What is the best way to stay in love with your spouse?

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  1. mommystayhome profile image55
    mommystayhomeposted 13 years ago

    What is the best way to stay in love with your spouse?

  2. profile image0
    msorenssonposted 13 years ago

    I would hope that you don't have to do anything because when you wake up with that person every day you are grateful that you can touch each other..but that is just me..

  3. xethonxq profile image67
    xethonxqposted 13 years ago

    Focus on what makes you happy and excited about this person. Realize that you also contribute the spark in the relationship.

  4. ar.colton profile image75
    ar.coltonposted 13 years ago

    Keep dating each other. Talk about everything. Spend time apart doing things you love.

    And #1 Always remind yourself how grateful you are that you get to spend the rest of your life with this person.

  5. Bella Nina profile image59
    Bella Ninaposted 13 years ago

    Talk to them.  Regularly.  Openly.

    Consider how your life would be if you lost them.  Then think about all of the things about them which would become priceless to you.  Then treasure them for those things now.  While you have them.

  6. mattdigiulio profile image76
    mattdigiulioposted 13 years ago

    Great question. Is your spouse one of, or the only, person in your life who is completely not judgmental of you? To me, that's enough to love.

  7. Author Cheryl profile image72
    Author Cherylposted 13 years ago

    Keep the romance going, keep the lines of communication open, always have a date night, remember to always say I love you, and hold them dear to your heart always.  If you have a wonderful spouse you shouldnt have to do anything but keep doing what you are already doing.

  8. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 13 years ago

    I believe we fall in love based upon (who the person is) and what they represent. In other words if they weren't who they were we probably would not have fallen for them. By the same token we are constantly growing and evolving which means our needs or desires change over time. The perfect mate for you at age 21 may not be the type of person you want to be with at 41. Change is the one certainty in life.
    Ultimately love remains when both people continue to want the same things at the same pace. We're either growing together or growing apart. Communication helps to determine whether or not a couple wants the same things or have the same priorities. The rest of it comes down to making the effort to keep romance and passion alive. Again it can't be done by one person alone. Both people have to want it.
    Too many of us follow the practice of treating "the new" better than "the tried & true". We bend over backwards to "impress" each other in the beginning of a new relationship. After there is an emotional investment or commitment we reveal our "authentic self". It's not uncommon to hear someone say, "He or She is not the same person I fell in love with". I wrote about this backwards approach to love awhile back.
    http://dashingscorpio.hubpages.com/hub/ … ebeginning
    "It's easier to maintain a fire than it is to reignite a spark!"

  9. profile image0
    reeltaulkposted 13 years ago

    Can't anyone tell you that.  Are you serious with this question.

  10. one2recognize2 profile image69
    one2recognize2posted 13 years ago

    Keep the fire going.  Never stop making time for just the two of you.  Keep the communication going, and feel free to talk about everything, and even if you disagree enjoy each moment shared, and never ever go to bed angry. 

    Encourage time away with friends on both parts and It is also recommended to support each others hopes and desires. Insure that fire remains lit in the bedroom by experimenting and trying different things, plus stay as playful and attentive as you started out and you shall never lose the love you share as it will only get stronger.

  11. seojoint profile image58
    seojointposted 13 years ago

    To love her or him more than yesterday !! smile

  12. homesteadbound profile image80
    homesteadboundposted 13 years ago

    Choosing to love your spouse is the best possible gift you can give them as well as yourself. What does it take to create a love that will last ... until death do you part? read more

  13. CassyLu1981 profile image73
    CassyLu1981posted 13 years ago

    Being an Army wife is a tough job. There is nothing harder then having the love of your life gone from you more then they are home. Having to be a Mom and a Dad to the kids most of the time. Dealing with all the work/home/school troubles by yourself. Learning how to stay sane when all you want to do is hide in the closet and cry. But being an Army wife isn't always that bad. Here's how to keep a military marriage a happy marriage. read more


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