In just over a week I'll be having surgery to remove a non malignant mass in my brain. I have no idea as to what the results will be as it is located in a bad spot and removal or size reduction can bring many side effects, including blindness. I've been dealing with a vision loss for a few months now, so obviously this is a big concern. Surgery date is June 10. I feel it will be helpful if those who wish to do so will send me some good thoughts and/or prayers that day as I'm going to need them. I'm hoping for the best and I'm hoping to be able to continue writing here on HP once I recover. If things don't work out, I wanted to take this moment to thank the team and all of my fellow writers for all of the help and support you have given me during my almost 8 years here at HP. God bless all of you, and I hope every one of you is successful here and, more importantly, never has to deal with such a horrid health problem as this one..
Thank you for posting so others can pray for you. I will pray re this request. May I suggest a book from Jerry Bridges titled "Trusting God When Life Hurts", as well as prayerfully reading an ESV or NASB New Testament. I understand that your vision is affected now but perhaps a friend could read for you. Am marking calendar to pray specifically on June 10 re the surgery.
Thank you so much. I am currently unable to read print, even large print, books of any kind. The only way I can work with the internet is to greatly enlarge the print. We have a great deal to do to prepare for this situation, so our time is very limited. All I can say is that I believe very much that prayer and good thoughts do help. In fact, they already have helped in numerous ways. I've been placed on several prayer lists locally and am grateful for every one of them. Thank you for reaching out. Perhaps after surgery I'll be able to read those books you mentioned.
Good luck with your surgery. Thoughts and prayers coming your way.
What a remarkable person you are to wish us well when you're dealing with this! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers leading up to June 10 and beyond. You've made me realize how trivial so many of my worries are and that life is so short and precious. I hope all goes smoothly for you. God bless.
How sweet of you to say this. Yes, life is short. We waste so much of it and generally only realize that we've done so when trouble comes our way. Fortunately, I've had a great life and have tried not to waste too much of it. I have no regrets. If things don't go well, I'll still have my memories and will somehow overcome the challenges. I beat Breast Cancer, and I'll beat this problem, too.
Best of luck and be optimistic! I will be praying for you.
I will be needing all the help I can get. thank you.
Reading your profile Sondra - you've done so much, achieved so much - and helped many people here on HP with your advice and guidance. Great work.
All strength to you with this latest challenge.
Thank you. Your kind words are much appreciated.
Sending you best wishes and hoping that everything goes well for you. during and after your surgery.
It sounds like you have an excellent doctor who is tops in his field. I will mark my calendar and send healing light and prayers. You are always such a positive addition to this site, and I wish you all the best.
Please contact me via can do so through my profile.
I was going to send you a message but i didnt find an email.
I too have a similar issue.
There are sites for support you can join.
In any case...You got this ! See you back here soon.
I am so sorry to hear of your misfortune and I can understand that you are very scared and worried about the process and the outcome. It's natural and how anyone would feel in a similar position. I will certainly be sending my good wishes out to you on the 10th June, as I do now, hoping that you have the best possible outcome. x
Thank you. For me it is not the surgery I fear but rather the outcome. If you research pituitary gland tumors you'll see what I mean. There are no guarantees with this one, BUT, I have a highly experienced doctor and a great hospital so can only hope for the best.
TT2, Positive thoughts are coming your way. I can only see success and much better health. I am sure you are in the best of care. Hugs!!!
Thank you. I can feel those hugs right through the computer!
TT2, I'm going through a similar thing. I'll spare the board my opinion of the reality construct we all live in. I wish the best for you.
I knew you were having some sort of vision problem, but you never said what it was. I hope you are able to overcome it. Thank you for your good wishes.
Wishing you all the best, Sondra. You are a woman of spirit and courage - you can get through this and come out the other side.
Sending you love and best wishes.
Strength and courage come from love...and I'm getting plenty of that right here on this forum. Thank you for sending yours.
My best wishes and positive thoughts to you, Sondra. I have read, and used, more than a few of your hubs - you have been a very positive addition to our community and I certainly hope it will continue.
I will be thinking of you on that day.
I'm flattered to read what you wrote here. I've always considered you to be one of the best here, so it's an honor to hear kind words from you about my writing. I wish I could respond to each post, but just don't have the energy to do so right now. However, every good word I read is giving me strength.
I hope it goes well. I know that your husband has had his troubles, too, which will not make it any easier. Best of luck to both of you.
Thanks, Will. Yes, last February he had ablation surgery and came very close to dying but for the fast action of an outstanding heart surgeon. Been a rough year, for sure...but he is doing really well right now, so we are blessed.
Best wishes, Sondra. I was very glad to read that you have such a good doctor and hospital. I will be thinking of you on the day.
I have always felt that seeking the best doctor and hospital and not just accepting the first choice can make a huge difference. The first doc I saw wanted to do a craniotomy, and has much less experience than the doctor who actually will be operating. I have every faith that all will go well, but of course until it's over and I know what the results will be, I'll be nervous. Thanks for your good thoughts and wishes.
I also will pray, because I have seen prayer bring healing many times for others and also myself. This includes vision -- For example, I was healed of long-time astigmatism and the optometrist said it was impossible but true. So I pray for your vision outcome to be a miracle in the name of Jesus.
Oh, I hope you're right. The problem is in the brain, which is where we really see. The eyes actually look normal when examined...except for the left which is now mostly affected by the brain mass. There is no end to what people can achieve when they work (or pray) together. Thank you Patty.
You, too, Brandon. Thank you for all of the help and advice you have given me and continued success on HP and in life.
Good Luck and I hope you fare well in this new challenge.
Thanks. You'll be interested to know that we'll be moving our RV to LazyDays for the duration of the surgery and immediate recovery time. Will save Wayne having to drive across the bridge and will give us our own bed to sleep in, etc. Still an RV girl even with this stuff going on!
Best wishes! I hope the outcome is positive and you can continue to contribute to HP!
Modern medicine can do amazing things. My mom and my niece have both had surgery to remove non malignant tumors. In both cases the results have been very positive. I hope you have similar results, and take some encouragement from my experience. Of course I will be thinking of you, and sending healing thoughts your way. Looking forward to your future posts.
Thank you, Sherry. It's good to know that there are people who have had similar problems and have done well after surgery. Keep hoping my own results will be good as well.
I know it's a bit late to be thinking about this, and I don't wish to second guess your doctor, whom I assume you have complete trust in, but I'd be sorry if I didn't mention it. My mom had Gamma Knife treatment for a pineal tumor. I wonder if your surgeon has mentioned this treatment.
Thanks. I'm aware of this option and have discussed with my surgeon, but my mass is part cyst and part tumor and he feels draining it will be the safest and best option. He's got 34 years of experienced and comes highly recommended, so I have to assume he is correct.
I’m amazed at the skill of brain surgeons, TT2. My husband had a pituitary tumour and they operated via his nose. He woke up with a tampon in his nostril and his vision saved. We laugh about it now, years later. Pre-surgery was nerve-wracking for everyone, and you are doing brilliantly to prepare for all possible outcomes. I admire your strength, and I’m sending you and your husband my best wishes for every success and a speedy recovery!
You have just given me the very best present anybody could have given..hope! Thank you, thank you, thank you...
Sondra, I just noticed this thread. Think positive. Technology has improved tremendously over the years for this kind of surgery. Focus on that. Wishing you successful results and a complete recovery. We all want you back so you can continue being an important part of the HubPages community as you have always been.
How lovely of you to say this. I'm doing my best and have every hope that all will go well.
Take care Sondra. Hope all goes well. Stay positive and think of everything that can go right!
Thanks. I may be old, but I'm not quite ready yet to start looking up at the grass instead of down at it.!
TIMETRAVELER2, I'm trying not to be weepy but I can't help it. I know that's not what you need right now but I have to be honest. It's amazing how we end up feeling connected to people we don't even know. Thank you for sharing your condition with us. We are indeed connected in community and care about each other if we have beating hearts. I wish you a successful surgery and recovery.
Sondra, you are an integral part of HP and we expect you back soon. I will hold you in prayer on June 10th. Sending you hugs. Food for good thoughts: My father had emergency brain surgery at 91 for a major brain bleed that had been depleting his functioning for months. We celebrated his 95th birthday last weekend. He is better than ever, a voracious reader, drives everywhere, cooks his meals, and lives alone. Prayer works. Think positive. You will be fine.
Oh sweet girl, never be ashamed of being weepy when something like this happens to someone you care about. Believe me, my husband and I have wept many times about this. The story you shared was so uplifting. God bless your Dad and your entire family! Let me share another story with you. I am not a person who cries easily. So, two days ago my husband and I stopped for a quick bite at McDonalds. Shortly, two older women, both very nicely dressed and done, sat down beside us, held hands, and had a short prayer prior to eating. My husband, being the typical Irishman he is, started joking with them..they loved it, of course. However, just before we left he told them about my condition. They showed serious concern immediately and asked me if I would like them to pray for me. I said yes, thinking that they would pray on my surgery date. Wrong! They grabbed both of us, stood holding hands with us right in the middle of McDonald's and said the most beautiful prayer. I cried like a baby while this was happening. Afterwords, the one woman started hugging me and whispering again and again that I was going to be OKI...and then asked for our contact info and gave us hers so that she would know how things worked out! Remember, now, both of them were perfect strangers to us...yet they took the time to show their love for other human beings who were suffering. Now, wipe those tears away and get back to your writing! Good things are already happening and I now feel they will continue. Thank you, my friend.
Oh Lord, now I'm really wiping tears. Those were angels sent from God.
Hebrews 13:2 - "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." (ESV)
I promise I will get back to my writing. Take good care.
This is very true. I feel connected to many here, Sondra is one of the few that I've interacted with a lot. I would not say we are strangers, just that we are friends who've never met.
P.S: Thanks for sharing the story at McD with us TT2.
You're welcome. In this time of crisis around the world it is very good to know that there still are people who have good hearts and are full of love and compassion, even for total strangers.
Wishing you a smooth OP and a quick recovery TimeTraveler. All the best to you.
Thank you for letting us know TT. praying that all goes well and you are able to return to writing here very soon. All the best.
Thank you. I am so grateful for all of the kind concern that people have shown me. It really does help.
I am sending you warm hugs and thoughts for a successful surgery and full recovery.
Praying for you also.
You got this! No matter not give up. It may take some time but you will be back to yourself in no time.
I can't give up. I won't give up. I have too much to live for, and I want to be able to live with my mind intact and my vision OK and I do feel my surgeon will do his best for me. When I read his reviews come called him a "miracle worker" with all the prayers that are coming my way I can't help but feel all will be OK. Thank you so much.
Wow. That's a lot to handle. You'll be in my thoughts.
I know every case is different, but I've seen many positive results while working in critical care. Having faith in your surgeon is so important, good to read that you feel in safe hands.
Here's hoping for the best possible outcome.
Time for an update, TT2. How are you traveling? Are you on the mend?
I’m sure many of us are thinking about you!
When it comes to the post office, no news is good news.
When it comes to forums, usually it's the opposite.
Fortunately, neither of the above rules are 100%.
I've been thinking about her a lot, too. Hopefully, someone who emails her can let us know something soon.
I did email her a few days ago, no response yet.
Just an update, Sondra replied saying she's home now and will write in soon.
That is good to hear, thank you so much for doing that.
Thank you very much for sharing this message, Brandon. I was concerned about the situation. It's so nice to hear that Sondra's home.
Thanks, Lobo. Seems my thoughts weren't the only ones she was in from HubPages.
Appreciate that Brandon. Good to know Sondra is home and on hopefully on the mend.
Happy to hear and relieved. Wonderful. Thank you, Brandon.
Hopefully, Sondra, you are able to read these notes. So glad you are home. Looking forward to hearing from you here at HP again when you are able.
Welcome home Sondra! Glad you made it through the operation.
For those of you here, she started a new thread with more details: … lth-update
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