Trump. Not even a contest. Hillary is weak and has proven that. And not trustworthy.
Hi there, Louisiana Hot Wire, I appreciate your participation here.
I don't trust either...... Brexit was a result of people believing they can turn the clock back.... Trump promotes the same "make it great like it WAS."
But times have changed... the world has changed. Extremists on both sides stand firm while the rest of us vote for the lessor of two evils.... yet I believe there is a candidate that has the clearest solutions for ALL problems.... check out Jill Stein - listen to her speeches and read her messages.
you can argue she does not have a chance - I argue that voting for the lessor of two evils is asinine. ChangeIsHere NOW!
Hi Neil, Thank you for your passionate answer. Not sure I've heard of Jill Stein before. It's a lot to think about for sure.
Faith Reaper - have you looked up Jill Stein yet?
Hi Neil, I just Google Jill Stein. So, it says she is with the Green Party. I will have to listen to some of what she has to say and do more research. I'm sorry I just noticed your second comment back to me here.
Neil,re: woman really needs to see a psychiatrist.Don't entertain her BS even for a second,she is nothing but a modern day Tokyo Rose for radical Islamic my comment on the vid
Is it any wonder America has that many "Enemies" maybe if it didn't poke its nose into the affairs of other nations (not counting the extremist and volatile ones) it would be far more likeable. There should be a new meaning for Capitalism...' Greed '.....and before anyone starts the barracking....its an opinion ok!
Hi there, Arthur, the not so anonynous. Thank you for your opinion. Well, you know what they say about opinions ...
Since you don't like capitalism ( another name for free markets) what is your solution, government control? Is government control going to cure greed?
Trump. Logically and emotionally, he's my preferred choice. First of, he has built a monetary empire and this is no mean feat, so he knows something about organization and handling people. He's paid taxes in the millions so he knows something about government's role in creating a right environment. His personality also seems to be one that listens (even though he prefers not to seem that way) so he'll know how to get great advice to run the country and protect it. Finally, the principle of deductive reasoning makes it obvious that you cannot separate a person's past decisions from the likely future actions; Hillary seems to be careless, almost fraudulent even. Her actions have made other human beings affected by her decisions get killed. Her time in office with president Obama hasn't stopped terrorism and senseless and painful killings. Why would anyone HOPE that she'd do or achieve anything better as president that she couldn't while in the corridors of power. Be careful America, governance isn't just about semantics. Choose wisely.
There is no real support behind the hyperbolic accusations against HRC. I do agree " you cannot separate a person's past decisions from the likely future actions" SO, does that mean u don't mind Trump running the country like he runs his campaign.
You're right about Hillary being careless, even the FBI director called her "extremely careless". But, being a business man doesn't qualify someone to be President. I guess that's what you get in a country where capitalism is the religion.
Also, Conservatives cover your ears, you can't run government, local, state, or federal like a business; it will fail in a heartbeat. It won't even be good enough to sustain a military.
My Esoteric
It failed in 2008 and now it has a $20 trillion dollar heart lung machine.
Bush tried to run the gov't like a business and now we have a $20 trillion debt as a result of his failure and the cost to fix it.
Hi Elias, I appreciate your participation here and explaining why Trump is your choice and your perspective on Hillary and her past actions.
Until the monetary system of the world is flipped right side up - NO political leader can accomplish a dam thing that they state n their platforms. Thrivalism is the solution.... not voting for anyone at all makes the most sense.
ME Hyperbolic accusations?So in your little perverted world vies the truth is considered Hyperbolic accusations...I guess this breaking news is hyperbolic accusations:listen to end if you dare
Hillary. I trust the people closest to her, I trust her knowledge, and I trust her to know when it is time to act in the best interest of the COUNTRY. She's already been in the hot seat for many many years. I may not have been her biggest fan, but I trust her a LOT more than Trump.
I believe Trump did not expect to get as far into this as he has, and believe he is 100% in it for selfish reasons to boost his celebrity and that is all. He will make less as president, for one thing, and the responsibility will be enormous especially given the economic, environmental, and shaky global climate. I think he will act rashly, inflate his ego at every given turn, and ignore the real safety issues at hand.
Thank you for answering, Julie. I appreciate you taking time to relay why you choose Hillary, and why you do not choose Trump.
Why do you trust her? And you think things about Trump. Nothing of substance in either of these opinions. You think she did a good job in Benghazi, or with protecting national security with her private email servers. Or her veracity on them?
GoGreen platform to me is by far the most fair. Jill Stein has some amazing ideas. It's time for ALL to thrive.... from the North Pole to the South pole. Thirvalism
I would trust the person that was in the room when the decision was made to take out Osama bin Laden, not the person who builds buildings for a living.
If I could hit the thumbs up more than once, I would.
Hi Christina, that was a good decision for sure about Osama bin Laden. Thank you for answering.
Really Christine? I guess you and ME are OK with George Soros running America through his puppet Hillary? Just out:
Hi muadhah, Thank you for participating and sharing your choice.
I wouldn't know what Enemies Americans are so afraid of and need protection from. Besides, the last time I checked, the American constitution didn't allow the president to unilaterally engage in war with other countries(enemies) without approval from the other arms of the government. Then again, I might be wrong.
Hi Ephraim, Well, those who cry "Death to America" ...would certainly qualify as an enemy, I would think. Thank you for participating as a non-American.
Trump of course! he is a leader and will listen to his commanders. Hillary is corrupt and unqualified to lead.
Trump barely listens to his closest advisors, why do you think he would change now? By the way, it is Trump is a crook ...see Trump University con.
Hi Greg, thank you for participating here and sharing your choice and why.
Absolutely and definitely neither one. That's why I'm voting Gary Johnson.
Hi Carter, thank you for participating and sharing your choice of neither of these.
Hands Down Donald Trump!
Hillary has made a complete mess of every single endeavor she has been involved in. She has taken tons of money from Muslim governments and yet she says she supports women and gays. These governments kill women and gays indiscriminately. She has been involved in several illegal wars that have cost the American taxpayer millions of dollars. And what do we have for our money, ...dead citizens and a much more dangerous world.
Donald Trump will put America first. He wont allow thousands of immigrants to enter this country UNVETTED so that we can become Europe and have a new terrorist act every single week! How anyone can even consider this corrupt, bought and paid for politician is beyond me!
I respectfully disagree but hope whoever wins we will head into the future less divided.
Hi Brie, Thank you for participating here and sharing your reasons why not for Hillary and why for Trump. Those are interesting points there about those governments and women and gays.
Trump is definitely a more viable option for national defense. Trump has a warrior's mind. Hilary Clinton, however, is dishonest and cheats fellow American's for her own promotion. She is ultimately weak for a leader. Trump is very aggressive and would make a good defender.
Hilary Clinton broke the law. And you have some good opinions yourself.
Hi Anineemous, that is true about Trump being aggressive no doubt. Thank you for answering here and stating why you believe Trump would make a good defender.
I trust neither of them. However, if I were to choose the lesser of the evils, it would be Trump.
Hi jaydawg, thank you for answering and at least choosing one and sharing why.
I believe Hillary will be a perfect option for US because she is well educated, with more diplomatic experience, she is well aware of other regions. To run a country like US one should be diplomatic rather than just being honest and vocal.
Trump can never be a good option for US because he is more conventional and has a very clear policy, no diplomatic experience at all.
Hi Shehzad Hussain, thank you for sharing your perspective from Islamabad.
Faith I have been following this very "successful" question and am always pleased to see your pleasantness. Your actions show your wonderful faith.
Thank you so much, dear Eric. You are always so kind to me and all others, which is telling of your faith too. Peace and blessings
I, a dual citizen (Canadiana and USA) truly trust Hillary to defend not only USA but also its neighbour Canada. So she has a little controversy around her name but that doesn't deter me away from her. I've read all her books, which she had written. She's been a champion for all humans, world wide and giving her the power to lead will the best thing for this world. Donald can't make a decision with a group a people. Its his way or highway. His rhetoric has given rise to the neo-facist in USA and around world and its somewhere I don't want the world to go towards. Lets vote in the safe one. The smart one. The experience one. The concillary one. The true negotiated who looks at the whole picture.
Hi Cynthia, I appreciate you taking the time to answer here and explaining why Hillary is your choice and not Trump.
More of the same? Interesting concept. My momma taught me that if you want change vote for change, If you want the same vote for the same. I kinda want change.
The German's voted for change in 1938, didn't they. How did that work out? And yes, I do compare Hitler with Trump. Each has the same personality and each goes after the worst in people as well as their worst fears.
Hi Eric, Yes, I sure do want something to change! It just can't go on like this for to much longer ...
You have no grounds to call Trump, Hitler. How many people has Trump killed compared to the Clintons? How many countries has he invaded. You are just insecure about Trump, and your flawed statistics. No statistics stopped the 2008 bubble bust.
Brad, who said I said Trump is Hitler? I said Trump has many of the same traits as Hitler & the same campaigning style; of which there is no question. Both are narcissists, both lie at the drop of the hat, both blame everybody else for their prob
"Both are narcissists, both lie at the drop of the hat, both blame everybody else for their problems" - Sounds more like Trump and Hillary to me. Why can some people see these traits in one candidate, but not the other? Partisanship, I guess.
It is extreme partisanship that can't see that one describes Trump and not Hillary. There is plenty of evidence of Trump lying and misleading at every opportunity while there's little evidence of HRC lying and some evidence of misleading.
Little evidence of HRC lying?Do you live under a rock? Hillary has a record of 40 years of lying,why do you think this … t-n2192807
I almost feel sorry for the Bosnian snipers whose reputations were ruined after Hillary claimed they shot at her and missed.
NOW I see why you, Thomas, are a Trump zealot, kindred spirits.
Nope, can't stand Trump either. But it is typical of a partisan to assume everyone who disagrees with them is a partisan for the other side.
Well, Thomas, there is hope for you yet. Now all you have to do is take your blinders off and see the world as it really is and not what you fanaticism allows you to see.
Hi Everyone, Thank you for your continued particpation. Team HP removed the Best answer that I did not choose! I'm so relieved, as it was as if someone was putting words in my mouth. This happened twice ...strange!
I'm not sure how I can be fanatical or blinded if I don't favor either candidate. I've looked at both without red/blue tinted glasses. They're both awful. Your comment makes me think of this:
Thomas, Bosnian snipers? I guess you didn't see this. Hillary WASN'T LYING! Bosnia gunfire footage discovered!
Hi Rob, thank you for participating. Well, that certainly is one way to put it ...
Really now, now that he has proven himself in league with Putin to hack into Hillary's email you still trust him? Russia is scary, I've been there. I don't think you would like being under the KGB.
Hi MizB, I know I sure wouldn't want to be under the KGB!
TRUMP, Hillary is WITH our enemies Hillary is doing everything in her power to destroy our nation, Email sending secret documents so our enimies csn access them. Many mysterious deaths occur to those who try to stop her and her husband
Hi Faith, thank you for sharing your choice and expressing why you choose Trump over Hillary.
Lol. I misread the title. I thought you were asking who would defend the country against Hillary or Trump, the enemies.
Hi Adam, that is a good point there concerning Hillary.
For me, i would say none. I take them as 2 adults playing their cards. The world now is full of shit, and innocent people are still gonna suffer no matter what. I just leave everything in the hands of God Almighty.
Hi Kings, Yes, God is still in control no matter what.
Hi Kings, Yes, we can all do that, but I feel it is important to vote.
Neither... I refuse to vote for either of them. That doesn't mean I'm not voting, either...
Hi Ashley, I understand, but so glad you are voting ...It is important to vote no matter what, for we have that right, and I don't want to ever lose it!
I am not an American, however I am going to answer this question. First of all I am sure that Hillary is going to be the first woman presedent of the USA. Between Hillary and Trump, Hillary is sensible, intelligent and experienced than Trump. She has the cognizable experience about this destructive, inhuman suicide war what is going on today not only in America but also whole over the world. One the other hand Trump is not a stable person. He is a very good business man than a politician. Now this is to be very interesting to see that What American will choose a business man or a sensible well experienced peace loving politician?
I wouldn't call Hillary peace-loving. You might want to look at her hawkish record of wars and interventions.
"Peace-loving" does not mean "Pacifist". Peace-loving does mean you prefer peace over war. Chamberlain was "peace-loving" and look what that led to ... WW II. Being "hawkish" and "peace-loving" are not mutually exclusive.
Hi Sajib, Thank you for answering from a non-American viewpoint. Hmmm, interesting.
You might want to educate yourself about Hillary Clinton before you go spouting praise for her "sensible peace loving ways". She is a warmonger, a liar, a racist (remember super predator?), and she has suppressed the American Peoples right to vote.
Hi victorianpanda, Thank you for your straightforward comment here.
Yes, the most scary thing about Hilary is that she hides her true intentions. Trump can say some crude and disrespectful things, but at least he is more honest. Hilary has a record of violence--it's just very well hidden.
Neither. They are both inept, in their own special ways. I'm sick of the lesser of two evils (which they both truly are). Bernie Sanders is the person we needed and should have had; and would have had, but Hilary Clinton participated in widespread voter suppression, and is now illegitimately the Democratic candidate. I am very saddened that Bernie Sanders gave in before the convention and is no longer running, I would have voted for him in a third party. That not being an option, I will be voting Jill Stein.
Hi victorianpanda, Thank you for participating here! You've given us much to think on. Another one here also mentioned Jill Stein. I will have to do more research.
I wonder what would happen if all Americans who are allowed to vote would refuse to vote. Nobody really trusts any of the two candidates.
Really, what would happen if you demonstrate against these two and ask for other candidates?
Hi Elisabeth, Hmm, well. That would be a first and one can only wonder. However, I still believe it is important to always vote.
I do believe that at the convention a speaker got boos for even calling a clear and present danger enemy - ISIS by name. It would be my presumption that Hillary would hold that mind set. I wonder how long it took for Americans to call the German Military - Nazis?
Hillary and her party as demonstrated at the convention have no inclination to call those who chant "death to America" our foes at war with us.
By default it must be Trump.
Bless you, dear Eric! I agree 100% with you, and thank you for zeroing in on the question posed with your answer dealing with defense and our obvious enemies. I'm upset someone chose best answer here, and it wasn't me! Trying to get it remedied ...
I am saddened by the fact this is even a question. Any answer to this question will be judged in a biased bubble, and will garner a large amount of criticism. So, without divulging into an argument about emails and/or bankruptcy, I must acknowledge that this is a multiple choice question with only one answer. A senator, First Lady and especially Secretary of State would have much more experience and the obvious capability to defend our country than even the most successful business man with no political experience. So...Hillary
Hi Raul, Thank you for participating and sticking to the question asked. Somehow Best answer was chosen when I did not choose it and had not planned on doing it for a good while. HP is looking into the problem.
Look at her behavior, approved by Obama, in Honduras where we betrayed the common people there, supporting a military coup against our own laws, and backing a government that is essentially an organized criminal enterprise. In her best speech regarding Trump, she claimed he does not know who our enemies are-- and she was right!-- but she makes friends of those who should be our enemies and enemies of those who should be our friends. Also, Hillary's record shows she is a "hawk" when it comes to war and making money for arms manufacturers. Trump's rhetoric seems to indicate that he too is a "hawk." I would be ecstatic if both fell off the face of the political news....
Actually, to your Honduras point, I showed in a previous answer somewhere, your view is wrong. Also elsewhere I pointed out Chamberlain was a dove before WW II, look where that got the world. Being a restrained hawk is a good thing.
Except it won't be lame duck until year 7.5 of her Presidency.
Hi Shamim, Thank you for pointing out those areas of concern. I appreciate your participation here.
I would personaly trust Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. She has more experience and Trump says whatever he want. A presidents job isn't to say the first thing that pops into their minds, it's to say what best benefits their Country. Trump has been caught saying rascist, sexest, and just inappropriate things that a possibly future president shouldn't be saying. He's made it very clear that no matter what the discussion is on he's not going to refrain himself.
What experience, and lies are your choice of speech.
Hi Brynn, Thank you for participating and sharing your reasons for your choice. Hi Brad, just wanted you and everyone to know I did not choose the Best answer and HP is looking into what may have happened.
Hillary was Secretary of State, so she does have experience in that area. Donald has only had experience with his buisnesses. It is not the same and I didn't say anything about lies. He just says whatever pops into his head.
However, it is true that more than 50% of the claims of fact Trump makes, according 2 Politifact & other such fact-checking organizations, are lies. To any observer with reasonable powers of observation, Trump is a pathological liar; where HRC is
Trump is of course far better, since Hillary herself has proven to be an enemy of the country.
From being a bag lady at the Rose Law firm, raking in tens of millions selling influence to foreign governments through her foundation to leaving our ambassador and brave soldiers to die for political purposes in Benghazi, the prospect of a Hillary presidency should be absurd.
Trump at least is a patriot who loves America and won't bow to the politically correct non sense that's putting our military in grave danger and making us a laughingstock all over the world.
worthy listen
Confessions of a former covert CIA agent - Amaryllis Fox
Hi wba, I am concerned with monies received from certain governments and the lost lives lost haunts me.
I believe Trump would do a better job at defending our country than Hillary Clinton. She did a bad job handling Benghazi.
Hi Ruth, Thank you for your participation here. Yes, those poor lost souls in Benghazi will forever haunt me.
So Ruth, are you saying Clinton single-handedly made all of the decisions that put the Ambassador in Benghazi, in a place he KNEW did not have adequate security and then PREVENTED anyone from helping them when it all went to hell?
I will trust Trump because the security of America is at stake all over the world, America as a leading country does not need a president that will not solve a single problem squarely, neither does the watching and waiting world need a president that will instead of solving problems, will resort to holding conferences from Brussels to Tokyo, from Rome to Paris and back to New York.
Let's put politics apart, the world needs stronger presidents in the capitals to rattle terrorism, like Putin.
But doesn't America need a strong, SANE president that doesn't change what he says three times in the same speech like #LyinTrump does?
Mr. E - Hillary lies more in many people's opinion, even if you don't believe that. Last I heard, 68% of Americans don't trust her. She's earned that mistrust. And, even if Trump is unpredictable, Hillary is cold and calculating. No lesser evil.
Thank you, Prayerhub, for your answer and explaining why your choice is Trump.
Thomas, the key word in your comment is "opinion". Go to any fact checking organization that have looked at HRC and Trump statements, look at their citations backing up their findings, and then tell me HRC lies more than Trump.
OK, Hillary lies more than Trump, and most Americans tend to agree with that. I suspect there's a few Bosnian snipers out there with tarnished reputations who agree with it too.
Esoteric is correct. For Clinton, it's 23% lied/mistaken versus 76% lied/mistaken for Trump. You don't even need the fact check orgs to confirm. Just by listening, he's pretty much "out there." It's why he's called the King of the Whoppers.
Hi Genna, thank you for weighing in here. I'm thrilled HP fixed my problem of "Best" answer being chosen when I did not choose it! Whew ...
She's lied 23% of the time over a 20 year political career? Seems about right actually.
Yes, Thomas, 23%, probably about your rate as well I bet, along with most normal people.
No, most normal people don't lie 23% of the time. We should expect better from politicians. I'm fed up with people forgiving Hillary for everything - presumably because she's a Democrat. Both main parties are corrupt and more people are realizing it.
Hey, guys, let's be mindful to not resort to personal attacks against each other here and lower ourselves to the politicians' level. Thank you for your continued participation.
No, Thomas, I wrote, "lied/mistaken" on the campaign trail. Actually, she has been the most honest/correct out of all the candidates this election cycle. Trump's 74% is appalling to say the least but not at all surprising.
Ah the Trump is bad fallback. Hill supporters can't stop talking about Trump. I get it. He's awful, and I believe he lies a lot. He's been in this game all of 5 minutes. Hillary's been doing it a lot longer and lied a lot more (overall) in that time.
Thomas, you can't reason with political zombies, you will find them in denial of even this, PROOF Hilary takes her marching orders from Soros
I wouldn't trust Billary at all, and am not sure about Trump. In fact, very few people had ever had anything negative to say about Trump until he ran on the Republican ticket, so that tells me who the bigots actually are
I Michelle, yes, it seems "trust" is a tough one for this election no doubt! LOL ...good point there.
I feel as though the more qualified person to defend our country against enemies would be Hillary Clinton. This is simply because Donald trump is to irrational and in many cases to ignorant to make the right decisions. to fight against our enemies, you have to be able to determine who the United States enemies are. it is obvious based on his previous interviews and speeches, that Donald trumps main priorities are to get rid of all Latin and middle eastern people, or those that possess the physical traits of a Latin or Middle Eastern person. how can we trust that Donald trump won't attempt to use a nuclear weapon the first chance he gets, if he's already got a plan to build a wall on the boarder of Mexico and the U.S. and make them pay for it?
Hi Amanda, Thank you for your straightforward answer about your concerns about Trump and possible use of a nuclear weapon.
I would obviously choose one who would reduce the enemies by creating friends out of some of them, not one who would make more unnecessary enemies so that he can prove a point by fighting them. Tell me, who would it be?
I agree. I think both Trump and Clinton would make more enemies in the world. Better off looking to 3rd party candidates. Jill Stein would create friends because she's a pacifist. Gary Johnson would create friends because he cares more about trade.
Other than Iran, Russia, and North Korea what enemies did HRC make as SoS? How many relationships were repaired by HRC that had been destroyed by Bush? Better terms with Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, etc.
Hi Mercy and poetry, Thank you for answering. Reducing enemies. ...hmm, that's a nice thought but may be far from reality, sadly, with the ever-growing extremists who cry "Death to America" ...we can always hope though.
It appears that we have two people running for president: a criminal and a hot-head. I would feel more comfortable with a criminal in the White House. At least, Secretary Clinton has had experience in politics and in domestic and foreign policy. With her experience comes the ability to protect the country. She has negotiating experience, as well. I realize that Mr. Trump has negotiating experience; however, negotiating a multi-million-dollar deal is different than negotiating with foreign countries.
I also agree with the person who said that Mr. Trump isn't seriously running for POTUS. I think he is in it to make certain that Secretary Clinton wins. It appears that he is sabotaging his campaign every chance he gets. Let's not forget that he and the Clintons are good friends and that, if truth be known, Mr. Trump is a democrat. With his being the republican nominee, Clinton is almost guaranteed to win in November without much effort. We do not have to worry about Mr. Trump protecting our country because Secretary Clinton will be our next POTUS.
Hi Ken; I don't believe that Trump wants Hillary to win by running himself. I think he had no idea his bid would snowball in the primary, and his initial quest was for the attention and name branding; although a Trumpian dynasty still appeals.
Hi Ken, that is certainly a different take on things you have expressed here. I think Genna makes a good point about Trump never imagining all of this to come to be, and here he is ...
Trump... I think they both would lie and have. I think Trump is more of a crowd pleaser and really would want to do what the majority would want and cares about change. I am sorry but I cant stand listening to Hilary. how can she be caught so many times and keep moving forward.. Bengazi did it in for me..
Hi Teresa, Thank you for participating here. When I think of Benghazi, I get sick to my stomach thinking of the lives lost when they did not have to die.He does seem to please the crowds. I think so many are tired of the same ol' mess and want change
I've been with Trump from the start, though I'll say I don't put my faith in anyone - I love what he's saying, but I want to see it happen.
He's a business man, straight forward and successful - what investor hasn't accumulated some kind of debt? Seems like taxes and loans are the only things people can throw at him (along with jokes about the only things anyone seems to know about him, shows and real estate) - aside from what the media drones on about 'offensiveness' (not to say the accusations of accumulated debt against him aren't lies as well, who knows). No one seems to point fingers at the /true/ state of America since she and the rest of the admin have been in office - we're in dire straights. The next four years of what, exactly? Getting nowhere? We can be considered stupidly nice if she's in office, at least - nice enough to give our neighbors access to our nuclear codes that everyone seems to go on about not want him to have - not him, but all of our neighboring countries do - thanks to Hillary.
He also doesn't have any blood on his hands as far as we're concerned. Call it speculation and ignore the accusations (backed up with ironic timing and 'coincidences' with painful proximity) that she's had for years and years. And no I'm not just tossing around Benghazi. There's a hell of a lot more everyone just shrugs off.
In all honesty everything we're fed is just edited journalist/political jargon, most of it tweaked for the Clinton's favor and a small part of it obsessing over what an outsider he is. Research is biased, and the internet is all but bought out; who knows what our facts are birthed from. I like him because he won't kiss up and cower to everyone else - there are different approaches to diplomacy that /don't/ involve just handing over billions of dollars without anything in return. I also like him because he may need a little verbal editing, but it's raw, unedited is what everyone's always asking for, right? Until it ruffle's feathers, then we're all afraid and running back to political correctness, the crap that got us here in the first place.
So yeah, I'm for Trump. I don't know exactly what he has planned (cause he's not ignorantly airing it on national television like some people) but at least he has the guts to actually mention our enemies and the soldiers risking their lives to fight them.
Oh and he encourages American flags. That's always a good indication of who's fighting for us.
I don't understand the trump helps hillary win thing, either. Why would he encourage all this hate against her, did anyone read the DNC leaks....??
Yes, Trump is a businessman, by all accounts a failed one ... any businessman who goes bankrupt four times is a failure by anyone's measure. Your businessman hero has a documented history of not paying contractors and filing frivolous lawsuits.
Wow, Rae, thank you for answering and sharing exactly how you feel about Trump and the other. Yes, he certainly is not afraid to say what's on his mind. I am so tired of all of the political correctness too to say the least!
Nvm, I won't argue. Thanks for the question faith, God bless!
Faith, a great question that I believe we should all have a good ol debate on. Let me first off by saying that I am in no way in my right mind voting for Hillary. But I have to be fair to both sides only because I think both could different things that would be good and bad. Hillary's proven track record has shown that she has about as much sense as private in the Army be the Secretary of Defense. Everything she touches turns to fire. But she at least knows that side of the spectrum. What scares me though is the Donald Trump has no experience with the military and its tactics of using force. I do however think that Trump genuinely wants to make us safe again, and I am behind that. Yeah he may not be the best leader of the nation, but he is going to try his hardest. He will not lie to us and he will do everything in his power to make us and The U.S.A. great again, how cliche.
Hi Alex, I appreciate your participation here in answering and sharing your views on each candidate for President. Good points about both you have made. That seems to be exactly what he truly desires for the country.
Neither. I would, however, trust the U.S. Military to defend our country against enemies. Both of these losers will endanger our country.
Hi Deborah, Yes, I do trust the U.S. Military to defend our country, but as far as these two ...
I trust Hilary she has more experience and she has talked to overseas leaders. People don't know how much stuff she has done because they are too busy talking about some darn emails that don't matter. Trump can't even keep his stuff from bankruptcy let alone run a country. He is all talk and has no plan to do anything. He sits in that seat we lose allies and end up at War with countries that can kick our tails. Yes, Everyone has their secrets and mistakes but that does not mean they can't be Presidential. We need someone that will fight for our rights and not someone that wants to be a bully. He talks so much that he forgets how many companies he has in China and how many illegals as he calls them working for him. I speak the truth and I know how this stuff goes. If he's so great then name me one plan he said he had, because everytime he talks it is about someone not what he plans to do. Yes. It will be hard becUse everything runs through the Senate so of course every bill won't be passed or even looked at but Hilary got this and all she needs is support. If you don't vote then you have no room to talk in my opinion. People talk all day long and none of them are even voters. Hilary can run this Country and stop IsIs with everyone's help. We need to come together not be divided. Alright I am done putting in my two cents lol.
Hi Lakeyia, I appreciate you putting in your "two cents" as you say. You've presented some interesting views here on your choice. I agree about those who do not bother to vote, haven't earned the right to complain.
i Personally think that i can Trust Donald Trump against our enemies, i know he has put many disrespectful comments, but his goal is to get rid of the enemies. I dont know if i can trust Hillary after the emails she had deleted. After the story i heard about the book from Phillip Marshall called the Big Bamboozle, which is about 9/11 and the hidden facts about what really happened.
Hi Aaron, Thank you so much for participating here. Trust is huge when it homes to the leader of the free world. ...hard to know who to trust these days. He certainly states whatever comes to his mind. Hmm, that is interesting about that book.
While I believe both candidates have major weaknesses in character and decision making (and that's an understatement), I would trust Trump over Hilary and here's why:
1. Trump speaks his mind and is often politically incorrect. He has many times said things that are extreme--I think this is mostly because in the past, this tactic has worked to get him votes and attention. Most people now agree that this strategy is quite old and he needs a new approach. Trump has said some things that are flat out inaccurate or morally wrong. However, Trump has yet to lie through his teeth the way Hilary has been repeated times, especially in light of the FBI investigation and findings which she continues to refute. I would rather have an arrogant, loud-mouthed, leader, over one who is sly, cunning, and untruthful.
2. Many people support Hilary for her experience. What experience, may I ask? What actions has she actually taken and what positive outcomes is she responsible for creating? Yes, she has held a number of public positions, but she constantly leaves a wake of issues behind her. Trump does have a questionable record when it comes to his business dealings, but unlike Hilary, he actually has something to show for his efforts. Though many who haven't been nearly as successful mock Trump's empire, it is nonetheless a real estate empire he has built. He has experienced failure and has pushed through with perseverance. I would rather have that type of leader than one who simply holds positions without working toward significant, visible, and positive change. Please understand, I am not a fan of Trump's past, but it certainly "trumps" that of Hilary's.
3. Generally, Trump is a supporter of smaller government, but he does believe in establishing respect though a strong military. Although he isn't as conservative as some on the right would hope, he still supports the ideas of lower taxes, more energy production, and less government intervention in the private sector. I would much prefer this to Hilary's plans to enlarge government, increase taxes, and increase government services. I do not believe she has a fiscally responsible plan and as sometime who has studied finance and economics, I know that less government involvement in the market leads to increased economic growth.
Please understand that I am not an advocate for either candidate. They are both certainly far from favorable choices. However, the question asked which would I trust more and that answer is Trump.
Wow, Jason, you've certainly explained yourself well for your reasons behind choosing Trump, as well as balancing that with why you would not choose Hillary.
Hillary is merely a product of the secular humanistic idolatry she promotes. An idolatry that the replaces God with what they can achieve through an empowered government.
"Many people support Hilary for her experience. What experience, may I ask?" - She's been on CNN more than any other politician. That's probably the extent of their reasoning.
Jason you can add Trump doesn't take his marching orders from Soros! Here is proof Hillary does!
Considering Hillary is America's primary enemy, a career full of treasonous scandal after scandal, she will destroy America from within, it wouldn't be surprising if the whole country suffers the fate of the four heroes of Benghazi (died for what? her gun running to Syrian rebels, eg ISIS?). Hillary and Bill have already sold our future to the influence of foreign countries around the world, that is if she is elected.
Trump is defending our country from her and I am sure he is the only candidate who will defend us against all enemies, what better place to start than with her!
If you haven't seen, or don't plan to see Hillary's America you don't care about America's future!
D'Souza: What Will America Become Under Hillary Clinton? Interesting what he says about the Republican party near the end
#LyinTrump is an extremely dangerous joke, clown, entertainer, flame-thrower, uniformed, thoughtless, shallow, non-politician who most likely has narcissist personality disorder, a very serious condition for someone who wields power. That is not HRC
What Trump isn't is the blame for the death of our men in Benghazi,illegally selling influence to foreign countries,compromising national security w/illegal unsecured server,Clinton Fndtion massive moneylaundering scheme.Who would that be?
Thank you, Don't Taze Me, I appreciate your passionate answer. FYI I did not choose Best answer and so having HP checking to undo that choice as I did not choose it once again.
Hi All, once again I did not choose Best answer here, but there is a Best answer showing! Thank you to everyone for continuing to participate in this question/poll. I am at a loss why Best answer keeps being chosen when I do NOT choose it! I will have to email HubPages Team once again to remove this answer as best. Nothing against your answer Manmit, but I did not choose it...
The United States government has two main jobs which is to protect our Rights and to secure our borders from foreign invaders. They have failed in recent years more and more. Government is doing opposite in fact.
Neither of these two candidates are qualified for the job of President but their are other candidates. Neither has experience in leadership and neither seem to be possessing sound logic.
Your query is not based on anything more than "what do you think" whereas a real poll would contain many questions and repeats of questions worded differently to weed out liars.
Who I trust to defend this country is the armed men and women in the military and the sane citizens of America. Inhabitants of Congress and The White House should never be trusted as they are motivated by votes and money and little else. They are liars that somehow are continually hired (try that in a job interview) and most are morally bankrupt. Voting is no hard feat but to be truly involved one must maintain contact with their Representatives. If you do not vote you are still qualified to complain contrary to barroom pundits spewing the opposite of what I just stated. I was born when Ike was President and this upcoming election will be the worst choices I have ever seen but hopefully the other parties will take advantage of this disaster and we might see real change.
Quick! How many US Senators does your state have and what are their names? No fair googling either.
Tell me, if Hillary is so unqualified, then why do New Yorker's like her (51%) as Senator (and don't say they didn't, they absolutely did) and why did she finish her term as Secretary with a nice positive rating (57%)?
Well said Stacy, maybe some good will come of this election after all. Mr Esoteric, I don't see how approval ratings from a couple of polls from years ago equates to her being qualified. Her current rating is awful, but it's also not relevant to that
Hi Stacy, Yes, it is just a what do you think forum being I'm not sure how many questions one is allowed to pose in a forum. FYI I did not choose Best answer yet and so I have HP checking into why it is showing chosen when I did not chose it. Shelby/
So an approval rating is evidence of her qualifications?I'll bet the kardashians had a better approval rating.When the media who does the polls is in your pocket not hard to see an approval rating swayed.She is an approved liar & criminal
Trump - Hillary already has a proven track record full of lies, deceitfulness and an inability to connect with the ordinary U.S. Citizen. She is driven by popularity and money.
Thank you for participating, cowboy. FYI I'm checking into why a Best answer was chosen here when I did not choose it. Hope it can be removed.
Leading a great nation like the U.S does not require that type of arrogance Trump has just like his Name suggests. At least at some ponit in a presidents leadership some advice has to be taken from other leaders too, something that I belive Trump cannot do. He is alredy this arrogant and he is not even the president already. Hillary is nnot also that perfect, but compared to Trump she is a thousand times better.
Hi Michael, Thank you for answering and stating why you would not choose Trump.
Compared to Trump?Michael needs to do a little studying of HRC.How does Trump compare on national security(her unsecured server), how many gov't emails of Trumps disappeared?Trump isn't to blame for the death of patriots & lying about it ???
Nope they both lies I won't trust them running are country .I m not voting this year because I haven't been sold of what they been talking about on there speeches .
PUH-LEEZE do go vote for the Johnson/Weld ticket... At least read the preamble at !
Hi Debra, thank you for answering here. Yes, we must be informed well on each candidate's intentions as to how they will lead our country and defend it against those who are intent on harming us.
Debra, while I think you are wrong about Hillary, I agree with Nudely, please do vote for somebody. America can be successful as a country ONLY if people participate in running the country by voting..
And Clinton isn't?Her lies top anything Trump has said,her ACTIONS include needlessly causing death of our troops,endangering national security,selling influence to our enemies.No comparison to Trump who has done nothing to hurt America
Weren't her "sniper fire" and "I was named after Sir Edmund Hillary" comments not indicative of gross narcissism?
You haven't heard? Hillary WASN'T LYING! Bosnia gunfire footage discovered.
No, Clinton's isn't. You might look up the definition and characteristics of narcissism Bro; only Trump exhibits those, not Clinton, not Pence, not Kane, not Johnson, not Weld, and not Stein .. ONLY #LyinTrump.
1.) Inflated view of achievements & talents
2.) no limit to sense of self-importance
3.) preoccupied w/ fantasies of power, brilliance, & success
4.) think that they're special and unique
5.) expect and need constant and excessive admiration
I looked a narcissist up and guess what, under the definition there it was, a picture of Hillary.
Hi Kace, thank you for sharing your choice. Hmm, that is an interesting thought ...a narcissistic for President. Surely something to think on more.
To be honest, Trump. Yes, Clinton has political experience and with that experience one would assume that she would be the better fit to defend our country against our enemies. Yet, I do not think so. She could not even protect our own in Benghazi. She did not properly guard her emails and much of those were of national security. How can we trust someone to defend our country as PRESIDENT when before they are president they have not done it? Do we really expect there to be some monumental change? Probably not. Trump wants to secure our borders, he wants to better equip our military. How do you expect to defend when guns laws are being pushed and our military is shrinking? Clinton has been corrupt for awhile, and many have seen it during the campaign as well. Its sickening. I wouldn't trust my house with her let alone an entire country. Some might say, Trump isn't much better. But I venture to say he sure is better then Clinton. Take what you will from this, If you don't like it, well, it's my opinion
Consider Kyle that 1) Clinton was not "personally" responsible for Benghazi's defense, Steven's was; her responsibility is part of job as Secretary & 2) "MOST" is not defined as 0.0001% which is 3 out if 30,000 actually having a (C) mark somewher
Hi Kyle, thank you for answering and sharing your opinion quite well here. You make a lot of good points as to each candidate. It is sickening for sure! I appreciate your directness in answering.
by Grace Marguerite Williams 8 years ago
Who will WIN the American Presidency- Clinton OR Trump?
by Grace Marguerite Williams 8 years ago
What is YOUR ASSESSMENT of Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate & a....PERSON?
by Credence2 8 years ago
Be it not for me to speak ill of a fellow Democrat, but Hillary Clinton disappoints. Please read the articles, I confess that Salon is a left leaning publication, but I have included the article placed by H. Clinton in the Times of Israel to provide a little heft to my position.Bernie has courage...
by Susie Lehto 7 years ago
Judge Andrew Napolitano said, “The significance is an FBI acknowledgement that Huma Abedin, Mrs. Anthony Weiner, when she had a top security clearance as the number two assistant to Hillary Clinton when Hillary was Secretary of State, regularly sent copies of sensitive material to her own laptop so...
by Susie Lehto 7 years ago
After THUMPING Clinton in Monday night’s debate, Trump headed to the sunshine state for a YUGE RALLY in Melbourne, Florida. (National poll has Trump 46.7% and Clinton 42.6%: ) After Trump's plane landed something magical happened.A gigantic bolt of lightning...
by Ralph Schwartz 3 years ago
Hillary has hinted and has been fundraising in the last month, which some say indicates she is preparing for another run at President Trump. Others say she's just trying to make it look like she's a candidate to keep the law off of her tail.Thoughts?
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