Why are women so important in life?

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  1. youmeget profile image63
    youmegetposted 13 years ago

    Why are women so important in life?

  2. iamageniuster profile image64
    iamageniusterposted 13 years ago

    Because without women there wouldn't be life, since we can't reproduce. Thus, we need both men and women.

  3. Clotier Nailing profile image60
    Clotier Nailingposted 13 years ago

    Women are soo inportant in life because we were created to be helpmates for man in Gods plan for HIS purposes...
    He have ta be the backbone for them and in doing this , we must relay in the Father in everything to give us many abilities for which we are created.
    How inportant it is for us women to be around to be of God's plan for the salvation and purposes in we should follow in life.

  4. Jarn profile image60
    Jarnposted 13 years ago

    Historically the presence of women has forced a culture to settle and create a home. Case in point, French hunters, trappers, and traders had been traveling across much of North America for well over a century with no trouble from Native Americans whatsoever because it was understood they were passing through or just visiting. In many cases they were welcome. But when men arrived on American shores with wives and children in tow, it became apparent they were gonna stay. Women have been key to the colonization of new civilizations and the downfall of previous civilizations. They are the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the destroyers of worlds. Mwahahahahaha!

  5. onegoodwoman profile image69
    onegoodwomanposted 13 years ago

    Because we are the vessels from which new life springs.  That new life is dependent upon us for survival, for up to several years.  During this time, we have great influence in shaping the thinking, the mannerisms, the behaviors of that one (s) under our charge.

    There is an adage...................the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.

    The things that children learn is varied, but first, they learn from their mothers.

  6. dkroskens profile image60
    dkroskensposted 13 years ago

    Wow, that's a great question, and in my opinion deserves a simple answer. Because we are first human, and every human has a sacred piece of them that only they have, in the universe.  Women carry that ability, physically to keep the planet populated, ( I didn't create the design, and pesonally I think it's a privilege).
    Women are also stronger than men physiologically, they survive longer. In my faith I believe God wants people to  continue to be born, and thus the reason for the differenence in overall longevity.  They are a picture of what it means to have endurance, and we all need that.

  7. profile image0
    jasper420posted 13 years ago

    because women are the ones who give birth to it

  8. maria.rose profile image40
    maria.roseposted 13 years ago

    If we discuss about women importance and role in society so we cannot implement some specific gauge to all as in asia women role is liked mostly as domestic wife after marriage although they are working in all sectors like Army, Police and Engineering but if we overall glance so we can realize that Majority of women spending their lives at home by serving their Childs and husband and other family members.

    But fact is life is incomplete without women so we ought to give them respect and all necessities of life as women leave their lovely parents and joined a new family & a new life style. A good mother can make change in society by teach their children and it’s only possible if we provide them a suitable satisfaction in all aspects of their life.

    A good Mother is creator of a good nation.

  9. T.Y._Hudson profile image61
    T.Y._Hudsonposted 13 years ago

    Dudes would have to sleep with each other if women didn't exist. I'm certain that this would cause a lot of wars. I just couldn't imagine what all the homophobes would do, if there was no women!
    If women didn't exist, the toilet seat would never have been invented. Yes men sit, but we would probably see a toilet seat as too much of an obstacle, that would outweigh the uneasiness of not having a comfy seat.
    If women didn't exist, the word, "manners", probably wouldn't either.
    I could go on and on, but women simply make the world a better place. Women make men care about their appearance. Women make men have emotions, and keep us from going completely primitive. Women give us something to protect, honor, and strive for. They also challenge us, and that's a huge thing.
    Women complete us. Well, they don't complete the gay men, but they do give them something to model themselves after!

  10. yiasa profile image61
    yiasaposted 13 years ago

    ExcuSe mE buT whO tolD yoU thiS thinG!
    jusT kiddinG!
    don'T specifY sucH aS womeN or meN
    aLL thE thingS iN thiS worlD iS importanT!

  11. fucsia profile image61
    fucsiaposted 13 years ago

    Because women are special creatures, they are made special by their nature and by men who love them and appreciate them.

  12. Zubair Ahmed profile image74
    Zubair Ahmedposted 13 years ago

    Where would I be without my mother?  and How would have my children without my wife...?  Beyond that I think its because they look so beautiful.. and in society other than money and power men only fight over women.

  13. mrpooper profile image35
    mrpooperposted 13 years ago

    Only a good woman can keep a man grounded. Without a woman in our lives, us men would just act like children 24/7.

  14. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    Because we are wonderful, kind, loving creatures who give birth, nurse our young AND work full time jobs.  Women are masters at multi-tasking.

    But men are wonderful too!

  15. KAYKAYKAYLA profile image39
    KAYKAYKAYLAposted 13 years ago

    I would have to say who else would do the laundry.

  16. Kamalesh050 profile image70
    Kamalesh050posted 13 years ago

    Because they are beautiful , dutiful, kind, loving, caring  etc. etc. etc.  They are simply Wonderful ,  they are undoubtedly very very special creations of God and without them there wouldn't be any life at all.

  17. anildutt profile image60
    anilduttposted 13 years ago

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