I've Built a Time Machine for Hubbers!

Jump to Last Post 1-39 of 39 discussions (58 posts)
  1. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    Take off shoes and sit indian style.   


    Remember the sound your home-town Ice-Cream Man's jingle song sounded like?

    (STOP!   Close your eyes and think of it first so I know your with me and once you've got it proceed.) 

    Aaaaaahh   yes.   Remember this place.  The smell of the morning air on your paper route?

    Remember Block Parties and barbecues of yesteryear.

    Long before gasoline or politics ever entered your mind. 

    You were focused on baseball cards or Star Wars figures perhaps. 

    You just let the radio play for hours didn't you?   

    Didn't matter what was on, music didn't suck yet.

    Are you with me people?   Okay.

    Close Your Eyes and try to remember the taste of the crunchies at the bottom of your italian ice when you flipped it over.   

    Pop Rocks on your tongue.   

    A Reggie Jackson home run!

    The Drive-In Movie okay?

    Follow this link down the rabbit-hole of youth and let's reminisce together right back here.


    Much Thanks to Flava Flav for your appearance as tourguide. 

    You can talk about any time from your life that this video reminds you of.   
    Any nostalgia, memories or reflections that YOU my beloved hubbers would care to share.   I look forward to your 'awkward years' stories.  First date, first boobs?

    Ladies, PLEASE tell me about that Snoopy Snow-Cone machine!

    1. VioletSun profile image80
      VioletSunposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You can talk about any time from your life that this video reminds you of.   
      Any nostalgia, memories or reflections that YOU my beloved hubbers would care to share.   I look forward to your 'awkward years' stories.  First date, first boobs?

      Ladies, PLEASE tell me about that Snoopy Snow-Cone machine!>>>

      I closed my eyes, and thought I would go back to my adolescence, but what stands out in my mind, is the 70's, when I was wearing hot pants which was the rage then (that's dressy shorts ) and platform shoes  while going to High School, and soft rock was my favorite music; it was a time when I joined peace marchs to protest the Vietnam war, and wondered with my two best friends if we would ever would lose our virginity. hehe.   big_smile

      1. Marisa Wright profile image86
        Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, I remember hot pants.  I had the most fabulous outfit, all in powder blue:  a nifty little bum-freezer bomber jacket, a maxi skirt with buttons right up the front (so you could wear them over the hot pants), a pair of tight bell-bottoms and a pair of equally tight hot pants.

        I had the butt to go with them, too. 

        Ah,yes, those were the days....

        1. DJ Funktual profile image77
          DJ Funktualposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Marisa got the big ole butt?     *crowd shouts*   "OH YEAH!"

          1. Marisa Wright profile image86
            Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            OK, I have to admit, yes I do - these days.  But back then, if I'd been walking along the street with Jennifer Lopez, you'd have followed me instead of her....

          2. VioletSun profile image80
            VioletSunposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            what stands out in my mind, is the 70's, when I was wearing hot pants>>>

            Yes, I remember hot pants.  I had the most fabulous outfit, all in powder blue:  a nifty little bum-freezer bomber jacket, a maxi skirt with buttons right up the front (so you could wear them over the hot pants), a pair of tight bell-bottoms and a pair of equally tight hot pants.

            I had the butt to go with them, too. 

            Ah,yes, those were the days...>>>

            Yes, the maxi skirt and also the high leather or suede boots.  I had the legs and this what I would play up.  Yup, those were the days... sigh! smile

  2. thranax profile image74
    thranaxposted 15 years ago

    Lol Nice XD

  3. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    smile  Any painful memories for us thranax?

  4. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago


    People, I created a frickin Time Machine!   Where's the love?

  5. funride profile image67
    funrideposted 15 years ago

    I just come back from past and it was great! smile

    Now I can say: "Today a DJ saved My Life" big_smile

    Thanks for the time machine trip wink. BTW, do you think it´s possible to make another one this time to travel to future!? tongue

    Having fun!

  6. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    like with songs that don't exist yet?

    1. funride profile image67
      funrideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      big_smile Now that´s talking, let´s hear what you have for us tongue.
      People are anxious for your creativity big_smile.

      1. DJ Funktual profile image77
        DJ Funktualposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I would have thought so too.   The lack of response here is a little disheartening but I'm alright.  Ha!   

        You want to here the sound of the future, you have to check out a female artist by the name of M.I.A.   She is the future that is here today.   
        Tracks like Paper Planes will stay with you awhile.  Her hits include Galang, Bucky Done Gun, Boys & Bamboo Banga   

        She was born in Sri Lanka, moved to England speaks 8 languages and puts multi-lingual messages in her music.  The beats are off the chain and like she says...

        "M.I.A. - I got more records than the KGB!"

  7. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    Where the hell is everyone?   They need to know how clever I am.

    I wanted to HEAR YOUR STORIES.   Really.

    Why do you ignore my brilliance?

  8. terenceyap07 profile image61
    terenceyap07posted 15 years ago

    Heavy grooves, DJ! Now this is the kinda music that makes me wanna get up and do something. More power to you, man. You ROCK!!!

  9. Stacie Naczelnik profile image68
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 15 years ago

    I had a pink boombox.  Fluorescent biker shorts.  Two different colored pairs of socks worn at the same time.  Bows on the bottoms of my jeans.

    But I was afraid of pop rocks.

    I preferred Garbage Pail Kids cards to baseball cards.

    But my radio was ALWAYS on.  Couldn't sleep without the music.

    That was great DJ.  I'm ready for a house party. For real, or even just the movie.

    1. Shirley Anderson profile image71
      Shirley Andersonposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Afraid of pop rocks??!??  Nobody's afraid of pop rocks, Stacie.  Well, okay maybe one person.  My kids used to bring them home and give me some.  They made me squeal and giggle the first time I tried them.

      By the way, DJ....I HATE the sound of the ice cream truck.  It has that maniacal music that belongs in a Stephen King novel.  It's just creepy, man.  You know it's a means of luring small children into the back to be tortured and killed.  <shudder>

  10. Stacie Naczelnik profile image68
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 15 years ago

    I was afraid of pop rocks!  I had an older step-sister who had me convinced that the story about your stomach exploding if you mixed them with soda was true.

    1. Shirley Anderson profile image71
      Shirley Andersonposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Okay, I understand now.  It's no surprise then that you were scared of them.  They do the same thing for you that the ice cream truck does for me.

  11. Stacie Naczelnik profile image68
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 15 years ago

    The ice cream truck?


    1. Shirley Anderson profile image71
      Shirley Andersonposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry, Stacie.  I edited the original post I made about the pop rocks, just to save space instead of doing a new post for DJ.

      Hate the evil ice cream truck music.  Every time I hear it, I wanna learn how to use a shotgun.

  12. Stacie Naczelnik profile image68
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 15 years ago

    Okay Shirley - went back and read that.  Eek.  Now I might be kind of timid about those trucks.  As long as the driver is not dressed like a clown and pushing Pop Rocks on us, or asking, "Hey little girl, do you want to see my kitten?"

    I think DJ will love all of the posts.

  13. Shirley Anderson profile image71
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    LOL, that would be a nightmare scenerio, Stacie.  Might make a good horror story.

    Yes, I think DJ will like the posts.

    By the way, I hate clowns too.  I musta been a fun kid.

  14. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    Thanks You Guys.     Zsuzsy Bee ~ WHATever!   
    People who know me are used to my brilliance and understand my ego problem is self-inventive silliness.    You don't know me so stay out of it!    LOL!   j/k  Suzy.

    For those of you who go back a little further...

    Here's a Tribute Video to Sly & The Family Stone I made last night at like 2:30 in the morning.

    http://hubpages.com/hub/Sly--The-Family … rite-Group

  15. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    More memories please!

  16. Shirley Anderson profile image71
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    Hon, if you want to go back far enough, you're gonna have to start thinking oldies.

    Can't talk about the Sly era.

  17. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    Why not?   Those memories clouded in judgment?

    1. Shirley Anderson profile image71
      Shirley Andersonposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Uh-huh, and bad company.

  18. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    Okay then

    tell me about the first time you heard the INCREDIBLE "Tighten' Up by Archie Bell & The Drells.

  19. terenceyap07 profile image61
    terenceyap07posted 15 years ago

    Nevr had the chance to hear much from Sly down here in the East. The labels available to us featured Three Dog Night, Bad Company, Grand Funk, Ritchie Balckmore's Rainbow, Deep Purple, Steppin' Wolf, The Bread, The Bee Gees, The Carpenters, Lobo, Jose Feliciano, Neil Diamond, Davod Bowie, Paul MacCartney and the Wings, Wild Cherry, The Chilites, The Commodores, James Brown, Ray Charles, Barry White, Bon Jovi, the list just goes on and on.

    During the early '70s in Singapore, worn-out leather sandals and Levis bell bottomed jeans (with studs) was hip. Long hair with "Grand Funk" (wide-toothed) combs got us into a whole lotta trouble with the "pigs" in uniform. I remember sitting by the waves, furiously rubbing sand on my brand new jeans just to give them that "seasoned look". And I'll never forget the look on my mother's face when she saw me come home in my "new jeans" that day. LOL!!!

    The end of the '70s saw the begining of Disco. "Saturday Night Fever" took us by storm. Suddenly, all of us were wearing figure-hugging tailored slacks with platform shoes and well-oiled hair. Discotheques popped up islandwide almost overnight. Group synschronized dance routines became a new form of warfare.

    The '80s saw the emergence R&B, British POP and Kenny G. Work and other commitments dragged me away from my love for music and I've never had the time to go back there ever since. (big sigh) Those were the days....

  20. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    A 92 Year Old Man just told me the funniest joke. 

    I of course won't get the cadence right but it was as is George Burns was telling it.

    Guy says to his wife..

    Honey it's your birthday, where do you wanna go?

    Reply:  "Someplace expensive."

    Sorry he dropped her off at the gas station.

  21. Inspirepub profile image71
    Inspirepubposted 15 years ago

    Hey, DJ, just a reminder that the Hub Tennis ball is in your court ... JAGUAR.

    Waiting to see your volley ... wink


    1. DJ Funktual profile image77
      DJ Funktualposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry Jenny, but your topic drove me nuts so I took an Ace.

      1. rmr profile image69
        rmrposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        That's too bad. I would have liked to read your take on the 70's metal band Jaguar. British metal!

      2. DJ Funktual profile image77
        DJ Funktualposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Jaguar is a heavy metal Band formed in Bristol, England in December 1979. They had moderate success throughout Europe and Asia in the early 80's during the heyday of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal movement.

        [edit] Career
        The original December '79 lineup consisted of Garry Pepperd (Guitar), Jeff Cox (Bass,Vocals) and Chris Lovell (Drums). In the following April Rob Reiss was added as vocalist/frontman. They built a strong local reputation and recorded two demos the latter of which earned them a deal with Heavy Metal Records, and in 1981 they released single Back Street Woman, a NWOBHM cult classic which sold over 400,000 copies. Unfortunately the band then had a major disagreement with the record company and the contract ended. Disillusioned, Reiss quit and was replaced by Paul Merrell.

        In 1982 a strong performance at a Dutch rock festival won them a new deal with Neat Records and subsequent single Axe Crazy sold reasonably well. After intensive touring, debut album Power Games was released in early 1983. They were well known in British heavy metal circles and prospects were promising. Follow up album This Time followed in 1984 and was a marked change of direction, showing a Dance Music influence. Drummer Lovell hated it and was replaced by Gary Davies.

        The marked change of direction alienated much of their core audience and sales and interest evaporated. The band released Horrible Truth in 1985, but by the end of the year there was little interest in them and the band folded. A revival of interest in the NWOBHM in Europe and Japan and a successful re-release of their first album in those regions propmpted a reformation in 1999, with modified lineup of Peppard, Jeff Cox, brother Nathan Cox on drums and vocalist Jamie Marten. An album Wake Me followed in 2000. However Jeff Cox was then replaced by Darren Furze. Next album Run Ragged appeared in 2003. In 2005 the band were still a going concern on the NWOBHM nostalgia circuit. In 2007 the band released 2 new albums of live material. The first release was a recording from a live show the band performed in Holland in 1982 which originally saw only a limited release. The second is the first of three planned releases covering this legendary NWOBHM acts early, unreleased recordings, Titled Archive Alive Vol.1 it covers the period of the band’s greatest glories, the birth of the band and their rise to NWOBHM prominence. Early versions of acknowledged and revered classic can be heard, along with sleeve notes by guitarist Garry Pepperd and rare and unseen photos.

        On 22 March 1980 and 22 December 1980 Jaguar laid down 6 tracks that would be released on a demo cassette that became available in early 1981. Track details are:

        Stormchild (cox) - Ain't No Fantasy (peppard) - War Machine (peppard) - Battlecry (cox/peppard) - Feel The Heat (peppard) - Piledriver (cox/peppard)

        Incidentally credit for the Jaguar Logo goes to J Granfield with alterations by 'Mouse'.

        Power Games (1983) Neat Records
        This Time (1984) Neat Records
        Horrible Truth (1985) Neat Records
        Wake Me (2000) Neat Metal
        Run Ragged (2003) Neat Metal
        Holland 82 (2007) Majestic
        Archive Alive Vol. 1 (2007) Majestic

        1. stephhicks68 profile image87
          stephhicks68posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Is this the Hub?  Or just a post?

          I think I need another blue raspberry Snoopy Snow Cone.  Or at least some Bubble Gum Pop Rocks while I wait for an answer.

  22. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    i BOWED OUT OF hUB tENNIS but rmr wanted some Jaguar so I copy and pasted this Bio.

    This is not my writing!   Sorry.  Didn't mean to imply that.

  23. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    Good Morning my beloved Hubbers.    I GOT ANOTHER CRAZY IDEEEE-AAAAA!!!

    Attention 80s Music Lovers.    I've decided to make like Mr. Peabody & Sherman and take you kids to a different time and place every day if I can.   

    HUH?  These two characters were part of The Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoons which are still hilarious if properly medicated.  But I digress.

    MONDAY June 30th begins a new era in Hubtertainment!   

    Our Time Machine will freak us the funk out of here and back to 1988.   

    Put on your comfortable clothes today Hubbers because we are gonna be bouncing around like freakin Tigger today!     

    Soon as I wake up I hit ya with the Spacelink!   

    Now where did I put my flux-capacitor?

    WINNERS!!!     That's Right YOU CAN BE A WINNER AGAIN!

    The Initial Winners of The Time Machine Thread are:

    Stacie N.
    Violet Sun
    of course Shirley!


    You can request a Certain Artist or song or theme for future trips and since we'll be doing this daily, I will only place links to Youtube.   

    What kind of times do you want to explore?

    Would you like to be a winner?  Read the initial post!
    Then all you gotta do is follow the links and tell me the memories that the music invokes in you. 

    Wanna practice one?  Here ya Go! 


    The is the Psychedelic 60s seen through the eyes of a kid who wasn't even born yet!

    Funktual McFly

    1. VioletSun profile image80
      VioletSunposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hey, cool, I am a winner too! WhOoooOO!

  24. danielpyle profile image60
    danielpyleposted 15 years ago

    Some people say that is all that I hub about....LOL...come to think of it ...it is

  25. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago


    Today's Time Traveling Jam is Now Up!!!!!!


  26. funride profile image67
    funrideposted 15 years ago

    It´s always great fun to watch your videos DJ wink. I must be very ignorant because I never heard Da Butt sad and if you hadn´t told us I would think it was contemporaneous with us, very good stuff.

    BTW, I´m now on M.I.A.´s MySpace listening to her songs wink. It´s great to visit the future big_smile even though I was expecting you would let me get to know the lottery numbers lol.

    I would like to ask you if you know Buraca Som Sistema? You can hear them @ http://www.myspace.com/burakasomsistema wink
    Hope you´ll like it, have fun!

  27. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    I played it alright.    Ummm.

  28. Shirley Anderson profile image71
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    I won, I won something!!!  Woohoo, thx!

  29. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago


  30. Shirley Anderson profile image71
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    I've never heard it before, either.

    Ya know, they had those thing-ys in the middle of the turn table so you could stack the 45's.  After one finished, another one would drop and play.  IF you were lucky enough to have one with an automatic arm that would swing off the first record and back again to the first groove when the next one dropped.  Then, instead of silence, you got to hear scratchy record noises until the needle made it to the start of the recording.

  31. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago


    I love those stories.  I love record players tapes/cassettes, all of it.  Smiling brightly over here.

  32. Shirley Anderson profile image71
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    By the way, DJ...I forgot to mention it, but listened to the first couple of minutes of that vid several times, because it sounds like you're saying, "...Shirley got a big butt"

    I think that you said, "...she's really got a big butt"

    But I'm not sure.  Anyway, I don't - I'm quite thin, despite your rumours to the contrary.  smile

    1. DJ Funktual profile image77
      DJ Funktualposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      ROFL!   OMG that is ssssssooooooo Funny.  I did say that because that is one of the lines in the song.   he calls out like 8 names and one of them is Shirley.   You shouldn't feel too depressed because most women who like this kinda music would be proud of that butt and their name being shouted out.   
      Once again, by default, You are the Winner!

  33. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    Uh oh, thread killer.

    1. VioletSun profile image80
      VioletSunposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah... roll

    2. terenceyap07 profile image61
      terenceyap07posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      This guy is asking for hubbers to send him their email addresses... LOL!!!

  34. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    Today's gift from Heaven....ATCQ.


    You made need 1.21 Gigowatts of power to run this Machine.   Enjoy!

  35. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    Okay. someone deleted all this comments. 

    Our subject for today is What's the Best Song by A Tribe Called Quest?

  36. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    FUNKtionDJ has sent you a message on YouTube.

    You Rock
    I had to message you to say that I think you're youtube posts are freaking brilliant. Your series featuring the greatest hip hop samples have got me hooked.
    I have been a DJ for the past couple of years specialising in funk soul motown and disco music. I have played a game with my clients called the sample game from the start, whereby if any of the punters can tell me who has sampled a record I play and for what tune then I buy them a drink at the bar. It always goes down well, however never costs me much money as not many people get them right!! I just hope they don't discover your posts!!

    My local voluntary radio service has even expressed interest in me doing an audience participation show based around the sample game. I have loved chasing up samples since I first started breaking in 1984, however my knowledge is not quite as encyclopedic as yours.....I am impressed.

    Anyway I love your posts and cannot wait to see more,
    how about some Cymande Bra as sampled by De la Soul for Change in Speak........totally dope bassline (I haven't said dope for years!! I don't think I can pull it off anymore!!!)

    Keith aka DJ FUN-K from the U of K!

  37. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    Thanks for the Invite
    It's refreshing to see someone who knows what he's talking about and is genuinely excited and passionate about it. I was up late the other night watching your shows 1-5 and it looks like I'll be up late tonight watching more.

    Your samples take me back 1973 to when I was in Jr High. I skinny white boy with crooked bangs, high water plaid pants and brown shoes. I was a nerd but I loved Funk and Soul. The first albums I ever bought were The Ohio Players-Skin Tight, Kool And The Gang-Light Of Worlds, Parliament-Get Up For The Down Stroke and the Ktel's Super Bad and Super Bad Is Back comps.

    I still have them all along with a rather large collection of Vinyl that I've amassed over the years. Mostly R&B, Funk, Soul and Early Rap. 1995 is my cut off point. The first concert I ever went to was Kool And The Gang and Blue Magic.

    Worked in a record store for 10 years. We had used vinyl and I was the buyer so I got first dibs. We were right by a military base and the marines would come in and tell me what was blowing up in there home state so we were breaking shit before it went national. I was pretty good at remembering old tunes and figuring out samples so DJ's would hit me up to find the samples they needed. Those were the good old days. Now I'm an old fat guy but still love the same music from back in the day.

    Keep up the good work. I look forward to future installments of your show.
    Oh! Listen to this sample and tell me what the break beat sounds like to you.
    It came out in '65. Four years before that other famous break beat.
    Let me know what you think.

    Cheers. Clarence Williams

  38. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    Hollaaaaaaaaaa!    My new Video on A Tribe Called Quest is posted.  Like a dumbass I made the hub and forgot the video capsule.  DUH!

  39. DJ Funktual profile image77
    DJ Funktualposted 15 years ago

    Funktual, I just spent the last couple of hours watching your youtube videos. I have you to blame for my bloody eyes and happy ears and lack of sleep. I couldn't be happier!

    Thanks for taking the time to post and educate goons like me who after being on the earth almost 40 years still love the golden age of hip hop and the occasional 2k surprises like Lupe and Kanye.

    Rock the bells,


    FAN #223


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