What is Biblical Counseling?

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  1. Abrushing1968 profile image82
    Abrushing1968posted 12 years ago

    What is Biblical Counseling?


  2. no body profile image73
    no bodyposted 12 years ago

    Biblical counseling is not just having a mindset of Scripture while you psychologically evaluate them. It is the ability to isolate where a person has deviated from "thus sayeth the Lord" and to be able in love to restore such a person to a right relationship with God by using the Bible as the sole rule of truth and practice, the straight-edge for life. If the person does not know Jesus as Savior it is the duty of that counselor to point out that is the first place he should go, that all answers are in Christ. If the person knows Jesus, then it is the job of the counselor to dig out where the person strayed from the truth and let him know as kindly and specifically where he deviated and to encourage him to get that thing right.

    1. Abrushing1968 profile image82
      Abrushing1968posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks No Body. I do agree. judging from the responses several other do as well. Well said and thanks for adding your thoughts to mine.

  3. kellyteam profile image61
    kellyteamposted 12 years ago

    No body said it all. I totally agree with that answer. The Bible is the authority used for biblical counseling.

    1. Abrushing1968 profile image82
      Abrushing1968posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      short and sweet . Can't argue with that.

  4. MrMaranatha profile image71
    MrMaranathaposted 12 years ago

    For different types of people it can be several different things:
    1) For longer term Christians who should already know the Bible from cover to cover Christian Counseling is the Job of tactfully Reminding them of what the Bible (God's Word) says on the subject they are having trouble with and then helping them plan the path which will help realign them with the Scriptural way in which they should be going.
    2) For Shorter Term Christians it is the task of educating them in what the Bible has to say on subjects that apply to them and encourage them toward further study of the scriptures.
    3) For non-believers:  The first part of Christian Counseling is the establishment of truth according to the Bible and gaining an understanding that the world and its ways are mostly off the right track for happy families and peaceful lives.
    Salvation should be discussed: Biblical Salvation By the Bibles Plan of A) Belief in Jesus as the Son of God who is the Messiah.. the atoning sacrifice for all of our sins) B) Placing our faith in the Son of God, and C) Following His Guidebook (Bible)  for planning out our lives.
    Following those important first steps Counseling progresses toward educating them in what the Bible has to say on subjects that apply to them and encourage them toward further study of the scriptures...  And beginning a life time of learning more about their Creator... and Learning to trust him in all things.

    1. Abrushing1968 profile image82
      Abrushing1968posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Mr.Maranath I have to say that I think you nailed it. Excellent incite

    2. MrMaranatha profile image71
      MrMaranathaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Adressing what musicman had to say below.. you may want to ask another question..."What is the difference between Biblical Counseling, Christian Counseling and other common sources of advice for life or marriage?"

  5. Evans4life profile image69
    Evans4lifeposted 12 years ago

    Biblical Counseling is sound advice and wisdom using the principles of the Bible as guidance.  We have all heard the adage the Bible stands form Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.  Therefore, these instructions should be the source for counseling.

    1. Abrushing1968 profile image82
      Abrushing1968posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Evans4life Actually I had never heard that adage before, but I thinks it is a good one.

  6. d.william profile image73
    d.williamposted 12 years ago

    Good question.  There is a vast difference between what it is, and what it should be. 
    What it should be: preaching and practicing love and respect for one another without judgment, ridicule or condemnation.
    What it is: an instrument for control over others, placing fear and guilt and doubt, in the minds of children who grow up without the ability to rationally think for themselves.

    1. Abrushing1968 profile image82
      Abrushing1968posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      D william. I suspect that you are speaking from a grudge of some kind. Your comment reveals some anger and resentment toward either the church, Bible, church leadership, or all of the above. Sadly these are people/things that could bring you peace.

    2. Rina Pinto profile image61
      Rina Pintoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You are right d.William, If the Holy Spirit lives in ones self then i dont think the result would be like condemning one another. According to the Bible, Jesus never condemned the woman, instead He said your sins are forgiven. Ppl even after reading

    3. d.william profile image73
      d.williamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have no grudge. I just learned how to think for myself.  I am free of hatred, guilt, doubt or suppression.  I also believe that God hates no one. (I know, radical and anti religious thinking-must be satan driven)

  7. profile image0
    angela lettposted 12 years ago

    Biblical counseling is giving and receiving advice that is based solely on what the bible has to say about a subject or similar subject. It means that instead of seeking a friend's opinion about a subject, you search the Bible to see what it has to say. Also, I live what no body had to say about biblical counseling. I agree with him.

    1. Abrushing1968 profile image82
      Abrushing1968posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Good stuff. thanks for adding you thoughts to mine. Am grateful.

  8. Rina Pinto profile image61
    Rina Pintoposted 12 years ago

    A Biblical Counseling is a God's way to get you to Know His Mind and Heart through mainly His Holy Spirit, which is the Best way and another way is through thorugh God's chosen vessels like the Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists, Preacher. But the exact defination would be : A Radical change being brought about within one's self with true Repentance of one's sin in him/her. I could write a lot but .. may be a Hub could be written for all to see.

    Nice Question sir,

    1. Abrushing1968 profile image82
      Abrushing1968posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Good points Rina. Where would we be with out the holy spirit and God's people.

  9. musicmanayw13 profile image61
    musicmanayw13posted 12 years ago

    In short, biblical counseling it taking the scripture and applying and meshing it with psychological studies.  Whereas a secular psychologist will use book methods of counseling, ie, Sigmund Freud & Kurt Lewin, biblical counseling applies these diagnostics along with scripture.  For a christian, or someone who believes in God, it can be a tool that allows familiarity to help cope with psychological needs.  What many do not know, and only with intense study will you find, there are many psychological cases throughout scripture that upon examination, you will find relate to us today.  God knew we would be in need of a variety of helps; thus, through the Word, we can find the answers to all of our problems; we just have to accept and believe in it.

    1. DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image64
      DeBorrah K. Ogansposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Biblical   Counseling is when we utilize Biblical Principles from the Word of God to correct any faulty behavior.   God the Father is our Creator and The Bible is our Life Manual!   God knows what is best for us.  The Bible contains a plethora of exa

    2. Abrushing1968 profile image82
      Abrushing1968posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Musicmanayw13 I get worried when we try to mesh the wisdom of men with the wisdom of man. Christian psychology often compromise God's word. I am not trying to establish that all Christian Psychology is wrong and I think you made some excellent points

    3. MrMaranatha profile image71
      MrMaranathaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The question was specifically "What is Biblical Counseling?" Not... "What is (so called) Christian counseling?"  "Christian Counseling" by today's standards has truly been blended with mans opinions and has strayed far away from What God has Said.

  10. DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image64
    DeBorrah K. Ogansposted 12 years ago

    Biblical   Counseling is when we utilize Biblical Principles from the Word of God to correct any faulty behavior.   God the Father is our Creator and The Bible is our Life Manual!   God knows what is best for us.  The Bible contains a plethora of examples to help us.  When  needed wise counsel  is readily available  within His Word to help us get back on track!  One can discover   how to conquer fear, anxiety, go through grief,  overcome obstacles, build a better marriage,  deal with difficult relationships, advice for raising godly children as well as  find a wealth of encouragement… The potential is endless.

    For example!  When we purchase an automobile it comes with an owner’s manual  that contains many options that  will help you to maximize the potential  use of your  automobile.  How to maintain and keep it running efficiently.  What to do when it needs servicing etc.   God  has created each of us for a purpose.  The Bible contains the necessary information to help us  maximize our potential!   

    The Biblical Counselor  is aware that God always allows us the freedom of choice and makes the counselee aware of the consequences of their choices... Although  educated on psychological  theories etc  as well,  it should always be  the  principles within the  Bible   that  are the  true “Biblical  Counselor’s”  foundation for wise counsel that supersedes anything else!

    1. Abrushing1968 profile image82
      Abrushing1968posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      DeBorrah, at the moment I am so torn between your answer and Mr.marathon's for best answer.  Thank you for taking the time to chime in.

  11. Precious Pearl profile image76
    Precious Pearlposted 12 years ago

    Biblical counseling is counseling that utilizes a foundation of the Scriptures with the balance of wisdom and knowledge in helping someone that is going through a crisis either of the spirit, mind, emotions or body.  Most of the time, those who seek out Biblical counsel are those that believe in the basic principles of the Bible and that those principles will help them to be healed of wounds from the past or present.

    1. Abrushing1968 profile image82
      Abrushing1968posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Precious Pearl healing the wounds of the past and present. Indeed. thanks for sharing


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