I bet it was Weiner. I don't like this, and I didn't like it when BO was called a "liar" during a speech, either. Even if you don't like Obama, Americans should respect the office.
It's entirely possible to disagree without hurling insults and using profanity.
Here's the story:
I'm wondering where these calls to "respect the office" were when Bush was being continuously ridiculed for eight years, often times using some of the most hateful rhetoric imaginable.
(I'm not leveling that at you, habee, just a general observation....)
It's horribly unbefitting a Congressperson. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems all the foul comments caught on tape are made by Democratic Congressmen, starting with John Kerry when he said 'we have to get these bastards out of office'. It really seems to have started because of the Florida judges decision in the Bush/Gore election. Now the Democratic Congressmen have simply gone off all acceptable behavior. I love passion in politicians but not conduct unbefitting the elected position. It's disgraceful.
Civil discourse about politics ended a long time ago. We as a society grow ever more barbaric, as both sides of the political spectrum have traded in lets work out a compromise for a my way or the highway tone. I bet weenie dog was the one that said it.
Yes, it ended with Rush Limbaugh, when Clinton was elected.
But Rush is not a politician. This is the difference. We didn't elect him and he is not responsible to us. It's not ok for members of Congress.
I think respect has to be earned. And when you are being lied to and fucked up for at least the last 100 years by every holder of that office, it's sorta hard to respect the office, what do you think?
I think being POTUS is a terribly demanding job. While I've never agreed with everything any president has done, I still have respect for the office. I'm also a strong believer in civility and communication!
LOL You should borrow Randy's avatar - it will better fit your dodging abilities I never said this is an easy job. And I was not talking about mere disagreements, I was talking about outright lies, broken promises, and screwing the people, day in and day out...
I think I respect people for who they are not the office they hold.
Obama deserves no more respect than he shows the citizens of this country.
Whoever the democrat was he deserves a high five and then be run out of office for being a criminal.
He's shown nothing but respect for everybody....what country do you live in?
That's the problem, no one shows respect for the office anymore, If you don't like a President that's why we vote them out. Don't disrespect the office.
You're right...other than referring to conservatives as "enemies" and "bitter people who cling to their guns and religion." I still maintain that the office deserves respect, even for those who don't like Obama.
I think Obama did the right thing regardless of what his 'party' thinks. He can't seem to win. When he was voted into office, people said he lacked experience. When he tries to get experience, they mock him. They did the same thing to Bush, saying he was illiterate. The Republicans wanted him to agree with keeping Bush's tax cuts across the board. When he agreed, he was called names. A president sometimes has to compromise, just as he said. He is not responsible to Congress. That's why we have a three part government.
It really matters how much money you have in the U.S ,so yea their is a huge amount of the wealth not trickling down through the economy. i.e unemployment, expensive healthcare etc.
The top 10/ 15% are extremely wealthy ,the next third manage week to week,and the bottom third are on welfare or assisted programs.
Misha you gotta admit George Bush did help the 'shoe industry ' was it in Iran?....apparently that brand became popular for the two bit company and shot the guy ( who threw it) to fame.
I agree with Habee though ,that its very childish the bickering and slandering that goes on,among Harvard educated brats lol.....
I vote they (Politicians) all meet in the carpark once a month and just duke it out ,get it out of their system then get back into class and earn real living ..
LOL I never respected Bush, though I never took part in Bush-bashing hysteria. The same goes for Obama. Neither I took part in Iraq war or Change hysteria. Though to be completely fair I did take part in another Change hysteria - back in the USSR 20 years ago. Since then I know better
I don't follow links here.
But if someone did say that to Obama, I'd love to have seen the look on Pelosi and Biden's faces........and I wonder if the high-and-mighty Administration will persecute him like they did Joe Wilson or whoever it was who had the audacity to call Obama a LIAR? Will the Administration whip a fellow Democrat? Highly doubtful. Maybe jist slap his hand and say now you bad boy......or spank his butt if he happens to be Bawney Fwank so's to give him a little thwill....
Wilson wasn't prosecuted. In fact, he got a ton of money for his campaign from saying that. You righties LOVE insults to Obama....even thoght it was tantamount to treason to question your King George.
lmc - we disagree on most things but I am a right wing conservative and absolutely abhor insults of any kind. This is the reason I respectfully take issue with your comments, because they generalize all people of a category and are unfounded. I think elected officials should refrain from profanity, slander, liable, and any sort of behavior which is the result of anger or emotion. Recently, a Congressman wanted 5 minutes on the floor to discuss an issue and was denied. He then asked for 1 minute and again Speaker Pelosi denied him. He then said "this is why the American people threw you out of power" or something to that effect. He said it publicly and without anger. She was playing a power game and completely out of her legal boundaries. Just an example of how the 'other side' plays. It's not just righties .
It's probably the same a-hole that called him a liar during his first state of the union address. I think the reason the establishment is so afraid of Obama, is the same reason they tried to railroad Clinton. It's because he's not a but kisser like Bush was, and they are afraid their gravy train will come to an end.
As for the tea party, the only reason they are so eager to line up and join the Sarah Palin crowd, is because they know that when stuff starts going wrong nobody can point fingers at them. They are like a stealth candidate, and bounce from one agenda to another, and nobody seems to care. But, just wait, once people start seeing them for what they are, they will get what's coming to them...and that is a swift kick out of office!
briman - What? Calling the president a liar is unseemly, but in context, it was done because he said something on the campaign trail that he later denied. Most candidates, however, fail to live up to their campaign claims, so Obama is not alone in this. Didn't Clinton have a Democratic Congress? How, specifically, was he railroaded? And here we go again, playing the 'Bush loved the rich' card. You, as a taxpayer, got everything everyone else got. Or maybe you're not a taxpayer?
You are so right, Habee. Respect, as was stated above, must be earned if it is to be received. I also believe that repect needs to be learned before it can be given. The president is hired for four years to do a job. After that time, Americans are free to extend his/her contract or to elect a replacement. I don’t really expect any president to be perfect, infallible, and almighty. In fact, before every election, it’s obvious to me that the fulfillment of all first term campaign promises will depend mostly on people and conditions that are largely beyond the candidate’s control.
Criticism, to be meaningful and constructive, requires the critic to invest time exploring all possible alternatives and then to articulate better available solutions. Those unwilling to do this will rely on sound bites to shape their opinions and on insults to express them. I’ve noticed that most comments spewing insults contain few supportable facts. While I have great respect for the office of the President of the United States, I don’t always admire the temporary occupant.
The point is, no one has given the office much respect for quite a while, and I think you're really on to something here, habee. We've neutralized the importance of a lot of things by feeling that we can't trust the people we elect. The Tea Party is one of the angriest statements about politics in modern day. Yet, in all the frustration and anger, it shouldn't mean that we forget respect for each other. Disagreeing is not about losing respect. Or at least it doesn't have to be.
You make a good point.
Nothing new Habee. You should take a look at the minutes of Congress and State Legislatures. Ten years in the Navy and even I picked up a few phrases. One particularly colorfull is the recorded rhetoric of the "King Fish" from Louisiana. I'ts been going on for years. The news media just didn't seem to publish it nearly as often.
Whats worse is that we have people elected to high office that couldn't pass a basic background investigation to get a job as a low level civil servant. That being said, you shouldn't be surprised by their lack of decorum. People like you should be running for office. Of course people like you wouldn't expose yourself, let alone your family to such filth. So alas we are stuck with ourselves....
Habee for President 2012!
LOL, No, I would only drag you down. Seriously, you should look into politics.
Thanks for your vote of confidence. Funny, several people have made this same suggestion! lol
You don't actually consider that a compliment do you?
I think you have to respect the office of president no matter who holds it, because you are respecting the democratic will of the country and the need to do business in a courtious way. Civility should be the default of any business, especially the business of governing the nation.
The Germans respected the hell out of Hitler.
Jim, once again you hit it.
Took the words right outta my mouth.
are you and Brenda having a contest for the most ridiculous response?
You don't think its ridiculous to respect someone just because of the office they hold?
Did you respect Bush? He held the same office.
Did Hitler deserve respect because he was Chancellor of Germany?
I think its ridiculous to ignore the action while respecting the actor.
actually I did respect Bush for some of the difficult decisions he had to make. do we only respect those we agree with?
what are we teaching our young people? hypocrisy?
that it's ok for adults to act like immature teenagers?
Jim - with respect, there's a difference between respecting the office and respecting the person holding it. Example: The people under Bill Clinton did not respect the office when they removed the w keys from all the keyboards in the White House, and when Air Force I was not sent to pick up the newly elected President.
Wow, that's the best you can do? Godwin for the win. I was arguing for basic courtesy like not saying the F-word about an elected President and you equate that with Facism. Wow.
That was all that needed to be done.
You threw a slooooooooooow ball.
"I think you have to respect the office of president no matter who holds it,"
You can respect whomever you like, I choose to be more discerning with my respect.
Does it strike anyone else as odd that we're wondering what was muttered under the breath behind closed doors about the president? Are we going to trot out the Thought Police to see who thinks anything bad about anyone in power next?
Somehow I imagine Obama isn't losing any sleep about this.
Oh, I bet he's losin' sleep and gettin' more white hairs over it.
After all, he couldn't even stand that general he had (what was his name?) sayin' anything negative about him, so he FIRED him. He's such a whiner, unless of course it's gossip about other people.
I betcha if Wikileaks were to divulge anything negative about Obama, from the state of his underwear to State secrets, THEN there would've been no time wasted shutting the site down and shuttin' Assange's mouth.
What strikes me odd is the purveyors of political correctness are all of a sudden worried about the thought police, they are the thought police.
No kidding!
I think they have some sort of mental glitch; they're capable of seeing things only from their side. Narcissism comes to mind (another Hitlerish quality there too..)
livelonger - with respect, it's not about policing thoughts or words, it's about the basic mentality of these elected officials. Believe it or not, there are many people who would never utter those kinds of words because they do not have those kinds of thoughts. These are the people we want to run our country, assuming all other qualifications.
If there was a wikileak displaying real corruption by Obama I gotta say, I would still feel the way I do now about that site. At the end of the day a politician is a politician, and I don't trust politicians. Honestly I would prefer solid evidence of corruption coming to light then unsubstantiated accusations and name calling, which can be cast into doubt.
You can't fire a Congressman if you're the President.
The US government is trying to shut Wikileaks, and it's not just Obama and the Democrats. Did you see who Assange said they'd release communications from next? The financial services industry.
I didn't compare him to Hitler.
If someone feels he needs to be respected simply because of the office he holds then it should be pointed out Hitler held high office.
Did he deserve respect?
Hmmm, funny-I don't remember a national TV station dedicated to bashing Bush...in fact even the mainstream media treated him with kid gloves. And Fox, well he was treated like Royalty. Same as on talk-radio. 20 hrs of Love fest for ole Bush.
It's like night and day now. 20 hrs of Obama bashing and lies. No wonder people have the wrong idea, huh? Like Hitler, Communist, Muslim Terrorist, America-Hater....
Imagine...telling people that the president is out to destroy America......
That is a new low of gutter-trash.
No media trashed Bush? Really? Can I have some of whatever you're smoking?
Gotta love that revisionist history.....
Give me an example....I couldn't think of one.
But, if I asked you when Obama got trashed, you'd have to say which day? Which hour? Which minute?
Started 6 months before the man took office.....i remember it well. Jay Severin: "we have to do whatever it takes to destroy his presidency..."
and that pr*ck who always called him Hussein.....
And that's just the East-Coast Brigade! West-Coast has their own gang over there.
And, of course, the tea-baggers, who were so upset with Bush, they took it out on Obama!!
If it wasn't so tragic, I would laugh my a$$ off.
Here are just a few examples for you:
http://newsbusters.org/blogs/brent-bake … e-matthews
http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2004/0 … 676241.php
http://archive.democrats.com/preview.cf … Comparison
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne … gress.html
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEHKgNnf … re=related
Just type in "Bush bashing" or "Bush compared to Hitler" in Google, and you'll find LOTS more!!
It's hard for me to believe you don't remember any of the Bush bashing. It was just as wrong to bash the president then as it is now under Obama. Disagreeing with their views or actions is fine, but calling either of them Hitler is very disrespectful to the office of POTUS, in my opinion.
We have a few posters here on HP who always refer to Bush as "Dumbya." Would they be okay with calling Obama "Odumbo"?
LOL Even these very forums two-three years ago were totally full of Bush-bashing, no need to go anywhere. Some people have very short memory when they want to
RB, don't say the "H word"!
It's okay to say William Jefferson Clinton, George Herbert Walker Bush, Ronald Wilson Reagan, Richard Milhous Nixon, and James Earl Carter, however. These full names were uttered so often on the news that I know them by heart.
Go in peace.
Uh Huh, and you have NO IDEA why they said it, do you?
No idea that they were painting him as a muslim, non-American by re-enforcing that name, huh?
This pr*ck on the radio was not calling him Barak Hussein Obama, he was calling him Hussein.
Just like they did when they called him Osama. GEEE, who's another Osama in recent history? GEEE
Code words. There is nothing "code" about Jefferson or Walker or Wilson.
How come none of you called Rahm Israel Emmanuel?
How come no one called him Israel? wooo, might be in a heap-o-trouble then, eh?
But Hussein/Osama to your heart's delight.
I guess you don't remember the nuts who claimed Reagan was the 666 antichrist. Each of his 3 names has 6 letters. That's why the haters liked to use all 3 names. I think that trumps being compared to a Muslim extremist!
And as for Googling the Bush bashing, I remember it well. I provided the links for you. Last time I checked, MSNBC was a "national news" outlet. Go to youtube and see how many of their "hate Bush" videos you can find. Olbermann did it every night, but others joined in, too.
LMC, I don't like the Obama hate, either. Your memory, however, is very selective!
Barack Hussein Obama!
(That feels kinda good, after I got over the nauseated feeling of speaking each of the three parts together)...teehee.
I'm talking about a national show on tv that devoted itself to Bush bashing 24 hrs a day. It didn't exist.
And talk radio was Bush-Loving...all the way.
Funny you had to go to google to find it....I will ALWAYS remember the Obama hate, as long as I live.
And I wasn't at HubPages then, but on my local blog, we Bush-bashers were always called un-American. Traitors. Why don't you move to Cuba, Un patriotic, etc.
It's only since Obama was elected, that bashing a president has become patriotic.
There is a HUGE double-standard.
Funny that....
I reckin I'll always remember your Bush hatred and your uncontrolled, open hatred for Israel as long as I live.
You are blind Brenda. Open your eyes to Jesus before it's too late.
Now now don't fib.
Your open, written, outright hatred for Israel has been posted on these forums in black and white, time after time, as has your Bush-bashing.
Don't even try to preach to me.
L e t m e w r i t e i t s l o w f o r y o u.
I hate neo-con Zionists.
This does not inlcude all of Israel unless they are all neo-con Zionists.
But you see, I love Jesus...and Jesus was a Jew.
You, on the other hand, seem hard-pressed to show that love you profess to have....all I see is angry bitterness and judgement.
God is Love.
Since you're so interested in what God's all about, you might try reading the REST of His story. You'll find He's much more than the pansy-wristed guy you like to make Him out to be.
But I doubt you'll do that. You'd be quite challenged intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally. Not quite ready to meet that challenge I'm sure.
"You shall Love your God with all your heart your mind and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. This is the whole of the law."
Do you follow this law? Me thinks not.
I don't care what you think, really.
I Love your soul enough to want to see you avoid the fires of hell. That's what's required of Christians. And a Christian can even pray for Love for their fellow man, even those like you who continue to behave in blatantly un-Loveable anti-Christian ways.
I am capable of Love, such Love that has eternal consequences.
You, on the other hand, don't have that capacity right now apparently. I pray you obtain it someday.
God is Love indeed.
He is also the Creator of all things, and the God of Judgement, and the Author of the laws of repentance and forgiveness.
To leave out the repentance part is great error.
To say I hate ...and God Is love in the same post is a contradiction ,dont ya think
"...angry bitterness and judgement [sic]"??
Pot, meet kettle!
I guess now I can see why the idea of courtesy is so hard for some participants here to digest.
Well, aren't they all lawyers? What more can you expect? Something about that profession . . .
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