by Shauna L Bowling 16 months ago
I received notification today that this is my 11th Hubbiversary. Seems hard to believe. I remember when I first joined HP. I posted mostly poetry at the time. I was always thrilled each time I was notified of new followers. Oooh - I have five followers! Twenty! Thirty! I was so green. With the help...
by Dilip Chandra 12 years ago
Hello friends, i just reached a new milestone; Three Years on HubPages and also my Hubs have been viewed 1,000,000 times. Thank you Team HP and thank you all friends for your support
by Steve Andrews 12 years ago
Doesn't time fly? I have just found out I have been on here all of four years!HubPages have sent me a message saying: "You have hit a pretty impressive milestone—your 4 Year Anniversary on HubPages!"
by icv 8 years ago
I have completed 3 years on HubPages by the end of February 2016. Thanks my dear fellow authors for supporting commenting on my hubs. Last 3 years, I have published more than 115 hubs and got 192000 plus hits? Looking for a better future here!!!
by Brian Dooling 11 years ago
I just got an email from Hubpages telling me its my 2 year anniversary on the site! The date I joined hubpages always surprises me because I joined at the end of June but didnt publish my first hub till July 14th! I always think July is the anniversary but its not! Anyways in honor of my 2...
by Poppy 5 years ago
Time flies; it’s already been five years on this site. I love writing here and the cool people I’ve met. Here’s to another five!