Sept. 25, 8:08 p.m.
In the last few days, I have published these two new hubs:
"15 Things That Will Rogers Did Not Say"
"Joan Jett Coaching in The NHL?"
And through above date, I have received NOT one comment. I asked Christy at Team HubPages what was wrong or was it me who did something to you, My Treasured Followers?
To not take a chance, if I DID do or write something that you were offended by, I sincerely apologize. I have four unpublished hubs in my hopper and I am not going to publish them until I get an answer as
to what, if anything, I did.
Hope you all understand.
Thank You,
Maybe it is your titles, and maybe Marisa is right, give us time to read other Hubbers and write our own hubs. You know we love you, but give us time to come up for air.
Blessings my friend.
Shyron, You are right. I have always had trouble writing the catchy titles. And yes, you can breathe now.
Kenneth, I put a comment on the Will Rogers hub, have not had time to read the other one about a woman coach for an NFL team. Right now I have computer problems and tractor problems.
Blessings my friend.
Shyron, sorry for your computer problems. And my best to you.
Hi Kenneth,
I love your writing, however, some subjects don't interest me very much. I am in the UK and superbowl and NFL and suchlike do not have the following here that they do in the US. Truth to tell, I wouldn't read about rugby or football either. If you have spare articles, you can always join another site and publish there too, LOL. It is also possible to have two, or more identities on Hubpages. You could try building up a different set of followers, maybe write poetry undera new name or your music hubs, etc. There are some other prolific writers on here that I follow and don't always manage to read every hub. It does NOT mean I no longer enjoy reading them.
Thanks for the nice comments. Your idea has not fallen upon a numb mind. Thanks for the tip.
Kenneth, I get behind in my reading. I try to support all whom I follow, but sometimes I have to pick and choose. You write such a variety, that I'll check our the title to determine whether or not I'm going to read. To be honest, I'm not much into satire, so I usually skip over those. Likewise, if I'm having a "blue" day and you write something dark, I'll skip that as well.
Okay. I did not know you were not into satre. I will try to change my topics and maybe my style, but one thing at a time.
Kenneth, don't change what you love to write for me or anybody. You have enough variation that you appeal to many different types of readers. I was simply answering your question about comments.
I also agree with many of the others that you saturate us with your frequency. We need time to read other writers we follow and live life. I basically only have time during my lunch hours. After working all day, the last thing I want to do is spend time reading when I get home. Same with weekends, but that's just me.
You have done nothing I would considered "wrong" it is only that I do not have much time on the 'net so I do not read your posts unless they interest me. Being a philosophy my interest is assisting others to comprehend themselves and the world around us, so unless it demands my interest I don't read the whole thing. If it begins in a way to command my reading I do and will reply.
Thanks for your supportive remark. I appreciate it.
I know how you feel. It is very easy to become disillusioned when one doesn't receive comments, because comments - now that all the other accolades have been discontinued - are the best way of assessing what readers really think of your work. When I publish a hub I often find myself regularly clicking on Hubpages, just waiting for that first little green '1' to appear next to Notifications to indicate a response! Until it appears, I find myself wondering if anyone will read my work and like it. Sometimes the first comment comes within a couple of hours. But other times I have to wait for several days with some anxiety.
But I can't complain because I don't always comment on other hubs - leastways not straight away. To comment meaningfully requires a proper reading of an article, and there just isn't the time to read and comment on the hubs of all the people I follow, as they are published. In fact, I very rarely comment when a hub is first published. Instead, I bookmark one that covers a subject which interests me and which I think I'll like, and then I read it later - sometimes many weeks later!
Anyway, don't be disheartened. All you can do is keep writing, and be true to yourself. I suggest from the comments here that your writing has many admirers, and that you are a respected member of the HubPages community. And bear in mind all those who are not members of HubPages and who may read and enjoy your writing. They may not comment because they would have to sign in to do so, but you may be bringing pleasure to more people than you realise.
You bring up a deep point and interesting too. My thanks.
You did kind of pressure me into following you. You followed me, then begged me to follow you, and haven't commented on my last few hubs either. Then, when you are following over 3000 people, it must be difficult to keep up.
I agree with Sherry, Kenneth. If you want people to comment on your hubs you have to do the same on theirs. I think you have only ever commented on two of my hubs, and then only because I invited you to check them out because they were relevent to something you'd written.
I try to reciprocate by reading a hub of everyone who leaves a comment on mine.
I do admire your imagination and ability to write a hub or parody on almost every subject. In fact, I voted you funniest hubber in the Hubby Awards two years running. You are an incredible poet as well and I always try to read any of your hubs that I know are poetry. I also consider you a good friend, so don't take anything here too personally. We all want you to be successful at HubPages.
Thanks so much for your warm and kind remark. And thanks for reading and commenting on my hubs. I appreciate your honesty.
But now I ask you for your help in giving me your definition of "success."
Kenneth, my friend, "success" is a funny word and means different things to different people.I enjoy writing at HubPages and get a lot of comments, but don't make much money here. The type of writing you and I do is not really what does well with search engines but if our friends and followers like what we write I think that can be seen as some form of success. Some may see having their hubs chosen to move to the niche sites success. I just had an email that another of mine is being considered, just have to make a couple of changes.
I started a new website for poetry and creative writing "The Creative Exiles" and you are welcome to come join as your poetry would be an especially good fit there. That way you could continue your high output but dilute it between two sites. You don't get paid for writing there at this stage, but we are in the process of compiling a book of poetry for publishing. I feel that will be another form of success, whether it sells or not. That will be followed by a book of short fiction from the site. A number of other hubbers are members there also.
Hey, brother. I really and sincerely appreciate your offer. And you answered my question of what "success" is really about. Of course my secret definition of that word would be, and although it sounds corny, but to me, success is making and having a lot of good friends such as yourself.
I guess there is a lot of "George Bailey/A Wonderful Life" in me. That would sum up my feelings on success.
I will consider your offer during my one-month sabbatical away from HP.
And yes, Jodah, I will now and always consider you a TRUE friend.
You are so right, Kenneth. Good friends and loving family would have to be top of the success ladder. You have to be very careful asking for help in forums. You often don't get the answers you are hoping for. If nothing else, I have learnt that. I consider you a good friend too.
Forgive me for as you say, pressuring you to follow me. I was not aware, but I am truly sorry. In fact, I take time during each break, and surf around hubs and maybe I just haven't gotten to yours yet, but I will.
Sorry for the confusion.
Sorry Kenneth, I have not been so active on Hubpages. But I will take some time and read your posted hubs.
Hey, no apology needed. It is I who should apologize to EVERYONE on this forum. I had no idea that I had been so pushy and even thin skinned to say nothing about unsuccessful.
I have truly learned something from EVERYONE on here.
Kenneth, I'm so sorry I haven't read either of the hubs or commented. I still love you, my friend. My son died last month, and it is really hard for me to read humor right now. I'm not sure why because I stay in contact with a former HP writer who lost a son a few months back, and she consoles herself by reading humor. I guess we deal with grief in our own ways. I'll try to do better for you my very dear friend.
I understand completely. I did not mention our daughter's death last Februrary and writing hubs is my way to keep my mind occupied instead of dwelling on how deeply I miss my daughter.
I am going to, on the advice of a few hubbers, take a month off and rest. And I was also told by one of these hubbers that I have saturated HP and exhausted my followers and if I have, I am sorry .
You and I go back a ways and understand each other very well.
I am sorry that you cannot read humor right now, and that is fine. I have some abstract/prose poetry in my bullpen and will publish them upon my return.
Would you consider doing me a favor? Please email my followers and tell them that I am sorry if I have, without knowing it, expected them to read each thing that I publish.
I hope to do better when I return.
And dear friend, I WILL always Love You too.
Kenneth, I fully understand, and I'm so sorry for your loss. Some people write hubs about their loss, but I can't. I haven't even said anything on Facebook. I would love to do you the favor, but you have so many followers, I can't even begin to know how to do it. Please, dear heart, don't pay any attention to a couple of old grouches. Do your thing as you see fit. Why a body can't even get an answer to a DMCA complaint, much less get in trouble for a bunch of old photos. BTW I apparently unknowingly used a questionable photo on one of my hubs, and HP immediately notified me so I could remove it. And before they come back at me for my ignorance of copyright laws, I studied copyright law for my BA and my MA, and I'm a legal editor. I'm quoting from my own experience of trying to get my own wronged copyrights righted. Try even hiring a copyright lawyer. They are scarce as catfish teeth. I've discovered that a person can't ask a question on this website without someone going on the attack. Please don't go away even for a month just to please some old soretailed cats. I'm really sorry that your feelings are hurt, dear friend.
I understand completely. I did not mention our daughter's death last Februrary and writing hubs is my way to keep my mind occupied instead of dwelling on how deeply I miss my daughter.
I am going to, on the advice of a few hubbers, take a month off and rest. And I was also told by one of these hubbers that I have saturated HP and exhausted my followers and if I have, I am sorry
Kenneth, I checked this comment out, and I think this guy is a spam. He has no published hubs, no followers and isn't following anyone. He just cut and pasted part of your comment to me. I advise deleting this because it could result in a hack.
Sorry Kenneth my fellow huber and special friend !
You are so appreciated ! I truly feel sorry for the lack of support of your talented writing.
I think we know you are so good at what you do we just take that for granted ,
I myself love to hear from you on HP , you are part of HP to me.
So please do not get offended when your supporters are not responding. It does not mean your hubs are not read, on the contrary I am sure you keep us busy with your work.
Kiss and tales is correct your writing are needed and a breathe of fresh air. I am one who stop to clear my head but say nothing , than I return to life (Politics) as usual. Everybody is tense about politics now and taking life and politics more serious then it's been in a long time, with good reasons.Football season affects traffic also, It's not just you i am not getting the comments I use to get either. traffic is in and out of season you been around awhile
And my Sincere thanks to You for your input about the hubs I have published and now I understand the landscape of HP.
Kiss and Tales,
Wow! Thank you so very much. It worries me so much that, and I am NOT boasting, research my topics and capture the highlights of them to share with the theme of my hubs.
I appreciate YOU Kiss and Tales for the sweet comment. I really do.
And . . .are you ready for me to build your birdhouse?
I just saw your name and it hit me that you haven't emailed me to tell me that you need the birdhouse.
Thanks again, Sweet, Dear, Hubber Friend.
Thanks again, Kiss and Tales.
I just wanted to say that to you for probably this is my last night on HP for a month unless I change my mind.
You are Very Special, my Friend. And always will be.
Keep in touch.
The answer to this has been suggested once or twice before.
The reason is simple. You are writing far too many Hubs and your followers are exhausted!
People enjoy your work but they don't have time to read a new Hub from you every day or two. They have lives to lead AND other writers whom they want to support as well. I am amazed at how prolific you are but I do think it is counting against you, because the amount of material you produce is quite overwhelming.
Perhaps you could consider dividing your work between here and, say DailyTwoCents or some other similar site? That way you could gather two sets of followers and spread the load!
By the way I think I have mentioned this before, but I would feel more comfortable if you took some time off to study the correct use of photos, and then go back and remove copyright photos from your Hubs. Many writers get away with using photos illegally, but I worry that because you use so many, someone might notice - and the penalties run into the thousands of dollars. So I hope you will alleviate my worry and take some time to look into it.
Thanks for your advice. As per the pictures, they are on public sites and anyone can use them. They are not in a copyright payment first site.
I check my photos each time I publish a hub.
And to be completely upfront with you, I never realized that the number of hubs was against me. This is a first for me, but there again, I know that I can learn something new everyday.
Thanks again for the counseling. I have five unpublished hubs left to publish, but I will take a rest from them and let my followers, whom I love very much, have some rest.
I think you demonstrate a very basic misunderstanding about copyright
I'd recommend time out from writing to do some study about why you are breaching copyright rules.
Ken, the rule with photos online is that ALL photos on ALL sites are copyright. If the site is happy for people to use them, there will be a statement on the site saying so. If there is no statement it's illegal to use the photos
Also, just because you see photos on pinterest, facebook, or other online sites, it does not mean that you can use them. The person who posted them may have violated the owners copyright. You could get in trouble for using them. There are so many places to get "legal" photos. Always check them first.
Well said, Catherine.
To amplify my explanation earlier: it may seem odd that photos are copyright even without a copyright symbol or a watermark, but think about it - have you ever seen a copyright mark or watermark on a photo in a magazine or a newspaper? Even, for instance, when that magazine has spent thousands of dollars to purchase a photo of a celebrity's new baby? Publications don't want copyright symbols on their images because it would spoil the look of the photo, it's up to us to respect their rights.
A good way to remember it is that attribution is showing your appreciation to the photographer, not the website. After all, how would you feel if someone quoted a piece of your Hub and thanked HubPages, not you? So if you can see the photographer's name next to the photo, there's a good chance it's legal to use the photo provided you thank the photographer (but you still need to check the small print on the site to make sure). If you can't see a photographer's name, then you can't thank them, so that means you probably can't use it.
Marisa and Catherine,
Well said. Now. Please, and I am serious, send me or post some links of FREE photos to use on my hubs. Would you do that? I would consider it a great personal favor.
I am not going to claim to ever knowing ALL about (this) subject that you and Catherine are, honestly, well versed in your comments. Again. Thanks a million. Honest.
So would you post/email me the free photo websites or . . .I may resort to using MY OWN digital photos and no pun intended, I promise you that I will not sue myself.
Thanks and I will await your response.
Or if this idea or ideas, as it were, doesn't work, do you think that it would be wiser of me to just resign HP and cling to the great memories? Just tell me the truth.
That seems to be the underlying tone to your comments now and your early comments. Not that I am upset or angry. Stunned, yes. But no harm done.
Please reply so I can find some closure to this issue.
You're asking other people to do your work for you?
I think you missed out the bit where you state the fee you're prepared to pay for their time and effort.
You are right. I did miss the "bit," as you refer to it, that states the fee to be paid for time and effort, but on Gettyimages, pixabay, Splash, and other sites that are NOT copyrighted for it says in their opening, "no payment or credit expected."
So I will be truthful. It seems as if you are happy to see me take this "break" from HP. Okay. I get it. I just do not know what I did to upset so many people by asking one simple question.
First condition of Getty Images states
"What types of licences does Getty Images offer? Getty Images offers three types of licence models: royalty-free (“RF”), rights-ready (“RR”) and rights-managed (“RM”). Royalty-free does not mean there is no cost for the licence. Instead, royalty-free means that the licence fee is paid once and there is no need to pay additional royalties if the content is reused. Royalty-free content is licensed for unlimited, perpetual use, and pricing is based on the file size. Rights-managed and rights-ready content is licensed for specific types of use, and pricing is based on factors such as size, placement, duration of use, and geographic distribution.
Comp licence: You are welcome to use content from the Getty Images site on a complimentary basis for test or sample (composite or comp) use only, for up to 30 days following download. However, unless a licence is purchased, content cannot be used in any final materials or any publicly available materials. No other rights or warranties are granted for comp use."
It's always best to check the rules to make sure you stay within them
I use Wikimedia Commons free photos. I have no intention of paying for photos for a website that doesn't pay me to use them. I also use my own. Check out Free Clipart, too, Kenneth. i think some of that may fit some of your hubs. Love ya! is also good, I find it's great for a whole range of photos and cuts out all the worry! You don't need to mention photographers or link to anywhere, just download the photo and upload it to HubPages and you're done. I usually just put "Pixabay" in the source name so I remember where I got it, but I don't bother with a Source URL.
I hesitate to mention it since Ken got so offended when I told him, but you are also not using the Wikimedia photos correctly. Please understand that it's not a criticism - it's a very common mistake as people think all the photos are public domain, but they're not. Most of them need you to credit the photographer by name, it's not enough just to say you got it from Wikimedia.
That makes sense if you think about it - how would you feel if someone quoted from your Hub and thanked HubPages for it without even mentioning you?
If you look at a photo in Wikimedia, you'll see there is a column on the right. Click on "Use This File on the web". The Page URL is the bit you paste into the Source URL. The Attribution is the bit you paste into the Name of Source. That's it. you're done - you can ignore the rest. Sometimes the Attribution is a bit wordy and you are allowed to clean it up (for instance you don't actually need to mention Wikimedia at all, the photographer's name is the important part).
I'm curious why you think websites should pay you to use photos - how would it benefit them?
MizBejabbers, dear heart, you are a life-saver! I shall follow your advice to the letter and use your photo ideas and help. Yes!
I now can rest up on my month-long break.
Love you, MBJ
Yes, Wikimedia Commons are a good place to get photos to use if you give correct attribution. My original comment may have been too harsh also, and I would hope you reconsider taking time off from HP. Writing is a good therapy and I can understand why you have been devoting so much time to it. As I also said I find your hubs very enjoyable and funny and your subjects diverse enough to interest most people (Tess excluded). Sometimes you write about celebrities who I don't know (not being American) so I won't read those hubs, but when I do read one of your hubs that interests me I always leave with a smile. Cheers.
Marisa, you said ALL photos on ALL sites are copyrighted? Well, I found one or two, thanks to a hubber who is no longer on here, but still a member and those ARE FREE.
So what do I do?
There are a few sites where images are free. Emphasis on FEW.
Maybe you could tell us how you know the images are free given your previous misunderstanding about what was free.
As for the number of Hubs, last time you had a discussion about traffic, at least two of your followers said they couldn't keeo up with you
@Marisa, I am going to take your que and take a short break from HP.
And sorry for not leaving HP. I just cannot back down and give in like I have for the better part of my life.
"Successful,"is a relative term. I think that I have succeeded in areas where some have not, but you can disagree if you like. That is your right.
I am just trying to make people happy and boy, did I blow it by asking that one question on this forum.
Unless it is to save one of my followers, or a sever emergency, I shall NOT use this forum again.
That is my only concession.
Hi Kenneth. I know how you feel as I also feel I have done something wrong if I don't have a few comments within a few hours of publishing (though for me time differences are in play). I personally follow so many people that I can often only manage to read about one hub per week of each person, you included. If I know it is a poetry hub I will often try to give it priority. There is nothing wrong with your writing, as Marisa is just hard for many of us to keep up with your output. I find publishing around one hub every two weeks is the right balance for me and doesn't overburden my followers.
Holy smokes, the fact that you've published well over a thousand hubs is remarkable. Kudos to your efforts and writing.
As people get wiser and older they tend not to read about subjects that don't interest them. I personally was never that into will rogers or Joan jet hence I didn't read the hubs. is the best site for you! You can use their photos freely with no concerns. And please don't give up, being successful on HubPages is a learning curve and you have just learned something new, that's all
You have to admit that I have NEVER claimed to be ANYTHING or anyone special on HP. And I can prove that if need be.
Fact is, I have used pixabay a lot. But now "I" feel singled out when since our last talk, I have looked at other hubbers and some of them do not even post credit lines. But they are not talked to like I have been. Let me say it this way. If you were me, how would you feel?
If you want me to resign and leave HP, I hate to hurt your feelings, but I have NO intention of leaving. And please share this with whomever allegedly wants me gone.
I could be wrong. I admit my imperfections.
Now you saying for me to not give up. I never intended to give up. And that term 'successful,' is a relative term. I know that you are successful. I get that.
But I beg you to not label me as a stumble bum. Okay?
I still consider you a talented friend. And maybe your IQ is so much higher than mine and I cannot help that.
Over the course of my life I have been tongue lashed and talked down to when I was growing up and having to endure my parental figures telling me things that were not so and then at school I did think that I would have a few hours of peace, but no, the students whose parents were powerful members of our town and school board, plus being rich and influential made their children say what they pleased (mostly harsh) to me and others like me.
And the teachers were no different. They feared their jobs so much that they never scolded these city kids.
So you can relate to my feelings of being reminded of how much I still have to learn.
I thought HP was a WE thing.
Maybe I was wrong. But I am not leaving.
Marisa is not attacking you, she's trying to save you from legal action. If she's singling you out, she's singling you out to save you from future trouble.
Now, I remember when a certain hubber chewed me out for not responding to his comment on my hub as if my writing was not worth reading without a thank you note from its author. That's harsh. Trying to save you from unnecessary legal complications... not so harsh.
I hope if someone tried to help me by warning me I was risking legal action, I'd be grateful for the warning.
I do see other Hubbers who use photos incorrectly. When I do, I always point it out to them - so you are not being singled out. Just this week, I've written posts on the forum to two other Hubbers about their photos.
Many Hubbers get away with it: if their Hubs are not highly visible on Google search, the stock photo companies won't notice. But you never know when you might have a Hub go viral and then the risk is there. … s-lawsuit/ … no-3514934
I am frankly mystified by your reaction. I did not at any point tell you to give up.
You'll notice some of your followers have said they can't keep up with your output, and they told you the same thing last time you asked about traffic - that's why I'm advising you that slowing down would give you more chance of getting comments. How do you twist that to mean I want you to give up?
@ Marisa,
1:51 a.m., Sept. 27
I DO take your advice to heart. And I am NOT leaving HP. I am going to try your links for new photos and MY photos will be mine.
Mystified? That is such a fragile work to use with me. I am not under or over reacting. Just surprised at how much I do NOT know about this hub thing and HOW MUCH I need to learn.
And I plan on placing a Blanket Apology to YOU and the other hubbers who have commented. I have already "mended the fence" with the two hubbers you said that I had not commented on their hubs.
I do take some time to surf around over my followers' work and Do leave comments. It is not like I am so greedy that I just want followers. No Not by any standard.
So at this point, I am going to take a short break with Five Unpublished hubs to publish at the point I am to return.
Sorry, but I cannot change my writing style. And please do not ask me to do that.
As for the other things that have been pointed out to be not just by you but others, "thanks so much. I do appreciate it."
I am the one who should apologize for being so stupid.
I see Marisa saying this again and again. She has a good heart and she's trying to help you avoid the financial penalties which can hit people hard when they do things wrong.
Just remember that this is the nice way that people highlight issues with copyright images. There are worse ways of finding out.....
Would it help if I said, "I surrender?"
No - but "I'll go and study more about copyright" might.
A SERIOUS point for a serious question.
This is NOT directed at this hubber - but more at those who are also reading this thread having thought the same thing.
Becoming a follower does not generate any obligation to comment EVER.
Followers are also NOT people who are sitting waiting for the next hub you publish. Wishing they were does not make it happen.
Bottom line followers are people who may have once read something you wrote and liked it - and clicked "follow" in case you write again on topics they like.
(This strategy works best with hubbers who write on very focused topics for fans of that topic. It works much less well with those who write about anything and everything and/or write too often and fill up your inbox)
There are a myriad of other reasons why a new hub might not get comments e.g.
* hubbers and others also have lives;
* they work and are at work and can't browse Hubpages;
* they have other commitments;
* somebody important to them got ill/died/is getting married/having a baby/younameit
* their interest in the Internet is sporadic,
* they now only visit one of the niches (the one they like best)
* or maybe they've stopped visiting HubPages.
Actually I could not disagree more, makingamark!
I agree IF you are talking about followers on your own blog or website, but not on HubPages.
Followers on HubPages are NOT readers. They are fellow writers. The vast majority of them do not click "follow" because they're interested in your subject matter. They follow you because they want to be part of the HubPages community and they know that if they follow you and comment on your Hubs, there's a good chance you will return the favour. In that way, you can motivate and encourage each other, and keep each other going even if the Google gods aren't smiling on you.
That's what following is about here. So it follows that if you become a follower and then don't bother to read or comment on the Hubs of people you follow, you're falling down on your side of the bargain. Which is why I follow very few people and never ask people to follow me.
I agree with both of you - it's optional. I rarely click on hubs in my feed, but I will follow promising new hubbers in order to encourage them.
@Marisa - I assume you're disagreeing with the first part of what I said - and , agreed, I guess I'm coming at this more from the perspective of a blogger.
By and large I like following experts and I've followed people who talk sense in the forums or who demonstrate they've got experience or knowledge worth knowing about.
I guess we all follow for different reasons. You have your perspective and I have mine.
The one thing I do know is most people don't "follow" in an active way. They click buttons just in the same way they click "likes" on Facebook or retweet tweets - it's quick and it's simple - and it might just mean nothing much at all 10 seconds later.
If YOU have got the time to follow to encourage others that's a good thing - but not a lot of people have (the time I mean).
Second part still stands.
The thing is here and I am going to stop with discussing this since I am outnumbered and hardly anyone seems to or wants to understand how I feel. I did not mean to start this discussion by asking my simple question.
MAM said you had a good heart. This, I agree with. And I agree with the other text of you trying to keep me from legal problems.
But not one of you has offered a remark about IF I WERE TO USE MY OWN PHOTOS. Would that be illegal? You best tell me now for I do not and will not endure such a discussion again.
If you use your own photos you are, of course, absolutely OK - so long as those photos are not of other people's photos!
The point about copyright (which you would know if you had done some studying about the rules as suggested) is that it protects the original work of authors, artists, musicians, photographers etc. from reproduction or republishing.
That way people can earn money from their own original work without being ripped off by those who don't want to pay for the fruit of their labours.
That's why if you use the images of photographers who sell their work they can send you an invoice for the value of the photograph you used and you have to pay - and the courts will back them up if you refuse or neglect to pay - and then it costs you legal fees as well.
If you take photographs and create your own original images, then YOU created and own the copyright and hence you can use your own photographs. However you never generate copyright if you copy the original work of others and it's not OK to use such images as if they are your own (i.e. same rules apply as if you used work without permission). I can point you in the direction of any number of high profile court cases about people who took other people's photographs and then purported to make art (and then lots of money) out of them.
You wouldn't have to "endure such a discussion" if you had done as advised and recommended in the past and studied copyright and gained a correct and factual understanding of what you can and can't do.
So far as I can see the "copyright thing" is a side issue to your original topic.
The question you asked was worthwhile - and one which many people think even if they don't ask. Others will have learned from this thread.
Saw your post and wanted to share that sometimes, (and that may not be the case here) even followers can find time to be a challenge. Maybe you will see this catch their eyes this coming weekend...
Kenneth, I hesitate to comment, but I feel I must. When I read one of your hub's I commented and you pleaded with me to follow you, which I did, yet you never read my hub's. It goes both ways. If you want followers, you must read the people who write. So many people do this, and it's an insult. Take care and I hope your feeling's are not hurt?
always exploring,
Before I say anything else to you, "forgive my ineptness," for not reading your works. In one of my previous comments I said that I do take time out each month to 'surf around' on my followers list and read as many hubs as I can and do leave comments.
I did not (honestly) know that I "pleaded" with you to follow me. I am totally grateful to have you as my friend and follower, but as I have gathered the tone of me not knowing much and I haven't seen any good remarks about this question I asked, so forgive my being ignorant.
I am going to rest up for ONE MONTH. And make a different comeback. And use MY OWN PHOTOS, read others works and do my best to mend whatever I did to cause such uproar.
Kenneth, I really did not intend to be rude. I reread what I wrote and it sounds harsh. I, in no way, want to hurt your feelings. You enjoy writing so much, and your articles are fun to read. So please overlook my abruptness and keep writing. I must take some time off at times too. Burnout is a real problem that I cope with. Peace my Hubber friend...
Dear always exploring,
Did you notice that I did make it to your hubs, read one and left a comment for you? Listen. No harm was done. I fully understood what you meant, but that does NOT change the fact that I am GRATEFUL to have you as my friend (first) and follower. And I WILL make it a point to visit your hub page every chance I get.
Time off will help me a lot. I have already sought and got permission from a Free Photo website to use their photos.
Peace to you too, my sweet Hubber friend!
The first couple of years on HP I cared about followers and following and comments etc. After that, not so much. Some of my most viewed hubs have few comments. Some of the least viewed have a lot. If you want a lot of comments, write about how great Obama has been as a president...
Maybe I need to take your approach. Thanks.
Excellent advice Paul.
People starting out value comments
People wanting to get their work out there and/or make money value traffic - and comments not so much.
Weird question but say you take a photo of a pic that's copyrighted, does the image you've taken belong to you?
That image is yours, but if you publish it, you will be breaching the copyright of the original photo, so no it's not okay to do that.
However, I have published reviews of books where I have photographed them - it's fine if it comes under 'fair use'. Of course photographing many pages would be breaching copyright.
Most writers would be happy as their book is getting some free publicity.
I just wanted to say you guys inspire me. You can tell you are all close and follow each other. That is cool to me. I am new and didn't actually think people commented on stuff. Hopefully I will be part of your close net group someday. I admire people who are honest and truthful even when its not that pleasant to say. Good for you all.
Hi, Renata,
I am glad that Marisa and the rest of her friends inspire you. I do not look at her or her friends as adversaries, but I do confess that I am not in her higher level of IQ or writing for that matter and going in to HP, I was only learning as I went and told her more than once that I did not know all of the in's and out's about photo usage and copyrighting as I do now.
Renata, you can do this one favor for me: Use only Royalty FREE and No Copyright Free Images Websites for photos you are planning on using for your hubs or you can do like I am going to do when I come back from a
one-month sabbatical another suggestion from Marisa and her friends, and by using my own digital photos that I will take myself, there will NOT be anymore discussions like this.
Welcome to HP.
DO NOT USE ROYALTY FREE IMAGES unless you pay for them.
They are not free. They are only free of royalties - which means you pay to buy them, then you can use them as many times as you want. If you do not pay for them then you're not allowed to use them.
You are not stupid, Ken, or you would not be able to write as you do. It is not hard to understand the rules about photos, it's just a case of reading information that is freely available. Did you read my Hub on how to use photos legally? Did you read the links about how people are sued for doing the wrong thing?
HubPages is not just about writing, it's about understanding your responsibilities as a writer and the rules of HubPages. It is perfectly within your ability to do that, it just takes a little effort.
I am neither lazy, thin-skinned or stupid.
I did some checking with an editor at HP and named a few of the sites that I am going to start using and asked if THESE would be a problem for me legally? They replied, "No. Why?" I replied that I just wanted to know.
So with these sites and using MY OWN digital pictures, no one should have anything to say to me about photos, number of hubs, and my character.
The line about my IQ is tough for me to grasp especially when I did pay you a compliment in telling you and all who would read that YOU have a very high IQ and that is evident from the hubs you have written.
I am, if you do not mind, going to check a few of your works and will leave you an honest comment--not because I fear your criticisms. Just because I can do this in my month-long break.
Again. I apologize for NOT being as keen as you in the writing area.
I invite you to read one of my works and you can maybe determine where I rate as a hubber. Deal?
Ken, I do not care how you rate as a Hubber. I don't care what your IQ is. I have no interest in the subjects you write about, just like I'm sure you have no interest in the subjects I write about. All of that is irrelevant.' I am just trying to give you advice to keep you safe as a Hubber and to solve your lack of traffic/comments.
Of course the HubPages staff told you sites like Pixabay were fine. I told you they were fine, too!
For the THIRD time, I said "the rule with photos online is that ALL photos on ALL sites are copyright. If the site is happy for people to use them, there will be a statement on the site saying so. … ost2841675
So can you explain to me, why you think the HubPages staff are contradicting what I said?
I have never at any time suggested there would be any problem with using free photo sites or your own photos. Why would I? Can you explain?
And can you quote ANY post where I've commented on your character?
And by the way, GettyImages is NOT one of the sites you can get photos free of charge. You can certainly use GettyImages photos on HubPages but only if you paid for them first.
I know myself a lot better than you do. I am NOT lazy, thin-skinned or very intelligent. You didn't have to say I was a lower class writer, but it was your style of treating me as if I did not know one thing. I have pride such as you do.
I apologize to you sincerely here and now for somehow leading you to think that I was something you felt as something. That I do not know.
I am a simple man with a simple mind with a simple goal: To allow my hubs to make as many people happy as possible on HP and there is no harm in that.
No. You did not and you will not make any comments about my use of my own photos in the future.
And just so you will know. I did read one of your hubs about fifteen minutes ago and liked it very much. My perception of you being a person with a high IQ was right. So I was right about (that).
Now. Let me finish by saying. You CAN remark all you like about MY photos that I will take, but only about the subject matter. Not the contrast, pixels or screen ratio.
And do continue to write great hubs like the one I just read.
Would it really hurt you to read ONE or just some of one of my hubs?
And what would you like me to do when I have? I don't see the point. You are a good enough writer to have some of your Hubs accepted for the niche sites, that tells me all I need to know.
By helping you with photos and frequency of posting, I am just trying to help you tweak your performance so it's even better. If you choose not to believe that, that's your problem.
Please read my final comment on the other post. That will explain a lot. And I do believe what you say.
Good night.
Love and peace to you.
Renata, this is one of the nice things about HubPages, although this thread has got a little heated!
The social side of HubPages doesn't help you earn money from your Hubs, but it's a great way to keep motivated. You can also learn a lot about the craft of online writing from your fellow Hubbers.
It's entirely up to you how actively you participate in the social side.
If HubPages is your office, then the forums and the following/commenting system are the water cooler. If you spend too long chatting by the water cooler, you won't get much work done and your income will drop! So if you're online to make money, you need to cut back on the amount of following/commenting/forum posting you do.
However if you're here to have fun, then the social side of Hubbing becomes the most important part. Don't go too mad with following people - as we've discussed on this thread, the whole point of following is that you're going to support the Hubbers you follow, and that means reading and commenting on their Hubs. If you follow too many people, you'll find you can't keep up with all of them.
The best way to get comments on your Hubs is to make intelligent, meaningful comments on other people's Hubs.
I don't know you, so I went to look at your hubs. Nothing caught my eye that I would like to read.
That is very fine with me. Thank you for looking at my hubs and I am very sorry that nothing I published caught your eye.
Are you one of my followers?
No I am not. I don't think followers ever read what one writes. I certainly dont expect them to. I focus on writing for the web -'a hit and miss affair.
Tess, you are certainly honest and I can appreciate that, but you sound as if I have offended you in some way, so just to be on the safe side, forgive me of it here and now.
But I do want to read your works--with no strings attached.
Would that be okay?
??? I can't imagine why you would think that you offended me. You asked a question. "Why did your followers not comment on your hub?"
I was curious so I went to look. To me, nothing was interesting. When I write I try to think of the reader. I wonder what someone will search for on the web. As a person I'm interested in things that can help me in some way. I'm also interested in growing my intellectual knowledge base. Knowing what someone I have never heard of did not say seems to me a waste of my time.
However we all read for different reasons. It seems to me that the reason you ask my permission to read something I wrote is simply a way of telling me that you are going to read something I wrote. I'm also assuming that you belong to the school of thought that assumes a reciprocal relationship. This means that should you read something of mine I must read something of yours.
I am a professional writer. If I had to read everything my followers wrote, I would be reading for the next 10 years 24/7 it doesn't work that way.
Nobody owes it to you to read your stuff. If nobody reads what you wrote it can safely be assumed that what you wrote was not of interest to them. I hold these truths to be self-evident...
Tess, no reciprocal reading necessary. Just wanted to read your hubs, one if I have time today. And I thought it prudent to ask first and not be liable for any sign of intrusion on my part.
Tess, I was just looking to the future sitting in my safe treehouse.
You just made me laugh. I have to warn you that the only time I read hubs is when I want to know something and I search for the topic! I have found that hubbers have covered virtally every topic on earth. When a hub is particularly good, I will share it on one of my social networking sites.
Renata . . . no thanks necessary. But it does pay when discussing topic(s) to remain honest no matter what is said in the conversation. I can tag it as a matter of conscience upon when the discussion has reached an end.
Kenneth is at a low ebb and wants a little attention. Marisa has too much time on her hands and is determined to be helpful (like it or not). Makingamark is on a mission to avenge HP's treatment of her 'curated lists'. And I have had a glass of wine and become unreliable (if I ever was), lol.
Are good outcomes possible in these situations?
Hoping not to offend people you mentioned that I think are kind of cyber-friends of mine of sorts - but I'm laughing hard. With at least a couple, or one, of them in there you mentioned, I think you were rather perceptive.
Not so much determined to be helpful as very angry when people ascribe hidden agendas to me.
Sometimes, reading the emotional situation is more important than being right.
And I humbly disagree with your assumption that I needed attention. If I wanted attention, I would simply post a comment like: "Hey, HubPagers, how about giving me a night or two of your attention?"
But I didn't and so it goes.
And I haven't any agenda's hidden or otherwise. @ Marisa, one more and final time, "I apologize to you and the rest who my one question days ago set off this fire storm of words, phrases, mine, yours, others, that took up a lot of time and space. I will try to hard not to do this ever again."
A lot of us appreciate the help you have given over the years!
I try to stay away from these "Oh shucks my IQ just doesnt allow me to do things correctly", passive-aggressive arguments, but I still notice them and applaud you for continuing to try and help.
Me too
Plus I'm with DrMark's sentiments too.
Really Will! (BTW I had decided to leave this thread well alone until you dragged me back into it!)
FACT: I'm incredibly grateful to HubPages for making me pull my finger out and get on with moving my content!
What on earth have my views about how HP chooses to rate hubs got to do with this thread? I'm just a perfectly dreadful pedant when it comes to copyright issues.
My only reason for getting involved was because of the accusations being levelled at Marisa which were completely unjustified. What's wrong with that?
Nothing wrong with needing a little attention. It's just one of those human things.
Giving in to the need to feel undervalued and attacked then reveling in the masochistic joy... Bit more problematic but entirely understandable.
Pure denial... Hopeless, lol.
I will give you attention! I love your hubs. They are often fun to read. Don't worry about the haters....just have fun, laughter and keep spitting them writings out. You have the best night Ken...I think you and your writings are awesome!
Kenneth, You and I have been here long enough to know there are times of feast and times of famine. I get about one third as many comments on my hubs as I get views. Do I wish I got more? Sure! I don't write to hear myself talk (type!). And I know I sometimes (!) write as if I'm the final word on a subject. (Old reporter trait.) Just keep 'em comin' and the Good Lord will separate the wheat from the chaff.
Dear Kathleen,
Amen! And you are so right. I do not write for personal vanity of reading my own hubs or to get people to talk to me. I am not. Repeat, not, that vain.
Thank you for giving much-needed clarity to MY own fog of confusion.
(Did you like that flurry of flowery phrasing?)
Love you.
I understand the frustration Kenneth. I have to often wondered maybe I am writing hubs people do not like or understand. I thought maybe I needed to be more creative ut then learned over time that those who are inclined to like and comment will come eventually. I must not give in to disappointment of my own making. I quit putting expectations on people and let them be who the are. To not see results right away is not failure. Failure is when you quit and give up on what your passion of the heart is about. Stick with it my friend. Time is not relevant but persistence is.
Sorry I have not read them yet. I have been in and out of the hospital the past few months. It has not even allowed me to write. However I am back now. I would greatly enjoy reading what you write
My friend, I understand completely. And thank you for the wisdom shared. I shall not forget you or your words of kindness and truth.
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