all your unanswered
- 0Strange Youtube algorithm
Ishika Mehere (3 years ago)
- 11What is your favorite joke? I think it would be fun...Preferably clean
Mark O Richardson (5 years ago)
- 22Is Woke Culture killing comedy?
psycheskinner (5 years ago)
- 3Let's Lighten the Mood in here...
poppyr (6 years ago)
- 17New Joke...
DzyMsLizzy (6 years ago)
- 0Funny or Not? You Decide!
ptosis (7 years ago)
- 2Here are some really funny jokes to start your weekend with.
AliciaC (7 years ago)
- 3An Interview with Chaplin and Robin William
Whispering Night (7 years ago)
gmwilliams (7 years ago)
- 3Should comedians stop doing political jokes?
Stevennix2001 (7 years ago)
- 4I hope Will Farrel gets Alzheimers desease ......guess why ?
ahorseback (8 years ago)
- 9Groaners...heard any good groaners lately?
BigBlue54 (9 years ago)
- 11A new joke...
DzyMsLizzy (9 years ago)
- 0Humour to lighten our day
jonnycomelately (9 years ago)
- 4Quotation sources: Who said that?
Rochelle Frank (9 years ago)
- 10Joke for the Day:
DzyMsLizzy (9 years ago)
- 4Solution to Computer Problems
colorfulone (9 years ago)
- 12Funny Quotes
Deborah Sexton (9 years ago)
- 17Funny Quotes And Other Humor
Sed-me (9 years ago)
- 104Your chance to be a stand up comic!
robertzimmerman2 (10 years ago)
- 94What's Your Best Joke?
BigBlue54 (10 years ago)
- 13Just thought I'd share this joke. Might make someone's day
taiwokareem (10 years ago)
- 14A Joke
The Examiner-1 (10 years ago)
- 4need a good laugh?
Rob Winters (10 years ago)
- 12An Old Joke--Still Funny
BigBlue54 (10 years ago)
- 1What would you do if this happened in the "Lion King"....
Zelkiiro (10 years ago)
- 19The Beauty Pageant
Beth37 (10 years ago)
- 0Joke
harisnefo (10 years ago)
- 4Cyber-Cuddling on Forums
Zelkiiro (10 years ago)
- 0Fans of Christopher Titus' Special Unit!
zechs (11 years ago)
- 2A joke I picked up on FaceBook
janshares (11 years ago)
- 14Let us share some jokes
Silverspeeder (11 years ago)
- 12Who feels like a really good giggle?
Hollie Thomas (11 years ago)
- 7Paradigmsearch takes his driving test...
Paul Maplesden (11 years ago)
- 17Funny People
RoryColgan (11 years ago)
- 0What makes you laugh?
Beth37 (11 years ago)
- 8The post apocalyptic world
George Greene Jr. (11 years ago)
- 2Opening lines to some of my favorite jokes
tobey100 (12 years ago)
- 0My kind of guy...
paradigmsearch (12 years ago)
- 142I Remember When...
MelChi (12 years ago)
- 9British Town tries to shake off Ali G link!
twosheds1 (12 years ago)
- 12my private part died
OLYHOOCH (12 years ago)
- 6QR Code Anxiety
Lynn S. Murphy (12 years ago)
- 21Why Do We Press the 'Elevator Button' more than Once?
zzron (12 years ago)
- 26Toe Banging - Its A Conspiracy
mega1 (12 years ago)
- 21The Great Debate Forum
Eric Newland (12 years ago)
ediggity (12 years ago)
- 0Needs Moar Cheese
rbe0 (12 years ago)
- 4The MacGyver Challenge!!! Can You Get Out Of This Week's Danger?
Emile R (13 years ago)
- 2Should math be taught in school?
optimus grimlock (13 years ago)