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What Could Happen in the Future Could Mean Survival Situtations for YOU !

Updated on January 16, 2017

Just What Could Change Our Lives?

On the news tonight, there were reports of very high temperatures around the world, a volcano exploding and also that the world's population is over 7 billion people. These three things could be adding factors to change any person's life. Survival situations could happen at any moment and a person has to be ready and prepared.

1816 was called in history to be the year without a summer. Historians blame a volcano for putting out dust, ash and methane into the atmosphere, causing a drop in temperatures around the world. Reports of snow during the summer months came from Old Mexico and the Southern States. Bizarre and weird weather patterns became part of the information of that time. Some farmers could not plow, plant or harvest that year. It seems that what saved some of the inhabitants of the United States that year was that they had prepared and stored food for bad times, but there were major food shortages that caused many to succumb to starvation.


Possible Causes for Major Life Changes?

There are so many possible causes to change a person's life at a moments notice.

Volcano Eruption








Birth of child


Stock Market Crash

Economic Crash

Monetary Crash

Nuclear Explosion

Wind Shear


Space Debris or Comet



Civilian Unrest


No Gas/Fuel Available





Sun Flare

Weather Abnormalities



Deadly Gas

Bacteria Outbreak

Viral Outbreak


Chemical Release

No Electricity



Job Loss

Loss of House




Plane Crash



Bird Flu


And the list goes on and on and on

Emergency Situations


Most Likely Events in the United States.

The World is growing at a fantastic pace, exceeding 7 billion people. About 1800, the world reached about 1 billion people so the increase of more people per year is probable. Science and nature seem to have a response mechanism built in as to when there is an off balance of a substance, there is a balancing of the ratio. In the past, when the people, vegetation or animals became too crowded, the possibility of a thinning process, sickness or disease would increase till the people or nature corrected itself.

Each growing moment, the people of Earth are demanding more and more energy, space, food and commodities. The likelihood of a major disaster resulting from deep well drilling, nuclear explosions, radiation leaks or war is creeping very fast toward Earth. In history, major events such as volcanoes and earthquakes have happened repeatly throughout time, killing thousands of people.. The Earth is overdue for many occurrences that are a natural release of energy resulting in Earth changes.

There is a super or mega-volcano under the three states of Wyoming, Nevada, and Idaho. There is not much that is reported because there is not much happening and no one knows when it could erupt but when it does, most of the United States could be affected.

The biggest news now is the 2012 and 2013 is the cycles of the sun. What could be happening that would change the person's life? The SOLAR FARES OR EMP's are the problems that really could affect everyone in the United States. Just one direct hit from a solar flare could wipe out all electronics, all power grids and almost all transportation. This would mean no fuel, no electricity, no heat, no air conditioning, limited food and limited water. The scene could really get sensitive fast. Without sanitary conditions, food and water, rioting, looting and disorder would quickly follow.

Another event that could possibly happen is the collapse of the dollar or the monetary system. This could very likely happen if any large event were to happen in the United States, being downgraded with the credit rating, disruption in the fuel supply or the event of being attacked. Having money in the bank would be worthless and having paper money in the hand could be of less value. The paper represents value, but is not backed by anything but the CONSUMER CONFIDENCE, nothing more.

With over 7 billion people in the world, the likelihood of diseases being transmitted becomes more evident. In past epidemics, it took months, sometimes years for a disease to travel from city to city. The transportation that includes super fast trains, planes and cars, the people carrying the diseases can spread the bacteria or virus around the world in a matter of hours, being almost impossible to contain.

The biggest three threats in America are food, water and shelter. While the natural events of hurricanes, volcanoes, tornadoes and weather do pose threats, the immediate survival items are the food, water and shelter to provide life. The same goes for other people too. If they do not have these three items, they know that they will soon die too, so beware that that there may be some people that see their lives are more important than yours.

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