We know less about our oceans than we do about space. Should do more to explore

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  1. A.A. Zavala profile image82
    A.A. Zavalaposted 13 years ago

    We know less about our oceans than we do about space.  Should do more to explore our own planet?

    Should we divert funding from the space program to do this?

  2. lukecore profile image82
    lukecoreposted 13 years ago

    Yes indeed. There's some weird stuff down there (according to the few documentaries that have gone down to the bottom of the oceans), and at least we know there's definitely life! All the interesting space stories of late have come from long range telescopes, which seems a much more cost effective way to explore outer space.

  3. rafken profile image77
    rafkenposted 13 years ago

    Yes we should. It is not just the ocean floor but the amazon basin too

  4. craigsparks profile image61
    craigsparksposted 13 years ago

    indeed..there are more a lot to find under the ocean than outside the world..i think the recent discovery of the Atlantis would help to let the professionals to focus on the ocean...

  5. TheWhisper profile image60
    TheWhisperposted 13 years ago

    Absolutely! If we could take time to explore the creatures and plants deep within our ocean then maybe we could find breakthroughs.  Who knows, maybe even great medical discoveries!
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  6. profile image52
    bluebayposted 13 years ago

    No, the ocean is a vast expanse,let the creatures live in their own habitat.To go in and stir them up it only upsets nature.Our planet incliuding jungles will not change.Space travel should be kept. WE should try to  focus on global warming.

  7. MicahI profile image83
    MicahIposted 13 years ago

    People in general have a notorious habit of messing up life whenever they venture too close.  I think it's best to leave the ocean alone and focus on space.  There might be beneficial resources and scientific discoveries on the ocean floor, but space holds so much more potential for discoveries of all kinds.  Is there life out there? How can we harvest the vast mineral resources of the universe? How can zero gravity help patients with physical disabilities? The list goes on.  Plus the fact that space is never ending should inspire us all to be adventurers into the last great frontier.

  8. Tusitala Tom profile image67
    Tusitala Tomposted 13 years ago

    I dispute this statement.   Who says we know more about space than we do about our oceans?   Sounds like one of those generalizations made by someone who hasn't really studied either.

    1. profile image50
      momokoalaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This statement is a generalization itself "who says we know more about space than we do about our oceans?" you don't even know yourself. If you took maybe 20 seconds to google you'd see we really do know more about space than we do our own oceans.

  9. ArtAsLife profile image60
    ArtAsLifeposted 13 years ago

    I believe we should know every sq inch of this world, before we move onto deep space. The world we live on can teach us so much more, answer so many unanswered questions....

  10. maddot profile image65
    maddotposted 13 years ago

    I think we know less about our minds than any thing else..maybe time to turn inwards and have a long hard look before we go stuffing up the external world any more!

  11. Pdxrecycler profile image61
    Pdxrecyclerposted 13 years ago

    I am not particularly interested in space exploration, but NASA has developed a lot of technologies that are useful on Earth while they developed technologies for space exploration. I do agree that our focus should be on our own planet.

  12. profile image0
    writerwoman222posted 13 years ago

    There has been a lot of research on our oceans over the last two decades plus. Science has discovered new species. A lot more knowledge and new discoveries will happen over time.

  13. Anishpat profile image78
    Anishpatposted 13 years ago

    We are also over fishing the oceans and polluting it with plastic bag etc. We seriously need a rethink

  14. TheEpicJourney profile image70
    TheEpicJourneyposted 13 years ago

    I think we most definitely should!  I think there is a lot we can learn and discover still in the ocean.  HOWEVER, we must do it carefully, so we don't do more harm to the oceans than we already are.  The ocean is one of the last frontiers on earth which is already very polluted from our garbage and fishing.  We must take care when exploring it not to damage it further.

  15. vinner profile image70
    vinnerposted 13 years ago

    Both space and ocean are always giving more and more lessons to humans. What we can do is to keep on studying these. Both needs to be studied

  16. makusr profile image60
    makusrposted 13 years ago

    Mystery of our earth lies somewhere in space. The knowledge of universe is vital in understanding earth better.

  17. thebeast02 profile image70
    thebeast02posted 13 years ago

    Absolutely, I personally believe that there are "monsters" in the depths that no humans have laid eyes on. Simply waiting to be found..now had you asked if I would want to be the one going down there and doing the searching, well then that answer turns into a heck no!

  18. Johnrr631992 profile image80
    Johnrr631992posted 13 years ago

    I think its safe to say that what we don't know about our oceans is typically extremely far below the surface at the sea floor. The amount of force that far down is beyond what anyone can imagine, which makes creating machines to go that far down tough and probably VERY costly.

  19. iwansaptiko profile image60
    iwansaptikoposted 13 years ago

    As my father said: investigate yourself first before investigating others. Earth and other planets are created in a way that I think is almost the same. We have not been able to cope with disasters that occur in our earth as well. We can not keep the earth from damage caused by human activities. Though we've lived on this earth for centuries. Explore and save the earth first.

  20. Admiral_Joraxx profile image68
    Admiral_Joraxxposted 13 years ago

    Maybe this was inferred because of the fact that a man had actually set foot on as far as the moon, but nobody was ever heard being able to set foot to the deepest point of the ocean floor.
    But I really don't know weather we know more about the outer space or the earth.
    For the question concerned, I opt to have significant time and resources be dedicated for the exploration of our own planet earth. There's more to learn about the earth, maybe more discoveries can lead us into making the world a much better place to live in rather than actually looking for an alternative planet somewhere in the universe. There's no place like home.

  21. profile image0
    Indigitalposted 13 years ago

    Most of the depths of the sea are understood. It's fish, types and corrals that are why the argument "we know nothing of our oceans comes up" - this is due to new fish being born everyday, new species being born and new environments formed from pollution and fishing.

    I think there is more wonders out in space then in the sea. I would much rather go to the moon then the bottom of the ocean, put it that way.

  22. JulieKleinXpress profile image59
    JulieKleinXpressposted 13 years ago

    I think we should continue exploring space, but we should also perform far more research about what lives in the oceans.

    We humans often leave a mess behind or destroy what we discover. So it is vital that our under water research not injure anything that lives there, and we should leave nothing behind.

    It is very likely that discoveries will be made both in space and in our oceans that will benefit us, but we must remember that we will not be the last to be living here.  Other people, plants and animals will be around long after we are gone.  Let's leave them a better world, not worse.

  23. xXSweetiXx profile image61
    xXSweetiXxposted 13 years ago

    Exploring for answers beyond our planet may just unlock hidden answers that we would never know existed.

  24. terrektwo profile image70
    terrektwoposted 13 years ago

    Well I believe that we think we know more about space but I doubt we do there are parts of space we can't even see and even if we could that would only scratch the surface of what could be there. We can't even see planets several times the size of jupiter. Scientists simply deduce they are there because of flickers of light from the stars they revolve around.

  25. whoisbid profile image62
    whoisbidposted 13 years ago

    I guess that most people know less about the life of the person standing in front of them and this is something we miss exploring in this world

  26. bjornborgboxers profile image60
    bjornborgboxersposted 13 years ago

    The question would be a lot more interesting if you had rephrased it to: Should we spend more time on exploring our own planet than on investigating space? In the way you have put it, we can all easily agree as there is no trade off.

    We all still wonder what lies in the deepest depths of our oceans. However, who can tell us what will deliver us more value (in knowledge): investigate space, or research our own planet?  I believe both are equally important.

  27. kestrana profile image83
    kestranaposted 13 years ago

    With as much ocean travel as we have on this planet it's amazing how poor our oceanographic maps are. There was even a submarine that collided with an undersea mountain because the area of the ocean they were in had not been updated since a voyage by Captain Cook in the 1700s! But at the same time, we need to have the right attitude about earthly exploration. It should be for discovery and learning, not for conquest or corporate interests.

  28. arksys profile image78
    arksysposted 13 years ago

    i would not say divert the funding from space to the oceans ...but to create a better balance in funding between both.

    not sure if you watch Nat-Geo ... but they do have a program out called known universe ... talks about both space and the oceans ... available on their website and on youtube ... watch it if you haven't already .. very interesting.

  29. profile image53
    stargirlbrownposted 13 years ago

    not all the fundings but atleast 1/3 of the money we shall use cause we dont know much about our planet but we know everything about outer space

  30. itsmonkeyboy profile image68
    itsmonkeyboyposted 13 years ago

    I can agree with you in so many ways, that the oceans in such large areas are still undiscovered, and I'm sure there's still so much we can learn from them.

    But at the same time I'm pulled to the beauties that we can learn from space, from the birth of stars, the roles of blackholes in the creation and possible destruction of systems to the birth of the universe!  After all, some of the theories that have been learnt from studying space have helped build technologies on earth, used in everyday life.

    I find both subjects fascinating and would like to see both investigated and studied as thoroughly as possible, neither should be missed, both we could learn from and use to our benefit, after all, from the oceans to space, everything is quite incredible from the massive to the minuscule.

  31. Lilith Eden profile image78
    Lilith Edenposted 13 years ago

    I don't truly believe that we know much about either, but perhaps there is a link between the two. For instance, certain extremophiles found in the ocean exist on sulfur, not oxygen. Seeing that such an entity is capable of surviving in the absence of elements that support human life might better prepare us when assessing a new planet for ideal living conditions. Basically, it might allow us to have more of an open mind when it comes to searching for foreign life forms throughout space.

  32. profile image48
    leggarnaposted 13 years ago

    For sure, it spins me out that we know so little, its not like we are going to be living in space anytime soon. So logic is to explore where we are actually living first.

  33. onixx profile image59
    onixxposted 13 years ago

    we live to explore! like you have a question they answer, and i too.

  34. VENZKHVAM profile image61
    VENZKHVAMposted 13 years ago

    I always use to think we humans have still not aware of million and millions of mysteries inside our mother earth so the question finding extraterrestrial is at large.
    I think the arab countries are all the countries put together should make abody to unravel the eart mysteris . the fuel for that should be given free by the oil producing countries and ship  by china and other thing by other country so it will not cost you much also rather than individual bodies trying to do.
    I1000000000000000000000000000000000000% we should explore our ocean. A recent study confirkms that ther is abacteria at deep down in the ocean bopdy which converts carbondioxide to food with out sunlight.Isn't amazing for further understanding of how to survive in some other planets if we want to go?

    all the best

  35. supplies expert profile image61
    supplies expertposted 13 years ago

    So if we find something in the ocean that can help cure diseases or some medicinal uses, is it even smart to go down in the ocean and take that away from there? We always find these uses for plants, animals, etc. and yet we never think what is their natural use? Who else is it going to affect if we take this plant or animal from the ocean, jungle, forest, etc. I don't think it's smart to diving into the ocean and taking stuff away from the ocean, if there's one thing in this world that shouldn't be messed with, it's by far the oceans.

    As for space, it is a very interesting/crazy place. It's kind of so interesting and so vast that it's scary. I don't know it's like those sci fi movies where aliens are coming to the planet to take over resources... except we are kind of like the aliens

  36. melpor profile image89
    melporposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I think we need to do more exploration beneath our ocean's surfaces. There are probably hundreds or even thousands of new aquatic species to be discovered. It will give us a pretty good idea of what creatures may look like on other worlds especially worlds that are predominantly covered with water. I believe if we find any life forms on another world; water will probably be the first and best place to find it.

  37. profile image59
    KevD72posted 13 years ago

    We know a little and we thrive to know more. Science is a good thing, when corporations get involved, that's where it gets a bit scary.

    I fear, the more that is explored, the more that is exploited.

  38. Blazze profile image62
    Blazzeposted 13 years ago

    I think we shouldn't explore no more about our planet because once we start then effects take place on the planet.Then we have an issue that we have to find solutions and that creates more problems. The greenhouse effect for example. If we took time to closely study progress and consequences and try to limit the consequences we would be in better shape right now...

  39. JerryJupiter profile image59
    JerryJupiterposted 13 years ago

    If what you say is accurate - which I might dispute - I would say we should definitely set our sights to the ocean, what with the last shuttle ever being sent up from NASA (They're setting up a new system) (Hmm maybe I should create a hub about this! smile )

  40. sassyabby1 profile image65
    sassyabby1posted 13 years ago

    I think both realms should be explored and studied. As for space exploration, you would be surprised at the number of innovations that aeronautics and cosmology has created.

    When it comes to the Earth's oceans, we still don't have adequate technology that would allow us to inexpensively explore the deepest points. Water pressure is lot more daunting the "zero gravity."

    Still, it's a great question!

  41. Rachelle Williams profile image82
    Rachelle Williamsposted 13 years ago

    I have always been a proponent of exploring the uncharted regions of the oceans of the world.  It only makes sense to have a full awareness of our own surroundings before we go off and poke around somewhere else..

  42. SidKemp profile image73
    SidKempposted 13 years ago

    We have a lot to learn from understanding our wonderful home planet - not only scientifically, but experienctially. Let us approach Mother Earth with humility, and learn from her. What can we learn? How to heal ourselves and create sustainable a sustainable society.

  43. Brian Anderson profile image79
    Brian Andersonposted 13 years ago

    I believe so..  The oceans are so vast and deep, that millions of potential new species have yet to be discovered.  As our technology improves, we are going to see some major discoveries in the deeper parts of the world's oceans..

  44. speechtotxtsrvc profile image40
    speechtotxtsrvcposted 13 years ago

    On the lighter sense, I think we should not. This might just cause conspiracies.

  45. Ivel01 profile image60
    Ivel01posted 13 years ago

    I do not think we know more about it ... but we might first investigate our own planet more, before we go look for even more stuff to do ...

    But perhaps we need some other points of views or insights in order to better understand some parts of our own world - perhaps we are hoping to find extraterrestrial lives that can teach us so that we do not need to investigate ...

    Perhaps we find (as some claim) there is no such thing as extraterrestrial life in space, but that they actually are living amongst us (in the deep, hot undergrounds of our earth) - we might want to look into THAT one first no?

    I am ratteling on, but this question is very versatile and just adresses a huge amount of "opinion leaders" with all their own agenda ...

    but in principle I find this a very good question, worth the debate ... but involving just too many interest groups to put, let's say, any concrete findings into practice ...

  46. rus-leelaratne profile image60
    rus-leelaratneposted 13 years ago

    Definitely.  I think there is so much to learn about our planet and specially the oceans as you say.  However, we still should do some investigations in space.

  47. Dr Rockpile profile image60
    Dr Rockpileposted 13 years ago

    Actually, we know less about space. We haven't even come close to exploring 1% of our own solar system. There are billions of solar systems that are all different in our own galaxy - and billions of galaxies. We have mostly theories - not much more. We at least have a good working knowledge of our oceans. And we will visit all parts of our oceans far sooner than our own solar system. Space is infinite, our ocean is not.

  48. profile image58
    rahuljaswalposted 13 years ago

    That's right. Cause the amount of water available too is scarce. Learning about our oceans is very important. Scientists and geologists must stress on everything natural like oceans, seas, etc.

  49. lonesomeshaggy profile image59
    lonesomeshaggyposted 13 years ago

    Hahaha good point i agree with you that first we have to explore our own planet than to have a peak to other's planet.

    We have many places on our planet that are not even discovered. First we should explore that then to go further.

  50. BradyBones profile image80
    BradyBonesposted 13 years ago

    Further exploration of our oceans could only result in further exploitation of our own natural resources. I suppose I'd rather see the mining of asteroids and comets than further degradation of our own planet.

    This sounds doomsday and paranoid, I know. I just think that if you give us the chance, as a race, we'll destroy anything beautiful for our own temporal gain.


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