A positive story about the kindness of one Port Authority Police Officer, an angel in the outfield of life. Newark International Airport on a holiday weekend can intimidate! Maybe you'll meet a true hero in uniform. Little ones need real life heroes, and Officer Mike did not disappoint.
The New Year roars in sometimes with a sprinkle of rain, urging some reflection and direction. We still have some growing to do!
God is in our story. If you opened your eyes, there is more. God is in the details.
Choosing a word for the year is a bit of a trend. If you didn't know that, well, you do now. The truth is, I like it. I appreciate trying to hone my focus while launching into the new year. My choice word for this year is - Envision!
Simone Biles, thank you for your humanness. You are more than gold!
A Mother's Day reflection of our sweet mother, who is loosening the grip that tethers her as our earthly umbrella of protection; oh, my dear Mama, hold tight to your umbrella for a wee bit longer. But when it is time for our Mary Poppins to fly, enjoy that flight back home!
Wars of woe nowadays are nothing compared to the light we seek. Will they know us by our light? Being in this world, but not of it, is easier said than done. Please be mindful of the brevity for which we fulminate this earth; maybe then we'll live like we are dying.
The simplicity of a tiny leaf can always focus on the beauty of the Breeze. One day we will dance together above the clouds, no division, no grief, only LOVE within the Breeze!
Stuck, I mean unquestionable stoppage! The exciting part of suspension in pandemic 2020, there is a never-ending search for purpose in chaos.
Masks Wearing, a Dr. Seuss approach, this poem is a way to explain the challenging topic of the mask-wearing issue to the kiddos. Let's hang in there as kind people living in a crisis.
Humanity hangs by a thread! Together we can quiet the banter and mend our quilts.
Unprecedented times will leave their mark on history. We can generate significant maturity despite the fears from this period of uncertainty. What will be your isolation story?
We can do this, but COVID-19 is no joke! Social distancing saves lives. Everyone must do their part. Listen up; someone may want our attention during this isolation.
A day to pray in quarantine; we rest in faithfulness under challenging times!
What's your number on the Enneagram? What's your jam? The wonderment of gaining an understanding of self is pertinent to connection. So, once you find your number, spend some time in Psalms and figure out the music of life.
Relationships are a work in progress. The goal is to keep working toward success. How can you make a pearl from a parasite that seeks to destroy? Here is a determined forever love story for you.
Relationship, there is genuinely only one experience we need, and it's everything we need to get anything else right! Do you know what that is? I hope we can be still because we don’t want to miss one word; quiet our hearts to listen. The word of God is life!
We are all survivors; however, often, we assume the brokenness of another. Instead of guessing, try seeking someone's truth?
When it's hard to get a breath amid the crisis, the heart relies on the silent hope that takes hold in the crash. Beautifully in over our head is where God meets us!
Attitudes are contagious; make yours worth catching!
Living faith in our imperfect world is complex, but all things are possible!
Do you struggle to understand this world? Fear not; our God is limitless!
God made us for so much more! We are to sharpen and shine! Remove our dull exterior and match it with our hope in Jesus!!
The stories of our stretch marks make us unique we should embrace them as part of our story!
Have I forgotten the beautiful peace available to me? Looking around, I get caught in the whirlwind of life and feel the chaos of my earthly surroundings. Have I become deflected?
Did I blink, God? This is the story of my little boy!
Into the Woods is my story review of the film. While not meant for children, the movie is worth the view. There are some fantastic life lessons woven into the story.
Response to writing challenge based on Annart's picture ~ credit to Annart for the picture seen in this hub
The only way to win a race is in knowing it is already won! Let's get the message out there if you know that, then start shining people, we need a little more light in the world, HOPE AMERICA!
The world spins, and feelings overwhelm all we need is to surrender!
Summer time and living is easy, but it is so much better when you follow a Blueprint, then it is worth it...
We can build a beautiful city if we follow the recipe.
We get caught up in this noisy world with "Tit for Tat" bickering; it silences communication. We all live in glass houses. We need to wake up and get honest about our relationship with Jesus-PEACE.
What lies deep in your heart, focus on it; yes, it is possible to get a bit freezer burnt. Maybe it's time to thaw our frozen places.
Sharing a birthday with Hitler and 4/20 is not fun. The snickers from others because your birthday on this well-known date is not fun. Knowing Christ is alive in me as I celebrate, Priceless!
As teens turn into their twenties, one wants to look back while wholeheartedly trusting the foundation. The tugboat has pulled away from the port and is en route, solidly their vessel.
As life's splatter hits our canvas, we attempt to create a masterpiece. Let allow the Master Artist to complete beautiful work with our brush strokes.
In the Jungle Gym of life, they set the bars. It's how we go through them that matters. Let Go, be accessible; even when we dangle, there is JOY in Him. Trusting in His Promises is where we find our hope.
Social Media is confusing, information is often skewed; there is fact mixed with hacks. How do we know which is which? Let's disconnect so we can connect!
Giving God a thumbs up is easy; putting your hand in His is easy. How about putting some things back together after they break? Now, that is tough but so worth it.
It is not all about the scores; why do you write? Figure that out, stay true to yourself, keep an open mind, and on Hubbing!
When in a constant battle, it's easy to lose direction and get caught in the pendulum. Seek God first not focusing externally on others. Keep Him there at your center.
Being thankful is to praise Him with our actions, with our breath, with our life. It is just a click between here and there; maybe it is how we spend the time in between that is important.
Hearts break for those left behind when a loved one is called home. May we hold our loved ones close to our hearts, knowing we will meet again.
The little things are so big when we give them our attention and allow their magic. The tough big things can become so very little in our Joy.
Lost little lambs, rest your hand in His, and you are free to shine your light for always.
Music is a great storyteller, so what do you think? Do we sometimes have to take the pieces and put them together to get to the future? How about we meet in the middle?
“Our eyes stay the same size from birth.” It is our perception, what we see, and how we look at others with constant and loving eyes.
Regardless of what stadium you play in, remember it is all about the team, and the coaching is everything. With the right coaching, you can do anything!
Let’s help one another with our five-second delay, and keep looking up! Bring on the attacks because we are the body OF CHRIST, and it will not sway us; we are on a five-second delay!
Our markers and milestones set upon the road of life, and when we follow the directions, we are sure to meet our destination.
Battles rage as mistakes is part of our flesh. We have eternal Grace by the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. Covenants weaken in this earthly state, so be mindful of His gift.
There were two trees of importance in the Garden, The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life, two trees with one straightforward instruction set.
Stories of a soldier, a glimpse of how one life can touch so many others. God Bless all who serve; our veterans deserve our utmost respect.
Keep your playlists open to new things; someone might try to tell you something through their music.
Stillness always comes after storms, sometimes in the middle, sometimes before, but it happens. Keep still and know that God is God.
A poem about dying earth left to a man’s sin covered by the living water of life found in Our Savior and King. Keep reading and share actual water HK. (At the end of this hub, Human Kind Water information can heal some brokenness.)
Our Father in heaven gave us the gift of mothers, but more importantly, He gave us the gift and the action of mothering. So God bless everyone on Mothers Day and always.
People are people; we have to keep working on loving that seed that our Father gave us, the seed of His unfailing love. This seed deserves more attention and deserves all of our attention.
Have you stopped and taken the first moment to breathe, only to exhale His grace? When we stand in the stillness of Christ alone, we will find peace.
Great time to reflect on the blessings of this Good Friday! We are humbly thankful for the Cross. Prayerfully mindful of how often we fail You and yet, not guilty, wonderfully blessed, by the cross and the living sacrifice of Jesus, Your Son. At the foot of the cross, we worship You!
Rocky-Springs, Bed & Breakfast 1441 Millport Road Lancaster, PA., has its unique ambiance where you can imagine yourself roaming the Old Amusement Park in its hay-day.
God needs us not to all to not act or look the same. If we did, that would be a small sampling of talent. No matter what, we can grow closer; all we need is a little faith.
Remember, God made your benches; He is always ready to repair them when needed. When you break down, he has an extra supply; we must rely on Him.
We try to stay afloat like buoys in the sea. Life is a continuum; we forget to do our best and go forward in faith and hope. We claim firm belief, yet we struggle.
We are in a battle ~ who's team are you on?
We passionately express our grief or disdain when in the pits of darkness. Do we recognize what holds us back from surrendering?
Seventy- three seconds, Christa McAuliffe had that time to live out a dream. Maybe you can make a dream come true for yourself or someone else? What can you do with just seventy-three seconds?
RED is a color and so much more. RED is the power of the cross, and they shed His blood for all sin. Blessed in knowing God loves the sinner and the lost, for you are His, and He loves you unconditionally.
If you will become a student, I assure you the TEACHER will always be there to save you. Be it a rocky boat or a beautiful lake with no ripples? He will use you!
We can spend our time in worry, sadness, fear, or regret. Does that work? I can honestly say, “I know it didn’t work for me.” Let's spend time seeking God and growing closer to home.
A story about life, love, and suffering. A love story of a couple and Casino Pier in Seaside Heights, NJ, culminating in a legacy of God's love. A report of love and life in the wake of Hurricane Sandy!
A short fictional story of love, loss, and miracles. May we all be open to how God can take a tragedy and make it beautiful.
We are rough around the edges, and pieces may break off. We are not perfect stones, and that's okay. Character comes from polishing.
" Ain't no party like a Holy Ghost Party, and a Holy Ghost party doesn't stop!" Remember to put on your armor before bracing for the storms of life. Don't be tardy for the real party!
Bullying is a problem out of control, so why do we bully again? What do we accomplish by tearing down another person? How can we not see we all have our part in bullying?
SEE YOU AT THE POLE; The day kids stand in front of their schools; the flagpole represents One Nation Under God. Hoping these moments could change one life?
He thunders, trust ME; I got the whole world in my hands. You are just a spec, but you are my spec, and I will never let you go!
We need to recognize our dirt instead of pointing out others. We must keep sweeping our house; dirt accumulates if not tended to!
Punishing innocents for generational errors is wrong. We must not forget, but remember the history of PENN STATE with integrity. Many come from this institution to change the world for the better.
Put fear aside, and be still in hope. One day will always follow the next, and God is in the lead.
Allowing God to use you for his unlimited plan can lead to that euphoric feeling, and in time it will be all you need.
Suppose for a moment you consider your level of plastic? With how much plastic have you surrounded yourself? Does your plastic allow others to know you? What if we all got a little more Real?
Our kids go from Cradles to Wings’; they stand so confidently; it's a time to cherish the memories to place in the archive of their beautiful life. We look into their eyes, knowing they are ready for HIM.
Fathers Day, we are reminded that even though many of us no longer have our fathers here on earth, or in some cases never have, no matter what, we have a Heavenly Father.
Have you ever watched the fluff of a dandelion flow into the air? It is a soft and beautiful release; take a minute to witness miracles and see how eloquently God is in control.
Do you remember your first Carousel Ride? What was it like? Life is similar; to that ride; maybe it's that simple; what do you think?
There is no greater desire for evil than to pull us away from God and His plan for us. While the world is picking at us, we will not shake free!
Our Christian walks are different; you may have slipped or just be starting. God's not looking at our mistakes He knows, and still, He loves us.
Reflecting on Good Friday, we reverently remember the death of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We joyfully await the celebration of His resurrection ~ every day!
God is The Engineer of our lives. Much can be complete for His glory while on our train rides. We find our strength in Him, and greatness is possible.
How can anyone deny God as our Creator? It is unfathomable to me. Thank you, Lord, for the trials, the hardships, and the joys life brings. You, Lord, are my Hiding Place.
Today was one of those days when earthly answers were to come, but instead, it would be a magic carpet ride.
I was blessed to witness the coming together of two people in Love. The Wedding of a lovely couple. They prepared and stood before God as He entered the center of their life.
Hopelessness perpetuates negativity. We pound the negatives and skim over the positives. We must arm ourselves with positive truths. We must stop pointing fingers!
Come What May I Will Love You Until The End Of Time
Our kaleidoscope needs light. What if you allow the light of God into your kaleidoscope? Then we can share that beauty and watch it grow. Remember to let your light shine so our KALEIDOSCOPES can be beautiful and worth viewing.
Skunks, what is the worth of a skunk? Why did God create a skunk? They arm themselves, as do we! How do we protect ourselves? Are we like a skunk?
He is not finished with you yet ~ so remember to listen for the answers and search for the smiles in those "Not One More Thing Kind Of Days" ~ Before you know it, you'll be laughing at yourself.
Relationships are like a snowfall, whimsical with the delight of firsts. When fresh, it is light and airy, and fun. Once trampled on, a little bit of the dirt can build up, but God makes it worth it.
We all have a PULSE ~ Are you trying to figure something out ~ Are you trying to get answers to questions ~ Are you a person and not a piece of furniture ~ Then you have one ~ A PULSE ~ It makes you special ~ It makes you real ~ It reminds us we have a heart at our center ~
Who knew after touching the feet of the Jesus statue at Johns Hopkins University Hospital that God could answer prayers in such a unique and memorable way? Now I smile.
Hoping we can Shake Rattle and Roll for God ~ He forgave us, and it is about time we treat people the way He treats us~ Just saying.
THROUGH THE EYES OF LOVE ~ God is always giving us messages. Are we listening? He wants all of us to be champions, the champions he created us to be for Him.
Release the Pain and Catch the Grace ~ May God Bless you and keep you and all His grace to fall over you.
If we shake things up a little, we could get it right. It's just Stuff how about shaking it up a little. Make the wrong stuff into the right stuff!
Get involved in a game of TAG - Time Alone with God ~ Live as if there are no walls to hide behind ~ Be accountable for your time with Him ~ Your it!
We are all waiting on something. Here are some thoughts on the process. Have a wonderful day while you wait.
The Fall Season has so much symbolism to life and Living a Christian walk. So, I put some thoughts together with some Christian music. I hope you enjoy and have a beautiful and blessed Day!
I am here to share stories and to hear about yours. In the waves of life, we choose our approach. In reality, God is right there waiting for you to reach for Him amongst the waves.
Why hub? Why write? Why not? This is My Why!