by Venkatachari M 7 years ago
Who other received this kind of accolade?I received this nice accolade today from HP.Hi Venkatachari M,You have hit a pretty impressive milestone—you have made 1,000 Forum Posts!Fun fact: The gambling community (especially in the United States) frequently refers to denominations of $1000 as...
by KRC 12 years ago
I just hit my 4th Anniversary ($ anniversary in the title....LOL) with Hubpages and will hit the 2 Million Pageviews mark before the end of the month. I hit 1 Million Pageviews just over a year ago (9/23/11). To all of you newbies, hang in there. Learn all you can,...
by Venkatachari M 9 years ago
Got "One Year completion on HubPages"Accolade just now!!!I am credited for being on hubpages since one year and with one fun factor that I should gift myself by contributing to any lovely magazine or purchase a book of my interest.But I think my real gift is the love of the hubbers that I...
by KRC 15 years ago
10/5/2008 Published 1st Hub 11/11/2008 Hit 1,000 pageviews 4/3/2009 Hit 10,000 pageviews 6/6/2009 Hit 20,000 pageviews 7/6/2009 Hit 30,000 pageviews 7/28/2009 Hit 40,000 pageviews 8/16/2009 Hit 50,000 pageviews...
by VerityPrice 9 years ago
Hi, I hit 1000 combined views on my hubs yesterday (I'm super excited) but I haven't yet got the accolade on my profile for it yet. I was wondering if it just takes a couple of days to confirm, or if you have to get 1000 views on a single hub to get the accolade. Thanks in advance for clearing up...
by rancidTaste 15 years ago
It's amazing!! It's the dream. I can't believe. But when I saw I amazed. I just opened my hubpages and I saw its 1033 page view by 1 day. This is the first time in my I feel very happy . This was my target before the hubcompetition ends. But I see, it really gives me that...