If I had to be honest, neither. Of course there are many reasons for my opinion (which is just an opinion), but I believe in certain things that both candidates are for, and I disagree with them on other points. I live my life by a do-whats-right policy, or I try to the best I can. I trust what the government stands for, I just don't trust the people running it. I like the -idea- of it, but everyone likes the -idea- of owning a boat, but when it comes down to it, not everyone wants to actually own a boat. I hope that makes sense. I'm not moving out of the country either way and I will vote, but I don't think either of them has what it takes. Does any President? I'm sure they've all had their faults; they are people afterall. We just have to pick what most important to ourselves and see which candidate also believes in that. I want a safe environment to live in and I want to be able to find a job when I need to. That's all I ask for. I don't need free things or a handout - I just want to feel safe. Hillary didn't do a very good job of keep our people safe during Benghazi, so could she be trusted to defend us from enemies? I guess we'll find out. Thanks for asking!
Hi Stefa, Wow, I love your honesty and level-head answer here! You do make perfect sense to me. Yes, I want to feel safe too. I appreciate your sincere answer and thank you for sharing your insightful thoughts.
I'm from Canada and I can assure you that we do not plan on invading so you have nothing to worry about.
Neither of them is worth a hoot whether it's defending our country or handling domestic issues. Clinton lacks proper temperament and character; she's a corrupted political insider who's selling influence through donations to the Clinton Foundation. And she didn't distinguish herself as Secretary of State. Trump lacks proper temperament, and character. He's little regard for anyone but himself, a fact he's demonstrated on the campaign trail. His mouth spews garbage that comes not off the top of his head, as many supporters assert (Trump is just speaking his mind, they say), but rather it comes from what's in his heart, and that tells us who he is (Matthew 15:18). A majority of Americans from both partys have spoken, and spoken poorly, choosing awful candidates to represent them, and leaving Americans in a position that we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.
But I'm sure you and millions of Americans who feel the same way will vote anyway, which is most remarkable.
Hi Ronnie! Yes, the New World Order will eventually triumph - sort of. It will have it's period of 'victory' until the return of Christ - then it's all done my friend.
And the sad thing is, Obama isn't as smart as either of them, he thinks he is, but without that teleprompter he'd sound more idiotic than Trump (and has when he has gone without it) ... long time since we had a JFK or Reagan who were great orators an
Obummer is a lousy president. And I'm tired of voting for the least lousy candidate. This time around it's simply intolerable.
Wow, Hxprof, thank you for your passionate answer to this perplexing issue we are facing here. A lot to think on and pray about for sure!
Hi Edward,
"Hi" does not answer the question posed here. If you would like to participate here, please answer. I will have to delete your comment because "Hi" is not an answer. I'm sorry.
Hillary. She's pretty middle of the road, is smart and works hard. She may not be a radical change-maker, but she will manage security pretty well.
Trump, on the other hand, would perennially be one temper tantrum away from a really disastrous mistake.
Hi Doc, I appreciate you particpating in my poll question here. Trump can get mad it seems or either is really passionate about whatever topic at the moment?
This is the first election year I have waited to be involved. I really didn't care for Clinton or Bernie. But now that it is settled, I will do everything I can to get Hillary in office. Donald is a farce in business and much more in politics. His violent, recklessness has brought out the worst in America, which in some ways it's good to see who they are. His successful businesses that he touts as his are actually run by his children's, but carry the Trump name.
He has no political savvy or control and would alienate us farther from world leaders than Bush did.
Hi writerjay, Thank you for anwering and sharing your reasons why for your choice. So, initially you did not care for Hillary, but have side had a change of heart after listening to Trump.
Trump - just look at the presidential campaigning thus far - he's had to defend his bid from "business-as-usual" politics, "friends" or foes alike. He is using his own money & that of average American supporters to defend our country from internal & external U.N. controlled/U.S. government sanctioned enemies (that take all kinds of forms) that are trying to "enslave" We, the people" to their mandates (which is exactly the reason the U.S. Constitution came into being). Another recent case in point is Britains's exit from the European Union ( Brexit, and I am originally European) - they got smart and hopefully it is not too late!
( http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/21/world … ained.html )
Hi Johanna, Wow, you've shared a lot of great insight into your choice here as to why you think Trump is the best candidate to defend our country against our enemies. I appreciate your participation!
Hi crista-alina data ... Who the candidates or the world?
If it came down to leaving an entire country's future in the hands of Hillary Clinton, who cannot be trusted with something as simple as emails, or Donald Trump, a billionaire man-child who knows nothing about politics, this country would be, in simple terms, screwed. Trump has proven on multiple occasions that he knows absolutely nothing about what this country is built on, how to preserve our beliefs and freedoms, how to protect us, and how to handle relations with foreign countries. He mixed Scotland up with Great Britain, for God's sake. It would be great to have a female president for once, but I would rather have another male president than Hillary Clinton. So, to answer your question, neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton would be an ideal candidate for anything - not even defending our country.
Hi Anita, Wow, you've shared a lot of valid points here. Thank you for participating.
I think this election is so much of a joke that I might just write Batman on the ballot.
Seriously though I guess I'll pick Hillary. Let's face it she's corrupt, a liar, and shady as hell. What politician isn't? At least this way we'll get a professional.
Are these really the only options we have? Are the republicans really going to go through with Trump representing them?
Hahaha, You know, Eric, I've seriously thought about writing someone in too, but just not Batman ...I love your strajghtforwardness here in your answer. That's what I'm saying ...these two are it?
Eric, I completely understand your hesitation in fully supporting Hillary. After 25 years of the incessant repeated character assassination of Hillary, its no wonder many people are confused. Hillary is not corrupt nor a liar. She is a pro...Do vote!
Thanks Kerry, for offering your perspective. Seems politics is her whole life for decades and one would think it would grow tiring, but I guess not for her. Maybe some think it is time for someone new as she has had her time?
Hmm, I have doubts about Batman, Eric. I much prefer Spiderman. He scales buildings & captures bad guys in his webs. C'mon, Batman, (Bruce Wayne) is just another rich kid who drives a fast car. Besides, he hangs w/ that kid, Robin! Wise up Eric!
lol "I'll pick Hillary.Let's face it she's corrupt, a liar, and shady as hell...What politician isn't?"
Only Trump is not a politician so there goes your reasoning, illogical but I admit, an hilarious thought.
Like many who have already answered, I wouldn't trust either of the two.
Trump would likely get us into all kinds of difficulties - perhaps wars - perhaps several wars at once - without first preparing to back up his threats and boasts.
Clinton would follow Obama's path, which is to try to make friends of our enemies by telling everyone that we are to blame when we are attacked, and that if we'd just stop being America, no one would hate us.
Things would be more stable under Clinton for the short term, and possibly for her entire presidency, but would leave us in a weaker position long-term.
I'd recommend reading about Clinton's hawkish past. What you've said here doesn't sound anything like what she'd do.
Hi Jennifer, Wow, I believe you've made some great observations here about the possible outcome of our future where both are concerned. I appreciate your participation!
I would have never thought I would be supporting Trump and I will admit he is a different type bird but then he is not politician and I tell you in a million years I could never vote for Hillary with all her crimes and I just cannot look over them and it would be impossible for me to ever forget she let four of our men die and did not even try to save them and then even lied about it so something evil is going on there for sure. I mean she lied to us and then just an hour or so later told the truth to her daughter. She knew they were not killed over a video. One reason Obama will not be questioned about it all either is because he also is involved and he lied and so he will do all he can to keep her out of trouble over all she is guilty of. Well anyway the Judge tells it all better than I ever could.
Hi Jackie, You hit on some important facts on Hillary that are disturbing for sure, and I never believed for one minute the ridiculous story about a video. That is so sad about the lost lives when that did not have to be.
Clinton! Dealing with just anyone requires acceptance, tolerance, and thinking it through a problem. I don't think that Mr. Trump is really capable of that. Being THE United States, where diversity is highly respected and marks to identify the United States from other countries, the leader must represent the values of our country. And from the extreme comments made by Mr. Trump, that do not show respect at all, show that such a person can not be given the power to represent our country.
To be honest, I feel as if Hillary Clinton would not be able to do anything. She does not have much support, it seems to me, because the nation does seem divided on who to elect. However, I would rather have someone who can just continue the policies already made, which I believe Hillary Clinton as a democratic would do, is a LOT better than someone who would take the country downhill and corrupt the reputation of the United States for being diverse, tolerant, and the land of the free, which I really believe Mr. Trump has the potential for!
Hi Manmit Chahal, Thank you for answering. I do understand what you are saying, but the question posed is not really discussing diversity, but protecting our country from those who desire to harm us and our way of life. Zero tolerance for terror.
This choice of Best Answer has me a bit puzzled. Could you maybe explain Faith.
OKAY, IT HAPPENED AGAIN ...I DID NOT CHOOSE THIS ANSWER AS BEST ANSWER??? What is going on here! I'm sorry Manmit, but I did not choose your answer as best? I will have to email HP again as this happened before!
Faith, Your question takes the lid off a whole boiling pot of questions. How did we end up with these two people from which to choose a president who will lead in the defense of our country? Why Hillary? Until Sanders stepped in, it seemed she was being handed the nomination as if she had somehow earned a free ticket. At least Sanders forced her to fight for it and to explain what her presidency would look like. Why Trump? Where did all the Evangelicals go? In the most recent elections they had been a force of one third of all voters.It is amazing to me that Christians so quickly dropped their sacred issues and got behind a man who may or may not be devoted to their strongly held beliefs.
What would Trump do to defend our country? I don't think anyone, including Trump, knows what he would do. He talks big, as if America, under his leadership, will go over and attempt to wipe out ISIS. But he also says the regional players must do more.
I actually believe Hillary would handle this part of her presidency quite well. That's my opinion. The question is, does she deserve the opportunity to be president? The accusations against her have not been resolved. Is she lying about Benghazi? I certainly don't know. Will she, should she, be pulled from the race before the convention and the election on legal grounds? Who knows?
One question that is, in my opinion, at least equal to the question presented here is this. Which person is least likely to continue the trend of spending this great country into oblivion?
Well you know Hillary lost 6 billion dollars as Secretary of State so I sure would not trust her with money. Another crime she does not have to answer for. I am just amazed how so many can look right over her crimes and pretend they didn't happen.
With the House report on Benghazi, we've probably heard everything relevant to that story. People will decide to believe her or not. Both sides will call the evidence conclusive. If it was, why are there still two sides?
Why would we not believe the men that made it home alive that risked their life even being told not to help? Why would they lie?
Hi Chris, Yes, how did we end up here? Well, I certainly had a different candidate in mind than either of these two, but here we are. I am concerned that Hillary has taken billions from countries which will always weigh in on any decisions she makes.
In the general election, with the apparent choices of Hillary and Donald, I think America will do what it has to do in that situation, i.e. President of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Either that or they will stay home and not vote.
If FB is any indication you may be surprised. Out of over 700 friends there which were not chosen from a political view it is rare to have any for Hillary. The posts pretty much make fun of her and hail Trump. He may have more fans than we know!
If those were from one circle of friends, they may have a lot in common politically.
There's very few people on the internet for Hillary. Her demographic is very much aged 45+, democratic partisans, who respect authority/status-quo. I don't think that will win her the election. Trump has slightly more support with indies.
It will be interesting to watch it unfold. But this isn't about entertainment. Between now and the election, we will see more of both, especially in debates. Will Trump be disrespectful of Hillary as a woman? Remember how he treated Carly Fiorina?
Hi Chris, well, I think he says what's on his mind, no matter what gender, plus he has beautiful women in his life who he supports and loves. That issue is not what the question posed here asks ...but rather our security as a free Nation.
Chris, off topic; I wasn't going to mention this: His treatment of his ex-wives is legendary. And where he touched/stroked his daughter at the RNC as she finished her speech really bothered me.. And he held his wife in a arm lock distance/stance.
I don't like either of them but Hillary has the necessary experience and she'll maintain good relations with America's allies. I think Trump would make international relationships worse and alienate a lot of America's allies. We need strong alliances to defeat ISIS, and to keep Russia and Iran under control. Trump is not up to the job and he actually seems to have an affinity for despots and oligarchs, which I find scary.
Hi Learn, We certainly do need strong alliances to defeat ISIS, etc. Thank you for answering and sharing your views on each candidate.
What nec experience? I find your choice scary.
Even though I hate my answer as much as I hate this person, I'd chose Trump. After all he has a lot of enemies. And he sorta knows how to defend himself.
Thanks, Kenzie, hahaha ...well, that is a reason. Seems he does know how to do that and you may have hit on exactly why.
I personally don't trust either of them as I believe they are both serving self interests. That said, I'm putting my support behind Trump because I am tired of the globalist agenda being followed by the other party. I'm in favor of strong immigration laws (though not in favor of deporting 11 million illegal immigrants) however, there are a great many illegals that need to be deported such as the violent criminals and those spreading sedition. I am in support of legal immigration. We need immigrants to come here and become proud Americans and have a pathway for those hiding in the shadows to come out and truly experience the American dream. With Trump, I know he is beyond rich and believe he has the experience to make the trade deals America needs to slow down or reverse the globalist agenda like they did with Brexit. With Clinton, she is a false profit to the middle class, a class she stopped identifying as when she attended an expensive and private university and then Yale law school, then directly to being a law professor right after graduating herself. She claims to be an advocate for women and the LGBT communities but her and her husbands foundation continue to receive millions in donations from countries with the worst records towards women and LGBT people. They (Trump and Clinton) will say whatever it takes to get elected but neither of them will have what it takes to follow through on many of their promises. They both have skeletons which Trump used to enrich his bank account and Clinton used to enrich her bank and power accounts. I think we could survive 4 years of Trump but have already gone too far with Obama to allow Clinton to add to his legacy.
Hi Richard, Thank you for the well thought out answer here. I agree on your points about immigration for I am all for legal immigrants. You've pointed out most interesting facts on both candidates for all to ponder.
I will hold my nose and say Clinton. I loathe the fact that she's a hawk, but so is Trump, from what he says, at least, which changes daily. I think Trump's big, poofy ego would get in the way of making good decisions and would be more about mine's bigger than yours than about keeping us safe. He is a petulant child, playing a game, a flim-flam man selling a product that I'm not buying.
For some reason, I also get a bad vibe about his health. Nothing I've read, nothing definitive, just a feeling. I don't think the man is well.
Hi Sue, Thank you so much for answering and sharing how you feel about each candidate. Hmm, your instincts about his health may be spot on ...
And yet you will buy 30years of bad products. ??
Neither is an ideal choice, however they are apparently the only options we will have.
Hillary Clinton has the experience of politics behind her. She has served in one fashion or another since the Nixon Administration. She also has a lot of skeletons in her political closet. Many of those skeletons are pointing to her making decisions based on personal gains not on what is best for the people of the United States. Many point to corruption and cover up. Many point to out right lies and false information.
Donald trump has no political background to speak of. He does have a lot to gain on a personal level as president. He has connections in the business world that would benefit from his knowledge of big business, which in turn may benefit him in the financial arena. There are those that say that his political inexperience is a bad thing. Maybe it is, however, maybe, just maybe that is what is needed to open eyes and turn a few things around. There is a chance that his outspoken and crass nature would make him and the United States look poorly on an international level. No more so than the apologetic, anti American speeches and actions made by the current administration.
I have read the arguments that both will have advisers to assist them in making smart and correct decisions. That is a poor argument. I say that because it has been proven not only by this administration but Hillary Clinton herself that advice give by advisers does not need to be followed. I am sure Donald trump has ignored the advice of his campaign advisers on more than one occasion as well.
In a nutshell, since these are the only two options we have to choose from, I would say Donald Trump would put the lives of the American people and the men and women that serve this country overseas, both military and civilian, ahead of his person feelings. Hillary Clinton has proven time and again from Benghazi, to her email scandal to her flipflop on invading Iraq that she will say what she thinks the people want to hear and do what she wants, while her people come up with excuses for her to use at the next press conference as to why she said one thing and did another. Donald Trump,on the other hand, is going to tell you what he thinks and apologize for it at the next press conference. I would rather someone make a mistake and own up to it rather than lie to me about it then lie again when the apologize for making a mistake that they don't think was a mistake, but the people do.
Hi myth, Yes, that is a good point about Trump never having been in politics, which may very well be what we need, possibly ...not the same ole, same ole ...Interesting answer here.
It is professional politicians that have caused the decline of the US since the 70s. The US history proves that neither party has the solution and both parties contrib to the problem. A non political candidate is the only way to brk out of the decl
Hi Brad, thanks for participating here. I wanted to let you know that HP fixed the problem of "Best" answer being chosen, not by me, and removed it and so I can choose it when I so desire. I hope many continue to answer and participate here.
Haven't closely followed events, but if the speeches broadcast are any indication, I'd say, Donald Trump would MAKE more enemies than the USA already has, and it has a lot.
Defense always means fear of something. Start working on eliminating the fears and, no, not by 'Nuking 'em.' How do you make friends with a person? Expand that to making friends with a PEOPLE and you it is quite likely you'll make friends, rather than enemies with those people.
In order to do that, I reckon you'll need a completely new type of person elected to the Presidency than the two you're referring to here.
But surely, with such a big population, that is not an impossible ask.
Hi Tom, You would think, but it looks like these are the two ...No, no one wants to "Nuke" anyone, hopefully! Making friends with terrorists ...hmm.
My political views aside for a moment, I will only say this...my Daddy was a died in the-wool Republican (which I am not...I consider myself an Independent)...but he always taught us girls that no matter who was elected as President it is our job to support that person while they serve in the highest post in the land.
This year's election year has been contentious and filled with so much that is unAmerican-like in my eyes. Sad it is to me that in order to make oneself look 'good' a person must try to make the other person look horrid. I shake my head when I see the carrying on by both parties right in front of the eyes of our children who have been taught to admire adult behaviors. Now we have to spend a lot of couch time explaining that sometimes adults are not very adult-like. O, my, I do think I have strayed. I guess you can tell ...you touched a nerve.
Hi Patricia, Yes, this election is like nothing before for sure, and I hardly take time to watch any of it, because it is disturbing how they are acting. I want to tell myself they are just passionate about their views but ... I understand and thanks
I will say Donald Trump, why? Hillary loves to start wars and revolution in others countries and this has a bad influence on America.
Hi Naomi Carla, I appreciate you taking the time to answer and sharing why.
a No Brainer
I will take a big mouth over PROVEN 30 years of corruption any day in the week. It's facts vs. emotional again.
Hahaha OK, hglick, Thank you for your short but to the point answer.
I don't like either of them and I can't straighten out which one I dislike more. Hopefully ill figure it out before it's time to vote.
Hi Shanae, That seems to be the case for many others too ...
Trump. He has guts and Veterans wildly support him. Hillary has already failed this test in Lybia.
Hi Craig, thank you for answering. Yes, seems the Veterans do support him. There's no reason all those people had to die there; no reason at all. We had a team right there ready to go in ...and nothing. Sad day!
After Benghazi., the 33k deleted emails, the $240 million donation to CGI the coincided with the sale of 20% of our strategic uranium, the blatant lives and the attempt the DNC made to rip yet another of our rights from us when 26 of the Democrats on the sit in admitted to owning guns.....Trump hands down. I honestly see an enthusiasm for his candidacy that I believe will put him in the White House.
Hi JT, Those are some hard-hitting facts that are difficult to ignore. Yes, there certainly seems to be great enthusiasm and possibly so due to an ever-increasing weariness of the same ol', same ol' ...
Hi JT, just popping in here to let you know that HP Team corrected the problem with "Best" answer being chosen when I didn't choose it, and it was removed, so I am able to choose "Best" answer when I so desire!
The question is - who is considered an enemy? Who does Clinton consider an enemy? Who does Trump consider an enemy?
It's hard to trust any candidate, however, Trump simply doesn't have the experience to make those kind of decisions. Even if I don't trust Clinton, I believe she would do the right thing when it came to the lives of anyone, no matter the country.
Hi David, Yes, that is what is so scary to me ...who each candidate believes is an enemy and why.
And Barack Obama had what kind of Experience before he became president.
Based on the Clinton history both of them where did you get that idea??
Real Change "IS" possible.... but from my point of view neither Hillary nor Trump have the solution. Both of them are trapped into thinking an outdated system can be modified to work. That's a fallacy. I'm with Jill.
It's time to vote on values.
Brad, PBO had much more political experience than #LyinTrump.
Neil, So your recommendation is to tear up the Constitution, return to 1776 and begin again?
Our enemy is both Trump and Clinton, and the idea that a president is going to save all that is lost. What is lost is the human citizen. Anti-intellectualism is our governments favorite weapon. Apathy is our greatest evil, for it lets evil men rule. You must understand how deep the rabbit hole goes. We should not trust this government at all any longer but rather trust in the power of the mind. Citizens must engage their government and much more than candidacy. We are all puppets to a larger agenda with heavy hands on our collective minds. Good luck to us all.
They are the enemy!! So many people are oblivious to that and think the government/big business is on our side!
Hi Ajax, Thank you for answering and sharing your anti-government perspective.
Neither! Trump and Hillary have both been proven to be liars. This election is a scary one, and very hard to vote. If I do decide to vote, I would pick Trump. Only because Hillary is Obama's puppet and it will be like a 3rd term for Obama, and that is really scary. He has torn our country apart and Hillary will continue his destructive behavior. Trump seems to have more American values than Clinton. Trump is right when he said Hillary would be a disaster as president. However, the system is rigged and Hillary Clinton will be the next president if we even make it to elections.
America has been seriously injured, we have lost our freedom. We don't have free speech and transgenders now have more rights than anyone. People need to wake up and take notice to a falling America. One insider (Obama) has taken the whole country to her knees, she is now bleeding and soon will burn if Hillary or Trump become the leaders of this "Free" country. Obama has fooled America. He has shown that he is a great warrior, defeating America and taking her values and the constitution and trashing them while he smiles at us.
Voting for Hillary is voting for Obama, so I choose ... Jesus Christ as my President.
Wow, Team Wiseman, You've stated a lot here in your sharing of your concerns for our freedoms and our Nation. This election is scary indeed. Jesus is my savior, so He is all I need.
I would trust Trump over Hilary! He's so outrageous, maybe it would start a revolution of sorts and we could change the corrupt political system! Haha...But really, the election has to be rigged or Hilary wouldn't be where she's at.
Interesting answer, Malorie. Thank you for participating here.
I am curious, Malorie, how do you "rig" a national election which has 50 States (and D.C.), hundreds of counties, and more than 1,000 local precincts, each with their own rules governing the election?
1st get media to ignore news/shill for u.2nd Obama covers your crimes.3rd u only need to rig votes in swing states http://www.breitbart.com/big-government … residency/
Hi Everyone, thank you for continuing to participate. Unfortunately, once again, BEST answer was chosen when I did NOT chose it! Sent HP Team email for help to remove it again ...
I knew that couldn't be the best answer, had to be a mistake...cause I had the best answer, of course. (just kidding, I'll take the bronze for this one
Haha ...Yes, I am about tired of Best being chosen (twice now) when I did NOT choose it? I can't even imagine how that keeps happening because I had not planned on choosing Best anytime soon ...Frustrating!
I'm so down on the current presidential race. I believe the reality is that if we were attacked by an enemy, it may come down to American citizens defending our country ourselves because of too much politics at the top. I think that is the way things are moving at the moment. I hope we have the will to win. That is what will defend our country against any enemy.
Americans only have the will to make and spend money. Many condemn BLM but don't have the courage or motivation to confront the system when white people are also murdered by miscreant Cops. No way they could stop an invasion without the War Pigs.
Hi Mike, You know, as scary as that sounds, you may be right. I hope it never comes to that, but things seem to be a little out of control everywhere.
Not even close .Who would choose a scam artist and snake oil salesman to protect our country?
I agree with you, the fact that someone as corrupt Hillary is even running is a joke!
A joke? How about treason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkE2X6kWhvc
When you start concentrating more on your enemies than on living life you know you have a problem. When you don't feel safe to go to the local crockery store without carrying s weapon, then you have a problem.
So true, cfin! It is a huge problem with the ever-increasing violence and hate in this world. God help us all!
None! We have such a great defense strategy. What we need now is someone who can build our country again, and bring back our old allies.
The biggest concern today is terrorism, but the next question pertaining to terrorism is: How do you battle this faceless "enemy?"
You have to know who your "enemy" is. Your "enemy" can be a adversary, a non-hostile in a nation lacking of resources. Maybe our "enemy" hates the real "terrorists" because they also commit acts of terrorism in their nation. It helps to talk and hold negotiations; find out who's-who. Sometimes, an "enemy" is a "ally" in need of basic infrastructural programs like irrigation and electricity. This future "ally" state can alert the US when real terrorists plan attack the US and her allies (for a nominal international foreign aid fee, of course). It is necessary to gain new ally states through negotiations for infrastructure security on a global scale to combat real "enemies."
Did you know we know that two ex-"enemies" are now our allies? Our nation gained two "enemy" states of Germany and Japan with the introduction of the Marshall Plan. During the Cold war, the Soviet Union and our nation established the SALT treaties, thus limiting the number of nuclear weapons. A recent example of American negotiations with adversaries for peace resulted in producing the cap on Iran's nuclear enrichment program. Negotiations stall war.
I know I sound like the boring geo-political history teacher you had for one semester in college and thought, "Gee, I have listening for one hour to a man who loves to hear the sound of his own voice repeating what he heard on PBS or RT America. This wind bag is ssssooooo over paid. Hey, I wonder if that cute girl will go out..."
But, electing a qualified candidate with a cabinet to enforce the executive branch helps to bring round table negotiation meetings. I'd prefer Senator Hillary, only if she Senator Bernie is her running Vice Presidential candidate. This allows for Hillary to accept challenges regarding international affairs oversees, while the Vice President manages the domestic affairs at home.
Both Clinton and Sanders are Senators with experience in the international theater(re) and I expect the professionalism and respect given to even our adversaries when they may come into negotiations.
My question for Mr. Trump is: Could you calm yourself and negotiate with an adversary to gain an ally (not business partners)? Or, will future negotiations break down?
Lives are at stake. There is no room for arrogance.
Wow, Guillotine, what an interesting answer and perspective you have presented here. You've provided a lot to think on especially about our "enemies" ...
Have you listened to Jill's July 31st speech? She addresses this with intelligence and class. Link is on the bottom of my hub Dear Bernie
Good question, and this is the kind of question that gets many people emotionally charged. My candidate of choice is not represented with these two presumptives so if anyone wants to get in a heated discussion with me they will be disappointed. Considering Hillary's history and stance on the issues I would have to vote for Trump. The one little ray of light in this choice is that his VP choice may be someone I support. Whoever Hillary chooses is going to an ultra modern liberal. With that being said, if Texas breaks away from the "union" because of overreaching control of the political left in the Federal Government, then I'm a packing and heading for Houston. God Bless America.
Hi Rob, Yes, my candidate of choice is not represented in either of these either, but you've pointed out something to ponder in their choice of Vice President. That is a little bit of hope indeed ... Yes, God Bless America!
Hillary wants to bring in as many Syrian Jihadi Refugees into the USA as possible.
Hi Mary, well, that would be a good reason to vote against her if that is her true intent...
From a British perspective, I would choose Hillary, mainly because she isn't Donald Trump! All politicians are flawed and make errors. Better get used to it. But a President with such extreme "balls out" attitudes is a scary proposition for the US and the world!! Anyone who enjoys mindless confrontation as much as he does, is a World War waiting to happen. The next time he utters... "your'e fired".. he may be referring to a nuclear missile!
Hi Richie, Thank you for answering from an outside USA perspective.
Without reasonable doubt, Trump Will Defend our Country.
Part of something is better than all of nothing and I think Hillary would from her history give us all of nothing. Her whole past has not been for We The People but, for herself.
Hilary if I have to choose. She has been on the scene and in the business for quite awhile. She has been engaged and she has a better temperament than Trump. At the end of the day the question is "Which liar do you prefer?"
Hi Mrs Questions, Thank you for your participation.
The ones who cry "Death to America" and want to kill us because of our freedoms and way of life.
What enemies in particular? Well there's an example of an uninformed voter. We're so strong we have no enemies, that makes sense.Even super heroes have enemies, maybe drop what you are reading and step up to comic books.
At the outset, let me clarify I'm not an American, but adventuring to participate in your poll.
Job of the President is not merely to protect the country from enemies, but he (including she) has many more things to achieve.He has to ensure economic stability and prosperity, more job creations, friendly relations with ally countries and many more goals. Otherwise this may well be a poll for selection of a person to head US Army.
Being an outsider, I don't have as much information about both these candidates as you people have. But based on what I already know and what I get to read day in and day out, I think a guy who makes headlines constantly with controversial statements not backed by in-depth knowledge, is not a right option. The lady who is into politics for numerous years, is intelligent and experienced, may have a number of flaws in her, but after all, she is the product of your political system; she knows the system well and also knows who to catch hold of when something goes wrong. A man who was never part of the political system, has just entered it and is now trying to distort it (that's what many think going by his statements) may impress people in a public rally, but may be a bad choice for the highest office.
Hi Milind, for an "outsider" you certainly have provided an interesting answer here with your reasons to back up the candidate you deem better suited. Certainly, the job of President has many great responsibilities. Good observation.
I would trust Donald Trump more than Hillary Clinton. I believe that, ultimately, he has the best interests of the country at heart. Many people are afraid that he is too bombastic, but I sense that he is honest and will surround himself with the best experts available. Someone with as big an ego as he does, will not want to fail in any way, and that can be good for America. It is a breath of fresh air to hear a potential president saying that he will put "America first".
As a Native Hawaiian whose ancestors lost a language, culture and nation to an illegal overthrow by the American government, I find it despicable that the U.S. has devolved into a nation where illegal aliens walk across the borders unimpeded and receive benefits once reserved for citizens. The country's poor educational standards, support for immorality that American missionaries once told my ancestors would send them to the pits of hell, lawlessness, packed prisons, debt in the trillions of dollars, deteriorating inner cities and physical infrastructure, generational poverty, and gridlocked political parties are pitiful.
I often think - "For this, the Hawaiians lost their nation to America?"
As for Hillary Clinton, I won't say much except that she is dishonest, corrupt, and I sure don't want to see her husband back in the White House again.
I'm voting for Trump. He's the only one who can offer America the change we need.
Hi Stephanie, Wow, you've presented your views well here. Thank you so much for taking time to answer this question. You make a lot of interesting points for sure.
I would say that I do not trust any politician. However, based on their speeches, actions and looking into their past, I would say that Trump is the person for the job...no contest. Hilary has a history of living, she has broken laws and rules. Trump says what he thinks and believes. At least one can know where he stands on issues. Also, since the government controlled media hates him and spreads propaganda about him, that means he is a great guy lol
LOL, Thomas, that is a great point there. Yes, we know without a doubt where he stands. I don't trust any politician either. Thank you for participating.
Hillary. I realize she is responsible for the deaths of a handful of our soldiers, plus an US ambassador, but think about it this way: Hillary has covered up over 50 deaths just in Bill's campaign alone. No one talks about these deaths, just Benghazi. She knows how to keep her mouth shut. Trump doesn't. I'd rather Hillary get the presidency because Trump will incite World War III and the target will be us.
Hi Steven, Thank you for sharing your choice and the reason why. Interesting.
I doubt Trump can't keep his mouth shut, you don't build a multi billion dollar business by being that foolish.
Hillary on the other hand, is a proven liar and crook whose made 10's of millions of dollars selling influence to foreign governments.
I've been a member of this site for less than an hour, and this is the first hub I see. I'm joking, and not exactly sure how humor is received here, but it really is a choice between the lesser of two evils. I don't know which poisonous snake I'd rather handle.
Hi Matt, Welcome to HubPages. Well, this is not a hub, but just a question. There are forums too. Hubs are articles members write on various topics. Thanks for participating in the question posed. I do understand your humor : )
I appreciate it! I'm still trying to figure this out. It's definitely interesting.
Hi Matt, you write well and should do just fine on HP.
I would definitely trust Donald Trump. He has the best ideas on bringing this country out of financial troubles. He knows business, what works and doesn't work. And as far as defending this country.There again, going with Trump. He is going to make our military strong again, he has the respect of other country leaders such as China and Russia, and more. Most importantly of all. He loves this country and believes in God. Now about Hilary. Bengazi...remember?. Bill Clinton sold our jobs off with Nafta..Read about the Clinton's and the Arkansas real estate scandal way back. And now,,what happened to those emails that the FBI was looking for, that she got rid of. Too many things. She is very dishonest, and isn't capable to run this country. We don't need another Clinton in office.
Hi Debraw, Thank you for answering and presenting your insightful thoughts and reasons for your choice.
Neither of the above. I'll sooner put my trust in myself, my fellow citizens, and peace-loving people everywhere.
Lets not wait for politicians to fix everything since that will never happen. See something wrong? Report it. If you know someone who is making threats and bad decisions, get them some help regardless of what community, court, place of worship, law enforcement, charity, or federal agency you have to involve in order to do that. Teach kids that violence leads to more violence and is never the solution to any problem. If you own, collect, or sell guns please take every possible precaution to keep them out of the control of kids, criminals, and people of at-risk mental health.
Whether Republican, Democrat, other, under voting age, disillusioned non-voter or uninvolved in the US political process, let's do all we can as decent, law-abiding individuals to stop the next Dallas or Orlando or Amsterdam or San Bernardino or Paris or Sandy Hook before it ever gets started.
Hi Besarien, good points you've shared here as to each one of us doing our part in today's social climate. That would make a good hub, but does not answer the question posed here. Thank you for sharing your thoughts though.
Maybe you thought I was negating your question but "None of the above." was in fact my answer. Sorry I had to rant a bit, but we can't depend on either of them to keep America safe.
Oh, I understand about the rant and your choice of "none of the above" ...thank you for the clarification here. I appreciate your participation.
I would go with Hillary for the president. I am very dissapointed that we have so little to choose from,but it is a very different type of election. I am afraid of Trump he seems to not care who he makes enemies. I do think Hillary has the experience and is smart enough to get things done. Her husband had a balanced budget, maybe she can do the same. Trust is not the right word, we have to chose the one that has a calm head. I like to know what they will do for the country, and not listening to them bash each other.
Hi Stella, You're right, President Clinton did balance the budget so that at least is a hopeful thought and maybe she would be able to do the same if elected. Oh, I can't stand all the name calling either. Thank you for answering.
There was no war when Clinton was Present,and we had the Dot Com bubble which would burst.
That's true about no war during Clinton's time, Brad.
Pardon my intrusion but it seems to me that Americans now have to choose the lesser of two evils.
Perhaps you should rephrase the question to something in the lines of:
"Which one of the two (Hillary or Trump) should we trust with the post of the most powerful man on Earth in hope of him not making the majority of the world's countries our new enemy? "
Hi Stephen, Thank you for participating. Well, the question is already posed. You can always ask your question though.
Batman and Iron Man. Iron Man can fly in and cause a bunch of destruction while Batman sneaks in and kills off all the ISIS head honchos.
Hi News of the Year, if only we had these fictional characters who were real ...
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