There are tons of articles getting stolen by this person :
Posting it at a website without our permission!
Check your articles here that may have been stolen too:
This person must be reported!
I just published an Article yesterday not even 24 hours has passed and boom he has copied paste it on his website.
What's going on HubPages? This person might be a reader and an author here for him to get access to these articles. Just worse if he is one of the editing team.
Hopefully this issue gets resolved!
We have exerted our efforts creating these articles. If it won't be featured to the niche sites as someone has stolen it for I don't know reason, what will become of us writers?
Kindly do something about these.
Yes, Gianella. Many of us are having our articles stolen as soon as we publish them. Misbah, even had hers flagged as duplicate even though she had only just published it. I agree something needs to be done to stop this.
They got me too. They took my recent Elvis gospel article.
Matt, I understood that writers own the copy right to they contents or works. But the copying. theft, or plagiarize was done on the HubPages end side, not on the authors' website or blog(s). Couldn't Hubpages done something about that? I mean stopping the copying?
I have seen Bill's Mailbags too at the site of this person John. He/she is really something.
I am not angry at that person, I actually feel sorry for him. He must be a miserable idiot suffering inferiority and compensating it by presenting himself as an intelligent person by stealing others' work. I can easily see him as wearing a T-shirt reading: "I am a movie star".
Spotted one of Beth's: https: //acpeo. com/2022/03/06/how-to-give-feedback-in-a-writing-group/
They are posting so many on one day that they must be using scraping software.
I agree Sir Vlad. I feel sorry and pity for this person behind this mysterious tactics of copying articles without our consent. The website itself was so sketchy to begin with. It says gourmet blogs but I rarely see any articles about gourmet. The contents are so random that he/she is just basically saving the works of others to a website. Imagine if this person is earning more for the contents that he/she doesn't own but his/her email is misleading. Displaying the email under the articles displayed is like saying that he/she is the author for it.
I don't know if this person might as well be in need of psychological consultation and a psychiatric advice.
It sounds bizzarre. Can't tell what this person is upto. May God Bless Him/Her.
I went to the website just a few moments ago and nothing loads. Perhaps the stolen content has all been removed?
Yeah that seems to be it. Glad it has been all removed now. Thank God. All articles there have been removed. Thank you Carb for the info. I've just checked it to. God Bless you.
I left a rude comment and told them they were breaking copyright law.
Couldn't find anything of mine so can't submit DMCA. Easy enough for someone to do.
I sent an email to the person who was stealing the articles and filed a DMCA a few days ago. He/she never responded, but I'm relieved to know that all of my articles have been taken down from there . Thank God. Gianella, thank you for the information
But there's still a twist the person is still stealing articles from HubPages. Here's what he/she has just stolen now.
Yes, I'm sorry to say that the site is still up. I looked at it on two devices when people said that it was down, and it still existed, though it had a very small selection of articles. Now they are adding to this selection. As Misbah says, they've just added one with the HubPages name.
Yep, it's still alive and well. An article that John (Jodah) wrote about the site is front and center - several times!
Lol this boils down to question, "when will he ever learn?" how nasty.
This is the second site from this person. As I mentioned on another post, he or she is probably a member, considering he has access to hubs that have not been published onto the search engines.
A member of the HubPages community or I'm very curious here.
A look at the site seems to link it through Alicia Harmony and La Petite Boulangerie with a registered office in London. However, there is no boulangerie, petite or not at the address given, nor any trace of a suitable Alicia Harmony.
The links to Facebook, YouTube, etc get nowhere. We can sign up for a newsletter that is "delivered directly in you inbox" - I don't think I will.
Hard to see what's going on here.
Have you ever heard of a thief leaving his address for the police to come and arrest him?
Whoever the person is, he/she is really clever, and I believe he/she is not following the hubbers but the topics, and whoever posts a fresh article in his topic of interest, he simply thinks it's written for him to have it copied. It would be difficult to stop this person without the help of HubPages. HubPages seriously need to tighten the screws.
Awe I see what he did. He still has the original site; he took off the articles that were uploaded on the site prior to the first thread on this particular
subject being posted on Hubpages.. Possibly he (she) read that thread and immediately started taking those stolen articles offline. Don't know why he is still posting when has already been exposed (then again most crooks aren't that bright).
The person might be laughing at our helplessness. A lot of credit goes to our fantastic platform, which has so many loopholes that anyone can come in and take our work without being banned. I tried searching for the person using his or her email address, but I couldn't locate anything. According to the reverse search, the individual has a Linkedin account with the same Gmail address. Maybe he's also using the same Gmail address for his HubPages account. No matter how smart the thief is, he always makes a mistake; I hope HubPages can help us in this regard only if they want to.
Now they have Flourish's 70 songs with the word "Stay" posted. I left a scathing remark in their comments. (Hmmm, comments) but it will be up to FlourishAnyway to submit a formal complaint.
When I did a search for the text in the registered office section on the website, Chrome showed me page after page of sites with different URLs but (based on the ones that I checked) with the same format and in some cases with the same articles as the site that we're discussing. My browser showed me so many results that I gave up loading the pages.
He has also stolen Greg Cain’s latest response to Bill Holland’s challenge. He is very brazen.
The adverts on the pages seem to be 'circular'. Although I didn't click on them, they link back to the acpeo site.
Another update: the person is including the authors name and/or link to the original article. They are put at the bottom of the article. Evidently, this person got a crash course in plagiarism laws. Still, that's no excuse.
It makes no difference if the person is providing links to our original articles or is not trying to hide our names. In any case stealing is still a crime. Because of this site, HubPages unpublished my original article a few days ago and claimed that it is a duplicate content because their system was unable to determine where it was published first.
I didn't realize this was happening at such a large degree. It is disgusting. I don't know why his site is not taken down. I appreciate all the information everyone provided.
Browsing the Acpeo site, I have found many more HP articles still there and not all are attributed. These articles by Beth Eaglescliffe have a link back but no attribution visible to the author except a mention to her as Beth at the start of the article.
John, I believe the source link the person has provided at the end of the article links back to HP
I'm not sure what's going on at that site. My article has been re-posted there by the same person.
It's crazy
The website's Term and Conditions page made me laugh. Do thieves steal from each other's homes . . . Wondering. . .
See what they say:
Yes, this person is still actively copying. I looked at the website's sitemap and there are over 40 articles copied for today! And is still currently copying, I see already articles being added with the date of March 7th!
I compared the Hubpages sitemap and the stolen content website's sitemap. On Hubpages an article shows published at 3:23AM and on the copied article at 2:13AM. I am not sure what timezones are being followed.
I missed this response by Alexadry before. Wondering... How is that possible?
Mine was copied the next day after I published it. I published mine Evening of March 5 and it was posted on acpeo around 11am March 6. It got deleted sometime in the evening but then soon enough he posted it again. Good thing my article now has been approved by HP. I was afraid it would have problems and would stay pending due to some content stealing matters but I'm glad it is now flagged featured and no violations whatsoever. Have some screenshots of the timestamp you publish it on HP or the time you finish writing it in your writing software. It will prove that someone copied it intentionally I'm sure timestamps are different. Have the date shown as well.
There is one thing I noticed, if an article is already moved to discover, he's got no choice but to copy everything manually. Since there will be ads in between and the original spaces of the article will be altered. This person doesn't care about the spaces and interval between the verses. Maybe he was in a hurry? Trying to copy articles in his gourmet website as much as possible? I mean, I'd give their team a B for effort in copying and pasting articles from here to their website that's a lot of work! And to make it seem as if it's your own by placing your email ad underneath the headline title, wow just wow.
It’s been about 30 hrs that this issue has been posted.
Don’t the team at HP have anything to chip in YET?
Matt stated that they are trying to fix the issue. It's been almost 9 days now, not 30 hours.
Here's the first forum thread I created 9 days ago. … ost4230961
It certainly puts me off even thinking about publishing anything new here.
Since the thief is not earning anything, that's probably his/her actual intention.
Last thing I saw was that this thief doesn't have ads within the article, but does have ads displayed on the right side, so he/she is earning.
The ads link back to the site, fake ads in other words. And just like all the social media links.
Everything on the site is fake.
I think CYong74 might be right. The goal of the site seems to be to annoy writers and perhaps HubPages. Maybe the creator is a disgruntled writer.
Too shay, Alicia. Disgruntled. I suspected it was an inside job the first time Misbah posted about her first article being duplicate, but I didn't want to say it out loud and sound accusatory against my fellow hubbers. Very sad. I hope HP staff address and resolve it soon. Thank you, Gianella, for this forum post.
I agree. If this person is using scraping technology is there anything HP can even do without knowing who exactly this person is?
Seems they are posting them after they get to Discover now. Hopefully people are not getting duplicate warnings anymore, but this is still very frustrating that it is continuing to happen on such a large scale.
Hello Everyone,
Guess what? I wrote an article against that site. They also copied that. Lol! What else can we expect? Thank you, John, for your wise advice.
Here's the link to my original article: … tent-theft
So…it’s looking somewhat normal-ish over on acpeo dot com this AM. Does that mean they turned off their scraper, perhaps pointed it somewhere else?
I have given up on trying to stop thieves. I have at least 50 articles that have been stolen. Far too many for me to catch!
Have published an article just now, regarding everyone's sentiments and some thoughts I had on this issue. Please take time to read. Although it seems I have written a novel of my thoughts, I'm sure it will be worth it. My apologies in advance for it being so lengthy. I just have to let it all out.
I see that the person has copied Rupert's story with "pickle" in the title to their gourmet site. This time, they haven't added the word "HubPages" to the source but say at the start that it was written by the person posting the articles. They give Rupert's name at the end of the article and provide a "source link" to the original story. It's still an example of copying content, though.
People who spot their work there could send invoices for unauthorised use. I did it in the past, twice. And got paid--around $500 for the two stolen articles.
Send one by email, and a copy to the webhost.
How did you go about writing these invoices? Did you use a lawyer? I’m guessing people normally ignore the invoice? Very curious.
Just type out a standard invoice, paste into or attach it to an email. You don't need a lawyer. I've only done it a few times. Yes, they'll probably ignore it, but when faced with a legitimate demand for payment, they usually get the articles taken down fast. It seems to concentrate the mind
Let us know if your invoices are paid, John and Misbah!
Acpeo has already copied it. What's strange is that they copied it as soon as I published it. By mistake I used the word 'World' in the title of the article, and within 15 minutes of publishing it, I realized my mistake and changed the word 'World' to 'Global.' They took it before I made the change. I mean 'Wow.' Too quick!
My article did not stay on HubPages and climbed to discover as soon as I published it. Maybe it happened because I was working on this article for several days. I worked on it for 5 days and Acpeo took it away in 5 minutes. I'm sick of it!
Now I'm hoping that HP's system will not flag it by mistake!
This is certainly thwarting any desire to keep publishing on this format.
To be honest, Shauna, the current situation is suffocating my desire to write and publish on this site.
I can relate. Along with all the other changes we've been subjected to, this latest occurrence is squelching my creativity.
I think I'll republish all my HP articles to Medium. I might as well be the one doing the copying... and profiting from it.
Somehow I missed the thread(s) about this guy/site till now, when someone pointed out to me that my last two articles have been copied/pasted there. So now it's on like Donkey Kong.
Does anybody know where/who to contact to file a DMCA against this choad? I want to make him bite the curb, digitally speaking. … 1&rd=2
I've filed DMCA for two and going to submit one more for the most recent one.
Has anyone written to the web host of this thief? If so, what's the response?
I've tried writing an email to the address displayed of this website, but it seems monitored by a bot only, it doesn't reply.
Not that address. Have you written to the web host at ?
The site owner is extremely unlikely to respond.
Will do today
Thank you so much for providing the email address, CYong.
I've filed DMCAs and sent emails to the email address listed as his username on the website. As I can see the user image on that gmail address, I believe the person is receiving my emails and the email address is valid.
Misbah, no offence. But sending emails to the thief is obviously not going to accomplish anything. Why are you even doing it?
The way you protested against Matt's suggestion also gave me the impression you have already exhausted all DMCA options, when you haven't even done the basic first step? Are you aware that if the host accepts your filing, they will remove the infringing material? They might even shut down the whole site? It also takes just a minute, if you use the template supplied by HP.
Frankly, I think this is a way more immediate way to deal with the issue, compared badgering Matt and HP for days. Or investigating ways like firewalls and restrictions and what have you. Methods that could kill our traffic more effectively than any thief could.
BTW, stop sharing all these screenshots too. We know what the site is. You're giving it a lot of publicity, and not in a good way.
I see. Thanks a lot for your kind suggestions, CYong. I am amazed to know that I am the one who's giving publicity to that site. Bravo!!!
It's not just me the entire HP is under the attack of that website, so there's no reason to blame me.
You don't need to be sarcastic, Misbah. If you need me to spell it out, I'm turned off by your many insinuations about HP over the last few days. No, I should say the way you openly "blame" HP for this matter.
You also refuse to do the one thing that is internationally recommended for such incidents. But you would go write a hub, wait for it to be stolen, then share screenshots, then tell the administrator off. Then start a forum thread lamenting how dead your feed is because of this thief.
You deserve the bravo.
Cool! I am not being sarcastic.
I have sent an email to the web host as well now let's wait and watch what's next. Matt asked me to file DMCA, I respect his words and did that plenty of times. I am not the only one who's writing hubs.
What do you mean by I am writing hubs and waiting for them to be stolen? (Some of us writers were having fun and thought that by writing a hub against that site, we might be able to stop the thief.)
Again it's not just me who's facing this problem. I am not blaming HP for anything, we were just asking for HP's help and it was not just me who was asking for help. Please go and read all the forms.
I think you are having a bad day CYong. Please stay calm. Happy Weekend!!
Well, I was having a pretty okay week. And then I saw the way you dismiss Matt's reply. And how you, what's the word, revel in accusations.
And yes, others were asking for HP's help too. But you were the one who kept fanning the unhappiness, isn't it? And implying at every turn HP is complicit in the theft?
In the end, you know better than anyone else what you're doing. You would pardon me for not wishing you a good weekend, when you seem to already be having so much fun.
I enjoyed reading your false observations and allegations. I don't have anything else to say, but I want to say a big thank you to you for keeping such a close eye on my activities on HubPages. I never said anything negative/wrong about Matt, and I'm not sure why you keep bringing up his name in this conversation. What is the point of doing that?
It's impossible to avoid you on the forum. You're outdoing even, you know, that other hubber you told off for being unthinking, nowadays.
And I already said it. Your insinuations and dismissals are a turn off. Way more harmful than this thief is.
It doesn't matter whether you know, or do not know, who else I'm referring to. But I suspect you do.
I'll make a confession too. I baited you earlier. When I asked whether anyone has filed with the host, I expected you to reply. You did. And you replied in exactly the way I thought you would. Which is that you haven't even done the basic despite all the doomsday claims and laments, and forum threads you're making.
Is it because you didn't know you should at least try? Or is it just more fun to keep casting aspersions on the management of the platform?
Again, you know the truth to it all.
If you can't say it clearly, don't say it at all. CYong, stop playing mind games with me. Be fearless and honest! I don't fear anyone, so I always say it loud and clear, and I'd appreciate it if you could do the same.
I'll make a confession too. I baited you earlier. When I asked whether anyone has filed with the host, I expected you to reply. You did. And you replied in exactly the way I thought you would. ..... Your words are noted!!!
I have been crystal clear. But you are feigning confusion, I suspect, because you know what mischief you've been up to.
Is this clear enough for you?
And nope, don't try these lame blogger talk with me. I don't care about you or whether you fear anything. I obviously don't fear you too, Otherwise, why would I write all this?
And with the exception of that time you asked for support when condemning another hubber's Pakistan hub, I barely talk with you, yeah?
But what is happening this week is really too annoying to ignore.
Oh, yes! So, just to be clear, you're referring to the forum I created about Mr. MG Singh some 10 months ago. So now I know what's causing the pain. When I asked for help on that forum, you didn't said anything there. I asked for help from the community, not from you, but you sent me an email about it via HubPages. Do you want me to send you a screenshot of the email you sent me about that forum?
lame blogger talk sounds interesting!!
By the way I don't have anymore conflicts with Mr. MG Singh. So you are just wasting your time once again.
Don't create confusions I never asked you for any help. I had no idea if there's a hubber named 'CYong' on this platform until I received an email from you..
Oh dear! Seems like I wasted my time that round, trying to talk you out of the issue.
But no, that's not it. There's no other issue involved, stop trying. I am simply, bluntly, clearly telling you to stop playing up this content theft issue. Be concerned but go do the sensible thing. Which you explicitly rejected.
If that fails, then do your usual screengrab thing and we can all harass the management for a better response.
Calm down? Did I give you that impression?
Highlight: I have been mincing my words. Surely you don't think this is my worst?
Counter suggestion: Before you talk about respect, be respectful to the site that's tolerating your insinuations and rants. For months. Claiming you love it and blah blah blah while making doomsday claims is not respect. In any dictionary.
It's hypocrisy.
Misbah never accused HP of being complicit in the theft, she, as did a number of us said the perpetrator must me a member here that is following some of us or certain you referred to maybe a disgruntled member. It was also not Misbah who suggested setting up a firewall.
Check forum: … -apceo-etc
Why can't hubpages do something about our articles stolen by the likes of Apceo? It seems they take just about everything but HP does nothing! HP will lose out too because authors will start removing their pieces.
“Ann, Matt insists it's not HP's responsibility, but the writers' because we own the copyrights. However, I feel they should and can do something to disallow the penetration of bots and human plagiarists alike, since the entire platform is being infiltrated. How about a firewall?”
I can understand why Misbah is concerned however, as she has had articles flagged as duplicate here almost immediately after publishing.
It also gets a bit much when every article you publish is stolen as soon as it hits Discover, as is my situation. I don’t understand why you are singling out Misbah.
DMCAs have been sent to both the host and Google so let’s see if it goes anywhere.
Jodah, let me put it this way.
I know who suggested what. Who talked about locking down the site, firewalls, screening members, etc. I did read the forum. That's why I responded.
I have stolen articles too, though never any marked as duplicate, yet. (I'm sure I'd be targeted soon) So I know the pain, and the frustration when there's no way to pull these copies down.
But whereas everyone is indignant, worried, angry, someone here strikes me as ... gleeful? And this certain person rejects the official recommendation while having never even tried. Then started a sarcastic thread promoting more apocalyptic theories about the site's future.
Maybe it does for you, but it doesn't add up for me.
And I'm not saying she's the disgruntled person behind everything. I'm explicitly saying she gives me the impression she's milking this to express her other unhappiness with the site. Which is unfair and incredibly tasteless.
Who told you I'm expressing my unhappiness? If I were unhappy, I would not have invested my time and effort in HubPages. I've written 150 articles for this site in 14 months because I love it! But if we have a problem, it is our right to address it, and no one from HP has ever told us not to talk about it. Instead, they have provided us with a discussion forum. If something hurts you, please avoid, but don't blame others. You're fighting a case against nothing.
What case do you think I'm fighting? I mean, going by your advice, you can avoid me too.
And who are you kidding, are you even addressing anything? Everything you wrote on this matter encourages the dumping of the entire problem on the platform. You haven't even done a proper DMCA and yet you ranted about it being an impossible avenue. And moaned about having no proper official response for days.
Your love for the site is truly thorny.
I filed DMCA before Matt suggested me to do that. The site removed my content once and then re-posted it.
Control yourself I don't want to lower myself to your level, so I'd simply report your responses, and to be clear, you'd be the first one I'd ever report.
Well, go ahead then. I'm sure you can spin a really long accusation about me.
We are also already at the pits, you made me lower down to that level to engage you. That is an accomplishment, btw, you ought to pat yourself. Other than one other hubber, no one managed to incense me enough to speak this way.
Uffff!!! Don't make me stoop at your level because I don't want to.
No Misbah. You are pressing the entire site to crouch at your level.
By the way, I hope you're cordial enough to thank me. You did start a forum thread to complain about how boring your HP feed is? Did I at least give you a few hours of excitement? (Oh, you'd probably deny it. I bet you would)
Know this too. If HubPages is really in real threat, lunatics like me will most certainly not stomach it sitting down.
Yes, I started that thread! Thank you for entertaining me. I was mentioning that there were no new hubs on the feed and that the feed was empty. I don't like arguing with people like you do, so the way you entertained me surprised me.
By the way, you dropped the topic in between. You didn't tell me if you want me to share the Screenshot of the email you sent to me? Goodbye!
Yeah, I can be really obsessive when you succeed in pressing all my buttons.
And I've been here longer than you. So I know for a fact there are hubbers far worse than me. I believe it wouldn't be longer before you lure all of them out.
Yeah, I can be really obsessive when you succeed in pressing all my buttons.
And I've been here longer than you. So I know for a fact there are hubbers far worse than me. I believe it wouldn't be longer before you lure all of them out..... your words are noted again!
You were never called. You appear out of nowhere, and don't try to threaten me because it will be fruitless. Please avoid
All of the people you're referring to are members of the HubPages community, just like you and me. There is no one inferior or prior here. The site is as much mine as it is for anyone else here.
There you have it. Another accusation. Another attempt to play victim when you are positively on a high for a week.
You really get your kicks from this, don't you?
Lol! I just discovered that you are unstoppable. Please continue to say things. I would just prefer to read now. I don't want to limit your enthusiasm.
I hate to be intrusive, but please stop this argument. There is a lot of room for interpretation on this theft situation and getting into an accusatory mode isn’t helping anyone. Let’s not pigeonhole other HP users. Some of these comments sound kind of threatening, so please stop.
Thank you so much for your response here, SerenityHalo. Yes you are right. But he started to accuse me for no apparent reason. The conversation is already ended from my side .
Blessings and Love to you!!
This latest content theft is the most outrageous so far. We're talking about hubs being stolen before they are even featured, and the originals being marked as duplicates. Even if editors approve ours, we could still be permanently blacklisted by Google.
And so we need to do everything we can to stop it. Or at least try. I'm sure you agree.
But it looks like some hubbers are more interested in turning this into another grievance with HubPages, or Maven, or whatever. And the most vocal person involved has written all sorts of things about the portal, but has not even filed a basic strike with the host. And even rejects doing it.
I'm sorry if my exchange with Misbah distressed you, SerenityHalo. But I'm not sorry, at all, for calling her out. Because she is at least encouraging the impression that everything should be handled by Hubpages. And that hubbers don't have a way to immediately deal with the matter ourselves.
This will just make things worse.
Please use the forums discussion wisely and behave accordingly. Not only both of you are able to read this thread but also the staffs and others. Please be mindful of our actions and its consequences. I say 'our' because I might have done something too over the past few days regarding this matter that's a little off.
Remember, you are also displaying who you are as a writer and as an author. Be professional even in forums.
I hope you both have gotten so much off of your chest already. Call it a night.
God bless to both of you.
Gonna be mindful next time too. Thank you for reminding not to overshare.
Have a great weak sheaf
John Hansen has made it very clear here :
Anyone who's reading this thread knows who's doing what
My first response to CYong:
My second response:
Then his response:
I was being polite but no one can stay polite after being accused for no reason. Like CYong did here when he said: "It's impossible to avoid you on the forum. You're outdoing even, you know, that other hubber you told off for being unthinking, nowadays.
And I already said it. Your insinuations and dismissals are a turn off. Way more harmful than this thief is.
Then this: I'll make a confession too. I baited you earlier. When I asked whether anyone has filed with the host, I expected you to reply. You did. And you replied in exactly the way I thought you would. Which is that you haven't even done the basic despite all the doomsday claims and laments, and forum threads you're making.
And then:
Your love for the site is truly thorny.
And he says I am accusing him.
How toxic. You're cherry picking my words to play victim again.
Am I now your latest target?
I think your behavior will ultimately depict your true intentions on this matter.
You are not that lucky to be my target but you have targeted me. And I am not talking to you directly. So please don't reply under my responses now.
I hope your wish come true about depicting my real intentions on this matter.
But you are bending over backward to paint a bad picture of me, which I guess you are entitled to since I'm blunt about you.
I will also reply as I see fit. If you feel that's wrong, report me and we will let the admins decide.
A new charge!
You're being blunt about me, and you believe others are flattering. right?
It’s not me who’s painting a bad picture of you, you admitted above that you started all of this on purpose. Now you just have to explain why you're doing all of this drama.
I was being polite to you, and everyone who knows me knows how I am, so all of this drama would be useless.
I haven't had many interactions with you in the last 14 months, so how can you be so sure about me? This is very suspicious.
You keep insisting that I have some hidden agenda against you. I have already made it clear everything started because I find your behavior fishy.
You claim to be traumatized by your new hub being marked as a duplicate. I believe that. But from that point, you do nothing other than blame the platform. You don't even do the one thing that has a shot at dealing with the thief. And yet you have the time and energy to keep sharing screengrabs of the thief.
Why? I asked you this right from the start and you have been ignoring the question, while raining more and more accusations on me. Is it because you really thought emailing the thief would help? But you have been told several times to file with the host. Advice that you reject right away.
And in the midst of all these, you have time to start a thread to lament the impending death of the site. You can write a hub on the matter, wait for it to be stolen, then share screengrabs of the crime. (Correspondingly, giving traffic to the thief). Supposedly as a joke.
You are unbelievable!
Yes, I thought sending an email to the person would help. Because I did once and filed a DMCA too, the person removed my content in no time but then re-posted it later. You can find the clues of what I am saying is true in the previous comments on the same thread.
I thanked you for providing the web host's email address because I wasn't sure what the web host's email address was, but thanking you was really expensive.
Thanking me for that email wasn't expensive, whatever that means. Ultimately, it is all because you strongly gave the impression you are more interested in moaning about the theft rather than doing something concrete. The way you splashed screengrabs about and reject the dmca suggestions further makes everything more suspicious.
I never rejected the suggestion of filing DMCA, I filed it and even provided links on this forum and on other forum discussions as well so that others can file it too. If you are so concerned, please do read all of the threads that have been started on this subject.
Yes, thanking you was costly in the sense that I spent a lot of energy on this forum discussion for nothing.
Second, I never sent you an email; you sent it to me, and I replied to you after a month or so when things calmed down. To be clear, I do not respond to every email I receive. If you were so concerned about Mr. MG Singh's matter, you should have responded on the forum discussion rather than sending me an email.
I mentioned the email you sent to me about 10 months ago because in previous comments you confused people on this forum by using the term "Other hubber," then mentioned "a hub about Pakistan," then about my forum post that I created about 10 months ago and has nothing to do with this matter, and your never-ending blames. I wanted to make it clear to everyone on this forum. I don't want them to get confused.. Just a quick wrap-up, I hope that makes sense.
I think people can read and see what you have been up to, at which point of time, over this and other matters. I mentioned your harassment of emge previously because you were raining accusations on me, and I reminded I was previously cordial with you. Which you then immediately twist into another tale.
Notice too how I am not citing others or rearranging your words, etc. I stand by what I originally said, which is to do the sensible thing and stop giving the thief publicity with all your screengrabs. But you keep making this a "me me me me ME" thing. That convinces me you don't care about the issue beyond the initial shock. You only care about it being all about you.
Can you please stop now? I'm tired. I've already wasted a lot of my energy, and I don't want to waste any more of it arguing with you about something that isn't going anywhere. Stop playing mind games, CYong. There was no need to bring up Matt's name, nor was it necessary to bring up the conversation about Mr. Singh. It is you, who is trying to make it all about you. I just said a 'thank you ' to you in response to one of your comments and you didn't stop after that.
All of your hypocrisy about Mr.MG Singh's case will end here if I start being as disrespectful to you as you are to me. If you will not stop, I will have to reveal your statements on that matter, which you sent to me via email. Is there anything I've ever asked you about? Stop pushing me!
No one came up and supported you on this forum because everyone can see how rude and disrespectful you are being towards me for no reasons.
But you didn't stop, did you? After others stepped in, I pulled away and you claimed you're stopping. But you started cherry picking my words and rearranging the sequence. And you were the one who immediately blew up when I told you to do the sensible thing and stop with the screengrab nonsense. You clearly are more than willing to expend energy on this.
And why are you so touchy about me highlighting your response to Matt's reply? I told you I find that response unbecoming and odd. It was what led me to wonder what's your actual interest in the whole matter.
But I suppose it's all just you having your fun here. All part of your efforts to keep the limelight on you by playing victim and to extend that limelight by liberally accusing everything and anything of having an agenda on you. Including at this site which you claim to love, thus why I said your proclaimed love for the site is thorny.
That's also why you jumped at the chance to write a scathing hub which might be immediately stolen by the thief. It's all, for you, just part of making everything about you, no matter the expense.
And please, go ahead and share private emails if you feel that helps. I mean, it reflects who you really are, doesn't it? No matter how much you try to play victim. As for this whole, I have support of others etc. Do you really? Do I need it too? From the start, I have just been telling you to do the sensible thing. Stop playing up the issue and do the sensible thing to stop the issue. Stop giving the thief traffic and attention by sharing screengrabs, writing articles for it, and indirectly encouraging everyone to visit.
Why do you have such a strong aversion to that? Why do you keep making it a me-vs-you situation when it's clear you are just helping the thief? Even if you don't intend for the latter?
So... this is what I found today. It looks like this individual is using a theme from a company that does pre-built websites and is simply using the contact info provided by the theme (which I guess one would normally change). This likely explains why social media buttons and the newsletter doesn't work. He's not associated with La Petite Boulangeri etc. Even the ads are taken from the theme. The pre-built website is found here under Prebuilt websites scrolling down to Gourmet Pro: https://demo.tagdiv (dot) com/select_demo/newspaper-prebuilt-websites/
by Teri Silver 2 years ago
Usually I find a couple pieces of stolen article copy on different sites. Today, it's more than enough to make me comment here. HP notifies us, adds the complaint link, and the complaint file cut-paste copy but little else to build a brick wall against content thieves. For every click...
by SmartAndFun 9 years ago
Thanks to ThatMommyBlogger for finding this site and bringing it up in another thread. I think it deserves its own thread to warn HP writers. It looks like a site called 2uidea-dot-com is taking newly published hubs and putting them up as their own at a rapid pace. It appears they have filled their...
by David Patrick 2 years ago
So I checked some of my better performing hubs that I published years ago and it says my content may have been stolen! I clicked the links and there are multiple websites that are just copy and pasting my paragraphs! They are plagiarizing my content! Some of these websites are foreign apparently...
by Dawn Michael 14 years ago
sweetsusie bug just informed me that she saw on of my hubs word for word on a blog what rights do I have on this?
by Andrew Spacey 11 years ago
Thieves are stealing our articles.What can we do?Internet thieves are laughing their heads off,all the way to the bank in many cases. All they need do is copy content, sit back and enjoy the rewards. What can authors/writers do to help stop this blatant criminal activity? DMCA filing doesn't work....
by Rupert Taylor 7 years ago
HP tells me my article Guns for Children has been stolen by a website called Brutalist Press. The offending website says it is "copied" by someone called Helga Dagmar. HP offers advice on what to do but most of it is quite beyond my technology skills, and some of the links admin offers go...
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