travels these forums and is giving answers. Hopefully, she will see your question.
There is an HTML editor for capsules. I've never used it, but you might be able to use html that way. Just look at the top of the capsule where all the editing tools are and you'll find it. You may want to play around and see if it works by starting a new hub and then deleting it.
If you click on the omega symbol when creating or editing a text capsule, a list of symbols and special characters will appear. These include degree symbol and accents. The symbols can be clicked to add them to the text. This could be helpful when editing a hub if the special characters aren't imported with a lens.
That's wonderful! Thanks so much for your help.
Maybe this might be of some help about use of symbols. … timization
Linda, that's a great article and really helpful. I've just bookmarked it for future reference. Thanks!
I haven't found a way to search this extremely helpful 17-page (so far) discussion, so I apologize if this question has been addressed already. I've also tried reading up on the HubPages Earnings Program and the Ad Program, Amazon Program, eBay Program, and Amazon Associates information but still haven't found answers to the following questions.
I'm in the process of setting up my earnings settings. I don't have an AdSense account yet but I will apply once I have published a sufficient number of hubs to demonstrate the value of my content to Google. Since the length of time until I'm approved for AdSense is unknown, can I can start out using my current Amazon Associates affiliate links and then either add or switch to the HubPages Ad Program once I can get an AdSense account?
Also, on Squidoo we were allowed to use a combination of their Amazon modules and our individual affiliate text links. Are the HubPages Amazon Program and the Amazon Affiliate Program are mutually exclusive?
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Yes, you can bring your own Amazon Associates and switch to HubPages Amazon anytime.
You can do the same thing on HubPages. You can add links with your personal amazon tracker and use the HubPages Amazon Program.
Paul, thank you so much for this information. I'm very grateful for your visibility, responsiveness and help in smoothing the way for those of us making the transition from Squidoo to HubPages.
Technical question, Paul. Obviously the usual limit of two links per domain would apply, so you could have only two text links to Amazon in a Hub. However, would the links to Amazon in capsules count as links too?
One thing to consider is payout threshold. When you opt into the HubPages Amazon program, you are simply creating a sub-account with HubPages - it has no effect on your personal Amazon account, which continues as normal. As far as Amazon is concerned, there's no connection between your personal and HP accounts, and there is no way to transfer the balance.
So the best advice is to continue using your personal Amazon account until you hit the threshold, then transfer to HP to get the higher tier commissions.
That's great advice, Marisa. Thanks!
I've only just found this very helpful forum. I think the link should be sent to all squids who are moving to HubPages for the first time. It answers many questions regarding the transition. Thank you.
My question is: Amazon modules has been the main income generator for Squidoo while I understand from reading this very long discussion that Adsense works best here. Would a relaxation of the number of Amazon modules be considered anytime in the pipeline? Would HP be able to marry the best of the two ie keeping the profitable Amazon modules while staying true to the minimalist design of HP and the power of worded content or is it totally out of the question? I see that a number of modules are being considered for inclusion at HP.
I would like to know because it would be a terrible waste of precious time to spend weeks updating our previous lenses to keep to compliance only to be told later that more Amazon modules will now be allowed. The time could be spent more productively creating more timely, new hubs rather than tweaking old lenses that were absolutely fine when they were created. I have 180 lenses and it would take me more than the gracious 4 month period if I were to spend editing one old lense a day. What about those who have 400 or 600 lenses?
Would there be possible changes in the Amazon linking rules or is that totally out of the question in view of the possible Google "wrath".
Thank you.
One of the things we've all learned over the last few years is change is frequent.
We are always monitoring, analyzing and discussing ways to make the best content we can. Ultimately, we need to be a community of people where the priority is creating a great reader experience.
I hope people see that the changes we are making are geared toward long term improvement. The number of Amazon links in a page was something we found a while back that was highly correlated with spam. Large blocks of amazon links with little original content is a quick ticket to a google penalty.
When products are placed in pages that benefit the reader, opposed to trying to catch a fortuitous click to earn a quick commission, we think Amazon links are great. So, the rule we have is about 50 words of original text per Amazon product. That' doesn't really do the job, because so much of placing products is about context.
We are working toward a solution that shows people which placements perform. Hopefully, we can all get smarter about the products that ad value for users vs ones that clutter up the page.
So, in short we might not change the 50 words per product rule, but we hope we can give people more data to help them understand their placements better in the not too distant future.
You've hit a raw nerve there, mumsgather! In the big changes that followed HubPages' first Panda slap, HP made a number of rule changes in an attempt to recover. One of those changes was to limit the number of Amazon capsules. That resulted in many of our highest-earning Hubbers leaving the site in protest, because they felt the limits would ruin their sales Hubs' conversion rates. Ironically that included our top earner, who had been featured in the HP blog only months before as an example of how to make money here!
In the end, we still don't know whether that change made any difference to HubPages' recovery. The biggest improvement happened after the switch to sub-domains - but so many changes were made in quick succession, it's hard to be sure which helped and which were unnecessary. Google's reaction is not always instant, after all. So it's understandable that HubPages is reluctant to undo any of those changes, just in case one of them was more important than it appears.
Anyway, as a result of that change, many Hubbers have the perception that Sales Hubs are anathema and that HubPages limited Amazon capsules because Google hates them - which is silly. There's a balance to be struck, and HP thinks they have it right with a limit of one product per fifty words of text (so a 400 word Hub can have 8 products). Given the history, I doubt very much that will change.
We had a lot of those kinds of rule changes over at Squidoo too, so much so I think many of us with a large number of lenses got whiplash. We went nuts making all kinds of changes, trying to salvage our content, only to have to do it again a short time later. What was once encouraged and praised by the powers that be was suddenly a no-no that could and did get lenses locked and deleted. Next thing you know, another change. I know I'm not alone in feeling totally burnt out. And now we have to do it again. *sigh*
Suggestion on word count: Take away the words in product listings such as price, name of product, and product description as part of that 50 word count minimum. Make the 5 word count per product to be in the hub itself and that also does not mean HTML used for photos and product images.
Understood and noted, Paul and Linda. Thank you for your amazingly quick response.
I was just re-reading the Squidoo HQ updated FAQ on the transfer and realized that the latest update says "You won’t be able to edit Squidoo pages starting on Friday, August 22, 2014." Could Paul or another official HubPages staff member please confirm whether I am interpreting this correctly to mean that today, Thursday 8/21, is the last day we will be able to edit our lenses prior to the transfer? (If so, I guess I'll be pulling an all-nighter again tonight.) Thanks very much!
When our lenses transfer, I'm anticipating they could look pretty bad to other hubbers (and of course the public) - personally I'll have nearly 600 to sort through and edit, so my question is this:
Will there be a system in place so that fellow hubbers who land on a page that's a former squidoo lens still to be modified, are informed of this - the reason I ask, is the potential flagging that could come from those who aren't aware that it's a page in the grace period still to be updated.
After seeing the Help-Us rate feature, this concerned me.
Thank you
I don't think that's any cause for concern. Hubbers can't "flag", they can only report - all that does is put the Hub in a queue to be looked at by the moderators. If the moderators look a the Hub and find nothing wrong, nothing will happen. You won't even know it's been reported!
Thanks for the reply, appreciate that. Be better if they could create a note or popup should it be flagged before anyone hits submit on it; something that says, 'this is a squidoo lens in grace' (has a nice ring to it) - thus HQ could potentially avoid having too many to sort through - sort of head-it-off-at-the-pass
Yes, it would be nice to save the mods the extra work, but I'm guessing most of the Hubbers who report regularly will be aware of the situation anyway. And I know I'm flogging a dead horse, but please try to say "report" not "flag" - flagging is something only moderators can do. If the same word is used for both, people start thinking that ordinary Hubbers can do nasty things to other people's Hubs - which in fact they can't.
Agree with what Brite-Ideas said, we don't want our lens flagged before we have a chance to improve them.
Okay Sorry about that I will remember to say "report" next time. Wasn't meaning to upset you. Still learning here at HubPages.
Oops sorry if that came across as a ticking off! I meant it as a gentle reminder - if we can get the new members to start off with the right terminology, maybe some of the old hands will get the message too!
Marisa, you've been a real sweetheart as well as extraordinarily helpful to those of us who are joining HubPages from Squidoo as a result of the merger/acquisition. We are anxious to learn the ropes correctly right from the start so we can not only fit into the established HP culture but also hit the ground running successfully, which will be to everyone's benefit. So thank you for helping us to learn the correct terminology, rules, processes and etiquette.
Quick question: Is it possible to request specific exceptions to the 2 links per domain rule with a staff official's/editor's approval as long as those links are to educational and not promotional or commercial content? Several of my most widely read and respected articles on metal clay contain more than two links to important information from the same domain, particularly links to blog posts by other noted metal clay experts. (I'm the senior editor/technical editor of Metal Clay Artist magazine, and I only link to the most authoritative and helpful supporting articles and sources on this niche topic.) Thanks very much.
Short answer: no. At least, I've been here nearly 7 years and I've never known it to happen. You can imagine, if they started entertaining requests like that, they would be inundated with requests, so I can't see them opening that particular door!
Remember, you are limited to two links to the same domain, but you could have twenty links on one Hub if you wanted, provided that they were to ten different websites!
Understood and thanks very much, Marisa. I'm sure I can figure out a solution that works within the 2-link per domain limit.
I don't think they'll break the rules for one person. Where does the buck stop? The restriction on links is possibly one of the main strategies that has saved HubPages from collapse until now so we better accept them.
I'm certainly not trying to buck the system here, Sue! I just wanted to know whether there was a process for requesting an exemption (only with a strong reason, of course) at the discretion of one of the editors. It seems there isn't, and that's fine - I'm happy to come up with a way to provide the same level of helpful information within the established framework.
I don't yet have an AdSense account and it has been recommended that we not apply for one until after we've published 15-25 hubs and they've been there for a few weeks. Will the lenses that transfer over as hubs be eligible to be featured if they have Amazon capsules even though I will not yet be eligible to receive payments for any clickthroughs on those products? I'd prefer to leave the Amazon capsules in place for a few weeks than remove them just so the lenses can become featured hubs. Thanks very much.
If you're using your own Amazon ID, you'll earn from those capsules from Day 1 - that's the one program that isn't dependent on having an Adsense account.
Ack. I am mostly pleased, because I was slooooowly preparing to move my content off Squidoo.
In another way, I have a big problem, because I am Greekgeek on both sites, and that handle was originally associated with the Greece-related lenses l I was posting on Squidoo before the site became so commercial that I gave up posting purely educational material there.
I understand why you can't merge accounts.
At the same time, I'm torn about whether to delete my old Greece Odyssey lenses and start over with that content in my Greekgeek hubpages account.
But many of those lenses are seven years old, and a fair number them have attracted links over the years.
Looks like I have a lot of work to do in 2015 (I am preparing for a long trip to Europe and my health is a bit dodgy, so I can't do too much until the new year).
Anyway, I'm relieved, on the whole, as this makes my Squidoo-divestment slightly simpler.
...not entirely simpler, unfortunately, as I also will have the link problem. We'll see what happens.
picking Greekgeek2 as pen name doesn't really cut it does it?
But you can always interlink your two accounts? Would be easier than moving stuff on your real GG account and loosing quite a bit of links.
No idea..... plus coming from a girls who added "hubs" to my pen name lol
LOL N....I picked my name with the 2 after it, so I am KathyMcGraw2 Had to do something as I already have the other version for a few years now
well I was this close to add a 2 too and I think it would have been better than "hubs". I wanted to keep fanfreluche as it is my pen name since over 14 years..
Fran and others: If people know you as Franfreluche and they want to try to find you under that name at HP, all they have to do is put it in the HP search browser. They will pull up ever hubber with that name and similar one such as franfreluche2.
Hi Valerie,
With the Group feature two related articles will appear at the bottom of each hub as "previous" and "next".
Find out more on how Hub Groups work here:
press Ctr+ to enlarge
All the other related hubs further down the page belong to other hubbers although one or two of your own may also appear there but we have no control over those.
Good Brite-Ideas, but remember the rule: no more than 2 links to the same domain/ sub-domain per hub.
Sorry if this has been answered. I can't find it. I have a HP account but never made any hubs. Can I delete it and then use the same email address for a new account?
How do I delete it?
I had to check this with Paul Deeds, but yes, if you close an HP account, you can reopen a new one with the same email address.
I went with an alternative option - with the same basic result: I changed the email address associated with my old hubpages account, and that allowed me to set up my new squid-hubpages account on the same email address as squidoo.
Wasn't as lucky with my old squid name though since there was a Selfhelpguru already, but I hope my new name will bring me success ;-)
The ones being transferred will have a 301 direct for original URL.
If you copy, save and then repost to HP, you will have a problem with duplicate content. You would have to do revamping, go to google url removal tool to remove every url for work you copy and move yourself, and wait for those lenses to be removed by google and google cache. Even after all of that, your work may still come up as duplicate content and it will get caught by HP.
I've manually moved a number of Squidoo lenses over to my (other) HP account without any problem, without having to rewrite anything. In fact I was doing it weeks before the acquisition notice just because I wanted those articles here instead. I just filled out the Google removal request after deleting them from Squidoo, waited about 48 hours for the request to be approved, and double-checked that snippets of text were no longer in Google cache before publishing here. No problems, no flagging, no dupe content warnings, nothing.
Granted I only did this for a number new-this-year lenses which did not have tons of backlinks to worry about - in fact that's why I moved them, they were doing nothing for me whatsoever on Squidoo and could never get any traffic there!
When it comes to creating a hub, I'm unable to use the advanced creator and have to use the simplified version.
When I try to use the advanced one, the top half of the form wipes itself clean when I click on "Continue" leaving just the "Basic Article" marked out in grey.
I've tried clearing my cache, deleting my cookies and history and rebooting all with no results. I just don't know what else to try now.
Another person is having same problem. Can't add capsules or things like the B I, etc.
I asked Matt Meyer to take a look at your post and see if he has tips for you to try.
Thank you, though I don't understand what the problem was exactly, I found that removing and re-installing my browser fixed the problem for me.
Thanks for the reminder. Already and looking forward to the transfer. Happy days writing.
I've been wracking my brains to try to figure out how I can rework many of my most popular, well known and valuable Squidoo lenses to bring them into conformity with HubPages' requirements once I edit them after the transfer.
Several of my most valuable and highly ranked articles are 8 years old (and updated frequently to keep them fresh, relevant and up-to-date). They've also been cited in books as well as online, so I really want to allow them to transfer so the URL will have the 301 redirect. Most of these articles are extremely long and detailed resources for metal clay artists and contain more than 2 links to the same sites if those sites contain multiple important articles or other resource materials that would be of help and value to metal clay artists.
It seems clear that I will need to break these into multiple hubs in order to retain the valuable content while conforming to HubPages' link requirements. My long-term goal is to turn the content for the redirected current URL into a Capstone hub that retains some of the high-level content and then links to multiple "child" hubs with content moved from the full original article. So my questions are:
1) Is this the best way to handle these transferred lenses, and
2) Once the lenses are transferred, how can I break the original content across multiple hubs without running into duplicate content issues? I'm assuming I can't delete the content and have Google de-index the page and then re-create it under the same hub URL with only part of the original content, and then create new hubs for the balance of the content... or can I?
This is very new to me and I would be extremely grateful for any guidance and/or education you can give me, especially since there are only 14 hours left if what I should be doing turns out to be best done to the lenses before they are transferred. Thank you very, very much for your help!
I highly recommend using the process we've worked out with Squidoo that puts the 301 in place.
From there, I think it can vary widely on the best course of action. My general advice is to not rush things. I'd try and formulate a content strategy that keeps the meaningful content on the page and build it out within our rules. Usually breaking out a successful Hub to many individual Hubs doesn't bring the traffic with it.
One thing you can do is setup a webmaster tools account for Google. … ster-Tools
If you don't have Google analytics, you'll need that before setting up webmaster tools. … d_22670941
In your webmaster tools account, you can see the queries that drive traffic to your pages. Maintain the areas of the content that are driving the traffic. Then build out the page from there.
I know this is a lot of information. I hope it's helpful.
Thank you very much, Paul. Obviously I have a lot to learn and I truly appreciate your advice and support.
Regarding links, the rule that a Hub can have a maximum of two links to a single domain does not apply to well-known, trusted sites. I'm not sure what links you're using, but if they are to reputable sources, relevant to your Hub's content, and benefit your readers, you should be fine. This rule is aimed at limiting the number of affiliate (i.e., sales pages) and SEO (i.e., pages with content that is substantially similar to a Hub's content) links. You can read more about the various warnings (including those about links) that can appear on Hubs here:
Thanks very much, Marina. That's a very helpful as is the page about flags that you shared with me. The resources I link to are very reputable and well known and respected within the metal clay artist community, but not necessarily well known by a wider audience, although Google would recognize them as reputable, high authority sites. In the metal clay community, however, the only way for metal clay product suppliers to differentiate themselves is to provide valuable reference material as well as products on their site, so they have become key reference resources as well. So although my links to those sites would be to extremely helpful information resources rather than products, I'm hoping that they will not be "interpreted" by the program that does the vetting and flagging of hub links as promotional. I guess the only way to find out is to wait until the transfer and see what happens. If necessary I can direct readers to those product supply sites and give them the names of the articles and let them try to find them, but since sometimes the articles can be hard to find (since these are first and foremost e-commerce or manufacturers' sites) it will be much more helpful if I can continue to give them direct links to the articles. I'm sure there will be a solution. And thanks again for your kind help!
If that's the case, then there is NO WAY I would mess with them, their age is too valuable. I would simply allow them to be transferred to HubPages exactly as they are, and then wait and see if you get an overly promotional warning or not.
I think you probably will - I'm pretty sure the automated system relies on a whitelist and I doubt the sites you're linking to are on it. However the warning usually doesn't result in instant action - and even if it does, all that happens is that your Hub is unpublished, it's still intact and sitting safely on your account. THEN you can consider taking some action.
Thank you very much, Marisa! I would be loathe to mess with them first and foremost because I wrote them originally as a way to "pay it forward" to the metal clay community for all the help I received from them when I was first learning about how best to work with this then relatively new material and there was no authoritative, central source of reliable information. Of course I would like to continue monetizing it, but that's certainly not my only focus.
Related to those same lenses and others like my step-by-step how-to articles on crafting projects, where providing links to the necessary materials, tools and supplies is a valuable service to the reader, apart from a potential source of revenue for me, if I leave my current Squidoo Amazon product modules as is, when the lens is transferred and becomes a hub will those product modules be active even if I'm not yet eligible to receive earnings from them before I have an AdSense account? There is definitely no issue of text content-to-product link ratio. I just want visitors to be able to buy the items they need in order to complete the project successfully during the initial period before I apply for AdSense, regardless of the fact that I won't be earning anything from those sales during that time. I'd be very grateful if you or anyone else could give me a definitive answer on that. And thanks again.
If they are Amazon, and if you've pasted your own Amazon ID into the Earnings section of your account , then yes they will be active from day 1.
Amazon is the ONLY avenue of earning on HubPages which doesn't require an Adsense account.
There is an internal HubPages Amazon program, which earns at a higher tier, which you can't join until you have your Adsense account.
There is something I have been thinking a lot about, and it was brought up in passing somewhere earlier in this thread. My "mix" of Hubs on my existing 7-year old HubPages account is similar to my mix on my Squidoo account that's about to become "this" HubPages account. So now I will have two very similar accounts... not exactly duplicated, of course, but some redundancy; I'm a niche writer.
Back in the "dark ages," Squidoo had a system whereby lensmasters could "transfer" lenses between accounts and lensmasters. Has any thought been given to having a feature like that on HubPages-- even if just for a limited time (60 days? 90 days?) after the move? Or, alternately, having a "request form" that would allow for a one-time organizational shuffle of hubs between accounts? I realize there might be issues with the 301 forwards, but I still thought I'd bring it up.
For example, it would make imminent sense for my accounts as I would be able to "organize" my combined content into one subdomain specializing in "Psychology and self-help" and the other into "hobbies, business and writing." Certainly, I could cross link to "myself" between the two subdomains... but doesn't it (technically speaking) add more authority in the eyes of Google to have links stay within ONE subdomain, like a web site with "pages?"
It just seems to me that it would benefit HubPages in the long run, in terms of adding more cohesiveness to the overall way the site (and subdomains) "presents."
Peter is making an excellent point.
I have a related question...
I have one Squidoo main account (nearly 400 featured lenses and a whole bunch of WIP ones). I also have two tiny accounts with just a lens or three that's currently featured in each of them.
I'll probably try to get them transferred too (if the button is still there), mostly because of the 301 forwarding feature. But I noticed that accounts with fewer than 5 featured lenses need to go through bootcamp!
Nothing wrong with the general idea, especially if it means I learn a lot of cool stuff, but still... I hope I don't have to do it TWICE (for both tiny accounts), and I also would like to get some credit for my 400 featured lenses...
Any thoughts on that?
BTW, ONE of the two tiny accounts also has my smiling mug shot.
If the hubs are featured, they will be featured on import. If you have 5 or less hubs you will be in boot camp for hubs you publish in the future for each HubPages account.
I guess I'm different to many because I prefer to be in boot camp all the time simply because sometimes you get some great reminders of the things that you can do with your work.
These days, it can be far too easy for us to get stuck in a rut of building our hubs in the same way all the time that we forget to experiment with different layouts and designs. I know I was bad with that on Squidoo... but it was so easy to bung out 10 hubs a day all with the same layout rather than mixing them up and making them more interesting for my readers to read.
Sooo, me and my one featured lens will get to find out what boot camp is all about...
I have the same problem. I moved some lenses that my daughter had on an account and there are only two of them for that account. I am right in the middle of boot camp. Wearing my camo right now.
I have a Squidoo lens that's mostly about the old magic lanterns and my dad's funny 60+ year old drawings for such magic lanterns and I've put those drawings on my Zazzle products.
So in that lens I'm linking quite often my products on Zazzle. Would that be a problem? I mean is linking to Zazzle ok or not. There's quite some text in that lens too.
A lens that is mostly links to zazzle will likely need to be fixed up after the import.
But we will give you time to fix it up.
A big reason we have these rules is because lots of links/affiliate links are heavily correlated with spam.
Unfortunately, It's hard to tell when a list of say amazon recommendations are coming from a passionate enthusiast or a spammer.
So we made the choice a long time back to require substantial amounts of unique text that ads value to the links/products.
Linking to Zazzle is fine, but it is a commercial site so you'd be limited to two links in a Hub - and that includes links in photo capsules.
I am just seeing this and have an idea. Go ahead and put each of the zazzle items you have the pictures on, just don't link them. Then put one link to your Zazzle store that has these. Maybe if your store has a lot of other things you can put just this grouping in a new store and put that one link
Oh, and of course tell a bit about them
2 text links per hub for affiliate, to your blogs, personal websites.
So what happens to our lenses that are for example, "book lists" for a weekly blog? The weekly posts have one item showcased, but links to the same lens page as a sub-site for the blog. That particular lens is showcasing each book/cd or item per week for the year. These two sites support one another. If I can't link each post to the book list the lens will be of no use. What are we to do? Any info would be most appreciated. Thanks.
Are you saying that you create a lens and then add to it every week, and that each time the new section links to the same domain?
Yes, that would be a problem. And frankly, there is no sense in setting up a system where you continually add to an existing Hub, because (a) there is no way to let your followers or readers know when it's been updated and (b) in its early stages when it's short, it's quite likely to fail QAP.
If you want a system where you add a new post each week, that's what a blog is for and it would be fit better somewhere like Blogger, where readers can sign up to be notified of each new entry. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're doing.
Your note caught my attention, as I began Squidoo literally using their platform as a blog. I showcase my fellow artists within my groups, and promote their art online. Each day, week, or regular time period, I would update the Top Ten lists, describe and provide a link to my fellow artist's latest work.
For example, my Hollywood Dolls is always on the update very regularly, basically because I designed it that way.
Hollywood Dolls is the first internet online ooak doll art gallery of its kind -- and it is also the most copied, knocked off, and ripped off thing on the planet since its inception. Which is one of the reasons why I made it to be on the constant update.
Another reason I began using the lenses as blogs is/was their rss capability. Whenever I updated a lens, my feed links automatically noted the updates on my yahoo page, live page, etc., and the rss subscribers, too. With the onset and expansion of social media, the platform enabled me to link to my facebook or twitter page to make the update announcement . I am not sure, but I think keeping the content fresh over the years has helped the search engines validate its relevancy. The lens, although simple in structure, is somewhat of a Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. With each new addition to the gallery of stars, there is an announcemen. Between January 1 and December 31, there have been more than 200 modules in my lens at a time. Most of the links go to the eBay domain to get to the artist's auction.
Based on your information above, is this a problem with Hub? Is there a minimum or maximum module requirement? or is there a limit to the photos we can use?
There aren't photo or text limits. The only limits are around links and products.
I think it's fine to continually add sections and update Hubs. There are many successful hubs managed this way. The key is that new sections directly support the title of the Hub.
It is good to meet you, Mr. Edmondson. Rest assured, whenever I update my web work, all updates (links, content, photos, etc.,) remain relevant to its core topic. Thank you for answering my question.
Your Hubs have no RSS capability. There is no facility to notify anyone when you update a Hub.
Speaking of RSS, do we still have a feed from our accounts here? And how can I access it?
No we don't have the RSS feed, or the keywords/tags that we use to have.
There is no RSS feed however on my blog I have a HubPages widget that displays my latest Hubs...
This can be found on this page: --> help --> ads.
In addition to your latest Hubs, whenever someone joins through your widget this person becomes your referral.
Prosperity66: Could not find widget.
However, there is a referral tracker that we can use on blogs, our own websites, etc. If you use Blogger, you can select from several gadgets to send people to your hubs.
Widget is optional and at the bottom of the page, just add your Hub username and click ok... it will generate a widget for you. I use it already on my marketing blog.
I just put two of those widgets on my blog, side by side. They look nice there! One is for my original HP acct. and the other, for the new one.
Will all the non-transferred content (from Etsy, Twitter, Fan Box, Quiz, RSS Feed, Countdown, Table of Contents, Yelp, RSS Mashup, and the Lens Love Widget) be deleted and de-indexed as soon as the lens has been transferred, or will reusing the content from those unsupported modules in a new hub create a duplicate content issue? For example, could I reuse the questions and answers from a Squidoo quiz module to create a text-based quiz in a new hub after the lens has been transferred? Thanks for your help.
The Quiz capsule isn't transferring? We have a Quiz capsule on HP, don't we?
Marisa, I copied the list of modules that won't be transferred from our lenses from the HubPages Squidoo Transition FAQ ( Here's the relevant excerpt:
Which Modules will not be supported on HubPages?
Please keep in mind that many of these decisions are still TBD and may change. We will be update you regularly with the latest information we have.
There are several Squidoo Modules that do not exist or appear differently on HubPages. We are building support for some (e.g., Callouts and Quotes) and leaving behind others that are less commonly used. In general, we will preserve as much original content and structured data as we can.
That being said, the Etsy, Twitter, Fan Box, Quiz, RSS Feed, Countdown, Table of Contents, Yelp, RSS Mashup, and the Lens Love Widget will not be supported. These Modules will not be transferred over but some may be introduced as new Capsules on HubPages in the future. We are figuring out how to handle My Lenses and Plexos, and whether or not we will build support for these Modules.
The content from those modules will not be transferred to Hubs and the Lenses will 301 redirect to the Hubs, so yes, it should be gone from Squidoo. Keep in mind, however, that if the content was copied elsewhere (or appears somewhere other than Squidoo), you may run into the duplicate content issue. If that happens, just contact us and we'll help you straighten things out!
Thanks very much, Marina, both for the definitive answer and for the offer to help if I discover that others have copied my content. Much appreciated!
There is a poll module and a quiz module. I'm assuming that the quiz module must have a very different structure to the Squidoo one and that's why it can't be used.
I wonder if this has already been asked - can we have html images on hubpages, the way we did on Squidoo, or will all those images on imported lenses just disappear?
HubPages doesn't support html images.
If you want to be sure an image is imported, it should be hosted by squidoo.
So, images that we included with html won't be there when the lens transfers? I read that we would have a grace period unless we went to edit a lens, and at the time I asked if this included the lenses that lost stuff, or were messed up in the transfer.
If we have to edit each and every lens that has lost a quiz and has text out of context, or pictures that also leave text out of context, and other examples....are we able to fix these without it counting against the 4 months? Seriously there might be a lot of problems no matter how much you prepare, and again we won't have time to rework all our lenses in a short time.
I asked if there would be a grace period before the grace period. Let us have a few weeks to fix missing images and other items that are specifically caused from the transfer, then apply the grace period for compliance and quality.
I can just imagine the outcry if every lens touched ends up unfeatured while we fix moving errors.
Another thought is this was never mentioned to my knowledge in all the info I've read. If I would have known about the images during that short 6 days of editing (with an extra day added) I would have fixed them before import, but we cannot edit anything anymore!
Yeah ... wow. It would have been really cool to have known about this before we could no longer edit lenses. MANY of us have hosted our own photos on sites like Photobucket or our own websites, placing them on lenses with HTML code, and those will now disappear apparently. This seems like a pretty significant point, so I'm surprised it was never mentioned to us in the transfer information on either site.
Yeah, well probably because the Squidoo folks didn't think to tell Hubpages this info.
HubPages doesn't support html images.
If you want to be sure an image is imported, it should be hosted by squidoo.
I miss the option of being able to use a photo gallery - it would have really added some fizz to one of my latest hubs.
It's best to use one capsule per photo - but if you add enough photos, each in their individual capsules, you get a gallery automatically.
@Kathy, I had thought up the same solution. Showing off photos and one link to them all.
After what I just read about images, I think many lenses will "be a lot of work" so join the club
That's the main thing I expected to be doing after the transfer. That's also why I was pulling an all-nighter before editing was frozen, trying to fix this for some of my most popular lenses.
the xml "backups" that Squidoo gave us do not include images.
It is likely that the Internet Archive (aka the Wayback Machine) will have cached a copy of your lens with its images, but don't count on that either!
Instead, go to each of your lenses and do a Save As (Web Archive) or (Web Complete) and check to see what your computer has. With Chrome, at least, the full-save creates a folder of all images and other resources on the page. That way you still have them, organized in folders by lens.
Break out a favorite movie or audio so that you won't go mad. It's tedious, yes indeed. And then we have to upload 'em all by hand to our hubs after the transfer. It'll be quicker than it was on Squidoo, at least. The uploader kept glitching on me last Friday and giving me broken image icons, which is one of the reasons I've always self-hosted (also because a dab of CSS let me make tidy responsive-width photo galleries, something Squidoo's own photo modules couldn't do.)
Yeah, yeah, it was harder the first time around when I had 800 lenses. Talk about maddening. Don't envy Katinka and others who still have big accounts. 250 lenses this time was a snap compared to it.
Yeah, around thousand lenses isn't an easy fix. However, I was already moving towards hosting images preferably on Squidoo itself and where I haven't hosted them myself, it's usually not a big deal to get an alternative. However, some of my top lenses will be a lot less visual because of this and some will lose meaning.
No promises, but we will look at some options for helping people with hosted images.
Give us a couple of days.
The best option is still having them hosted on Squidoo since we have those importing pretty well.
I'm pretty much amazed that you're able to do this import of lenses to your site. Very grateful too.
Thank you Paul...
And yes, hosting images at Squidoo might have been the best option for transferring, but like I said, we didn't even know this would be an issue and can no longer make any changes to our lenses for over a week now.
That is why I thought give us 2 weeks to fix this stuff, then apply the 4 months Fair to all concerned.
There was a point in time when Squidoo told us not to upload too many pictures to our lenses, and therefore many of us added them other ways.
I've got a bunch of lenses about artists using images which are hosted on Wikimedia Commons. They use the html provided by Wikimedia to pick up both the image and the attribution as to source. I started doing this after Squidoo started getting picky about images if they didn't have a clear source - and it just seemed the best way to evidence the source
At the moment the images are still clearly there on the lens.
Are these likely to be a problem in the transfer? (I'm assuming Wikimedia Commons is an OK source for images for hubs)
We have support for images hosted by squidoo.
We don't have support for images sourced via html, but we are looking at an option to help you.
As soon as your content is imported, we suggest going through your featured content to fix things up that don't transfer well.
Wikimedia Commons is an OK source, but citing the site alone is not enough. You are required to put the actual attribution in the source box.
That's what I do at present - the attribution is the specific code for the specific picture on Wikimedia Commons. I'm hoping both the code for the pic and the code for the associated attribution might be picked up during the transfer - otherwise I've got a lot of work to do on a lot of lenses.
There comes a point where the amount of rewriting and recreation of original content means it might actually be easier to take the content to another site and that's what I'm trying to weigh up at the moment.
However, bear in mind you're going to have to create from scratch on another site, which is just as much work - and you'll have lost all the benefit of the 301 redirects, which could be substantial if your Hubs had any age at all.
I know - most of my good earners are 5+ years old. I'd be very reluctant to do this. For me, in a lot of ways, it's much better if I can carry on with a site which operates in a similar way to Squidoo because I do recognise the benefits. I guess at the end of the day it's going to depend on how well Amazon converts.
It may just be I'll have to take some offline at the end of December if I can't get them all sorted out within the 4 months.
(Bear in mind I've just spent 9 months completing a book I was commissioned to write - and the announcement about Squidoo came through the day after my Editor sent it to print. I was already to put my feet up for some well earned rest!)
How cool is that! Sorry you don't get to rest; hopefully the conversion will make it all worth while for you! Personally, at this point in time, I never get to rest.
Labor day is indeed another labor day...
HubPages will take them offline for you if they're seriously breaching their rules. They'll just be unpublished, I think - might be worth checking on that point - in which case they'll be sitting there in your account waiting for you to fix them.
Buyemaildatabase1: Spamming is not allowed, and you have been reported.
Time to prioritize! What lens-hubs get the most hits and have the most display errors? Put those at the top of the editing list.
If they then get unpublished because we edited them, there go our Christmas profits. We just have to keep working on them until they do work.
We can do this... because we have to.
(a little pep talk there)
GreekGeek - any idea how hubs are organised on our profiles? What determines their order?
You can create groups on your account page, and assign each of your hubs to the appropriate group.
To help you keep things straight regarding which lenses have been updated, as you update each lens as a new hub, add it to the appropriate group, and you will know you have addressed that article. Then you can move on to the next one.
On our profiles themselves, you can determine which ones are featured. You can not organize them on them on the profile page however.
The default Hubs > Statistics panel of the dashboard lists hubs by Hubscore as the default (best to worst). Click the top of the "Published" or "Changed" columns to sort by original publish date or most recent update. (Hubpages is importing original publish dates for lenses). Or sort by traffic to tackle your popular ones first.
"Export as csv" makes a tidy list you can import into a spreadsheet and use as a to-do list.
There's also some handy options hidden away in the double row of tabs (beige row, grey row) at top.
Hubs > Groups Create new groups, add "orphaned hubs" (scroll down) to existing groups. You can also add a hub you're editing to groups in the "Display Options" pane in the workshop sidebar.
Note: Hubpages asks us to limit groups to hubs that are logically and closely relevant to one another. Each grouped hub gets a "Next" and "Previous" link at the bottom, passing traffic to the adjacent hubs in the group, like a mini webring. Therefore, we can't set up groups for our own organizational purposes. (i.e. no "hubs I need to work on" group.)
Also, in that beige "Filter" area, there's a lot of useful ways to sort your hubs. For example...
Designation > Not Featured - Engagement
...lists all hubs that have fallen out of "Featured" status because not enough traffic or reader engagement
Designation > Not Featured - Quality
... lists all hubs that need more work to pass QAP.
capsule > Amazon
...lists all hubs with an Amazon capsule. yes. What was the question?
(I should probably add this to my blog, shouldn't I)
Yes, adding that to your blog would be a good idea. However, in my case: I'd figured it out. What I was wondering was how hubs are organized on our PUBLIC profiles. How do they decide which goes on top? I looked at all the usual suspects.
OH. *wipes egg off face*
Looks like it's using first-published date, newest to oldest. And no, I can't see any way of sorting it, although that doesn't mean there isn't one.
Veteran hubbers? Help?
Your Hubs on the Profile page are displayed with the most recently published Hub on the top, going down to the first published Hub. There is no way to change this order.
The date displayed there is the date of publication or of last edit, whichever is more recent.
If you (or anyone else) clicks on the "Show All" at the top of the menu above your first Hub, a pull down menu shows what HP Topics your Hubs are listed in and how many Hubs you have in each main Topic. Clicking on a Topic there will change the displayed Hubs to show just the Hubs you have published in that Topic. (This won't permanently change what is shown on your Profile.) This feature is supposed to make it easier for visitors to find your content. It doesn't. Nobody can find the "Show All" button! Did you notice it?
That's really disappointing - I'm sure having the most popular lenses at the top of profiles on Squidoo makes a real difference to traffic.
In my ideal world, my profile would feature my chosen groups for different webpages/lenses/hubs.
Sounds like that would make it easier for people to find your best stuff and play copycat.
Here, you can highlight what you want in the spotlight at the top of your Profile.
Not really - it's worked well at Squidoo - and I have no hesitation in advising both Google and IP Hosts about copyright infringement. My preference is for options which take out sites fast.
I said 'copycat', meaning people who target your keywords because they worked well for you.
Copyright is different. By the way, Making A Mark® is a registered Trademark in the U.S., owned by Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Centers. HP is a U.S. company and could be sued because you use that as your user name. When you start writing Hubs, that Trademark violation will become part of the URL, which could jeopardize your Google AdSense account because it violates the rights of another and that is against Google Webmaster Guidelines. You might want to change your user name here.
Writing Fox,
I may be reading the last 2 posts of yours wrong, and maybe not. However I do take offense at the tone with which you have decided to educate MAM, or even feeling the need to. Just because we are coming from Squidoo does not mean we are ignorant, and MAM is anything but when it comes to online work.
Hope this is a misunderstanding and that if you had concerns with a trademark issue that in the future you could do it in a less public venue.
Thank you Kathy.
WriterFox seems to ignore the fact that I've had a blog with this as a name for nearly nine years and was known by the same name on Squidoo for eight years. During which time this issue re trademarks has never ever been a problem.
In addition - he may not have noticed that my username rolls all the words together.
If it's not been a problem all this time - and I'm sure they are as well aware of me as I am of them - then I don't suppose it will be a problem in the future.
Try putting Making A Mark into Google and see which of us comes up first and which of us gets more mentions.
By the way - maybe WriterFox should also write to the World Intellectual Property Organisation and tell them that they really need to be using another term for the document they publish on trademarks which is also called "Making A Mark" (see … ub_900.pdf )
This also post dates my use of the term on the internet.
Is there some reason you are not replying to me directly, instead of talking about me? What you have done on your blog may have been directed only at an audience in the U.K. The World Intellectual Property Organization is not an American registry either. I think the owners of Making A Mark® probably only registered the name in the U.S.
Because on the HP website your user name will appear in the URL, you are taking a great risk by using that name. But the risk is not just one that you are taking; the risk is also for HubPages, a corporation registered in the U.S.
Yeah, you were.
There was no 'tone' involved. You are hearing something which isn't there.
Nobody said that anyone was ignorant. MAM brought up copyright issues. On this forum, we constantly remind one another about Google's policies, and statements from Google such as these:
"Google takes allegations of trademark infringement very seriously and, as a courtesy, we investigate matters raised by trademark owners."
"AdSense publishers may not display Google ads on webpages that offer for sale or promote the sale of counterfeit goods. Counterfeit goods contain a trademark or logo that is identical to or substantially indistinguishable from the trademark of another. They mimic the brand features of the product in an attempt to pass themselves off as a genuine product of the brand owner."
If MAM is writing Hubs about the Making a Mark Program, then she can use their Trademarked name. I don't know what her Hubs are about because she doesn't have any yet. So far, she's not violating anything. But, on HP, your user name is part of the URL. This needs to be pointed out BEFORE any articles are transferred here. Putting that registered name in the URL on an article that is about a different art program, leads to consumer confusion. In my opinion, it's much better to point out to someone that they could lose their AdSense account and preempt that possibility.
I think your intent is understood. Publicly.
I disagree - so that's two people who detected a certain "tone".
I'm also fascinated to know WHY you are investigating me and finding out about the use of Making A Mark online (I guess you missed that one re. the World Intellectual Property organisation?). What concern is it of yours?
Note the words "raised by the trademark owner". That's VERY important.
It's customary of sites such as these to say "we will investigate if the matter is raised with us". The reason they say this is because of the fact that all sorts of "concerned individuals" might try to raise issues without checking out the background and the legal niceties. They need to protect themselves from taking action when this is inappropriate.
I can confirm that:
* I've never received any sort of allegation of trademark infringement - probably because I do NOT write about art exhibitions for children suffering from cancer i.e. there is no conflict.
* I've raised copyright issues with Google lots of time - where it has been an infringement of my content on my blog which uses the name "Making A Mark" and a uRL which includes 'makingamark'. Google has always taken action as a result of the issues I raised - as have IPs when I've raised similar issues with them
Bottom line - this has never ever been an issue at any point in the last nine years.
* You've totally ignored how many years I've been using this name on the internet and on very many sites on the internet - without any comment or problem.
* It's not an issue for Google.
* I've never had any issues raised with me direct - and unlike a lot of websites and Blogs I make my email address available.
* I don't expect it to be an issue in future.
* I really don't know why I have to say any of this to somebody who has absolutely no locus whatsoever with respect to my username. I find the whole approach bordering on harassment.
However if you think this is an issue of concern, don't you think you'd do better to raise the matter with the CEO?
So far as I am concerned this part of this thread is now terminated. If WriterFox wants to pursue this he needs to do this by contacting HubPages management. This is NOT an appropriate matter for further discussion in a public forum - period.
Perhaps somebody could tell me how I contact Paul Edmondson direct?
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