What do you gobble or nibble as a "Midnight Snack?" It's time for bed, but you'r

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  1. fpherj48 profile image61
    fpherj48posted 6 years ago

    What do you gobble or nibble as a "Midnight Snack?" It's time for bed, but you're HUNGRY!

    We've all been told it's just not wise to eat before bed. Bummer! We can't stop the desire for something to eat!  What do you eat just before bed (or maybe in the middle of the night??) Tell the truth!!  LOL


  2. shanmarie profile image69
    shanmarieposted 6 years ago

    If it's bedtime or middle of the night and I am THAT hungry I am also too tired to prepare much or to cook. I eat whatever is most convenient, whatever that may be at the time. A snack out of a box...gasp...So bad for me. Crackers. Veggies.....now there's a good choice. Or when I was in college, I used to make tomato, cheese, and onion quesadillas. Quick and easy. And weird. But I eat weird things sometimes. My favorite fruit/veggie snack is a tomato or cherry tomatoes. Mmmmmm....now I want a salad!

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Eating late at night is not a good idea...no sense trying to make it healthy! Just grab a snack in a box or bag and double the damage! Ho-Ho's, twinkies,Lucky Charms (YUK!)challenge yourself not to barf!!

    2. shanmarie profile image69
      shanmarieposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Well...I was thinking more along the lines of cereal...But.... LOL. I don't eat Twinkies. They don't even rot away. Had a teacher leave one out, cut in half, on a shelf for over a year. Never even molded.

    3. MizBejabbers profile image89
      MizBejabbersposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Quesedillas, delicious! When I worked at night, my midnight supper consisted of a small hamburger patty and some steamed mixed veggies, no other snack. I weighed about 105-110 then, but that was BT (before thyroid). I've gained a few lbs. since then.

    4. shanmarie profile image69
      shanmarieposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thyroid isn't an excuse I can use. Been tested for other reasons. I just love pasta & cheese too much. haha. Cutting back though due to health.

  3. gregas profile image81
    gregasposted 6 years ago

    Personally we don't eat anything after 8pm. We have a snack before 8 but nothing after that.

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Oh Greg...What self-control! Nothing after 8pm? But that's when all the fun happens! C'mon, be bad...live a little! Some night after 8, eat all the left-overs in the fridge!LOL. Ignore the rules!

  4. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
    wrenchBiscuitposted 6 years ago


    I fail to understand why people are so against the notion that humans evolved from apes. Except for our advanced mental capabilities, the human is very much like the ape. Anyone who has ever observed the monkeys fondling themselves at the zoo can't help but make the connection.

    I often think of this because one of my favorite midnight snacks is the banana. I always keep bananas on hand. I eat them throughout the day and into the wee hours of the morning. I also enjoy unsalted almonds and pistachios for a midnight snack. Occasionally I'll have something  "evil" like stuffed jalapenos, cheese sticks, pumpkin pie, or cheesecake. But since I ride a bicycle approx. 20 miles every week I keep my weight in check regardless of my diet.

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Gosh Ronnie....That ape looks like a guy I dated in the '60's....but then, in the '60's I guess we all looked like that! Bananas & nuts are good...the evil stuff sounds like the food nightmares are made of!! LOL

    2. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Well, that just goes to show you that some guys have all the luck no matter what they look like. If he was a hippie he most likely didn't have a lot of money either, which makes his popularity even more impressive.

  5. Glenis Rix profile image94
    Glenis Rixposted 6 years ago

    My guilty pleasure is cheese - but I'm aware that there is a difference between hunger and appetite..  I ought to  try to follow the example of the previous commentator.

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      U must have grown up in the same era I did~being told ALL PLEASURE will cause guilt!Psst~we were lied to!There's a difference between hunger & appetite??Wow,I'm in big trouble! Don't follow Ronnie!Look at him! He's all hairy!!

  6. tsmog profile image84
    tsmogposted 6 years ago

    I keep about 3 selections of chips around. Cheese doodles is a favorite, bar-b-q Fritos, and pretzel sticks. Funny . . . I also like them because they are fun to eat. I'm good with a little more than a handful. I always have a large canister of trail nut mix. The one I have now is cashews, almonds, and cranberry.

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      MMMMM Cheese Doodles!  OK! But soooo messy.  Can't eat those in bed!! I love the skinny pretzel sticks!  All that salt, Tim! We're bad. :)LOL

    2. tsmog profile image84
      tsmogposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      And, you have to wash your hands if cheese doodles is a favorite. I have friends in Europe that cheese doodles is a favorite go to snack.

  7. Ericdierker profile image45
    Ericdierkerposted 6 years ago

    With cancer my children cleaned out my kitchen. And I have bad munchies at night. Cherries, Blackberries, Blueberries and Apple and Mango. I am so boring. My youngest daughter told me if I eat my organic sherbet in the carton instead of in a bowl I was bound for disaster.
    Why not chocolate fudge ice cream with root beer as a black cow. or is that to old for people to remember - A&W

    1. gregas profile image81
      gregasposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I miss root beer float in a nice frosty mug.

    2. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Ice cream...that's a popular snack! I'm older than you Eric, but I'm afraid I don't remember "Black cow."..Do you ask your wife to MOOOOOve over?? LOL

  8. annart profile image82
    annartposted 6 years ago

    I don't often get up feeling hungry but if I had the grandchildren here it would be midnight feast with crisps, chocolate and some kind of crunchy cereal!  It's such fun and gives me lots of brownie points!
    What a great question, Paula!

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Ann, glad you liked my question.I searched as long as I could to see if it's ever been asked.Probably, but I didn't find it! What fun to have the grandkids sleep over! We get to be kids too!! smile Peace, Grandma!

  9. Austinstar profile image85
    Austinstarposted 6 years ago

    I found these vegan cookies that are high fiber, hight protein, low sugar, no eggs, no dairy, no GMOs, no artificial ingredients, etc. AND they actually taste good!
    I have a big one for breakfast, and a half one for 10pm snack.
    No hunger after that, and they have even helped my blood sugar to be normal again. I have cut my insulin doses down to a quarter or less than I used to have to take.
    My favorite is the chocolate chip coconut cookie! Absolutely delicious.
    They are called Lenny and Larry's Complete Cookie and you can order them online. Do a google search.
    These are the most fabulous meal replacement food I have ever had.

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Hey Lela, thanks for the awesome info on a great cookie! I never met a cookie I didn't love. Something "healthy" that also tastes good! Now that's a premium find, my friend! Chomp away! smile....Mmmmmm Yum!

  10. bravewarrior profile image86
    bravewarriorposted 6 years ago

    I'm a lazy snacker, especially late at night. I'll either have a piece of 21-grain bread with peanut butter and honey on it, or Duke's mayonnaise. If I'm feeling particularly lazy, I'll grab a couple of slices of Swiss cheese and head back to bed. And yes, I eat it in bed!

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      When my dang DOG wakes me up to go out at 3 a.m...it's HIS fault!! While he's outside, of course I'm gonna stick my head in the fridge. I grab whatever I grab, half asleep! Swiss cheese sound OK with me, GF!!

  11. The0NatureBoy profile image56
    The0NatureBoyposted 6 years ago

    What I prefer as a late night snack is fresh seasonal fruit or nuts that doesn't cause one to feel tired when they wake up in the morning. Eating an unprocessed single food type doesn't work the body hard in digesting it so although asleep the body gets the rest it needs in a short time.

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Elijah, You put a lot of sensible thought into your snacks! Is this why you call yourself the Nature boy?? Sounds like you're all about "healthy!"  Nothing wrong with that!! Here's to fresh fruit!

    2. MizBejabbers profile image89
      MizBejabbersposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      That sounds scrumptious, Elijah. I wish I could eat those. I have a variety of food allergies, mainly fruits and vegetables, and have to be very careful of them. I love bananas, but I've mostly given them up because of the reaction.

    3. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, fpherj48, I was named NatureBoy by others for living close to ecology, my teacher, is why.
      MizBejabbers, Grow your own organic foods and most allergies will dissipate, allergies are not usually to food but chemicals and GMOs.

    4. MizBejabbers profile image89
      MizBejabbersposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      That's a fallacy perpetuated by health food nuts, Elijah. I wish it were true. Our family are genetically predisposed to allergies to dairy, glutens, chlorophyl, etc. Even organic fruits and veggies can make us very ill. Thank god for peanut butter.

    5. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      MizB, You're an exception. As a walking nomad and eating fresh from its growing and drinking water I saw other animals drank from revealed fresh eating and groundwater drinking is healthiest. Look within, there's an alternative to be found.

  12. MizBejabbers profile image89
    MizBejabbersposted 6 years ago

    People who take nightly medication frequently have to take it with food. I have to take medication at bedtime so I snack without guilt. My nightly snack is peanut butter on gluten-free multigrain bread. I love peanut butter and I used to eat a full-sized peanut butter sandwich, sometimes with a little honey or red plum jelly on it, but gluten-free bread is heavier than wheat bread so I make it open-faced. Sometimes I substitute a chocolate almond butter for variety, but it is sugary and probably higher calorie.

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      MzB...There ya go! Another rational excuse to eat...medication with food! Thanks, I'll add that to my collection. So far I have over a dozen legitimate excuses to eat when we really shouldn't! LOL! Hey, we've earned the right....right?

    2. MizBejabbers profile image89
      MizBejabbersposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Paula, at our ages, WTH? Why not!

    3. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      My sentiments precisely!! It's time to go for the gusto....and the extra piece of chocolate cream pie!!  smile

  13. Genna East profile image82
    Genna Eastposted 6 years ago

    Hi Paula.  I used to snack at late hours, but no longer.  If I feel the urge, I have a few pieces of melon.  It saves on weight gain...I know because I had to learn the hard way, my friend.  Happy 4th!

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Genna...Hmmm learning the hard way, huh? I hear you loud & clear. Get back to me immediately if you ever discover how we can learn the E-Z way! I've been waiting my whole life for that!! LOL...Melon sounds good to me!

  14. Guru-C profile image76
    Guru-Cposted 6 years ago

    That's when I'm the hungriest, so I get it! I asked my doctor the same question. Although I was hoping she would say, "have a hunk of cheese," her response was much more calorie-friendly. She told me that the best choice would be to have a half cup of berries whether strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or blackberries. I love berries, and sometimes they hit the spot being high in fiber and water content and low in sugar. But she gave me another option which can be a lot more filling: a half cup of plain, Greek yogurt. Either of those choices is likely to calm the hunger pangs without upsetting my tummy in the middle of the night. I hope it works for you!

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Guru....I did reply to your comment, but it's up above.  Oops!  I can't even think straight when I'm hungry! LOL  You'll see it. I have a habit of addressing the person I'm responding to.

  15. fpherj48 profile image61
    fpherj48posted 6 years ago

    Guru....Thanks about a HALF CUP to your Dr!! What are we suppose to do with a half cup of anything?? Pour it in our ear?  Sure, the berries are a good idea...as long as we can mix them in the pancake batter!!!  LOL.  Good luck with the Yogurt! My hunger pangs just got worse!!  LOL smile

  16. jrk1121 profile image52
    jrk1121posted 6 years ago

    Cereal is my favorite bedtime snack. A bowl of cocoa pebbles, Golden Grahams or smacks and I am right back to bed

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Cereal seems to be the easiest and I know it's what a lot of people will make for a quick snack. It's a good choice too because "milk" is allegedly helpful to sleep. Thanks for your answer.

  17. NonyeOnyekwe profile image40
    NonyeOnyekweposted 6 years ago

    It just a habit formed and i feel the sneaky aspect of waking up in the middle of the night to snack on something excites the craving the more.

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Nonye....I think you're onto something! It is habitual to feel hunger when we open our eyes after sleeping a while....whether it's time to start our day or go back to sleep!  Thanks. smile

  18. profile image0
    savvydatingposted 6 years ago

    Most times, I talk to myself into eating a mandarin orange or some yogurt. Surprisingly, the mandarins do the job pretty well. But if I'm really, really hungry, I'll have a slice of bread with butter and jam, or even some cold chicken if I have any in the fridge. I've chosen not to buy a microwave, so that saves me from warming up leftovers from dinner & stuffing myself senseless. (Although that's not why I don't have a microwave or a toaster.)
    This is a fun question, Paula, but my answer is kinda boring. I almost didn't answer for that reason. Lol.

    1. shanmarie profile image69
      shanmarieposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I don't have a microwave either, but I can say that some leftovers taste better cold! LOL

    2. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, like pizza and definitely, cold chicken,  though I almost never buy pizza, even though I enjoy it now and then. BTW, glad to hear I'm not the only microwave-less person around. wink

    3. shanmarie profile image69
      shanmarieposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, I totally agree that it is a good method for eating better.Although that isn't my reason for not having one either. Mmmmm....now I want a cold margherita pizza. I can taste it, but I don't have one. LOL

    4. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Hahaha! I hear you. Cold pizza is basically impossible to resist, no matter the time of day or night!

    5. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      savy D. Not boring at all !!!  I love your commentary, as it is always so uplifting.

    6. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      sounds like there's a late night snack party going on here!  I'm wondering if there's a person anywhere who did not survive through college on cold pizza!

  19. Shyron E Shenko profile image69
    Shyron E Shenkoposted 6 years ago

    Paula, I love nuts, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, corn nuts, beer nuts and pecans.  Mostly it is roasted unsalted almonds. 
    Corn nuts, Chipper can hear when I open the bag and he comes running begging for them.
    Beer nuts, made me sick last time I had them, or maybe I just ate to many.
    These are my snacks if I snack at all.

    Blessings always

    1. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I general recommend all nuts be raw, cooked vegetation & nuts don't digest preventing the nutrients from being ingested. Anymore I suggest all our foods be "fresh picked" raw for better digesting, no dairy or flesh maybe eggs for ecological livin

    2. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I love nuts too, Shy, always have. Can't say I like them unsalted, even though I know they're healthier! Certain things I simply can't eat w/o salt...like eggs, for instance.My favorite nuts are walnuts, pecans & hazelnuts! Great snack.

  20. RJ Schwartz profile image88
    RJ Schwartzposted 6 years ago

    I'm usually up very late and I eat...a lot...but luckily have a high metabolism.  My weakness is chips; the weirder flavors like vinegar and dill pickle.  Also nuts of all kind, granola bars, tons of raw produce, hummus, rice crackers, and anything left over from dinner.

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      It's just not fair that some people can eat & eat anything they like and remain so slender!  LOL  One of my sons is that way & his metabolism sure wasn't inherited from me!  I like rice crackers smothered in peanut butter!

    2. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      fpherj, that's why doctors must seek a better understanding of what and how to treat individuals, a "silver bullet" approach doesn't work. If we were living ecologically we would not need medicine we would be led to what the body need instinctively.

  21. Arleen Roja profile image70
    Arleen Rojaposted 6 years ago

    I'm working from home and I work until midnight haha I always have my coffee with biscuits or sometimes donuts.

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Arleen....Bless your heart!  A hungry working Mom can eat anything she chooses!  Working until Midnight to support your children entitles you to any delicious snack, including a big slice of chocolate cake or apple pie....with ice cream!!

    2. Arleen Roja profile image70
      Arleen Rojaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      aww! That is so sweet of you Paula. Don't worry, I'll surely treat my self with a slice of chocolate cake haha Have a great day!

  22. wba108@yahoo.com profile image77
    wba108@yahoo.composted 6 years ago

    I feast at night. I try to minimize the damage to drinking organic protein shakes, fruits,  vegetables, green pie crisps and almonds.

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      wba...You certainly aren't doing any damage with all those healthy snacks!  In fact, you're probably improving your overall health.  Keep snacking!!  & sleep well.  smile

    2. wba108@yahoo.com profile image77
      wba108@yahoo.composted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, though sometimes I eat sweets also.

    3. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Life is short!  Have 2......they're small!  smile  We shouldn't be mean to ourselves. Sweets are a real treat!

  23. profile image0
    Susan SJposted 6 years ago

    I try hard to not eat before I go to sleep, but sometimes I fail. I Minh on fruits and even chocolates sometimes. Can't help it :p

    1. fpherj48 profile image61
      fpherj48posted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Susan...Find me a person who can say, "NO," to chocolate....and I'll show you a very sad, sad person!!  LOL  Smiles are made of chocolate.. smile


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