Michelle wants to put salad bars in 5,000 school cafeterias! I think this is a wonderful option for kids. In the high school where I taught, the students always had a choice of a big chef salad.
http://www.grist.org/article/food-2010- … initiative
This is a step in the right direction for the health of kids. A salad bar in school cafeterias may well be the only choice a child gets during the day to make a healthy food choice.
I always fed my kids healthy foods - and then they got to middle-school and high-school, and I heard there were soda machines and junk food being made available to the kids. They were serving jelly and marshmallow sandwiches in the cafe as an alternative (among other junk), and the kids were free to leave and go to the McDonalds across the street. I was pretty aggravated because that wasn't the kind of junk they were getting at home. (I let them have junk occasionally, for birthdays and holidays; and bought the occasional treat here or there; but it really wasn't at all anything they got regularly. I guess the thing was the school got to make money for the vending machines (and apparently there's no such thing as not letting students off school grounds any longer, the way there was when I was in school.) It was different when my kids were in the lower grades, and it was different when I was in school. It was like there was a "junk food glitch" that went on between the mid-90's and early 2000's, I guess. I'm still P'O'd about it.
So, for me, the public school was pretty much undermining my efforts when it came to healthy eating. Then, five/eight years after my kids were out of school; all of a sudden, eating healthy is news when it comes to schools. But, oh well - if they find a way to keep the salad bars hygienic, who'd complain. Where I live all the salad bars are now out of restaurants for hygiene reasons. Salads come ready-made now. Maybe it's just Massachusetts.
LOL It's an insane idea! Unless you think spreading disease is good!
I don't think it's an insane idea. but I do hope there are strict hygine precautions implemented. do you have kids? what do you want them to eat at school? middle/high school students generally don't bring lunch from home. I remember when there were soda machines and fast food options in the high school cafeterias. now that was insane. have you taken a good look at the size of kids now? something needs to change and for some kids, their only meals are at school.
if you're going to criticize and call it insane, what is your solution?
Have Corporate America provide lunch. They always do the right thing.
ha. actually corporate america is very involved with school lunches. Sysco Corporation sells, markets and delivers the food to most schools. Major corporations used to give incentives to the schools for bringing in Pepsi machines, Pizza Hut and one of the donut corps. Schools were making money to educate children by offering junk food.
if that's how it will be done, I think it's a great idea.
That's true. At Poptart and Pepsi High Schoolâ„¢, 90% of the student body is obese and diabetic, but they only pay 10 cents for lunch.
You people crack me up! Do you really think a madate by the government to put salad bars in schools is going to solve an obesity problem?
Where do I begin? I went to Taco Bell the other night and on their menu they are required by law to list all the calories of their meals. Guess what items had the highest calorie counts?
Yup the salads! Nearly 1000 calories compared to the tacos which were under 500!
Obesity is caused by consuming more calories then you burn. It doesn't matter what you eat or drink, so the reality is obese kids need to have their calories limited. Now I imagine you liberals would like to see laws passed that restrict the caloric intake of people. You'd probably like to see some bureacracy like the IRS formed to collect and monitor caloric intake data for everyone and perhaps apply a fat tax for people that surpass their required limit. I mean it's just insane! Where are the parents? Stop feeding your kids high caloric snacks! But you can't so you want the government to do it for you! You're incapable of telling your kids NO, so you need a law! Pathetic!
One, or several, school(s) in the UK instigated a healthy menu, chips no more than one day a week, burgers out and the like.
Parents were going out at lunch and buying their kids chips and burgers and pushing them through the railings.
And you expect those parents to educate their children into decent eating habits!
Those are pre-made salads drenched in fatty dressings, cheese, meat, and other stuff designed to make them more appealing to the palates of the kind of people who frequent restaurants like Taco Bell.
A typical salad bar has plain lettuce with choices of several different toppings and dressings, so it's totally possible to create a 1000 calorie nutritionist's nightmare, but it is also possible to have a healthy, nutritious meal for 100 calories or less. All we're suggesting is that kids get the choice.
I do think it's safe to say most kids will tend more towards the 1000 calorie nutritionist's nightmare, but they're still getting something green, which is more than I can say for most school lunches today. Potatoes are overwhelmingly the most common veggie served to kids in most school, and potatoes shouldn't even be counted as a vegetable. Nutritionally, they're much more similar to carbs.
Also, I don't recommend making blanket statements about liberal parenting where food is concerned, since the overwhelmingly conservative South is also the fattest region in the nation.
We're fat in the South because our food tastes better, and we're better cooks! lol
Ladylove, I'm not saying kids should be forced to eat salads - I'm saying it's good for them to have the option. A typical school lunch is pizza, french fries, garlic bread, cake, and chocolate milk. We teachers used to call the cafeteria "the international house of carbs." Then we added pre-made chef salads, with greens, fresh veggies, diced turkey, and a little cheese, and the kids loved it!
Kids have an option, their mommies can pack their lunch! Why does the government have to get involved!
You are assuming, of course, that all kids "have" Mommies or that the Mommies aren't single Mom's who leave home at 4 am to get to the first of two full time jobs they're holding down. But it's OK, because in that case, I'm sure that the oldest of multiple siblings can quit school and stay at home to take care of the rest of the kids. They'll make the right "lunch packing" choices.
You're just saying that because this initiative is being spearheaded by a Democrat. Partisanism has blinded you to common sense and reality.
As for the Taco Bell salad - most of its calories are in the deep-fried tortilla shell.
I'm saying what I said because it's true and it's common sense! Liberalism has already been shown to be caused by a defective gene. Liberals actually believe government can solve their problems and all they have to do is turn over their... oops, not their money, other people's money, to the government and they will protect them and make everyone's life better!
It's rubbish! Give a kid a choice between steamed broccoli and a cheese burger, what do you think they're going to pic? Trust me, they aren't getting fat from school lunches! Start being a parent! Stop stuffing your kids with junk to appease your own guilt for not being able to spend any time with them! Be a parent! Say NO sometimes!
And conservatives wonder why liberals say they flirt with fascism more and more these days...
I'm sorry there was a recent study that found this to be true. I'm not just making it up! Why eles would anyone think that a cut in pay is a cost to be paid for?
Maybe it's the same thing that makes people think their taxes were raised when they were in fact lowered? Just stupidity and ignorance.
The right's willingness to eat up fascist tropes without question is what's really worrying, though.
It works the other way too. The right in the UK insist they are the party of tax cuts and low inflation and all their dumb followers repeat the mantra whilst failing to notice that their taxes have in fact risen!
Some years ago a lottery company used temperature as a winning point on a scratch card, basically if your card showed a temperature lower than something like -6 you won a prize. They were inundated with claims! Any fule no that -1 is lower than -6, yew dun need to be a maffamatertison to no that.
LOL, I knew the "liberalism is caused by a defective gene" thing would take off. It is incorrect on many, many levels, not the least of which is a total misunderstanding of genetics. MOST genes have two or more alleles. That doesn't mean the less common one is defective. You might as well say that having blond hair is defective, because it's less common than black.
Most college cafeterias I've ever been in have had salad bars. I don't really see how this is substantially different, and I'd much rather have my kids eating a good salad than most of the cr*p they're currently served.
The salads itself as a choice for lunch is great. I would pick the salad every time.
But, salad bars are nasty. The salad should come sealed.
None of the veggies should come from the White House garden, with all the sewerage and all.
Iron Chef refused to use Michelle's veggies during one of the shows she attended.
Something that was done while the Clintons were in office that sent sewerage into what is now Michelle's little WH Farmville.
We made the same mistake here. Once we let the authorities and pc thugs take over the school canteens, it spread to parents being dictated to about what they are allowed to send their child to school with in their lunch box.
I think this is a disgraceful idea.
They will be tattooing the numbers on the kids next.
OMG! They are forcing kids to possibly choose a salad for lunch! Death camps are next!
No! They haven't even got the death panels set up yet. Geez Lady!
Happy Thanksgiving UW.
The government is already in charge of the school lunch programs. Now some kids will have the choice of a healthy salad instead of pizza, french fries, and hot dogs.
I don't think kids should have ONLY salads as a choice, however. Some kids need the calories that other foods provide because the school lunch is the only meal they get all day. But for the majority of the student body, a nice fresh salad would be a great choice.
don't they already have ready made salads in some schools?
do the kids touch serving utensils now or does the cafeteria staff serve the food? I don't like salad bars where everyone is touching the same serving utensils.
I do like the idea of offering healthy options. I don't see why people have such a big problem with that. there are healthy choices at just about any eating establishment, why not schools?
well lets make sure they can get the e coli off the lettuce first before we put out the salad bar...I could add what I think of her idea and exound upon the e coli bit but most of you probably get it without my spelling it out eh?
Really? I've just kind of assumed "the whole world" decided to get rid of salad bars. In the towns immediately around where I live, all the restaurants (including all the fast-food ones) got rid of their salad bars. Maybe there are salad bars somewhere in Mass. I guess when I go someplace beyond the local "family" restaurants they aren't salad-bar kind of places. There's no one at the grocery store where I shop either.
I think I may start a thread to "take a reading".
Is there a Ruby Tuesday in your town? Our Rt has a great salad bar!
No Ruby Tuesday. We have several "nicer" (but not super nice) restaurants and some "family" restaurants (Friendly and IHOP). Wendy's (next city over) got rid of their salad bar. So did Papa Ginos and the Burger Kings in my town and the next city over. In Western Mass I've been to a "nicer" restaurant and one Burger King - no salad bars there either. My supermarket packages up all kinds of little salads in half-pint containers. No more pickle barrels (sealed plastic wrappers) either. Bakery stuff is either sold in containers or from behind the counter. The only thing they do have is a case where they have donuts and bagels (I think). They have plastic for people to use on their hands with that, and the case has a door.
When the salad bars disappeared there was talk about how people sneeze in them, and I think I heard that they were being taken out of cafeterias. First there were shields on them. Later, they just disappeared from tons of places. (Of course, there don't seem to be a whole lot of laws about flies getting on the baked goods at the local Dunkin Donuts -but that's a food for another day. )
Oops - I just looked and found a few Ruby Tuesday in Mass. It looks like they may have a salad bar. http://www.rubytuesday.com/our-story I'd bet they had to get some kind of special thing to be able to do that, though (or maybe there's no law/regulation; maybe it's just popular for a lot of places to have gotten rid of their salad bars.
Not to mention that the donuts are kept at the same level where employee flatulence would occur.
The issue of only junk or fatty foods being available to kids imprisoned in school was big in the UK a while back. We had Jamie Oliver (who I can't stand personally) championing salad and other more suitable foods.
What a terrific idea from Michelle! She should have them installed in our homes next! I just love a good salad!
In our cafeteria, the workers served the food. The kids went through the line and pointed out what they wanted, and the workers dished it up. All this was done behind a class, so I really don't understand what the problem is!
Healthier kids, less profit for the medical industry, the fat and sugar industry, the slash and burn farmers and the undertakers get their profit later.
Feeding kids junk is just a very subtle form of eugenics, breed out the dick heads who think that being the size of a house is desirable and those who think the main purpose of food is to make a few people very rich.
are you a parent?
even the best parents can't make choices for their kids in the lunch line. it's about having healthy options.
More to the point is that the dumbo parents are costing the rest of us dearly in uncounted ways - insurance premiums being one of the most visible, but unhealthy kids become unhealthy adults and the hidden cost to society is staggering.
Funny that the right loves to legislate morality, but hates anything else that could improve things for all of us.
I called it! LOL You libs will now claim it's illegal to be unhealthy! Yes that's why you want government health care to impose your will upon everyone, to tell us what to eat and to limit how much of anything we're allowed to buy! That's where we're headed all thanks to liberalism and their defective genes!
Lets see, they typical 10 year old confronted with the choice... Pizza....or... salad from the salad bar with no cheese, bacon bits, croutons, and dressing, that the hundreds of kids ahead of him just scooped out helpings with their hands which they first sneezed in and wiped on their pants... uh I think most are taking the pizza!
Sure, but not all. When I was 10, I would have killed for a decent salad at lunch instead of the lukewarm, greasy pizza we got instead. My parents taught us good eating habits from the start. Thank goodness we ended up homeschooling! I didn't have to deal with institutional food on a regular basis again until college, where we a) got better food in the first place and b) always had a salad bar for the days the food sucked.
Again, all we're saying is kids should have the option.
Good for you! You exercised your rights and it worked out for you! Any and all of those parents can do the same. Oh, and you could also pack your childs lunch too which could be a salad!
Don't you teach children table manners in the US? When I was at school if I went to the table without washing my hands or used them to handle food that might be eaten by others, my lfe would have ceased to be worth living!
On more general terms it is healthy to spread germs around, it builds immunity.
Oh, and why is the right right to say that kids should have unhealthy choices and the left wrong to say they should have healthy options? Tends to suggest that the right doesn't care a damn for children, or at least less than they care about corporate profit.
Oh parents can't be bothered! We need the governemnt to do it! LOL Really why do libs even bother trying to raise kids on their own? It seems they can't do anything without the government! Why don't you just give your kids to the state, at least the ones you CHOOSE to keep!
But you would deny kids the choice of healthy food.
I thought you said that only leftist scum denied choice
Considering how often you accuse the left of telling you what to do and what not to do you are rather keen on telling people what they should and should not do.
Not true! People should do what ever they want! If a particular school wants and salad bar and a large portion of the parents are willing to pay for this in the form of increased school taxes than fine, do it! To have it mandated by the federal government or worse by the hypocrite cheese burger eating Michelle Obama, then that is just insulting, an over reaching central authority imposing their views on free people without ant legal authorization! It should NOT be tolerated!
So you are happy for corporate America to pump junk food into schools but healthy food should be paid for by the parents!
Thanks for reminding me of why the right is so deplorable.
Corporate America isn't pumping anything into the schools! The schools are desperate for cash so they are inviting them in! And why do schools need the money? To pay for the outrageous union salaries and benefits protected by government! Even when taxpayers vote against the school budgets, salaries and benefits are untouched! That's why I hate the left! They pretend to CARE but all they care about is what they can steal from the tax paying public while pretending to be for the people! They're greedy, disgusting liars!
Really hun, I know you're a liberal, but you have to try and follow the posts!
Interesting how it is the stupid who assume everyone who disagrees with them is stupid.
She is talking about giving them a choice. She is not saying they have to eat salad.
I guess you felt the same way when they brought in the President's Council on Fitness.
You really have to try and temper your hatred of the Obamas a little. You know if Laura Bush had suggested this you would think it is was a great idea.
Michelle Obama can suggest whatever she wants as long as she doesn't try to make it federal law, I could care less!
To say that you could care less about something means that you do have feelings and opinions on a subject.
You have just admitted that Michelle Obama's colour does matter to you.
Did you not mean "couldn't care less" meaning you had absolutely no feelings on the subject or was it a sudden and unexpected burst of honesty?
Like the hubber we have here who BRAGS of being arrested for driving some insane multiple of the speed limit. We just just let people like that do whatever they want, right?
I do not support government mandated food rations!
I do support giving children healthy choices.
I used to live next to a convenience store and a farm stand growing up. I always bought plums peaches and grapes over the store candy everytime.
Unfortunately, we cannot depend on local government being intelligent enough to offer options.
And what makes you think the federal government is any more qualified? LOL! And you say the right is ignorant? LOL
Apparently it is if it's saying that there should be salad bars among the lunchroom options.
We should worry about our own cities school system.
Local government is not intelligent but huge, centralized. bloated, federal, beauracracies are?
LOL! I know!! Can you stand it?? And these people claim they aren't socialists??? LOL!
Not always, of course, but in general, yes. Local decisions are often made by those least capable of making them.
Scientific ignorance is rampant in many parts of this country. You rail at us for "thinking we know better", but this is a great example of why we DO know better.
I think the local population should make local decisions concerning their neighborhoods.
Otherwise there would be oppression, forcing someone into a contract that they have not consented to or endorsed.
Sure. So local towns can discriminate against blacks, Latinos, gays, women, Democrats.. and they can have no speed limits and throw poison in their lakes and it's all just fine because we can't have that awful Federal Government sticking its big fat nose in their ignorant little lives.
Local towns do not have any right to violate an individuals Constitutional Rights!
I didn't know that fouling water and speed limits were in the Constitution.
But more to the point: were you not alive when these same issues (States rights) were raised over "Separate but Equal" schools?
End even today, we have TeaParty candidates who say business owners should be able to discriminate- because it's BUSINESS!
They are not, but society within the States would not allow this to occur!
I might have been alive but I was a child at the time.
Business owners should have control over the businesses that they OWN. If a business owner chose to discriminate I would rather have them say it out in the open, then I would know not to spend any currency at their establishments.
This is EXACTLY why we need a strong Federal government. Do you think businesses that discriminated in the 50's suffered for lack of business? No, it was the ones that did NOT that were apt to have people boycotting them.
This is why I get so crazy - you know next to nothing about REAL HISTORY and that ignorance is the basis for many of your very mistaken beliefs about the need for government.
It is no longer the 1950's!
Yeah, I do.
I know what the results will be of the moronic policies espoused by the teaParty fools. I know that we need MORE government interference in the stupid behavior of the ignorant masses who inhabit this country. I know we need more taxes from the rich who are plucking your strings daily.
I know that what's good for GM is NOT good for America. I know that Ayn Rand is an idiot. I know that the Republican party is filled with only two kinds of people: the greedy and the stupid.
yeah, I DO know history. And you do not.
Just listen to the arrogance of that statement! It's appalling! But this is how Obama and the rest of the leftist scum thinks! Oh they know better, the people are too stupid to know what's right or what's good for them! 2012 can't come soon enough! America is sick of the arrogance of the left!
You should read your own messages! I have a pan under my screen to catch all the arrogance that drips from your messages.
If they American people are so wise that they don't need an encouragement to eat healthily.
36.6% of Americans over weight and 26.5% obese, yup they sound really sensible
So what's next? A caloric IRS filing your BMI index with the government? So 36.6% of Americans are obese? Maybe they want to be Obese? Certainly there is plenty of help out there to lose weight and there's plenty of knowledge! What you think Obama is sooo smart? Well how come he smokes? Please!
And show me one arrogant message I've written! It's the leftys who proclaim to be oh so knowledgeable and the right so ignorant? And what makes the right so ignorant? The fact that we argue over the nonsense touted by the left! That's right if you don't agree with a liberal, you're stupid and you shouldn't be heard! Silence Fox News the right questioning liberal mantra is damaging the country! Please!
Obesity is one of the leading causes of disease and high insurance costs for the rest of us.
Smoking (another favorite of the dumbos) is right up there with it.
But you have RIGHTS!
So do we.
Yeah. This is no different than seat belts, airbags and speed limits. Utter arrogance on our part.
By 2012 the country will have had enough of Republitards.
First they are forcing health care on people, now suggesting healthy eating for children. Have these people no shame? Are they monsters?
Suggestions and education can have positive influence on society.
Force and coercion violates the rights of the individual.
I wonder if the lobster gobbling First Lady is going to include seafood in her " salad bar "..?
Great idea Michelle! I really like this gal. I really do.
I don't think White America wants to forgive her for that "comment" but she's done nothing but good things - total traditional First Lady stuff. Yet she got a worse rep than Hillary had, who was a complete oppostite. C'mon, america this is a real good First Lady. Give her a chance.
She's a hypocrite communist, I could care less about her color!
Why just White Americans? Get this: WE DO NOT CARE WHAT COLOR HER SKIN IS!
I am shocked by the hatred in some of these comments.Thank God I don't live in the paranoid U.S.A.All because a black woman wants schools to have salad bars.If that was all I had on my mind I'd be happy.Some of you need your heads sorting out,if that is possible.I thought you were all Loving Christians over there!!
Kathryn, when Michelle entered the political arena and said "for once I'm proud to be an American" everyone knew what she meant. I don't think many will ever forgive or forget.
Enlighten me "P". Just what did Michelle mean when she said.
"For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country..."
Ps. Sorry about the miss quote in first post.
Hey, you know that feeling when your country wins a world tournament or lands on the moon and you feel prouder than you've ever felt before?
Bush used to say a stupid thing every day but you couldn't get enough.
YOU'RE talking about George Bush, I'M talking about Michelle Obama. This blog's subject is Michelle Obama putting salad bars in schools, and you've wandered off to stupid things Bush said.
She meant that she has been sickened - as many of us have been - by the steady increase in the power of the low brow Right. She was proud to think that things might be turning in the other direction.
Sadly, she was wrong. Proud ignorance still reigns.
"She meant that she has been sickened - as many of us have been - by the steady increase in the power of the low brow Right. She was proud to think that things might be turning in the other direction."
You're joking, right? I read her WHOLE speech and there is nothing in it even remotely connected in her thoughts intended or implied. Those are your words.
"Sadly, she was wrong."
And just who has been running the political show on Capital Hill for two years? Which party has a SUPER majority to pass whatever legislation it wants? What political party controls vitually EVERY big city gov't in the country. DEMS. And you're not satisfied?
No, I'm not. I don't like the Dems very much either. Unfortunately, they are plagued with conservatives too and every bit as corrupted by Big Business.
But they do mostly have better ideas than the other party - they are incapable of executing, unfortunately.
So what do YOU think she meant?
You'll have to read between the lines on this one. No question it ws a jab at White dominated America. Again, look at the Church she chose. I believe (just my opinion) she's been angry a long, long time for having to go through what she did in the educational system. All that to hopefully qualify for a good paying job,so she could pay off her loans. And would that job have to be? In the White community. Some White person would have to give it to her. Just about every black (or minority) goes through the same thought process in my opinion. It's a feeling of "group" helplessness. That "your people" are dependents on another and they're making you run the proverbial gauntlet to get ahead. That white people have to go thru the same system to get ahead doesn't factor into their thinking. It's seen as their system and their rules... designed to benefit them. In the black communities that's what they hear. Mexican communities, same thing. Michelle is just a frustrated and angry black female. She hides it well with that smile - and staying out of the public eye.
If that does represent her feeling, I definitely sympathise. I don't like "white America" very much either - and yes, I'm from long, long Anglo Saxon roots.
I have some definite guilt here. I believe that if I were black or a woman or both, I woud be far more radical and far more angry than I am today.
The guilt comes from the obvious question: if I believe I would be more angry, why am I not more angry now? I don't have a good answer for that.
Well "P", you keep waving the flag of discontent. I don't think it helps very much, but it also doesn't hurt either.
I watched a documentary on the American hippies of the late 60s. They thought they could "fade out" from capitalism and authority. They created hundreds of little communes of egalitarianism. Free love, sharing all the girls, making their living off the land, no authority figures. Didn't work. Out hundreds of communes, is any one still around? I doubt it. Humans need a structure to live under. A structure necessitates a social stratification system. And in every social stratification system, there are those at the top and those on the bottom. And if you happen to be the unfortunate ones at the bottom, well, out come the flags of discontent. Never fails.
Michelle I think is very happy now. Set for life. Riches and status. You won't see any more flags of discontent from her.
I'm far from the bottom.
My discontent comes from seeing the influence of the ultra rich on people with far less wealth than I have.
I don't argue that structure is necessary for most. Some of us live outside of that world, but it's necessary for most.
I don't argue against stratification either - I only protest that it has gone too far. I argue against it both on moral and political grounds - it is ugly and evil, but far worse is what it will eventually bring.
With luck, I'll be gone before then, having been fortuitously born in perhaps the one time slot in all of human history where I could have lived as I have for so very long. If not.. Well, if not, I'll still do better than most, but that will be small comfort.
Oh, yeah, Michelle (and Barry) going to Jeremiah Wight's Church of Hate (Trinity United Church) didn't help her American perspective.
So you mean when ladylove said she could care less about MOs colour she really meant it and we shouldn't think she was using words without thinking of their meaning!
I don't know. It's really irrelevant Holden. ladylove is not on the national stage espousing a political ideology. Mrs. Obama did go out on the national stage, in the public arena, and announce for everyone to hear that she never once in her entire life was proud to be an American.
Mrs. Obama also was a regular (w/ her husband) at Pastor Wight's House of Hate - so more damning evidence to dislike her. She also had very definite political ideas, definitely socialist leaning. To many American socialists, conservatives are the enemy. To many conservatives, socialist are the enemy. May the best "group" win.
I agree with you about the Pastor. I never liked Obama's choice there.
But I agree with him and her on most everything else and especially with her "pride" statement. I am a bit older, so I have not been disgusted all my life, but I sure have been NOT proud of the ugly wars this country has caused, I am not proud of the influence of the rich in politics and I am not proud of the TeaParty fervor.
I WAS proud when Obama was elected and I hope to be proud of him or Hillary in 2012.
Ladylove, in case you haven't noticed, I'm not a liberal, nor am I an Obama fan. I'm a moderate conservative. But when someone has a good idea, I give them credit - regardless of their political affiliation. Sorry, I just don't see offering kids a choice in lunches as being a socialistic takeover. You mention that you don't want the government in charge of the school lunch program, but it's already in charge of many school cafeterias. Ever heard of the NSLP?
Again, I'm not for FORCING kids to eat salads. I think they should have several options, like they do in our local schools. As for moms' making lunches, some moms can't afford to - either with time or with money. The School Lunch Program allows kids to eat for free, which is great. As a teacher, I know that the school lunch and breakfast are the only "real" meals many kids get each day.
I agree that there is a down side in having the government involved - there's too much waste. Leftover food cannot be donated to soup kitchens, or even to animal shelters. It has to be thrown away. I think this is a tragedy when so many hungry people (or animals) could benefit from the perfectly good food that is tossed out every day. Still, the lunch program is a good thing. It feeds hungry kids and makes good use of leftover commodities from farmers.
I will not participate in a conversation that one side degrades another.
Ad Hominem attacks are still attacks!
Habee, your response to this issue is great and I agree 100% with you.
Thanks, Cybersupe!
It amazes me how something as relatively simple as salads offered in school lunchrooms has deteriorated into such partisan bickering. Left, right, liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican, Tea Party, Libertarian...I've never seen Americans so divided and angry. You guys can't even discuss lettuce and tomatoes without getting mad at each other!
They have salad bars in hospital cafeterias here in CA. My God, if the doctors and nurses feel it's safe enough to make their own salad and eat it, I believe it's probably ok for school kids!
Personally, I would be thrilled if they brought back the "old school" lunches of my childhood. Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, jello, and milk ($.02 for the milk and I think lunch was $.35).
Great idea is very healthy kids need to eat healthy food too. do it Mrs Obama
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I have been thinking about how I can give some of my hubs that receive less traffic more light. On our profiles, we can pick a bunch of hubs that feature in a "gallery" that fades in and out, right under our bios and above the published hubs listed in the bottom section. This year, my...
by Shirley Anderson 16 years ago
Hi All:I'm hoping for some feedback on the idea of a writer's group. Is it a good idea? Too much of a pain? If it is a good idea, any ideas on how to go about it smoothly?There seems to be a fair number of us who would love some constructive feedback from our peers. With...
by IzzyM 10 years ago
Like probably most of us, I have thousands of images I took myself that would be useful in hubs.Not necessarily my own, as I have more photos than I could possibly use.Instead of all of us having to go searching for images on the web we can legally use, what about have our very own Hubpages gallery...
by Jennifer Arnett 10 years ago
We all know how important encouragement is to new writers. Go find 3 Hubs that have zero comments and leave an encouraging note. All of your followers will see that you commented on their Hub and hopefully a few will leave a comment as well. Go find some new Hubbers and send them...
by Website Examiner 11 years ago
With the growing number of Hubbers that have published or self-published a book, an e-book, or other literary works, why not give them a self-promotion forum. Allow them to post relevant links there, for the benefit of authors and readers. Also, let them describe their works and authorship, link to...
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