I Remember When...

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  1. profile image0
    mts1098posted 12 years ago

    I remember when I learned to drive a stick shift...good thing it was an old Volkswagen beetle smile

    1. Beth100 profile image67
      Beth100posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Me too (but not a VW).   smile

  2. larakern profile image67
    larakernposted 12 years ago

    I remember when things were actually made to last instead of break 6 months later.

    1. fiftyish profile image58
      fiftyishposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is true larakern, but don't forget also that we took better care or stuff too.

      Yes things were made to last, but because money was tighter back in the day, we also made sure things lasted as long as possible.

  3. Eric Calderwood profile image78
    Eric Calderwoodposted 12 years ago

    I remember when parents called their kids home by yelling out the front door.

    1. fiftyish profile image58
      fiftyishposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Me too Eric.  I also remember when kids didn't tell their parents to eff-off when they asked them to do something.

  4. fiftyish profile image58
    fiftyishposted 12 years ago

    I remember when a gay crowd simply meant a bunch of folks having a nice time. Actually, it probably still carries that meaning, but as the Thais say; SAME SAME but DIFFERENT LOL smile

  5. Xbox 720 profile image58
    Xbox 720posted 12 years ago

    I remember watching TV, and when it hit midnight, the American Flag would come on, the National Anthem - Then Static.  Sccchhhhhhh

  6. fiftyish profile image58
    fiftyishposted 12 years ago

    I remember when it cost £3.00 a minute to call Australia from England

  7. Eric Calderwood profile image78
    Eric Calderwoodposted 12 years ago

    I remember when you could leave your door unlocked at night.

    1. profile image31
      puellaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      ... and the kids in the car while mom got to the bakery for bread and ham and cheese;

  8. Ladybird33 profile image64
    Ladybird33posted 12 years ago

    I remember when you could walk to school!

    1. profile image31
      puellaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I remember the :I'm ok, you're ok" and the "the sky is the limit" era, and the "I am better, better, and  better" slogan to be repeated millions of times by the sufferer, in front of a mirror, and before facing another day of not feeling any better, of not being ok just as a consequence of assessing the distance between the earth and the sky and figuring how d soon the limit got reached, even before flying out

      I remember that some people did yoga to feel more harmonious, but still needed the beers every Friday after work...a meditation on the importance of that tradition, i guess...but ...  meditation on a pre-fixed subject was/is not the goal of meditation, but sortiing out the sea of thoughts unconnected, apparently, and vislumbrate a reason to...Cat Stevens sang, to believe...

    2. fiftyish profile image58
      fiftyishposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think many kids can still walk to school but they, or their parents, choose to drive.

      I also remember when 100's of kids used to cycle to school.

  9. melpor profile image90
    melporposted 12 years ago

    I remembered when a gallon of gas cost 29 cents a gallon.

  10. Eric Calderwood profile image78
    Eric Calderwoodposted 11 years ago

    I remember when roads were quiet at night.

  11. Pearldiver profile image67
    Pearldiverposted 11 years ago

    I remember when I couldn't write or spell without stuttering!  sad

    1. Pearldiver profile image67
      Pearldiverposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      B-B-B-B-Bug-Bug-ger-er-er! sad

      I f-f-f-f-furr-furr-get-get-ted-eded  th-th-ay-ay  t-t-t-t-oll  m-m-mee  n-n-n-nott-not  two  r-r-r-rem-mem-mem-bre...  oar  i-i-tit  st-st-star-ted-ted   ta-a h-a-a-apin  ag-ag-agh-agh-agh-gin!! sad

      B-B-B-B-Bug-Bug-ger-er-er! sad sad

  12. juicingforhealth profile image60
    juicingforhealthposted 11 years ago

    I remember Manic Miner on the ZX Spectrum and all the hype around the Sinclair C5.  I really expected to see them everywhere.

  13. fiftyish profile image58
    fiftyishposted 11 years ago

    I remember when a man used to knock on the door and see if you wanted your knifes sharpening.

  14. joeykool57 profile image60
    joeykool57posted 11 years ago

    I remember a time when good would happen or a piece of good luck would befall someone and people would actually be happy for them. A time when sour, jaded people wouldn't wait around hoping and praying that the lucky person would step on their own tail and become an embarrassing sideshow. I have always wondered why someone could gain such great pleasure in someone elses pain

    1. Pearldiver profile image67
      Pearldiverposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      + 5  Nicely said smile

  15. Eric Calderwood profile image78
    Eric Calderwoodposted 11 years ago

    I remember when treats from the Ice Cream Truck could be bought for less than a dollar.  Most of the time it was a lot less than a dollar!

  16. iefox5 profile image58
    iefox5posted 11 years ago

    I remember when I was a child I was happy everyday.

  17. fiftyish profile image58
    fiftyishposted 11 years ago

    I remember when I had my first kiss.

    Come to think about it, I remember the exact location. It was under a weeping willow tree by a river embankment on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Can't remember the girl's name though, but I think we boys called her Pepper Face (can't recall why that was!).

    I thought it was a French kiss too because I recall flicking my tongue in and out of her mouth during the snogging session. I found out a year or 2 later that a French kiss has to have a reciprocating tongue meet you half way ha, ha, LOL smile

    Andy Aitch

    1. Sherry Hewins profile image91
      Sherry Hewinsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I remember my stingray bike with butterfly handlebars and a banana seat. I remember watching Popeye after school. I remember attending a segregated school and integration was a hot-button issue in my home state of Louisiana when Lyndon Johnson was running for president against Barry Goldwater.

    2. Pearldiver profile image67
      Pearldiverposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I remember when my mother horrified us by telling us that when she was young, she got jumped during her Sunday stroll, by what she described as a Lizard Man.. who apparently attempted to vigorously penetrate the biscuit she was eating! yikes

      I wonder.... sad

  18. AfrikanKing profile image61
    AfrikanKingposted 11 years ago

    I remember when hip hop was more about reaching out to people then it is today about money, women, and power.... Era of Hip Hop: 1979-2004.

  19. crazyhorsesghost profile image70
    crazyhorsesghostposted 11 years ago

    Tell us more about this Lizard Man?????

    1. Pearldiver profile image67
      Pearldiverposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well.... exactly! sad

      Apparently, she was left standing there in disbelief, her chocolate biscuit completely ravaged while the lizard wriggled away, leaving his tail behind and yelling "Yes! Yes!" to sky! sad

      I wonder.....

      1. profile image31
        puellaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Although unrelated ;sad  living a few yards from the beach, I remember  when I first tried water sky...; paying all of my allowances of two weeks to have the "trainer" teach me, and me, clumsy and all (may be more fear than anything else wink wink , I remember it took me quite a few hours, and more of my allowances ;sad to get some training...I did not succeed because I believed too many sharks stories.. and because swimming means some control over the context but did not feel the same skying, I set or improve swimming...The not-knowing or what to expect kept me from learning or perhaps the ambiguities of goals and possibilities for a young mind...perhaps... Later, through the years, one learns that ambiguities are a "concrete" (paradoxically) part of life and one just needs to master the feeling with growing trust in oneself and in preparedness...One also learns that in spite of all that, still life has surprises and we discover , again and again, sometimes not so nice, and that no matter, we still have dreams and hopes and trust.

  20. billd01603 profile image77
    billd01603posted 11 years ago

    I remember 8 track tapes and how the track would change in the middle of the song "Stairway to Heaven" (and a lot of others)

    I remember going to movies I liked 3-4 times, there was no such thing as home video.

    I remember starting my first job at minimum wage (1.85 hr!)

    I remember gas lines

    1. profile image31
      puellaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I remember when I graduated from college, almost all of us had already two or three job offers in hand...and we had the luxury to choose the employer (in all of my interviews I was asked to write a brief minute on an imaginary office meeting winkwink piece of cake!!!

      I remember my first wrist watch; it was a Tissot, and the advertisement ran "Tissot, the watch a man with good pulse will wear" (and what about women?... winkwink...I have always been a fun of ads; there are some very very creative; the phrase of "a pepsodent smile" was incorporated to our local jargon meaning to be well groomed winkwink (nice hairdo, make up, etc etc.

      Our first LP player was a Sony; it could run 33 rpm or 45 rpm disks; it was expensive and bulky; two years later it was replaced by "aiko" and then "panasonic"...The usual expiration date was about two or three years.. I still have those lp's by the Beatles, Monkeys, Nat King Cole, and I found my dream on Blueberry Hill used to be all day long on fhe radio...., and so I can't stop loving you, and 'feliz Navidad' by Feliciano,

  21. recommend1 profile image60
    recommend1posted 11 years ago

    I remember no tv and so reading all the time - and discussing infinity at age 5 and sitting on the beach thinking about it for a full day.

    1. profile image31
      puellaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I too remember the time of no tv atound or a 'bad' signal (stripes in the screen, black and white, RCA, and an antenna long that we needed to rotate around to get a btter signal...and some times the screen was more guessed than sharp images),,
      Therefore, reading was the very next available pleasure; I found myself reading poetry, not rosy poetry but soul-searching poetry; I remember a huge dictionary handy at dad's desk, which I used a lot while reading...It was an investment for good grades and writing abilties, later in life.

      II remember the nintendo era and how school results were hindered by this obsession which tumbled ball playing and reading and conversations and park biking... sadly.

  22. AEvans profile image71
    AEvansposted 11 years ago

    I remember when the video " Thriller" came out and was played over and over again on MTV. I remember when cable was first installed and the only station was HBO. They only moving playing was " North Dallas Forty." 

    I also remember when the older kids in our neighborhood told me if I placed books in my pants, my mother would not see them and the spanking wouldn't be as hard. Boy, were they wrong! Out came the books and an extra spanking for thinking I was so smart and mom would not see them. big_smile

  23. wavegirl22 profile image47
    wavegirl22posted 11 years ago

    I remember the petitions that were being signed in the Lobby of the movie theatre where they were trying to make sure there would never be "paid TV" . Years later I remember going with my brother and my dad into the city to watch the NY Rangers in the playoffs on 'closed circuit' TV, the provider was abptly called Manhattan Cable (later to become CableVision)

    And I remember when I the first time I saw  Billy Joel live, testing out the songs for the 'album' The Stranger and having to wait 6 months for the album to hit the stores. Just the Way You  Are and Scenes from Italian Restaurant were featured on that album, both songs today are classics. To think in the months we waited for the LP, we kept the the radio on, in hopes of hearing these songs before the release. Once the record was in our hands we spent hours upon hours holding the album cover which of course had the lyrics on the back!

    1. AEvans profile image71
      AEvansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      We are going way back! lololo! I remember when people had console televisions. (Hope I spelled that right!) I also remember when I walked to the store with a note in my hand to buy my mother a pack of cigarettes. Can't do that anymore.

      I also remember when Tootsie Rolls where HUGE and Cracker Jacks were in a bigger box. smile

  24. profile image0
    mts1098posted 11 years ago

    following wavegirl22 - I remember when I had to listen to Billy Joel on cassette and now I can do mp3 downloads...

    1. wavegirl22 profile image47
      wavegirl22posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      yes yes yes . .and we had  "walkman"'s with a headset. .. I remember the cassettes and we used to tape live concerts off the radio (not a direct connection) but I know I had the albums on home made tapes but I am blocked on the brain at the moment trying to remember how we made them! My first MP3 player I think was around 12-15 years or so ago but before that but after the cassettes came a CD player which were not as compact as the walkmen. . .remember when the cassette would get eaten and all your music on it was pretty much done with all the folds and tears on the tapes.

      1. profile image0
        mts1098posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        oh my god - the walkman...I completely forgot about that. Tape shredding...You are not going to believe the memory you just triggered. When I got my first cassette tape recorder, I placed it near the radio so I could record some of my favorite songs.  I happen to catch BJ Piano man on the radio and recorded it to cassette.  I then took the cassette with every car ride I took with friends so I could hear the noisy recording over and over again. One day, while riding in a friends hi-tech car (with a cassette player in it), I was playing the cassette when suddenly we heard this shredding like noise.  When I hit the eject button the cassette came out but the tape was caught inside.  To say that was the end of my recorded BJ songs is an under statement.  I even tried to re-roll the tape back into the cassette but it was no good.  I cannot tell you how long it took my to replace my cassette with cds...cheers

        1. profile image31
          puellaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I remember rerolling once and again with a school pencil. Whenever it was hot  season, cassettes tended to have this kind of mess, and yes, I too recorded from the car's radio (a loud and full of 'noise' recording, but hey, we not so picky at young age. I remember 'all you need is love' first recorded in this way and still did not notice the noise: the song itself was sort of noisy. The first tape recorder was a Phillips and it lasted forever...

  25. GoldiString profile image60
    GoldiStringposted 11 years ago

    I remember when someone added breastmilk to my Bailey's drink. I ended up drunk still. Could not remember the taste of it.

    1. fiftyish profile image58
      fiftyishposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ha, ha LOL smile  That's funny, but then some would say not as funny at we drinking milk from a cow! 

      Btw GoldiString, there's this one bloke in England who is selling ice cream made from human breast milk.  He's actually milking the mothers and paying for their dairy product - for want of a better word.

  26. jcales profile image53
    jcalesposted 11 years ago

    I remember being so happy when my Dad bought me a 45 record with the song "Benny & the Jets", waiting in the gas line which was 50 cents a gallon..when ding dongs were 25 cents, wearing garanimals clothing.

  27. MelChi profile image75
    MelChiposted 11 years ago

    I remember popular soap operas like 'Loving', 'Santa Barbara' and 'Acapulco Bay'
    I remember playing the TV game Ice-Climber
    I remember tearing out posters out of the Bop magazine and hanging them on my wall
    I remember when it was safe to walk or ride bikes outside as a child
    I remember eating rascals sweets and drinking Roxy milkshakes
    I remember listening to Backstreet Boy tape cassettes
    I remember my mom taping late shows of Beverly Hills 90210 onto video tapes for us to watch the next morning
    I remember when it was affordable to go to the movies and have all the snacks you wanted


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