To celebrate the earth lets promote land ethics. It is a way of living where our choices consider what is best for the planet. It is what Leopold says "doing what promotes the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community." This will decrease our major environmental problem, a collective...
Do hallucinogenic or psychodelic drugs help the brain and thus people to be more creative?
What is freedom? What does freedom means to you? Are you really free, or do you feel that constraint such as the economy, laws or other people restrict your ability to make choices?
Birds help humans providing ecosystem services such as beauty (joy/$ through bird watchers and ecotourism), participation in nutrient cycling, pollination, and seed dispersal. Their contribution to the economy is in the magnitude of billions of dollars.
Empowering the self and empowering others to become better as individuals, organizations and society. With ideas from Jack Welch, Steve Jobs, Anthony Robbins, Zappo's leaders and others.
What do you need to know to identify birds eggs and other stories about birds. Contrasted with the the philosophy of growing up as humans. Why we shall move from egg/potential to the hatchling and the flying bird or fully fledged developed individual.
This is a selection of quotes and reflections from the book, What Matters Now, What about you? By Seth Godin and co-authors including, Ariadnna Huffington, Hugh McLeod, Tony Hisieh, Malcom Gladwell and others. It addresses common life concerns such as the things we annotate in new years goals for...
New frontiers in brain science! Scientist have found a way to insert differentiating neurons in the brain of mice. These 'new' neurons have the ability to create non-existing pathways that are required for proper brain and endocrinal function. These type of finding have multiple implications for...
Write a letter and save a life. This is a community service in support of people who need help because the have lost their freedom. The campaign is promoted by Amnesty International. I also wish to promote letter writing in general. Write to your friends, family, prisoners, and to people from other...
Being in love means different things to people for some it is joyful for others is painful. The science behind being in love seems to tell us that love and drug addictions share similar features. In this article, I point out some of the views from lovers, scientists, and poets.
Wangari Muta Maathai was a scientists who got involved in social issues especially empowering women while improving the land planting trees. From her we can learn how our demands deplete resources and make people even more poor elsewhere.
A way to decrease your impact on the planet resources is to go vegetarian or vegan. Vegetarianism lowers your ecological footprint, is a net positive for your health, and may even save you money. Take the Challenge!
What is gluten? What is gluten sensitivity or gluten allergies? What is coeliac disease? Many people believe this is rare but now researchers have found that is more common than previously thought among the asymptomatic population. Learn more...
On the role of mentor and teachers for the betterment of society. Why is mentoring important. Mentoring is leaving a legacy for future generations. Being a mentee or a student is being willing to carry on that knowledge...
Science, inquisition and witchcraft, are they related?
Stories and cartoons about plumbing problems and solutions.
For home problems such as plumbing it is best to visit your local hardware store instead of the big store retailers. You will love the experience of being treated like a human instead of a cash machine. You will also find friendly advice and the items you need to get the job done.
Do it yourself Plumbing: identifying plumbing problems that you can solve without calling a plumber.
Owls and mythology: owls have long form part of traditions involving death, health, wisdom, witchcraft, power, darkness, and more. Here is a story of owls as messengers of death and rites of passage.
Green economies are these new business the solution to environmental and energy crisis?
Gardening to enjoy the small miracles that we know as life! The flowers, the birds, the critters, the surprises by observing the garden and the living things happening there bring us daily joy.
Science and gardening come together when an ecologist plant a garden for food, beauty and the other species. Inspired by Nature. How to learn science in your garden.
Humans has always sought understand the Universe, who we are and were we come, or where we are going? We need to continue space and solar planet explorations because it is an investment for our present and our future. Studies in cosmology, astrophysics and other disciplines need to be funded.
The world is going global. Now it is time to learn about the world best literature masters. Ernesto Sabato was well known in Latin America and in Europe, for some reason only a handful of people know of his amazing works. Before being a writer, he was a physicist.
Are vegetarian sexy? Underlying reasons to become vegetarian. Naughty for nature or why some actors and actresses go naked for animal rights...
Issues Japan needs to deal with in its road of recovery after the Tsunami and Earthquake and the nuclear accident.
Hummingbird feeders and how to provide an appropriate diet for them. Video of David Attenbourough and picture from my friend Christian Ziegler, National Geographic
Cartoons and poems in appreciation to the Earth. An earthy message the earth loves you.
we live to learn and learn to live. We live to grow into ourselves. The search for meaning and purpose can be easy for some and very difficult and painful for others. It is part of discovering our personal philosophies. M. Santana
The earth is a planet some call it mother earth, others call her Gaia a self-regulating organism. The earth is also the soil, the volcanos, and the rivers. The earth has many faces. The productive agricultural land is only one of those earth faces.
Do you want to know how to calculate your impact on the planet resources? I show you how...
How can you help nature by supporting land conservation, national parks,or by volunteering educating others. In addition fundraising, gardening and other ways to help nature.
Hummingbirds are graceful birds and they need your help. They travel long distances and require a lot of energy and sites to rest and nest. Lets plant a garden for them!
On the subject of Love: Loving ourselves and loving others both requires commitment and understanding of human psychology and behaviors. One of the greatest commitments of compassionate love is to accept that person for what he or she truly is. Love needs passion and compassion. Both words from the...
Advice and reflections on writing. How does one deals with the process of writing to bring the stories alive. How does one deal with criticism and how to get inspired by the great writers of all times. Inside: advice on writing, writing tips,recommendations on books about writing.
Biofuels business are growing at high speed. Can biofuels meet consumers’ needs for energy?
The Little Prince is a classic that was written in 1943 by Antoine the Saint Exupery. It is an important resource to learn about relationships and what matters the most. It teaches us to appreciate the essence of life. "One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the...
How we define home has many components: food, culture, family, memories, and places. To answer to the question what or where is home for us we need to look at a complexity of things that define our countries or regions. Home is about what unifies us to other humans in relation to a place and its...
What can you do to help butterflies and other wildlife species. Plant a garden considering nature and wildlife.
University of Wisconsin experts in nuclear energy talked about nuclear energy and the nuclear accident in Japan to help the public understand the magnitude of the problem. This article was written by ecologist Mirna Santana, who studies energy issues and also writes for the public. she was present...
Elizabeth Taylor was not only a good actor, she was an outstanding human being. Since her adolescence to her old years she inspired many people. She left the legacy of an authentic human, an actress, an humanitarian.
Radiation and nuclear accidents effects on food, air and water: food contamination by radiactivity, water pollution by radioactive elements, air pollution
Science is a highly creative endeavour. Scientist are thus creative people. Many scientist have perform and cross pollinate its creativity using music, painting, writing and other humanistic task. A few have totally abandoned science to fill the work with joy and laughter. They did not stop being...
Contemplating the changing seasons through poetry. Nature Poems, inspired by planet earth and seasonal changes. Love and Nature
The main issues around Japan's nuclear crises include: health, displacement of people and jobs, the economy, energy demand issues, and stress.
Sequence of events during the nuclear crises in Japan
How to clean a burned pot or pan using environmentally friendly approaches.
Professor Brian Cox is a physicist who conducts particle research to help understand the origin of the Universe. Dr. Cox is also a gifted public speaker and host the BBC program Wonders of the Universe. He is also a comedian.Is he the new Carl Sagan?
Though it is human to categorize and the best human models make things simply; nature tends toward complexity. It seeks it. For example, there is more diversity following a disturbance...Chaos create more complexity too. Biology first law authors call it biology's first law...It is not a new idea....
What to expect or what are the predictions for climate change in Wisconsin and the US Midwest compared to other places. Differences in global warming versus climate change (terminology.
Pear cranberry pie recipe and dessert recipes. Cooking contest among friends. Thanks giving recipes and stories. How to make pie?
Cooking goes beyond recipes: in this recipe of Jubile Rice, the writer Mirna Santana also recounts how she learned to a basic rice recipe along her father and how the recording and modification of the recipes she makes have been influenced by other cooks and by her friends.
In cooking soup recipes we share memories and culture. As they say soup is food for the soul because it makes us feel the warmth of love and bring good memories
Traveling to Central America, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Belize, Salvador or Honduras? Stories of a trip through Central America.
Do animals have souls? Have you wonder whether your pet, your farm animal, or even the wild animals can communicate among themselves or with you? keywords in this book: dogs, cats, cattle,farm dogs, bulls, and horses.
Online dating--How criminals and predators find their victims in online dating sites. A story of an online serial murder. And sketches of subsequent cases.
Wendel Berry is a fantastic writer who connects nature, politics, and every day life through the use of his character. Bill McKibben called him 'our greatest literary human treasure'
In Many Lives, many Masters Brian Weiss, a psychiatrist and researcher at Mont Sinai, Miami, FL., documents the past lives of a patient through a hypnotic regression. Both doctor and patient find meaning and healing for past and current relationships as well as the illnesses.
Do you want to learn how your food choices may impact the planet? Calculate your foot footprint.
The importance of wetlands for climate mitigation, species conservation, diversity and ecosystem services. How much does it cost to restore wetlands and why shall we care?
For stargazers and all people interested in the solar system, space science, the stars, and the universe, seeing a full moon eclipse is just an amazing experience. This is a description of one of those experiences and an interview with an expert on the subject.
Neil Shubin a paleontologist explains how humans evolved from fish through fossil evidence. this Book Review of 'Our inner Fish' provides insights on the evolution of humans.