Hi Hubbers, my second time trying to post this article....
It keeps getting removed.
Most likely due to ridiculous grammar rules.
I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my Hub When Can We As People Evolve From The Modern Election Process? by Preston. (part 2) (must be signed in to view). What can I do to improve? Thanks!
Are you the person removing everything?
No, dude, obviously not. If you want a direct response from Hub staff, email your questions to them. The 'help' link is top right of the screen.
I could list the things other than grammar that are wrong with the hub, but you don't seem to believe peer feedback so just skip to getting it from the horse's mouth.
So why not just point out the important stuff 2 days ago?
We aren't being paid to edit whole articles. People might offer advice for free if the person requesting it is polite and seems open to constructive criticism. Nobody wants to help someone with a wretched attitude.
I explained at the time why I didn't. Repeatedly. (Recap: The fact they you don't accept what we tell you, and aren't even nice about it).
"they you" I think you need a comma between that miss editor. But either way, I am 1 person. Second, supporting something that is less then 110% correct. Is not really that negative. It shouldn't matter soo much if someone forgets a comma 15 times in an article or not... The basic message is passed on either way.
At least theage miss somewhat agrees this is ridiculous. If you want to comment why not just do it on the normal page instead of removing it?
What normal page? I can't remove anything - I'm merely a writer. I was just agreeing with your point about it probably being unpublished to due to 'ridiculous' grammar rules.
Why do you spell your username with only one 'm'? I'm curious.
Figured you were some site official/grammar nazi.
How did I figure wrong? You get paid by the site to edit as u just said. Secondly for the second time... You support that something shouldn't be on this site because it's missing some Grammer skills.
I never said that. Nor did anyone on this thread. Because none of us are staff. You need to work on your reading comprehension skills.
Oh right sorry my mistake. not being paid sorry.
But still a grammar nazi.
Having established that you are incapable of learning how to create a publishable hub I am done with talking to you.
You know what? This site should pay people to edit articles to meet their nazi standards for grammar. The site has terrible customer support If none of you are customer support... Like I tried to call them before posting here and they didn't answer.
This is a user forum, not 'customer support'. What on earth gives you the idea that you are a customer? Do you actually know how the site works?
You will get paid if your writing meets the required standards and attracts sufficient views from external traffic. No-one here has any control over whether your hub is published. All we can do is read it and make suggestions to help. We did that and you chose to ignore and insult us.
Complaining about other users, aka writers, who are willing to give their time *for free* to help newbies get their work published is like slapping them in the face with a wet mackerel.
You need to grow up and act in a mature way that befits someone who aspires to being a writer, instead of presenting yourself like a spoilt 4 year-old having a tantrum.
You're not a customer. Readers are the customers.
You're trying to get work here as a freelance contractor. You want the job, you follow the rules. You don't like the rules, go find another site to work for.
Well I know you can earn a little ad money if you work constantly. Publish a short story worth of articles, and maybe be able to buy a used car in 10 years. But I'm not really looking to talk finances. However I still don't think grammar should have to be selected from a list of usable words.. The idea of anything slang not being allowed for example is still rediculous.
If you're not looking for money, then HubPages is not the place for you. HubPages wants articles that have money-making potential, that's why they have rules in place.
There are plenty of other sites where you can post anything you like because the site isn't looking for money-making potential.
So what rules am I breaking here Marisa Wright? That I missed a comma or that something Isn't a capital letter? That really should not block someone from posting something.
(that is the whole point, on why this discussion has gotten so large.)
The article is between a loose collection of thoughts and a coherent essay. It also has many punctuation and capitalization mistakes.
I think you would be better off posting these on a personal blog, which you can make for free on Wordpress.com or Blogger.com. You could instantly publish whatever you want and not worry about ridiculous grammar rules, or all the malware, as you claim on your profile.
What are you an English major? What you think is a mistake might be wrong.
You don't want feedback or suggestions how to get your hub published? Okay, so stop asking us then.
It isn't. You are misusing basic punctuation. If you really wanted to fix things you would ask what the mistakes are, not just question whether they exist at all or whether our feedback is good enough for you to listen to. If you don't want it, don't complain about not getting it FFS.
You said that like 4-5 days ago. You guys need to be a lot more specific.
Prove you can follow advice and I might help more; we all might. Make one change to conform to hub style, remove your name from the title.
If you do that I'll give you a full critique.
That's what I thought. Until you can show that will will make even one simple and obvious fix, there is zero point in trying to help you get this published because you aren't at all interested in making that happen.
The correction requested, to test your ability to make even the easiest correction, was to take it out. The evidence suggests you are literally incapable of fixing your hub.
I highly doubt just having my name in an article or not will get it posted. Honestly, so far from my experience here. The site is ridiculous.
Plus, as to having the name of the person who wrote the article in the article... Shouldn't stop it from being published. If anything that just further reflects the nazi rules in this site.
Why are you back, then?
On second thoughts, don't answer that. It's irrelevant.
Yes, if you miss capital letters or commas or spell words incorrectly, that is enough to block someone from posting something here.
The owners of the site - and most of the writers - are here to make money from posting articles. We can't do that if we allow uneducated dimwits who can't spell or punctuate (and are too lazy to learn) to publish work, it would drag the whole site down and affect our income. So we're not going to.
The discussion has only gotten so large because you refuse to accept that fact. Everyone who has responded to you has told you the same thing, so it's time to get the message.
Well, we already told you that correct grammar, spelling and punctuation is required at HubPages but you rejected that factual information.
Maybe what you really want is to discuss these political issues with someone? Perhaps you want feedback on your point of view, rather than a critique of your writing skills.
If that's the case, click on "switch to topical forums." This button is on the left-hand side of the page, toward the top, under the HubPages logo. Go to that area of the HubPages forums, and you'll find a number of people who will want to debate these issues with you -- and your comments won't go through the quality assessment process. They will all be published immediately, just like they are here.
Best of luck and have fun!
Yeah, I think he would have a lot of fun over there!
Umm maybe? But neither of the hub's are published. Continuing to other parts of the site is pointless.
What she's saying is, if you just want to have a discussion on this topic, then forget about writing Hubs - just join the Topic Forums and you'll find lots of people willing to have a good discussion. No need to worry about grammar or spelling in the forums.
The thing is, you won't make any money there, it's not a paid part of the site. If you want to make money from your writing then it's like any other kind of work - you need to learn what your client expects and provide the service to their requirements, otherwise you don't get paid.
Ummm no I would rather have a conversation with people in real life then online. I took the time to write this to put it online. So that any one can view it. I am not apposed to the forum idea. However trying to post this. The only feed back I got was spelling could be better. For the example that was used... To change my spelling the remark I received was basically that of: shouldn't should be spelled should not. In which case i said, it really shouldn't matter. Both are correct. Ultimately depending on your point if view.
You misread her comment. Here it is so you can re-read it:
http://hubpages.com/community/forum/138 … ost2847928
You originally put a hyphen between should and not and she said to change it to either "should not" or "shouldn't" without a hyphen. You're right that both are correct. The hyphenated version is incorrect.
In which case I said that a _ and a - is also not a big deal. Either way I changed that like 2 days ago.
To all my angel colleagues who are offering to help this ingrate I say it's time to wrap it up. He has no interest taking your well-founded advice and only wants to mouth off about how unfair it is for HubPages to demand proper English usage. Time to move on; there are plenty of other newbies who are delighted to get the critiques of experienced writers.
A new face. Welcome sir.
As for proper English. I'm guessing the idea of `slang` is something that annoys you... Well I would like to expand your vocabulary since a lot of slang style speach is considered to be proper English. This can be supported by the dictionary.
Please don't make the assumption I was addressing my comment to you. I was not. I was offering advice to the good people who have graciously and without reward tried to help you and have received in return argumentative rebukes. I can see from the dismissive nature of your comments that engaging with you in a constructive way is pointless. By the way, it's "speech" not "speach."
Well I'm just responding on my phone it's not like it's an extremely difficult task here. Give me a break miss.
Hello mister Imortalone. You are so full of passion. The content tells all what you are feeling with politicians. I understand that we can write about almost anything, but we can not used the wrong words. We need to have a good manners when we are expressing our thoughts. Hub pages expects the best from us. I see; you are missing pictures. We are not allow to copy pictures or sayings from blogs. The best thing that you can do. It is to read hub pages learning center. I am looking forward reading your finished hub.
There is one picture. I edited it myself.
What words are you talking about?
Hi imortalone,
I think you bring up some good points, but the style is a little rambling and you need to organize the piece better.
The title is too long. Maybe "Changing the U.S. Electoral Process" or something like that would be better. If people are going to look for a topic on Google, they need concise info. The title DOES explain what you mean, just shorten it.
Then take each issue, and make a paragraph or two about it. You are skipping around too much. You must have written essays in school and know the correct grammar rules. Even if you start your own site, the piece still won't be read much. It reads more like a diary entry.
Write one paragraph about what you think is wrong with the process. Or more, It could be a list.
Then discuss each issue separately. You used a lot of sources, and so you did work hard. It's just a disjointed read. Why don't you read a few other political hubs that are successful and see how they read through? That's what I did when I joined here.
And if you type it on Word it should help you with spelling and grammar issues. People are trying to help you, and I understand we feel sensitive about our first piece on a new site.I was nervous the first time I published a piece here. I think you can do it. Why don't you follow the advice you've been given? You asked for it, and the people who gave it have been sincere, nobody is trying to hurt your feelings. If you want to be on a writer's site, you have to use grammar rules no matter what site it is. Good luck. Anyone who wrote on this forum would like to see you succeed.
It is sort of like a diary. I kind of like it like that. I guess you can say I'm an inde writer.
I am not looking to have a billion readers. That sort of publicity over an article is ridiculous..
I am also not a politician.
There are standards for writing, just as there are standards for any other type of work. In general, you will find that if your workmanship is shoddy, you will not be able to market your work successfully. People generally prefer their pants legs to be the same length, their seams to be straight, their walls square and plumb, and their spark-plug wires attached in the correct sequence. People like the stuff they read to be readable, clear, and concise. You can acquire these skills if you want to. But I'm getting the impression that you want to attach your spark-plug wires in the incorrect sequence and then have a tearful melt-down over the injustice of your shit not working.
Well blueheron. I do understand your example. However, this is an article, it's not a car. No one is going to die. If I forgot a comma or whatever expert level grammar mistakes, there might be in the article.
I guess you have hit on a way to get a lot of activity on your forum post. Just argue with everyone who give you the advice you asked for.
I haven't received any great advice. Ive clearly said this a few times.
What you mean to say is that you haven't received anything that says "this is a great article - there's nothing wrong with it" or words to that effect.
One problem I see with you is that you already think you are a great writer (in reality, you're not) and as a result, you are unwilling to listen to any advice you are given here. Delusions of grandeur do not make you a great writer - hard work does.
If you are serious about becoming a writer then you have to learn to take criticism/feedback. The constructive feedback you get here is nothing compared to what you would get if tried to post/send your article to a publisher that is interested in paying you. You have to be willing to learn from others in order to improve your writing skills.
None of us are perfect writers who write great articles with no mistakes. Writing, like anything else, is a craft you have to keep on learning about in order to perfect it. If you are not willing to learn, then what is the point of becoming writer?
By the way, the use of slang is something that should be avoided as different slang words mean different things in other countries. For example, the slang use for the word "root" means one thing in the USA and something totally different in Australia (look it up). People forget that it is the World Wide Web and not USA Wide Web.
Umm no that's not what I mean? I don't care if you like my grammar.
Slang is awesome.
And secondly I didn't even use much slang. This is quite the formal paper. Did you even read it?
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