Brutality at its Peak in Gaza

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  1. Moondot1822 profile image94
    Moondot1822posted 6 months ago

    According to the report released by the United Nations, 2,985 children died in the world in 2022. In Gaza, 3,324 children have been killed since October 7, while 36 have died in the West Bank. … e-2019-ngo
    No amount of condemnation can repair this damage.
    "People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel."
                                     Fyodor Dostoyevsky

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      The only war at Gaza level of total insanity. Is from my studies and being at the war zone sites in Iraq, A million of woman and children gone and nuclear continuous damage and disease . And US military administration said it was worth it.

      From what I can gather 15 Israelis children have been killed. For Gaza bombing has no discrimination on who ever they kill, Hamas living deeply under grounds hardly gets hit at all.
      In a short time GAza  destruction is faster rate than Iraq. With of grave violations against children war deaths
      Also  maiming of children. .Recruitment or use of children in armed forces and armed groups. Attacks on schools or hospitals.Abduction of children. .Denial of humanitarian access for children.
      About 29 journalists have been kill. More than combined who is missing and injured. They are exspeacilly targeting because of their successful coverage worldwide like no other time. With total black out and no electricity, can't imagine how they are doing it.  If Israel keeps bombing they will kill their own hostages, which probably they have already done.

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
        Miebakagh57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

        Castlepaloma, war, is now an insanity. As you can see, I couldn't be directly at the war zone or war front, as I've retired. Too tire of war since I came to this world.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

          Closest I've come to war is supervisor of a special tactic security. Involved in some most dangerous and damaging riots and picket cross line in Canadain history. I'm like the bullet proof monk. I can't imagine how horrible and dangerous those Nigeria wars would be.

          1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
            Miebakagh57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

            In any Nigerian war, the fighters tried to get a human head to drink their beer, into stupor.                                         If they saw a white fela, both sides of the divide become as one, as a special and rare prey is around!                                             As at now, there's a vacant post of  Special Security Director. Thank you.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

              Oh gosh, Have to think twice before drinking a Canada beer .

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
                Miebakagh57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                Holy me, beer is not my friend. I mostly drnk water and tea.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this


                  Lots of alcoholism and cigarettes is worst drug of all.

                  Don't mind a buzz occasionally, body and mind can recover.

      2. Moondot1822 profile image94
        Moondot1822posted 6 months agoin reply to this

        There is an Urdu saying, "Why is my dog a dog and your dog is Tomy?" They don't say a word of sympathy for the children of Gaza. They do talk about the killing and rape of women in Israel. But they don't listen to the mother of Gaza, who is holding a piece of her child's head in her hands.
        And there is no chance of finding the rest of his body.They don't even see the mother in front of whom her child's head split open and his brain was out on the ground. 
        And the racists are saying, "If you spill a drop of our blood, we will spill a gallon of yours."
        Now if they call someone a racist and an extremist, then their hypocrisy is on another level.

    2. Khanmaria12 profile image42
      Khanmaria12posted 6 months agoin reply to this

      So sad. The world is silent on this issue

      1. Moondot1822 profile image94
        Moondot1822posted 6 months agoin reply to this

        The world is not silent, Maria. People are protesting. What else can they do?

        1. Khanmaria12 profile image42
          Khanmaria12posted 6 months agoin reply to this

          Yes, people are protesting n they can't do anything else. Countries who are in power not helping I mean

          1. Moondot1822 profile image94
            Moondot1822posted 6 months agoin reply to this

            Yes, I understand what you say. May Allah bless you.

          2. Castlepaloma profile image75
            Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

            People from all sides are rethinking.

            Like the Jewish women, who was raised Zionist and is pro Palestinian

   … l/?app=fbl

            1. Khanmaria12 profile image42
              Khanmaria12posted 6 months agoin reply to this

              She is brave lady. Respect

            2. Moondot1822 profile image94
              Moondot1822posted 6 months agoin reply to this

              This is what no one is answering. Where were Israel's protectors when Hamas was targeting the civilians? 
              They have only one stance to support their ideology "Israel is always being provoked."
              What if we say Hamas has been provoked for the past few decades? 
              What if Hamas started to target the schools and hospitals of Israel?

              1. Khanmaria12 profile image42
                Khanmaria12posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                Yesterday, Israel attacked refugee camps too and hundreds of Palestinians died sad

                1. Moondot1822 profile image94
                  Moondot1822posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  Yes, Maria. They did it.
                  But see they still have an explanation.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    It's simply against international law to kill indiscriminately anyone around the area.

                    It like authorities taking your mother at gun point.hostage. It's like if you don't allow authorities to kill you immensely without judge or jury,. Then they kill your mother and your whole family and community, just because they can. This is ultimately tyrants idealogy, just call it genocide. World authorities like UN , WHO  US are not doing their duties of assumed humanitarian. And the Zionist who control Hollywood and American media brainwash the narrative. Only hope is independent media which has a larger audience and more trustworthy. And the collective consciousness of the majority of the human race.. We can take down the one in a million mad greedy snakes who never stop thinking of ways to kill us.

              2. Castlepaloma profile image75
                Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                Imagine that, half the children who were murdered by Israelis in Gaza were trained terrorist and deserve to die like Hamas.  It's genocide, ethnic cleansing and illegal apartheid to the highest degree in modern human history.

                An honest person doesn't mind anyone asking them questions. When you ask many Zionist or many Americans a direct war or murder questions, They answer with another question or hide secrets and flaws. Because likely they are liars and cheats. Unable to answer honestly .

          3. Sharlee01 profile image85
            Sharlee01posted 6 months agoin reply to this

            I think aid is being sent from many countries. The problem was that Eygipt would not let the aid pass. As of yesterday, it appears they are letting some trucks in. 

            It does appear not that any Nations are willing to get involved with this newest conflict.  One can only guess why.

            It may be that Nations just don't want to become involved in a war that terrorists started. Perhaps the Middle East has become tired of terrorists drawing their countries into wars. They may be feeling it's time to rid the Middle East of these wars.

            1. Moondot1822 profile image94
              Moondot1822posted 6 months agoin reply to this

              Isn't it a joke of the century that any nation is not willing to get involved in this newest conflict? How would it feel if I walked into someone's house and said, Let me slap and punch you, and then I'd put ointment on your wounds?

        2. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

          The people collective consciousness are the true leaders of the world, they are being heard loud around the world right now.

          The people have been the true leaders throughout the human history. Love is stronger and conquer all , even greater than fear and evil. No stronger love than Man, Women and child institutions, keep the faith Moondot.

          1. Moondot1822 profile image94
            Moondot1822posted 6 months agoin reply to this

            Castlepaloma, did you watch this video?
   … GCvgQogH5s
            Tell me honestly: What must be going on inside the mind of this child? The fire of revenge must be burning inside him. Will he forget how his parents and siblings were killed?
            Let's dare to call a spade a spade. Many incidents determine the direction of your life. And the causes of these incidents affect this direction.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

              There are a continuous victimhood on both sides of the story. The death of the wisdom of child parents and their ultimate loves. Will haunt some for the boy for the rest of his life.The rest of his family of the boy's and villages will have to raise him. What ever didn't kill the boy, makes him stronger, Do not keep deep morning, longer than a year or suffer too much rather than living

              Victim two is worst for something inside of his soul of the murderer dies. This greatest mental illness causing him more suffering by three folds greater pain and haunting, to the highest rate of suicide and homelessness we see our war veterans living on the streets. Cutting their lives in half. Call it God or nature their punishment within is greater.

              If someone kills my daughter, my first reaction is to kill him back. That would make me a hypocrite. What I  can do for humanity and self. Is to put him in a cage for life and have him work for every once of freedom he could possibly get. To pay back a tiny fraction back to society and my lost.
              That is only best I can do for humanity and self. Because killing has not ever stopped killing by killing. The suffering only increases for all. I can only be a better person by being an example. As I cannot imagine in hindsight, on not running out of ideas to kill someone. Or something dies within my soul and humanitarian soul. What is in every religion rule?, thou shall not kill. Unless your going to eat it. Even most animal pretadors don't like the taste of humans. Everyone dies , yet not everyone lives.

    3. Readmikenow profile image94
      Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      What has Hamas done to protect its citizens?

      It has hundreds of underground tunnels that would protect people from the bombings.  Hamas only lets its fighters into the tunnels.  They also have been recorded shooting Palestinian families who have tried to flee out of the Egyptian border.

      Egyptians are not permitting Palestinians to evacuate into their country.

      What does this tell you?

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        Why hasn't China gone into major wars for the last 44 years. Because crimes against humanity like US wars and greater homicide within the US doesn't pay anymore, the scam is up.  The Dragon cannot defeat the snake in the grass. Like Hamas using similar war tactics as Vietnam and in Iraq.  A Vietnam small person would pop up out of  nowhere from a small hole and kill a few half stoned US soldier. Escaping by leaving triggered traps bombs behind them. Hamas is the same, they don't want cilivilzian down there. If Israelis soldiers were cunning enough they would set up snipers at every tunnel hole and when ever a Hamas came out to stop Gazans going south. Pick them off. No no  send in the fag filled donut parting Israelis standing around to get pick off by Hamas.  How can Palestinian flee when Every border and every front is attacking Israel? When Israelis is killing 100s of Gazans for every Hamas. That ethic cleansing and genocide, not humanitarian methods. There lots of support by alot of US, UN and Zionist cheering it on by the most inhumane methods known to modern times.

        I remember Canadian border were closed just after 9/11 for a long time.

      2. Moondot1822 profile image94
        Moondot1822posted 6 months agoin reply to this

        I wish I could grab them by the scruff of the neck and ask them why they couldn't protect the lives of little angels.
        Why do they kill innocent civilians?
        I have to tell them that war is fought on the front lines, not underground or by bombing poor civilians.

    4. Ken Burgess profile image77
      Ken Burgessposted 6 months agoin reply to this


      This is part of a greater whole of escalating violence that has been precipitated by the decisions of this Administration.

      This is not the only conflict that is spiraling out of control, there is the escalating conflict with Russia as well. 

      I don't see this Administration having the "Right Stuff" to mend relationships and de-escalate either crisis.  Nor do I believe they want to.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        Yes, administration don't have the right stuff like integrity and the truth.
        I want human rights for Jews , Muslims and Christian.  I don't have problem creating my own peace and  basic human rights,. Some how religious can't decide on one world Religion for a one world God. That leaves my understanding lost in space 

      2. Moondot1822 profile image94
        Moondot1822posted 6 months agoin reply to this

        Your last sentence nailed the whole situation. In the lust for power, precious lives are being lost.
        Whether it is Russia or Israel, the barbarity should stop.
        The administration has failed to find a solution to these crises.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

          Benjamin layed a line of Gazan babies across the ground and said. We have done the world a services.  These babies are ticking time bombs. We have help the world from these babies from destroying the world.

          I can't imagine a more mentally ill monsters than that. Not since the nazis of the second world War. Even more outrageous deranged  is the G7 cheers this madness on.

          1. Readmikenow profile image94
            Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this

            You have an excellent imagination.

          2. Moondot1822 profile image94
            Moondot1822posted 6 months agoin reply to this

            The most irksome thing for me is when America is helping Ukraine against Russia; it is justified. But if someone helps Palestinians, they call it terrorism.

            1. wilderness profile image94
              wildernessposted 6 months agoin reply to this

              *shrug* Hamas DID enter Israel and intentionally (quite intentionally) target no one BUT civilians, Including women, children and infants.  The very definition of a terrorist....if the shoe fits, wear it.

            2. Readmikenow profile image94
              Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this

              They are governed by a terrorist organization that has the destruction of Israel and killing of jews in its founding charter.

              Hamas only attacks soft targets, those who cannot fight back.  It is quite cowardly.

              The world will be a better place when Hamas is gone.

              1. Willowarbor profile image60
                Willowarborposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                The last election in Gaza was in 2006.  So  a very small number of its residents today actually voted in that election. Let's remember that the population in Gaza today is 50% children.  All Palestinians don't have  what's coming to them or deserve genocide because a portion voted for Hamas almost 20 years ago. There has been no election since that time. Folks will have to find another excuse to justify what Israelis  are doing to innocent people. The world is watching the Jews inflict their idea of the final solution on the Palestinians.

                1. Khanmaria12 profile image42
                  Khanmaria12posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  You are right

                2. Readmikenow profile image94
                  Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  "There has been no election since that time."

                  Why not?  Why don't the Palestinians take some the anger and hatred they have for Israel and put it toward Hamas to get a new government?  One that will not attack innocent civilians and start a war that will destroy them.


                  There is not an excuse for what Israel is doing.  There is a reason.  Hamas attacked innocent men, women and children.  They burned and brutalized babies.

                  When you start a war with a superior military force, you shouldn't be surprised at what happens.

                  I believe the world is seeing what Israel has to do to defend itself and its people against a ruthless, lowly terrorist organization who cares nothing about human life.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                    Sharlee01posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    Agree, and well said

                3. Sharlee01 profile image85
                  Sharlee01posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  The Jews have defended themselves against savages that came in to kill Jews in the most atrocious ways.   You are forgetting that fact. Again I point out the Palestinians have supported terrorists for decades, and invited them in to support and fight their decade-old war against the Jews. The time has come for the war to end, and war will cause the death of civilians.

        2. Readmikenow profile image94
          Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this

          I would say that Russia is more like Hamas.  They attacked and killed the innocent women and children of a nation they invaded.  You would be horrified at the stories refugees tell of life when the Russian army took over their village.  It was horrible.

          Russia and Hamas are both guilty of starting a war.

          Israel and Ukraine are the countries that were attacked.

          Russia and Hamas are both paying a huge price for the wars they started.

          1. Moondot1822 profile image94
            Moondot1822posted 6 months agoin reply to this

            What kind of hypocrisy is this? A war is fought on the front lines, not by bombing poor civilians. Are you saying Israel has never attacked Palestinians before? Are you justifying the actions of Israel against poor civilians? What about Israel's attack on people who were trying to move towards the south? Have you seen the bodies of poor people lying on the road—headless bodies? What about Israel's attack on schools and hospitals?What about Israel's attack on ambulances? Oh, someone might have told them that Hamas is hiding inside the ambulance. They must have left some spies in Gaza. Everyone will pay the price for their actions. 

            1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
              Kathryn L Hillposted 6 months agoin reply to this

              Hamas Terrorists and Russian People are not comparable at all. Hamas is a terrorist group consisting of vicious, cruel, dehumanized psychological wrecks.

              Russians are a civilized people of ancient culture and history. The country's large expanse of land is unfortunately short of water and waterways. "According to a 2017 study in a Russian journal, in 2013, the total water intake of Crimea amounted to 1,553.78 million m³, of which 86.65% came from the North Crimean Canal, 8.78% from local runoff, 4.41% from underground water, and 0.16% from seawater."

              Putin must not allow the country to go down in flames on his watch, as it is a proud majestic country with deep heritage and nationalistic honor. Russia has a lot to loose. Hamas has nothing to loose and the Islamic terrorists are going for the totality of theft.

              Israel is more like Russia, in the final analysis. It is their land and has been since before the birth of Christ. Russia has been Russia for a very long time.

              1. Readmikenow profile image94
                Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                "Russians are a civilized people"

                Their government and military are not civilized at all.

                They have murdered, old men, women, children when they controlled villages.  They raped young girls with reckless abandon.  They've committed mass murders of civilians and then buried them in mass graves.

                Their army are animals.

                "Israel is more like Russia, in the final analysis."

                That is a sick and twisted thought.

            2. Readmikenow profile image94
              Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this

              Hamas started a war. Russia started a war.  Civilians die in war.  Israel was attacked.  Ukraine was invaded. 

              What has Hamas done to protect its own people?

              Nothing.  Their underground tunnels are only for their fighters.  They've attacked their own people trying to leave.  They put weapons and more in the basements of hospitals and schools.  The atrocities committed by Hamas on its own people is horrifying.

              I have seen the bodies of poor people lying in the road in many places all over Ukraine.  This has been happening for almost two years. 

              I would love to have Ukrainian refugees talk here. 

              You have to remember, Hamas created this situation.

              HAMAS is responsible for those deaths.  Should they have not committed such a horrible terrorist attack on Israel, all of those people would be alive today.

            3. Sharlee01 profile image85
              Sharlee01posted 6 months agoin reply to this

              Wars should be fought on the front line. However, Hamas is cowardly and hides among the people. Sneaks in a butchered civilian... These are the facts. The Palestinians should not have voted for terrorists to represent them.

              It is also a fact that Israel has never attacked anyone without being first provoked with a war-like deed.

              Many have seen the videos of the atrocities Hamas committed.

              The facts show Hamas are killers. They have proven this over and over. The people are being used as shields, this is horrible. But it is being done by the people you seem to hope to protect -- Hamas. There is no place on earth for humans that commit such atrocities or those that
              support them.

              Unfortunately, they are using the citizens to hide among, like cowards. Unfortunately, many Palestinians support them. I see them just as guilty.

              1. Willowarbor profile image60
                Willowarborposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                The Palestinians should not have voted for terrorists to represent them.

                The last election held in Gaza was in 2006. There has not been an election since that time. Today the population of Gaza is 50% children, so you do the math and tell me how many supported Hamas almost 20 years ago?  How many of those Palestinian children are just as guilty as you say?
                Also, if you look back at the 2006 election, Hamas narrowly won that election

                What do you think the results of an election in our own country 20 years ago say about the current thoughts of people today? Apply that to Gaza.

                1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                  Sharlee01posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  There is a complex history and ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Perhaps the Palestinians need to be freed from the influence of Hamas, and Israel may well be the force that can help with this. however,  over the years, there have been opportunities for a two-state solution and peaceful coexistence, but these efforts have always failed. The Palestinians have a deep-seated unwillingness to coexist peacefully with Jews. They are unwilling to accept them on the very land they have built.  When one terrorist group is defeated, the Palestinians adopt another. They are warring people. Yes, it is sad, but this is what we have witnessed from them for many decades. They will never change unless they are taken over and Governed closely and hopefully come to realize Israel is not going anywhere.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    After 73 years of 20 to one ratio one killings Palestinians. Refugeeing them several times over. Bulldozing their homes or stealing their home for a zionist to move in. About 73 years of ethics cleaznng,  open air imprisoned, An occupation treating them worst than animals or below a 4th world country heath conditions by our own stanards of homelessness, that's tripled in my area. Maybe our poor are the next Palestinians. Our humanity and standards of healthy living is most judged on how we treat the poorest and sick. I'm shocked how Palestinians still exist and hasn't gone extinct

                    The 94% white supremacist zionist have surpass the 76% white supremacist of the US. Watch in interviews how zionist want to stomp out Palestinians,  the victimhood mentality that was passed down by Nazis.

                    Line up zionist Israelis consciousness with Gazan crushed and blowen up babies in a line of their support and cheers. For this is the most monsteious act possible for humanity.

                    From a person who has actually saved lives in hostage or riot situations and very lucky no body on my watch were harmed.
                    Israelis have to killed 100s of innocent Gazans to get at one hamas soldier. No matter who they elected to be, they still with be called terrorist also. Zionist can't handle the truth and their emotions intelligence.
                    To killed anymore to justify killing is wrong is hypocrisy.

                    Only justify is a swat team to capture murderer alive if possible.
                    The success rate for a hostage negotiator is 94%. The negotiators and techniques key to negotiation success is to build a relationship by creating an emotional connection. After 73 years of disrespect  for Palestinians what possible emotions can be connected.   Why in the world can a superior zionist  intelligence, think that one serious attack equals a greater prison sentence of 73 years or a recent death sentence to innocent lives That soon to be more murders than in the pass Palestinians history of 73 years. It's certainly beyond my understanding, please try an explanations.

                  2. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    Hamas are psychopaths  yet they are not stupid.  To confront 30,000 hamas up to a million Israelis soldiers would be as useless as 30,000 suicide bombers. Nothing is just in war anyway. At least defend yourself best or a person has no right to fight for freedom.

            4. Ken Burgess profile image77
              Ken Burgessposted 6 months agoin reply to this

              One could compare Russia to Palestinians but only in the sense that they are both fighting to maintain their existence.

              The "West" clearly has sought out Russia's demise, they interfered in Georgia elections a couple decades back, forcing Russia to intercede, they interfered in Ukrainian politics aiding in the overthrow of the elected government and installing a pro-western regime in its place.

              The "West" is funding, arming, directing, aiding, etc. etc. this war against Russia, just as it funds BOTH sides of the conflict in Gaza today.

              Russia did not want this war... but Russia was not willing to allow the "West" to take control of Crimea, to force them out of critical military bases, to dictate to them how they could run their country and live their lives.

              The Crimeans wanted nothing to do with remaining part of Ukraine, Ukrainians by an overwhelming majority could have cared less what happened to Crimea.

              This war is because of powerful corporations and warmongering lunatics like Biden (and those in his Administration) that want this war, that think they can defeat Russia and carve it up into 'banana republics' that they can control... use it like they use Iraq, they don't care about the people of that nation or their freedom, they only wanted control of the oil.

              Anyone who doubted that reality (Iraq) twenty years ago and thought America would rebuild that nation into a better one, all you have to do is look at how its doing today.

              BAGHDAD November 05. 2023 (Saba) - Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced in a statement, today, Sunday, that it had targeted the

              American occupation base, “Tel Baidar,” west of the Syrian city of Hasakah, with drones, and had directly hit it.

              Since the beginning of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq has carried out many strikes and attacks on the

              positions of American forces in Iraq and Syria. As a result of its support for the American Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip.

              It also directed several missile salvos and launched marches to destroy the enemy's entity, as part of the resistance axis' involvement

              in the "Al-Aqsa Flood" battle.

              Just an example of many of the issues still ongoing in Iraq today.

              Ukraine is not going to fair any better, because the likes of Biden and those pulling his strings couldn't care less about the Ukrainians, they want control of the oil, gas, and other natural resources Russia has a wealth of.

              1. abwilliams profile image69
                abwilliamsposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                Israel is fighting to continue to exist!

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this


                  The real reason why Benjamin prime murderer wants to eliminate Palestinians off the map

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                    Sharlee01posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    Please watch the video this propaganda was taken from. It is clear what Benjamine was talking about, and it had nothing to do with Gaza at all. he was pointing out what the Abraham accord will bring about in the Middle East, a peace like never before... This clip is from Cspan, it is in full. I suggest you listen to it to get the full context of what was being shared. If you don't want to listen to the entire speech jump in at about 10.0 this is where he was referring to the map, and peace across the land, this is where he used a marker to extenuate the large area that now can enjoy peace... Gaza was in that peace region... It would seem this is an olive branch, not an insult.

           … l-assembly

              2. Readmikenow profile image94
                Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this


                More falsehoods.  I hope people who read your responses know you are a russian sympathizer.   Something you've never denied.

                "Russia did not want this war"

                A blatant lie.  That is why they were annexing parts of Ukraine.  They wanted all of Ukraine.  Russia invading a sovereign nation was an eventuality.

                "The Crimeans wanted nothing to do with remaining part of Ukraine,"

                Another blatant lie.  Should you choose to state truth rather than russian propaganda you would know that Crimea was known as the "autonomous" region.  They were part of Ukraine but had the freedom to govern themselves in many ways.  It worked well.   

                I would love to see you mention an aspect of Ukraine without russian propaganda being your source.

                It's old.

        3. Ken Burgess profile image77
          Ken Burgessposted 6 months agoin reply to this

          Not only have they failed to find a solution, they deliberately and willfully put an end to any such solution being found regarding Russia.  The Biden Administration has a no-negotiation policy, the goal is the overthrow of Putin and the taking of Crimea, nothing less will be accepted so long as Biden is in office, no matter how many die or how badly things escalate.

          It will take a while longer, for information to become clearer, regarding just how badly they are entwined in the escalating crisis in the Middle East. 

          But let me be clear, I KNOW there are those in Biden's Administration and the Pentagon that want war with Iran even more than they want to take down Russia, by a mile. 

          The pressure within those halls to escalate the current crisis with Israel to take out Iran now must be immense.

          1. Readmikenow profile image94
            Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this

            I must correct your inaccuracy.

            "the taking of Crimea"

            It would be the liberation of Crimea.  It was illegally annexed by Russia.  The world community is in agreement with this.  There has been much success recently in the efforts to liberate Crimea.

            1. Ken Burgess profile image77
              Ken Burgessposted 6 months agoin reply to this

              And I keep correcting you... the overwhelming majority of people in Crimea didn't want to be part of Ukraine, they seceded from Ukraine and became part of the Russian Republic, back in 2014.

              The Biden Administration wants the excuse for this war, America pushed the nations of the UN to vote against the secession.

              I do not accept your version of what happened, or how.  The Biden Administration's refusal to negotiate peace, to not support the Minsk Agreement, to continue to fund, arm, and escalate this conflict is why so many hundreds of thousands have died and why the world is teetering toward WWIII.

              This is a war Ukraine CANNOT win, never could.  Unless and until America steps in and fights this war for Ukraine, Ukrainians will continue to suffer and die for the fools like Zelensky and Biden that push for this war to continue.

              And the lies that there has been much success by Ukraine to "free" Crimea have to stop, the Ukrainians are being slaughtered, they have gained no ground that is worth noting, in fact, overall they have lost more total miles of territory the past year than they have taken.

              1. Readmikenow profile image94
                Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                "And the lies that there has been much success by Ukraine to "free" Crimea have to stop, the Ukrainians are being slaughtered, they have gained no ground that is worth noting, in fact, overall they have lost more total miles of territory the past year than they have taken."

                I think the russian propaganda that Crimea wants to remain russian needs to stop.  How many russian citizens were moved into Crimea after the illegall annexation?  It doesn't matter.  The south didn't want to be part of the north, but they lost.  Crimea will be liberated.

                I think if you knew what was happening in the war, you would know that it is the Russians who are being slaughtered,  There were days last month russians lost hundreds of troops in a single day.  russians are moving back and abandoning areas they once thought were there strong hold.  The russian black sea fleet left the area because they were taking such heavy losses.  Every offensive operation the russians have tried this year has been stopped.  They have done some very stupid things.

                Many believe that Ukraine driving russia out of its land it coming closer every day.  Communications between russian commanders and Moscow have been intercepted.  Their troops are exhausted and moral is at an all tie low.  russia's army has been devastated in terms of equipment and personal.

                1. Ken Burgess profile image77
                  Ken Burgessposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  Here is the problem with that.  Ukraine is the South in that correlation.  It is NOT the North.  The North in that example you give is Russia.

                  Russia has 5 times the people, Russia has the industrial base, while Ukraine is the more agrarian base.

                  So yes, it is an apt comparison... but you have the nations switched in their roles.

                  Ukraine is incapable of dictating to Russia, Ukraine would not even be fighting this war still, they would be done, finished, if not for America spending hundreds of billions to keep it going and giving massive amounts of military support.

                  All Ukraine is doing is throwing away lives... unless of course, the plan all along was for America to step in and fight the war, which I have stated consistently I believe is exactly what the Biden Administration intends.

                  Those are not the facts.

                  Ukraine has done nothing worth noting, they have fired off long range rockets and drones and done damage to buildings and ships.  That is why the ships left and people were evacuated, because American and UK long range missile systems were given to Ukraine so they could do indiscriminate damage to Crimea/Russia.

                  Ukraine has kept the war going... but they took nothing of value during their "offensive"  they do not have the forces left to take anything from Russia... all they can do is continue to kill and be killed... nothing more than that.

                  They cannot win, unless America/NATO fights the war for them.

                  1. Readmikenow profile image94
                    Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    "Ukraine has achieved a series of startling victories in and around Crimea, including missile strikes against the Kerch Strait bridge and multiple daring attacks on the Black Sea Fleet itself—with major impacts on the Russians’ ability to operate on the peninsula and in the western Black Sea.

                    In September, the Ukrainians carried out a series of missile strikes against Russian naval assets in Sevastopol, including a landing ship, a submarine, and the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet itself—reportedly while several high-ranking commanders were inside. Some of these strikes were carried out using Storm Shadow cruise missiles recently supplied by Britain and France. The Ukrainians have also ratcheted up their strikes against Russian logistics, repair, and infrastructure hubs on the peninsula with the intent of degrading Russia’s ability to support its fleet. Earlier this month, Kyiv claimed responsibility for two further attacks on the Russian fleet, using a new type of sea drone to strike the Russian cruise missile carrier Buyan and carrying out a sabotage attack on the Pavel Derzhavin, a Russian patrol ship. These strikes came after the Ukrainians had methodically attrited Russian anti-missile defense structures in Crimea over the previous weeks. These successes constitute a major breakthrough for Ukraine. Its strikes against Crimea have now made it all but impossible for the Russian Black Sea Fleet to continue to operate freely in the western Black Sea. The Russian Navy has responded by moving its warships farther east, to the naval base in Novorossiysk, a port city on the Russian mainland.

           … rones-war/

                    Ukraine Draws Breath After Southern Successes

                    Contrary to the prophecies of doom, the Ukrainian counteroffensive can claim important successes. Heavily fortified Russian defensive positions have been overcome and Russian offensive potential in the east has been weakened as it has been forced to divert reinforcements to the south. 

                    By eliminating radars, air defenses, and Russian ships on the western side of Crimea, Ukraine ensured its own that grain ships from Odesa could sail again and expanded its operational options.

                    Ukrainian forces have meanwhile crossed the Dnipro River at two points, northeast of Kherson and west of Nova Kakhovka, to conduct strikes against Russian artillery positions. At present, it is an open question of whether a bridgehead and a new attack vector can emerge from this.

                    The Kremlin’s commanders are conducting this offensive Soviet style, without regard for their own materiel and troops. Entire columns of Russian infantry fighting vehicles, troop carriers, and battle tanks have already perished from Ukrainian artillery fire and minefields as a result. Russian military bloggers and videos from the battlefield suggest enormous losses."

           … successes/

                    Ukraine is NOT losing this war.  russia is NOT winning.

                  2. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    BBC bias,  estimates are over 200,000 killed  About 100,000 Russians and 100,000 Ukrainians.  . Makes no sense by my facts and vast knowledge of wars throughout human History.

                    1. Number of soldiers and guns is the greatest factor in winning wars. Russia wins by 5 times.

                    2. After 28 million refugees left Ukraine. Women, children and other Ukrainen who don't want to join the meat grinder, must by draft.

                    3. They are unmotivated and unskilled even with US and European old encient military equipment

                    4. A war torn country, tortured by no or lack of facilities to substance physical life.

                    5. Ukraine greatly  lacks self substantially economics. Wail Europe and US suffer greatly from economic structures collapse also. Russian new foundation for economics with the BRICS that dominate the oil and gas, cobalt and uranium energy. Equally defensive by sheer out numbers in population and gaining faster in economics. 

                    6. US  to support long distance relationship and shipping war supplies. Plus US fighting more wars than they can handle and becoming rapidly a broke.economics

                  3. CHRIS57 profile image60
                    CHRIS57posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    Ken, i think you are on a wrong track.
                    You cannot compare capabilities and punch of contrahends only by mere size of population. Concerning the industrial backbone capabilities are much more levelled between Ukraine and Russia.

                    Roughly half of Russian GDP is associated to exploiting natural resources. That other half leaves Russia with an industrial potential comparable at levels of Belgium or the Netherlands.
                    On the other hand Ukraine has a much smaller portion of its GDP associated to agricultural and natural resources. Leaves their GDP for comparison purposes at the size of Portugals.
                    Some 500 years ago the powers of Portugal and the Netherlands were at par.

                    While size is a quality of its own, it can be outmatched. True - Ukraine is partially relying on support from the West, but Russia has to reach out to questionable "partners" like North Korea or Iran, Russian industrial base is simply too small to sustain a war like this.

                    Actually, don´t know how this discussion got into the Near East humanitarian crisis discussion.

    5. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this


      Some of my thread posts have been cut out of discussion. That is the way of the west when they can't handle an open honest debate and I don't cowdown to their narrative.  No matter, most of world population can see 4000 children murdered is a genocide. They fear the West is collapsing and the East is gaining. And the billionaires and thrillioaire do not stop thinking of ways to terrorize and kill us. It's possible we all could end up being Palestinians for our beliefs and culture.

      Have faith in love and the children they will prevail

      1. Moondot1822 profile image94
        Moondot1822posted 6 months agoin reply to this

        It is a sad situation, Castlepaloma. I have reported some posts, but those were definitely not yours. If everyone starts accepting each other's ideology, there will be no conflict in this world. I am just curious why people don't accept love. I am a student of the Masters of Political Science, and today I appeared in my final exam, which was International Law and Organizations. I am sorry, but I had nothing good to write. They asked me to write about the role of the UN in global peacekeeping. I was like, what? I became mindless. I could not write an answer full of false arguments. My conscience is still alive. The League of Nations failed because of World War ll. But why couldn't the genocide of the people of Gaza be stopped untill now? So this is the so-called peacekeeping strategy of the UN: members come and sing the song ceasefire, ceasefire, and the next day again, when I open Youtube, videos of mourning Palestinians await me. 

  2. Jodah profile image92
    Jodahposted 6 months ago

    My heart breaks at the atrocity.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      Hi mate, did live in Perth for three months then toured right around Australia in 1974. Loved it , yet probably wouldn't recognize it today since covidism politics you guys got it worse than us in Canada. 

      Among the G20, nine countries (Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Turkey) have recognized Palestine as a state (Indonesia and Saudi Arabia only recognize Palestine) while ten countries (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States) have not.note  Although these countries generally support some form of two-state solution to the conflict. Gaza is more than a conflict, it's a genocide. Sounds like NATO  vs BRICS and 6 new member countries in 2 months

      UK had pro Palestinians protest of a half million, near to attendance of Iraq war.  It's a decision who wants to punch more up or downward more.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        RAFAH CROSSING, Egypt, Nov 1 (Reuters) - At least 320 foreign passport holders and some injured Gazans left the Palestinian enclave through the Rafah crossing into Egypt on Wednesday, the first to benefit from a deal mediated by Qatar, three Egyptian sources and a Palestinian official said.

        Under the deal brokered between Egypt, Israel.  The poor are still trapped.

    2. Moondot1822 profile image94
      Moondot1822posted 6 months agoin reply to this

      Jodah, nice to see you here. My perspective is to save humanity. Anyone who has a heart and emotions is sad. You already have a kind heart; I know that. I can't see children dying. I doubt my fear is developing into a phobia. How can someone be so barbaric towards little children? Children are dependent on us. They find themselves safe when they hold the finger of one of their parents. They love to be loved. I love children, regardless of their religion or race. 

  3. Readmikenow profile image94
    Readmikenowposted 6 months ago

    Excellent debate about the situation in Israel

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      No doubt Ben shaipro is a world class debater and majority of the time, I agree with him on many topics, just not the Israeli debate.And It's an easy to con with the amateurs of the Universities. Like America and European wiping out the greatest genocide in human history. The North America indigenous and by the greatest con.job in human history. Hitler was most  impressed and Nazis continues the mad greed and mass distraction today . The Israelis zionist are not the indigenous, any more than the old western where the Indian stealing white mans land, it was the Zionist cons that made those films. . Native American who learned the hard way, not to ever trust the American Government same for Isreal. . Kill hamas Government and they will come back stronger and meaner.. 

      Ben goes to Universities debates, in which are good amateur debaters,  Hardly an excellent debaters.

      It's like me who has metal 24 times, and won 5 world titles at the world  sandsculpture championship. Then go into an amateur sandsculpture  contest and steal a thousand dollars and learn very little.I respect them and self better than that. .
      A real pro debaters Ken O'Keefe. Now there is, put your money where your mouth is, debater, I bet Ben would be afraid of.

  4. Willowarbor profile image60
    Willowarborposted 6 months ago

    The international community's double standards are evident as they rally for Ukraine's conflict with Russia while turning a blind eye to the enduring suffering of the Palestinian people under Israeli apartheid for decades. The hypocrisy is glaring.  The Jabalia refugee camp in Northern Gaza has been struck multiple times, the cost of this war will be paid in the lives of children who know nothing of what's come before them.  I'm sure everyone has seen the footage of overcrowded hospitals, children with massive injuries being treated on the floor and often without anesthesia because humanitarian aid cannot get through due to the heavy fighting.

    It's getting very tiresome  and ridiculous to continually see that the Israeli governments hand in creating this situation is almost never acknowledged.

    Palestine did not mount an attack on Israel. An Iranian proxy militia did. Palestinians are by and large huddled in their homes, no where to go to escape a war zone, caged in by Israel  praying that an Israeli airstrike won't kill them or theirs.  But they are essentially fish in  a barrel aren't they?

    If any feel they need to respond to this post by regurgitating how evil Hamas is, please refrain.  Yes Hamas is bad and Israel is not 100% without blame here, I know it's a shock for some but both can be true at the same time.

    1. Readmikenow profile image94
      Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      Ukraine has been a free sovereign nation since 1991.

      Unlike Palestinians, Ukrainians have a country and a nation/state for over 1,000 years. Kyiv is older than Moscow by a bunch.

      Unlike Palestinians, the people of Ukraine did not elect a terrorist organization to govern them.  Unlike the Palestinians, Ukraine did not have terrorists attack over a thousand innocent men, women and children and kill them in cold blood.  Unlike the Palestinians, their leaders have taken every step possible to protect its civilians.  Unlike Palestinians, Ukraine does not have it in their charter to destroy a country and all of its citizens.

      I could go on but this is enough. 

      There are NO similarities between Palestinians and Ukraine.

      I believe such a thing is insulting

      There is not now nor has there ever been a Palestinian nation/state.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        In November 1988, the PLO legislature, while in exile, declared the establishment of the "State of Palestine". In the month following, it was quickly recognised by many states, including Egypt and Jordan

  5. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
    Kathryn L Hillposted 6 months ago

    When the cat's away the mice will play.
    There's just no cat.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      Just watch how a cat tortures my poor pet mouse,  like for 73  years mouse years. Then cat eats it,  then blames the mouse that he is the terrorist for 73 years. Than cunningly the pet cat smiles at me.
      Guess what?  I'll replace the cat with a dog, kinder and more family. When we are talking sub human animals.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image78
        Kathryn L Hillposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        Perhaps Israel wants it's land back, pure and simple.
        should Israel have its land back?
        Would Israel or Hamas be murdering each other if Trump had kept his presidency?
        No. He was the cat I was thinking of. A good and wise cat.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

          Americans are closer to being indigenous to North America, lie lie lie . Than the Zionist Israelis are to the Persians Gulf indigenous lie. Zionist born out Russia Marxist in the 1800s  hired as military killers.

          Judaism Grand Centro station 400 arrested for sitting protest :Not in my name;

          The Persian Gulf region produces nearly one third of the world's oil and holds over half of the world's crude oil reserves as well as a significant portion of the world's natural gas reserves. Is the real reason US and Israel military base are there.

          Trump called cats lazy and useful. Many cats across the nation attacked the TV set when Trump came on.

  6. Willowarbor profile image60
    Willowarborposted 6 months ago

    For those who use the fact that Palestinians elected Hamas as a way to justify Israel's actions in Gaza, consider this. The last election was held in 2006. There has not been an election since that time. A small number of those citizens who exist in Gaza today voted in that election. Also remember that 50% of God's population is under age 18.  Most recent polls done by those in the region show that there is little support for Hamas.

    Israel is currently doing what was done to the Jews previously. Gazans essentially being rounded up into one big ghetto in the south, unable to escape their fate.  And as the Israeli forces bomb their way down toward them, do you think they'll stop without
    annihilating the whole group that they've  rounded up?   They are headed toward their own version of the final solution. But what is even more ghastly in this version, is that the whole world is watching it happen.  Justifying it, making excuses for it.

    If one needs to justify The killing of innocent people, one needs to  reconsider their moral compass.

  7. MG Singh profile image68
    MG Singhposted 6 months ago

    I am inclined to agree with you. There is no way Ukraine can win the war. On the contrary, it has fallen into a trap of the Americans and in the bargain has been completely destroyed. I think Zelenskyy is a war criminal for having led his people to disaster. The western Powers led by the USA, are getting a little tired of this war for the simple reason that ground results of the Ukrainian forces are pretty poor and as far as I know they are having a shortage of manpower for the ground forces and women are being drafted to fight the war. This is because almost 25% of the Ukraine population has become stateless and runaway to Europe. The only way this war can end is if the West agrees to demilitarise  Ukraine and allow Russians to have what they already conquered. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but with the battle now hotting up in the Middle East, I don't think Biden has any choice. Even in the Middle East battle Israel and the Americans are going to have a tough time and I am very clear that until and unless Israel eradicates  Hamas completely; the organisation like the Hydra will emerge again and I do not see how the West is going to win..

    1. Willowarbor profile image60
      Willowarborposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      Even if Israel obliterates every single Palestinian in Gaza, there will always be another group to take up the cause. Hamas is not the issue. They will be eradicated but can you see that Hezbollah is already taking up the cause? They are more organized and powerful. It won't just be them either it'll be new militant terrorist groups. Israel can eradicate Hamas but what they've done in the past and what they're doing now keeps anti-semitic feelings flowing.  They were most powerful after they had been attacked by Hamas on October 7th but they're now choosing to go way too far.  Sentiment and support was with them on that day but they are going to find themselves in a far different position after they slaughter an entire population of people.  This is fighting between people who literally share a common heritage.  Both of Semitic origin.

      1. tsmog profile image83
        tsmogposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        Just for info . . .

        Jews and Arabs Descended from Canaanites by Biblical Archeology Society … anaanites/


        Study finds Jews and Arabs share genetic heritage of Bronze Age Canaanites by Jewish News (05/29/20) … anaanites/

  8. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 6 months ago

    Come on now...why wouldn't Israel just wipe them out? Because they can co-exist!!
    Palestinians...under the rule of Hamas, cannot! They brag about wanting to wipe Israel off the map.
    Israel does not; they are much too busy defending themselves, day after day, week after week, month after year, after decade...

  9. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 6 months ago

    Oh but it is black and white. 
    Do you by chance have a Holy Bible, with maps in the back? Maps or not, if you have a bible, you have History, via the Old Testament.

    1. Willowarbor profile image60
      Willowarborposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      It doesn't seem very logical to look at only one side of an issue. Far too many are ignoring the actions of Israel over the last many decades.

      1. abwilliams profile image69
        abwilliamsposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        The fact that they need the iron dome, as an action, to continue to exist?
        Whose illogical?

        1. Willowarbor profile image60
          Willowarborposted 6 months agoin reply to this

          Again, it is not as if Israel has been completely innocent over the years. They've done their share of provoking and to ignore that fact is just a not logical and  is unrealistic. History doesn't support that view.  Innocent civilians are blockaded into Gaza as a war is raging with no escape. For Israel it's like shooting fish in a barrel. I suppose that the air,  land and sea blockade, the open-air prison that Israel has created for Gaza over the last decades is also okay?

          1. abwilliams profile image69
            abwilliamsposted 6 months agoin reply to this

            Oh really? Should we ignore who gives an out and who just just starts shooting? Should we ignore this particular pattern that is followed every single time? Should we ignore that Hamas stops the outs which are given the Palestinians every single time? Should we ignore who has attempted time after time, after time to live in peace...the only ones making concessions, and who interrupts that peace and tramples those concessions....because they don't want peace?!?!

            Dump the Kool-Aid, in case you haven't heard, it's poisonous!

          2. Readmikenow profile image94
            Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this

            "Innocent civilians are blockaded into Gaza"

            Why aren't they able to leave from the Egyptian border?  Egypt won't permit them, but nobody says anything about that.

            "open-air prison "

            How? Before the war thousands of Palestinians would travel to Israel for work on a daily basis.  They use the airports in Israel to travel to destinations around the world. 

            Not a very good prison.

            1. Willowarbor profile image60
              Willowarborposted 6 months agoin reply to this

              LOL Israel sent all those workers, all 3,000 of them back into the war zone
              Absolutely no one here has mentioned the morality of caging people into a border as a war is raging and not allowing them to leave. Literally shooting fish in a barrel.
              The Gazans  do not leave Gaza strip.  And they are certainly not allowed to use the airport in Israel to travel anywhere, that is completely false

            2. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

              Israel has doubled the number of Palestinian prisoners in its jails since October 7 from 5,200 to more than 10,000. This includes 4,000 labourers from Gaza who were working in Israel before they were detained at Israeli military bases.

              Jimmy Carter said its the world largest open air prison. He is more honest than Trump and BIDEN Combined.

              1. Readmikenow profile image94
                Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                I find Al Jazeera a very biased publication when it comes to stories concerning Israel.

  10. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 6 months ago

    Ya'll may have missed an earlier comment of mine.
    My son and his new bride were scheduled to be in Israel for their very good friends' wedding. If the wedding had been a week earlier, they would have been there. They would have attended the music festival, because that's their thing (they met at a music festival).
    Their friends who I, personally, know, are beautiful people, who were involved in my son's wedding.
    They were already in Israel, where they chose to be married.
    Instead of getting married, they were in hiding --- from Hamas, who hunted for them!!
    That is as black and white as it gets!!

    1. Willowarbor profile image60
      Willowarborposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      Yeah Hamas is bad but they don't represent all of the Palestinian people and because Hamas is 100% bad does not make Israel 100% good either. And because Hamas is bad doesn't really seem to be a justification to wipe out the entire population of Gaza or damn near close by the time this is over. Yeah I'm not really for the loss of any innocent life I don't parse it out in good versus bad.  You deserve to die because you have terrorists among you mentality just doesn't sit right with my morality.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        Re-edit willow
        To your point where American didn't want jews in their country is funny .  They are ready to gamble whole world on them now. Make up our minds.

        Couldn't join any group who kills like religions. Unless your going to eat it, by the laws of nature and imagination. Even the biblical laws don't work , like an  eye for an eye creates forever family feuds. Muslims coutries have 5% Christians in their countries and European have 5% Muslims. America has 1% Muslims in their countries. If your going bomb millions Muslims in their countries, except refugees in your christian countries. Don't except to parachutes a whole dominate zionist imperishable nationalist into a Muslims nation and hope they will bow down to their ideological of a God. If US loves zionist so much, why not make a state like Mormons. Since they already give Israeli more funds than any State in the US. Its not their plans. Their plan is like Columbus from the start , pirates, genocide, gold and Christianity. Their plan is to control the Persians Gulf where half of the world's crude oil is and a third of gas and oil. And to fool us batteries will save the planet. Too late BRICS has step in, unless you want a third world War on your hands. Guess on who will win in the long run with that one?
        Religion is a foolish gold tool for the greedy. That doesn't work in my world bubble.

      2. abwilliams profile image69
        abwilliamsposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        Agreed, it makes me sick thinking of how close my son came, simply because of the land he would have been standing on, while visiting.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

          I'm sorry about your son, a wedding is one of most beautiful human connection in the world.  It's why I'm sceptical about Governments and Centroism of any kind. And why I question everything. Man woman and child is tops in my world of ultimate love to be trusted.

      3. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 6 months agoin reply to this

        I find it necessary to express my thoughts at this point, but let's simplify this scenario. Over the past 75 years, various terrorist groups have represented the interests of these individuals, engaging in conflicts on their behalf. Surprisingly, there hasn't been an attempt to disassociate from these violent acts.

        They have persistently troubled Israel through tactics like suicide bombings and launching attacks, with the apparent intent to harm Jewish individuals. In each of these confrontations, Israel emerged victorious and, as a result, claimed the gains of the wars initiated by these groups.

        The most recent conflict appeared to be a planned act of violence pure genocide - targeting men, women, and children, which is deeply troubling.

        It seems that Israel has reached a point where they believe there is no room for further dialogue with these groups, as their understanding has hit a wall. They appear to have reached the conclusion that the only way forward is to take decisive action. This outcome aligns with my long-held perspective after witnessing Israel endure these challenges for years.

        It's a regrettable situation where innocent civilians get hurt or killed, and it's clear that Hamas, the group representing the Palestinians, doesn't share the same sentiment as you and I. They are using them as shields...   They were elected by the Palestinian population, and it appears they are delivering what they promised, somewhat reminiscent of our own elections in 2020.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

          No matter if Americans like Israel zionist. If they finds gold or oil. Those white devils will genocide those indigenous or owners 9/10 procession law of the land. It's gone for 5 centuries now, it gets embedded in their genes of Supreme untitlement. . The history of Arabs, indigenous and hindu umpires and dominant of land and spirit has gone on for much longer throughout human and brown nations worldwide. Once indigenous North American were 5 times the population of Europe. Then reduced down to 2% of their population.

          There is no comparing 73 years of ethics cleaznng,  imprisoment,  apartheid,  occasionally terrorism genocide. Or Comparing glorified firework rockets to Probably 400 nuclear weapons. Hamas of 30,000 soldiers to a million Israelis soldiers. I'd be living 300 feet below the ground for any chance of survival. Knowing me I'd escape the whole land in a heart beat.

          To compare one October 7th massacre and call it a genocide. Is like calling  natives americans savages and White American victorious heros to the greatest genocide in human history.

        2. Willowarbor profile image60
          Willowarborposted 6 months agoin reply to this

          The most recent conflict appeared to be a planned act of violence pure genocide - targeting men, women, and children, which is deeply troubling.

          Genocide? Israel has killed 10,000 Palestinians at this point, half of which are children. Who is committing genocide?

          Again, you continue to repeat the fact that Hamas was elected by the Palestinian people but leave out the fact that it was almost 20 years ago. Tell me how relevant this is? Are you really so certain that the people of Gaza are overwhelmingly in support of Hamas?

          1. Sharlee01 profile image85
            Sharlee01posted 6 months agoin reply to this

            Do you feel citizens killed in a war by collateral damage Genocide?  This seems to be a very wide definition of the term.  You are aware that Hamas entered Israel with the only purpose of killing innocent citizens? They slaughtered babies.

            I don't in any respect feel Israel is committing genocide. The last time I witnessed it was under Obama when Syria crossed his red line and killed 500,000 innocent citizens and he did nothing -- zero.  Lots of Genocide was committed under Obama  --- Alawites, Druze, Christians, and Shiites, the curds all killed for sectarian motives.

            Like I said the liberals should have stepped up for all of the above. I have little use for the BS I am hearing now from liberals. They sicken me to the core.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

              Please show any names numbers, age, photos of any slaughter iseael babies, or its just hearsay from the most untrustworthy Western countries mainstream media, called the USA.

              1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                Sharlee01posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                Numerous individuals have seen the carnage, in person and on video.  I will take their word. I can't imagine so many would lie...   Their bodies were not spread about media out of respect. Many bodies were unrecognizable and they needed to do DNA to identify them.  It would appear you might feel this was all a setup, a conspiracy. This logic escapes me. I am sure the names of the dead will be honored, and a list will be put online to honor their deaths. The attitude you are projecting tells me a list would not do much to change your view.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  If it's on TV it must be true and the Government never lies to us. Or every word in the Bible is universal truth and knowledge. Biden saw a photo of 40 beheaded babies. I believe that as much as vaccines are 100% safe. I did a few displays for Ripleys believe or Not, I reserch the true ones, because they were more bizarre and true than fiction.

                  If DNA has been done where are their names, ages, former photos. Have my private investors license,  bs detector on. What can be true without evidence. Or it's dangerous lies western politically and media driven.
                  Lies that are polluting the world. Like the carbonism lies to climate change. Like 100 trillion $ cost to solve lowering worlds one degree temperature change over 150 years . Or Benjamin oil pipeline from India to Sweden presented on a map to the UN . Eliminating Palestinians off the map. That's on video from the UN.

                  I'm alway open, more so to facts. It's stronger evidense than to bias feelings. Do not have any skin in the game, unbiase to religious or politically veiws,whatever works. Stronger choices made by individualsism, humanitarian, economics, relationships, love ,health and freedom. And keeping it all centro and simplified.

                  1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                    Sharlee01posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    Names and faces are being compiled here
           … 5cf0210000

                    I am not sure if Biden saw any photos or videos. he claimed to have shown videos. He also said his son was killed in the war... So not sure about his honesty.  Many journalists have claimed they saw the videos of the dead.

  11. Ken Burgess profile image77
    Ken Burgessposted 6 months ago

    In a war it is necessary to know what the goals are, so that you can identify when to end the war.

    Hamas has goals which have always been understood, the destruction of the Israeli state. No compromise, no end until that is accomplished.

    Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has stated that Israel's goal is "straightforward: to bring home hostages and defeat Hamas."

    Israeli officials have said there will be four phases of the war.

    Phase one consisted of heavy bombardment of Gaza, as well as limited raids by the Israeli military into the Strip.

    Phase two: what Israeli officials say they are currently in, will likely be long and slow-moving due to the challenges urban warfare presents in such a densely populated place like Gaza.

    Phase three will involve lower-intensity combat to clear the "pockets of resistance.

    Phase four: It's not entirely clear how Israel will determine when it has completely destroyed Hamas and what it intends to do if it achieves its goal.
    But when it does, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant previously said Israel wants to create "a new security regime in the Gaza Strip."

    In war civilians die... the concept that you can fight a war without mass casualties to civilians is a newer American concept that has not worked out so well the last half century.

    Back when we did win wars, if we had to bomb entire cities of people into oblivion that's what we did.  We turned Germany into a pile of rubble, carpet bombing every German city, and then hitting them with artillery when the ground troops showed up if there was even a hint of resistance, with no regards to civilian casualties at all.  We nuked Japan, twice, killing nothing but civilians...we didn't drop those bombs on military targets.

    We shouldn't expect Israel, or anyone else, to abide by these newer American concepts for war, after all, we don't have a very good track record of success with them.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      No heros,  only victims. No war is just. The farest from my perspective of heart and mind of life success. I will seek to be the Hide and seek world champion from such suffering.

  12. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 6 months ago

    A good friend and I have had the "what if?" conversation....
    She stated (that if in the workplace) she would hide, even if only a corner to cower in, I stated that I would fight.
    She stated that if it was at her kid's school, she would advise her kids to hide, even if in a corner, not able to hide, but to cower and appear helpless to stay safe. I would advise mine to never cower, but fight to save as many as possible and fight to survive.

    Guess God really did make us all "uniquely" different after all!

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      Be bigger,  faster, stronger, smarter and, better than the bully. I happen  to be stronger, cried wail bullies were like puddy in my hands. I learned to be smarter and used emotional intelligence and negotiators of relationship trust to deescalate danger.

      Actually I'm fearless , not saying not afraid yet confronting to unknown problems, in time it passes.  Have world class fighting skills and hit men on the side  For a weak person is more dangerous. Have keen radar to avoid most dangerous places worldwide. With a plan B or plan C like hiding places. A few 15 minutes cities have already started in Canada. Been preparing plan C to the last 15 years for this. By living in three different off grid villages. With houses in centro America and portable tiny houses in Canada.  Death grip of mortgages and 9 to 5 slavery is not for me. Can't do tours of 6 continents and boil life into a 15 minute city and call the rest of the country toxic waste land. Give me death or give me liberty or take smarter plans of B and C hiding places if worst comes.

      1. Khanmaria12 profile image42
        Khanmaria12posted 6 months agoin reply to this
        1. Readmikenow profile image94
          Readmikenowposted 6 months agoin reply to this

          From medium?

          I think this is more than a bit biased.  It's an individual who makes statements and doesn't provide anything to back up their claims.

          Anybody and everybody writes for Medium.  It's not a news site but a place to provide opinions.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image75
            Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

            Here is another  responsible legal opinions that counts.

            Among the 14 countries that voted against the cease-fire and 160 who didn't at the UN.

            The top bullies were against the cease-fire are Israel and the US.
            Like 2 Godziila vs babies.

            REALLY really can't stand bullies. I remember 2 of the biggest bullies in high school bragging to everyone how they were going to kill me after school. One was Ontario Boxing champion the other was captain of the basketball team. Torturing me the whole year in school and on the busses.

            There was over 100 kids watched the fight and about 3 were the  loudest ones that were cheering on the 2 bullies that I was forced to fight at the same time. 

            The next day one of the bullies didn't
            show up for school and the other bully wore sunglasses to hide his black eye. It pays to have most fans being on my side and me knowing wrestling,  judo and martial art skills.
            It was like 2 giants grade 12  against me a grade 9.  Twice the Giants to like David.

            Didn't have to fight again for the rest of high school.

            Guess who is bigger now between the west vs east.?

            1. Khanmaria12 profile image42
              Khanmaria12posted 6 months agoin reply to this

              Who are you and from where? I am just curious.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                I Grew up in London Ontario Canada, worked alot out Toronto,  LA California and Vancouver.

                Oddly enough my daughter's into LGBT and BLM as stronger supporter for Palestinians.  Not everyone can agree to things, yet we can agree to live and let live. Main rule, not to harm anyone.

                1. Khanmaria12 profile image42
                  Khanmaria12posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  You and your daughter are a kind soul

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    The biggest differences I see from East and West . Is West for the love of money and East for the love of family.  The two systems are more extreme to me, I love it, just in the middle. Isreal white supremacist just don't fit well  in the middle east highly Muslim country. Since US love zionist and funds Israel more than any country or state in a America. US should open up a state like they have with Utah the Mormons state. Call it the Zionist state. A State of whites, Hollywood,  military and the love of money.

                    My daughter and I closest bond is we spend most waking hours  loving our art works. Her in animation, my in 3D sculptures and tiny houses.

            2. Sharlee01 profile image85
              Sharlee01posted 6 months agoin reply to this

              In my view, the UN is a useless body of talker. They do little to nothing. I had hoped Trump would have kept his promise to boot them out of the US. They are a burden to taxpayers.

              They have no power to dictate how a sovereign nation conducts a war. PERIOD.  They have little to no say due to never actually doing what they were put in place to do. They ignore war crimes as a rule, they should be voting on going after Hamas for committing genocide. War crimes have been committed! and they ignore them. In fact they do the half-ass backward stand, and stand up for the people who supported Genocide.  I don't ascribe to - good is bad , bad is good.  I realize many are skewed to buy into that ideology --- not I.

              Hey, maybe Canada will take this bunch? We here in the US have no need to support their do nothing butts.

              1. abwilliams profile image69
                abwilliamsposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                Agreed. They are completely USELESS!!
                Trump can still keep his promise.....the Lord willing.

                1. Sharlee01 profile image85
                  Sharlee01posted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  Oh, I so hope he will be given that chance. he did so well with keeping his promises, and I am very sure if would have kept that promise in due time.

              2. Castlepaloma profile image75
                Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                UN seem like a great concept yet centroism foils again. Trump has been so populist and two face about vaccines and masks, The natural environment , now there 5 million Syrians living in tents. Keep them there, it's much warmer than Canads.

                Or personally Trump loves my sandcastle at his Trump world casino, but he owes me $10,000. I told him I'll give him plenty of free advertising.

                US kills 6 million Muslims in their countries and Canada has to refugees  them , and many end up living in tents and under bridges.  Population like 5% muslim ratio  in Europe too..

                The deliberate killing of a large number of people. Israelis win by a ratio 20 to one the last  73 years. And US vs brown Muslims countries a 1000 to one ratio.

                2. Genocide from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group."a campaign of genocide ethics cleaznng.

                Study the all the illegal  law against Palestinians in Israel. Worst than the laws in Southern States in 1960

       … nd-the-bds

          2. Khanmaria12 profile image42
            Khanmaria12posted 6 months agoin reply to this

            It's not only opinion sir. He revealed the facts actually and I am glad a lot of people from west specially Canada are in favour of Palestinians

  13. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 6 months ago

    Hmmm.... let me go explain this to the young couple who were being Hamas!!!
    I will get back with you.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      I know who to blame,  it was God that gave the executive orders to steal the entire Israel land  and a genocide  10s of all thousands.  By that law George Bush killed a million women and children because God told him to, backed up by his little dog. Now take that,!!!! to a sane international court  room.

  14. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
    Kathleen Cochranposted 6 months ago

    Brutality was at its peak on October 7. As in the past, Israel was attacked and now folks don't want to have to face the consequences of losing.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 6 months agoin reply to this

      Well said... Agree

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        Jew on jew Civil War is starting to happen.  If I lived in Israel like a Palestinians or Judaism jewish with opinions like I've posted on here. I could easily be either imprisoned,  or far worse thrown into Gaza where nowhere is safe.  No one safe from the worse tortured health conditions or murdering imaginable. Or like 20 to one ratio murders the last 73 years. This genocide now is murdering at a rapidly rate of each hamas soldier along with murdering 200 innocent Man, women and mostly children. Against international war crime law. . Israel military bases are also in the most indense civilians population areas. Per month Gaza individals or independent journalists are being killed and  targeted 6 times monthly greater pace than Iraq. We know Iraq was the greatest cover up and controlled military properganda. Murderers  a million women and children. Wail China reaps the oil profits.   I'd been ignored giving my opinions on that also. They call US a democracy yet 65% of Americans oppose Israel and US position on this Gaza war. It was 92% americans opposed Syrians war.  It's not a democracy anymore, it's a  mass murdering profit, crowd control and worlds top terrorist machine in modern times.
 … tid=00RHnp

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

          A Jew, Muslim, Christian and an atheists walked into a bar.

          They drank, laughed and all became good friends at the end of the night.

          It not a joke, as long as one is not an as_hole.

    2. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 6 months agoin reply to this

      Well said

  15. Willowarbor profile image60
    Willowarborposted 6 months ago

    This is from the times of Israel, it's an opinion piece but hits on the feelings of Israelis right now. We aren't hearing this from American Media. Also followed by a piece of reporting from the CBC

    "For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.

    The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state."

    Israelis don't agree on much, especially lately, but polling shows they mostly agree that Netanyahu is to blame for leaving Israel unprepared for Hamas's onslaught on October 7.  Polling shows majority blame the PM not just for military failures but for ‘propping up’ the terrorist group in the first place.

    Many accuse him of deliberately empowering the group for decades as part of a strategy to sabotage a two-state solution based on the principle of land for peace.

    "There's been a lot of criticism of Netanyahu in Israel for instating a policy for many years of strengthening Hamas and keeping Gaza on the brink while weakening the Palestinian Authority,"

    This symbiotic relationship between Netanyahu and Hamas has been remarked on for years.  Neither one wants a two-state solution.

    No one has mentioned the fact that Netanyahu allowed billions in Qatari cash to flow to Hamas during his terms. 

    "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended Israel's regular allowing of Qatari funds to be transferred into Gaza, saying it is part of a broader strategy to keep Hamas and the Palestinian Authority separate, a source in Monday's Likud faction meeting said," the Post reported.

    "The prime minister also said that 'whoever is against a Palestinian state should be for' transferring the funds to Gaza, because maintaining a separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza helps prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.".

    "For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank – bringing Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group”,

    Sorry folks, I know it's comforting to have one single person to blame but you can't hang this one on Biden.  If you try to you're closing your eyes to a very long history and a multitude of contributing factors. 

    The CBC article is very good I encourage everyone to take a look.

    Overall, international media is doing a much better, more comprehensive job of covering this issue. … -1.7010035 … our-faces/ … red-hamas/

    1. Ken Burgess profile image77
      Ken Burgessposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      And lets say all of that is accurate and true.

      It happened under the Biden Administration's watch.

      Just like Zelensky's efforts happened under Biden's watch and with his blessing and full support, so does Bibi and Israel have his full support now. Also, Biden released billions to Iran and Hamas easing the restrictions the former Administration put on them.

      So... the Israel/Palestinian problems existed before Biden became president, just like the Ukraine/Russian problems existed before Biden became president... the common factor to the escalating conflicts is Biden's Administration.

      1. Willowarbor profile image60
        Willowarborposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        Come on Ken, I think you're   above post-hoc fallacy.

        Or maybe fallacy of the single cause...thinking an issue  can be logically reduced to: "X caused Y; therefore, X was the only cause of Y" (although A,B,C...etc. also contributed to Y.). This one is rampant on this forum

        1. Ken Burgess profile image77
          Ken Burgessposted 6 months agoin reply to this

          The Biden Administration decided to flee Afghanistan, leaving hundreds of millions worth of weapons, ammo, military equipment behind.

          So there was the optics of that, and then there is the very real fact of leaving that wealth of weaponry and ammo behind.

          The Biden Administration continues to maintain forces in Iraq and Syria which are under considerable duress right now, but that's another matter.

          After hightailing it out of Afghanistan we turned right around and fanned the flames in Ukraine, egging Russia on, and have since bankrolled, armed and helped direct the war against Russia.

          So the cause and effect, Afghanistan, Ukraine, our releasing billions to Iran and Hamas helping fund their Jihadist efforts, our continued occupation of part of Iraq and Syria, these are Biden Administration decisions.

          Our withdrawal from Afghanistan did not have to be the disaster it was, or happen at all.  Our involvement in Ukraine could have been one where we twisted Ukraine's arm telling them to accept the Minsk Agreement rather than telling them we would fully support them in their efforts to take Crimea from Russia, and so on...

          This really is all on the Biden Administration far more than it is any other individual or group.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image75
            Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

            Israel has lost, negotiation will favor Hamas now, as far as a military strategy chess game. The Gazans are willing to die for their true independence State like martyrs.  Judaism protesters across America and Israel with poster signs saying (Not in my name,) Then with Palestinians within Israel making trouble, and Jew on Jew regional ISRAEL civil war on their hands. Benjamin should be running for his life.

            Millions of pro Palestinians protestors worldwide. Palestinians  flags everywhere. Media coverage is the most horrific I've ever seen on film. I have nightmares, wail Gazans are living those nightmares.  I'm moving to Trinidad to dance and sing this stress off . Its about as opposite culture or white supremacisy can get.

            1. Ken Burgess profile image77
              Ken Burgessposted 6 months agoin reply to this

              That's a separate issue to what I am stating.

              I am trying to make people realize that the horrors we see going on right now, in Ukraine, in Israel, and other places the MSM is not talking about, all tie back to the Biden Administration.

              You’d think the Biden Administration would have realized by now that enriching the Iranian regime is a dangerous mistake. You’d be wrong. Relaxed U.S. enforcement of oil sanctions continued through October, refilling Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s coffers even after the Oct. 7 slaughter and the more than 40 attacks on U.S. troops by Iran’s proxies in the weeks since.
     … a-df192c53

              Iran exported nearly 1.4 million barrels of oil per day in October, sustaining its average for 2023. This is up 80% from the 775,000 barrels per day Iran averaged under the Trump Administration’s “maximum pressure” strategy, according to United Against Nuclear Iran, the group of former U.S. Ambassador Mark Wallace and Sen. Joe Lieberman, whose Tanker Tracker generates the best public data we have.
              The Iranian surge in oil exports since President Biden took over has brought Iran an additional $32 billion to $35 billion, according to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. The calculations are tricky, but the cause of the Iranian windfall is clear: As part of Mr. Biden’s quiet diplomacy with Iran, the U.S. has curtailed sanctions enforcement.

              I am constantly trying to show how these things tie back to the decisions the Biden Administration has made... I believe purposefully, but that is harder to prove due to Biden's many public faux pas.

              I do this not because I am a Republican or whatever, I do this because this is a vile, corrupt, Administration and every person should at least have some bread crumbs to follow to find this truth for themselves.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                Putin was playing Biden all along
                The U.S. president and his aides thought they could manage Putin. Their calculations were dead wrong. For more than two decades, Joe Biden has disliked and distrusted Vladimir Putin, even claiming the Russian didn’t have a soul.And yet, for the past year, Biden tried repeatedly to reason with the steely-eyed strongman. Biden , telling Putin that he was hurting his “credibility worldwide.” The way I see it the Middle  east , Russia and China economy are bonding and  growing well together, the west is not. America has hated Russia for 100 years, None of these efforts US mattered when launching a massive assault over Ukraine or Palestinians and Persian Gulf. Putin proved that he sees the world, and his interests, very differently than Biden hoped. He also proved resistant to many traditional tools of diplomacy and deterrence. When matching up BRICS and new members in one month time with  US and NATO countries.
                BRICS has far more population,  geography landmass, ancient history, total energy resources and determination in order to keep it.

                Biden’s appeals to Putin’s geopolitical ego didn’t work. Neither did threats of sanctions, words of condemnation, emotional appeals on human rights grounds, deployments of U.S. troops to NATO countries and weapons to Ukraine, or the relatively united front put forth by the United States and its allies. Even an unusual tactic employed by the Biden administration — publicizing significant amounts of intelligence about Putin’s plans — didn’t stop the dictator. Only possiblity deploying U.S. troops to Ukraine itself. Not ones Biden would consider.

                Their strategy toward Russia has largely been  Europe joining in. When Europe is in worst shape economy than Americans and both can not afford it. Also both ill for the administration’s ability to focus on other priorities going forward, in particular the challenge of a rising China.

                Let's check in months from now. If deaths grow to 70,000 for Gazans. That would only equal a ratio of one Israelis to 20 Palestinians deaths  experiences in the last 75 years.  Then Benjamin plan to UN to eliminate Palestinians off his map becomes true, and BRICS has nothing to say about it. I'd  be more than shocked

                1. Ken Burgess profile image77
                  Ken Burgessposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                  This is 100% false.

                  You have been soaking up to much MSM BS.

                  There would be no war in Ukraine without the Biden Administration's insistence for it.  There would have been no Russian invasion, no half million dead Ukrainians.  There would have been peace, a much more prosperous global economy, and probably much less unrest in the rest of the world.

                  What you are saying about BRICs, about Russia and China's efforts I have mentioned (another horse beaten to death) plenty in the past. 

                  That said, Biden has wanted this war since before 2014, the people pulling his strings are diehard neocons who have always wanted this war and have moved pieces around the global chessboard to create the circumstances for it, more than once.

                  Long before the war in Ukraine started, here is Biden's official prodding of Russia, amongst many other public statements by Biden, saying they will never negotiate with Russia, that Putin has got to go, etc.

                  Joint Statement on the U.S.-Ukraine Strategic Partnership - Sep 2021
         … rtnership/

                  Statement by President Biden on the Anniversary of Russia’s Illegal Invasion of Ukraine - Feb 2021
         … f-ukraine/

                  In late 2021 and early 2022, Russia mobilized over 100,000 troops around Ukraine in an attempt to force NATO (the U.S.), to make concessions such as agreeing to never allow Ukraine to join NATO, and the acceptance of Crimea as part of the Russian Republic.

                  Biden, and NATO as a whole, rejected these demands. While promising support to Ukraine as Zelensky travelled throughout the EU and NATO agitating to take Crimea from Russia. 

                  With Zelensky refusing the Minsk Agreement, which had been approved by the UN, and increasing tenfold Ukraine's artillery efforts in the Donbas regions mid-February 2022, on February 24, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

                  The rest, is more well known.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

                    Don't see the benefits for US trading with Ukraine, Canada trades with US more than Europe combines Maybe the western madd greedy will benefit. That I'm soooo sick and tired of, like many people.

                    There is 5 NATO countries that border Russia,  Ukraine is more of defense insurance from US/NATO offensive.  From traveling as much of the east continent's and west I've personally experience a greater growth in east and more of a collapse in the west. Per capita Canada overwhelmed with refugee war torn immigrants. Most immigrants I speak to here   were happier back home.  Over stress tring to make ends meet financially and like 5 times greater cost of living vs wages increase  from the 1970 to now.. .

                    I'm leaving myself, from everything south of the  equator, I'll be living downward there is only about 10% war machines to content with. China, Russia and have been gearing up for war machines and cooperation better than the west. South America is where we ought to be.

  16. Readmikenow profile image94
    Readmikenowposted 6 months ago

    The words of this captured terrorist about the Oct 7 mission into Israel is very upsetting.

    This shows how terrorists used a hospital.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

      Ongoing Israeli bombardment has wrecked 31 ambulances and knocked 20 hospitals out of operation, the ministry said. Bombing water tower , refugees camps, schools,  residents homes and everything for basic survival. Shutting down everything needed for basic living because israel has absolute power over Palestinians lives. A deplacements of 1 and half Gazans and also bombing borders and southern Gaza.

      A swat team has 94% chance of disarming a hostage taker or killing him, without citizens killed. Israelis miltary is as opposite as I can imagine.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 6 months agoin reply to this

        Iraq and Afghanistan tops on the wiki list as top terrorist of the world.  Yet there was no Iraqis on those 2 planes hitting the American twin towers. Other top terrorist is America ranked 28th and Israel 30th and palestine 32.
        What a load of properganda BS. No one can hold a candle in the world to American terrorism unless it's  France and Britain before world War 2.

      2. Readmikenow profile image94
        Readmikenowposted 5 months agoin reply to this

        Should Hamas not attacked innocent people of Israel, nothing would have happened.  Every hospital destroyed, every Palestinian who has died is a direct result of the actions of Hamas.  Should Hamas not attacked Israel, those Palestinians would be alive, those hospitals would not have been destroyed and Gaza would be operating as it normally does.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 5 months agoin reply to this

          The Chris Hedges Report with Columbia University Professor Rashid Khalidi on Zionism's 100-year war against Palestinians.

          The Zionist movement from its inception has used deception, violence, ethnic cleansing and discrimination to solidify its apartheid state. The genocide in Gaza is another chapter in this 100-year war.


          When Rashid Khalidi states that the Zionist are the greatest empire of this day, just reflect on the influence they have within western societies in regards to diminishing our rights when anyone attempts to oppose their actions or speaks negatively of such. On another hand, how embedded their intelligence agencies are within western societies. How involved they are globally. Hidden behind false narratives and context of antisemitism.

  17. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
    Kathleen Cochranposted 6 months ago

    No one's opinion is ever "100% False". You may disagree with it, but it is only false to you because you don't agree.

  18. Willowarbor profile image60
    Willowarborposted 5 months ago

    This stinks to high heaven...

    Israel knew about a Hamas plan to strike the nation more than a year before the militant group launched its surprise attack Oct. 7, The New York Times reported Thursday.

    According to the Times, Israeli military and intelligence officials saw the plan as ambitious and thought it would be too hard for Hamas to pull off.

    The Times said a document, code-named “Jericho Wall” by Israeli authorities, laid out an incursion like the one that sparked the current war between Israel and Hamas. Paragliders and all. 

    in July, just three months before the attacks, a veteran analyst with Unit 8200, Israel’s signals intelligence agency, warned that Hamas had conducted an intense, daylong training exercise that appeared similar to what was outlined in the blueprint. But a colonel in the Gaza division brushed off her concerns, according to encrypted emails viewed by The Times.  Wow.

    Since when is Israel ever been this careless and nonchalant? NEVER. Benjamin Netanyahu needs to go.  At best he completely failed to protect Israel and at worst ..who knows? The information was conveniently ignored.   Why? Hamas was literally left to kill at will for 7 hours before help came.

    My god, as the towers were burning in New York City on 9/11 would we have been okay if it took 7 hours for firefighters to arrive? 

    Not another penny of American money should go to Israel until Netanyahu is ousted.


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