Whether you have a green thumb or not, getting in touch with your inner gardening-freak is never a bad thing and we've decided to touch on it today with this week's HubMob topic of Green Thumb Hubbers: Landscaping, gardening and loving your yard. I have put some research into seeing what are great topics to publish some Hubs about and there were many, many topics that had to do with managing yards, gardens and landscaping projects, so I decided to throw it out to all of you wonderful HubMobsters to see what we can do with it.
If you love gardening and planting like there's no tomorrow, then write a Hub on that. On the other hand, if you'd rather just pave your front yard as opposed to having to water it, feel free to Hub on your sweet thoughts on the latest and greatest paving techniques. There are many, may topics that you can branch this off to, but just be sure that you just keep with the overall theme.
To join this week's HubMob, please follow the steps below:
1. Come up with an amazing idea to write your Hub on that has something to do with the topic of lawns, landscaping and other lawn and garden topics. Make the topic your own and feel free to have fun with it, research it or wing it. It's up to you on how you write your HubMob Hub.
2. After you come up with your topic idea, click this link and answer the Request that I entered in for all of you HubMobsters. Feel free to use the tags that I suggested or add a few of your own.
3. Write a an awesomely comprehensive Hub that completely covers your topic idea. Be sure to add an RSS Capsule that includes the RSS feed to the rest of this week's HubMob entries (Link: http://hubpages.com/request/7739/best?new&rss) and also add one of the HubMob images below to your Hub so that everyone who reads it will know that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week.
4. After you publish your HubMob Hub, reply in this Forum thread with a brief description of what topic idea you wrote about, why you chose it and a link to your newly published contribution to the HubMob. I mean, we all want to see, too!
5. Keep track of your Hub and keep us updated on any traffic that you're getting and post some screenshots if you end up HubMobbing a few search keyword over on Google.
6. Promote the HubMob by sending out this link to your friends, family and complete strangers http://HubPages.com/info/hubmob
Hmmm...I'm going to have to give this one some thought...so many ideas...
Interesting choice, especially since winter will be here soon. Think anyone else will notice?
Ha ha...apparently I didn't...LOL! Not that it matters, living in Florida. How about plants to grow in your garden that provide winter interest???
There's no winter here in California, Christoph.
But, maybe you could do a Hub on how to prepare your yard for winter?
It seems like winter would make this an odd topic. Maybe this week I'll give it a shot!
Oh, I'm sure that you can come up with something.
I was thinking about creating a Hub about the most odd and interesting yard decorations that people seem to love. There are definitely some odd ones out there.
Has anyone ever added one of these things to their yard?
I've seen those things...but only on television
You forget about things like that when you don't really have seasons...
Yep, and I'm never going to miss the Indiana winters...brrrrr....
We still get winters like that in Southern California mountains. I do not miss living in the mountains, but it is pretty to look at if you do not have to out.
Heehee a guy i know is moving to Indiana in a week or so. Now, I feel bad for him because he's a Florida guy who has lived in GA for the past 5 years. He's never lived in an area that snowed like this. Ha...
It is odd that during the winter, you choose gardening and lawn...
Last time I looked it wasn't quite winter in the US and Canada
Not quite....we still have a little time, although it was pretty chilly this morning out in California.
But, luckily I always know that it will be beautiful by 9am.
There is a growing movement for winter interest plantings here in the cold Midwest. Lawns are really boring when they're brown 6-8 months of the year!
I already have some suggestions in my winter bird garden hub, but I'll definitely think about doing a more general interest hub on the same subject if I don't get sidetracked by another idea first.
I couldn't believe it when I lived in San Diego and there were roses and bird of paradise blooming in January. It really messed with my head. Even my relatives in the Seattle area start getting crocuses and daffodils in late January; here it's usually March or even April!
Birds of Paradise flowers are A-MA-ZING....they're all over out here.
I've got one: keeping your lawn green in the winter and winter grasses
I'm surprised I'm the first one. Usually by the time I see it, there's already at least 1 hub, and by the time I finish, there's usually another. Ryan, you must of picked a doozy, especially since you posted the request hours ago.
I didn't think that it was that much of a doozy and this is definitely a subject that has some room to get ranked in, so even though it might be harder to come up with something it will definitely pay off in the end.
Who's next, Hubbers? I want to hear something about a DIY pool installation in your yard. I mean, it can't be THAT hard.
Dig, Hubbers dig!
Ok, are you Hubber's ready for this? Check out where these Hubs are ranking after just around 24 hours of being posted. So awesome...
Here is Whitney's, which is already on the first page of Google for the term 'winter grasses', which has over 3 million results!
More to come...
I wrote about dry climate plants that have worked in the midwest as well over the years:
Patty's Hub is #1 for the search term 'How to improve a dry landscape' out of 300,000 results...sweet.
Okay, I went ahead and did the winter interest hub: http://hubpages.com/hub/Adding-Winter-I … our-Garden
I'm sure I'll do some more before the week's over.
kerryg's topic of 'winter interest to your garden' is now ranked on the first page of Google as well out of nearly 400,000 results!
I do not have much of a green thumb, so I am using this topic with a twist. It should be fun to see how all the hubs turn out.
Hey, I never claimed that these were going to be easy.
If anyone needs some ideas for topics, just post something up and we'll all be happy to help you.
Also, I am going to put together a HubMob summary from the past month and give you all some facts, figures and updates on how awesome out HubMobs are doing. Lots of stuff to put together, but I think that I can do it...
One might write a humorous Hub entitled The Top Ten 10 Ways to Kill Plants. LOL
Interesting topic. I think I may do something about our vegetable garden from last year. Have some pictures for that as well. Actually, we did do some landscaping too, put in a lawn - so maybe I'll write about that.
I alerted a hubber to this - he's a professional landscaper and I bet he can put together some awesome hubs for this topic.
You might be asking yourself "What does the above picture have to do with this week's HubMob topic?"
Well, my thumb is very much red, or whatever the opposite of a green thumb is. Being inept at doing yard work myself, I thought my contribution to this week's HubMob should be a review of two robots that will do your yard work for you:
http://hubpages.com/hub/landscaping-law … -automatic
(note: robots reviewed in this hub may differ from that in the picture)
Oh man, I could have really used this back in my lawn mowing days - great Hub, CoolStuff.
Hey guys, don't forget that on half the planet, it's just coming into SUMMER!
Boring. We already have several experts around the hub on this subject. Bob? Hello!
Who picks these awful topics anyway?
Since I have no intention of doing an entire hub on the song Dr. Greenthumb by CYPRESS HILL?????..........I thought this was supposed to be a MOB!
A Mob of people writing about gardening..........ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
How about some creatively stimulating subjects please?
"How to make her eyes roll back like an amateur porn star"
"How to steal your future back from the government"
"How to smoke drugs through a nice piece of fruit"
"How to beatbox like Biz Markie without sounding retarded"
There is a certain plant you talk about sometimes that you could write about. That might not be so boring. Just a suggestion.
Thanks to Sweetie and Ryan.
I must have been cranky last night oooooowwweeeeeee!
Suggestion: Can we mark all my comments made after 3am EST and attribute them to drunkenness.
lol this reminded me of a new thing google has now:
This is what the web site says:
When you enable Mail Goggles, it will check that you're really sure you want to send that late night Friday email. And what better way to check than by making you solve a few simple math problems after you click send to verify you're in the right state of mind?
lol I have been there done that hee hee...not that brew-skies were the cause I think it was just way to late yeah that was it-
just way to late hah haha haha
This is a great idea!
Here is a link: http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/n … later.html
Well there you are again, my man. I can always trust you pop up when there's something to complain about. Way to stay consistent.
As far as the subject goes, if you don't have the creativity to wrote something that's fun based upon a topic as broad as yards, plants and landscaping then maybe you shouldn't be a part of the HubMob anyways...know what I mean?
Here, I'll show you...here's 5 topics that you could write about while still keeping your funky street cred intact:
1. Top rap songs that mention marijuana
2. Getting your feet in the grass: America's top outdoor festivals of all time
3. The history of the lawn mower, cabbage patch and other ridiculously popular dance moves
4. Top country songs of all time that mention a tractor
5. More grass than you can handle, a tribute to Bob Marley
Hopefully this can help spark some interest...also, we picked this topic partly because they're topics that people are actually looking for, so the likelihood of you getting traffic is pretty good.
But, I'm sure that there's also a lot of people wanting to know how to turn an avocado into a bong, so feel free free to Hub on that, too. It's a free Hubbin' world, bruthu.
My weekly contribution is
http://hubpages.com/hub/Jungle-Fever--- … ouseplants
A really quick explanation for how I got started on my houseplant addiction by working in a greenhouse one year.
Well, for me it's pretty easy. I've been doing it for years, lol. AnneMoss dropped me a line about the subject matter and I only recently joined up here. Mine is about the sound of water in a landscape. Yer famous aural dimension, not oral, thank you.
So, is that cheating? I gots more. I also have some great Burning Man pictures I bet Ryan would like. I can't wait for that topic.
Hey Steve!
This sounds like an awesome topic to write about and something that I would like to hear more about. I guess that you never really think about the sounds(aurel dimension) of landscaping, but it definitely something that everyone enjoys.
Definitely not cheating and you can enter in more than one if you'd like...glad that you're going to be a new HubMobster! Now just be sure to join the HubMob when it's not your specialty, too. That's part of the fun of HubMob, writing 'outside of the box', if you will.
Oh, and P.S., aren't these your trucks? You should do a Hub on the Burning Man experience...that would rock.
Hey Anne, looks like you don't even need a robot
I love the idea, it is spring time here and I'm about to landscpae this weekend!!!
Truck Circus Acrobats! ... or odd mating mechanisms on a robot planet.
Oh, and I love the dude in the pic who's relaxing and reading the paper while the robot cuts the grass....hilarious.
In fact, the company that makes the roomba is designing a law-cutting robot that will be out next year.
Now, if only I could find a HubPage writing robot . . .
That guy relaxing while his little robot lawnmower cuts the grass forgot all about the very jealous Rover who attacked the sucker. There's only so much love in this world, Rover figures, and rivals for that need to die. lol So what, giving up a leg just shows the love!
Here is mine: http://hubpages.com/hub/Gardening-with-a-city-girl
That was a very cool, post, Princessa.
I have a question, I was about to enter another one but forgot to do it through the "request line" and ended up just adding a hub. That's cool and all, but my intention was to hub mob it. Is there a way to convert?
I won't bother now and I wonder if it is bad form flooding the place with mob request posts.
I are definitely a rookie here.
I take that as a compliment coming from yourself, THE Garden man
Once you have published a hub you cannot add it to the hubmob, but you can post a link here so everybody else can see it. I believe that you can post as many hubs to a hubmob as you want, there is no limit.
Thanks for a great topic Ryan. I hae several bubbling away for this week...
"Winter"? I currently reside in San Diego, california, where "autumn and winter" simply mean that the temperatures don't get over 85 degrees. Yesterday it was 82 outside my front door!
No sweat on gardening in the fall/winter.
Anyone into greenhouse gardening? I did that year 'round when we lived in Seattle where there IS such a thing as cold weather during certain times of the year. This transplanted San Diegan misses the rain!
I hope to contribute something worthwhile here...thanks to everyone who has been so encouraging of my efforts thus far.
We're starting to get a lot of really good Hubs on this Tips. Way to go, Ryan!
Here's another onthe topic from me:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Cooling-Tecniqu … and-Garden
Thanks for the enthusiasm, Patty! Maybe that's what got your Hub to the top of the list for 'garden cooling techniques'? Out of 175,000+ results, too...HUBMOB!!!
O Wow! I had no idea. Yayyyyyyyy HubMob!
I don't know about THE garden man, lol. Lord knows, I've been at it for a while, though. I know what I like, that's about all I can say, and your post was superb. So there!
OK, I'll linky my other hub here: http://hubpages.com/hub/Using-Paving-Br … Front-Yard
This is for Ryan.........night time look at the parking dilemma:
You can also still add in the links to all of the other HubMobs, too by adding this link into an RSS Capsule:
Keep 'em coming, Hubbers - I'm so glad that we're getting some great Hubs coming in!
ok, here's mine
http://hubpages.com/hub/gwendymoms-guid … andscaping
Gardening with nature's bounty
You need some topics thranax? I'm sure that we can help out...
Is nothing coming to mind?
Well here is my contribution. How to grow yourself a dustbin full of potatoes even if you only have a tiny yard or garden.
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Grow-a-D … f-Potatoes
I know very little about gardening or landscaping. But I DO know about annoying people! So here is my satirical Hub for this week's HubMob:
Best Lawn and Garden Practices If You Want to Really Annoy Your Neighbors
Let me know what you all think!
Here's mine. How to Prepare Your Lawn For Next Summer: Kill It and Build a Mini Theme Park Instead!
http://hubpages.com/hub/Prepare-Your-Ya … rk-Instead
Unfortunately, I forgot to start on the Answer this Request page, so it won't be part of the feed.
My latest hub consists of ideas for great classroom or home activities that will get your children interested in growing vegetables and plants, (and hopefully eating the vegetables they have grown).
http://hubpages.com/hub/Fun-Classroom-A … -in-Plants
Ok, all you plant lovers and weed haters forced me "to go there" (plus I don't know anyting about plants anyway, so, absurdity here I come). So, here's mine:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Plant-Racism-Ha … ne-It?done
Hey, at least I remember to answer the request this time. 2 out of 4 ain't bad.
I added a sweet human interest piece this week to the garden fray.
How An English Gardener Changed My Life Forever
I finally finished my hub about gardening, which proves even someone without a green thumb can write about this topic. My take is I enjoy eating and cooking with the produce more than gardening, although I really do need to learn more about the gardening aspect of it.
Great well done
I am 5th on first page under "gardening with a city girl"
OH! The plantanity! We must fight the PPP! --
Plant anti-racist Hub rejecting attempts for my comment due to glitch that pops me off the page. It's those WEEDS! -- But I LOVE plants ...very tasty.
How did we learn any history at all before you came here, Shady Brains?
Frankly, I don't know Patty. I reckon y'all just got it wrong. No worries, I'll straighten you out in time, one topic at a time.
And nice work Whitney!
This started as a response to the forum as to why this topic was not for me but ended up as a hub
http://hubpages.com/hub/Definitively-no … Thumb?done
Here's my link:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Step-By-Step-Gu … ble-Garden
Make a garden with your kids!
I am Number 1 and 2 on Google, "Prepare Your Yard for Next Summer" out of 305,000. Don't know how to take a screen shot.
I like your topic although I am not a garden or greenthumb type person. I will read what everyone else is coming up with though.
and one more for the lazy gardner http://hubpages.com/hub/On-Being-A-Lazy-Gardener
Well in at number 80, I did not think I would make it.
My contribution
Here is mine:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Green-Tips-For- … and-Garden
When you search for green tips lawn garden
Mine comes up #1 baby! woot woot!
I luv HubMob!!
Here Comes Another
http://hubpages.com/hub/A-Gardners-Love … -the-World
Here's my first for this week
by Ryan Hupfer 16 years ago
awesome image created by Jerrico UsherHere we go again, Hubbbers, it's time for the weekly attack of the HubMobsters! Perhaps someone should warn the Internet? This week's HubMob Topic is getting me excited: It's All About Halloween: Dressing Up, Making Treats and Being Scary. Hub about your...
by Wendy Iturrizaga 13 years ago
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by Wendy Iturrizaga 15 years ago
Hello HubMobsters, love is in the air this morning:First of all a big round of applause to all Hubbers who joined last week's HubMob We had some experienced Hubbers as well as first timers Hubbers all working together producing and amazing 33 HubMobs. In less than a week we managed almost...
by Ryan Hupfer 16 years ago
For this week's HubMob, I have decided to cover a topic that is truly close to many people's hearts - their pets. I have never really been a pet owner, but as I meet more and more people I realize the huge role that they play in the lives of others around me. So, this HubMob is basically a way for...
by Leandraluv 14 years ago
I read about the HubMob weekly topic? Please point me in the right direction.
by Wendy Iturrizaga 14 years ago
Hello everyone, I've just come back from a few days in the mountains to find that once again you have outdone yourselves and we have another very successful HubMob with almost 60 Hubs on Charities. Thank you to every single one of you who took part in last week's HubMob. As I came back...
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