If it has negatively affected your hubscore... is to link to your other hubpages accounts
I don't actually use any other accounts right now, and have a decent Hub Karma already, but just pointing out the obvious flaw in that system!
Hmmmm.. true!
I don't either, but I guess this would be a loophole.
According to a post from Paul Deeds in the "official" thread, ALL of your links in ALL of your published hubs - past, present and future - count towards Karma score, so you don't even need multiple accounts in order to link to your own hubs!
I have one account and all of my hubs have links to other hubs of mine, either contextually with anchored links or in RSS feeds. About 30 of my hubs have RSS-based links to others' hubs (from HubMob and other challenge feeds), but otherwise I don't think I've ever linked directly to anyone else's hub more than half a dozen times.
My Karma score is 85 and I have done nothing to try and improve it since the program was rolled out.
So bottom line, it seems that 1) you don't need to use the new link suggestion tool to get the "benefit" of increased Karma score, and 2) including an RSS capsule using your own "latest" feed in your hubs will count towards that score...
I'm hopeful that my Karma will balance out, the more I link and optimize my hubs!
Im not sure i like this if you start linking to others how to you know they are linking to your hubs it seems to me like fre advertiseing that should be optional not mandetory..
If everyone links to someone else, then in the end, someone must link back to you. It's a circular thing. And I should think linking to others would count more than to yourself. Also, it is best to link to hubs that are high scoring and of content relative to the context of where you are activating the link.
It is optional, Kadmiels. You can choose to ignore your Karma score if you wish - it doesn't have a huge impact on your Hubber score.
But there are two easy ways to keep your Karma high.
1. Link to your own Hubs. That counts.
2. Add an RSS feed at the very bottom of your Hub, below the comments. Paste in a HubPages RSS feed like this:
http://hubpages.com/tag/[insert tag here]/best/?rss
Choose a tag that is relevant to your Hub, so you'll get relevant Hubs appearing in the feed to boost your keyword content.
Then set the feed to 8 and voila, you've got Karma without any effort. And yes, you're giving free advertising, but most of your readers won't scroll down far enough to see it.
AND they should change the name 'hub karma' to 'hub pressure' instead!
Yes, it's a little bit of a wierd metric...
I have 3 hubs, with maybe 1 link to anothers (low-scoring) hub in one of them...and my karma is 41? Seems high...
But maybe i'm just a nice guy.
Ah, think I just figured it out.
When it comes to hubkarma, the lower the hubscore of your target link, the greater the karmic value is to be derived from it. The aim of this is, I believe, to increase the effectiveness of hubpages overall.
The more links a lower scoring hub has, the higher it's hubscore will be. The higher it's hubscore is, the better chance there is that the links within that hub will be marked "dofollow". The more "dofollow" links hubpages has, google will attribute a higher level of "value" to it.
It's cumulative, and has the effect of increasing revenue for the site through improving link quality. Clever trick, hubpages staff - I like it:)
Moral of the story? If you want good hubkarma, link to hubs with low hubscores.
Just my theory of how it works.
You mean you actually spent all that time trying to work the whole thing out?! Oh, you better stop wasting your energy and start linking fast!! Hurry now...!
(and to help you along, let me add mine is 72! aha! )
lol, well it only took a second to figure out once I remembered what the aim of the hubpages business model is
72! I bow to your karmic superiority
My linkbuilding campaign will have to include kidney donation to keep up with everyone
OR you could have people send you their paypal and give out charitable donations!
p.s. on a serious note, what a joke about the actual spirit of karma...ha! As if it can be measured...
Lol, yes! I admire the "Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy's" take on this type of thing: the answer to the quesiton of life, the universe and everything? 42.
And to twist the song by Bob Dylan...
"How many roads must a man walk down, before you can call him a man?"
As many as it takes for him to admit he's lost and needs to ask for directions
If a hub has a low score it probably sucks. Why would I want to link to it, and why would HP want it to be found?
Having woken up this AM and looked at my HubKarma, and my overall author score, I've decided that the HubKarma thing is nothing to sweat about.
A lot of people reporting higher karma scores than me have lower overall author scores. The karma thing can't have much of an effect.
Is it coincidence, or not? I've noticed that my hubs that have been linked from other hubbers, especially when included in others' RSS feeds, now have a higher hub score. The score is even higher than my ones with good page per views.
But, my author score has dropped. Not impressed with this negative effect.
And, my followers number is yo-yoing like crazy. +2, -1,
-1 ....
Beth, just to let you know my author score was 97 last night but I don't know if that has much to do with this new karma! Also, I lost a fan today... TG defanning me YET again; maybe, it's the same with you, not sure...but take care..
@ ilm... I love your post...! Ah... measure of a man indeed!
Hey MOW! that's exactly the same for me -- author last night was 97 and today it's 93. My karma is still at 87.... so strange. Why would TG defan you??? I don't think he's done that to me, but I know others are. Can't please them all!
Enjoy your lovely day! and, good to see you!
Wow, TG's defanned me too!! Do you know what's going on? Alter egos are all gone too....
I'm soooo sad.....
I fear Ryan will just throw me out of the thread now, so I'll email you about it later... long story....in a nutshell, it's because I don't post on his forum and work for Misha's forum instead... Since then, he fanned and defanned me thrice...but I'm not the only one, he defanned lots more of us...just very sad really. Anyway, I'll email you as soon as I can.. take care...
If it matters, my Karma score is about 60 and mostly because of a couple of reasons.
(a) RSS feeds on my poetry capstone hub that links to other hub writers who write poetry
(b) my Women Writers In HubPages/Of HubPages Hubs that link to the profiles of each Woman.
Just a thought.
I had rather this not have any effect on my hubscore at all! Providing the option is one thing but penalizing a member, even if it's only 1 point, because they do not use it, is another. Is it a sure fire thing this will be worth the trouble at all?
It just seems as if we are the ones taking the risk because no matter whose hub is being viewed, HP still gets their percentage. Am I wrong about this?
Randy, we all have to remember that HubPages is in this to make a profit, too. And we also have to remember that Hubberscore doesn't mean a darn thing when it comes to earnings, so why worry?
Like I said, add a RSS feed of related Hubs right down at the bottom of your Hubs, the same way you do with News capsules and external links. If you use a 'best' feed it will cycle round so it will give you the benefit of fresh relevant content, too, which Google likes. And if your readers scroll down far enough to read and follow those links, you've missed your chance to sell them something, anyway.
Thanks for replying, Marisa! I suppose I just see this as a minor threat, as in "either use this new linking tool or we give you a low "Hubkarma score which will affect your Hubscore." This is what it is, isn't it.
No matter which way you look at it and no matter how little impact it has on my hubscore, I do not like to be manipulated in this manner. You, of all people should know why this concerns me in this manner.
Yes, I know HP is here to make money and I believe they are if their 40% time period equates correctly. And I would still love to know what they make on my articles compared to what I get. Wouldn't this be interesting to know?
But for the life of me, I can't understand how sending a reader away from my hubs will help me get more views.
Randy, the thing that concerned you (and me) about Helium was the fact that they were underhanded and not transparent. Whether you like this feature or not, HubPages have been upfront about it. It's their site - if they see an opportunity to improve their earnings, you have no right to complain.
I have seen threads where people like Mark Knowles have calculated what HubPages is making,and decided it is the percentage you would expect. You can see the mismatch between Analytics and Adsense so it is possible if you're up to the math.
Like I say, why are you worried about Hubscore? The introduction of Karma has reduced my score from 100 to 98. I wouldn't worry even if it dropped to 80. So it's a non-issue, if you're here for the earnings potential.
I am not concerned about the Hubscore, Marisa. And I have no problem with HP making more money either. But it seems to me this new "tool" will only take readers away from my hubs and harm my earning potential. This is the reason I do not use Kontera on my hubs.
I detest the highlighted words in an article when reading and I am probably not alone in this. I don't see how Mark calculated HP's share unless he knows what time of the day their percentage takes place.
Since the majority of my hubs are read by Americans, it only makes sense to me that the prime earnings period would be during the time Americans are awake and searching the net
"It's their site - if they see an opportunity to improve their earnings, you have no right to complain."
If being "upfront" means telling us we have no choice but to deal with Hubkarma, then you are correct, but if they make make more money using this new feature, I suspect it will be because we make less. Just speculating of course, but we have no way of knowing for sure.
Using this logic I suppose we have "no right to complain" about any new feature they choose to introduce. This is why I am concerned. I have observed this type of change on other sites and it does not bode well for the readers.
I'm not trying to cause a stink about this and I certainly hope I am wrong about this new feature. But perhaps you can explain how this will be beneficial to us, the writers.
Yes, but it will only take readers away from your Hubs if you use it. And remember, it can equally send readers to your Hubs when other Hubbers use it.
Not necessarily, because the objective is to keep a reader within HubPages until they find their answer, rather than exiting to another site altogether. Which raises the likelihood they will eventually click on someone's ad.
Therefore, as Sunforged has said, in a roundabout way it does benefit all of us. And in case you hadn't noticed, the tool gives priority to linking to your own Hubs.
So what is the purpose of the HubKarma score if not to penalize (no matter how miniscule) if one chooses not to utilize it? I write my hubs to get traffic to them and make a few bucks in the process.
If the reader leaves my hub during the time of my share of the clicks or sales and goes to another hub, even one of mine, I may lose an important sale or high paying click. Am I correct in this?
Will this mean more money for me, or just for the lucky soul whose page finally gets a click or sale in the end? I can understand trying to keep a searcher on the site but this is not the way to go about it, IMO! I hate those embedded links when searching for something and seldom go back to a site which utilizes them. So you see why I doubly detest this new "tool."
Perhaps I am wrong about this, but even so, it smacks of trying to slip this in under the form of "you don't have to use it but if you don't".......
Kind of cheesy too, the way it was sprung with the "Karma" thing involved. the "elite thing was cheesy enough. I wonder who makes up this stuff?
Well, if that's why you're here, you won't care two hoots about HubKarma because it's not going to penalize you in any way that affects your income. You know Hubberscore and Hubscore have no bearing on income. And it's not visible to anyone else, so you just have to learn to ignore it.
Not quite. Nelle Hoxie interlinks all her own related Hubs extensively, and she says it has a very positive effect on earnings. You're giving yourself a backlink every time you do so.
In any case, you can get HubKarma with RSS feeds just as well. For your own Hubs, you'd do that somewhere visible - but my HubKarma is 80 and I never link to anyone else's Hubs, except in my end-of-Hub feed capsules (on only 30 of my 151 Hubs). And they're benefitting me too - Google likes to see relevant outgoing links so they improve my search engine ranking.
I do agree with you and Nelle that it could do with a less cheesy name.
I already interlink my own hubs, so why isn't my HubKarma higher than 66? And the HubKarma title for the score? Simply a guilt trip thing to make one feel bad if they do not wish to link to other hubbers articles. "What, you don't want to share with the community? How selfish of you!" Limburger at best!
So, I work hard to get many of my hubs at #1, or on the first page of Google and then say "sure, go check out the hub on page 100, you don't need to read my stuff. Y'all come back now, ya heah!"
So as long as we link to our own hubs we won't be penalized at all? As far as I know, no one has made this clear.
I too feel there is an attempt at manipulation, which is a distraction from the simple art of writing.
I would tend to agree with you. I think I may have linked to someone elses hub only a couple of times and I certainly don't make a habit of it. I'm sorry, but I would rather readers stay on my hubs and click my ads, not someone else's.
For the HubKarma to have an effect on our author score does seem to be unfair to me. You're not alone, Randy.
We aren't the only folks concerned with this, Lily Rose. Perhaps someone from HP will eventually give us an explanation of how this will benefit the writers. It is already easy to see how HP will gain.
Hey Randy, no you are not wrong. HubPages is out to increase it's own exposure as well as those who write.
I have noticed the older my hubs get, the more traffic they receive. I just recently went from about 500 views per day and now averaging about 2400 views a day. My hubs are interconnected to each other according to their category.
It shows that relations between hubs works and drives up traffic. And, helps with PageRank on search engines.
Just my thought.
Plus, on another thought- sharing is fun, even if you don't get anything in return.
I feel like I've been sent back to affiliate marketing kindergarten. First I've been given the equivalent of stickers and report cards for my work - with all of the new accolades and ratings.
Now I have this HubKarma (which why couldn't we just call it a Linking Score) to not so subtly prod me into an action. If anyone looks at my hubs, they can see that I've always linked my hubs and on occasion linked to other peoples' hubs, so it's not that I don't already do this. I just feel like I'm being talked to like a five year-old.
It's all very web 2.0 and silly talk to me. I shall continue to watch google traffic and money in the bank as the measure by which I judge my performance.
I do find that I'm spending less time on HP with each "improvement." Because as you say it's their site and this seems to be the direction they're moving in.
I agree 100% both about the accolades and about HubKarma. Accolades at least can be disabled, and I have posted a thread requesting the option to disable/hide this new HubKarma feature as well.
I have a very poor Karma score. I read that only 1-2 links were allowed, so as a result I only wrote 2 hubs with 1 link on each, I didn't know about all this linking until a few days ago when I got this Karma stuff.
Good point. No, you can link to as many hubs as you like, your own or others'. The restriction you mention only concerns links going to the same external site outside of HubPages.
I guess I'm very frustrated because Whitney and I have repeatedly asked for a linking tool that's easier to use and won't freeze up. That's all I wanted to increase my linking.
Now I've got this behomoth of a tool that pops all over and wreaks havoc with my text when I use it. It's more confusing than what was before.
Plus I just HATE the term HubKarma. Affiliate marketing is a tough, nasty, cut-throat business. Heck I read the Art of War every night for 15 minutes before I go to sleep. And true Karma is a lot more complicated than just linking to a hub.
On my top hub the linking tool highlighted three words, but when I clicked on this it said "no suggestions". \
Gee, that was helpful : /
As of now the hub karma does not seem to have any impact on the hub score or the writer score. But the suggested links seem to be not always links that we can use For example,if the key word "start" is used to find the links one can end up with a bunch of links that we cannot link to a hub on start ups.
By the way if by chance you link to wrong one how do we delink? I have yet to try this.
I have a question about the matter of linking to one's own Hubs.
How does a link of that type differ from a link that comes about from grouping Hubs? At the bottom of my Hubs that are in groups, there is already a natural link that leads to another Hub in the same group. From that there is another, etc. Do those links count too?
Aficionada, it differs because Google places greater value on contextual links - that is, links that occur in the body of the text rather than in sidebars etc.
Also,some readers won't scroll down far enough to see your group links at the bottom. Finally, you may want to link to other Hubs in the same group, as well as the one or two on either side of it.
I interlink my hubs and have a hub karma of 35, weird!
I am glad to find that it benefits those who link to their own hubs though!
Paul Deeds confirmed that you get more HubKarma for linking to your own hubs than others, but to be honest HubKarma has no real affect on me.
This is good to know! Thanks Oli! I feel better already and I suppose my 66 Hub Karma means something. But what, I have no idea!
Mines 45, but it doesn't seem to have affected my hubscore too badly.
HubKarma is more for the social aspect of Hubpages not the moneymaking side of it.
Mine either, apparently! But it is too early to tell for sure.
I hope you are correct about the different aspects!
I suggest keeping the link suggestion and doing away with the Karma Score. Why is the Karma Score important anyways??? What is the benefit to writers?
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