by Margaret Minnicks 4 weeks ago
Letter from HubPages TeamHi revmjm,You have hit a pretty impressive milestone—your 14-Year Anniversary on HubPages! Thanks for gracing us with your creativity and unique perspective these past 14 years. HubPages wouldn't be the same without you. Happy Hubbiversary!
by Shauna L Bowling 19 months ago
I received notification today that this is my 11th Hubbiversary. Seems hard to believe. I remember when I first joined HP. I posted mostly poetry at the time. I was always thrilled each time I was notified of new followers. Oooh - I have five followers! Twenty! Thirty! I was so green. With the help...
by Dilip Chandra 12 years ago
Hello friends, i just reached a new milestone; Three Years on HubPages and also my Hubs have been viewed 1,000,000 times. Thank you Team HP and thank you all friends for your support
by icv 9 years ago
I have completed 3 years on HubPages by the end of February 2016. Thanks my dear fellow authors for supporting commenting on my hubs. Last 3 years, I have published more than 115 hubs and got 192000 plus hits? Looking for a better future here!!!
by Steve Andrews 12 years ago
Doesn't time fly? I have just found out I have been on here all of four years!HubPages have sent me a message saying: "You have hit a pretty impressive milestone—your 4 Year Anniversary on HubPages!"
by Poppy 5 years ago
Time flies; it’s already been five years on this site. I love writing here and the cool people I’ve met. Here’s to another five!