Wow finally got to the magic number

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  1. Eileen Hughes profile image65
    Eileen Hughesposted 16 years ago

    Hooray!  I have finally earned $100 oz with adsense.  Gosh its taken ages,  maybe it will grow quicker next time.

    1. ProCW profile image81
      ProCWposted 16 years agoin reply to this



    2. jyuva profile image57
      jyuvaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations!! big_smile

    3. Trsmd profile image58
      Trsmdposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats.. Hope I will also join you soon for this Message..

      Keep Going..

    4. Hill Country profile image61
      Hill Countryposted 16 years agoin reply to this


    5. sukritha profile image64
      sukrithaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Great to hear that you have Crossed that Limit.


    6. Just_Rodney profile image68
      Just_Rodneyposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations and celabrations cool

    7. guidebaba profile image58
      guidebabaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Initially it took me 3 months to reach this target. The next one took only around 30-35 days. Now it is much Faster..It all started as Fun and ended up with earning $$$..I'M Lovin it...

  2. andrews profile image61
    andrewsposted 16 years ago

    Wow congrats! You should frame the check to remind you of future success! :-)

    Only if you want to though! Lol

    1. ProCW profile image81
      ProCWposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Make a copy of it and frame it... CASH the check! haha


      1. waiting4u profile image41
        waiting4uposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Don't copy, scan it in full color and frame it then CASH the check! hehehehee

  3. andrews profile image61
    andrewsposted 16 years ago

    Well only for sentimental value of course...LOL


  4. weblog profile image59
    weblogposted 16 years ago

    Congrats smile

  5. Eileen Hughes profile image65
    Eileen Hughesposted 16 years ago

    Thanks for that,  yeh it has taken me over 9 mths and a little of my lonely blogs.

    whats that about 10r 2 cents a week.  No really to me it was an achievement.  But I think cause just got there have to wait till end of august to have it sent out.
    And god knows where I will be in Oz by then.   Oh well still fun.   thanks again.

    1. hassam profile image73
      hassamposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulation,it is really an achievement.

  6. SweetiePie profile image78
    SweetiePieposted 16 years ago

    Congratulations Eileen!

  7. BeatsMe profile image56
    BeatsMeposted 16 years ago

    Hi Eileen, congrats. smile

  8. funride profile image69
    funrideposted 16 years ago

    Congratulations wink

  9. Dottie1 profile image66
    Dottie1posted 16 years ago

    Congratulations!  This is just the beginning!

  10. New Day profile image68
    New Dayposted 16 years ago

    Congratulations!  That is fantastic.  smile

  11. MM Del Rosario profile image87
    MM Del Rosarioposted 16 years ago

    Hi Eileen,

    it took me almost the same time to get paid, now i am on my third pay is nice to have something for all the efforts you have done..... well done.....

  12. thranax profile image70
    thranaxposted 16 years ago

    Gratz!!! Mines growing very slow and not so steady neutral lol

  13. Marisa Wright profile image87
    Marisa Wrightposted 16 years ago

    Congrats Eileen!   We're obviously progressing at about the same rate as I finally got to the $100 mark in June!   

    Have you looked at how much you earned for the last couple of months?  When I look at it, the only reason it's taken so long to get to $100 is that the first few months I earned pretty much zilch.  But I earned nearly $20 in May and over $25 in June, so I'm expecting the next $100 cheque a lot quicker.  Hope you're the same!

  14. Lissie profile image77
    Lissieposted 16 years ago

    Well done Eileen :I hope you are going 2 keep writing on your big trip! Marisa is quite right: it took me until March to get my first check: 13 months! I just qualified for my next one! So look at your last few months earnings and multiple it out - you will be pleasently surprised!

    Now nice as a check would be make sure you have adsense setup to pay you  direct to your bankaccount: they have to confirm the bank account first so do that now while you are waiting for the end of the month.  That way your money will appear soon after the 20th - not weeks and weeks after when u try to connect with your check!

  15. Eileen Hughes profile image65
    Eileen Hughesposted 16 years ago

    Thanks everyone for that.  Somewhere I thought I saw that they only pay to Australia by check.  Maybe it was another program.  Because I just went in again and I have got banks details inthere but it is still sitting unverified.  Weird.  I tried to redo but just stayed unverified.

    any ideas.   Thanks again

  16. Lissie profile image77
    Lissieposted 16 years ago

    Eileen - my account is in New Zealand but I suspect Australia is the same! Adsense needs to verify your bank account is yours.  You give Adsense the account details via the My Account tab. They deposit a few cents into the account  which have a reference code next to it.  You log back into Adsense and confirm the code - then the account is verified ! You can do this now while waiting for payment
    Hope that helps!
    Oh and its paypal that only allows US accounts to be linked !

  17. Eileen Hughes profile image65
    Eileen Hughesposted 16 years ago

    Thanks again,  yes I did do that Lizzie.  but nothing put in my bank ,  I went back three months just to make sure because didnt remember when I did it.  so have sent them a query email asking why not.

    They should get back to me.  Thanks everyone  waiting to get it now.mmmm

  18. Marisa Wright profile image87
    Marisa Wrightposted 16 years ago

    Eileen, I think if you change your options it may only take effect from your NEXT payout.  So if you didn't change the option before you got to the $100, it may be too late.  Don't quote me, though. I just know that's the way it works on some other sites - eBay,for instance.

  19. Lissie profile image77
    Lissieposted 16 years ago

    You have until the 15th of the month that payment is due: I think Eileen said her $100 came up early July so payment is not due until 20th Aug: she has until 15Aug to sort this one out!

  20. Marisa Wright profile image87
    Marisa Wrightposted 16 years ago

    Good to know Lissie - I still think I'll just let the cheque arrive, though.  There's something nice about actually having it in your hand!  And it will be in Aussie dollars so that's OK.

    BTW I've been itching to reply to your comment on my blog about BANS vs phpBay but I can't seem to leave comments right now!

    [Eileen - forgive me if I digress for a minute]

    I upgraded to phpBay because it lets me show products available to Australia, rather than just products listed on eBay Australia, which is an important difference.  Wayne introduced that feature specially for me (after I emailed him to ask whether the software had that feature) so I felt honour bound to buy the thing after that!

  21. Eileen Hughes profile image65
    Eileen Hughesposted 16 years ago

    Thanks all,   I have emailed them and they just reply that I changed it and said they donot reply individually so go in and check all forums for results.  But I did that and it said to .....cant remember exact now but did all that and said changed.
    But I still have an unverified thing.  so will wait and see yes I think I do have till the 15thso will see if anything alters before that date.  Thanks again.

  22. Eileen Hughes profile image65
    Eileen Hughesposted 16 years ago

    Actually I didnt get my hundred dollars until 5or 6th july.  I am 102 today.Thanks

  23. Shirley Anderson profile image73
    Shirley Andersonposted 16 years ago

    Congrats, Eileen!  I hope to make it there someday myself.

    Will not pay you via PayPal?

  24. BaliMermaid profile image60
    BaliMermaidposted 16 years ago

    Gosh I really appreciate the notes from everyone indicating how long it took them to get their first $100 check from AdSense.

    1. profile image0
      Ronald Daniarposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      My 100$ is after 17 months with 20 hubs and HubScore above 90. Visitors on all hubs are about 100 perday. So, it's about 5 $ per month with 100 visitors everyday.

      Well, it's not like that anyway. It's hard to make the formula. Adsense is about advertising and it does not depends solely on how many clicks you got, but also how many $ the advertisers put on their advertisement.

      To my surprise, I earn 60 $ last month from HP. But when I checked my GA account, 37 $ is not coming from hubs, but my referral hubs. Between sad and happy.....sad because my hubs are not really productive. This month, I hope it happens again...While last 2 months, my earning was only less than 20$.

      But I won't take my $100 first because my bank here will cost me for 30$ for issuing the cheque. No Paypal. Hics...

      1. thranax profile image70
        thranaxposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        As you make more Hubs and spend more time getting more views, and getting views that actually have people who read and click on things will make you more. I like to look at it like a game of luck, because most people don't click on ads no matter how good they are...unless you make them yourself on your own site smile.

  25. Gaget Girl profile image68
    Gaget Girlposted 16 years ago



    I'm sure there is nothing better than getting that first check after all your hard work! Cant wait till I get there!

  26. Research Analyst profile image69
    Research Analystposted 16 years ago

    Good Job, thanks for posting your successes!

  27. tcnixon profile image67
    tcnixonposted 16 years ago

    The hardest thing for me was making that first $100 in a month. Now I would be incredibly disappointed if that was all I made in a month. At this point, my goal is to earn $500 in month solely with Adsense (from other sites). I have come close and I certainly measure my Adsense money  in the hundreds, but still not there. smile

    However, I am hopeful. Always hopeful. This is one of the reasons why I am now on Hubpages. In addition to wanting to share information, I think it can help me in that endeavour.


  28. Rob Jundt profile image80
    Rob Jundtposted 16 years ago

    That's great! I've been here a little over 4 months and am about 1/4 of the way there. I  have seen a gradual increase in the last few weeks. Now if I could only add my $0.14 from Kontera wink I'd be over the hump. Keep us posted.

  29. Pagan Crafter profile image61
    Pagan Crafterposted 16 years ago

    Whoot!  Congratulations on your accomplishment!  How did you go about reaching that number?  smile

  30. Marisa Wright profile image87
    Marisa Wrightposted 16 years ago

    Pagan, Eileen and I seem to be progressing at about the same pace. I can tell you that I got to the "magic number" by writing 67 Hubs, (then going back and improving and tweaking them as I learned more about how to write good ones), and having patience!   

    I probably could have got there quicker if I had done all the stuff I'm supposed to do, like promoting my Hubs and optimizing for search engines.

  31. embitca profile image79
    embitcaposted 16 years ago

    Congrats, Eileen! And it definitely grows quicker after the first pay cheque!

  32. Dorsi profile image82
    Dorsiposted 16 years ago

    That's great- I bet it will be sooner than that from now on- I think once the momentum gets going it's just a matter of time before it starts paying off!

  33. patnamohan profile image59
    patnamohanposted 16 years ago

    Good!!!! But what is magic number!!

    1. tcnixon profile image67
      tcnixonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      The magic number, in this case, was hitting $100 in one month. If you do so, it generates a check. When folks are first starting out it takes more than one month to hit that amount. Sometimes, it takes quite a few months. smile

  34. Eileen Hughes profile image65
    Eileen Hughesposted 16 years ago

    I can hear you all laughing  Yes it took me 9 months to make that Mighty $100.  so how much a day or week does that work out.  Oh boy what an income.

    But hey I am laughing because I have finally made $105.00 now.  Thanks

    1. profile image0
      Ronald Daniarposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      It took me for more than a year! Well, I only published around 5 hubs in that year. What can I say?


  35. compu-smart profile image82
    compu-smartposted 16 years ago

    Big congrats Eileen!! im soo happy for you as i was in your very same shoes (high heels) just kidding, not so long ago and its a nice feeling, especialy actually recieving the cheque!! then cashing and then spending it!!  then earning another....

    I hope and am sure your next cheque will be earned much much quicker!smile

  36. profile image0
    Popular Wealthposted 16 years ago

    Kudos, receiving your first check is becoming somewhat of a webmasters right of passage isn't it?  Well done.

  37. HiddenCrimson profile image61
    HiddenCrimsonposted 16 years ago

    Nice job. I'll be there in a few years...


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