What would happen if non-believers left the religious to their own devices.
AH, the irony. If only the religious would leave the rest of us alone!
It is impossible to restrain believers from their duty of great commission. It is up to nonbelievers receive or not. But unbelievers are often rude and instead of listening they would like to impose faithless concept. We were born in faith and trust.
You are funny. This is a forum for believers, yet we probably have more nonbelievers than believers in here, and we sure did not drag you in here.
Wrong on that one. This is a forum for religious discussion, and which is dominated by the anti-religious.
Sooner you arrive at this conclusion the sooner you leave this forum alone, if you want peace of mind, or at the very least some common ground of faith.
The real question: Why is a religion forum dominated by atheists, nonbelievers, New Agers, and the cults and Lone Rangers of orthodox religions?
I thought you two were saying basically the same thing. What did I miss?
Eh? The forum is called 'Religion and Philosophy' according to the path shown above. That's a pretty broad canvas.
Because it isn't just for religion..that's the real answer
I am a believer, I just don't believe what you believe... and while I don't have a problem with that, I believe that you do.
You are funny, this is not just a forum for "believers" nor just for "Christians" this is for Philosophy also..yet if someone says they believe in their philosophy. you "believers" (in what I don't know) will say the philosopher is going to hell because they don't believe in your doctrine.
The non-believers are having the rug pulled out from under them. The reason why they flock to believer discussions is the same reason a moth is drawn to a flame. The Light. They get close, but it "burns, it hurts,help, get it offs!" Gollum in "Lord Of The Rings" It's not a ring. It's a Key. My key. Unlocks the book. Come and see.
You think you are a light? Or that "Christians" are?
That's not why the non-believers come here, it is to dispute your strange beliefs.
I believe in God and the teachings of Yahshua but not in the "Christian" religion, I get sick when I see you guys teaching all this stuff.
In my opinion the question equally can go both ways. Both sides attack the other in a juvenile and prideful manner. Both sides are boasted enough to put up the front that they are smarter and have greater applicable knowledge than the other. Both sides can be arrogant beyond belief. No one anymore can seem to leave well enough alone. It's actually indicative of one's lack of firm belief in their point of view and so they seek the power to attack and reign over the other - for both sides.
I do, believe me I do not write posters or go around knocking on peopls doors or take stalls at markets. or visit other countries, yes anthony Langford I sincerely agree,
This is actually a good question.
Without adversity being brought into the topic,
I think , in the forums anyway . A state of mutual appreciation would develop and real discussion would cease.
That already happens in both camps anyway.
We should never settle into complacency by assuming that we know all the answers. Or that we have the only correct prospective.
One simple mind can not see all of the viable posibilities.
Diversity is a good thing when kept in check.
BUT It is the extremist on both sides of any topic
(ANY Topic) that seem to bring civil discussion to a standstill.
And everybody has their own opinion as to who those extremist are. (them over there) I am sure that I am viewed as one by many.
So life will keep on keeping on; no matter what we do.
Atheists find it hard to leave religious types to their own devices because - once upon a time - you guys used to burn us guys alive at the stake. We're only getting our own back.
One thing is absolutely certain. If things were different they absolutely would not be the same.
If you had listened to me in the first place, you wouldn't be in this mess. You'd be in a completely different mess.
BDazzler -
I am dazzled by you!! [No disrespect to the other wonderful people in my life intended here.]
You have answered the question as clearly, cleanly, and correctly as anyone could wish.
...the taliban and their ilk would rule!
The "inquisition" of the "dark ages" would seem like childs play.
The "self fulfilling prophecy of "armageddon" would become a "certainty!
The words "logic and reason" would be struck from the dictionary!
Science and progress would be relegated to the "back burner."
Freedom of thought and action would end.
"Truth" would be corrupted.
The concepts of "power and control" would be advanced like never before in time.
The word of god would reign and an era of peace and love would ensue! (tongue-in-cheek)
Sinful man would be rescued and placed in absolute subjugation to his savior jesus christ in the name of his father: the beneficent lord and creator of all!
...and man was subdued and lived his life in the grace and glory of his loving and forgiving: GOD!!!
Praise the lord! hallalujahhh and AMEN!
The Qwark hath spoken!!! :-)
PS Thank you Earn for giving me an opportunity to offer this sermon of reality!..Bless you! :-)
All of this will take place because of god's great plan and luv of mankind of course!
I can feel the luv in the air!
Or is that just air pollution?? I get confused between the two sometimes.
What would happen if people of specific religions left anyone who wasn't of their faith alone?
I think religion would die out if that happened. With no way to spread it, religions would die out through atrophy as the disillusioned left and nobody was out bringing in new recruits.
Eh ... I'm not so sure about that, the Amish and the Jews are both non-proselytizing religions.
The Amish may be on their way out, but they've lasted a pretty long time. They may or may not be in danger of extinction.
The Jewish culture is unique there is both ethnicity and faith to consider. I don't think anyone would argue that their religion is in any danger of extinction at all.
I do think that certain brands of Amway Evangelism would die out, which would be a good thing - especially for Christians.
Yes, the Amish are prime example.
I don't think that the end of religion will bring about any more peace between people though. We'll just fight about something else instead. The Walmartians will fight the Costcosians or some other stupid and equally pointless distinction wrapped around competition for space, access or resources. Humanity never changes, only the banners under which we make our wars.
The Christian West is not about to leave the Muslim East alone 'cos they've got all the oil - and Uncle Sam drives a Lincoln Continental.
and the west is still wasting 40% of what they use of world resources that would cost nothing more to fix than driving better and turning the lights out when not used.
So roll on Peak Oil then. That should fix that squabble nicely. Oh, but wait, will we be taxing wind and sunshine then?
Well lets be seeing what you can do with it. (Other than offering "proof" from a book that is "true" because it says it is!)
I like the truth that is in the pudding...it tastes better than a book.
I always start with who cooked the pudding and why myself.
I love you too earnest
Just not in a lathering or religious kind of ways
boredom... and the deepening of metaphor/symbolic/historic confusion
Medieval age will be restored IMO if we don't bring them in the world of reality. For example, these UFO/Bible conspiracy lovers will torture rest of the world unless we take them down with facts. We're already under attack by JW, Mormons with their constant preaching such that those who fall for it are moving away from reality. Same is the case with pseudo science, spiritualists unless we drag them down to reality they'll continue to make claims and create stories without proving them.
you are welcome to come to church with me and see for yourself, you must find the right place, where the pretenders are not there, then you can see the power of God and feel the love of our Lord
one thing that would happen is there will be more peace in the world
How would there be more peace in the world? Even if everyone was one religion, that wouldn't solve anything. Think about this, if we had non-religious politicians in our government, they're would be no more discrimination against gays in the military, gay marriage would be more accepted, federaly funded stem cell research would be going strong, abortion wouldn 't be an issue (as of now, are these pro life politians who stick their noses in a woman's choice going to adopt all these babies?), the list goes on. So acually, taking away religion will improve life for everyone!
and they will put young kids to forest to eat them by wiled animals, right? Or put adults on anticoagulation medicine to sell organs.
Pro-life politicians attempt to claim the moral highground with regard to abortion but say nothing about thirld world children dying - wholesale - of disease and starvation whilst their countries are ransacked for their natural resources by western coporations. If they get rid of their corrupt governments and demand a fair price for their raw materials - we bomb them.
Then the religion forum would be a lovely place.
Just kidd'n.
If the book of revelation is any good at predicting the future, you will get your chance to find out what the planet will be like.
It is interesting atheists would like if all will be unbelievers. Well, just wait when we will be gone what the zoo is going to be. All criminals and unbelievers will stay.
What is the difference between a criminal and an unbeliever in your statement?
Bring it on. Oh... when you go - please take all your pedophile priests with you.
the 'believers' all have different beliefs, so they would still squabble.
Looking at the condition of the world today, I find it no surprise that as secularism has taken hold it is directly proportional to the further unraveling of the world at large. That is not a religion problem that is a people problem. I do not go to a church but I do pray and I do believe. I do feel when my time is done I will be held accountable for my conduct , it keeps me trying to do the right thing daily. I do not see how that is bad.
And one more thing. To those that don't believe I think you might soon. One good look at the headlines and it seems obvious we need the help !
Look at the headlines? Don't you mean read between the lines? The war for oil - which is being fought as we speak - is about to go up several gears. This will happen when America - with us Brits in tow - attacks Iran. The Israeli premier has recently been to America asking for Iran to be presented with a credible military threat to persuade the Iranians to stop developing nuclear weapons. The International Atomic Energy Authority is - on the other hand - completely satisfied that Iran's nuclear research is purely for peaceful purposes and presents no threat to world peace.
Now look at the growing antipathy toward Islam that is developing throughout the Western world. Mosques banned in Switzerland. The face veil banned in France. Right wing politicians defending their right to promote sectarian hatred in Holland. The 'Stop the Madrassa' campaign in America. It just goes on and on.
Atheists are not blinded - by the media or religion - to the reality of what is happening in the world today. Religious differences are being exploited to promulgate a war that will see millions of people killed for oil.
When it is all over atheists will be seeking to prosecute those responsible in the Court of Human Rights. Religionists will be wimpering, 'Its all written in the Bible' and the guilty will go scot free. Pathetic.
Actually the believers already do whatever they want, so nothing would change.
....in the main they do.
But there are those who will fight them tooth-and-nail if they get too far out of line. There is a factor that keeps 'em within' limits.
I think Earnest was speaking about all religion. He didn't specify christian, jew, islam or any other religious cult.
My answer was with that in mind.
The "religious" constitute about 1/2 (or more) of extant humanity.
All are "cults."
Jim Jones and the Ayatolla Khomeni represent them perfectly!
Whatever is the outcome we are not going back to burning books and witches. At least ancient people were praying to the real totems. You could see them, touch them, talk to them,bribe them, even spank them. What ghosts of the past are you praying today, religious people?
Criminals, who blew World Trade Centre, were deeply religious people. Do you see my problem with that?
If non believers would just leave the religious alone....
If that actually happened, then life as we know it, will end much sooner than expected.
They can't or they would have no life, this is their reason for being. They claim to have lives but they don't. This is it ;so pity them and pray for them.
That's rich!
Many people have lives outside of ramming a myth about the invisible entity down others necks 24/7
Proverbs 15: 7 The lips of the wise spread knowledge; not so the hearts of fools.
...and let me guess. If I believe in an ancient book of superstitions and myths, and practice total dishonesty, I will become wise.
I'm kinda confounded.
yes that is a deep question.
1 Corinthians 1:20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
1 Corinthians 1:21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
1 Corinthians 1:25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
I guess I don't have an answer for that question
and if getrite wants to talk about dishonesty he can email me
Hey Troy C. You need to get out more and get a life. Your view is so seriously skewed it's not even funny.
I honestly don't see how non-believers spend so much time fighting with believers. It never gets anywhere, and to me fighting with religious people is just like going to church. I don't go to church, I watch football, just like when I'm here I don't go to the religious forums, because I have better stuff to do.
So if I don't like going to church, why would I want to come in a religious forum and talk?
Even if you do change someone's mind, what does that really do? Do you get points?
I've had atheists so dumb, that they were fighting with me and giving me the whole "insert the usual Atheist lines here". They called me a god-loving blah blah and all that, and boy were did they feel stupid when they realized I wasn't. Don't worry though, they went and said the same thing to the next 30 believers.
If the religious were left alone by the nonreligious, wars, hate and murders would only continue as before because one sect is not what God wants, so the rest will exterminate them. There is a long-standing history of evidence to support this idea.
Also, I do believe it's not that atheists want everyone to be nonbelievers. Atheists would just like all the Bible-bashing, burn in hell threats and invasion of private belief to stop. Atheists don't feel a need to convert anyone or save their souls. Believers are dependent on a God to save them. Atheists depend on themselves to save their own arses.
Most people understand that codependence is a bad thing. In most cases, religion breeds a severe amount of codependence, which then excuses the person from their own actions and choices, because they can be "forgiven" and ultimately "saved" for heaven. Atheists take the view that we they are responsible for all their actions, and that forgiveness is based on whether or not the offended parties are able to to forgive. Salvation is something an atheist does for himself, to perpetuate his life, and life is either heaven or hell, depending on how one takes responsibility for his actions.
Very clearly stated Daniel. I also don't believe anyone should be branded as an atheist simply because they no longer believe in the tooth fairy.
Not believing that myths and archetypes are real requires logic, nothing more is needed.
The word "atheist" is a religious construct.
The religious construction of the word “atheist” carries connotations of very low morals and basically refers to one that cuts across the grain of the good god fearing religious cults.
Even better... what would happen if the religious left the rest of us alone?
depends on where you tread. Come into a religious thread that has jesus in the title and you have entered our domain not the other way around.
simple logic
That has been tried already, earnest, when you were banned
it was very quiet
very nice
real nice in fact.
we didn't have to wade through your nasty posts, every third post, the continuity was, well, continuous lol. some quality information was shared in peaceful manners. The amount of your disruptiveness and bad demeanor really showed while you were gone and since you've been back i see you have shot up to number one poster again and reading the posts you post not much has changed, unfortunately.
I certainly didn't miss, God being called a 'sky fairy' or any of the other insulting words you have for God.
didn't miss these lines either "Not believing that myths and archetypes are real requires logic, nothing more is needed."
or this one "Many people have lives outside of ramming a myth about the invisible entity down others necks 24/7" which is a hypocrasy since this is what you do 24/7.
and didnt miss this one either "All of this will take place because of god's great plan and luv of mankind of course! lol lol lol
I can feel the luv in the air!
Or is that just air pollution?? I get confused between the two sometimes." how annoying a post is this.. and certainly not in the spirit of debate.
Other people enjoyed the silence too, some of us emailed each other to glory in the absence.
On the plus side i hope your grandkids got to play with grandad more often, they must have been happy with that since you spend so much time trolling the forums for new answers, that really must be demanding on you and yours and i didn't notice any new hubs you wrote either as you noted prior in protest to another persons activity this is a writers place.
all my best cobbie
Earnest was/is expressing his non-belief in God, and not attacking anyone.
Your words here have an echo of personal attack on Earnest
All Earnest needs is to empty the wastebasket in his sub-conscious. He is searching. If he is searching, he will find the truth. If not in this life, then the next. He should seek out the wisest Aborigine. How to find? Ask.
I'm so pleased you to know sooo much about me!
Earnest doesn't need to do what you want him to do. He does not need to conform to what you wish him to be.
There really is no need to judge him. Making yourself his judge is you trying to exalt yourself to the throne of God.
I see you follow some of Paul's teachings, but I thought you followed Yahshua. Well this is what he said:
John 12:47
"And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world"
If Yahshua didn't judge those who didn't believe after hearing his words, why do you?
hanging out, I have to admit it was peaceful in Earnest's absence, and God still love him.
You do realize that you don't own this forum? People have the right to post where ever they wish.
yes but proper decorum exists in a world of amicableness. truth is truth. Others will agree but nobody wants to be banned. I am sure many would like to see me go... i have lots of really good points and i prove false many so called bible contradictions and i call a spade a spade and when i do it is the truth. So in truth i do not own this forum but i am a people and have a duty to rebuke works of darkness, call people on their lies and make them responsible if they have said they are of a higher morality.
this is being a christian, as much as i appreciate human beings some are needful of a kick in the, but, i digress.
Did you not see religious up there in the title, non believers and believers.. i would say as a believer i am entitled to be here, and what is your stance as an entitled to be here person. Do you actually have an opinion about the title of the thread?
How many people have killed for Christ
You have no proof of this higher morality.
Not when the USA is most like Sodom and Gomorrah and Christian capita have a 10% higher rate of jail sentences than atheist.
Don't get me started on the morality stories in the Bible.
10% higher rate because a) Gods word is convincing and every jail has a church. or b) only the good get out early.
Notice the amount of no opinions at about 18%.. wanna bet whose those are.
@debrah....lol you still think paul and advocate of the devil. puhleeeese.
I can't take you seriously now that is so tweaked.
anyway i am not here to fend off your sour attitudes.
Stay in the vine people. :0)
use the words of jesus...okay...
John 15:20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
(because the sayings are the same)
How's it hanging
I travel around world and many religions want to take my whole soul. I think I will keep my soul, and keep it healthy from all the fighting and crime along with the punishment worst than the crime forever more.
Really! You think you are a Bible Scholar?
Anytime you would like to show me how you disputed the contradictions let me know.
I see you use the False Apostle Paul's writings to prove your point
Try using the words of Yahshua
The Word exists inside of you. There is where the Truth is. Be not deceived.
Be not deceived, yourself.
I have studied the Hebrew and Greek scriptures for years.
The word is in you, only if you know the word
Taking in each group of the 2000 disagreeable versions of the bible with their core beliefs. Along with my brother as a pastor and all the Hebrew and Creek combined, it all ends up Creek to me.
I can find 95% of things to agree on, with the average person. Sure that 5% is a b_tch, but the feeling and loving is much more peaceful than fighting till the end of time with underground rules like, don't talk about the fight club.
oh hi deborah, what can i say...miss you much?
I was responding to the person who wrote the comment I replied to,
No one else.
Please don't start with me.
That may have been me
You were talking about Hebrews and Creeks
Same same. We were instructed to take the light to dispel darkness. What good is alight in a place flooded with light. If you don't know, then you are deluding yourself. You are you to judge non-believers. You have not always believed. Would it have been better to leave you blind, and in darkness?
God lives in darkness, you mean you want me to follow God blindly into his darkness. I don't care for hidden swords nor seven headed horned dragons.
When I think of heaven as a place of extreme happiness, I can only relate to the funny farm here on earth. Labels and a lot of judging other, jealously, and angry dose not suit me that well; I leave all that up to judgment Day.
I only hope to make a good profit from very cheap land, no bites yet, where is the faith.
Luke 6:22 Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.
6:23 "Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their fathers treated the prophets.
Count It All Joy!
God Bless you all, Troy C.
I'm saying hi not leaving nasty comments about Jewish mysticism on a Christian Gospel hub. Relax, missy. You will always be Queen Kabbalist in Hubpages, no one is grabbing your crown.
*shakes head*
As per your comments to me on your hub"
Just the fact that you think the Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism are the same, shows me how little you know of either system. Kabbalah is the Western World's rendition of what they can make of Jewish Mysticism...But it is nothing alike. Even the Tree of Life is so different it's not funny.
But those who follow Madonna, think it's the same LOL
Troy C. wrote:
Luke 6:22 Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.
6:23 "Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their fathers treated the prophets.
Jesus say this when he was alone with his desciples, not out before a crowd of people. There are a few things that was spoken to his closest of friends here on earth that would not apply to everyone that think that they know the truth.
I think that there were some things that Jesus said in private because these things did not apply to everyone, for ever, ... but to the disciples only.
Such as, they are going to kill YOU. And
They will take YOU before the synagogue and beat you.
Blessed are YOU when men hate you
If you do not think that Jesus had anything to say to his desciples that would only apply to them
Why wouldn't he??
I do not hate or exclude anyone, just love, for love make good sense.
I don't get insulted because if it’s the truth I'm learning.
I hope nobody is offended
You nor anyone else in here has ever offended me.
I hope I have not offended anyone either when I am expressing my opinions.
Sometimes I do not write them exactly the way that I am hearing them in my head.
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