I just made my first earnings from HubPages! The HubChallenge works!

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  1. mommyfreelancer profile image71
    mommyfreelancerposted 15 years ago

    Sorry, just can't help it. But I've been here 3 weeks, with 7 hubs, and no earnings. Am not complaining, I was prepared to wait and hubbers here are great!

    But right after I published my 2 hubs in the HubChallenge for 3 days now I have $0.47! This is great!

    Day 1: http://hubpages.com/hub/MAKE-MONEY-ONLI … K-PROVIDER
    Day 2: http://hubpages.com/hub/Top-15-Amateur-Singing-Moments

    I don't know if it's coincidental, or if my hubs for the HubChallenge are better but there it is, my first earnings from HubPages. Hope it's not a fluke! smile

    1. curiozities profile image60
      curiozitiesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You beat me and I've been on here for 3 months.  Congrats!

    2. emievil profile image65
      emievilposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats mommyfreelancer!

      KCC that's a very good tip. Will apply it right away!

    3. profile image0
      generatemoneyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      How do you participate in the Hubpage Challenge?

      1. KCC Big Country profile image80
        KCC Big Countryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        You just jump in.  It's 30 hubs in 30 days.  Day 1 is when you chose it to be.  The 'rules' are here:  http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/17849

        When you publish your hubs you can post links to this thread only:  http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/18049

        You can meet the Challenge team here:  http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/17940

        If you have questions, holler!

    4. viryabo profile image85
      viryaboposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Definitely not a fluke.
      CONGRATULATIONS. I wish your more and more earnings.
      My income has increased too. Slowly, but, Improving.
      The challenge is great isnt it? smile

      1. KCC Big Country profile image80
        KCC Big Countryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I'm really glad you guys are seeing some of the many benefits of participating in the HubChallenge ALREADY!  Can you imagine day 31?  You'll be posting YOUR graphs next go around!  It is very exciting!  Keep up the great work!

  2. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 15 years ago

    Well done, hope it continues. smile

  3. profile image48
    badcompany99posted 15 years ago

    Well done its a nice feeling when you earn even a small amount, it will grow, keep writing !

  4. KCC Big Country profile image80
    KCC Big Countryposted 15 years ago

    This seems like as good a place as any to mention this...but do you guys/gals have each hub set up in Google Adsense under the "URL Channels"?  This feature allows you see day by day which hub(s) are bringing in that 47 cents.  It's fascinating.  It's not always the hub getting the most pageviews like you assume it would be. 

    How to set it up:

    Copy the URL for the hub you want to track.
    Go to google.com/adsense and log into your Adsense account
    At the top just above your "today's earnings" you'll see a white tab with blue lettering sticking up that says "AdSense Setup"
    Click that tab and when you do it changes screens and that tab turns blue with white writing and opens up new options below it.  You'll see "Channels". Click on that.
    On the left side, right in the middle of all the darker blue writing it says "URL channels" just to the right of "Custom Channels in black.
    Click on URL Channels and it will turn to black lettering and just below it you'll see "+add URL channels" in blue.  Click on that.
    Just below that, a box now appears and above the box it tells you how many more channels you can enter.  It does have a max.  My suggestion would be once you get close to reaching that max you start omitting some older ones that don't do much.
    Paste the URL in the box and click "add channel".  You'll see your hub URL appear in the list. 

    Now when you call up Adsense, you'll be able to see that 28 cents came from this hub, 10 cents from this hub, etc.  It helps you determine which of your hubs are making you the money.  If you can figure out WHY, do more of whatever that is.

    1. BODYandSOUL profile image61
      BODYandSOULposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Oh I never knew this! Thanks KCC! smile

      BTW congratulations, mommyfreelancer! smile

    2. profile image0
      sharongailposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Great information. After I see my hub what is the next step?

      1. KCC Big Country profile image80
        KCC Big Countryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        See above.  If you still need help, email me.

    3. Chris1|Chris2 profile image60
      Chris1|Chris2posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry, I'm still getting used to the AdSense thing, but I was wondering, do I need to then check the boxes next to the links I've added at "Activate" them? What does it mean to "activate" them anyway?

    4. Wendy Krick profile image64
      Wendy Krickposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      This was great information! Thanks for posting it.

    5. viryabo profile image85
      viryaboposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much. I had totally forgotten about adding my new hubs to the channels. I have noticed a slight increase in my income. So slight, but im so thrillled!!!!! lol

      1. viryabo profile image85
        viryaboposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Did the URL additions to my channels.Thanks for that reminder.

        BTW, My earnings for yesterday ALONE, was higher than my total June earnings. Could Adsense have made a mistake??? WOW

    6. mommyfreelancer profile image71
      mommyfreelancerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, KCC. I did this but when I log in to the Adsense Report, it does not show the individual URLs, instead it just has a line for hubpages. Could it be because of this message "Please note that the channel data in your report below may overlap if ads are tracked by multiple channels. Only your aggregate reports will be used to calculate payments"??

      Help, please. How do I view them?
      Thanks very much!

  5. KCC Big Country profile image80
    KCC Big Countryposted 15 years ago

    BTW...you guys/gals are doing great!  The earnings start out slow, but take off really quickly when they do.  It took me MONTHS before I saw my total at $20.  But after the last hub challenge in May, I've now reached my first payout.  I'm working towards a much quicker 2nd payout.

  6. SimPly RaRe profile image61
    SimPly RaReposted 15 years ago

    good job..i'm very happy for you..neat--you're seeing some $$$$- i got some, too- less but we are hubbingly happy - yipppeeeee--
    keep up the challenge--

  7. flread45 profile image59
    flread45posted 15 years ago

    I reached my first payout today also,feels like something accomplished writing  hubs.

  8. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    Watching earnings rise and gather momentum is like watching a thermometer lol got to love it, lol

  9. Richard Ring profile image59
    Richard Ringposted 15 years ago

    VERY Cool KCC Just setup channels for my hubs; will be interesting to see what makes what then build on that.

  10. Isela profile image60
    Iselaposted 15 years ago

    Congratulations! It´s great for motivation!

  11. Richard Ring profile image59
    Richard Ringposted 15 years ago

    Actually I just dug around on Analytics and found something similar to this.

    Login to Analytics (if you've linked your Adsense to Analytics) and Click on 'Content' -> 'Adsense' -> 'Top Adsense Content.'
    It will break down each page and what it's earned, bit more comprehensive.

  12. mommyfreelancer profile image71
    mommyfreelancerposted 15 years ago

    Thanks, KCC for that tip. Now I will know if it is really the HubChallenge hubs or the others that made me rich! LOL! big_smile

    And thank you, all. Good luck to all of us! smile

  13. Pamda Man profile image59
    Pamda Manposted 15 years ago

    I can't make any money. sad I'm under 18.

    1. mommyfreelancer profile image71
      mommyfreelancerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Aww... look at it this way. You started waaaay early, so pretty soon you'll be earning lots! Cheers! smile

    2. Mark Knowles profile image58
      Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You can't have an account here either, wink

      Once You register you may create a Hub to become a Author. Only adults (18 years and over) may become Authors.


      Sorry. ciao. sad

      1. profile image48
        badcompany99posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Lol smile

      2. Pamda Man profile image59
        Pamda Manposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        In that case, I better delete my post. smile And I hope you will too.

  14. Kidgas profile image60
    Kidgasposted 15 years ago

    Congrats.  It certainly is a great feeling.

    1. Pamda Man profile image59
      Pamda Manposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Lol. At first I thought you wanted me gone.

      1. Kidgas profile image60
        Kidgasposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        No, just trying to stay on thread with mommyfreelancer.

  15. Pamda Man profile image59
    Pamda Manposted 15 years ago

    You mean even if I have not a AdSense account, it still records my revenue?

  16. Pamda Man profile image59
    Pamda Manposted 15 years ago

    But really, what's the point of being over 18 and being an author? This is discrimination. But wait, I am over 18! In human age (me as a panda), I'm 42 years old. Lol, 42.

    And it didn't say anything about being 18 when I signed up. sad Not my fault mad

  17. KCC Big Country profile image80
    KCC Big Countryposted 15 years ago

    You're welcome, folks!  Glad I could help.

  18. Richard Ring profile image59
    Richard Ringposted 15 years ago

    We should all post our graphs after we complete our challenge. May need to make another stickied thread for that (Post-Challenge Follow-up) or something like that. smile

    1. KCC Big Country profile image80
      KCC Big Countryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It'll have to be something coordinated through Darkside and Ryan Hupfer.....because it's ongoing....the 'end' is hard to define, but I'm sure they'd love to post some success stories to encourage the next round once this initial round hits it's 30 days.

      1. Richard Ring profile image59
        Richard Ringposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        That's what I was thinking, it's not really an "This is the end of the challenge post" but more of a "Did you finish your challenge? Show your results to encourage others..." That's all smile

        1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
          Ryan Hupferposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah, I think this is a great idea....once we start to get some HubChallengers that have finished, we can come up with a way to show their results.

  19. bgpappa profile image79
    bgpappaposted 15 years ago


  20. Kidgas profile image60
    Kidgasposted 15 years ago

    Wow, that's great.  I am getting tons of traffic, but in fact, have gotten absolutely zero beginning on Friday, the start of the challenge.  I am beginning to wonder if the rest of July is a wash.

  21. oderog profile image47
    oderogposted 15 years ago

    July has been my best month, if I remembered very well I have been doing my on challenge since june, and with june 26 - 30 july I have managed to doubles my hubs and gaze what the adsense income has also double, initially with 20 hubs I was earning less than $3 a month but since then am past $10, hope this new challenge will make it better

  22. KCC Big Country profile image80
    KCC Big Countryposted 15 years ago

    Awesome stats guys!  Kidgas, have faith.....if you write it, they will come.....(corny I know).

  23. Kidgas profile image60
    Kidgasposted 15 years ago

    Thanks for the encouragement KCC.  I appreciate it.  Just had 4 days in a row with no revenue and thought with the increase in hubs and readers, I wouldn't see that large a drought.  My earnings did increase from June to July by 50% as the number of hubs increased so I agree with your sentiment corny as it is.

    1. mommyfreelancer profile image71
      mommyfreelancerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      smile After my first earnings of 47cents it hasn't moved smile
      But I'm still lovin' the HubChallenge!

  24. Mac Mission profile image60
    Mac Missionposted 15 years ago

    You are rocking ...... Keep going......

  25. Chris1|Chris2 profile image60
    Chris1|Chris2posted 15 years ago

    Is there a way to check how much money you're earning by checking something in HubPages? or do you always have to go to your Google AdSense account?

    1. KCC Big Country profile image80
      KCC Big Countryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      As far as I know the only way is to click into your Adsense account, but you have a shortcut to it on your "My Account" screen if you click "affiliate settings", then "check Google adsense".  (now that I think about it, it might be easier to type. google.com/adsense and log in.   LOL)

  26. blondepoet profile image72
    blondepoetposted 15 years ago


  27. lindagoffigan profile image59
    lindagoffiganposted 15 years ago

    Congratulations on your earnings.

  28. viryabo profile image85
    viryaboposted 15 years ago

    Earning something every day, not enough yet, but encouraging.
    All thanks to the 30-30 challenge. smile

  29. wrenfrost56 profile image53
    wrenfrost56posted 15 years ago

    big congratulations, well done and long may it continue.

  30. kmackey32 profile image53
    kmackey32posted 15 years ago

    yes good job

  31. mommyfreelancer profile image71
    mommyfreelancerposted 15 years ago

    I can't view the individual URLs though so I don't know where the 47 cents came. Anyone know how to do it? Thanks.

    1. KCC Big Country profile image80
      KCC Big Countryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Click the line that says "Top Channels"...it's at the top just between "adsense for content" and the number of page impressions for the day.   You can switch to a different time period other than today (like month to date, all time, etc) and do the same thing.

      1. mommyfreelancer profile image71
        mommyfreelancerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, KCC. I posted another forum on this smile
        I was under the impression it can also track those before I listed the individual URLs. I am now enlightened. Cheers!


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