Hub Pages poll: How likely are you to recommend Hub Pages?

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  1. Carb Diva profile image99
    Carb Divaposted 2 months ago

    They asked and I replied. "I've said it before I'll say it again. Too many ads destroy the articles. No comments destroyed our community. I have stopped writing here and wouldn't recommend this site to my worst enemy."

    1. bravewarrior profile image83
      bravewarriorposted 2 months agoin reply to this


    2. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 2 months agoin reply to this

      The polls have annoyed me a little because I am always unable to access any other part of my account until I answer the poll, including mobile and desktop (2 different desktop computers and servers). Ho hum.

    3. RoadMonkey profile image84
      RoadMonkeyposted 2 months agoin reply to this


    4. Lorelei Nettles profile image88
      Lorelei Nettlesposted 2 months agoin reply to this

      So where do you write?

      1. Carb Diva profile image99
        Carb Divaposted 2 months agoin reply to this

        I'm on Medium now along with quite a few other HP writers.

        1. MizBejabbers profile image91
          MizBejabbersposted 2 months agoin reply to this

          Hi, lady! I'm glad to know that because I rarely visit HP anymore. I've missed all the camaraderie that we had for so many years, and I haven't written anything in five years. I really hate the interruptions from the ads.

          1. Carb Diva profile image99
            Carb Divaposted 2 months agoin reply to this

            Look for me on Medium. I think the subscription is $5 per month or $50 per year. So much good content and interactive. Worth it.

            1. Lorelei Nettles profile image88
              Lorelei Nettlesposted 2 months agoin reply to this

              So do you get paid? I mean is the fee worth it for you?

              1. Carb Diva profile image99
                Carb Divaposted 2 months agoin reply to this

                I'm not there for the money, but I'm getting 3 figures every month. If a story is "boosted" you can earn a considerable amount in a month.

                1. MizBejabbers profile image91
                  MizBejabbersposted 2 months agoin reply to this

                  Wow, that's quite a bit, but you have a good subject matter so I can see why. I just write about whatever suits my fancy. I think Bill Holland pretty well cornered the market on my area of expertise.

            2. MizBejabbers profile image91
              MizBejabbersposted 2 months agoin reply to this

              I'll check it out. I have so little time to write anymore because of my husband's illness and trying to market a house in an old neighborhood where very few people want to move.

    5. janshares profile image95
      jansharesposted 2 months agoin reply to this


  2. Jodah profile image88
    Jodahposted 2 months ago

    How could we possibly recommend it? For all those reasons.

  3. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
    PaulGoodman67posted 2 months ago

    I don't think it matters how we answer the survey, to be brutally honest.

    I think TAG changed the layout of HP to save money and they're not going to go back now.

    1. Carb Diva profile image99
      Carb Divaposted 2 months agoin reply to this

      Then why bother to poll? Just one of those feel-good exercises?

      1. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
        PaulGoodman67posted 2 months agoin reply to this

        A hangover from the days when they paid attention to feedback and there was a rapport between the writers and management.

        There are features of this site that no longer serve much purpose but they've just not bothered to get rid of.

        1. PaulGoodman67 profile image96
          PaulGoodman67posted 2 months agoin reply to this

          I think that the abolishment of the community manager post (the last person to hold it was Samantha Cubbison) was a strong indicator that TAG was doing away with the old relationship and a turning point.

  4. viking305 profile image94
    viking305posted 2 months ago

    So true, it has been a complete disaster since it was sold.

  5. AdeleCosgroveBray profile image89
    AdeleCosgroveBrayposted 2 months ago

    What's the point of this latest poll, seeing as how our opinions on HP's headlong decline have been totally ignored for too long already?

    1. Carb Diva profile image99
      Carb Divaposted 2 months agoin reply to this

      I agree."If you don't want the answer, don't ask the question."

  6. ControlledChaos1 profile image95
    ControlledChaos1posted 2 months ago

    I never understood why they took away comments. It kept the article updated and relevant a bit whenever people commented. Now, I had it set to approve comments before being seen to keep out the trash, but this was a relatively simple task to perform. I often responded to many comments as well.


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