HubMob Weekly Topic: HubMob's Most Popular Topics

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  1. Princessa profile image78
    Princessaposted 13 years ago

    HubMob Weekly Topic: HubMob's Most Popular Topics

    The 4 most Popular HubMob Topics in terms of number of hubs and users

  2. KiaKitori profile image67
    KiaKitoriposted 13 years ago

    It must be really fun to have a pool and get ready for summer. All that inflatable water toys and games, all that floating chairs and lounges, all that slides and bouncers waiting to be dusted, blown up and lunched at water all over again.   But are... read more

  3. Denise Handlon profile image89
    Denise Handlonposted 13 years ago

    There is a huge market hitting  the tween age group.  But, you can choose products that help them to grow into responsible future leaders.  Here are some suggestions. read more

  4. TamCor profile image80
    TamCorposted 13 years ago

    Make or order the perfect gift for any mom, whether it's for her birthday, Mother's Day, Christmas, or any other day of the year.  Here are some ideas for making your own unique gift! read more

  5. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years ago

    Fire prevention is still many times more effective than treatment of third degree burns. read more

  6. Denise Handlon profile image89
    Denise Handlonposted 13 years ago

    While many of us suffer from periods of meloncholy, a person who is clinically depressed may not be able to function in several areas of his life.  Read more to discover the types of depression, what to look for in your self or others, and where to turn to for help.  You, or a loved one does not have to suffer from depression. read more

  7. workingmomwm profile image77
    workingmomwmposted 13 years ago

    Oops! Posted this under the wrong question spot. Trying it again, since I already started this hub before the topic was announced. … ofKombucha

  8. workingmomwm profile image77
    workingmomwmposted 13 years ago

    The Bath and Body Works fragrances in this list are perfect for cooler weather wear. read more

  9. Just Ask Susan profile image92
    Just Ask Susanposted 13 years ago

    Is salt really all that bad for you? Our bodies need salt for our muscles, our hearts, to think and for our memory. read more

  10. Laura du Toit profile image71
    Laura du Toitposted 13 years ago

    Rooibos Tea is one of the few cooking ingredients that is indigenous to South Africa. This tea is unlike any other tea and its versatility and unique characteristics makes it worthy of the praise it receives. read more

  11. L.L. Woodard profile image68
    L.L. Woodardposted 13 years ago

    Ayurveda is an ancient system of health care treatment. Ashwagandha is a herb that has long been used in ayurveda and now has been the subject of initial scientific studies. read more

  12. Sharyn's Slant profile image91
    Sharyn's Slantposted 13 years ago

    Yes, love can be a "drug of choice."   For those enmeshed in love addicted relationships, it can be extremely devastating.  But change and recovery is possible. read more

  13. Tamila Roberts profile image36
    Tamila Robertsposted 13 years ago

    Health is really important. That's one of the main reasons why doing strength training exercises is so important to grow taller. It's OK, if you didn't practice too much in a gym as a kid. As long as people persevere in that path it can only get better.

  14. L.L. Woodard profile image68
    L.L. Woodardposted 13 years ago

    Meat rubs, whether wet or dry, and marinades are an easy method of adding flavor to your food. Rubs and marinades increase the versatility of your cooking and allow you to get creative with flavors. read more

  15. Sharyn's Slant profile image91
    Sharyn's Slantposted 13 years ago

    It is fairly easy to understand and visibly see a person who is addicted to alcohol, food, drugs, money, or nicotine as these are all concrete substances. But an addiction to love is not easily visible.  Love addiction is something that affects many people. It is not easily recognized or understood as an addiction. Yet it is disabling to those of us who use love relationships as our “drug of choice.”  Check out my new Health Hub LOVE ADDICTION Loving Yourself Enough To Stop The Pain. … -Pain?done

  16. Beata Stasak profile image85
    Beata Stasakposted 13 years ago

    I believe people like to share their experiences from everyday real life and also learn from others. Your four weekly topics reflect my belief. We live in a magical time when we can find any people from all around the world who have the same hobbies, same opinions, same experiences...just like us...for better and for worse we are joined all together in a magical web:)
    I would add the travelling and photography to your HUBMob's greatest hits:)

  17. Chuck profile image84
    Chuckposted 13 years ago

    April 25, 2011
    Shingles is a disease that is usually found in older adults. While the disease used to be found more often in those sixty and over, the number of people in their fifties with the disease is increasing.
    Despite the fact that... read more

  18. L.L. Woodard profile image68
    L.L. Woodardposted 13 years ago

    It's hard to find a fruit or vegetable more versatile and loaded with nutrition as the tomato. On top of that, tomatoes just plain taste good! read more

  19. Jane Bovary profile image85
    Jane Bovaryposted 13 years ago

    Mini-automobiles for children have been around almost as long as the real thing, ie; shortly after full-sized cars were modeled in the 1890's and were handcrafted from metal- steel and sometimes from wood. When the Model T was introduced, pedal car versions were brought out almost immediately and according to classicpedal, they featured "a steel body molded to look like the real thing, and a wood chassis and wheels with rubber tires" read more

  20. prairieprincess profile image91
    prairieprincessposted 13 years ago

    Some very creative ideas for honouring your Mother on Mother's Day. And some of them do not involve shopping! read more

  21. Just Ask Susan profile image92
    Just Ask Susanposted 13 years ago

    Here I have two ways to make a Caesar salad dressing and a spinach salad dressing with a Greek flair. Homemade dressings are less costly and healthier. read more

  22. L.L. Woodard profile image68
    L.L. Woodardposted 13 years ago

    Heat stroke and heat exhaustion can occur any time of year, but they conditions are especially prevalent during periods of hot, humid weather. Learn how to recognize the symptoms and prevent them from occurring. read more

  23. LensMan999 profile image59
    LensMan999posted 13 years ago

    Initial years of a child's life are the most crucial years because this is the time when a child adopts his mannerisms skills and traits. These are defining years in which his personality will be shaped. As a parent, it is imperative for you to... read more

  24. Pamela99 profile image86
    Pamela99posted 13 years ago

    Mother's Day is a very special holiday and there are numerous ideas for gift selections. Find a gift that is unique for her. The history of mother's day is reviewed. Mother's have been honored since the tine of the Goddess Isis. read more

  25. aslanlight profile image67
    aslanlightposted 13 years ago
  26. Chuck profile image84
    Chuckposted 13 years ago

    Toto Intelligent Toilet automatically analyzes a persons urine during normal urination.  Data saved and can be tracked and analyzed using Kenko Kanri Kun health management software on home PC. read more

  27. Howard S. profile image72
    Howard S.posted 13 years ago

    Have you tried to count the varieties of BBQ sauce at the grocery store? Do you know how many claim to be the original, traditional, old-fashioned style? One day I simply decided I was going to make my own. read more

  28. Denise Handlon profile image89
    Denise Handlonposted 13 years ago

    Salads can be a side to an exciting meal-or the main dish.  Here are three favorite salad recipes to enjoy, which are simple to make and healthy. read more

  29. Pamela99 profile image86
    Pamela99posted 13 years ago

    Many diet plans include purple and blue vegetables and fruit

  30. Denise Handlon profile image89
    Denise Handlonposted 13 years ago

    Why not treat your family like company and whip up a delicious chocolate cake or brownies that is sure to be a hit?  When a 'Choc attack' strikes, these desserts are guaranteed to appease. read more

  31. TamCor profile image80
    TamCorposted 13 years ago

    There are endless possibilities for making, or buying Father's Day, Christmas, or any other holiday gift baskets for Dad--here are several suggestions on how to put one together, or order one online. read more

  32. Danette Watt profile image79
    Danette Wattposted 13 years ago

    These two crock pot recipes use just a few ingredients each and will save you time and money. read more


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