Why are SO MANY people threatened by the LBGT community? I say live

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  1. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 10 years ago

    and let live. These people are NOT bothering anyone, going on with their individual lives, and contributing to the community.  They are fine, upstanding people.  Again, why the strong animus towards this community?

    1. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      We're not threatened by most of them personally.
      We're threatened by those among them who are political activists who are trying to impose wrongful and bigoted laws upon the rest of American society,  those who are forcing their way into our schools and telling little kids they have to consider homosexuality as normal,  those who aren't content to have the same freedoms as everyone else but have to have special rights based on who they choose to have sex with.
      When I say "we", I mean everyone.   Their actions are a threat to all of American society, including themselves.

      I personally know people who have homosexual temptations.   They deal with those in their own personal way, and they confide in friends and family who love them and understand them, and they don't try to impose upon the rest of society,  they don't try to twist laws and they don't attack conservatives and Christians,  and they are nice people who often struggle with personal problems just like everyone else does.   
      The liberal activists who claim to speak for them, are the ones giving them a bad name.

      1. Cody Hodge5 profile image69
        Cody Hodge5posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Uh huh......because there's nothing bigoted about what the conservatives want to pass to ban the extending of equal rights to gays?

        1. profile image0
          Brenda Durhamposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Passing a law to defend against an unnecessary bigoted law isn't bigoted;  it's an attempt to defend what's right.
          Every person already has had the same equal rights for years now.   The liberal movement is attempting to distract and detract from rightful laws that've already been in place for years.   AND they're distracting from hearing the people who really do need help and issues that need to be looked into.   Like bullying and teen suicide, and even adult suicide!    I personally (and who hasn't?) have had friends and acquaintances (teen and adult) who've committed suicide, and they weren't gay.   Suicide is an issue that affects everyone's life at some time or other, whether it's family or friends or just another human being who was in confusion and trouble but wouldn't or couldn't get help.     Yet the liberal movement has pointed its gnarly finger at only the "gays" and made bullying a crime against gays, totally ignoring the fact that it's a human problem, not even just gays in particular.
          The liberal movement is the most selfish, non-compassionate movement there's ever been.   The activists care only for their own selves and their own agenda.  If someone or something doesn't fit into their little narrow criteria,  then it's invalid to them.

          1. Cody Hodge5 profile image69
            Cody Hodge5posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            You know....I believe in your right to make outrageous statements and say whatever you want.

            What's scary is that you vote and people like you vote. Under no circumstances should government policy be dictated whatsoever by the Bible.

            1. profile image0
              mbuggiehposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Exactly...AND allowing the Bible (or whichever version of the Bible is thumped the loudest at any given moment) to be the foundation of our laws is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

          2. profile image0
            mbuggiehposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Please explain: How is legalization of same-sex marriage bigoted?

            1. profile image0
              mbuggiehposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Can you define "liberal" for me?

              It is important that terms be defined before they are used.

          3. A Thousand Words profile image67
            A Thousand Wordsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            The pot's really calling the kettle black here. I am neither liberal nor conservative, more moderate with a liberal leaning, but this is nonsensical. You are in denial if you think that conservatives are always on the right side of the issues. I remember the videos of blacks marching for their rights and being hosed down by police, hanged unjustly, having burning crosses thrown on their lawns, and whatever else was done to them by the "conservatives." And you guys are crying because gay people are making a stand for themselves. Do I think they go overboard sometimes? ABSOLUTELY. But you're mental if you think that 1) what conservatives are "suffering" is anything compared to what you people have made various cultures/races suffer through in this country and 2) that they've made bullying only about gays. That's foolish. There are plenty of people who've been in the news, young girls especially, speaking out about their experiences with cyber-bullying, sexual orientation not even mentioned. The reason that gay kids that have committed suicide are being publicized is because teens and young adults are killing themselves because they feel that bigots that think like you are backing them into a corner and that there's no other way to deal with. Don't kid yourself. For all you who think that they choose to be gay, don't you think they would just choose to stop liking the same sex instead of killing themselves? Honestly the nerve if some people.

      2. Zelkiiro profile image87
        Zelkiiroposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Except gay people don't have the same rights straight people do, so basically you've just made yourself look foolish.


        1. MelissaBarrett profile image59
          MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          And now she'll say "Yes they do, they can marry someone of the opposite gender just like everybody else."

          She has a book of meaningless cliches that her pastor gave her for such situations.

          She thinks they are valid discussion points.

          No one has mentioned that a book written by phallic obsessed goat breeders doesn't really score points in debate.

          1. Zelkiiro profile image87
            Zelkiiroposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Oh, wow, I would have been unprepared for a response that idiotic. Now my head hurts.

            1. MelissaBarrett profile image59
              MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Read back over threads... She has about 20 stock answers and cycles through them.

              I'd go ahead and familiarize yourself with them.  It saves time.

      3. profile image0
        mbuggiehposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I think you need to enumerate a SPECIFIC and detailed list of exactly which "bigoted laws" gays and lesbians are imposing/attempting to impose on the "rest of society" and enumerate a SPECIFIC and detailed list of exactly which "special rights" based on whom we "chose to have sex with".

        After all, isn't heterosexual marriage and all the benefits that come with it giving "special rights" based on whom someone has sex with?

        All of this said, I have a sincere question---100% sincere, and one which has been rattling around in my head now for some time: Why do conservatives and Christians who on a daily basis break many Biblical laws and defy Biblical prohibitions about conduct focus on homosexuality?

        1. profile image0
          Brenda Durhamposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I'll be 100% sincere in return-------
          Because gay activists and many gays and gay proponents are MAKING it an issue.   They bring the subject up, point it out like it's a valid issue, force it into other people's private lives and into public life, and are literally forcing it into our political and legal system.     Conservatives wouldn't talk about the subject nearly as much if it wasn't flashed around everywhere we look;   the liberal agenda is to put it at the forefront of every issue.

          Another reason is because Christians know we're all imperfect and subject to sin,  and we ADMIT that we may sin, and we admit that we need to repent in order to get forgiveness.   I don't know about sin being on a "daily basis" as you put it,  because that implies a deliberate lifestyle of constant sin (in which case, that's a problem),  but Christians believe in repentance and forgiveness.
          Most homosexuals (at least the ones who speak out and cry it from the platforms and rooftops all around)  are exactly the opposite, not only in sexual behavior but also in their agenda--------they refuse to ADMIT that homosexuality is even a sin,  and they refuse to apply the tools of repentance and forgiveness to themselves and to others.   They want their entire lifestyle condoned.    While Christians, as I said, know not to make sin a "lifestyle".
          Those are some reasons why.   This controversy is not caused by conservatives and Christians;  it's caused by liberals.

          1. Quilligrapher profile image73
            Quilligrapherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Good Evening, Ms. Durham. Please forgive me if I point out a few realities.

            First, gay activists have a legal right to advocate for any and all issues that they deem important. You, on the other hand, have a right to complain about gay proponents MAKING issues but you do not have a right to obstruct them. In our republic, they are free to raise any social issue they wish, bring it to the public’s attention, make it a part of public life, and to use all of their political capital to make these issues part of our political and legal system. That is the American way.

            Brenda Durham wrote:
            “Most homosexuals (at least the ones who speak out and cry it from the platforms and rooftops all around) are exactly the opposite, not only in sexual behavior but also in their agenda--------they refuse to ADMIT that homosexuality is even a sin”

            For any act to offend God, i.e. to be called a “sin,” it must be intentionally evil. According to the teachings of Jesus, sin is based as much on intent as on any particular action. Sin must first begin in the heart. Every sinful action must be backed by sinful intent. No one can offend God accidentally or out of ignorance. No one can sin without consciously intending his or her actions to be an affront to God. A child can not commit sin nor can the mentally ill. One must first sin in his or her heart before their acts can be called sinful. For this reason, two people can perform an identical act and one can be guiltless before God while the other stands before God as a sinner. {1}

            It therefore follows, a person, who does not intentionally set out to act in a fashion that offends God or His laws, can not possibly commit a sin be it due to ignorance or innocence. God’s reaction, according to Jesus, is no offense intended then no offense is taken. In your case, because of your core beliefs, homosexual behavior would indeed be a sin. However, such is not case for a gay couple that does not believe in God or does not believe their commitment to each other is an offence against God. They are free to express their love without shame or guilt.

            Brenda Durham wrote:
            “Those are some reasons why. This controversy is not caused by conservatives and Christians; it's caused by liberals.”

            I am sorry, Ms. Durham, wrong again. Both conservatives and Christians are delighted to join in this controversy. This is not just a liberal issue as you claim. The 2012 Republican Party platform supported a ban on same-sex marriage through a federal constitutional amendment. {2}

            Q. Why, Ms. Durham, is there a need for a constitutional amendment?
            A. Because the right to same-sex marriages is now and always has been protected by the Constitution.

            Those who would like to deprive their fellow Americans of this right should examine their own consciences, both political and religious. 
            {1} http://www.actseighteen.com/articles/standards.htm
            {2} http://www.gop.com/2012-republican-platform_Renewing/

            1. MelissaBarrett profile image59
              MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              That was beautiful Quilligrapher. Thank you for posting.

              1. Mighty Mom profile image78
                Mighty Momposted 10 years agoin reply to this


                1. Quilligrapher profile image73
                  Quilligrapherposted 10 years agoin reply to this


                  1. gmwilliams profile image83
                    gmwilliamsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                    Totally agree Quill.  Your statements are always profoundly intelligent and spot on!

              2. Quilligrapher profile image73
                Quilligrapherposted 10 years agoin reply to this


            2. profile image0
              mbuggiehposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Thank you...well said!

              1. Quilligrapher profile image73
                Quilligrapherposted 10 years agoin reply to this


      4. LauraGT profile image85
        LauraGTposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        When I first read this I thought it was tongue and cheek!  I'm just thankful that our "wrongful and bigoted" laws are now in place, so  people who love each other can get married and have those marriages recognized.  I'm so thankful that I'm raising children in an time when they will look back and say, "Mom, you were alive when DOMA was implemented?  What a strange world you were living in!"  It's so great to see history in the making, especially when it will make the world a better place for my children, whatever their sexual orientation.  Bye-bye hatefulness!  You are soooo 20th century.

        1. profile image0
          Brenda Durhamposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          It's more likely that kids will be asking if you were alive during the time when people were mocked and bullied just because they believed in good moral values, and when kids were taught that it's okay to engage in sodomy and other homosexual practices.    Soooooo  B.C.

          1. A Thousand Words profile image67
            A Thousand Wordsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            LoL. That's funny. As if any of that so called "mocking and bullying" compares to denying people's rights. As IF the struggle for Christians is at all existent in this country (hardly).

            It is rare if not non-existent that Christians in America are being beaten up after leaving a church because they are Christian. Or being denied the right to marry the person who they most love because they are Christian. Or being unable to be open about being a Christian in the military. Or being ostracized completely by not just family but sometimes even small communities because you're openly Christian. Utter foolishness. Replace everywhere where I put "Christians" with "gays," and "church" with "gay bar" or any random place, and guess what? That actually DOES happen here. Get real. The actual Christian struggle exists outside of the US. We supposedly live in the land of the free and a place of equal opportunity, but I guess if you had had it your way, it would've only been equal and free for the straight white Christians.

          2. profile image0
            mbuggiehposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            There you go again with the obsession with sodomy and homosexual sex.

            When I think about marriage I think about love and commitment; companionship and friendship; caring and nurturing; support and help. I think about someone to share my dreams with; about someone who I can always count on.

            When I think about marriage I think about family; about holidays and birthdays.

            Unlike you, my first reaction to marriage is not to debase the institution by claiming that it is essentially about sex and sexual acts.

            Unlike you, my first reaction in terms of what I would teach my children and grandchildren about sex (and I have children and grandchildren) is not to tell them about what sexual practices are "good" or "moral" in a marriage,  but to try to teach them about the love and commitment and caring that are the good and the moral in any marriage.

            As I have posted previously, I am appalled by the debased and sexualized notion of marriage that seems to  be the "Christian" view of marriage so often expressed by the opponents of same-sex marriage.

            And I really hope that at the end of the day, and despite your comments about what constitutes marriage that your marriage---if you are married, like mine, is based on love and commitment and caring.

            1. LauraGT profile image85
              LauraGTposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Well said.  ++

          3. Josak profile image59
            Josakposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Nothing better to do but concern themselves with the sex lives of others.

          4. LauraGT profile image85
            LauraGTposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "homosexual acts" (other than two people of the same sex doing all the same stuff that people of opposite sexes do - kissing, touching, vaginal/anal penetration, oral sex - yes healthy, "normal," straight couples do all this stuff too).  I will be giving my children age-appropriate messages that expressing themselves sexually is a natural part of life and is nothing to be ashamed of. I will do my best to give them the tools to protect themselves emotionally and physically (including encouraging them to wait to have sex and then to only have sex within the bounds of a loving relationship). I also will encourage them to not judge others in their personal and private decisions.

            1. Josak profile image59
              Josakposted 10 years agoin reply to this


            2. A Thousand Words profile image67
              A Thousand Wordsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Well said.

            3. KEPitz1005 profile image60
              KEPitz1005posted 10 years agoin reply to this

              LauraGT - my sentiments EXACTLY! I wouldn't want to raise my kid to fear or hate same-sex couples or any other group of people. I tried to instill in my son that nobody's better than anybody else, and every single person is different from every other single person... and THAT is what's normal! I wouldn't want him to go through the emotional turmoil if he questioned his sexuality and was taught that it was something that was to be hidden and hated - that it was not "normal".

        2. MelissaBarrett profile image59
          MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Poe's law.

          Brenda is actually an absolutely brilliant liberal winning over all but the strongest conservative to the liberal side.  It's amazing.

          1. LauraGT profile image85
            LauraGTposted 10 years agoin reply to this


          2. profile image0
            Brenda Durhamposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            You wish.
            Hey "Dorothy",  tapping your heels together and wishing it so, doesn't make it so.   lol

            1. Josak profile image59
              Josakposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              That is the effect you have. Thanks for your service.

              1. profile image0
                Brenda Durhamposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                No thanks for yours.
                You should worry about the effect you have, instead of trying to re-label me.

                1. MelissaBarrett profile image59
                  MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  His image: Caring, intelligent and vaguely anti-establishment (sorry Josak)

                  Your image: You.

                  Once again, thank you for your great work recruiting members for the liberal mindset.

    2. Ivan Tod profile image61
      Ivan Todposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Because their gods say to be. For millennia man has been told by their gods, through the various "holy books" that hetero is the way to go and gay is definately not the way! The animus you describe is an intensely ingrained mindset pressed upon the human race by the so-called gods to suit their ulterior motives. I will explain further if open minds wish to hear. If not, so be it. But, in short, the reason behind mans dislike, distrust, animosity and outright hateful mindset towards all orientations other than hetero is god. Had the so-called "gods" not introduced the idea that homosexuality was an abomination we would never had thought anything of it. Unfortunately they did and so it has been so deeply inbedded in our psyche that it will take a very long time and much understanding to rid humanity of it.

      1. Live to Learn profile image61
        Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Grabbing a dead thread won't get you much of an argument. I would be curious why societies (such as Soviet Russia) with a clear statement of atheism would have treated homosexuals so heinously.

        So, no. Religion doesn't cause it. It fans the flames of what already exists within some people and seeks to legitimize it.

        1. Ivan Tod profile image61
          Ivan Todposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Maybe not, but you replied, no? And thanks for doing that. Anyway, Russia was actually Orthodox Christian for quite some time up until the Bolshevic revolution of 1917, 100 years ago, at which time atheism was state sponsored or "forced" upon the people by the government. The change, however, didn't rid Russia of the christian religion fueled hate of homosexuality but it did allow the powers that be to use the christian ideology of "do what you are told, or else" to subdue not only the homosexual population but the Russian population at large. So you see, even the atheist soviet government recognized the viability of state sponsored fear in efforts to control the population. However, I will agree with your point of it already existing in some people as some people just hate for the sake of being hateful and homosexuals are an excellent target for such people.
          And let's not forget that god was on scene with his deadly demands long before organized religion took a foothold. So, the tenets have been around for millennia.

          1. Live to Learn profile image61
            Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            God was on the scene prior to organized religion? Really? That's interesting. So, the individuals who were not members of organized religion were being told by God to be hateful toward homosexuals.

            That's rich.

            Either way, back to Soviet Russia. Since homosexuals were not the only targets of that regime so I would have to disagree with your assessment.

            1. Ivan Tod profile image61
              Ivan Todposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              "God was on the scene prior to organized religion? Really?"

              haven't you ever read the old testament? Or do you just think that what you believe is actually how it went?

              "So, the individuals who were not members of organized religion were being told by God to be hateful toward homosexuals."

              The "organization of religion" you mention didn't come into affect until later. Initially it was just people doing what god told them to do. Then came the commandments, which did say "A man who lays with another man as with a women shall be put to death". So, yes they were, as no reasonable person would comprehend  "put to death" as anything but hateful.

              "That's rich."

              Maybe, but it's true as well, whether you wish to believe it or not.

              "Either way, back to Soviet Russia. Since homosexuals were not the only targets of that regime I would have to disagree with your assessment."

              You are within your rights to disagree. But you missed the point of "control". Any one not falling in line was disposed of, be they homosexual, dissident or naysayer. Homosexuals had the negative distinction of being anti-god abominations before, during and still yet after the socialist regime thereby making them targets for elimination from start to finish.
              More importantly, god was telling people to kill homosexuals long before "Mother Russia" even existed.

              1. Live to Learn profile image61
                Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                I will say that I wonder what those of you who believe all that is ill in the world is due to religion will do when the day comes when there is no religion and you are proven wrong.

                We are so much more complex than that.

                1. Ivan Tod profile image61
                  Ivan Todposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  Never said every problem was due to religion, so I'm not exactly sure where you get that from but, If it turns out I'm wrong then where will be the hurt in trying it that way. Afterall, with all the godly faithful today the world is still in turmoil so obviously THAT is not working.
                  And no, we're not that complex. If we were we wouldn't have been so easily fooled by the idea of "kill for god and you get to go to heaven".

                  1. Live to Learn profile image61
                    Live to Learnposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Well  to attribute being against the LBGT community solely to a problem with religion is simplistic. I wonder, with such a large percentage of America claiming to be Christian how have laws been passed (through a general vote in many states) to allow gay marriage and such?

                    We are complex. I realize from an atheist point of view none of it makes sense and on some levels I'd agree. I just read an article where a guy was sentenced to death for insulting the prophet Mohammed. Insanity, by our standards. Even devout Christians chuckle at a Jesus joke. However, faith is not the root of our problems, imho. Personally, many of the troubles of the world boil down to simple greed. You don't have to be religious to be greedy.

  2. Zelkiiro profile image87
    Zelkiiroposted 10 years ago


    1. A Thousand Words profile image67
      A Thousand Wordsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Where is the "like" button?

      1. MelissaBarrett profile image59
        MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I personally want a section for "America will be turned into a pile of salt" and "You will be forced to have sex with a member of the same gender"

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I'm wondering more just what happened to the pedophilia and bestiality sections?  Surely they should be at least half of it...

          1. MelissaBarrett profile image59
            MelissaBarrettposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Good point!

            There should be a section for "I will burn in hell eternally because someone else did something that I think my kind and just God didn't like" as well.

            1. profile image0
              mbuggiehposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I think Dante in his INFERNO created a special section of hell for those folks...wink

          2. profile image0
            mbuggiehposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Hmmm...are we bringing Roman Catholic clergy into the conversation now?

      2. profile image0
        mbuggiehposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Exactly....we need a "like" button!

      3. profile image0
        Sooner28posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Lol that's what I was thinking.

    2. Mighty Mom profile image78
      Mighty Momposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That would be an outstanding graphic if they took off the bottom one.
      The icecaps really are melting. It has nothing to do with LGBT.
      But it does have to do with people.
      Although that is a subject for another thread.

  3. profile image0
    mbuggiehposted 10 years ago

    thanks..I love the chart...smile

  4. Mighty Mom profile image78
    Mighty Momposted 10 years ago

    From a USA Today article posted three hours ago. Apparently even some Republicans are in favor of gay marriage. Otherwise there would not be 55% support...

    The poll by Princeton Survey Research Associates questioned 1,003 adults from Thursday through Sunday. It has a margin of error of +/-3.6 percentage points.

    Gay rights activists react outside the Supreme Court on June 26.(Photo: Mladen Antonov, AFP/Getty Images)

    Among the findings:

    • By an unprecedented 55%-40%, Americans say marriages between same-sex couples should be recognized by law as valid, with the same rights of traditional marriage. That's the highest level of support since Gallup began asking the question in 1996. Then, fewer than half that number, 27%, backed the idea.

  5. Mighty Mom profile image78
    Mighty Momposted 10 years ago

    I had visited this thread earlier and simply couldn't summon the energy to comment beyond my suggested edit on the graphic.

    Just saw this Huff Post article posted on Facebook. It is powerful.
    Talk about bullying -- making your own 12-year-old child "choose" Jesus over his
    budding sexuality. That is NOT what Jesus taught.

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/linda-rob … r=Politics

  6. jenniferrpovey profile image76
    jenniferrpoveyposted 10 years ago

    Here is why conservatives feel threatened by same sex marriage. Many are genuinely concerned that their churches will be pressured to perform same sex ceremonies. Our society is putting a lot of pressure on religious organisations to abandon their traditional values and "get into the 21st century."

    Which is wrong.

    I will be blunt: I am a marriage equality activist.

    But I also believe in religious freedom, which includes the freedom to believe homosexuality is a sin and the freedom for a church (or mosque, synagogue, temple, coven, kindred, etc...) to decide what marriages they will recognize and what they will not.

    I do, however, understand and appreciate their concern and feel it's important to address it moving forward.

    The second reason I've come across in discussion is that some people find it hard to separate their personal morality and religious beliefs from the law of the land. I.e., these people believe that if same sex marriage becomes legal they are somehow forced to start approving of it. This tendency is seen more in conservatives than liberals. I personally find it ridiculous, but that is really how some of these people feel.

    The third reason is that they are afraid that their children will become confused when they are taught that homosexuality is wrong at home and okay in school. I can see this concern too, I suppose, but I think we have *all* had to deal with the disconnect between family and church beliefs and wider society at some point - it's part of growing up.

    The fourth reason is that they are afraid that gay and lesbian couples raising children will somehow screw them up (there's no evidence of this, in fact there's even some small evidence to the contrary) or make them gay (all the gay people I know have straight parents, guys).

    These are reasons I've collated from extensive online discussion on the matter and are not a scientific poll.

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The first amendment prohibits the state from forcing any religion to do anything they don't want to.  It would require a massive majority vote to change that.

      The first argument is thus null and void, and the far right KNOWS that.  The argument is nothing more than a red herring, causing fear in those unable to read the constitution and think for themselves.

  7. jenniferrpovey profile image76
    jenniferrpoveyposted 10 years ago

    It's not the state they're afraid of.

    It's people bringing anti-discrimination lawsuits against them. Which, even if they WIN, is expensive and annoying.


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