Would you trade seeing family and friends to live somewhere tropical?

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  1. NiaG profile image86
    NiaGposted 12 years ago

    Would you trade seeing family and friends to live somewhere tropical?

    You will always be able to visit them but you would be living miles away and not seeing them nearly as much as you do now. Could you handle that?

  2. anjperez profile image65
    anjperezposted 12 years ago

    nope. bring them along so it would be fun. shared moments with family is priceless.

  3. carolinemd21 profile image82
    carolinemd21posted 12 years ago

    I agree with anj bring them along. I don't think I could handle being that far away from my family.

  4. ALUR profile image61
    ALURposted 12 years ago

    Honestly I consider moving anywhere at times away from family duties and obligations even to a frozen tundra. But the choice to remain with my children and plant within them the foundation of good morals and self-esteem dissolves such notions.

    It feels like for the moment, I am a warden of time.

  5. gguy profile image60
    gguyposted 12 years ago

    Hmm I would split the difference, go someplace tropical Jan-March and see them when I go back, or they could visit anytime!!

  6. jmbarnes64 profile image61
    jmbarnes64posted 12 years ago

    Who cares about living in the tropics if there are no one there with me to share it with. I am a family person and I would rather be in Alaska with my family and friends than on a tropical Island only getting to see them every now and then. There is only one way I would do this, and that's if it was God's will for me to be there.

  7. freecampingaussie profile image59
    freecampingaussieposted 12 years ago


    I am doing that now . We are traveling Australia with a caravan & at the moment we are in Kununurra at the top of Aussie for the wet season .
    My family is now scattered over 4 states. I miss them but having an amazing time exploring !
    The photo is our view while eating our meals etc.

  8. createmyeconomy profile image66
    createmyeconomyposted 12 years ago

    You bet! I live in Australia now (from US) It's just a plane ride. The worlds a small place. I say please yourself and make enough money so you can visit family and friends often!!!!

  9. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    No.  I have weighed that option.  We live in a very cold, dark climate.  And during the winter the depression sets in, the days are short.  It is awful, and I dream of a warmer, sunny climate.

    But, both my kids are here with their families and I get to be a part of my grandchildren's lives.  So when I really think it through, no, I couldn't do it.  I have to stay here.

  10. mbwalz profile image84
    mbwalzposted 12 years ago

    I'm not one for the tropics but am hoping to live in the South of France for a while after my kids leave home. But when they start having babies, most likely I'll be back. Kids grow so quickly and I'm an older parent. Unless they choose France too, I'll return to the US.

  11. Rob Hanlon profile image60
    Rob Hanlonposted 12 years ago

    Sure I would, as long as there were adequate healthcare facilities within reach, along with a Library, a couple of pubs, a cinema and that the Taxes weren't too high :-)

  12. Cookin' Cowgirl profile image61
    Cookin' Cowgirlposted 12 years ago

    To live somewhere tropical? You bet! Heck, I traded seeing them to live in Iowa for God's sake!

  13. chspublish profile image77
    chspublishposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely...especially as I live a damp, dismal climate. Sunshine, beautiful beaches, lush vegetation...who could resist that.
    As the previous contributor said, the world is a small place. We are but a plane ride away and we have the internet to keep connections going. Besides, living in a tropical place is such an inviting option to family members, that they would visit often. It's a win-win situation.

  14. NiaG profile image86
    NiaGposted 12 years ago

    I really have high hopes of moving to Mexico in 2013 and I don't believe I will have a problem in moving away from family and friends. I make friends wherever I go and I can always visit home. I do wonder sometimes if I will find it hard.

  15. Wr1t3r profile image67
    Wr1t3rposted 12 years ago

    With my job I can usually go and visit friends and family, but being close to them is worth more than all the beautiful beaches in the world. Places will most likely be there forever, but family won't.

  16. mega1 profile image79
    mega1posted 12 years ago

    In a heartbeat!  yes!  I would move somewhere warm and tropical with warm ocean and beaches and fruit and sunshine etc.  I was in Kauai for my son's wedding in September and fell in love with it, so now I want to explore all the Hawaii islands and then recently I saw some things about the Phillipines that looked really good - so I'd like to go see that place - and maybe I'd just travel.  Or settle down and bring my family to visit me, they would probably come more often if I had my own place in a beautiful island.  So its like you read my mind!  I'm thinking of this all the time and scheming how I can retire with enough to live on in one of these places - maybe Mexico?  I don't know, but I would go!

  17. CloudExplorer profile image78
    CloudExplorerposted 12 years ago

    I wouldn't trade living in the tropics over that of living with friends and family, no way Jose.  I would dread the fact of not seeing my family and friends, because to me life without having a good connection with family & friends isn't worth as much as having a nice place to live.

    I would love to visit the tropics for vacations frequently though, and bring my friends and family with me.  Now that would be fun, and actually me & my wife are planning a fun filled vacation trip to some tropical Island, in 2013.  Nice Question!

  18. Gladiolis profile image60
    Gladiolisposted 12 years ago

    Yes I would definitely, especially my dream was always to go to Mexico cancun!!!

  19. heydiana profile image60
    heydianaposted 12 years ago

    With a definite yes!  I would love to do that and hope to do that.  I know there will be times that I will miss my friends and family.  But hopefully they could visit me and I would visit them sometimes too. Plus with the internet the world is a smaller place. 

    But the best possible solution would have everyone move to the tropics with me!!!

  20. Ginger Fernandez profile image62
    Ginger Fernandezposted 12 years ago

    I would love to move to a tropical location.    This is the time in my life when I believe if it my turn. I have spent my life caring for my children.   My children are grown and have families of their own.   If they need me it is very to come home and take care of business.    I do not feel it to be selfish fo me.

  21. rlaha profile image61
    rlahaposted 12 years ago

    I would probably miss them but yes, I think would like to live in a tropical place provided I could get back to see them as often as possible.  Good question!

  22. VivBounty profile image63
    VivBountyposted 12 years ago

    I don't really think it's a trade. I love to travel, have lived in the UK, Japan, Spain, Kenya, Uganda, USA and Canada but still managed to get where and when I need to be to see my precious family. The world is indeed a small place and air travel just makes it so convenient. Live your dream. Make your work be the kind that allows you to do it all.

    We wish you all the possibility!

  23. eliserenee profile image61
    elisereneeposted 12 years ago

    Probably not, but it depended on a variety of things, job, etc. But I love my family, both mine and my husbands. I just don't know if I'd be able to justify leaving just for the sake of living in a tropical area. Great question!

  24. Peter Dickinson profile image76
    Peter Dickinsonposted 12 years ago

    I have. People you love be they friends or family remain with you always in your heart and your thoughts. You don't need to see them and besides the internet has shrunk the world, you can talk when you need. Go somewhere, meet new people, make new friends, new lovers. Life can be as good or better if you get away. Live your dreams not someone elses.

  25. ithabise profile image72
    ithabiseposted 12 years ago

    I suppose I have when I lived in Japan...not tropical but exotic. I'm the adventuresome kind so I was fine with it; but they didn't like it too much. But what's the difference with not seeing siblings regularly who live 2-6 hours away? Most people do the best they can: phone, email, Skype, etc. You're always close as a car or plane ride. I'm still ready to go!

  26. mary615 profile image82
    mary615posted 12 years ago

    Yes!  As much as I love my family, I'd love to live in Costa Rica.  It isn't that far away from home.  I could handle that, yes!

  27. athena2011 profile image57
    athena2011posted 12 years ago

    Yes I think I could definitely handle that. Most likely I will have constant house guests as a result, but I love a full house anyway so that would be a great option for me. Any suggestions of a tropical island?

  28. profile image0
    Emily Sparksposted 12 years ago

    No, I wouldn't trade family and friends to live somewhere tropical.  My family is more important to me then my own personal happiness.

  29. Windclimber profile image67
    Windclimberposted 12 years ago

    For most people the difficulty lies in the timing of it all.  No one wants to be away from children during the ages where relatives are the biggest part of their world, and nobody wants to be away from parents during the years when you might be the most important person left in their lives.  But in between, yes, go!  Once there, then you decide how long you're going to stay.  But go!  It's YOUR life - either you stay at home and be an unfulfilled addition to their lives, or you go, intentionally living your life, and become a fulfilled addition to their lives.  Go, go, go!

    (Besides, there's the possibility that your family and friends will move away for their jobs or their dreams, or grow busy - especially teens - with their own lives.  Then where will you be?)

  30. prism3x profile image39
    prism3xposted 12 years ago

    It depends how convenient it was to travel to visit my family....lived away from my family for about three years and could only visit once a year and at first I was ok with it but only at first

  31. wonderingwoolley profile image58
    wonderingwoolleyposted 12 years ago

    Probably not. I don't like humidity anyway, but my family means the world to me. Case in point, I live in Wisconsin, where the winters regularly dip below freezing and the roads become sheets of black ice. I'll still drive two hours through a snow storm to spend Christmas with  my family, because there is no where else I would rather be.


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