HubMob Weekly Topic: Children's Health

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  1. Princessa profile image78
    Princessaposted 15 years ago

    HubMob Weekly Topic: Children's Health

  2. janiek13 profile image74
    janiek13posted 15 years ago

    As far as developing their personality and the ability to bond to other people,the most important time in a baby's life is between birth and two years of age. read more

  3. Beth100 profile image69
    Beth100posted 15 years ago

    Living and choosing a healthy lifestyle begins with educating your child.  Help encourage a life choice of being healthy and active through the encouragement of choosing healthy snacks and foods.  These are some practical techniques that can be applied on a daily basis. read more

  4. alexandriaruthk profile image61
    alexandriaruthkposted 15 years ago

    Flu is more dangerous than the common colds. The symptoms include fever that lasts more than three days, hoarse voice, body aches, nasal drips and coughing. It is more severe than colds because it lasts for more days. Usually if a child has a flu,... read more

  5. Veronica Allen profile image70
    Veronica Allenposted 15 years ago

    There are literally over 100,000 chemicals available on the market today and unbeknownst to the masses, individuals (especially children) are more likely to have the greatest contact with these potentially lethal pollutants inside the one place they... read more

  6. prettydarkhorse profile image63
    prettydarkhorseposted 15 years ago

    There is nothing compared to the joy that children bring to the parents. As parents we always want the best for our children, and one aspect of child care is choosing a good pediatrician or doctor for them. We don’t like our children to get sick,... read more

  7. floating mind profile image67
    floating mindposted 15 years ago

    To build a healthy child, you need to start with good nutrition.  But, kids are not going to make it easy for you to pump good food into them.  Here is one method I stumbled upon, and it works. read more

  8. Mezo profile image61
    Mezoposted 15 years ago

    Basic information about hemophilia symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in chidlren. read more

  9. ethel smith profile image84
    ethel smithposted 15 years ago

    "Head lice are human parasites which require human blood to survive. They have been around since the beginning of time, at least a few thousand years. In recent years they have resurged in the UK. read more

  10. Veronica Allen profile image70
    Veronica Allenposted 15 years ago

    As if we didn't have enough to worry about during this cold and flu season, an alarming and disturbing trend has arisen - the widespread vitamin-D deficiency seen in young children and teens. 
    Known as the essential, life-saving vitamin, vitamin-D... read more

  11. Veronica Allen profile image70
    Veronica Allenposted 15 years ago

    Ask any concerned parent and they'll tell you, that a large portion of good parenting requires becoming a staunch health-care advocate for their children. 
    Logically, this no doubt begins with keeping readily available and updated medical... read more

  12. LensMan999 profile image60
    LensMan999posted 15 years ago

    Down's syndrome is a chromosomal disorder. It is caused by the presence of an extra 21st chromosome. A person who is affected by Down's syndrome will have 47 chromosomes instead of 46.  This syndrome usually occurs in 1 in every 1000 babies. This... read more

  13. alexandriaruthk profile image61
    alexandriaruthkposted 15 years ago

    Feeding children is a challenging task. It gets more difficult when you try to feed them healthy foods. As parents of our children we want them to grow up physically fit and healthy. That being said, we need patience in trying to feed them healthy... read more

  14. cashmere profile image77
    cashmereposted 15 years ago

    Childhood Vaccinations are a good way to ensure that your child does not suffer from certain diseases. Here is a list of vaccines that your child must be inoculated with. read more

  15. GeneralHowitzer profile image56
    GeneralHowitzerposted 15 years ago

    There are a lot of problems and disorders that indeed keeps our kids at bay. With the best of my abilities I hope I can make some Hubs related to the HubMob Weekly Topic that is build to give info and insights... big_smile

  16. GeneralHowitzer profile image56
    GeneralHowitzerposted 15 years ago

    Some allergy facts: Seasonal allergies is prevalent during the spring and summer months in which children may experience hay fever. Children and adults are affected by allergies. Allergies tends to run in families meaning, it is hereditary. A child... read more

  17. Mezo profile image61
    Mezoposted 15 years ago

    The classic mumps symptoms in children are:   Prodroma: the symptoms are preceeded by fever, headache and weakness.  Enlargment of the parotid gland: it is a salivary gland that lies behind the angle of the mandible and it pushes the ear lobule... read more

  18. GeneralHowitzer profile image56
    GeneralHowitzerposted 15 years ago

    How do you motivate your kids to eat vegetables? It is indeed bothersome when your kid is picky with the foods he eats, for he will surely miss out in extracting vitamins and minerals his body needs. Vitamins and minerals that are in abundance in... read more

  19. Shirley Anderson profile image74
    Shirley Andersonposted 15 years ago

    Last week, our HubMobsters converged to write about Children's Education.  This week, we're staying with the kids and focusing on Childrens Health.  Come and check out this HubMob Resource for some great information about keeping kids healthy. read more

  20. febriedethan profile image87
    febriedethanposted 15 years ago

    Healthy teeth and mouth during the toddler and childhood time were very important to determine the next age level. We have to take seriously to take care of our child's teeth. If not, they will have the mouth and teeth disease easily, like caries,... read more

  21. profile image0
    shazwellynposted 15 years ago

    Asperger's Syndrome is part of a range of conditions within the field of autism. An Autistic Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, is a complex and individual condition.  So, what if you think your child has ASD or how would you know you had it? This article draws from real experience which should help you with your journey. read more

  22. Mezo profile image61
    Mezoposted 15 years ago

    The first signs of puberty differ in boys and girls. The onset of puberty is affected by several factors including heredity, nutrition, health and emotional states.  At the onset of puberty the following occur: -A growth spurt, which is a rapid... read more

  23. Veronica Allen profile image70
    Veronica Allenposted 15 years ago

    "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - So goes the old adage. 
    Especially is this the case when maintaining and protecting our children's health becomes top priority.
    Without going overboard then, what daily measure can we as... read more

  24. rebekahELLE profile image87
    rebekahELLEposted 15 years ago

    Sample menus for easy, healthy preschooler lunches. read more

  25. alexandriaruthk profile image61
    alexandriaruthkposted 15 years ago

    It is a form of child abuse wherein the baby is shaken and it will have severe damage to their brain. SBS is often fatal and causes brain damage to the child. It is a leading cause of death classified under child abuse. If the baby will not die, it... read more

  26. LensMan999 profile image60
    LensMan999posted 15 years ago

    Hemophilia is the name given to a particular disorder in which the person who has the disease will not have his or her blood clot properly. As we all know clotting  of blood plays an important part in the healing of wounds & injuries. A person... read more

  27. profile image0
    shazwellynposted 15 years ago

    Think your child is deaf? How would you know? Perhaps he or she has glue ear?  This article is the best guide to explaining what, how and why your child shows signs of temporary deafness and what can be done about it. read more

  28. prettydarkhorse profile image63
    prettydarkhorseposted 15 years ago

    There are no scientific causes and explanation to crib death and research is still going on regarding it; that being said, it is better to have safety precautions when the baby is sleeping and this is better than not doing anything at all.
    I was... read more

  29. LensMan999 profile image60
    LensMan999posted 15 years ago

    The air passages in your
    lungs get narrowed making it difficult for you to breathe in. It can
    last for few hours to few days. Breathing can sound like whistles; it
    is short and panting. You may cough more at night. It is severe among
    kids. It... read more

  30. janiek13 profile image74
    janiek13posted 15 years ago

    Conduct disorder is a fancy way of saying that a child under eighteen can't or won't conform to society's norms. It is complicated and often treacherous and should only be diagnosed by a professional. read more

  31. WriteAngled profile image82
    WriteAngledposted 15 years ago

    Follow these pointers to protect one of your child's most precious assets: eyesight. read more

  32. Money Glitch profile image62
    Money Glitchposted 15 years ago

    The reason for an article on raising a heart healthy child is to increase awareness of heart disease that can occur in children.  When someone says heart disease, you most likely will envision an adult that may not have made the best health choice... read more

  33. Money Glitch profile image62
    Money Glitchposted 15 years ago

    Many may see the title, raising
    a heart healthy child with congenital heart disease, as an oxymoron in that
    you may believe that if the heart is healthy it will be free from defect or disease.  Well, in the natural world I would agree with
    you,... read more

  34. LensMan999 profile image60
    LensMan999posted 15 years ago

    Kids who expose over mischief and hyperactivity often turn out to be a head ache to parents.  Always running around… flinging away anything and everything that comes along their way… endlessly restless… these over mischievous kids create... read more

  35. LensMan999 profile image60
    LensMan999posted 15 years ago

    The pace of modern life has quickened to a run to the development of Eating Disorders.. Students are made to make decisions at a younger age about their future and the pressure to achieve begins as young as elementary school. Our society gives so... read more


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