HubChallenge After Party!

Jump to Last Post 1-36 of 36 discussions (48 posts)
  1. darkside profile image66
    darksideposted 14 years ago

    If you've completed your 100 (book yourself into rehab or something, you're probably mentally exhausted) or your 30 or even if you didn't, you had to change your goal because life has a habit of throwing distractions (or even disasters) in your path, then post in here!

    But no links please, there's plenty of other threads for that.

    Just let us know what you've accomplished, and what you're doing to celebrate.

    Me, I've just completed 30. To celebrate I'm thinking the bottle of white port that we bought from a local vineyard on the weekend might have to be opened tonight.

    Before then though I'll be braving the wind outside to go into the bush beside our property and start up my chainsaw and cut up some wood for the fire.

    What are you doing?

  2. profile image0
    ysdataposted 14 years ago

    I completed the 100 hubs on day 24 and then jumped in the car and drove from Delaware to Atlanta.  Crazy!  I think I'm back to normal now smile

  3. profile image0
    girly_girl09posted 14 years ago

    I am writing more articles (I just found a great new niche!) , eating Thai food and drinking homemade margaritas! big_smile I reached my goal of 30 today! I had around 12 on this account and 20 on 3 other niche accounts. It makes me laugh to think that I originally wanted to do way I could've.

    To all of you that did - I'm impressed and congrats to evryone that made their goal!

  4. Lissie profile image76
    Lissieposted 14 years ago

    Im a failure - made it to 62 but I know exactly what I have to do to keep building my income now!I am off to do some more keyword research

  5. profile image0
    girly_girl09posted 14 years ago

    lol Lissie, 62 is not a failure! big_smile Great work.

  6. LondonGirl profile image81
    LondonGirlposted 14 years ago

    I'm a hubchallenge fail - aimed for 30, actually done 13, I think, with another couple I will finsih before it ends. That's a lot more than I've ever written in a month before, though (-:

    1. darkside profile image66
      darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I see no fail. Those 13 hubs are full of win!

      1. LondonGirl profile image81
        LondonGirlposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You know what I mean - I'm pleased with the hubs I've written, but it was half the number I had intended to write.

    2. Uninvited Writer profile image79
      Uninvited Writerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Me too...I did 21. you said, it's the most I've ever written in a month.

      1. ripplemaker profile image77
        ripplemakerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Also ME!  I wanted to reeeeaaaaly try the 30/30 but finished only 18 sad You were right Darkside, uhhh challenges came in many forms and oh, yes, there was my own mental block and physical exhaustion too. (I usually write after work or early mornings) big_smile

        But well, I'm happy for the 18 hubs. And I noticed there was a significant increase in my adsense.  I'm receiving another pay-out next month. Yaaaay! cool

        Congratulations to all those who did it! smile

  7. Trekkiemelissa profile image66
    Trekkiemelissaposted 14 years ago

    Failed here.  I was going for 100 and wrote 25.  smile

  8. Maddie Ruud profile image72
    Maddie Ruudposted 14 years ago

    I'll play R2 and serve drinks, since I didn't participate.

    1. packerpack profile image60
      packerpackposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I will help you in that. Both of us will serve!

      1. Dame Scribe profile image57
        Dame Scribeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Cute bib, Packerpack, wink I will help you two too big_smile our Hubbers deserve a wonderful break. Congrats Hubber Challengers!

  9. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    I met my personal goal of 50 hubs in May. And have decided to write another 50 in June (I have written 10 so far).

    I am going to take a very long and hot bubble bath.

  10. Anamika S profile image66
    Anamika Sposted 14 years ago

    With just 9 minutes for 12 'o' clock and 9th June to end I published my 100th Hub. I felt accomplished  and had a huge piece of chocolate cake. I would head to a Spa after some time.

  11. bgpappa profile image78
    bgpappaposted 14 years ago

    I have three more in the works to make thirty and thought tomorrow was the last day.

  12. Ms._Info profile image67
    Ms._Infoposted 14 years ago

    I found out about the challenge late - on the 19th of May so I haven't reached the 30 day mark yet.  So far I've completed 20 out of 30.  Hopefully I'll be able to complete the thirty and may be able to squeeze a few more in.

  13. Cris A profile image60
    Cris Aposted 14 years ago

    Can I join the party even if I did not join the challenge - I would like to celebrate with my friends who did. Besides, Shalini invited me over! cool

    Congtratulations to all you HubChallengers! cool

  14. Shalini Kagal profile image54
    Shalini Kagalposted 14 years ago

    haha Cris - did I? Well now that you're here, hope you've got the coffee and cigs - well I'll pass on the coffee - maybe make mine a margarita big_smile

    Did 30 hubs in 26 days!

  15. Cris A profile image60
    Cris Aposted 14 years ago

    Okay so I lied, big deal! But I know you will anyway, so to save you the I am! With rims and rims of cigs and - i'll come back with the margarita! cool

  16. Shalini Kagal profile image54
    Shalini Kagalposted 14 years ago

    hope darkside doesn't turn dark with rage LOL - actually, margaritas sound even better than margarita big_smile

  17. KCC Big Country profile image84
    KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

    I participated in the 30/30 HubChallenge.  I completed the 30 in 21 days.  Since I was only 5 away from 100 hubs, I went ahead and wrote 6 more before the challenge was over for a total of 36. 

    I have had great results.

    Thanks to all of those who supported us during the challenge!

  18. Cris A profile image60
    Cris Aposted 14 years ago


    Did somebody say margaritaSSSSS?!

    I hope he won't mind - we're, er, you're celebrating and I'm your guest cool


    Care to have a drink? Congratulations!!! cool

  19. Shalini Kagal profile image54
    Shalini Kagalposted 14 years ago

    er....KCC - were you sneaking those margaritas?? You were at 30 and 5 away from 100?

    Oooh Cris - we're celebrating - OK - you're my guest - with those margaritas in tow, you can say anything you like big_smile

  20. cindyvine profile image69
    cindyvineposted 14 years ago

    I managed my thirty by last Friday and have since published 2 more.  Can't see that it has done anything for me financially or anything else.  I didn't really do anything different, and am slowing down my hub production now to work on my book.  No way would I have been able to do the 100 and I take my hat off to those who did!

  21. profile image0
    ralwusposted 14 years ago

    Alas! I'm a branded quitter. Congrats to all who have done it all,and to the ones who did not finish too. I celebrated by putting a long rope up in my mighty oak tree with my trusty fishing rod and created a swing that makes one feel like flying when launched from four feet off the ground and soar to dizzying heights. Weeeee! I'm free!

  22. bgpappa profile image78
    bgpappaposted 14 years ago

    Almost made it, two short, but still happy with 28 in a month and happy with the quality

  23. profile image0
    Janettaposted 14 years ago

    I did 30 in so many odd days. It's over it's done thank the Lord, now pass me a margarita...

  24. dineane profile image81
    dineaneposted 14 years ago

    KCC, we had similar paths - I finished the thirty, and the five extra for my personal 100!

    Love it! Celebrating by watching my traffic and google stats more frequently :-) My traffic has practically doubled. Not as much increase in earnings, but some.

    I'm relaxing for the moment, but am seriously trying to hit 5 per week for the next month or two and hope for the same sort of increase in traffic and pennies.

    Darkside, you have an official "thank you" in my 100th hub :-)

    1. darkside profile image66
      darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you. I feel honoured.

  25. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 14 years ago

    Continuing to truck along. I surpassed my 30 hubs and I'm just hubbing as usual now, still claiming whatever I publish as hubchallenge. I'll continue to do so until the challenge is over... Anyone know the exact date?

    edit: looks like it did end. ha oops

  26. lxxy profile image61
    lxxyposted 14 years ago

    Shambles in smelling of Romulan Ale

    Haaaaaaaay guh-eeeeeyes, how is it goooooing?

    Plants face.

  27. Julie-Ann Amos profile image64
    Julie-Ann Amosposted 14 years ago

    Have completed 100 in spite of giving up halfway as I was frustrated at being away without internet access for 10 days out of the 30!

    Had a mad idea 2 days ago I could just go hell for leather and get them all finsihed.  They were all written (as are many more) but I needed to find pictures, video, amazon products etc and make them presentable.

    Just before 5am here and all done PLUS an extra 2 just in case I forgot to tag any.  I'd explode if i got disqualified now. 

    I'm off to bed to celebrate.  Ah no, of course - I have 2 days work to catch up on.  Silly me.

    OK I'll have a biscuit and a cuppa and work through the rest of the night. 

    It's light outdoors now anyway.

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image79
      Uninvited Writerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Way to go! I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy

  28. dineane profile image81
    dineaneposted 14 years ago

    YAY Julie! good for you!

    (and darkside, the honor's mine)

    We ALL did "good"!

    1. Julie-Ann Amos profile image64
      Julie-Ann Amosposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thnaks - congrats to anyone who achieved what they wanted to.

  29. KT pdx profile image68
    KT pdxposted 14 years ago

    I went for the 30, but accomplished 22 or 23.  I'm not really counting one of them, because it's an index to my cat hubs.  That's pretty close, so I feel good about it.  It's also the first time I used SEO for choosing the keywords, and I have gone back through my other hubs to choose new keywords for them.

  30. lindagoffigan profile image57
    lindagoffiganposted 14 years ago

    I completed 100 in 23 days and celebrating by taking two days off from writing.  I decided to continue my four articles daily but divide two to Hubpages and two to eHow.

  31. RedElf profile image89
    RedElfposted 14 years ago

    I completed 18 in 30 days. Warmest congrats to everyone who took part. I am celebrating by spending time with my kids. They are down for a visit, and we are throwing food on the BBQ every night while they're here. Great weather, great steaks, great fun.

  32. Uninvited Writer profile image79
    Uninvited Writerposted 14 years ago

    The change I have noticed in the past month is that HubPages has now overtaken How To Do Things in earnings in my Adsense.

  33. bgpappa profile image78
    bgpappaposted 14 years ago

    Just finised the last two to make thirty.  A day late, I guess, but thirty in a month ain't too shabby

  34. Research Analyst profile image74
    Research Analystposted 14 years ago

    I'll bring the marshmellows

  35. BundleBoy profile image71
    BundleBoyposted 14 years ago

    Wasn't it 30 in 31 days? smile Just completed my 30 in 31 days.
    I have a new sense of respect for Hubbers who wrote 100. I would be brain dead by now if I had done that.

    Hurray to all of us!

    1. Julie-Ann Amos profile image64
      Julie-Ann Amosposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      So would I!  I had loads of hubs ?200+? that were unfinished and almost all of them written and posted but not with images, videos, amazon links etc etc.  So all I had to do (and when I say "all" it actually takes flaming ages!) was get them online and posted.

      1. BundleBoy profile image71
        BundleBoyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Congratulations Julie and to all those who did 100 in 30 days!

        1. Julie-Ann Amos profile image64
          Julie-Ann Amosposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Well very few were WRITTEN in the 30 days, almost all PUBLISHED in the 30 days so i cheated

  36. Beth100 profile image70
    Beth100posted 14 years ago

    I actually celebrated in the middle of writing -- took a whole 16 days out for a retreat!  Came back totally refreshed and wrote the remaining 16 hubs in 7 days. Celebrating by spending tons of time out in the sun by myself, with my dog, and with my kids.  Thank you's to everyone for your support!



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