New Text Editor

Jump to Last Post 1-42 of 42 discussions (68 posts)
  1. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
    pauldeedsposted 15 years ago

    We've just begun a beta test period for our new text capsule editor.  In order to participate, select Text Editor Version 3 on your profile settings (you can always go back to version 2 if you have problems with version 3).

    In addition to being based on a bit faster and more stable version of tinymce, we've added several new features:

    HTML Editor - This won't let you use any tags or script that you couldn't use before, but you can now directly edit the HTML in your capsules.   For those of you that are a bit familiar with HTML, this should make it easier to get the formatting exactly the way you want it.

    Enhanced Linking - In the link popup you can now easily link to any of your own hubs by just selecting from a drop down list.

    Auto save - The current state of your capsule will be saved every couple of minutes.  If your browser crashes or some other disaster strikes, you should be able to recover without losing too much of what you've written.

    Network Status Light - There is a green  light that indicates whether your connection to the HubPages servers appears to be intact.  If this goes red, you may want to cut and paste any of your work out of the capsule in case it can't be saved.

    Please let us know if you have any problems using the new editor (include the browser and version you are using please), or suggestions.   If you think it's just fantastic, you should let Larry know, he did most of the work on this.

    1. Jerrico Usher profile image57
      Jerrico Usherposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Liking the sound of this! autosave is a great idea and the drop menu on the linking feature is a godsend! (but does it insert the monitize token?)

      1. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
        pauldeedsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        No it doesn't.  We've never explicitly prohibited using tokens in links within hubs, but the intent of those is to reward people that help bring in new visitors from outside of HubPages or that help convert casual visitors to publishers.   Therefore we're not going build them into features that are for internal linking.

    2. hot dorkage profile image77
      hot dorkageposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      yea!  Preformatted text such as code snippets had been a nightmare. 
      What I really hate is that  extra window to paste text.  Has that gone away yet?  That is a dog!

      1. larryfreeman profile image81
        larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        The extra window has not gone away.  There is a work around.  If you use the cut-and-paste from the browser menu, you don't need to use the window.

        The only addition is the html editor which at least allows you to make edits in html.


  2. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 15 years ago


  3. Marian Swift profile image60
    Marian Swiftposted 15 years ago

    Ooooooooohhhhh, can't wait to play with all the new toys!

  4. Bob Ewing profile image65
    Bob Ewingposted 15 years ago

    all right. looking forward to giving it a go.

  5. ngureco profile image80
    ngurecoposted 15 years ago

    Good. I will try this new text capsule editor Version 3 and compare with the text capsule editor Version 2.

    And is there any possibility that one day we shall have an editor that will handle simple tables?

  6. gamergirl profile image89
    gamergirlposted 15 years ago

    I love you guys.

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      ...and we feel the love. smile

  7. weblog profile image60
    weblogposted 15 years ago

    Nice updates big_smile

  8. broalexdotinfo profile image56
    broalexdotinfoposted 15 years ago

    Wooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooo !
    Ooops Sorry for that. lol
    Now this is a smart move and a nice change for all us hubbers. HTML was badly needed.


  9. Lela Davidson profile image81
    Lela Davidsonposted 15 years ago

    You rock. I'm especially excited about linking to my own other Hubs. I'll be curious to see the order in which that list pops up!

    1. larryfreeman profile image81
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Lela,

      The hubs are listed in alphabetical order by title.


  10. Whitney05 profile image83
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    Cool. does that mean we can add color to the text? or center it within the capsule? what exactly are the html limitations?

    1. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
      pauldeedsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      No the HTML you can use are the same tags and attributes that are available in the current text editor.  Disallowed tags and attributes will be stripped out.

  11. eaglesden profile image60
    eaglesdenposted 15 years ago

    Cool, I just switched over to the 3 and can't wait to play with it. thanks

  12. larryfreeman profile image81
    larryfreemanposted 15 years ago

    Hi Everyone,

    I just posted a blog entry that includes screen shots and details about the new text editor:


  13. rdcast profile image61
    rdcastposted 15 years ago

    You got to love new things. Especially when they're an improvement. And to think, It cost me NOTHING !!!! OMGAWD,  it's a royal "win-win-win" kind of thing. So yea, give it here, and thanks.


  14. anime_nanet profile image61
    anime_nanetposted 15 years ago

    Very nice indeed!

    Particulary the option!

  15. Paraglider profile image89
    Paragliderposted 15 years ago

    Great stuff - thanks Team!

  16. topstuff profile image58
    topstuffposted 15 years ago

    Auto save is what i was waiting
    for many months.Thanks

  17. profile image0
    daflaposted 15 years ago

    Thanks! I wanna go play!  I'm really excited about the link/dropdown menu.

  18. profile image70
    SpotCoolStuff.composted 15 years ago

    I really wanted to like the new text editor but found it way too buggy. (I'm on a Mac using Firefox 3). The editor wouldn't allow me to bold anything. Sometimes it would freeze up and not let me type. The cut and/or paste sometimes didn't work. When I tried to highlight text to make a bullet list it bulleted the first and list lines but not the middle ones.

    I really like the new features. I'm going back to the old editor and will try the new one again once some of the kinks are worked out.

    Good luck with it!

    1. larryfreeman profile image81
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, I wanted to let you know that we fixed your issue this morning.  Selection across paragraphs should now work.

      When you have a chance, please try it out and let us know if your issue is fixed.



      1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
        Ryan Hupferposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Larry is ON it! smile

      2. profile image70
        SpotCoolStuff.composted 15 years agoin reply to this


        Wow! I never expected you/hubpages to be so responsive. Could you please start working in the customer service department of, well, every company I'm a customer of?

        As for the new editor:

        * The selecting across multiple paragraphs now seems to work! Thanks.

        * Like others, I'm still not able to bold. It initially seems like I can but if I leave the hub (ie. click "done editing") and then return to editing the bold is gone.

        * The problems I had with the freezing happened infrequently. I'll have to do more than play around with the editor for a few minutes to see if it is fixed. That problem seemed to be tied to the cut & paste so hopefully it was fixed with the muliple paragraph issues.

        Thanks again,


        1. larryfreeman profile image81
          larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this


          Thanks for the comments!  Yes, at this point, bold/italics only works for IE.  We will be pushing out the fix for Firefox as soon as we can.


  19. larryfreeman profile image81
    larryfreemanposted 15 years ago

    Hi SpotCoolStuff,

    Thanks for reporting this issue.  I investigated the issue and you are correct, there seems to a problem with the selection across multiple paragraphs.

    We will work to get the issue fixed as soon as we can.


  20. kerryg profile image81
    kerrygposted 15 years ago

    Cool! I am off to bed at the moment, but will look forward to playing around with these tomorrow!

  21. Research Analyst profile image73
    Research Analystposted 15 years ago

    New and improved, is always good. Thanks!

  22. JYOTI KOTHARI profile image60
    JYOTI KOTHARIposted 15 years ago

    Hub page is always improving. thanks.

  23. Brainstormer profile image60
    Brainstormerposted 15 years ago

    "Enhanced Linking - In the link popup you can now easily link to any of your own hubs by just selecting from a drop down list."

    Ok so I have probs here.

    There is a drop down or pop up for linking in the text editor, but it is shaded and unresponsive.

    I am using Firefox 2 I guess.

    What am I doing wrong?

    1. larryfreeman profile image81
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Brainstormer,

      Based on your description, it doesn't sound like you are doing anything wrong. If there is a green circle at the bottom and you don't have too many browser windows open, then I would try a shift+refresh.

      If that doesn't work, please let me know.



  24. profile image0
    cvaughn570posted 15 years ago

    The only problem that I have found with the new editor is trying to make words bold. It changes them to "bold" when you select them, but when you use "Done editing", the words revert back to normal. I was just trying to make the beginning word bold and not the entire hub. I am using Firefox 2. I switched back to the old editor and it worked fine.

    1. larryfreeman profile image81
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi cvaughn570,

      Thanks very much for reporting this.  I will look into the issue to see what's up.


      1. larryfreeman profile image81
        larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I investigated it and found the issue.  I will try to get the fix loaded up to the web site by early next week.


        1. profile image0
          cvaughn570posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks Larry....You Rock!

  25. profile image70
    SpotCoolStuff.composted 15 years ago


    A few other thoughts on the new editor:

    I'd love not to see that "All pasted content will be automatically cleaned up.  Click OK to proceed." message every time I paste. Could you give a "Don't display this message again" option on that? Maybe it is the scatter shot way I write but I'm constantly cutting and pasting. Usually, I'm cutting from one capsule and pasting that text into another (so there's nothing to clean up). Maybe the PC people are used to having to manually approve such little actions but it makes the Mac person in me a little crazy.  big_smile

    What do you think of adding a simple line capsule? A lot of the hubs I write (and I'm not alone in this) are multi-part. It is useful to be able to have a line separating them. Current I do this by uploading a line graphic (see an example in the hub linked below) but that's not so efficient. … us-Museums

    Just my two cents. Thanks again,

      ~ scs

    1. larryfreeman profile image81
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the comments.  I agree with you that the cut-and-paste alert is a bit much.  I'll add it to our queue to make it optional or remove it.

      I agree that it might be useful to have a horizontal line that can be added into text. I'll add this to our list of features that we are considering.



  26. Marian Swift profile image60
    Marian Swiftposted 15 years ago

    Thanks for all the hard work, Larry!

    I have run into a couple of issues:

    1.  Like others, I cannot get "bold" or "strong" to work.

    2.  Italics won't work from the toolbar, and are not listed among the permitted HTML codes.

    These features are always a work in progress.  Thanks for making them happen.

    1. larryfreeman profile image81
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, at this time, bold and italics will only work on IE.  We'll be adding the fix for Firefox as soon as we can.


  27. quicksand profile image81
    quicksandposted 15 years ago

    Can I use a copyscape icon on my pages? Is it possible and permitted?

  28. broalexdotinfo profile image56
    broalexdotinfoposted 15 years ago

    Why would you use copy-scape icons? When the pages can`t be protected ?

  29. britneydavidson profile image61
    britneydavidsonposted 15 years ago

    That seems pretty significant stuff. Thanks a lot.

  30. carpesomediem profile image60
    carpesomediemposted 15 years ago

    So far, I really enjoy the new text editor.  I especially like that I can see whether or not the server is responding.  I haven't run into any bugs, yet, and I'm thrilled that even with the bug-latent Firefox 3.0, it seems to work a lot better than the glitchy old text editor.

  31. Marian Swift profile image60
    Marian Swiftposted 15 years ago

    Aaaahh, so that's it.  (So many browsers ...)  Looking forward to the fix, when it can happen.  Many thanks!

  32. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
    Ryan Hupferposted 15 years ago

    Look at Larry! He's takin' care of business, isn't he? smile

  33. larryfreeman profile image81
    larryfreemanposted 15 years ago

    Hi Everyone,

    I wanted to let you know that bold and italics have now been fixed for Firefox.  The fix went out last night.

    Please keep the comments and feedback coming on the new text editor.  :-)



    1. profile image70
      SpotCoolStuff.composted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Larry!!!! Bold seems to work fine now in Firefox 3.

      I'm still having a few issues involving cutting & pasting text. Usually these seem random but I just found one I was able to replicate:

      When I have a text capsule open, then copy some text from the capsule, then paste it onto the end of the capsule, then push the space bar the cursor suddly flies up to the top of the text box.

      Does that make sense?

      I've experienced the cursor flying to the top of the text capsule other times, too, but not in ways I was able to reproduce.

      Hope that helps,

        ~ scs

      1. larryfreeman profile image81
        larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for reporting this.  I'll check it out and look for a fix.



    2. profile image0
      Ananta65posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Not knowing the technical differences between all those browsers and platforms available, I was wondering if it's possible to optimize HubPages for a generic standard? I have used Apple Safari on a PC and currently am using Google Chrome on a PC, but in order to publish new hubs or edit existing ones, I am forced to revert to IE, because editing in the other browsers simply doesn't work.

      As for the new version of the text editor, I have changed my profile settings and am looking forward to using this new functionality. From what I read it seems like a real improvement. Nice work!

      1. larryfreeman profile image81
        larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the comments on the text editor.  :-) 

        We do not yet support Safari or Chrome but we are actively looking into it.  For now, it is recommended that you use IE or Firefox with the text editor.


        1. profile image0
          Ananta65posted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Hats off for those internet 'standards' tongue Why do we even have this W3C html-standard if everybody seems to want to deviate from it anyway? Not that you can do anything about that, Larry, I know smile
          If you have to set priorities, might I suggest to support Chrome first? wink

  34. steimmanbernard profile image58
    steimmanbernardposted 15 years ago

    this is really a great help:)

  35. JYOTI KOTHARI profile image60
    JYOTI KOTHARIposted 15 years ago

    Yes, I have used this cut .... from the browser.

  36. plaw profile image39
    plawposted 15 years ago

    Great improvement. Keep up the GOOD wORK

  37. laflat7 profile image40
    laflat7posted 15 years ago

    Yes, this is great work, i have just switched to the text editor 3 and done some experiments smile

  38. William F. Torpey profile image70
    William F. Torpeyposted 15 years ago

    I hope you have no plans to eliminate Version 2, which I have no trouble using. I may never be able to use the new HTML feature. The Enhanced Linking and AutoSave features seem easy to handle. Is it possible to use the Enhanced Linking and Auto Save from Version 3 and then go back to using Version 2?

    1. larryfreeman profile image81
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi William F. Torpey,

      You can switch back and forth between Version 3 and Version 2 so it will work fine to do enhanced linking in version 3 and then switch to Version 2.

      Autosave will only work when you are using Version 3.   The new HTML feature is optional so even with Version 3 you don't have to use it if you don't want.

      Version 3 right now  is an early release.  The long term goal is to replace Version 2 but we won't do this until we feel that Version 3 works as well or better than Version 2.


    2. Maddie Ruud profile image72
      Maddie Ruudposted 15 years agoin reply to this


      I'm not sure if you realize this, but you are not forced to use HTML on Version 3.  You can still format the normal way.  For those who do wish to use HTML, you can actually hit the "HTML editor" button on the text capsule and input your code (supported tags only) there.

  39. thranax profile image70
    thranaxposted 15 years ago

    Very nice indeed.

  40. enlightenedpsych2 profile image65
    enlightenedpsych2posted 15 years ago

    Thank you kindly, as I have been surfing, learning and pondering the best 'hub' material to write on, I found this exciting for my endeavors.

    sharing the light,
    Miss Erica Hidvegi

  41. William F. Torpey profile image70
    William F. Torpeyposted 15 years ago

    Thank you Larry and Maddie for your very helpful information. It's very reassuring. I commend all of you in management for the rapid-fire improvements you've been making on HubPages.

  42. Juliet Christie profile image67
    Juliet Christieposted 15 years ago

    I try spell checking my coments in the new text editor but a box keep popping up requesting that I type in the url of the spell checker but I cannot find the area to type it in.I thing the other one was easier will some one please help I am a lousy speller

    1. larryfreeman profile image81
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Juliet,

      Thanks for reporting this. 

      The fix for the spelling checker should be out by the end of the week.  I will send out a post here when the fix has been pushed out to HubPages.


      1. larryfreeman profile image81
        larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        The fix for the spelling checker is now out on HubPages.  The spelling checker should now work with comments on Firefox.




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