What is the best advice you have for keeping a marriage or relationship strong?

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  1. midget38 profile image85
    midget38posted 11 years ago

    What is the best advice you have for keeping a marriage or relationship strong?

  2. ii3rittles profile image81
    ii3rittlesposted 11 years ago

    Be honest even if it hurts. Trust and earn trust and continue to each day.Be open. Avoid judging words and harsh criticism. Never go to sleep angry at the person you love. Agree to disagree and find mutual grounds. Give and take and give some more. Relationships are about giving your all to another person expecting nothing but honest love in return.

    1. kalokairi profile image38
      kalokairiposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      i agree with you.

    2. midget38 profile image85
      midget38posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      And I second that!

  3. libby1970 profile image68
    libby1970posted 11 years ago

    Communication is always the key to not only a good marriage but a lasting, loving relationship. Of course, being faithful and in love goes along with communication. However, it takes two. One person communicating while the other is doing their own thing and maybe cheating isn't going to work at all. There has to be giving and receiving. It's something both parties have to work at...things don't fix themselves and they sure don't grow and prosper without two people who really want to be with each other and giving it their all!

    1. midget38 profile image85
      midget38posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Communication helps your other half realize your rationale. It bridges many gaps, indeed.

  4. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    Communication and sex. With both comes a happy marriage. Communication takes care of almost every aspect of a marriage.

    1. ii3rittles profile image81
      ii3rittlesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think most women don't realize how important sex is in marriage.  That's why so many men cheat and so many marriages fail.

    2. midget38 profile image85
      midget38posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So true!

  5. ChristinS profile image37
    ChristinSposted 11 years ago

    Respect each others individuality.  Too often couples become so wrapped up in "us" they forget to be individuals.  Over time, it puts strain on the relationship.  I say value personal time and space for each partner high on the list, so that the individuals feel personally fulfilled.  I think two happy individuals make for a happier couple.

    1. midget38 profile image85
      midget38posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. No matter what it is, we are all different; each with our unique strengths. We've to respect that, ESPECIALLY in marriage.

  6. zsobig profile image81
    zsobigposted 11 years ago

    Honesty and communication.
    My parents just celebrated their 30th anniversary and eversince I was a kid I saw that these are the most important values. They only quarrelled during these years when my father 'forgot' to tell my mom he is buying a new car big_smile. He bought 3 altogether smile.

    1. midget38 profile image85
      midget38posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats to your mum and dad!! Wow, you've one super dad for doing that. Shows how much he loves her!

  7. edhan profile image36
    edhanposted 11 years ago


    Most problem is due to lack of communication. If there is something you have in mind, says it out loud instead of presuming the other party to know the hint. It can be tiring for one party to keep hinting and the other party guessing. So, it is always best to say it out loud so there is no misunderstanding.

    That is how my wife and I have been doing. We voice it out loud and make sure there is no misunderstanding.

    1. midget38 profile image85
      midget38posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. We can never know what another person is thinking, even if he or she is one you know well!

    2. edhan profile image36
      edhanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. Most of the time people tend to take for granted and presume. That is one of the main reason for argument or quarrel. Best solution is to talk about it and clear the air.

  8. fitmom profile image73
    fitmomposted 11 years ago

    Prayer! I think that prayer can help everything. Besides prayer, I think that the key to being married is to keep the romance alive like when you were dating and pursuing each other. I think that many times marriages fail because both people aren't putting an effort into the marriage and let it dissolve.

    1. midget38 profile image85
      midget38posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      A couple that prays together, stays together indeed. Well said, fitmom!

  9. SidKemp profile image86
    SidKempposted 11 years ago

    My marriage is now joyful, after 20 years of deep pain and difficulty. I agree with what is written by others, but what do you do when sex is cut off and communication is cut off, and everything is misunderstood?

    I chose two things: First, respect. No matter what I was feeling, I remained respectful as best I could. Respect is the first ingredient of love.

    Second, I made a commitment, "I will make sure my wife knows I love her each and every day." Not just "I will tell her I love her," But "I will make sure she knows it."

    10,000 days later, things really turned around. The joy now is beyond measure!

  10. connorj profile image68
    connorjposted 11 years ago


    This would be termed another most difficult and controversial question to address (indeed). However here lies my opinion (this was not my opinion when I first married), both parties should begin by understanding that there are different types of marriages. My answer is significantly focused on the one I know a "wee-bit" about; that would be a Christian marriage/unity. You "see" the Christian idea of marriage would be based on Christ's words that a man and wife are to be regarded as a single organism (one flesh). I believe the inventor of the human biped machine was informing us that its 2 halves, the female and male were made to be combined together in pairs (not three-somes or four-somes or 2 of a kind) and not just on a sexual level but completely combined.
    Now to get to the question at hand;
    (1) Utilize the Sacraments if at all possible. They were given to us to assist us. They do indeed work...
    (2) Do not fall into the trap that you will be in love all of your years together. Let me repeat this, do not fall into the trap that you will be in love for all of your years together. Now here is the rub, ceasing to be in love does not mean ceasing to love. I believe this love in this second sense/level; that is love as distinct from being in love is not just a feeling. It is a significantly deeper unity maintained by your will and strengthened by habit. It is indeed significantly reinforced by grace made available by God for those couples who ask.
    (3) Love (in this 2nd sense) provides for those inevitable times when you dislike your spouse; as in the same sense (this is the significant point) when you still love yourself even when you indeed dislike yourself or actions. I will end with this slight modification of a statement by Clives; "It is indeed on this higher love that the engine of marriage is run; being in love was the ignition/explosion."

  11. hi friend profile image60
    hi friendposted 11 years ago

    Hold all family values and be a trustworthy to your partner and also lovable.

    1. shivanchirakkal10 profile image55
      shivanchirakkal10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      you are correct.family values  and trust each other is 'must' to lead healthy family life.

  12. mathira profile image78
    mathiraposted 11 years ago

    Do not have too much of expectations as you feel let down when your expectations are not met and also do not take your spouse for granted.

  13. stricktlydating profile image84
    stricktlydatingposted 11 years ago

    My best advice would be not to take the other person for granted.

  14. shivanchirakkal10 profile image55
    shivanchirakkal10posted 11 years ago

    Being a married person who is successfully enjoying 32 years of marriage life, I can honestly say that take care of the partner is the prime important. Give love and care to your husband/wife.Understand each other.Communicate and talk every thing under the sun.Tell your views and admit  your partner's view. Maid for each other, that must be your thinking. Where ever you,how busy you, does not matter, don't forget to call your better half. Keep an evergreen love..be youth..be younger and be  honey moon couple.
    Elders - your father and mother, brothers,sisters and relatives are all the strong links of your life.Keep good relation with them.Visit them, talk, them are very important.
    A baby to you ...hi ..it will make your home 'Heaven'.
    Children are the blessing. They lead you in another part of life.
    In my view life is a gift. Men and woman is another gift. Enjoy it. Today never come again.
    If some of your wishes hurt the other,don't wait sacrifice it for the other.
    Possibly no argument, no quarrel. If so end it at the earliest, and smile to the other and give a kiss and embrace.
    My wife is here with me,she is looking my writings,she is telling me to inform you that her nice cooking also a' secret' of our strong marriage life. It is 100% correct.

  15. JasonLicerioPH profile image73
    JasonLicerioPHposted 11 years ago

    Try something new all the time (like going to places you've never been to). Do something often that you enjoy to do (like eating at your favorite restaurant every weekend).

  16. penlady profile image60
    penladyposted 11 years ago

    Never stop communicating. I think once communication breaks down, then you're headed for trouble. This is because you'll start holding your emotions in - until you're mad enough to express it. This can lead to even bigger problems.

    Also, you must include God in your relationship. Despite it being 2012, we still need Him in everything we do, including loving someone else.

  17. KK Trainor profile image59
    KK Trainorposted 11 years ago

    Don't lie, don't cheat, and always say 'please' and 'thank you'.

  18. greeneryday profile image69
    greenerydayposted 11 years ago

    Keep communication open...sometimes when we get married at certain stage we get caught up in daily routines where what we talk about  many different topics surrounding our life, like children, work, etc, but our relationships with our spouse is forgotten... so this is where the bored...come from... we need to spare a quality time as a couple and talk about how to strengthen the weaker emotional tight between you and your spouse, how to light up the romance again... that I think is the keys to strong relationship... keeping the romance alive is one of them....

  19. suk91 profile image63
    suk91posted 11 years ago

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