Like some of these Hubs below..Really is this what HubPages is about?? … avage-show … avage-show … exy-photos … ions...... So these are a few and I understand theses women are beutiful,but I don't get why they are advertising themselves here.Can someone let me in on this one. Alot of these hubs have no words just pictures. I'm just curious.
Well you really tricked me with that one.
What "half-naked" women? Most of them are wearing more clothes than I see here in the United States on any given day.
The creators of these hubs are Indian. They are proud of their culture and their "home-grown" stars.
What's the problem with that?
That's what I would like to konw !
Some people are so short minded. It amazes me ! LOL
Before we make a judgement on Sunshiney, she asked a question and deserves an answer, not a sarcastic remark condemning her for asking the question. What some of us see as profanity in our country may not be profanity in other countries. being open mined to other cultures, and asking questions is how we learn about each other, never judge a book by its cover. Remember hubbing is like television, if you do not like what you see don't watch it and change the channel. However when asking a question, it is all about the tone the question is posted.
Please don't anyone take offence to what I have said, I am just giving my thoughts.
Thank you
Hey I never said anything about flagging them ! I was really just curious what it's all about .... Maybe I didn't give the links to the ones that were a bit shocking to me..I couldn't find them again but if you go looking they are there.
The problem with that actually is that over 80% of these women are no stars but ordinary wives, daughters and sisters who wud not be even aware that they are featured on these sites.Most of these pictures normally come from stolen mobile memory cards, taken slyly at public places at malls, beaches, private parties and events rarely with consent and most often stolen from albums after befriending the person.Maximum of these pictures are collected witout permission or consent on the sly.I guess that is the real problem and that why nothing is written about them beyond what is mentioned at origin.Many times even fake names are created or else just labels are given to splash the pics.If that is not a problem then what else is.Nobody has a problem with stars n celebs being splashed as they are a part n parcel of the ball game.
Come on, are you just curious? Did you even take a look at the Photos and Videos category? Did you spend some time to think about what would have made HubPages admin create such topics?
Well, now see this - a request made by hubpages (question bank)
What is your problem? Won't you let HubPages decide about it?
You can go flagging, but don't waste time of admin people just because you don't like the hubs. Make sure you are only flagging a hub that violates the TOS. That will be good for all, if you do so.
I agree that the content on those particular hubs may be less than quality by most of our standards, and certainly I think HubPages is well established as, primarily, a writing site. Still, I think HubPages should be held to no different consumer standard than any other business, or publication would be. Let those hubbers post what they want and let the audience dictate what is and what is not appropriate for the site by the numbers. I'm inclined to believe these hubs may not have very high hub scores, but do in fact generate a lot of traffic, and probably quite a bit of organic traffic as well. So, in an agreeably backward sort of way, this actually helps HubPages, and the rest of us.
In the case of these types of hubs in particular I think rating them down is fine. I think flagging them is going a bit far. It stands to reason that none of us would want to be flagged simply for expressing what we feel is appropriate, noteworthy, or publishable. If these were photos of completely nude women, well, that's another story. There are plenty of sites that cater to that sort of thing. These are not that.
Flagging just because one disagrees with content—or in this case personally finds the content objectionable—is just too much like censorship to me, and should not have a place here.
Any person who engages in any expressive form, like writing, should be outrightly appalled at even the slightest hint of censorship.
Well, it used to be that hubs like this would be easy high scores. It won't serve any purpose to flag them unless they show full nudity or nipples. At least one of favorite hubbers had to deal with that issue all the time-lol-or so it seemed.
Flagging hubs is something best left to the admin otherwise it creates needless work for them and they can't deal with the real offenders. I know of a hub that has been published for over a year and it has yet to be flagged by admin because they are probably too busy dealing with other things like checking out hubs that some of us THINK are against the rules but really are not.
You should just let all the flagging to the people who have been trained and are paid to do it. (Mind you, one of my favorite hubbers often expressed that opinion and now he is banned while other worse offenders are still here--go figure. I'm smart enough to mind my own business and hope the rest of you are, too.)
Again, as long as they are in the correct category and do not show full nudity I think they are within the given rules. I have been told HP used to have actual adult categories but I guess they caved when some of the other places did. I don't know.
Not true. HubPages only has a small admin team and they rely on us to help police the site. Reporting Hubs that breach the TOS helps protect our income source (Adsense) and benefits all of us. Just don't waste their time reporting Hubs that don't breach TOS.
If they hadn't "caved in", they wouldn't have been able to use Adsense, and the site would have collapsed for lack of revenue.
The site could collapse from the weight of the 'sexy' women featured in some of these hubs! Yow.
Well, from what I have seen the admin shouldn't rely on the untrained eye to flag hubs. I mean in over a year of silently observing I have seem some spotty flagging. Won't argue why that is but--with the exception of OBVIOUS-to-100% exceptions--admin probably shouldn't rely on anyone who is not trained and objective.
Mind you, from what I have seen and heard objectivity could be an issue within the admin itself but UNTRAINED and subjective is even worse! I'm one of those annoying people who only writes for fun here so the money issue doesn't really matter as much to me beyond the fact that it would be nice if the site could stay afloat.
I do not claim or pretend to know the entire HP history but I DO know there are plenty of actual porn sites that make money so I am not convinced the adsense thing was a decision made based on nothing but finances. I DO know that a bunch of other companies did things like eliminate creator-owned chat-rooms, groups and so forth because they didn't want to deal with other issues. Perhaps the same "other issues" (like being PC)also had something to do with the decision to completely eliminate the adult sections of HP. Oh well, at least we still have something here that can be enjoyed; I guess, right?
You haven't seen any "spotty flagging" by Hubbers, because any flagging by Hubbers is invisible.
The only flags you know about are those issued by the HubPages team, sometimes as a result of a Hubber flagging and sometimes not. And they don't "rely on" a Hubber's word that something needs action - they assess the Hub on its own merits.
A Hubber flags (=reports) and HubPages flags (=moderates). Two different things.
Go back and do the research.
Half naked? Those women look like they are fully clothed to me.
My reply to Liam Bean shud give you a clear picture to this shady scam.In brief just let me say that 80% of the women labelled as aunty's housewives, bhabhi's etc are no stars not by a long shot but ordinary people whose pics have been obtained without their knowledge or consent and plastered all over.That is the reason why there is nothing to write about them coz even the hubber does not know them from Eve.So at times even false names are created and labeled with the pics.
This is one scam that is encouraged so when there is a demand you'll find plenty of suppliers!!!
Hope U got Urself an answer!!
it's not what HP is all about but a lot of ppl think that it is...those who write the hubs...if I come across them I just flag them and move on. sadly there are a lot of those on here and truthfully think that they should all be deleted and the hubbers's account be suspended for not writing anything
Even if they are born that way still doesn't answer the question as to why they are here?? Really I was kinda shocked when I came across some of these Hubs.Like I thought this was a site to write not show off or exploit womens bodies.I understand the allure but why here? There are plenty of places to enjoy erotica...
You can flag them as low quality--low content, or just down-- they don't get high ratings, and you will see more of them on new hubs or on hubhopping ( though there is an audience). Most of them go away--- but there are tons of them.
Rochelle, I'm pretty sure it's just wasting the HubPages team's time to flag these Hubs. They won't be removed.
They don't violate any TOS and if they have plenty of photos, they don't qualify as "low content". Give them a thumbs down by all means, but flagging is pointless. we go again on those hot indian hubs. Gotta love it.
This topic never goes away, does it?
I don't give them anything. I just let them be.
I can't imagine why someone can think that Indian actresses or model pics are 'erotica.'
Maybe they haven't seen what 'Erotica' really is LOL!
I don't understand why these kind of hubs upset so much some people..
Maybe they don't have a life.
Those kind of hubs bring a lot of traffic.
I have one on another account. It's amazing how many people view it.
I might be doing more.
So feel free to flag them down, as it seems you people don't have anything better to do,with spare time !
They seem to be blissfully unaware that HubPages is open to anyone who can write in English; regardless of where in the world they are.
Shocking no?
I find it hilarious !
So I always thank them for the laughs !
That's all good, but most of them don't even write a few words-- they just "borrow" photos from somewhere else.
Believe me Ms.Frank most of those pictures are not borrowed but stolen or simply lifted. It's called a Cut & Paste Job.Does that explain why there are no words beyond the Hi & Bye with a coupla adjectives thrown in. Many times even false names are created.Coz I've seen several aunty pics with different names on different sites or groups.
tantrum, none of them are as sexy as your profile pic.
Tantrum, I agree. It's like as in anything in life. Turn the channel, turn the page, click away, leave the book on the shelf. It's that simple.
Unless you have 'problems' with what other people do.LOL
I don't have the time or the interest to see what other hubbers are publishing, apart the ones that have the same interests as me.
Hey Tantrum no offense intended...... Really I do have better things to do,I was just alittle shocked is all. I really thought Hubbers were supposed to come up with original content,and actually write something. As for the erotica staement yes I did come across a few that showed the ladies entire bum and see-thru bras .I would consider that a type of erotica.... I mean I was flagged once for having a picture of a painting that dipicted a naked woman in artful taste. Her breasts were not even fully exposed. As well I do agree if you don't like it just don't look so that is what I do it just seems a little creepy to me. Not all of them but alot of them seem pretty sleezy. So I was just wanting to get some input from the other folks on here. Thank you for yours
Consider that HP is a forum for communicating. This can be writing, photography, art in various forms, or whatever conveys a message. Granted, the photos should be taken by the author of the hub and not merely cut 'n paste. In fact, this would make an excellent hub: "How women of India live their daily lives" via photographs taken by the author. How Indian families survive in slums would be especially interesting. How about, "A Day In The Life of An Indian Slum Child?" Anyway, I don't find the photos offensive.
And I think they're racist too.
Why nobody says anything about hubs like this one then ? Aren't this guys half naked as well ?
I will say something about this. Somebody needs to feed those boys. Skinny.
Ok as for that statement I am in no way racist....... In fact I find it a bit demeaning to these women .I mean do all of them even know that thier pictures are being posted ? Most of what I saw were "borrowed" photos...but please really? racist? me not in the least..Up untill you shared your link I hadn't come across any other HubPages such as the ones I'm talking about... Ok like for example your profile picture is nice and tasteful and you chose to post it...I'm just not sure about all these others? But I got the pot stirred didn't I?
Will someone enlighten me is borrowing the politically correct term for stealing until ur caught with your hands in the cookie jar? In our times we were nade to believe that anything that was taken without permission or consent amounted to stealing irrespective of whether you were actually caught or not.
But now times seem to have changed and how.Until you're caught red handed and labeled a thief you're just a borrower.How cute!!!
I don't see anything wrong with most of those hubs, especially the housewife one. They had more clothes than most women I see.
And actually it's kind of inspiring that they were called sexy. They are very natural looking women. I would show that to my daughters any day over the surgically improved and starved women they see in magazines and on television.
Wonder if you would not find anything wrong if your own pictures or those of your daughter(absolutely no offense meant) were published in some hubs or blogs without either's consent or knowledge on some part of teh internet?
Nobody hates praises I'm sure and so that is not the issue.The issue is of pictures being published on the sly without consent and worse others making money at your expense behind your back without your knowledge and websites encouraging them coz tehy take the lions share at the end of the day.
I have a serious problem with that and maybe you shud too else that day isn't too far when you see your daugters private pictures splashed on some hub borrowed from her private albums on a social website or worse ripped out of her stolen mobile memory card some days.
Believe me it's happening most of the time.So there is nothing right about such hubs!!!!
'k, these hubs aren't literary genius but i don't think they should be flagged just because someone doesn't like them
HubPages is aware of them, obviously, and if they don't censor them why should anyone else.
Listen to this lady. She's been around awhile I hear.
The problem is when they are misleading. Every now and then you come across a picture of a "beautiful" auntie or whatever who looks like she could try out for the NFL.
It is not a problem to me as I don't search for women Indian hubs, I am looking for much different topics lol. So I really would not know what is there.
lol..I donno why, but I am literally laughing, reading all the comments here..
Internet is a reflection of the outer world that includes good, bad, holy,ugly,sweet and bitter. Hubpages is a microcosm of the big web-world, I suppose.
The truth is, no "respectable" website ever shuns sources of good traffic, as long as the contents are not pornographic.
Ok so that is a perfectly legit response and thank you I hadn't looked at it that way
Thanks sam ! LOL!
One of my favourite fans.
I wonder why that is !....
To the OP:
Watch out how loudly you protest. The last time I did, and I explained the terminology being used relates to a fetish (that is, erotic and sexual in nature) and cultural meanings behind the flesh shown and words used, the gallery gang rooted out my Adsense publisher ID and went on a click scamming spree, suspending my Adsense account three days before I was supposed to get a payment.
It took a LOT of work and a LOT of effort to get my Adsense back, and I wouldn't wish that kind of malicious attack on a huge revenue source like Adsense on -anyone-.
Hopefully one of these days the empty, non-converting traffic from one handed Hubpages visitors will dwindle off and the allure of posting copyrighted photos and labeling them in regional sex terms to gain porn traffic will stop.
Until then, not much that can be done except thumb it down, flag it, etc..
Actually, tantrum, I don't.
I like porn. But not on a site that supposedly doesn't allow it. But, that's all I'm going to go into on this - don't want the Gallery kids after me again.
Sorry to disagree.
It's not porn.
go to a porn site and see the difference.
I've seen tens of thousands of porn sites in my time. Trust me when I say I'm an expert on porn.
But, like I said, not going to keep explaining why it is that it is. Public outcry gets you targeted. ;-)
No hard feelings, I hope, except from Greek One, of course! LOL
I don't like half naked women.
If they are going to post such pictures, they should be fully naked
I generally leave them be. However, I've noticed on occasion some pictures that are dangerously close to looking like school girls. Not dressed to resemble - they probably are. I saw one recently that hailed sexy pictures of Emma Watson, when it was clear that a portion of them were from when she was around 13 years of age. A 13 year old is sexy to the wrong kind of people. And that's the repsonibility of whoever is hitting the publish button.
That is dangerous ground. And just an example. She's famous, others that I've seen aren't.
Perhaps, that is what HubPages is all about, a complete mix of the internet world, porno and all.
Are there sites like HubPages that do NOT allow these type of pictorial articles? If so, maybe that's a better site for those who are offended by these articles. If more quality writers exit here to go elsewhere, HubPages admins might take notice and make changes. Or, maybe not.
It's kind of lame that people would have to give up hundreds of dollars a month just to get the pseudosexual stuff gone, though. Lame, and sad for the pocketbook.
My only thought against such hub is that this is *supposed* to be a site for writers. Most hubs like these have very, very little (if any) in written word. They may get lots of hits, but from what I've learned, such hubs are actually a liability to sites like HP because google gives strikes against them as a type of soft porn. (And don't shoot me over this, it's google's call, not mine.)
While I'm not personally against such hubs at all, I think this is the wrong place for this type of thing. This is not a photo or celebrity site, it's a site for writers.
So I say flag the suckers. Total thumbs down. That is, unless we are all in the mode of transforming HP into this type of site....
And what is a writer for you?
For me is someone that writes novels, poetry, essays, short stories, etc.
Those writers are less than 30% in here.I count myself among them.
So I wouldn't say this is a site for writers. It's a site for people that want to make money. Period.
I just write what I would like to write, without expecting to earn money. It's all play-time to me, and as long as I enjoy writing, then I'll stay here.
I just think such hubs are miscategorized and don't seem to fit very well on this site, that's all. But I don't think my opinion is so important that everyone should agree, either. We are all different, and I'll do as I like and others should do as they like. It usually works out in the end.
While I'm not particularly impressed with the hubs whose greatest attraction is half naked women of whatever nationality, I think we should leave them alone to succeed or fail on their own merit.
As for this not being a photography site, I am sometimes amazed at how big a percentage of my traffic comes from Google Images. I write serious articles, but people come because they want to look at the pictures.
I know one thing for sure if it violates terms & condition of adsense, kontera, amazon take it down. Just because few people think that it brings sleazy traffic we don't want to get whole revenue sharing site down. And if unsure about standards of what is porn and what is not, argue with those companies instead of members because these companies don't give reason for ban and if they find out objectionable stuff to them they just ban account for life and with no further response.
If I bump across a hub that's genuinely porny or obviously nothing but pictures taken by other people and text copy-pasted from IMDb or Wikipedia or some similar site, I'll flag it, but I don't go seeking them out, and otherwise it's no harm, no foul as far as I'm concerned. I have a few picture hubs that were tons of fun to write, actually, so it's not like they CAN'T be high quality. The conversion is dreadful, anyway, so I guess I figure if people want to waste their time writing the thousands you'd need to actually make a decent income off them, more power to them. ~shrugs~ Less competition for me in higher paying topics!
The only thing that bothers me about these hubs are the lack of written content, since this is a writing site.
Now if those pictures were accompanied by descriptions/backgrounds of the women or maybe some fictional storyline to bind them together or even just a smart/funny remark...Now that'd be cool. I'm not saying a great masterpiece, but at least 200 words that aren't links to similar hubs.
I visited a couple of the hubs listed and there isn't anything about them I could find to flag.
So, what's the point of this thread? The thread itself is misleading drawing attention to a topic that has already been discussed and resolved by HubPages Staff.
We know, if we want to protect our income source(adsense), then we are all going to read the TOS agreement and protect HubPages, as well, by flagging inappropriate TOS violations.
Please, do not waste admin's time, with things that clearly do not violate the TOS of HubPages. If you are unsure about whether or not it violates the TOS, then read the TOS for more clarity.
Just my thoughts on it. And, I am one who uses Celebrity(American) Hubs to draw traffic, not to mention, I have a few of models in swimsuits.
These do not violate TOS and happen to be my most traffic generators. As for click rates? I'm not going to discuss, because there are other people who will disagree, because they themselves do not use them(types of hubs)
It's the Aunties I find offensive, swanning around with hairy sweaty arm pits and moustaches and beards!! ugh!
o.O Why? What's wrong with a natural unmanipulated female body? Why do women have to be hairless sweatless creatures to be considered unoffensive?
Of course if you don't like it, that's what the "down" button is for ^^.
I'm all for natural, but that is just too much to hear about whilst eating my cornflakes and it most certainly is best I hear no more of it, the only Aunty I wanna see is my dear aunty Mable who drinks herbal tea and looks like an angel!!
Well see, there lies your problem: you eat cornflakes while browsing HP .
You really shouldn't eat in front of a screen. Apart from the grossness factor, you could end up messing up your computer and desk area. Also, eating in front of a screen affects how you eat. Really it's safest for you not to eat cornflakes - or anything - while browsing HP. *nod nod*
Now...Give me your cornflakes!
"It's the Aunties I find offensive, swanning around with hairy sweaty arm pits and moustaches and beards!! ugh!"
Don't forget the giant bellies hanging out over the fine clothing, and the super-sexy rolls of back fat.
If you don't like the hair sweaty armpits of these aunty's in question then don't go sniffing in them.Am sure scores of them find tem an ultimate turn on. If the aunty's uncle does not have a problem with her beard n moustaches then why shud you?
Just remember one man's food is another poison.So if you don't like it just turn the page over or switch the channel. That shudn't be too tough really?
P.S. Incidentally I don't approve such hubs one bit (read my comments upstairs) but neither do I make a fuss over it.I don't remember having thumbed down leave alone flagged any such hub since I've been around.
"Please, do not waste admin's time, with things that clearly do not violate the TOS of HubPages. If you are unsure about whether or not it violates the TOS, then read the TOS for more clarity.
Just my thoughts on it. And, I am one who uses Celebrity(American) Hubs to draw traffic, not to mention, I have a few of models in swimsuits.
These do not violate TOS and happen to be my most traffic generators. As for click rates? I'm not going to discuss, because there are other people who will disagree, because they themselves do not use them(types of hubs)"
SEE Cag's above comments!
The only reason I would rate them down is that the women are over-dressed. What's the point of porn if there isn't really any porn in it?
There ya go! Another excellent point!
If they are in poor taste I flag them, if they are a work of art and the clothing is beautiful , I honestly comment. I ask that they provide history etc. about the actress that they are providing photos of so that we as Westerners can understand who they are. Honestly some of there clothing is breathtaking and I am a clothes fanatic! lolololo
I think most of these hubs have their regional actress and as people want to see them,they post it.
But it violates the adsense TOS. Duplicate content. For sure those photos are copied and pasted from somewhere else.
However it is not porn atleast they are wearing clothes most of the time.
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