
Jump to Last Post 1-42 of 42 discussions (111 posts)
  1. Randy Godwin profile image59
    Randy Godwinposted 4 years ago

    I'm seeing the worst earnings in my entire time on this platform. I hope it's simply me, but my Amazon and Google earnings are almost nothing these days. Is it time to sell my account, make like a cow turd, and hit the trail? yikes

    It's been a long and lucrative run for me, but it looks like it's over if this continues. Anyone else having this problem?

    1. chef-de-jour profile image100
      chef-de-jourposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I'm still earning decent money each month but there's no doubt that the curse of the Adblocker is having an effect. Don't think there's an easy way round this. I write for younger student types on Owlcation and they are more likely to employ this feature so I read. Google updates are also a pain - the latest seems to promote crappier, dated articles.

      Updating your top hubs might help traffic return to AxleAddict so you stay ahead of the competition. And you can always write new ones! HP is still good for me personally so I'm renewing efforts. Glad you've had some reward for applying your skills as a writer - best of luck going forward.

    2. jimmar profile image84
      jimmarposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Mine are down by over 50% recently while traffic volume has decreased only slightly. I compared last January and did not notice the same trend. Seems like anytime there is a structural or policy change on this site the earnings drop. I’m hoping they recover but if they don’t I’m not sure it’s worth the inconvenience to maintain my content. If they keep dropping I delete my content and move on.

  2. Jodah profile image88
    Jodahposted 4 years ago

    That doesn't sound good Randy. My monthly earnings have been stable for the last year and about triple what they were two years ago, so although they are nothing to write home about, I can't complain. My views/traffic are increasing all the time though.

  3. CMHypno profile image84
    CMHypnoposted 4 years ago

    Randy, my earnings and traffic are the lowest for several years.  The eternal question is will they come back as they have in the past?

  4. lobobrandon profile image83
    lobobrandonposted 4 years ago

    I'm at 25% of the earnings of last January and 3 new hubs that I published last summer are bringing in up to 100 views a day (so earnings should go up comparatively). 100 is a good number for a single hub during the winter months as I mostly have gardening articles.

    I cross payout in a day or two in the summer, but this whole month I may barely make it. It's that bad. The main culprit is one of my caloriebee hubs that went from a steady 400 a day until the end of 2018 to 200 in 2019 and now it sits at just 20 a day. I gave up on it since it was in the health niche, even though all the info I have is sourced to peer-reviewed papers and it was basically a presentation I had in college around 8 years ago for a biology course.

    Since my gardening hubs are still doing well, I see a great summer even better than last year. From 4 figures to just hitting 50 bucks is a big swing. I don't like it, but I'm not really doing anything about it as of now.

    If you sell your account at most you'd get is 2 years' worth of income based on current prices of content and affiliate websites (not sure how much an HP account sells for). But if you just let it sit you'd make more than that in a few years if not 2. The good thing of having content here is that you do not have to really update it if you've written evergreen content.

  5. DrMark1961 profile image99
    DrMark1961posted 4 years ago

    Randy, I think you need to write more and make sure that each article is moved to a niche site to get more traffic.
    No, I am not talking about short stories and flash fiction. If you look on your account page you will see what I mean.
    Your Georgia historical articles are interesting and I am sure you can do more in that area. When you finish, make sure that they are good enough to submit to a site like Owlcation. (You should manually submit your older Georgia articles too and if not accepted figure out why. Ask on the forums and people will give you crticism, even if it is kind of harsh.)
    Earnings are pretty low for everyone this month. I do not think I have seen numbers this low since 2017, but I am optimistic that it is going to get better.
    Concerning your Amazon earnings: Now that more people are using adblockers, the Amazon capsules seem to be less effective than they once were. I did not like the look of adding links to my articles, but when I followed lobobrandon and theraggededge´s advice and did so (eliminating the capsules too) my Amazon numbers shot way up. I rarely do not earn each day, whereas before I would see 0.00 reported several days each week.
    Dont hit the trail, just spend less time on those topical forums! (Yeah, I know, they are a wonderful way to waste time.)

    1. lobobrandon profile image83
      lobobrandonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      That last line, lol.

    2. OldRoses profile image66
      OldRosesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I agree wholeheartedly with Dr. Mark.  My traffic has gone way up since I started writing more and moving articles to niche sites.  This has helped compensate for the drop in CPM over the years.

      1. Trihorus profile image70
        Trihorusposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I have ten articles so far, 6 on niche sites, 2 which aren't and 1 which I have published 40 hours ago (hoping it gets moved.) All those articles on niche sites do not get me traffic at all. Just one of my articles, about waking up early, gets me some regular traffic (31 this month) otherwise nothing. I used to make 0.60 to close to a dollar each month but since the last 2-3 months, I'm barely making 0.10.

        In my short experience (I admit) here, having articles moved to a niche don't seem to get me traffic at all. I currently only receive traffic from quora (I've answered questions and linked back to my article) and since the past few months, that seems to take me nowhere as well.

        Any insights or something from experience you have to help me out with this?

        1. DrMark1961 profile image99
          DrMark1961posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          This is like saying "I have only driven a car 6 times. Based on my experience, driving a car is incredibly difficult."
          You should, at the very least, be able to write one article a month. You know what is needed, so make them all good enough to be moved to a niche site. (Why wasnt your time travel article moved? It would be performing better if it were not on HP main site.) Since you have been here 3 years, that would be at least 36 articles. No, I do not mean more creative writing for letterpile. I am sure you can see how they are doing on your account page.
          It may not seem like the amount of work you need to expend is worth the small amount of money that is coming back. Most of us have those kind of results the first year or two.
          It is, but only if you write more and increase your chances of finding success.

  6. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 4 years ago

    Randy. As you know, the editors basically ran me out of HP town a few years ago. You also know what I did in response; best decision I ever made (so to speak). Am now earning significantly more you-know-where than here. Plus, it made writing fun for me again.

    1. paradigmsearch profile image59
      paradigmsearchposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      An update.

      Someone sent me an email inquiring as to "you-know-where". Figured I might as well answer here. The answer is I started my own website. If one doesn't want to start their own website, then HP is probably still the best place to be. smile

  7. Nell Rose profile image86
    Nell Roseposted 4 years ago

    Yes me too. I have been on here for 10 years, and this is definitely the worse. Not sure what to do to be honest.

  8. abwilliams profile image66
    abwilliamsposted 4 years ago

    Something we can agree on Randy! I became active here about 5 years ago. HP was transitioning, I was reading many negative comments, writers were leaving in droves, so was that my sign? I had lousy timing? Whatever the case, I am very close to a payout, waiting for that and then, while I don't want any part of cow turds, I will make a decision about hitting the trail too.

  9. Dolores Monet profile image93
    Dolores Monetposted 4 years ago

    I've been on here for quite some time and no longer panic when my numbers drift downward. Views have bounced up and down for years. This past November and December were great but things took a bit of a plunge in January. But my views are creeping up again.

    1. OldRoses profile image66
      OldRosesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed.  My views were way down at the beginning of this month, but have suddenly jumped up the past few days.  I'm hoping this is a harbinger of things to come and not a temporary aberration.

    2. janshares profile image94
      jansharesposted 4 years agoin reply to this


  10. Kenna McHugh profile image92
    Kenna McHughposted 4 years ago

    I am updating, writing new articles, and submitting old articles to niche sites.  I occasionally use social media platforms when I see a chance to post a comment relating to one of my pieces. I see a steady climb and a dip once in a while. January is not a good month to decide to hit the road. I'd stay and see what happens, especially with HP cutting ties with Google Adsense on January 29th.  That is a significant change for HP, even though they say not a lot of money comes from Adsense.

    1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image78
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Did I miss something?  Are we no longer going to get income from Google Adsense?  Please update me.  Thanks.

      1. Randy Godwin profile image59
        Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Nope, and not from a personal Amazon account either. This end on the 29th of this month, TT. New policy terms we can't do anything about except change over to the in-house programs. mad

      2. tsmog profile image87
        tsmogposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        HubPages new changes Changes

  11. profile image0
    Beth Eaglescliffeposted 4 years ago


    HP are not cutting ties with AdSense, they are merely amalgamating the one ad at the bottom of each article into the main HP Ads program. That's the ad that used to result in a trickle of pennies direct into our own Google AdSense account even if we had opted into HP Ads.

    We will no longer have a direct individual relationship with Google AdSense. But HP will still be using AdSense and we will benefit from higher rates because they are a 'bulk' customer. (In the same way we get a better commission from Amazon through HP Ads, rather than having an individual Amazon account).

    1. DrMark1961 profile image99
      DrMark1961posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Do you know if Google will still be dictating HP policy re images, videos, and content? I ask because Google has threatened to remove their ads from some of my articles in the past because I have "gruesome" photos of things like a laceration or a video of a surgical procedure that I felt would be helpful to the reader.

      1. profile image0
        Beth Eaglescliffeposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Only Robin or Samantha can really answer that. However, my guess is that HP has more influence on Google's policy than we as individuals, but in the end, Google has the final say.

  12. Randy Godwin profile image59
    Randy Godwinposted 4 years ago

    I'm still getting the views normal for this time of year, but ad clicks and amazon sales are way down. Only pennies a day instead of dollars. This happened about two weeks ago overnight and has continued. I almost had the $100 payout two weeks ago and will fail to reach it in the last two weeks of the month. I suppose I'll lose that almost $100 when I'm forced to change over to the HP programs.

    Something has happened to my account overnight. With normal views and no clicks on either affiliate, who knows?

    1. Dolores Monet profile image93
      Dolores Monetposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Could it be the post holiday slump? People spend like crazy from fall to Christmas, then stop shopping (even looking) for some time after.

      1. Randy Godwin profile image59
        Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I don't believe so, Delores. It's never been this bad for so long a period. Oh well, que sera!

      2. Jeremy Gill profile image95
        Jeremy Gillposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I believe it is, at least to some extent. In my personal experience, earnings tank each year in early/mid January and start regaining steam sometime in March.

  13. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 4 years ago

    Based on another source, AdSense is really killing off those top and side ads; looks like they're mostly embedding their ads in the article content these days. For me, this has been a good thing.

  14. Kenna McHugh profile image92
    Kenna McHughposted 4 years ago

    @Beth Thank you for the clarification. It is all around better, and I look forward to the improvements.

  15. hardlymoving profile image64
    hardlymovingposted 4 years ago

    Probably advertisers getting ad discounts due to post Christmas consumer product purchase drop.

  16. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 4 years ago

    Wow, now virtually all my desktop ads have disappeared. Only thing showing are the embedded mobile ads. Seems to be working for me. Apparently, I'm the only desktop user still left on the planet. big_smile

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, Para! You are old!! tongue

      1. paradigmsearch profile image59
        paradigmsearchposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Well, all my desktop ads are back. The mysteries of Google are neverending.

        1. Randy Godwin profile image59
          Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Cool, I've made 39 cents today! Now I can have that knee replacement I wanted. lol The worst earnings ever!

    2. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Nope - I still use a laptop hooked to a keyboard and monitor.  Doesn't that qualify as a "desktop"?

    3. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image78
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Nope..I use a desktop, too.

  17. Kenna McHugh profile image92
    Kenna McHughposted 4 years ago

    I have a desktop, laptop, and device. What does that make me?

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      A nerd, Kenna! tongue

    2. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Strange?  Or just OCD.  smile

  18. Kenna McHugh profile image92
    Kenna McHughposted 4 years ago

    That's me, nerd!

  19. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 4 years ago

    Yes, Randy. I'm experiencing the same, the lowest of very low daily earnings I've seen for several days in a row now. But views are still okay. hmm  I remember this happening after the holidays in the past but this is worse. Hope they go back up soon. Give it a couple months before you decide. Passive income is a good thing no matter how much. Let's wait and see.

    1. Jeremy Gill profile image95
      Jeremy Gillposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed, seems to happen to most hubbers around this time of year. Best to gauge future earnings in a different month.

      1. Randy Godwin profile image59
        Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I'm way behind last January's earnings, as well as, every January's earnings I can remember since I've been here. A fluke? I hope you're correct.

  20. profile image0
    Beth Eaglescliffeposted 4 years ago

    Don't panic everyone!

    HP are NOT cutting ties with AdSense, they are merely amalgamating the one ad at the bottom of each article into the main HP Ads program. That's the ad that used to result in a trickle of pennies direct into our own Google AdSense account even if we had opted into HP Ads.

    We will no longer have a direct individual relationship with Google AdSense. But HP will still be using AdSense and we will benefit from higher rates because they are a 'bulk' customer. (In the same way we get a better commission from Amazon through HP Ads, rather than having an individual Amazon account).

  21. Kenna McHugh profile image92
    Kenna McHughposted 4 years ago

    Not everyone panicking!

  22. Larry Slawson profile imageSTAFF
    Larry Slawsonposted 4 years ago

    This week has been pretty bad for me too (with both views and earnings).  However, its looking like my numbers are slowly recovering today, so I'm hopeful smile

  23. PaulGoodman67 profile image97
    PaulGoodman67posted 4 years ago

    There's no doubt that earnings are low (though perhaps not as dramatically for me compared to some others commenting). I strongly suspect changes are on the way, however, given the new terms of use agreement, the ditching of Adsense, and the other things happening. I am cautiously optimistic. I mean Maven have a plan. No guarantee it will work, but there are clearly big changes afoot, which is almost certainly a good thing.

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      And we have little choice in the matter, Paul.

      1. PaulGoodman67 profile image97
        PaulGoodman67posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        No, but that's what you sign up to with this type of site. We could all go away and have our own websites and have more control, and some have done that, but for me I am prepared to sacrifice some control and have someone else do the technical work as well as the advertising and promotion.

        1. Randy Godwin profile image59
          Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          HP won't last long at this rate, Paul.Just my opinion of course.

          1. PaulGoodman67 profile image97
            PaulGoodman67posted 4 years agoin reply to this

            This is a transition phase, as far as I'm aware. That's why I'm less concerned. It isn't really HP anymore, it's a subsid of a bigger company that specializes in publishing advertising. They were more doomed when they were on their own, I think. The Maven thing has opened up more opportunities and increased funding, as far as I can see. We should see the results of that this year I suspect, for better or worse. That's what I hope anyway, but there is some substance to that hope, it's not just blind faith. They are altering the user agreement so that they can give our work wider publication and potentially more earnings and views, I think. They/we have to jump through hoops and that's taken time. The Maven thing is not instantaneous.

            1. chef-de-jour profile image100
              chef-de-jourposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              What troubles me is the AdBlocker situation and the increased use of, especially by younger viewers I believe. The current thinking is that sites dependent on ads, like HP&Maven, should suggest to viewers not to use the AdBlocker as the ads are the only income source. I have a healthy income from HP and many thousands visit each month but compared to last year (and with a dozen more evergreen articles) earnings are down, mainly because of the AdBlocker I presume.

              1. theraggededge profile image88
                theraggededgeposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                The problem with that is that when I go on sites that show a pop-up asking me to disable my (built-in-to-browser) adblock, I just back out of there and look elsewhere. And that would prevent people reading and perhaps clicking through an Amazon link.

                1. chef-de-jour profile image100
                  chef-de-jourposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  I can understand why people are annoyed when pop-ups distract - I don't like 'em at all - and I wish that Adblockers would just go away but I know they're here to stay. And it's a right people should have to allow ads or not when reading. As a writer though I'm a bit concerned about loss of revenue - knowing there's not much I can do if a reader decides to adblock. I guess I'll just plough on and on with new articles... until?

                2. DrMark1961 profile image99
                  DrMark1961posted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  At some point the number of searchers lost by adding that pop-up is going to be less than the number of visitors that are running adblock so it will be okay to do that. (And the number of impressions we are losing are more than the amount made on Amazon.) I do not have any idea if we are already there. Surely somone out there has research numbers on this?

              2. eugbug profile image94
                eugbugposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                As long as the model doesn't end up resembling what WikiHow uses: "a for-profit company with a social mission". They don't pay their "volunteer" writers.

                1. chef-de-jour profile image100
                  chef-de-jourposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  OOooohh, that would be nuts....Just as a side-thought I wonder what the companies who pay for the ads not being shown because of Adblockers are doing? Their ads are not being seen so do they get compensated? Somehow?

                2. DrMark1961 profile image99
                  DrMark1961posted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  Which is why all of the crap on that site is just "adapted" (copied) from other sites.
                  They are getting what they pay for. I do not know why Google continues to rank them so highly.

            2. PaulGoodman67 profile image97
              PaulGoodman67posted 4 years agoin reply to this

              I think it's important to remember that the ad revenue doesn't just relate purely to the technical stuff. There is an old fashioned hustle that goes on persuading companies to pay for certain advertising campaigns at certain rates. If you are bringing in changes there is a tendency for a lull, as it's much easier to sell after a big change than before it. That's part of the reason why I'm hoping for a rise as the year goes on, anyway.

  24. SmartAndFun profile image98
    SmartAndFunposted 4 years ago

    My earnings in December 2019 were about half of what they were in December 2018.

    January 2020 earnings look like they will be less than half of January 2019's earnings.

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I wish my earnings were half of last January, S&F. mad

      1. SmartAndFun profile image98
        SmartAndFunposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        January's not over yet so anything could happen, but mine will likely be less than half of last year, probably somewhere between a third and half. sad

  25. bhattuc profile image83
    bhattucposted 4 years ago

    Is it due to reduced advertising revenue or more number of sharing authors? Any guess?

  26. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 4 years ago

    Well, I just discovered that ad-block-on is the default setting for Firefox. That certainly doesn't help. Wonder what other browsers have that as their default setting.

    1. Lady Lorelei profile image88
      Lady Loreleiposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, it is getting ridiculous how heavily the various browsers are attempting to direct our browsing. It would be nice if they would STOP IT! I for one am getting sick of having to adjust my settings every time they do an update which between the 3 browsers I regularly use seems to be an almost constant issue.

  27. Kenna McHugh profile image92
    Kenna McHughposted 4 years ago

    Money talks. I search for topics, and I see nothing but junk at the first rankings. It's silly.  I dig deeper to get the good stuff.

    1. Kierstin Gunsberg profile image95
      Kierstin Gunsbergposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Same, Kenna. Half of the first page of SERPs is ads now and the rest is unreliable or like, not even related to what I'm searching for. The quality problem isn't with HubPages, it's with Google algorithms.

      1. OldRoses profile image66
        OldRosesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Well that is discouraging.  And here I was so happy that my articles are starting to make the first page of Google.  So you are telling me that searchers will dismiss my first page articles as "junk" or "unreliable"?  Not good for me who teaches gardening and so my articles are supposed to be authoritative, not junk.

  28. Ben716 profile image83
    Ben716posted 4 years ago

    The views to my articles have always (in most cases)  remained the same but the value is decreasing. I will be earning a half of what I used to earn. Starting September last year, I started noticing decrease in earning despite increase on views.

  29. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 4 years ago

    My illustrious prediction for year 2020.

    We won't get rich, but enough money will be made to care about. smile

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, only making pennies for a click which would normally earn me at the very least a dollar. Turn out the lights......

  30. Randy Godwin profile image59
    Randy Godwinposted 4 years ago

    Does anyone know the ratio of the views nowadays? It was 60/40 when I first joined HP, but with all of the changes in policy, I have no clue how it works now. Is it true we have ads competing with ours which we don't earn from?

    Inquiring minds and all that s#!t.

    1. paradigmsearch profile image59
      paradigmsearchposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      "Is it true we have ads competing with ours which we don't earn from?"

      When using straight AdSense, the answer is yes.  But as we know, that ends on the 29th. As for the HP Ad Program, as far as I know, all ads are still ours.

      Meanwhile, the news of the latest Google algo change has hit mainstream media. Consumer firestorm and all that. Google is even backtracking and saying they will "fix" it.

      1. EricDockett profile image93
        EricDockettposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        If possible, can you point me to a source on the possibility of Google fixing the update? I just did a bunch of searches and checked with the unusual SEO sites and can't find anything on it. Sorry to put you on the spot but I'd really like to know more about that.

        1. paradigmsearch profile image59
          paradigmsearchposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I originally discovered it at https://news.google.com/?hl=en-US&g … ceid=US:en Am now checking to see if it's still there. smile

  31. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 4 years ago
    1. Ben716 profile image83
      Ben716posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the link. It was eye opening as I didn't know about it.

      1. paradigmsearch profile image59
        paradigmsearchposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, it kind of reduced my optimism somewhat. 2020 is going to be an "interesting" year.

        1. Ben716 profile image83
          Ben716posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Me too. You're struggling to write a quality content whilst there is a site that pays to be on top of first page.
          A lot of work is needed.

    2. lobobrandon profile image83
      lobobrandonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      A quote from that article: "In addition, 54% said they placed more trust in the website ranked first in the results than the others. Both of these points can cause major problems for consumers and none of it is the fault of the consumer."

      If someone is so dumb to trust a source based on its rankings it totally is the fault of the consumer. Google never claimed that trustworthy sites are ranked better.

  32. Kenna McHugh profile image92
    Kenna McHughposted 4 years ago

    Yes! I noticed this right away while researching for an article.

  33. Randy Godwin profile image59
    Randy Godwinposted 4 years ago

    Checked my Amazon account this morning. The few items I've sold and shipped this month have disappeared along with my earnings. I thought we had till the 29th to switch over. Oh well, someone else will apprently get both my Amazon sales and my Google Adsense earnings. Only a 100 bucks or so, but still, I earned it.

    1. lobobrandon profile image83
      lobobrandonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      HP does not control your Amazon account, so it can't really go anywhere unless the items were returned. Look at the stats screen on the home page, did you make some money and then it went back to zero? If not, the items were never shipped in the first place, canceled after ordering or something of that sort.

      1. Randy Godwin profile image59
        Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I know HP doesn't control my affiliate. Brando. I had 9 orders, five in the first two weeks and 4 just in the last few days. All were shipped with money added to my account.

        All 9 orders disappeared at once with there being no returns listed in the statement. It's as if they were never there. Poof! Gone with the wind.

        I'll have almost a $100 in my Adsense account which will be in limbo, I suppose. Anyone who can figure out how to get it can have it.

        1. lobobrandon profile image83
          lobobrandonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          That's weird about Amazon. But as Robin says, if you are not going to be using your Adsense account anywhere else you could close it and in that case you are paid as long as you have a balance of more than 10 USD.

  34. Kenna McHugh profile image92
    Kenna McHughposted 4 years ago

    That doesn't make sense.

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Not to me either unless the Amazon affiliate program is already kaput. At any rate, I switched over to the in-house program....reluctantly.

  35. Shesabutterfly profile image98
    Shesabutterflyposted 4 years ago

    Impressions and cpm are down for me compaired to the same time last year. Not by much, but enough that I'm earning 1/3 of what I did for the same period in 2019. I have a few amazon sales, but I could never rely on them anyway so I doubt that is causing the difference.

    I'll at least still make payout so I can't complain too much, but it is disheartening to see such a drop in earnings again. I had a big drop from 2018-2019 as well and never really recovered as the year went on. That's my main concern. If I have a repeat of 2019 with a slow recovery there just may come a point I do not make payout. I'm already making less than I was for the same period of 2018 as well. The average cpm's were better in 2018 than they are currently too. For me it seems the lower cpm's are really effecting my earnings.

    I've always used the HP program so to see this kind of downward trend for the second year is a bit concerning. I really hope it is simply because Google search is so terrible right now, but if that's the case that's a lot harder to fix unless Google does some significant updates and gets the top pages back with quality work. I agree with whoever said search results are terrible right now. I jump to page three 90% of the time right now, because I know the first at least two pages are going to be garbage and unrelated to what I actually searched for.

  36. Randy Godwin profile image59
    Randy Godwinposted 4 years ago

    I didn't know that, Brando. Thanks! smile

  37. Randy Godwin profile image59
    Randy Godwinposted 4 years ago

    I suppose  the party's over. I can't log in to my Adsense account to see if I made enough to get the $100 payout or not. Needless to say, this is really pissing me off as it's still the 29th.

    1. theraggededge profile image88
      theraggededgeposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      That's crazy. Your Adsense account is independent of HubPages, so you should be able to log in to it as usual.

      I was also surprised that sales disappeared from your Amazon account. Again it is completely independent of Hubpages. So, unless (and even if) items were cancelled or returned, you should be able to see them. They can't just evaporate.

      Edit: Update: I earned Adsense $s overnight, and all sites are still listed on my Adsense account.

    2. chef-de-jour profile image100
      chef-de-jourposted 4 years agoin reply to this
    3. DrMark1961 profile image99
      DrMark1961posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I just checked mine and can log in just fine.
      I see what you are talking about with the earnings. I normally make a few dollars a day on Adsense but latest earnings are about 15 cents a day. I think you will find that the HP program is a lot better. My CPM went down a little in January, like everyones, but only a small amount. Nothing severe like those numbers I saw when I logged onto Adsense.

      1. Randy Godwin profile image59
        Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        The google adsense listing is gone from my account  page but google analytics is still listed. Anyway, I've now switched over to the HPad program so I suppose I've lost my money already earned, however much that is as I can't check any longer.

        1. theraggededge profile image88
          theraggededgeposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          You have to check your actual Adsense account. Log in here: https://www.google.com/adsense/start/

  38. Kenna McHugh profile image92
    Kenna McHughposted 4 years ago

    Well, I have access and can still see HP sites listed. Though, I do have my sites registered as well.

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Are you using Goggle Adsense, Kenna?

  39. Kenna McHugh profile image92
    Kenna McHughposted 4 years ago

    Yes. I am.

  40. Kenna McHugh profile image92
    Kenna McHughposted 4 years ago

    I list my other sites on Adsense, so maybe that's why I still have access.

  41. Nell Rose profile image86
    Nell Roseposted 4 years ago

    Yes, why has Google Adsense been removed from our account page? Any ideas? Thanks

    1. paradigmsearch profile image59
      paradigmsearchposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Alas, HP is not a bookmark site. big_smile

      1. lobobrandon profile image83
        lobobrandonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Oh my. Haha.

        1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image78
          TIMETRAVELER2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Am having a problem accessing CD videos I created.  When they open, they say "File History" and while some other stuff is there, it isn't the videos.  Any advice?  Email me if you can.  Thanks.

  42. Kenna McHugh profile image92
    Kenna McHughposted 4 years ago

    Neil Rose, there is a whole thread and announcement from HP about this. https://hubpages.com/community/forum/34 … rms-of-use

    1. paradigmsearch profile image59
      paradigmsearchposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Didn't occur to me that she wouldn't know about that. Oh, well.

      1. Nell Rose profile image86
        Nell Roseposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        lol! Para, yeah I can be a bit slow on the uptake sometimes as my mother used to say!

    2. Nell Rose profile image86
      Nell Roseposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry Kenna, I missed that. Thank you.


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