I'm angry, frustrated, aggravated, upset, mad, ect. : I need to find a good "rel

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  1. Diana Lee profile image81
    Diana Leeposted 11 years ago

    Take part in a group with your interest close to theirs. The supportive discussions help you understand you have nothing to be this upset about. Perhaps right here at Hub Pages is a good place to start.  Social media and fan clubs have helped me overcome moments of low self esteem. People, in general, do want to be helpful when someone is in crisis. There are online bullies just as there is offline, but all we can do is ignore them as much as possible.

  2. rexy profile image59
    rexyposted 11 years ago

    everybody had two sides to them... learn to balance the other side.... the good over the evil... like they say.... l would start of with a simple.... thing.. don't say anything to anyone.... try to smile at them instand.... 'smile and the whole world will smile with you'   but you might get one off one who might show they bad side too.... and  say something like ' what are you looking at or smiling at ect' you got to ignore them...

  3. dutchman1951 profile image59
    dutchman1951posted 11 years ago

    head for the gym, pin a picture of the person who has you ticked from those verbal attacks, on the bunching bag. put on the gloves and have at it till you ware yourself  to exhaustion. Kill em as many times as it takes in your mind!

    Then take a nice soothing bath or shower and head out for a nice night with a few good friends and eat your favorite food and laugh... and laugh a lot!.

    when you get home-promise yourself we will not ever again let that person in to your day and remind yourself you killed her or him and they are dead to you. And keep them dead and burried from now on, you do not need people like that.

    Then relax and  sleep well.

    you will feel better

  4. drpinkrose profile image58
    drpinkroseposted 11 years ago

    Being upset on bitter experiences in life is normal. The best thing is to let all the resentment and bitterness out by doing exactly what you are doing now. Talking to people. Another way is finding something you love to do that keeps you busy and takes your mind of things. I used to be in tears every day but now only occasionally I cry and lash out at people. I have a three year old son who also keeps me busy however I found joining free lancing sites for me was therapeutic though I am not making much money.

  5. rickyfreelancer profile image57
    rickyfreelancerposted 11 years ago

    Try writing, I know this sounds like a weird way to release the above. But It helps me, when ever I get angry I try channelling it to other stuffs,

    is my blog. I sometimes try punching pillows as well

  6. arijitm2000 profile image76
    arijitm2000posted 11 years ago

    I've been through these until very recently, & I've calmed down now, though its an ongoing process, so is my self-healing procedure.
    1. Good, solid, hard-hitting music is the first step (by yourself when you're alone at home)
    2. Writing your feelings and thoughts out, for example I use my poetry as a good release & publish them here on Hubpages, that helps me a lot, so use hubpages very well to write out your thoughts & use all your creativity in it
    3. If you're foodie & love certain kinds of food go out every once in a while for your favorite meal, and if you like cooking then cook it & have it with your favorite wine or any favorite drink.
    4. Watch a few good comedy movies, and/or go see a stand-up comedy act next weekend
    5. Hit the gym regularly, & keep your ipod on with your favorite, hard-hitting playlist

    All of these help you to distract, get your head clear, and bust any stress out & bring some natural smiles to your face before you even realize in your conscious mind...remember this simple mantra, do whatever you feel like, enjoy it & be happy..."Don't worry, Be Happy"

  7. Darrell Roberts profile image71
    Darrell Robertsposted 11 years ago

    Hi Friend,

    I could understand how you feel.  This material world is designed to frustrate the spiritual beings.  I would suggest reading Bhagavad-Gita  as it is written by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.  This Holy text was a real eye opener.  I also would recommend chanting, it helps to put the mind at ease and invoke the blessing of the Divine. 

    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
    Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

    I hope you find a good path in life. Best wishes

  8. tastiger04 profile image68
    tastiger04posted 11 years ago

    This sounds dumb, but try looking at pictures of happy things...like fuzzy little kittens, babies, beautiful scenery.....that's what I do when I am super mad to try and redirect my vibe.  Also, try kick boxing! It's a great work out and a good way to channel feelings of rage in a healthy way. Hope you feel better!

  9. Rosana Modugno profile image66
    Rosana Modugnoposted 11 years ago

    I went off and didn't even think to ask you, why are you this way?  Is it something you can share?  Or are you just angry in general and don't understand where it's coming from?

    When I was younger, I had issues similar to yours.  As I got older, I simmered down quite a bit. 

    I surrounded myself with better people, positive people, drama-free people, and stayed away from all the negatives.

    The  most valuable lesson was learning patience.  I literally have no patience for anything.  I HATE waiting and am not quiet about it.  But even that, I've toned down because of people I've met who have actually taught me, it's not getting done any faster by bitching about it.  You create your own negative place.

    Finally, I recognized that every time I allow someone else to make me feel bad, it's not them, it's me allowing it.  I am handing them over MY power and I stopped doing that.  I learned to walk away, let things go, which was a real problem for me.  And all that energy I was using to lash out at them, I turned into me and focused it on things I wanted to improve my life.

    Be happy.  Life is way too short.

  10. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 11 years ago

    Anxiety ! Learn the meaning , the symptoms, the cure of this debilitating desease!

  11. titi6601 profile image73
    titi6601posted 11 years ago

    Pray to God in Jesus name and he will give you strength.

  12. profile image51
    aremutoyibposted 11 years ago

    Hey ma'am. I've got an answer to your question and an intended solution.

    First, you have to believe that is who you are and then find means to get out of the state.

    People get frustrated easily, that is if they want. Don't let anybody infuriate you if you want people to say things like, 'she comports herself a lot' at you.

    Please, avoid an argument once you know it will result to a fracas.

    Avoid taking a road once you know your 'enemies' have occupied it.

    Always keep your hands under your control, by reachable means so that you don't try hitting others when you are angry.

    Avoid having contacts with things you hate, things that would easily get people on your other side.

    Try and take things lightly. Like if someone abuses you verbally, the first thing that should come your mind is, does it stick to your body? If someone decides to block your way, you should think, isn't there another one?

    By doing this, you frustrate those trying to infuriate you, you don't have to get hard on yourself for being impatient.

    Lastly, at the notice of trace of anger in you, get far away from the source. If you are walking before, stop, sit lie and if you can, take a nap. And that's all

  13. Propenquir profile image58
    Propenquirposted 11 years ago

    Anger can also be a substitute emotion. By this we mean that sometimes people make themselves angry so that they don't have to feel pain. People change their feelings of pain into anger because it feels better to be angry than it does to be in pain. This changing of pain into anger may be done consciously or unconsciously.

  14. profile image52
    Brent Nicholsonposted 11 years ago

    The beginning of any solution is the recognition that there is a problem only then can positive change begin. You have acknowledged your issue and are on the right path. Anger is a reaction to feelings of overwhelm and overwhelm is usually caused by lumping all problems into one and creating a mountain that can't be scaled. I found that by breaking the mountain down into individual problems and making mole hills out of them they can be kicked down one at a time and eventually they all fade into oblivion. I Pick the ones I can easily deal with first and achieve a sense of accomplishment as I move onto bigger issues.
    One major issue that often creates havoc with ones emotions is holding onto feelings that were caused by another person's actions. I find the only solution to this is forgiveness. I came up with my own definition of forgiveness as most didn't pass the smell test with me. Forgiveness first of all is about the forgiver not the forgivee. Sometimes survival is on the line if one cannot let go.
    Forgiving another is not accepting unacceptable behavior. Forgiving is about making a choice to allow oneself to regain a sense of peace. Forgiving is accepting what truly is and releasing the cause of my anger, judgment, frustration, fear or hate to their destiny.
    This prayer is in the back pocket of most addicts who have visited the gates of hell and returned.
    God grant me serenity
    to accept things
    I cannot change,
    courage to change
    things I can'
    and wisdom
    to know the difference.


  15. reymund36 profile image57
    reymund36posted 11 years ago

    Do you experience sudden mood change? I suggest you to consult a psychiatrist. Below are the Bipolar Disorder Symptoms.

    The primary symptoms of bipolar disorder are periods of elevated or irritable mood accompanied by dramatic increases in energy, activity, and thinking. The illness has two (bi) strongly contrasting phases (polar): 1) bipolar mania or hypo-mania and 2) depression.

    1) Bipolar mania or hypo-mania symptoms include:

    Understanding Bipolar Disorder
    Find out more about bipolar disorder:
    Euphoria or irritability
    Increased energy and activity
    Excessive talk; racing thoughts
    Inflated self-esteem
    Unusual energy; less need for sleep
    Impulsiveness, a reckless pursuit of gratification (shopping sprees, impetuous travel, more and sometimes promiscuous sex, high-risk business investments, fast driving)
    2) Bipolar depression/major depression symptoms include:

    Depressed mood and low self-esteem
    Low energy levels and apathy
    Sadness, loneliness, helplessness, guilt
    Slow speech, fatigue, and poor coordination
    Insomnia or oversleeping
    Suicidal thoughts and feelings
    Poor concentration
    Lack of interest or pleasure in usual activities

  16. easylearningweb profile image81
    easylearningwebposted 10 years ago

    I vote for exercise, which is a good outlet, and this can be as simple as taking a walk or working out with weights at the gym. My second suggestion would be cleaning, which is also good to release energy and have a clean house at the same time.

  17. profile image52
    CharbelM87posted 10 years ago

    Find someone to love , it will be constant happiness

  18. PhoenixV profile image65
    PhoenixVposted 10 years ago

    Try to find more time to spend alone like taking long walks in nature. Sometimes solitude can do wonders for psychological well being. Or maybe try to learn how to play a musical instrument or play one you already know how to. Listening to classical music helps me sometimes.

  19. crazymom3 profile image71
    crazymom3posted 10 years ago

    Girl take a deep breath and count to ten then tell yourself what you just wrote.  Silly isn't it that you seem to realize  you are getting upset about little things and you already know the answer which is that you shouldn't be getting upset by those little things.  Life is too short to waste it being angry and frustrated. Adopt the words WHATEVER! smile, and move on to something else like writing about it or working out or listening to music or reading something funny or helping someone else just like the others have said, but mostly realize that happiness is a choice.  Do not let negative thoughts linger and stay push them out as quickly as possible with something good and worthy, positive and fun: read some good jokes ect.

  20. mastermarket profile image60
    mastermarketposted 10 years ago

    I've found it tough to cope with myself. I am incredibly near-sighted. Can't drive, have squinty eyes, can't see things past 10 feet. Was very difficult for me. I hated watching everyone else doing what I could never do. I used to be so upset after everyday and just wish I was someone else.

    I've learned to deal with it and to make the most of it. I used to have no friends. Then one day I read a quote on yahoo answers "how can you expect anyone to like you if you don't like yourself?" That kind of shocked. While some may say I became more self-centered, I stopped worried and became more confident in myself.

    I'm working on being a positive person. Instead of looking at all the downsides, I'm trying to see the positive aspects. It's difficult, takes constant reminding, but I'm getting there. I realized I would have to calm. I found a lot of comfort in heavy lifting. There's nothing more stress relieving or just relieving than lifting heavy amounts of weight. You are just so focused that your worries leave your head.

    This may sound stupid, but try meditating. Just like five minutes every morning.
    Hope that helped.

  21. profile image49
    ritika parmarposted 10 years ago

    I think you have to :-
    *mingle with your friends talk to them it will refresh your mind
    *go to the library's read some books
    *go to parks gardens play with your friends
    *listen melodies songs
    *stop doing works which you hate
    *pray for yourself as well as other people
    *stop talking more
    *eat whatever you like
    *try to regret others mistakes
    *try to refuse your mind on shouting

    I think these will help you

  22. mike89311 profile image59
    mike89311posted 10 years ago

    you could try self hypnotism, by reading or listening. however you to be willing to let yourself be hypnotized or it won't work. or you can hire one.

  23. ravi1991 profile image60
    ravi1991posted 10 years ago

    So miss you need to do one thing first. Be polite to yourself. You always take yourself as repenting attitude. That`s not fair. Please do understand that even the one inside you is a human and accept it. But make her your friend and when you are alone make sure to take suggestions from her. Promise not to inflict her . Practice the above and I assure you`ll find yourself happier than never before.

  24. Harishprasad profile image72
    Harishprasadposted 10 years ago

    Just be aware of yourself how you think, act, react and perceive everything while living your life. This way, you will find the source of your happiness as well as sadness. Believe me, you will be at peace after passage of some time. Best of luck, my dear.

  25. suzettenaples profile image89
    suzettenaplesposted 10 years ago

    Take a very long walk!  Chill out and enjoy nature and let go of the conflict and/ or feelings you have.

  26. profile image54
    frank jacksonposted 10 years ago

    You need to take a short break like to do something different you have not at all done in your past time, think differently to get your own identity by the time when you feel alone, write time to explore what u, where u, when u, think.. think.. think.. I think you got my point.

  27. fredoman profile image60
    fredomanposted 10 years ago

    I pray you’re doing much better now. I realize your question is over 2 yrs old now, so I hope you’ve found the answers to what so often seems to assail you. This is probably a moot point now but let me add that I myself often experience and deal with the same things and the same emotions that try to overwhelm me at times... but I’ve found a substantial amount of information and help from others at beliefnet.com

  28. manatita44 profile image73
    manatita44posted 10 years ago

    You seem sincere. This is an excellent start. Recognising a problem always mean that there is a chance to do something about it. Look for the cause. All actions produces reactions and all causes will produce effects. I see a few possibilities here.
    1. Diet
    3. Character or personality.
    With diet it may be useful to check your blood serum to look at D or trace elements or indeed other minerals.
    With organic you will need your GP to screen you and do certain tests.
    I have only studied the third way. There are many motivational writers here and they can inspire you a great deal. Billybuc is one of them.

    From a spiritual standpoint, you need to be blessed with an inner yearning for  happiness or peace. Should you feel this, then it's useful to meditate in the wee hours of the morning and again at nights. Practice daily for 10-15 mins or more if you have the capacity. Music, light hatha yoga and light breathing can sometimes help. Do this patiently and you should see a change in about three months. Do bear in mind that humanity is also God. If you hurt or upset others, this will reflect in your meditation and set you back. However, it will be so in the beginning and is no reason to quit. Persevere. Never say no is the key.

    I still think that it's worth having a check-up or looking at diet also. So do all three. God speed!!.

  29. jemuelO profile image75
    jemuelOposted 10 years ago

    Just let it out! It is not good to let anger reside within ourselves. It will only cause detrimental effects on our mind and physical body.
    Having a good conversation with a friend will be very helpful. Just say what you want to say, shout as loud as you can...and you'll find relief after releasing the tension brought by anger and stress.

    I have a written a blog about anger management, and I would be very glad to share this to you:
    http://ingeniousnote.blogspot.com/2013/ … steps.html

    Best regards,

  30. Roy Savage profile image60
    Roy Savageposted 10 years ago

    To me it sounds like you are "off-balance" with yourself.  What I mean by that is that you are not taking the time to step back and evaluate what is going on in your life.  Just one little moment in time can totally wreak havoc on our emotional state.  I would recommend talking to a counselor.  As cliche as that sounds, they are there to help you help yourself work through obstacles in your life and help you help yourself.  I can't imagine what event in your life started this windfall of emotions and I'm sorry that it happened.  But, I truly believe, it starts with you.  You have to want to change your life and your emotional state.  People do frustrating things.  Life is frustrating.  But, if you have a sound mind and strong will, the little events in life that ad up to Big Emotions will seem like dust in the wind and just roll off your armor of strength.  I wish you all the best.  By the way, don't look at yourself as flawed.  You are a beautiful woman, a beautiful human being and the world is your oyster.  So go out there and chuck the world girl!

  31. drumweaver profile image83
    drumweaverposted 10 years ago

    drumming is a good release.. not to take your anger 'out' on the drum per se... tho allowing the drum to help clear the way for you - when we 'play' the sacred drum, it places us in the present moment...of NOW... also know that what you focus on expands and what we 'put out there' comes back to us...... i know for myself, one of the biggest learnings i have learned is that i have the power, the CHOICE to change how i feel in any given moment - no one can do that for me... i am responsible for my own feelings and how i choose to respond to life...  there's a great book out now that i recommend.. very funny and well written... it's called "E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality" by Pam Grout... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/140193 … anamasi-20

  32. Kolin Harrison profile image63
    Kolin Harrisonposted 10 years ago

    I have felt the same way before. I decided to try to exercise more. It proved to be a good outlet. I tried running, but I'm sure any other form of exercising would prove effective.
    Or, find a hobby to occupy yourself. Try something new. Or, go back to an old hobby and pick up where you left off.
    It gets hard to hold things in and not release in one way or another.

  33. profile image50
    dennyadamsposted 10 years ago

    Good  morning,
    Ask yourself this question and be honest with yourself, "Do I really know whats wrong with me, but I am afraid to face that tremendous moutain? You take a few deep breaths, look up at that gigantic mountain, and you take a leap of faith and begin to walk up that mountain. Each day is one step closer in reaching the top of your mountain. What's next you ask? Once you are at the top it is all down hill. At that point your are alleviated and rejoicing simultaneously. Many people will say things like go to a gym, exercise, or walk every day. Don't get me wrong they help. But whatever is annoying you at your core, is the very thing you must confront. Tell yourself, "I need to make a conscious effort speak positive affirmations to myself. For example, "I am special, I can beat this mountain in my life, and I will find joy and peace today.  Many people are wondering, searching, and hungry for that one thing. What is it, you ask? Look deep within ourselves, it is passion. We have lost our passion for life. Ask yourself this question, "What is my passion." Allow me  take you back in time tell you some things that have happened in different parts of world.
    It's September 11, 2001 the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center had been destroyed. The co-workers, friends and families who lost their loved ones in this horrific event. Whats next for them, where do they go, and how can they pick the scrattered, broken pieces of their life. They have gone through such a horrific event, yet many of the victims or families have embraced what has happened and choose to live. Every person who experiences mountains or huge obstacles in his or her life have to make a conscious effort to say, Today I will choose to get through this, overcome this mountain, and I will breathe again. I will be able to walk outside and smell the flowers once again, and I will love gain. Whatever you lost, there will be a flower that will grow.
    Embrace your mountain, climb it, and overcome it! Seek with all your heart you will once again find your passion. Think about this, " those who lost their friends and family at 911 found their passion once again. Look it up. Some of them found new love, some created a foundation in honor of their loved ones, and others write a book in honor of their spouse ir child they lost. How did they do that? Especially in that horrific event. They chose to live again, find their passion, and to create their new path in life to journey Now its your turn.

  34. ThompsonPen profile image65
    ThompsonPenposted 10 years ago

    I found myself feeling that way, for two months! No matter what I did, I couldn't just calm down! I was irritable at everyone and everything, and I just hated the world - and for no reason! And the fact that I was feeling that way for no reason just made me even madder. There was nothing I could do!
    Then one day, in February, when it was all rainy and yucky out, my friend took me to the lake, and we walked around it a couple times. He showed me some Ti Chi (sp?) and we chased some ducks and stomped in the puddles.
    It wasn't any one of these acts that made me feel better, but the full combination of it all, being out in nature, and focussing on what was in front of me, and remembering that there is a world outside of my head.
    It broke the anger cycle for me, and things started getting better.

  35. wychic profile image84
    wychicposted 10 years ago

    What kind of things do you enjoy doing? It may take some time exploring different exercises, activities, volunteer opportunities and such to find the one that truly gives you that release. For me it's handcrafts -- beading and polymer clay. I can physically feel the tension leaving whenever I'm able to do it. There are days when I just tell my husband, "I HAVE to take a bead break, even if it means not sleeping tonight." He understands that means that I'm trying everything I can not to snap at people, but I'm losing the battle with the negative energy.

    Aside from that, as strange as it may sound, you may find some help from the steps in a 12-step program. It's really only the first step that has anything to do with a specific substance, and there may be one or two that don't apply to you. The rest are about dealing with the internal battle and striving for spiritual health. This is something I'd never thought about because I've never abused any substances (I have a hard time even taking Ibuprofen tongue ), but have found that it really does help. As with anything, it's a process that may not see immediate results, but it starts to become a second-nature way of approaching life challenges over time.

    I can't speak for you, but I know that when I focus on what I feel has made me upset, it just perpetuates that upset. No one can truly control your feelings unless you let them, but it may take time to learn how to respond differently to those aggravations.

  36. Lee Lee 513 profile image61
    Lee Lee 513posted 10 years ago

    The best way is to write it all down, to the people or the object of you're anger and then after you're all done, rip it up and put it in water. Then you can say whatever you need and after the relief of getting it out. You're head is straight to tackle the problem. It says in Proverbs "..a fool angers quickly but a wise man thinks first."

  37. profile image0
    promisemposted 10 years ago

    Take a tae kwon do class. It sure helped me.

  38. OliviaP1229 profile image61
    OliviaP1229posted 10 years ago

    Eat. Pray. Love.  No, I'm not referring to reading a book.  But I think you should find the time to dine somewhere you have never been.  Find a comfort place (church, park, yoga center) and meditate.  Its the best feeling ever if you found somewhere really warm.  Last, love.  Love as in do some act (s) of kindness.  Buy the person behind you coffee.  Help the old lady with her bags at the grocery store.  At the end of the day, you should feel much better about yourself.  Good Luck! I only wish you well! :-)

  39. Christa Swope profile image33
    Christa Swopeposted 10 years ago

    God made you, loves you, created you, knows every angle of every situation you are facing, sent his Son to pay the ultimate sacrifice for your sins and mine, knows what you can and can't handle, will never leave you or forsake you if you ask him for forgiveness of your sins and allow him to be Lord of your life, has a plan for your life, will meet absolutely every need in your life, knows exactly what you need even when you don't know or realize. He loves you. You are not alone. He is bigger than any problem, emotion, including depression, anxiety, fear, doubt, etc.

  40. IntimatEvolution profile image75
    IntimatEvolutionposted 10 years ago

    Take your frustrations out on paper.  Write about your feelings.  Start writting short stories, drama  packed stories that have characters that correspond with your real life.  You might as well turn a negative into a positive, and make money while you attack your laptop and pound down on the keys to produce stories, which other people would enjoy reading.  Or..., you can invest in a punching bag.

  41. JonDIDit profile image60
    JonDIDitposted 10 years ago

    Start a folder and write. Like keeping a journal, you can write out all your frustrations and anger and just release it to the page.  Anger gives those little things power over you.  There are many things you can tell the page that just don't need to be "shared" with anyone. Some people find it to hard to deal with people who are used to saying what they really think. They are "buddies" and much of what you say is not worthy of them even hearing but you can write it. TRUE FRIENDS, the kind you would give the keys to your home or car, will try to point things out to you in a gentler way and have a intelligent, thought provoking conversation with you. You are right to reach for a release and not turn to meds. Although you could try some teas that relax you. Chamomile is one. but there are some others. Check Dr OZ. I have found writing is my therapy and I just write and write and I have relieved so much stress that I use to have. No one sees it but me and you can go back in a few months to see if you still fee the same way. You have a right to your opinions and others have the right not to agree with you. They are not stupid things if they are important to you but they may mean nothing to the person you are with.   Writing may help you find why they are important enough to get angry about.
    Hope this helps.....WRITE!!!!!

  42. edhan profile image36
    edhanposted 10 years ago

    For me in the past, I release anger through screaming out loud. I find myself on a hill where I can just scream out loud. It is a great way to release those frustration or anger. Now I am no longer feeling that as I am constantly telling myself it is not worth having anger as it will not change anything. So, I just like to be happy go lucky in bad days.

  43. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 10 years ago

    Get a puppy or a rescue dog and love that beautiful animal.  Get a bicycle and ride it.  Buy a shotgun and shoot targets.  Get a bottle of wine and drink it.  Get some of your favorite foods and cook them.

  44. Tusitala Tom profile image69
    Tusitala Tomposted 10 years ago

    I suggest to you that YOU are seeking peace but another mind-created entity which endeavours to establish itself - but is always fearful - is what is doing all the reacting.  It gets angry. It feel victimized.  It suffers.  To explain:  the real you is that which simply observes what is going on.   The real you can then use intellect and intelligence via the knowledge you've acquired to overcome problems dispassionately.   The false you is what is commonly called the ego.  The ego is an image of how a part of your mind sees itself.   

    The real you is that part that looked out through your eyes and observed a world at two years of age, at ten years of age, as a teenager, as a grown up and will also do so when you're old and gray.  The you that sees without judgement, without labelling, without having any preferences.  The you that sees before the evaluative mind cuts in.   You could call this REAL you your spirit.

    The self-image is that part of our mind - which is made up of a core of beliefs but which are only IDEAS about itself, held within our subconscious mind.  This is what gives us all our trouble.   It sees itself in a certain way and wants the world to conform to how it thinks the world should.  It interprets good and bad.  It has preferences.  This self image or ego can be clearly seen in the infant when it reaches the 'terrible twos' (roughly two years of age) for this is when the ego-belief begins to take affect.

    Try the old 'concentration trick.'   YOU determine to concentrate you entire attention upon something fairly mundane, such as a cup on a table.  Observe it.   Keep on observing it.   Determine at the outset that you will concentrate on this and let no other thoughts creep in for a full five mintues.   The ego mind will become very aggitated at this.  It will drag your attention away.  There will be a contest between the real YOU (who will yourself to observe the cup and only the cup) and the ego mind which will endeavour to rationalize that it is you.  it will chatter; present verbal thought to you as to why this is a ridiculous thing to do, et cetera.

    The ego is that part which you (at present) cannot control, or control fully, which is causing all your angst.   The answer, is to take steps to bring your ego mind under the control of your will.   And the way to do this is to undertake a serious (and probalby life-long) daily routine of meditation.  This will gradually bring more power and peace to you.

  45. Health Reports profile image88
    Health Reportsposted 10 years ago

    Try kick boxing - it will relieve stress and you can punch out what ever frustrations you have.

  46. Alyssa Nichol profile image90
    Alyssa Nicholposted 10 years ago

    A good, intense cardio session with a lot of upbeat, driving music usually does the trick.  However, with what you described above, you may want to look into therapy or counseling.  Talking it out with a psychologist could really help you get to the bottom of why you are feeling that way and you may be able to learn some great tips to help you improve yourself and your relationships.

    1. Mariella Brown profile image60
      Mariella Brownposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      exactly what i was going to suggest - i forget everything when i go to the gym

  47. profile image50
    rebeccak12posted 10 years ago

    Running is a great stress reliever. Before I started running, I was mad all the time and my stress level was through the roof. I've been running for 4+ years now and not only is my stress level down but I'm alot happier and feel great. I know not everyone can or wants to run but even walking helps because it releases endorphins that make you happier.

  48. Erin Trefz profile image72
    Erin Trefzposted 10 years ago

    Have you tried praying and reading the Bible?  I have a horrible time with my anger.  I was honking and yelling at people when I drove so bad that my three-year old would say, "people don't know how to drive."  He also had said the F-Bomb. I was embarrassed at how I treated my husband, and how often I yelled at my kids. 

    I started reading a devotion (I actually wrote a Hub about this) and reading the Bible before I did anything for the day.  I was praying and reading often.  This was about four weeks ago and I cannot explain the difference. 

    After reading over and over how I have been shown grace, mercy, and forgiveness I was mortified at my behavior.  I started counting to ten before I reacted to a situation.  I thought before I spoke.  It is amazing how much better I feel about myself.  My relationships are better, and I have much more patience for people. 

    I am sure there are many health benefits from this.  Come to think of it, maybe I will research that!

    If someone has truly hurt your feelings, I think it is important to let them know.  You may need to wait and cool off before doing this so the hurt isn't so fresh.  That may help you be less reactive. 

    I hope this helps.  I have a couple books I could recommend, if you would like.

  49. Dalan Trombley profile image58
    Dalan Trombleyposted 10 years ago

    have realy good sexand shoot some realy big guns then go swiming

  50. Atul Dahiya profile image70
    Atul Dahiyaposted 10 years ago

    The best way to deal with such situations is to learn to forgive & forget and until the time you are not able to do that, you can try one of these things.

    1. Take a photo of the person you are angry with and abuse it to your hearts content. You will be amazed how much satisfaction it gives and you will be able to vent out your anger.

    2. If there is someone in your life who constantly makes you angry, stick his/her picture on a dartboard and throw some darts at it, whenever you feel angry with that person.

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