I've been watching my numbers the past few days and tonight I finally made more than one million page views! I've been here just over 5 years and almost lost the whole site in the summer of 2014. It's been a long crawl back, but with the help and advice of other hubbers, the implementation of the niche sites and the increasing popularity of the RV lifestyle, I have been able to reach a point I never thought I'd see. Feels great! Thanks to all of you...fellow writers, the team, readers....you have made this possible. If I never see one more page view, this will be plenty for me.
Woohoo! Great job, glad to see you made it to such a big number and stuck around!
At TIMETRAVELER2, Congratulations to You and right now I am very envious! Keep up the great hubbin'!
@ Tietraveler2,
One question: How did you achieve this great milestone? I would love to know. Thanks.
Lots of hard work and paying attention to the info in the Learning Center.
Congrats! We arrived about the same time, but I'm only about halfway there. Then again, I have a little less than half as many hubs, maybe I'd better get to writing. I've weathered some ups and downs as well, but still hanging in there. I'm glad to hear you made it, you're my new hero.
Sherry Hewins: Thanks so much. I honestly don't believe the answer lies in the number of hubs you write. I have seen people here with very few hubs who do extremely well. Some years ago, one hubber wrote ONE hub that garnered a million views...so you never know.
I have developed a pattern I use for every hub and it seems to work well in most cases not only for bringing in views but also for getting hubs moved up to niche sites, where I believe hubs garner the most views.
I write at least 1000 words per hub
I use 2 to 3 public domain photos that I edit for clarity
I make one of those photos made for Pinterest
I try to write relatively short capsules
I usually use no more than 2 Amazon capsules. Many times I use zero. The ones I do use are highly relevant to my topic and always include a blurb about why people should use the products.
I use a YouTube video that is pertinent to each hub. Sometimes I add two or more as appropriate.
I am very careful to make sure that my titles match my content and are the correct length. This site http://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer has helped me tremendously with that task.
I also am very careful about how I write my summaries and make it a point to avoid keyword stuffing in them.
I make sure that my capsule titles "tell a story" so that people who skim articles get the gist of my hubs
I search for the best key words for my titles
I place my first photo beneath my first paragraph of writing.
I always use a poll, chart, map or some combination of the three
I properly credit every photo, even when it is my own
Finally, I write solely about one topic.
Although that topic has a somewhat limited audience, it is one that arouses interest. It is also one that I know a great deal about because I have a ton of experience that I am able to share.
Not every hub does well, but they do not all need to do well. For example, I have two hubs that between them have brought in 300,000 plus views! I have others that are really struggling. They all can't be winners, but if you have enough that are, that's all you need!
Finally, you have experience as a motorcycle enthusiast. If I were you, I'd use articles about that as my main core. That is a hugely popular topic.
I thank you for your kind words, but I'm no hero...just another old lady who has lots of time to write about something she loves who has been willing to learn what others teach...and the learning never stops.
Keep on trying..you and all of the others who have offered congratulations here will make it. I never thought I would, and I know there are many others who have done much, much better...but here I am and I am just thrilled.
Thanks for sharing so much of the knowledge you've gained.
You said in this list, "I place my first photo beneath my first paragraph of writing."
Is there a specific reason why the first photo should be beneath the first paragraph?
Thank You and Thank You for taking the time to share your technique
First, I like to place some written content at the beginning of my hub to provide an overview of its contents and second I like to reinforce that information with a visual .
Some disagree that you don't need written content at the top because images are also content, but I don't like to take chances. Google likes to see wordage, so I provide it!
You are so Right! Another writer on here mentioned that she had moved her image down so that the first text capsule was at the very top; she found that her hub score on those particular articles changed within a few hours.
I had totally forgotten that I had asked you about this very thing (and hadn't seen your response until just now—for some reason, I don't receive notifications for forum responses/communications).
Anyhoo, after seeing what she discovered, I decided to experiment with my own articles to see if anything would shift. Sure enough, they have!
Many of my articles were dancing in the low to mid 70's, with a handful in the low 80's (one or two actually made it around the mid-80's). Now, ALL of my articles have increased. MANY of them are in the mid to high 80's and there are a few that are in the low 90's! Which I'm super excited to see. So, I encourage everyone to take the time to test this out with their own articles and see if it improves their ratings.
I agree with you 100%. I believe this makes the article Google Friendly
I'm excited to see the long-term results It took a long time to go in and fix each article, but it is so worth the effort
Thanks Again for sharing your invaluable experience and expertise
simplehappylife: I'm glad this is working out for you. I do a lot of analyzing with my hubs, and often try different approaches to see if I can find some way to make improvements. Sometimes they work, sometimes not...but I will tell you that I have been able to revive many hubs that I thought were dead in the water by doing this. I feel it is especially important to write good titles. This is something I still struggle with, but when one clicks in, I know I've got a winner.
Keep at it. The rewards can be wonderful!
HubPages ought to make this a sticky somewhere.
The only comment I'd make is that it's not essential to concentrate on one topic - it's possible to be equally as successful writing about lots of different things, provided you can offer good information on them.
The big reason many people fail, is that they are picking subjects because they're perceived to be popular, not because they have something worthwhile to contribute about them.
I join RonElFran and the others in Wishing You Our Best for Achieving the "One Million Views" milestone.
You deserved this great honor--for you worked for the honor. Continue the great work.
Congrats on reaching a well deserved milestone!
Wow, That's awesome
Congratulations TIMETRAVELER2
Congratulations TIMETRAVELLER2 that is some milestone. Your hard work has paid off. I know how determined you were and it sure has paid off. That is fantastic news.
How far are you from million?
I reckon you should reach very soon.
@Ashish Dadgaa Not quite! I am closer to 400,000:) I need to double my efforts.
Ohh great. You reached half way
I am sure that you will touch million very soon
Wish you good luck.
Wow, that is a terrific milestone. Here's wishing you many more years of writing enjoyment here on Hubpages.
Blond Logic:
Thanks so much. I really appreciate all of the support you have given me and know it's because of people like you that I've been able to achieve this goal.
This is so excellent! Congratulations on your tenacity. Reaching a million is something to be proud of. Onward to many more! (Lifting an imaginary glass of champagne in toast to you.)
Awesome, very well done! Congrats from the Team!
@Christy, I agree with Christy. Congratulations. And Christy, did you get the photo glitch repaired?
Please say YES.
Congratulations for achieving this wonderful milestone!
congrats my friend, I would never be able to reach there, not in a million years!
Congratulations on this great achievement! Keep it up!
Many congratulations That's a fantastic achievement.
Wow congrats! How long ago was it that you hit the 500k mark?
7 months ago. Around the end of July, 2016 give or take.
I have found that once you reach certain plateaus, things seem to speed up. However, I hit the half million mark at the height of my "season" and the numbers never did drop back for some reason (which they usually do).
Last month I had 59,000 views more than the same month last year! I keep track of the monthly views on a chart that I started back at the end of year one so that I could view my progress. The first few years were horrible, but after that views began climbing. Whether that will continue, who knows.
Amazing. That's why I wanted to know That was much faster than I expected. But on the other hand, I remember your post on 500k so I assumed it couldn't be too long ago.
With the niche sites, I hope you continue to get more and constant views throughout the year with an even bigger boost during RV season
Well done. Surprising how much mileage you can get out of an RV, lol.
Congrats, TimeTraveler! It's a big, big milestone - perhaps even bigger than the 10M that a handful have made.
Based on my current stats, I have an estimated 4 years to reach that
Wry: You are SO good at this stuff...I think 10M will be the least of your achievements! I have learned so much from you that I can't begin to thank you.
That's about what the numbers tell me, too. 50 months, give or take 30.
Wilderness: I'm not so sure about that! I've read the work of the people who have gotten that many views and am always totally impressed by the amount of work they put into their writing and research. They deserve those views! I'll never make it that far, but that's OK. What I've done works for me, and that's enough. I'll just continue plodding along lol! Thanks for the kind words.
Oh, they absolutely deserve it - never intended to imply they didn't. But I do think the first million may be the hardest to reach - that first M includes all the work to understand what's going on and how to write. Plus, of course, the views come faster and faster as time passes.
I hope you're right! Will let you know once the figures are in. Thanks.
Congratulations on your determination to keep writing at HubPages and earning the Million Views! It's hard work and I think it's been more difficult the last couple of years, but worth every minute of work.
I LOVE this, Mark. Thank you so much! I well remember all of the advice you gave me the summer of 14 when things really turned South for me. As you can see...I listened...You were so right....so thank you, thank you, thank you.
Hope it's OK to use part of it as my profile pic here...it's adorable! Let me know if this is a problem...just email me.
Thanks for those words of encouragement to all of us I reached the 500k mark around the same time as you and I'm just over 600k right now.
Your checklist - It's perfect and it's exactly what I do since the last 2 years or so and have been doing when editing old hubs (Yes I do not have many to edit, but I still got many to edit lol). But I do not think about Pinterest until after the hub is doing well. Maybe I need to change that, we all do.
Way to go, there are very few writers online that can claim to reach the million view mark especially in today's oversaturated interwebs. Congrats!
Glad to see this post, congratulations! You mentioned that even if you do not see another page veiw you will be happy, but you will see a lot of other page views now! Your numbers are just going to go up and up. (I want HP to put in a 5M accolade too. 10M is a long way to go.)
Fantastic! I am so happy for you - great news, it's a long haul, and you deserve to celebrate. Congratulations!
CONGRATULATIONS!! Happy Hubbing to the next million. I'm miles away but I share your joy.
Congrats, TT2, on this wonderful achievement. You are a great writer with beautiful, insightful hubs.
Huge congrats!! And you earned a full color M. Ewbie for your achievement!!! Print it out and frame it.
WooooooooHoooooooo! Congratulations to a hard worker. Fantastic news.
That is so super! It take long, but it feels so good, doesn't it? I really like your hubs. Congrats!
Couldn't have done it without you, Marisa. Cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me. It's been a great ride.
Congratulations to you, milestones are always great to achieve and you should shout about it.
Wow, tt2, congratulations! I think I need to stop reading the forums and start writing MORE hubs! I really appreciate your list of "how-tos." Very concise and informative. Thank you for sharing. Hope you have a million more views!
Thanks, Janda. I put that list on because it took me a long time to come up with the writing formula I use and I thought it might save other writers some time.
I think the most important thing I've learned here is that every single piece of what you produce matters from the title and summary right down to the polls,maps, etc.
I didn't know much about online writing when I came here, so it took me a long time to figure that out. It's a BIG learning curve.
Many here think that getting views happens randomly, but I disagree. There are small things you can do to upgrade every hub that can really make a difference, but even with that, you have to consider your competition.
For example, I tried writing once about Breast Cancer. It was a good article but it got few views. Finally I realized that I was competing with the big medical sites as well as the American Cancer Society. No way an article on that topic is going to do well under those circumstances, even though I had personal experience.
Writers have to look at their topics from many angles. Competition is an important one!
TimeTraveler2, I totally agree with you. I think "everything" has to add up for us to get maximum views. Even what you're saying about competing with other sites about info on cancer and what you said earlier about writing on one topic (yours being RVs, travel, ownership, etc.) are both important. I wrote for several years for Examiner.com, had 29 articles posted on travel and outdoor recreation, but in the past year, that site went to all "entertainment"--concerts, entertainers, etc. So my articles (and photos) went offline. I have rights to them, but now I'm having to rewrite and reformat them, with the goal of posting them on HubPages, which I think will be a good fit. So far I've only posted two, but they've gotten good response. Of course, writing is a lot of work, and I keep getting involved in social-action projects and heading out to travel. So with your encouragement and advice, I'm going to get to work and write. Thank you!
Good luck. I'm sure you'll do well because you have the "write" attitude!
Congratulations on the views. Woo hoo. I am trying to get to 10,000.
Hey congratulations! That's not any easy task; especially with all the changes that have been implemented on this site. I still have a little over 700,000 before I can reach that milestone. Now onward to 2 millions!
Awesome, TimeTraveler2! At the rate I'm going currently, it will take me 1,155 years to acheive that! LOL Okay, yes, I DO need to get my butt in the chair and WRITE! You're a great role model for us newbies! Thank you!
JandaRaker: ...and thank YOU. It's always nice to hear kind words from fellow writers here.
by Stacie L 7 years ago
Hello;I have been watching and waiting for this milestone over 8 years and it's finally happened! I see that I have over 500,000 views today.The last six months have increased tremendously .so thanks to HP's positive changes, I have achieved this goal...and now looking forward to 1,000,000.
by Mark Knowles 16 years ago
Not sure why, but I have decided that the arbitrary amount of 500,000 page views is a landmark worth celebrating Anyway, my hubs passed this landmark today. Woohoo !The amount of views varies dramatically from page to page, as my earlier hubs were created with not one clue about anything online...
by Jennifer Crowder 14 years ago
I am so happy to announce that I just made 100 hubs. It was hard but now I am ready to do 100 more and more.. It is just hard getting to 100 but now I feel I can do way more. I am so glad I have made this achievement.. Thank you to all of my followers for reading and also to the search engines....
by Jennifer Crowder 14 years ago
Hello everyone, I just wanted to say that I just made it to $100 and I am so grateful to have made that accomplishment. I want to thank everyone that have supported me on Hubpages and I want to thank the search engines as well, lol..
by gracenotes 14 years ago
I'm happy to report that I reached this milestone! It was not a click, but rather a few extra cents made from impressions that pushed me over the barrier. So maybe I won't complain about pennies made from impressions in the future.This is a nice feeling!
by leigia67 14 years ago
Took me a year lol! Well may be the next $100 will move a little faster :>
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