Happy 4th Birthday Hubpages!!

Jump to Last Post 1-35 of 35 discussions (42 posts)
  1. elayne001 profile image81
    elayne001posted 14 years ago

    It has almost been one year ago that I started writing on Hubpages, and it has been almost a daily - at least weekly - event for me. Thanks for the challenges, education, friendship, and so much more. Wishing you many more years of growing, learning and earning!!

  2. WryLilt profile image85
    WryLiltposted 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday Hubpages!


  3. MM Del Rosario profile image86
    MM Del Rosarioposted 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday Hubpages !!!!

  4. Lily Rose profile image83
    Lily Roseposted 14 years ago

    Happy 4th, HP!!!!

  5. Info Bucket profile image64
    Info Bucketposted 14 years ago

    Many many happy returns of the day HP!!!

  6. LasanthaW profile image54
    LasanthaWposted 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday To You
    Happy Birthday To You
    Happy Birthday My Dear HubPages
    Haaaaappy Birthday Toooooo Youuuuuuuuu


  7. lorlie6 profile image72
    lorlie6posted 14 years ago


  8. profile image0
    Uma07posted 14 years ago

    A very Happy Birthday HP!

  9. myownworld profile image70
    myownworldposted 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday - and it's been a pleasure being part of this community! smile

    1. PegCole17 profile image95
      PegCole17posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have to agree - Happy B

  10. profile image0
    Twenty One Daysposted 14 years ago

    Happy Happy Birthday, from all of us to you.
    And since it is your birthday, we get party too, HEY!


    -Thank You, HubStaff for this great community.
    Many merry birthdays and un-birthdays to come.
    ~James & The Mad Hatter.

  11. nikipa profile image64
    nikipaposted 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday HP! Happy Birthday to our Great family! smile

  12. Patty Inglish, MS profile image89
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 14 years ago


    Happy Birthday today to HubPages, Neil Armstrong, and yeah - me too smile

    I hope HubPages continues on for at least another 100 years.  Congratulations to the creators and staff of HP!

    1. profile image0
      Home Girlposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      !!!!!!!!! big_smile !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Cagsil profile image69
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday HubPages!

    WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smile big_smile

    Congratulations on 4 Years!!!!!!! smile big_smile

  14. PaulaHenry1 profile image65
    PaulaHenry1posted 14 years ago

    "Happy Birthday to you
                 Happy Birthday to you
                        Happy Birthday HubPages......

    Happy Birthday to YOU!"

    smile smile

    1. Maddie Ruud profile image68
      Maddie Ruudposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That was beautiful.  Unlike our awesomely bad singing, which a little bird told me you can hear over on the HubPages Facebook page.

      1. wildorangeflower profile image60
        wildorangeflowerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Ms Maddie, the page isn't working,
        Happy Beerday HP, Happy Beerday HP!

        1. Maddie Ruud profile image68
          Maddie Ruudposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Fixed, I think!

          1. wildorangeflower profile image60
            wildorangeflowerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            its working now, Thanks!

  15. spiderpam profile image74
    spiderpamposted 14 years ago

    4 years wow

  16. sukritha profile image63
    sukrithaposted 14 years ago

    Happy Birth Day Hubpages.......

  17. liljen23 profile image74
    liljen23posted 14 years ago

    Happy 4th B-Day Hubpages and to many many many more.. smile smile smile smile smile smile

  18. Flightkeeper profile image68
    Flightkeeperposted 14 years ago

    Hubpages has a birthday?  Well...


    And thank you for making it possible for me to earn money while I write in my undies!

    1. WryLilt profile image85
      WryLiltposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Haha that's a classic big_smile

  19. wrenfrost56 profile image55
    wrenfrost56posted 14 years ago

    A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a big thank-you. big_smile

  20. profile image0
    Lecieposted 14 years ago

    happy birthday, hp

    thanks for being so good to me

    i've drank enough for everyone here and now i need to pee

    what should come next i'd really like to see

    but for the moment i'm just too dizzy

    so happy birthday hp


  21. lakeerieartists profile image63
    lakeerieartistsposted 14 years ago

    Happy birthday Hubpages.  I am glad you are here.  smile

  22. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 14 years ago

    Congrats hubpages team on 4 years. Many happy returns.

  23. rebekahELLE profile image86
    rebekahELLEposted 14 years ago


    congrats HubPages!! Celebrate! xo

  24. ross670daw profile image60
    ross670dawposted 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday to all at HUBPAGES.
    I am a recent convert to this wonderful place and am happy to be a part of this community.
    All the best
    and Many happy returns.


  25. Rimzim profile image57
    Rimzimposted 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday Hubpages,


    Thanks to hubpages team for making this site

  26. AEvans profile image75
    AEvansposted 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday!

  27. mega1 profile image79
    mega1posted 14 years ago

    4 years already!  and you're so YOUNG looking, too! 

    Happy Birthday - good job, and thank you very much for being here for us!

  28. skyfire profile image77
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday smile

  29. Maddie Ruud profile image68
    Maddie Ruudposted 14 years ago

    More pictures and a play-by-play of the celebration can now be found on the HubPages blog!

  30. bayoulady profile image70
    bayouladyposted 14 years ago

    Happy fourth Hubpages! Just been here six weeks, and I'm so addicted to hubs ! I'm afraid when there is a knock at the door that it might be an intervention!

  31. Paradise7 profile image68
    Paradise7posted 14 years ago

    Happy Fourth Birthday!  big_smilebig_smilebig_smile  I can't believe we're only four years old.  I joined up about a year ago, and it seemed this site was already fully developed then.

  32. ripplemaker profile image80
    ripplemakerposted 14 years ago

    I joined Hubpages 3 years ago; and wow so much beautiful things have happened and continue to happen right here! And I am truly blessed to be part of this great community!

    Now, let's shake, shake, shake! smile lol cool


    HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY HUBPAGES!  Thank you to the Hubpages Staff, your team does awesome work.  Keep on!

  33. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday HubPages smile a toast to a awesome year past and future!

  34. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday Hubpages!!

    Keep up the good work.

    I wanted to come over to celebrate and bring you Champagne, but they didn't let me on the plane. "Too big for Hand luggage"     they said. It's the one in the case. Never mind, I'll keep it for you for next year. smile


  35. Denise Handlon profile image85
    Denise Handlonposted 14 years ago

    Happy Birthday Hubpages (or is it an Anniversary celebration???) smile
    No matter-I am thrilled to be a part of this community; wonder 'what took me so long'; and am looking forward to many hubs to share...


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