all your unanswered
Sanai Umair (19 months ago)
- 2Israel And UAE Strike Historic Deal To Normalise Relations
Sharlee01 (4 years ago)
- 75Where are we going with Iran?
lobobrandon (5 years ago)
- 78Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem
Credence2 (6 years ago)
- 18Nice France Attack and ISIS.
Castlepaloma (8 years ago)
- 9Is killing to stagnate a race from killing first right?
wilderness (10 years ago)
- 4AP continuing myth that Iran is building nuclear weapons
Hollie Thomas (12 years ago)
- 22Hey why not give the Muslim Brotherhood 450 million?
JSChams (12 years ago)
- 24Blair and Bush to face prosecution at the Hague?
ahorseback (12 years ago)
- 42Arab Spring?
Healthy Pursuits (12 years ago)
- 0More Investigations As To The Slaughter of Innocent Afghan Men, Women,
gmwilliams (13 years ago)
- 9Reprisals Threatened Against American Soldiers as a Result of
bgamall (13 years ago)
- 17John McCain Is the First Senator to Call for Bombing Syria
lovemychris (13 years ago)
- 13Iranian warships in the Mediterranean sea!
prettydarkhorse (13 years ago)
- 152Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Corpses
Randy Godwin (13 years ago)
- 4How nosy is too nosy in politics?
LailaK (13 years ago)
- 6The Middle East: Should We Stay Out
slickclickcf (13 years ago)
- 3Osama bin laden is dead!!!! : )
Carol VC (13 years ago)
- 5"Afghan leader criticizes US withdrawal timeline": Yahoo!
lady_love158 (13 years ago)
- 32Attack on remote Afghan outposts kills 8 US troops
zduckman (13 years ago)
- 61Obama does not get it
Jefsaid (13 years ago)
- 33Obama Supporters....If Obama sends more troops, what will you think?
earnestshub (15 years ago)
- 4"Pakistan army CLAIMS ADVANCES in offensive": MSNBC
JYOTI KOTHARI (15 years ago)