Well to be hon..cough...gag...choke...grunt...hack...spit.... Where was I? I lost my train of thought. Got a mote caught in my throat. Pesky things, those motes. They tend to choke off the oxygen to the brain.
Whatsmatter, gotta a mote in your throat?
Apparently motes are shaped like the Star of David and choke only liberals.
That's not true, UCV!!
It's pretty hard to find a Jew who's NOT a liberal.
It's just the pandering that I find hard to swallow. Not the symbol itself.
It's not meant to pander to Jews. Jews are about 1% of the population, and, like you said, overwhelmingly (and steadfastly) liberal.
It's meant to communicate to evangelical Christians (about 25% of the population, and definitely her base) that she's "one of them." Unlike, um, that other guy who just announced he's running...
You must mean the cult member with the magical underwear.
Or did I miss yet another announcement (his got almost completely obscured by Palin's NH visit on the same day).
Has anyone ever seen evangelical Christians wearing a Star of David?
Serious question.
This is what I found on the topic:
According to David Brog, the (Jewish) executive director of Christians United for Israel, "it is increasingly common" for evangelical Christian supporters of Israel -- who follow a fairly common Israel-centric strain of American biblical interpretation -- to wear Stars of David as symbols of solidarity with the Jewish state.
"A lot of the folks in my organization, they wear Stars of David," he noted. "Mainly the women."
In CUFI circles, indeed, "it is increasingly common to wear one all the time," Brog noted, and not just while visiting Israel.
To do so is seen as an expression of being "pro-Israel" and "philosemitic," part and parcel with worshiping Jesus as a Jewish carpenter and honoring the Jewish roots of Christianity.
I do. There's one on my Catholic greatgrandmother's gravestone too. I wear Isreali sandals too. Love God's chosen people. Even the liberal ones, though I do wish they'd wakey wakey.
Everybody buys a Mogen David when visiting Israel. Like buying plumeria jewelry in Hawaii.
My Aunt was an evangelical, now she wears the star of David and celebrates all Jew holidays. She believes Jesus (Yeshua) was a Jew so she should be one too. I sort of follow her logic. BTW she's still Christian with a hankering for bagels and Lox.
Mote. Missed. What is the Democrat platform but pandering?
are you coughing, why you don't to go to doctor?
Because she's wearing the star of David?
You can't become a Jew and
She's not Jewish either
You can convert to Judaism, but not overnight.
You can become Jewish,. but not a Jew.
I am Jewish but not a Jew
Yes, there is a difference. Distinctions like this are important, and often overlooked.
Was Ruth a Jew?
What about her children?
You are the first person I've seen make this distinction, which seems artificial, and has no basis in anything I've read.
To be a Jew is a people. A Jew has a mother who is a Jew. To be Jewish is the religion and a Jewish person can have parents of any religion or none.. Now a lot of Americans don't know the difference or even think there is one.
I won't argue this point. Believe what you want. My husband is a Jew and we are Jewish.
I think the only reason you are making a distinction is that you're a Messianic Jew. I note that there is no answer to the question about Ruth's children.
In normative Judaism, there is no distinction between a Jew and a Jewish person.
I AM NOT of the Messianic Jewish Religion. They believe much like the Christians and I believe nothing like them.
Any real Jew will tell you that Jewish is the way of life with God.
Jew is the person. Your statement that there is no distinction is incorrect. My husband and his entire family is from Israel
As far as Ruth,. she was not a Jew. Since she told her mother-in-law "your God will be my God"..it is an indication that she converted to the Jewish religion (although they did not call it converting at that time)
Her children weren't Jews because to be considered a Jew,. your mother has to be a Jew. But they were probably Jewish or at least raised Jewish.
I think you're making a distinction between the ethnicity and the belief system. But "Jew" is often used in reference to the belief system as well. If not, then what is the noun to refer to the belief system? In other words someone who is Jewish is a _____?
Judaic? Sounds redundant. Jews are from the tribe of Judah, therefore the other tribes are NOT jews. Common misconception. Sarah obviously got her bris...which explains a lot. Not sure if she had a Bar or a Bat Mitzvah (Bar for males, Bat (not sure of spelling, but I think that is correct) But w/ her I don't think it matters...she's really a shiksa at heart. Not sure of that spelling either, but my jewish friends will get it.
I agree most people do not use distinction,. but it does not mean they are correct
I said this in another thread and they all but called me stupid. Since no matter what I said they didn't believe ME,. I found some info on the internet.
I will search for that third party infl again and post it.
OK - sorry for the misunderstanding. I thought that you had said that you and/or your husband was a Messianic Jew somewhere. Yes, their beliefs are "unconventional" in normative Jewish terms.
That said: there is no difference that I've read between saying someone is a "Jew" or "is Jewish." They are saying the same thing, like he is an American (noun) or he is American (adjective).
If you convert to Judaism or are born a Jew, you are Jewish for life. You can not "undo" being a Jew. There is no scriptural support for this. Both you and your husband are Jews, and are Jewish. I don't see any difference, and since I've read a ton about this material, I thought I would come across it somewhere.
About Ruth: also both Jewish and a Jew, through conversion. Here's just one where the discussion of Ruth uses "Jew" and "Jewish" interchangeably:
If you mean by practicing the religion, then you're either a "practicing Jew" (following the mitzvot) or "non-practicing Jew."
You're hurting me here. I am a jew and jewish, and in all of my years of religious school, I never heard of a distinction between being a jew and being jewish. Someone who is jewish IS a jew, there is no difference. You can convert and I don't care if you are from America or Israel, the rules are the same. If your mother is jewish, then by default, you are a jew and jewish. If you convert, you are a jew and jewish.
I'm assuming you're directing your comment to Deborah. I'm in complete agreement with you.
Yes, you are right, I was. It seems that there is some misunderstanding out there and that whether or not Palin wears a necklace with a star or a letter "P" makes her suddenly jewish. Unfortunately, from reading the replies to these posts, I am struck and appalled by the sheer amount of misinformation and, pardon me, bias that I see.
I understand, and agree with you.
I'm actually a convert to Judaism (Reform - about a year and a half ago). I didn't know much about Judaism until rather recently, but there is plenty of reliable information out there (and dependable people to ask questions of). Unfortunately, there's tons and tons and tons of misinformation, too. Because those who know almost nothing about Judaism vastly outnumber those that do...
As the OP I feel I should clarify the original intention of the thread.
I don't believe Sarah Palin converted to Judaism.
I don't think anyone here believes that.
We were just observing that an uber Christian was spotted wearing a symbol of Judaism, the Star of David, around her neck while in New York.
It has now been explained that this was in solidarity to Israel's independence celebration June 2nd.
The Star of David was off her neck by the time she hit New Hampshire the next day.
This thread was not intended to incite either pro- or anti-Israel remarks. Or a contracted discussion about what does/does not constitute a Jew.
But such is the nature of the HP forums...
What celebration are you talking about?
Israel's Independence Day is observed on the 5-6th day of Jewish month of Iyar. In 2011 this day fell on May 10, 2011 (started as all Jewish Holidays at night of the previous day)
Maybe the episode you were talking about was on some other year? Also, Sara Palin was wearing The Star of David (actually, called "a shield of David" in Hebrew) when she visited Israel in March 2011. So what?
The way I understand it, she's drawing a distinction between folks who have converted to Judaisim and people who were born into the Jewish nation, for lack of a better word.
As a matter of faith, a convert to Judaisim is Jewish, just like a convert to Islam is Muslim. But if I converted to Islam, that wouldn't make me an Arab (I understand that not all Muslims are Arabs--in fact, these days, most are not). Likewise, if I converted to Judaism, I wouldn't become racially Jewish. It's a very fine distinction, I admit.
Do I understand your point, Deborah?
Except that it also isn't true. The convert becomes, at that point, racially just as jewish as the "born" jew. In fact, we are taught over and over that you have to respect the convert the same as any other jew and may not remind the convert of their past.
"we are taught over and over that you have to respect the convert the same as any other jew and may not remind the convert of their past."
So, according to Judaism, a northern European who converts to Judaism is considered by other Jews to be not a northern European anymore but a Jew from that day forward?
Is this a literal thing, like transubstantiation, where the wine and bread are believed to literally become the body and blood of Christ? Or is it a social/symbolic thing, like, now you're in the club and we're all in it together, no matter what happened before?
I ask in ignorance, wishing to understand.
It's not a racial thing.
You can be Northern European and Jewish. You can be black and Jewish. You can be Asian and Jewish. Countless examples of all of these.
I disagree with pitzele's use of the term "racially" although Jewishness does defy usual ethnic/religious definitions. The closest analogy is that of a family; you can join a family as an adult, or by virtue of birth alone.
That said, because Judaism attracts very few converts (in Judaism it's believed you don't have to be Jewish to be a righteous person, and there are no real "benefits" to being a Jew according to Jewish beliefs, like avoiding hell/going to heaven, etc.), most Jews have a genetic line to the Levantine peoples who originally formed the Jewish nation. But those that don't aren't any less Jewish than those who do.
All Muslims aren't Arab, and vice versa. Arab is *only* an ethnolinguistic identity. Muslim is *only* a religious identity.
Jewish is both - and yes, it's complicated.
"All Muslims aren't Arab, and vice versa."
Right, I understand that. I only brought it up because lots of people in the US associate/confound Arab with Muslim and vice versa when there's a difference between Arab and Muslim.
"Jewish is both"
That's where the confusion arises. If there were a separate word for the descendants of the Levantine folks who formed the Jewish nation, and a separate word for the folks who follow the religion called Judaism, it'd be a lot more clear. Can't have everything, I guess.
The problem is that Jews don't want a definition like that, for the reason pitzele mentioned. This is something that only seems to matter to non-Jews.
Since the time of Moses, Jews have avoided racial definitions (look at what happened to Miriam for gossiping about Tzipporah; she was struck with tzaraat).
After reading a few of your Hubs on the Hebrew letters I wonder from what branch of the tree you claim to be from. No Jew that I know would quote anything from the King James Bible. Jews no matter what denomination they belong to, Jewish people strictly stay within the words of the Old Testament. Any mention of John or Matthew or Jesus. . well sorry right there I think you are trying to be something that you are not.
I just needed to clear that up as anyone that reads anything that you write should not be led to believe that you are Jewish. And that your interpretations of the Torah, is not coming from a Jew.
To me being Jewish means to safeguard memory and open its gates to the celebration of life through our traditions as the year unfolds. Whether you are reformed , conservative, ortho or any other part of our branch you can be sure that come Sat morning the same parsha will be read in every synagogue all over the world. There is no deviation.
I wonder what portion of the Torah your shul will be reading this weekend. Or do you open King James up?
As for the OP, why does one have to be a Jew to wear the Star of David? Does that mean anytime you see someone wearing a red string they are also Jewish? Or if they have a charm that is a trumpet they are a musician?
I will definitely second this. Any school student in Israel can read Old Testament in original. I am just shocked how much mistranslation and misinterpretation manipulations are in any of English translation.
For a Jew there is the only one book- Old Testament in Hebrew or an English version translated by Hebrew scholars.
As for Deborah, I respect her very much, because she is brave enough to go against the common stream and she gets into fights with those who offend or insult Israel and/or Jews.
Thank you. I respect you to. for your association with the Jews
And your kindness to others.
:-) I AM a Jew, born to a Jewish mother who was born to a Jewish mother, etc, way back to who knows when...
I am not religious, but I have Faith, I am a believer, The God (One and the only One) is not outside for me, but within me. I call him "conscience".
The Hebrews have "The Book of the Hebrews" aka "Acts of the Hebrews" . It is where the scribes took information to write Matthew, Mark, Luke.
Also,. Revelations is from Jewish Mysticism and it is called
'The Torat ha Sod'
Not everything in the NT is rejected. The Jewish religions (and there are several forms)accept "The gospel of John.
When I want to learn I go to the Jewish sources.
But I use the English Bible because it is the most accepted by the Christians. I try to show the real interpretation.
I also try to Show them where Paul deceived them.
Their doctrine is engraved in them.
When a person teaches interpretation,. they first start on the person's level and then they progress upward.
I'm sorry you can't understand that.
I know who I am, and what my purpose and reasons are and so does God.
What you think about me doesn't matter. Who are you?
But in essence you are calling me a liar and you put it in print. That's defamation. I urge you to think about what you are saying.
People here judge me for my hubs. I've been called a witch etc because of my writings.
I could write many hubs, but I get tired of the name calling.
I asked this before..."when a person writes a murder mystery book, do you accuse that author of being a killer?" NO you don't
So don't accuse me because of my hubs. Your premises don't agree so your conclusions are incorrect.
You would do well to stop.
I see many of your hubs were written to sell products.
At least I'm a giver..Free
I read what Deborah wrote about the Star of David. She's not making a statement, In essence she's asking the person who started the thread if he assumed Sarah is Jewish because she is wearing the S.O.D. in the picture. You read it wrong and in error put her down for what you thought she said.
For whatever reason you are allowing yourself to be a stumbling block for those who desire to learn from her.
I know her very well, and she's what she says she is.
Deborah is confident and not afraid to take on challenges, and she is very attractive and captivating. I think these two attributes stirs up a little jealousy and hate that causes people to strike lout.
Her other attributes: a great wife and mother. A worker who will pull 14 hour a day shifts then give her wages to charity. She does so because she cannot stand to see people suffer.
She wants to show people truths so they will have the needed tools.
That's all I have to say to YOU so have a good day, time to get to work.
Hey Ruth had a children and maybe grandson was Jesse, father of David.
Ruth converted to Judaism before marrying Boaz and bearing Obed. See Ruth 1:16, where Ruth states her intention to convert. After Ruth converted, she was a Jew, and all of her children born after the conversion were Jewish as well. But even if Ruth were not Jewish at the time Obed was born, that would not affect King David's status as a Jew, because Ruth is an ancestor of David's father, not of David's mother, and David's Jewish status is determined by his mother.
from http://www.jewfaq.org/whoisjew.htm
Ruth was a Moabite not an Israelite but she returned with Naomi to Bethlehem to live among them. Ruth married a Jew and was a part of them. When her grandson Jesse grew up he would have married a Jew.
Ruth is an ancestor of David's father, not of David's mother, and David's Jewish status is determined by his mother.
This is not a modern Idea, it comes from Torah
To me this new trend (Messianic Jewish Religion) makes no sense at all. Or you are a Jew and follow this pass (One God, and we still waiting for Messiah to come and fulfill the tasks that were meant for him), or you a Christian. There is no mingling two of them, it does not make any scene. At least, no more sense that sweet salt (or salty sugar).
Hi, Deborah. I don't frequent HP anymore, but I see that the forums are still rocked by anything about Israel and Jews. Same haters, same supporters... God will bless the supporters and will not bless haters, it is an axiom. I don't want to jump into discussions anymore, because it does not help. Haters have their own agenda, supporters know the truth anyway. But I just remembered how once one of my friends told me, "You are not religious, so you are not a real Jew", and I answered, "No, I am not a real Jew, I am just Jew-ish".
This what makes us a real family- our ability to laugh no matter what.
When did Debbie Wasserman Schultz become a tool of Wall St ?
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/0 … 58216.html
Holy emblem batman! Is that photo shopped?
A Jew that speaks in tongues? I have a lot to learn!
I agree. Personally, I think politicians should be judged based on what they've actually done while they've been in office versus what religious affilation they have.
Just a cute symbol to hang around your neck. I wouldn't be surprised if she has some Hindi or Chinese characters in her jewelry box that she doesn't know the meaning of. Maybe this photo was taken after a meeting with some Jewish supporters.
For people like Sarah Palin and her band of followers, and for many Americans in general, religion is more of a superficial accessory you wear. It can be used to make a statement, show allegiance to a political group, or just to annoy the liberal media.
But Palin's overall style, temperament and public life are not what one would characterize as "devoutly" Christian. Glitz, glamour and pride are not exactly what one thinks of when one thinks of Jesus. She recently had a powwow with Donald Trump--need I say more.
She is a politician first, and everything, including religion, is an accessory to that.
She's a half politician, and a loser at that. Remember that she quit her job as Governor of Alaska in the middle of her term to go make a buck.
You need to get the real facts before spewing your nonsense! Do you have a brain? can you research for yourself? It all had to do with money and frivolous lawsuits and you would have done the same if in her shoes! if you deny this then your a liar like wiener! and the article is from left leaning CBS!!!!
Sarah Palin stepped down from her position as governor of Alaska in the summer of 2009, leaving behind a prominent political career in which she could have bolstered her image as a serious politician. The move left many speculating over Palin's motives, but a profile of Palin in New York Magazine purports to have the answers.
"To many, [Palin's resignation] seemed a mysterious move, defying the logic of a potential presidential candidate, and possibly reflecting some hidden scandal--but in fact the choice may have been as easy as balancing a checkbook," writes Gabriel Sherman.
Money is no longer a problem for Palin, who earned $12 million in the past year.
But before publishing a best-selling book, amassing speaking fees, signing television contracts and so on, Palin was reportedly under financial stress as governor largely because of legal bills.
"Her life was terrible [as governor]," one unnamed adviser says in the article. "She was never home, her [Juneau] office was four hours from her house. You gotta drive an hour from Wasilla to Anchorage. And she was going broke."
Some of Palin's fortune has come under scrutiny as she builds her media persona while keeping the door open for a return to politics. Some Tea Partiers, for instance, criticized Palin for taking her usual speaking fee of $100,00 to speak at the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville, Tenn. Her contract to speak at the convention included $18,000 for private-jet travel for her and five other people, according to two people who've seen the contract, New York Magazine reported.
And while Palin has been coy about her political future, New York magazine reveals she has long had the highest of political ambitions. Palin's former campaign manager, Laura Chase, related a story from 1996, when Palin was running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.
"We were sitting at my table one night and I said, 'Sarah, one day you could be governor,'" she said. "She just looked at me and said, 'I don't want to be governor, I want to be president.'"
Read more: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162- … z1OyWSb5BA
Here is a completely different twist on the Jewelery she is wearing, just for some other considerations, if I may: May not be Jewish at all..?
A Masonic author declares that the triangles that make up the hexagram “are symbolic of good and evil, day and night, the Chinese yang and yin, etc.” In the Masonic system, we have the interlaced triangles, one black and one white, the white triangle with its point up, the black triangle with its point down. It represents the male and female elements. The interlaced black and white triangles picture darkness and light, good and evil, error and truth, ignorance and wisdom, and supposedly balance and harmony.
In The Gods of India, by Alain Danielo “The triangle with its apex upward is also taken to represent fire,
identified with the male principle, the linga or phallus, symbol of Siva the Progenitor or of the Cosmic Person . . .
“The triangle pointed downward represents the force of inertia
which pulls downward, and tends to suppress activity. It is
associated with the element of water, which always tends to
come down, to equalize its level. It is the passive aspect of creation
and thus is represented by the yoni or female organ, the emblem
of Energy or CosmicNature” (quoted by Dr.Burns, p.35).
We see that this ancient occult figure of the hexagram, or Seal of Solomon, or Star of David – as it is also called -- is nothing more than a repulsive pagan symbol of sexual union and reproduction.
The triangle pointing downward represents the female sexual organ, the vagina, and the upward pointing triangle represents the male penis. Joined together in the hexagram, they represent the act of sexual intercourse.
Thus the hexagram was a part of Satan’s original “sex worship” rites and symbols of ancient BAALISM – the sensuous religion of Nimrod and Semiramis – which began just this side of the Flood!
In the book The Gods of India, by Alain Danielou, we also discover: “The two complimentary principles, the linga and the yoni, are graphically represented by the fiery triangle with upward apex and the watery triangle with downward apex. When the triangles penetrate each other to form the hexagon, this is taken to show the state of manifestation. When they part, the universe dissolves” (p.219).
Archaeologist E.A. Wallace Budge, an authority on ancient Egyptian mythology, relates: “Those who believed in the physical significance of the Hexagram taught that communication between the living and the dead was possible, and adopted the dogma of reincarnation ” (Amulets and Superstition, p.432).
She is an Israeli-Firster. She was mentored by Heinz Kissinger, for crying out loud!
"Thus the hexagram was a part of Satan’s original “sex worship” rites and symbols of ancient BAALISM –"
Yes, and it's still going on. You can read about it in the New Testament.....the Synagogue of Satan.
Don't kid yourself....that evil power is running rampant.
Google Kay Griggs.....watch her videos.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 094287597#
Didn't a high-level man in France just get busted for having sex with little boys?
Bush senior did too, only the public ignored it. As did the media. Maybe it doesn't get ignored anymore....
It is Just a thought, and just a wild as the one you prop0se also..!
Looks like vivid fear mongering can come from any angle....right..! (wink)
it was set up to prove a point Mom, nothing is made, no points for fear or theory. we need facts not talking points. Let Beck be Beck and Fox be Fox, lets look for more truth.
she comes from alaska, outdoors type, earthen, the theory is just as possible as the Firster theory, given the Geography she grew up in?
what I am saying here is any story can be force fit....we need facts and what I proposed her is no more factual that that link you shove as truth.
It may be nothing more than a jewelery piece she liked and bought or her Husband bought for her????? that is also possible!
we need real facts, ideas and what these folks stand for, up front, or we need to let them know we are droping interest. all the conspiracy crapola is all spin and float. We can not afford this any more. We have real problems to solve, not chase crak pots and screw balls for votes.
this has to stop.
this is nuts. Both parties are rediculous right now. we need to demand real people.
I highly recommend you watch that video. Kay Griggs is a military woman, born and raised.
She is telling the truth about the underbelly of what really goes on...and she's not the first or only one to do it.
Or, as my blogger Les Visible wrote:
"You are, or should be familiar with, the sexual scandal that erupted in Belgium over the Dutroux kidnapping, rape and murder case. The investigation was stymied for years by politicians in high places. Word of child sexual abuse has repeatedly surfaced, implicating government officials in the UK, Portugal, Spain and France. We are familiar with the Franklin Scandal, that pointed its finger at George H. Bush in the Regan White House and we’ve seen where Jeff Gannon went in and out of the White House hundreds of times and routinely did not sign in or out. The hideous face of Karl Rove is staring up into that room from a toilet bowl between the legs of Larry Craig."
google both of those cases too. They are not made-up stories.
"The money men are losing it. The politicians and police who serve them are losing it. The economy is losing it; strangled by the machinations of the few, who cut off the flow to the rest of us. A system must operate as a system from all levels. When it becomes perverted it begins to die."--LV
David Icke: "Paeodophilia is the glue that holds the Matrix together."
I remember reading about the Fundamentalists landing on Hawaii...
The native women all came out to greet them in the native Hawaiian way--to have sex with them!
The ministers were appalled, and soon after taking over, managed to suppress and destroy the Hawaiian culture, religion and ways of life.
Perverts are not "right in the head". Our whole world has been perverted by people who somehow think the ways of nature need to be locked-up, suppressed and demonized....so what do we expect?
LOVE will free us. And love has NOTHING to do with suppression and chains. I M O
Hey, don't forget she probsbly saw a Russian Jew from her house in Alaska. You know most Americans feel she is quailfied to handle foreign relations based on her being able to see Russia from home. Spotting a Russian Jew would naturally qualify her to be Jewish and an expert on the conflict her new homeland has with Palastine.
I hope you are wrong, but I have no confidence that you are. You seem to have a handle on the American public.
I don't get it. I have travelled all over and worked in America (still have a green card)
I swear I know a stack of smart articulate tin tanks who would never think of voting for any of the loons on offer. What happened to America since the 90's that I missed?
what happened is an 80's generation of spolied kids that were told from the start they are entitled to everything, reguardless if they earn it or not. if they were in the room they also got a Trophy!!!!!
well they all became a grown up mes. Our I want it all and I want it now generation who can not take the phone out of their ear or the Lap top out of the backsides long enought to hear or see anything but facebook and foolish nieve endevor.
and it is my Generation that raised them!!!!! and screwed this all up! The great Hippie Generation, what joke we turned into!
now they believe anything, have to read it, no common sense, n o effort to figure it out and really learn, and they will not work for success.
Hang on the Internet looking for a get rich quick dream. While Riding on Grandparents 401 monies and claiming they have to have it.
Easy targets for any scrwewball political cause, because everything is eclectic, no right or wrong just foolish arguments and beliefe they are entitled.
The politicans know this and are capatalizing on it. easy social manipulation= big bucks.
we are loosing are ability to reason and question. be individuals.
thats what happened, but no one will look in a mirror and admit it.
I think you're stereotyping an entire generation. I would probably apply that more to the next generation, and even then, not all. I've done research on the Millennials, plus I have raised two of them, and I'm going to disagree. They are business smart, savvy, socially and globally conscious, intelligent and optimistic, for the most part. The smart ones make very good money and they are critical thinkers. They like to solve problems and they have confidence. All of them? Of course not.
Wait until the 00's grow up!
I hope so rebekah, but with the school system like it is and is being changed to????? I can only hope
The Bushes. Reagan got it started and the Bushes dropped the Stupie Bomb on America. Americans gave up their freedoms, their ability to think, and their country under the Bush Administrations. Counting the time Bush Sr. ran the CIA, the bush family is probably responsible for upwards of 20 wars. That's a whole lotta profit for one of the industries that runs this country. Bush thought it was a good Idea to cut taxes right before starting two large wars. He also listened to Cheney and allowed Halliburton to steal billions from no bid contracts. The work provided was so shoddy, large portions had to be destroyed and replaced, at tax payer expense of course. Americans forget the pallets that held millions of dollars in tax payer money that was simply mis-placed. The only response from the decider was oops my bad.
An ever increasing number of Americans are giving up the need to think about anything. They do as they're told and fight to keep it that way. They can't learn, they refuse to think, they can't remember more than a sound bite or two back in time, and they are friggin experts on everything.
Yes Stump it is every one else who started it right????
who voted them in?
That is very very sad. I am in a different world when it comes to the younger generations. I am surrounded by smart articulate kids.
I went to every Lacrosse game my boy played from when he was 8 years old. I know all the kids in 20 clubs that we played against and most of those kids grew up bright, kind, decent and smart as they come.
I hope things improve for the younger Americans. Education is no guarentee of good income anymore in Australia.
MY 22 year old adopted son just dropped out of his 100k education to become a bricklayer.
I asked him why and his explanation was simple. Free workouts to keep fit for sport, and about $1,600 dollars a day working for himself.
This as opposed to chicken feed as a teacher.
He made another good point...... He can use his education in his business, and return to teaching when he has plenty of loot!
we have very smart articulate Kids also, it is not all gloom and doom, but we over come them with programs like race to the top and no child left behind, we teach them how to pass a state test to graduate, so Schools can get more federal monies, and we move them on, heard them into magnet schools designed to teach a certin cirriculum. one emphasis on science, another on liberal arts, we divide them organise them and then shove them on.
no individual choice, no real learning for fun and zen, more robitic like. College or bust. It is not a good education system any more. and we offer them nothing but homework after classes. The smart ones hit the books, the others get lost in the shuffle.
We are becoming a nation of money micro managers, dont spend on programs needed, just cut jobs and budgets.
No purpose, and no real youth Jobs and good solid things but sports, and they all are not Pro material, so few make that athelitic climb, and again the rest fall out.
we have so many hands in the soup it will not finish well.
I want so very much to be wrong here Earnest, so so very much, I am pasionate to a cause about this country, but we are loosing, big time
not many here would give up the inside job for a bricklayers pay, I would say. They want the desk, company perks, texting time etc.... many many demands buit not much work ethic.
I have worked in Oz as a Field tech, much different attitude there, and you earn your reputation there. Here you can buy it!!!!
"who voted them in?
I didn't.
You want truth?
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 094287597#
Franklin cover-up:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 094287597#
9/11?....won't even get into it...but a lot more young people are willing to consider than old.
spoken like a true eclectic 80's child, laptop and all.
I did not do it, honest....yea right
A Bible-Expert can find the information about the Synagogue of Satan...Jesus was their adversary. You know--the Money-Changers?
Kay Griggs mentions the banks,"The Zionist Group in New York" as being behind it.
Keep trying to escape it--it's all here out in the open.
Wonder where everyone will stand when Obama comes out and tells the world he has Jewish roots. You know its coming when he goes to Israel. After all, he has roots in every country he has visited in. It says so on his telepromter
Well that about does it for me. It was heartbreaking to learn that Obama is actually a Jewish, Muslim African American Christian with no birth certificate.
you forgot German, Irish, English. Have to check his teleprompter to see if I forgot something
Maybe it's just my poor eyesight, but I don't see two interlaced triangles that would indicate the "Star of David". I see a circle with six small triagles attached and radiating outward.....
I know what you mean about the eyesight CJ, When I sse Palin I dont see a presidential canidate, I see someoneauditioning for the new reality show, Wasilla Housewives.
No, it's definitely a Star of David.
So every other day of the year she wears a cross but this day she gets to wear the symbol of Judaism????
A bit cavalier (IMHO).
Can we say PALIN-DERING to the audience??
News Report:
Sarah Palin Dons Star Of David Necklace For NYC Visit
(Wednesday, June 1st, 2011)
You couldn’t miss it, the big Star of David hanging around Sarah Palin’s neck as she toured the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island on Wednesday.
NBC New York asked Palin about the significance just as she board her bus outside Fox Newschannel to head off to Boston. “Today is the 44th anniversary of Jerusalem being reunited,” she said. “We want to call attention to that.”
The pendant is in every photo she took with fans and supporters and can be seen in every sound-bite captured by television crews.
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Some analysts wondered if the possible Republican candidate for president was actually wearing the necklace to play to the hometown audience as she hop-scotched around New York on her national bus tour.
The reunification of Jerusalem under Israeli control followed the Six Day War in 1967. The event has become a national holiday in Israel, observed this year on June 1 and is marked by state ceremonies, memorial services and parades. Around the world the day is also observed in Jewish schools.
(Source: NBC New York)
Evangelical Christian "philo-Semites" have been speaking on behalf of Israel for quite some time. Jews just don't love Israel enough, apparently.
"No, it's definitely a Star of David.
So every other day of the year she wears a cross but this day she gets to wear the symbol of Judaism????
A bit cavalier (IMHO).
Can we say PALIN-DERING to the audience??
Don't know if it's cavalier or pandering. I do know that Israel is our Aly. Wouldn't it be normal to show support? All people in Politics "pander" to their audience. Why is this such a shock?
Public speaking is all about "Connecting" with your audience. Looking the part is effective....
What do you mean by "She gets to wear the symbol of Judaism?"
Christianity was born of Judaism. Jerusalem is the center of the Christian and Jewish Faith. Many Christian's hold the Jewish faith in high regard. I know that seems a bit counter intuative, but what who cares what they believe.
All true, except America has many allies around the world and needs to walk a fine line with other Mid East countries, not just Israel.
Nothing this woman does is subtle in the least.
Think how people would react if Obama suddenly donned a Star of David around his neck?
Wouldn't happen. He had to be "encouraged" to wear a US Flag pin on his lapel.
What other country would you truly consider our Alies in the Middle East? I personally think we should abandon them all. Our aliance with Israel has prevented them from laying waste to the rest of the Middle East. Left unchecked they would DESTROY those people.
I didn't say we have allies in the Mid East. I said we have to walk a fine line. Our allegiances there seem to shift continually (like shifting desert sands).
I do agree that without our "alliance" Israel would destroy Palestine. And beyond.
Maybe that choke collar is also the basis of our alliance with North Korea!!!
We have no aliance with North Korea. We have a cease fire agreement.....
That was a joke.
I was referencing Sarah Palin's interview with Beck in which she made the slip that North Korea, not South Korea was our ally...
Sorry if it was too obscure!
If only 57 states had gotten so much traction......
Maybe he was confusing it with Heinz 57 sauce!
Neither Obama nor his supporters tried to make up fake geography
to "prove" that he was right when he said that.
Then there is the adoring media that makes excuses for one while attacking the other. The waking gaff we have for a VP is routinely ignored for is poor choice of words.
I'm not sure we can really consider Israel to be an ally; they spy on us worse than many of our enemies.
I wonder if "Mega" is Jane Harmann??
She is on a very high-level committee, and had done it before. "allegedly"
So glad to see this article mention the Israeli art students and the moving company. I HOPE investigators keep on this.
It truly is treachery at the highest level.
"Given the stakes involved, it would be reasonable for the United States to quietly offer Israel’s leaders a choice. They can continue to receive billions of dollars in aid, or they can persist in spying against their greatest benefactor. They should not be permitted to do both."
Then we have no allies at all, using that definition. It's an open secret that all countries with developed intelligence services spy on each other. Hence the expression, "In God we trust. Everyone else we monitor."
The US and UK spy on each other, and we are also strong allies by most definitions.
I looked up "UK spying on US" on google just now. Didn't see anything about the UK spying on the US. There was one that I thought might have been a hit, but it turned out to be a youtube video from a British fellow about the UK spying on its own citizens (us, instead of US).
I'd be happy to acknowledge that the UK spies on us given evidence. But I'm pretty sure (no evidence, just a feeling) that any theoretical spying that the UK does in the US is nowhere near as harmful or egregious as the spying that Israel has done/is doing.
Allies spying on each other only makes the news when it's newsworthy.
Here's one instance:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … spies.html
In this case, it's the US spying on the UK.
What exactly do you mean by Israel's spying being harmful/egregious? Does Israel intend to harm the US? Please don't tell me you're one of those who believe Israel planned 9/11...
No, not at all. But they steal our secrets and exploit them. They're meant to have given back a bunch of documents they took, but even though they acknowledged the theft of the documents, they haven't yet returned them.
The US and Israel have a very unbalanced relationship. I don't think the US ought to turn its back on Israel entirely, but really, I don't get why Israel gets as much US aid as it does.
The same can be said of the UK, France, etc, etc. Israel falls into the "The Enemy of you Enemy is your Friend" Category.
I think it's just a case of her trying to convince people she has an affinity with them because she thinks it'll help her politically.
Obama Official: Netanyahu Waiting for ‘President Palin’
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
"The Netanyahu government’s attitude to the United States shows it is “waiting for President [Sarah] Palin, an Obama official reportedly told Peter Beinart, writing for the Atlantic Monthly news site. Palin was the Republican candidate for vice president two years ago and is considered a front-running candidate for the next presidential election in 2012.
“As an Obama official once told me about the Netanyahu team, with amazement, ‘these guys are actually waiting for President Palin,’” wrote Beinart, a senior political writer for The Daily Beast and associate professor of journalism and political science at City University of New York.
In a critical article noting that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and senior government officials preach to the chorus of right-wing and Christian fundamentalist groups in the United States, Beinart cited the American education and background of the Prime Minister and senior aides.
He maintained that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s reaction to the flotilla crisis “shows just how out of touch he is with America”.
“This familiarity breeds overconfidence and ignorance,” Beinart argues. “When Netanyahu travels to Washington, he speaks before Jewish audiences that mostly dislike Barack Obama’s Israel policy, even though according to a recent American Jewish Committee survey, American Jews overall support it by a margin of close to two to one. When he’s not speaking to right-wing Jews, he’s speaking to right-wing Christians. And when he’s not speaking to right-wing Christians, he’s speaking to former Bush administration officials who expect to soon be back in their old jobs."
These people, like Palin and Bibi, think they OWN America!!!
It's PATHETIC how they put him above their own president. And above their own people.
Why doesn't someone ask Palin how come she wants to stop helping her country's seniors, but she can pay for an Iron Dome for another country.
And ask her how come she says Obama "pals" around with terrorists....just who does she think Bibi is? A nice guy?
She thinks he can get her elected--she is wrong.
I still want to see her talking in tongues!
I reckon she would become a pastafarian if she thought she could make a buck out of it.
Pentecostals and Pastafarians are too small to be bothered with. But she does speak in tongues, just about every time she opens her mouth!
William Kristol "discovered" her...recruited her.
She is part of the neo-cons.
It's more than pandering...it's claiming America for Israel.
And ignoring every other culture and nationality that came here.
And ignoring every other country and nationality with which America must deal. Which is quite a few.
It's like the foreign policy equivalent of abortion is the only issue that matters.
Who are these 'most' Americans? I don't know one who believes that.. I would like to meet someone who believes she is qualified because she said she can see Russia from her home!
I can't even believe anyone thinks she's qualified, she quit her job!
Facetious remark, the seeing Russia from her house comment...
Although apparently there are people who think she is qualified.
Sure. To cook up a nice salmon filet or have babies. Is she Jewish? That would explain the sex change.
Palin didn't actually say that; Tina Fey did. To be fair, though, it was a paraphrase of Palin's answer to Katie Couric's question about why being Governor of Alaska makes Palin qualified to deal with foreign heads of state. Palin's rambling, incoherent answer included the fact that Alaska and Russia are actually quite close together, geographically. "I can see Russia from my House" is sort of a distillation of that 'answer;' its essence, if you will.
Don't think it really matters anymore who the idiot is. Just some would be more entertaining for the jaded.
There is a difference to pandering than actually trying to help people.
Very true.
Pandering occurs on both sides.
Both sides are trying to help people.
They're just trying to help differnt people...
When God created man, he blessed the Jewish with lots of wisdom and brains. But he put a mark in the statistics. One out of 10 was to have no brains at all.
I know my Jewish wife and my kids and grandchildren. They are definitely not the 10th.
With Mrs. P. i am not that sure...may be that explains something.
Interesting statistics.
SP isn't really Jewish. Nice attempt at explaining her, tho.
She defies explanation!
"During the recent meetings in Washington DC between Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s delegation and Israel’s US agents, assurances were reportedly given by AIPAC officials that if and when it becomes necessary, the US government will expeditiously issue American passports to any and all Israeli Jews seeking them.
Israeli Arabs need not apply.
AIPAC also represented to their Israeli interrogators that the US Congress could be trusted to approve funding for arriving Israeli Jews “to be allocated substantial cash resettlement grants to ease transition into their new country.”--Franklin Lamb
So,we are broke...we have no money...we must "sacrifice".....
Tell me another story gramma.
"While the Palestinian leadership of Abbas/Saeb seems set on rewarding Israel for its facts on the ground with a land swap for the large settlements around Jerusalem, Nablus and El-Bireh, most likely and I will even bet $1,000 that Israel will demand and will get the US to pay a million dollars compensation to every Jewish land thief in the smaller settlements. Israel with its army of Holy Jewish Warriors in this administration and in Congress will make sure it milks US tax payers for every step in the process from building settlements to evacuating settlements. Poor American taxpayers and citizens, they are the biggest losers in this whole Middle East conflict, being milked every step of the way."--Sami
We must cut planned parenthood, WIC, LIHEAP, medicare, help for the disabled, Pell grants, school programs, elder programs, broad-band for rural areas, high-speed rail, gvt jobs,low-income housing for Americans, etc...the list is long.
But we can pay people from another country to give back the land they stole.....
And WHO will make sure this happens? Members of our own gvt.
Like Evan says about me; You can't make this stuff up.
a 1000.00 a person
hmmmm... guess I will do what Sarah did, and get my Ronco Instant Jewish Star of the TV add, just 19.95 while they last!!!!!!
Become an instant Convert and make a clean thousand, what a deal!
It's worse than that:
"I will even bet $1,000 that Israel will demand and will get the US to pay a million dollars compensation to every Jewish land thief in the smaller settlements."
A mil he thinks they will get.
Which is the same every 9/11 family got...those who took it anyway.
I will post this and say no more about it.
This is from two sources
A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew
It is important to note that being a Jew has nothing to do with what you believe or what you do. A person born to non-Jew parents who has not undergone the formal process of conversion but who believes everything that Orthodox Jews believe and observes every law and custom of Judaism is still a non-Jew, even in the eyes of the most liberal movements of Judaism, and a person born to a Jewish mother who is an atheist and never practices the Jewish religion is still a Jew, even in the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox
Who is a Jew?
Court Ruling in Britain
The case began when a 12-year-old boy, whose father is Jewish and a Jew by descent and whose mother is a Jewish convert but not a Jew, applied to the school, JFS. Founded in 1732 as the Jews’ Free School, it is a centerpiece of North London’s community. It has around 1,900 students, but it gets far more applicants than it accepts.
By many standards, the JFS applicant, identified in court papers as a Jew. But not in the eyes of the school, which defines "Jew" under the Orthodox definition set out by Jonathan Sacks, chief rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth. Because M’s mother is only a converted Jewish person, the school said, she was not a Jew — nor was her son. It turned down his application.
M’s family sued and lost. Then the ruling was overturned by the Supreme court because the school was basing admissions on race (Which is illegal) and not on religion.( Which is legal)
Why did you truncate that quote?
"A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism." I'm not sure why you think converts are "Jewish but not Jews."
As for the British case:
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/08/world … itain.html
Again, you've redacted the quote. Here is the original:
"By many standards, the JFS applicant, identified in court papers as “M,” is Jewish. But not in the eyes of the school, which defines Judaism under the Orthodox definition set out by Jonathan Sacks, chief rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth. Because M’s mother converted in a progressive, not an Orthodox, synagogue, the school said, she was not a Jew — nor was her son. It turned down his application."
The issue is not that the mother is "Jewish but not a Jew" but that under Orthodox definition she is neither; they do not recognize Progressive (what would be Reform in the US) conversions. It's not that the mother is "only Jewish" according to the Orthodox; in her eyes, she's a Gentile.
Nowhere in either article is there a distinction between Jewish and Jew, only the distinction between Jew/Jewish and non-Jew/non-Jewish.
Maybe my response is moot since you've decided to not reply any further.
Read it again
A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew
It is important to note that being a Jew has nothing to do with what you believe or what you do . A person born to non-Jew parents who has not undergone the formal process of conversion but who believes everything that Orthodox Jews believe and observes every law and custom of Judaism is still a non-Jew, even in the eyes of the most liberal movements of Judaism, and a person born to a Jewish mother who is an atheist and never practices the Jewish religion is still a Jew, even in the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox
The Orthodox conversion means you take up citizenship in places like Israel, Judah, etc.and live with the Jews. It is not about changing your religion.
I knew this would confuse you.
Judaism is the word that means both the people and or religion.
So if you have a mother who is a Jew and you live among the Jews and live the life of a Jew, then you are a Jew.
People see Orthodox and think "religion" but not in Judaism which is people and or religion
It is a major branch in Judaism that teaches strict adherence to rabbinical interpretation of Jewish law and its traditional observances. The city ordinances are created by the Rabbis and based on the Torah. Every Judge has to be versed in the Torah.
Jew is not necessary being born of mother. The man gives blood seed. It is only today late definition which is incorrect. Jesus call Himself Ben Adam, not Ben Eva.
It is in Hebrew. "Ben Adam" in Hebrew is an equivalent of a word "man", "a male person". Jesus called himself "Ben Adam" (Adam's son) because he was a man, a male person. Jesus's sister would call herself "Bat Havah", meaning "Eve's daughter". She would not call herself "Bat Adam" (Adams's daughter). Just kind of a language rule.
In modern Hebrew this distinction is almost lost and "ben adam" just means "a person"
It is not who said so. It is what God said.
"she's really a shiksa at heart."
And what does that mean?
These pictures were taken a couple days apart. She should change her last name to "Pander".
No kiddin. Mama bear, not so much Pander bear...oh yeahhhhh. That's more like it.
I noticed she wasn't wearing either one on her video "non-apology" over her Boston history rewrite.
I'm a bit surprised she didn't don a three-cornered hat and carry a fife.... Or some bells or somethin'
The day she apologizes is the day the world ends.
Ha. Communists have headaches because of Sarah.
I bet if she ever gave a speech in Chinatown she'd wear a sickle and hammer necklace.
Reu - thank you for pointing that out, but unfortunately her hiding behind what is convient for her when asked questions makes me uncomfortable.
Is this from your religion?
The Book of Revelation isnt that the final book of the New Testament ? so again I repeat you will not find the New Testament used in any denomination of Judaism.
I am not calling you anything. But I am asking you if you are not from the 'Messianic Jewish Religion' from what part of the branch of Judaism are you from?
Who are you trying to show the real interpretation to?
I do not think you are a witch and it is sad that people use words to stoop that low. If I have insulted you I am truly sorry. But facts are facts and it might be wise to stick to them.
I am not calling you anything. But I am asking you if you are not from the 'Messianic Jewish Religion' from what part of the branch of Judaism are you from?
I answered all your questions. I have not once taught the doctrine of Judaism on Hubpages, and I never claimed to.
You don't know what I believe so how can you say it's wrong? I am not hiding from anyone/anything I don't need to. I don't allow people to do that to me.
I told you that the Christians hang on tight to their doctrine.
I teach a study class and I get many emails from people on Hubpages requesting information..
Most of them think they no longer need the OT. They think Yahshua was God..their trinity. They believe Paul's teaching above all, they think the laws of God are not needed and so on.
You can't teach someone until you remove the garbage.
I do that by explaining it to them by using the true interpretation of their bible (It is still Hebrew meanings but mostly Greek and Greeks use a lot of abstract words, and I use the KJV to do so. I forgot to get your approval, may I?
I am not saying the NT is the word of God, but they do. That way they know what I tell them is it's in the Bible they trust.The NT is also based on the prophecies of the LOT. Regardless that the Jewish do not accept the NT, because the Christian do, and they interpret it incorrectly and miss all the metaphors and allegories.
Once they realize it then they can be taught.
The Gospel of the Hebrews exists in fragments but there is a lot there. No it's not part of my religion, I'm Jewish Orthodox (Converted) but believe a little differently than the mainstream. As I said before, just because I read or write about something does not mean it is what I believe, but you can't seem to understand that. Look at it this way, you write about beauty products, see what I mean.
I saw the book displayed at a historical library.
I lived in Savyon Israel for one year. After I converted I married my husband (he was born and raised in Israel.)
Jews don't necessarily believe Yahshua did not exist. Just that he was not the promised Messiah.
I doubt very seriously that you have read the Torat ha Sod, and it is what revelation is based on and it is Jewish.
I read the Hebrew Tanakh so you don't have to tell me what is in there. The divisions of the Jewish are not called denominations.
Are you suppose to be Jewish? If so, what division?
I have no need to explain anything to you, and there is nothing you can teach me.
I do warn you to drop your defamation of me. I am a person of action and do what I say I will (legal).
I made a typo and a stupido, so I corrected it.
Paragraph 5
That way they know what I tell them is also in the Bible they trust.The NT is also based on the prophecies of the OT. Regardless that the Jewish do not accept the NT, because the Christians do, and they interpret it incorrectly and miss all the metaphors and allegories
Deborah: Jesus, twelve apostles (disciples) all were Messianic Jews. The fact that religious Jews missed it, it is another issue to discuss.
Also it is not biblical opinion about who is Jew. God has different demand.
Despite Hollywood's concerted effort to try to make people believe Jews are a race, Jews are a religious group - who more often than not, pick which part of the faith suits their desire/wants and needs. I see LOTS of blond-haired, blue-eyed Jews out there. Outside of orthodox Jews, I would say - based on observation and hearsay - most Jewish males will marry a gentile female.
I also feel that if you wear a religious symbol it should mean something to you not just a fashion statement b^_^
"I respect you to. for your association with the Jews
And your kindness to others."
"God will bless the supporters and will not bless haters"
---Sounds like condemnation to me.
Btw--haters to me are the ones doing the brutal occupation.
But I'm just a shiksa at heart... Whatever that means....sounds very derogatory as well.
Anyone who thinks they are better are in for a rude awakening.
That's what MY God says.
Don't worry LMC.
Shiksa isn't a derogatory word.
It's just a non-Jewish chick....
But what does "She's just a shiksa at heart" mean?
What is the perception of a shiksa?
Here's a good definition that I think answers quite well the question of what is meant when someone says SP is a shiska at heart. Seems she's done a pretty good job wooing a certain Israeli prime minister...
"A Gentile girl or woman, especially one who has attracted a Jewish man. The term derives from the Hebrew word "sheketz", meaning the flesh of an animal deemed taboo by the Torah. Since a Jewish man marrying a non-Jewish woman is taboo also, this word applies to her.Traditionally this is a derogatory term, though in modern times it has also been used more light-heartedly. For example, Seinfeld once did an episode about Elaine's "shiksa appeal". The ideal shiksa is a blonde WASP who look like the opposite of a stereotypical Jew, but in reality, many shiksas are brunettes who might pass for Jewish themselves.
On Sex and the City, Charlotte really blossomed as a shiksa!"
My Jewish husband and in-laws used to call me shiksa as a synonym for bubbula. Not derogatory in the least .
interesting culture look at this. Might be a great Hub
1) if it's a condemnation, it is not coming from me. :-)
-Genesis 12.3- "I will bless those who bless you And curse those who curses you; And all the families of the earth Shall bless themselves by you"
Read the Bible attentively and you will understand more.
2) I gave you an advice already on another thread- you should go and live at least for a year in that region. Yes, I mean it- move to Gaza and then to Israel. Live there for at least one year (you may live one year in Gaza and one year in Israel), like actually many Christian volunteers do. Spend a whole year in that area, see everything from within, mingle with average citizens, walk in the streets, live every day of their life.
Then come back here and sound out your opinion. Only after your own hands-on-experience your opinion will worth something.
3) and who is YOUR God? God is the One and the only One, don't you know the first Three commandments? Read the Bible.
By the way, I've remembered a great joke- There won't be any antisemitism in the world when other people stop considering that Jews are better than themselves.
P.S. and there is very little to be proud about being called shiksa. No, it is not a bad word, not a BAD word.... just, well.... very ironical.
"You shall love your God with all you heart, strength and soul, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. That is the whole of the law."
Bombing kids with white phosphorous, stealing their land, and keeping people in a brutal military occupation is not my idea of God.
New, old or decrepit testament and/or book to the contrary.
Here is a good look at my pov...by people who live there:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 119784930#
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 119784930#
At first judging by your posts on different threads I thought that you were no more than 17 years old, because your opinions were so immature, dependent, unsupported and unrehearsed, as if you were just repeating somebody else's words putting into it lots of hatred. Then, you mentioned somewhere that you had a grandson, so you must be mature enough to think and analyze, but not just blindly follow brainwashing patterns.
Actually, this thread is mostly about aspects of wearing religious symbols by people out of this religion. But anyway, since you've touched the subject of Israel, I will answer you, but it will be a short answer not to get off topic.
First of all, this is a brief note written by Richard Goldstone, who composed the biased "Goldstone report on Israel and war crimes, where he himself states that he regrets on that, since he didn't know then what he knows now: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ … story.html
This is a note about how "Palestinians admit “GAZA IS NOT STARVING,” but Hamas is stealing humanitarian aid-
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/201 … arian-aid/
And these are authenticated Arab sites with tons of pictures showing everyday life in Gaza. It's in Arabic language (note, in Arabic language, not in Palestinian language, as there is NO thing as Palestinian language. There cannot be a nation without a language, did you know this, by the way?), but using Google feature, you can turn the site into English:
Grow up, make more researches, analyze. And again- move to live in that region at least for a year, I repeat it again. I can help you to find a family who will invite you to live with them.
"And beginning in 1967 through the late 1980s, Israel helped the Muslim Brotherhood establish itself in the occupied territories. It assisted Ahmed Yassin, the leader of the Brotherhood, in creating Hamas, betting that its Islamist character would weaken the PLO."
According to Charles Freeman, former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, "Israel started Hamas. It was a project of Shin Bet [Isreali domestic intelligence agency], which had a feeling that they could use it to hem in the PLO."
http://www.henrymakow.com/israelcreated … avoid.html
"Gaza healthcare in crisis"
http://www.paltelegraph.com/palestine/g … risis.html
I believe also the poll just taken in Israel shows most Palistinians, if they could be called that, would rather live under jewish control then Arab. They state stability, security, economic prosperity, etc, as the reasons.
Interesting eh?
The Tooth Fairy is real too!
And Santa brings toys to good little boys and girls.
That is a real poll... google it, Chris. Unlike your leftists fictionfacts. I use real facts to support my arguements.
Yes, I know...the occupation of Gaza is the best thing in the world to happen to them...they should be lucky to be thrown out of their homes to make way for European settlers.
Who cares about olive trees anyway?
And why should a mother care that her daughter tried to hang herself on a tree?
It's all on video tape, but I'm sure it's all a lie.
Hey--maybe you'd believe Israeli soldiers themselves??
Nah....who knows better? Why AIPAC of course!
Oh and Sarah Palin. After all, she met with Bibi, as did Huckabee and Rubio---right after he won election! Nothing strange in that....he's a rep in Florida--why shouldn't he fly straight to Israel and meet with Netanyahoo?
Don't ask...just accept.
If you ask...be prepared to be skewered.
Israel has handed over whole swaths to the so called Palistinians and they have done nothing but destroy everything they have been given. And that is a fact.
Second many of the jews who came at the founding came directly from concentration camps set up by your Leftist buddies the Socialists. Stop passing the blame and take your own sides responsibility.
What do you mean "Handed over"? It was their land to begin with!
Hitler was a friend of Mussolini and the Vatican...hardly leftists!
Can I ask...what gave England and America the right to decide who lives where in the Middle East?
And the Palestinians had WHAT to do with Hitler and WW II?
And, if history is a teacher......why is it OK for Israel to treat Palestine as they are doing, if Hitler was wrong?
Inhumane is inhumane....either it is wrong or it is right...which is it?
You need to read a lil history, Chris.
Google, Amin Al Husseini, and read till your eyes bleed.
And Israel is doing nothing in the realm of what your leftist kin did in WWII.
And as I said, their deeds gave us and england the right to decide.
And lastly there was no nation of Palistine untill 70 AD when the Romans removed the Jews and said there would never be another Israel. That land was Canaan before Israel, and it was given to the Jews. Islam has no claim to Jerusalem or Israel. Let them all go back to the countries which sent them there in the mid 1900s.
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the butt.
Goldstone has vacillated a bit, but he stands by the principal conclusions of the UN report on Gaza.
http://www.theage.com.au/world/gaza-rep … 1dhxx.html
"P.S. and there is very little to be proud about being called shiksa. No, it is not a bad word, not a BAD word.... just, well.... very ironical."
Exactly the feeling I got....it is derogatory. And a term placing the one using it as a superior being.
c'mom, every language has ironical names for others, as we all are human. There are many in English language as well.
Stop taking negatively everything what concerns Jews.
An again, as I've said, there's nothing disrespectful in that word, just very very ironical, that's all.
Please dont take that as a racist remark... it's just Abram was not a jew.
A Jew was first called a Hebrew and still is. Abram was called a Hebrew.
yes. And the name of Jew came from Judah, fourth son of Jacob by Leah.
extract from http://www.jewfaq.org/whoisjew.htm -
The original name for the people we now call Jews was Hebrews. The word "Hebrew" (in Hebrew, "Ivri") is first used in the Torah to describe Abraham (Gen. 14:13). The word is apparently derived from the name Eber, one of Abraham's ancestors. Another tradition teaches that the word comes from the word "eyver," which means "the other side," referring to the fact that Abraham came from the other side of the Euphrates, or referring to the fact Abraham was separated from the other nations morally and spiritually.
Another name used for the people is Children of Israel or Israelites, which refers to the fact that the people are descendants of Jacob, who was also called Israel.
The word "Jew" (in Hebrew, "Yehudi") is derived from the name Judah, which was the name of one of Jacob's twelve sons. Judah was the ancestor of one of the tribes of Israel, which was named after him. Likewise, the word Judaism literally means "Judah-ism," that is, the religion of the Yehudim. Other sources, however, say that the word "Yehudim" means "People of G-d," because the first three letters of "Yehudah" are the same as the first three letters of G-d's four-letter name.
Originally, the term Yehudi referred specifically to members of the tribe of Judah, as distinguished from the other tribes of Israel. However, after the death of King Solomon, the nation of Israel was split into two kingdoms: the kingdom of Judah and the kingdom of Israel (I Kings 12; II Chronicles 10). After that time, the word Yehudi could properly be used to describe anyone from the kingdom of Judah, which included the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi, as well as scattered settlements from other tribes. The most obvious biblical example of this usage is in Esther 2:5, where Mordecai is referred to as both a Yehudi and a member of the tribe of Benjamin.
In the 6th century B.C.E., the kingdom of Israel was conquered by Assyria and the ten tribes were exiled from the land (II Kings 17), leaving only the tribes in the kingdom of Judah remaining to carry on Abraham's heritage. These people of the kingdom of Judah were generally known to themselves and to other nations as Yehudim (Jews), and that name continues to be used today.
Leftists talking about Jews... always brings out the Anti-Semetism in them. It is the tie that binds Europe the American Left and Islam. Like three peas in a pod.
Apologists of the highest sort!!
Accepting criminal behavior because it belongs to your favored crew.
Yes--I do hate bullies...always have.
But, I now feel sorry for them...because as in nature, what goes up must come down. And down they will go...far far down. It's all due to the nature of your own actions. Reaping what you sow.
All of us.
From Truthseeker:
"That’s right folks, foreign terrorists don’t have the juice to block their prosecutions but an enemy force right here called Israel that we financially subsidize does. And still they demand that our own people on the public payroll assist them. I think the word the use of it is ‘hutzpah’!
To them….you are chumps…both to the Israelis and those selling you out to them. Brother Giraldi will fill you in on more of the details. After his long CIA career he has never been tagged as a conspiracy theorist, and he is well respected in the Intel community.
And when you contact your Congresscritter, be sure to ask him why he or she has never made an inquiry as to why no major Israeli Intel network has EVER been broken up in America. Ask them if part of the problem might be that Congress has been neutralized through campaign bribery and the rest of us have been left as sitting ducks while they all laugh on their way to the bank.
To be a chump, or to not be one…that is the question. The bad guys have already placed their bets. We sense a whiff of change coming in the air. The Intel community is ready and waiting to come forward to put a trainload of people in jail. The only thing holding the process up is that there is literally no place to go for prosecution. Nowhere…that the fix is not already in.
We are going to have to build some kind of new, independent prosecution structure, answerable only and directly to the public. Our government itself has already been compromised for decades. They will never investigate themselves. Those I have interviewed are generally just apathetic about it, because it has been going on for so long.
And when a lot of our young aspiring counter intel people learn that our political system protects Israeli espionage here, they leave government service in disgust, as have many of our best FBI people. It’s a national disgrace.
They sold your country out from under you folks. And to get it back, they will need to be hunted down and removed…all of them who have worked with the Israelis. The numbers are huge and the names involved are big. So its not going to be pretty. And if you haven’t figured it out already, they have tons of money, their own private intelligence resources, and they are not going out quietly. They have bet you will be the losers…and to date they have been correct."
Your goose is cooked, and calling me anti-semite won't help you.
This is the Apocalypse...the truth MUST be told! It is Cosmic Destiny.
Sorry for you.
ps: Abraham was a Chaldean.
Genesis 14:13
And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner:
"in The Book of Genesis, we are told that the Biblical patriarch Abraham was “a Chaldean from Ur.” For most readers, this seemingly insignificant factoid would undoubtedly slip by unnoticed, but to the student of ancient cultures, it is pregnant with portent, because Chaldea was known to be a Mecca of astronomy, astrology, and the black arts. So much so, in fact, that the word “Chaldean” in many ancient cultures was synonymous with “sorcerer.” Even so far away as Northern Europe, their term for sorcerer, “galdyr”, was rooted in Chaldee. The authors of Genesis obviously did their utmost to distance the figure of Abraham from the occult traditions of Chaldea, yet Abraham still appears to be an occultist both in biblical and extra-biblical texts:
“Abraham excelled all in nobility and wisdom; he sought and obtained the knowledge of astrology and the Chaldean craft... he traveled to Phoenicia and dwelt there. He pleased the Phoenician king by teaching the Phoenicians the cycles of the Sun and Moon, and everything else as well... [in Egypt] Abraham lived in Heliopolis with the Egyptian priests and taught them much: He explained astrology and the other sciences to them.”
- Pseudo Eupolemus.
“Abraham... came to Egypt with all his household to the Egyptian king Pharothothes and taught him astrology.”
- Artapanus.
“...before the coming of Abraham, the Egyptians were ignorant of these sciences, which thus traveled from the Chaldeans into Egypt, [and then] passed to the Greeks.”
- Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews.
google produces many pages on this subject. You can open your mind to it or not.
lovemechrist, in many things you are right and there is also junk adopted. The purpose of calling Abraham by God out from Ur (Caldea), to chose Him as His peculiar nation. It was preparation to give birht of Messiah. Abraham was going by faith to Canaan and it counted to Him as righteous. From gentile He became believer and it counts.
Absolutely right, "Google produces many pages on this subject. You can open your mind to it or not." Or you can open only a part of your mind. Like Russians used to say, "he heard sound of bells, but didn't know where it was".
Anyway, "Chaldean" wasn't his ethnicity. Chaldea was a place, a land, a territory in southern Babylonia. According to Jewish tradition, Abraham (who then had a name Abram) was born in the city of Ur ("Ur" just meant "city") in Babylonia in the year 1948 from Creation (circa 1800 BCE). So, theoretically he was a Chaldean, as he originated from that region, a territory called Chaldea, so in this meaning he can be called a Chaldean as well as Babylonian as well as Urrean. In the same sense a person who lives, say, in Chicago would be called a Chicagoan. BTW, the same pattern as Palestinians are called Palestinians not because they are a nation, but just because they are Arabs who lived in the territory named Palestine by Alexander the Great (circa 300 B.C.) who re-named Israel as Palestine just to add insult to humiliation. The name Palestine was derived from Philistines, one of the numerous tribes who lived there like four hundred years before (and this makes Palestinians claim to the Holy Land today clearly absurd in its proper historical context)
now, an extract from http://www.jewfaq.org/origins.htm#Abraham -
"Abram was the son of Terach, an idol merchant, but from his early childhood, he questioned the faith of his father and sought the truth. He came to believe that the entire universe was the work of a single Creator, and he began to teach this belief to others.
Abram tried to convince his father, Terach, of the folly of idol worship. One day, when Abram was left alone to mind the store, he took a hammer and smashed all of the idols except the largest one. He placed the hammer in the hand of the largest idol. When his father returned and asked what happened, Abram said, "The idols got into a fight, and the big one smashed all the other ones." His father said, "Don't be ridiculous. These idols have no life or power. They can't do anything." Abram replied, "Then why do you worship them?"
Eventually, the one true Creator that Abram had worshipped called to him, and made him an offer: if Abram would leave his home and his family, then G-d would make him a great nation and bless him. Abram accepted this offer, and the b'rit (covenant) between G-d and the Jewish people was established. (Gen. 12).
I gave you Scripture that says He is a Hebrew, yet you believe Google.
Pseudo Eupolemus.
Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews.
These are men of learning and knowledge.
And errrr, hate to break it you, but Scripture is not the definitive word on truth....to you maybe, not to everybody.
That is what I mean...maybe you need to stop thinking that way.
Open your mind to something different than what you have believed.
Now is the time!!
And where can you find the history of Abraham? The Torah and the bible. No where else. You need to start using logic
Pseudo Eupolemus.
Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews.
For 3.
Did you hear this? These are her authorities! No single slightly educated Jew would take them into account.
"Antiquities of the Jews" by Flavius Josephus, though maybe considered a historian work and can be viewed as a scientific source, nevertheless cannot be relied upon at all in these matters.
This twenty volume historiographical work (I doubt that lovemychik had read it....... ) was composed in the thirteenth year of the reign of Roman emperor Flavius Domitian which was around 93 or 94 AD merely for a satisfaction of rulers of that time.
It was a Hellenized version of the Jewish history.
It is a pure "apologia," aimed to go along with certain audience and to attract a bigger popularity.
No wonder that the History of Jews is skewed there, many accounts are omitted or distorted.
The only true account is Old Testament (TANACH).
That's terribly funny, where do you think they got it from?
And actually, I read Hebrew and can find truth in Torah
In some circles, it is considered an occult symbol. I knew she was a witch.
That would be a Pentagram, not the star of David.
Many idiots associate it that way.
It is spoken of as David's shield. It represents the 6 days of creation and the 7th day of rest.
Yet it is OK for Christians to wear the cross.
Chaldea was a place, a land, a territory in southern Babylonia. According to Jewish tradition, Abraham (who then had a name Abram) was born in the city of Ur ("Ur" just means "city") in Babylonia in the year 1948 from Creation (circa 1800 BCE). So, theoretically he was a Chaldean, as he originated from that region, a territory called Chaldea, so in this meaning he can be called a Chaldean as well as Babylonian as well as Urrean. In the same sense a person who lives, say, in Chicago would be called a Chicagoan. BTW, the same pattern as Palestinians are called Palestinians not because they are a nation, but just because they are Arabs who lived in the territory named Palestine by Alexander the Great (circa 300 B.C.) who re-named Israel as Palestine just to add insult to humiliation. The name Palestine was derived from Philistines, one of the numerous tribes who lived there like four hundred years before (and this makes Palestinians claim to the Holy Land today clearly absurd in its proper historical context)
now, an extract from http://www.jewfaq.org/origins.htm#Abraham -
"Abram was the son of Terach, an idol merchant, but from his early childhood, he questioned the faith of his father and sought the truth. He came to believe that the entire universe was the work of a single Creator, and he began to teach this belief to others.
Abram tried to convince his father, Terach, of the folly of idol worship. One day, when Abram was left alone to mind the store, he took a hammer and smashed all of the idols except the largest one. He placed the hammer in the hand of the largest idol. When his father returned and asked what happened, Abram said, "The idols got into a fight, and the big one smashed all the other ones." His father said, "Don't be ridiculous. These idols have no life or power. They can't do anything." Abram replied, "Then why do you worship them?"
Eventually, the one true Creator that Abram had worshipped called to him, and made him an offer: if Abram would leave his home and his family, then G-d would make him a great nation and bless him. Abram accepted this offer, and the b'rit (covenant) between G-d and the Jewish people was established. (Gen. 12).
Exact;y, a person can be born anywhere.
Amazing though the Torah says Abram was a Hebrew, people argue that he was not. They call Him their God, yet refuse his words. I don't get it.
Those who are of God, understand His words.
Yeshua AKA Jesus was a Jew and a liberal! So for all the liberal haters out there who claim to be christian, just remember what your savior said, "Love Thy Neighbor and Bagels and Lox and cream cheese and red onions and capers and is there any more food left Mary I'm hungry? "
It doesn't matter where he was from.
My dad was stationed in Japan when my sister was born, but she sure isn't Japanese.
It does matter.
Perhaps the whole thing is just made up mythology....did'ya ever think of that?
Or do you go by rote and emotion?
Oh, btw...that's not logig.
Some people are ugly human beings, disguised as "enlightened" You can't hide ugly. And God is not deceived.
"Irarum = Abraham
Asahk = Issac
Akhab = Jacob
Gudia = Judah
We find in the Sumerian/Chaldean king lists an almost perfect reflection of the Old Testament line of patriarchs.
At this point it is virtually impossible to ascertain what any of this really means. Were the Chaldeans all Jews? Were the people who called themselves Jews really Chaldeans? Were both merely different nations or tribes of an essentially Sumerian populace? Could it be that the so-called “Shepherdic Jews” were not so named because they had been shepherds, but because they could claim descent from a priest-king known as the “Good Shepherd”? Remember that this was the title used to refer to Christ, who acted in the capacity of a priest-king without a throne. Christ, too, is said in some early traditions to have been a Chaldean."
But you 2 know it all. Cause, well, cause you say so!
And anyone who questions is a stupid Jew-Hating anti-semite. Got it. Real Godly attitude youse have.
At least I don't hate the American president....something to think about.
What's this suppose to be? Hebrew?
It's not Hebrew
Well, looks like Bibi isn't Hebrew either!!
"Benjamin’s father, Ben-Zion Netanyahu, used to have a different name. Before Bibi’s daddy immigrated to Palestine from Lithuania, the family name was Milikovsky.
To his credit, Benjamin Milikovsky (aka Bibi Netanyahu) is a chip off the old block. His father, the senior Milikovsky, was considered a right wing radical even by Menachem Begin. He famously said "The two states solution doesn't exist. There are no two people here. There is a Jewish people and an Arab population. There are no Palestinian people. So you don't create a nation for an imaginary people. They only call themselves a people to fight the Jews."
See, the ten million imaginary Palestinians will stop at nothing. They insist on calling themselves a people. What kind of indistinguishable peace loving ‘population’ would do a thing like that? You’re obviously spoiling for a fight if you start calling yourself a people. Would it kill them to name their kids Benjamin or Shimon? Zionist colonial settlers, like Bibi Milikovsky’s Lithuanian daddy, had the sense to change their family names. In the name of peace, why can’t the Palestinians do the same?
Of course, an alternative solution is for Netanyahu to reclaim his Lithuanian heritage and start addressing us as Bibi Milikovsky - son of a Zionist colonial settler. That might make him a little more flexible on Jerusalem.
This name thing is all so very confusing. I think somebody is messing with my head and trying to propagate one of the ‘great lies of modern times.’ You know the one about how a Milikovsky who becomes a Netanyahu gets to strut around like he’s a native of the Holy Land and brag about how his ancestors built Jerusalem."
Oh ho hooooo. The whole thing is looking mighty fake.
And Why why why???? I am Lithuanian! For shame!
"spoken like a true eclectic 80's child, laptop and all"
I'm no 80's baby---I had kids in the 80's.
And everything there is true...whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
The truth is stranger, much meaner and more perverted than anyone likes to imagine.
But there it is.Like it or not.
Dvora, al tidaber ita, hi mamash mebulbelet.
Siay Histay a ealray Ersonpay?
Iay hinktay ehay, hesay siay eryvay ifferentday
So is this:
To put you in the picture, a Saros cyle (Sar is Aramaic/Hebrew for prince/King) is what the Chaldean astronomers and priests used to sequence eclipses. We do also. A Saros typically lasts 1262 years and each eclipse 18 y 11 d apart. - Wikipedia
I don't know who has been teaching you or who you're copying from but,
Sar is not Hebrew for King.
King in Hebrew is Melekh
Well now, I'll be hornswaggled....I always read they were Khazars....but who knew??
Binyamin Netanyahu - Benjamin Mileikowsky
Eliezer Ben Yehuda - Eliezer Pearlman
Ariel Sharon - Ariel Sheinerman
David Ben Gurion - David Green
Shimon Peres - Shimon Perski
Yitzhak Ben Zvi - Yithzak Shimshelevich
Golda Meir - Golda Mabovitz, married Morris Meyer
Ephraim Katzir - Ephraim Katchalski
Moshe Sharett - Moshe Shertok
Levi Eshkol - Levi Shkol
Olmert is a jewish immigrant of Ukranian and Russian parents. Tzivi Lipni is born to Polish parents. Benjamin Netanyahu or (Benjamin Mileikowsky) is of Lithuanian descent. Ariel Sharon was Belarussian, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Shamir were born in Belarussia, Rabin was born to Ukranian parents. Golda Meir was born in Kiev, Ukraine, Ben-Gurion was born in Poland
http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=56906718133&topic=7910 - some good info/links on this thread.”
And they lay claim to the Middel East? Wow.
And who else is a Russian Jew? Why Orly Taitz.
SOME semites!!!!!!
to lovemy...
If you read Bible not commentary you know that Jewish people were dispersed to other nations. God predicted in many places He will bring them back. There were, however, always Jewish people in Promise Land. Turks and Arabs invaded the Land by force (sword) and they should go to their countries. They desolated completely land. Would it be not nice to do voluntary peaceful ways? But Arabic religious want to kill all Jews.
"The Jews are a nervous people. Nineteen centuries of Christian love have taken a toll." Benjamin Disraeli
It was Ben who said that?
Ya gotta love some of his stuff!
Huh... wow... obvious lack of understanding Islam and their love of the Jews. yes Christians have done their own awful things to the Jews... so haven't your Socialist buddies and yourCommunist buddies... so plenty of blame for violence against the Jews to go around.
"And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf."
Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book "Stalin: Court of the Red Star", Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women."
And lest you forget the brutal occupation of Gaza.....DON'T.
You are not immune to doing awful things.
Stalin was one of your ilk... you have no clue. Do you? Do you even read your own posts you paste? As I said, you leftists have slaughtered 10s of millions of Jews.
And who is "you"? lol
Yes there have been many a race traitor Jew, who slaughtered his own. Rome used many a Jew, to do its murderous Jew hating at arms length.
Yeah, I read it...apparently you didn't.
"Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people."
See, the Bolshevik Jews were Stalins' henchmen....you may choose to call them leftists...but they are still Jews.
Well, if you're from Wisconsin, you have just as much right to Palestine as Bibiguns.....which is NADA.
BTW--I bet I have more in common with him than YOU. I'm Lithuanian...HA!
Actually, I am a Real Jew, born to a Jewish mother. I am from Israel, just live now in Wisconsin. It does not matter where I was born, I am still a Jew. The same as those people you listed. It does not matter, where they were born. If they were born to Jewish mothers, they are Jews.
Jews were dispersed over the world and it was God's plan. Jews were prosecuted, murdered, humiliated just because they were Jews. Jews lived in Holy Land all the time, under many rulers, under different mandates. Jews revived the land after Turks ruined it.
You are very confused, misinformed and brainwashed. Once you mentioned that somebody is trying to mess with your mind. Your mind is messed so much that many of your posts just don't make any sense.
I understand more than you know.
I'm an equal-opportunity Lover. I hate to see anyone treated badly. I don't think anyone is entitled to abuse others.
I do not think you are of the same "tribe" as me.
I think you believe some are entitled.
"Once you mentioned that somebody is trying to mess with your mind. "....Huh?
I mentioned I had read about MK Ultra. Ultimate Mind Kontrol. Learned from the Nazi's, brought into our country after WWII...but I think it goes WAY back...to ancient times. "Mystery Schools" and such.
"Yes there have been many a race traitor Jew, who slaughtered his own"
At the present time, they are slaughtering Palestinians.
You mean the Arabs who are claiming they are Palistinian. Buts that okay, I know what you mean. Tell their own countries to take them back.
And lets not forget your Socialist hero hitler. Gee you Leftists just love to slaughter Jews eh.
"Tell their own countries to take them back."
Errrr, they were living in Palestine at the time......where would "back" be?
You mean like Lithuania and Poland? Ummmm, that would be the illegal settlers.
You have no clue.. those peoples parents and grandparents were sent ther by the surrounding Islamic nations and told the Mujahadeen would be there to destroy the Jews and give them back the land... and that was during the wars 48/ 67 etc. Go read a paper from the middle east from 67, or 49/50/51/ etc.... then islam lost and the islamic nations refused to re-absorb the people they sent. So there they are.
And that is from such papers as the ones in egypt. syria, saudi arabia etc... you really should look into that Chris. You may be surprised by the facts. Even wiki knows the real deal about who has continued the hate.... "Arabs fled their original lands to become Palestinian refugees, "
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab%E2%80 … i_conflict
It is simple Chris.. Islam knew if they abandoned them people there, then in a generation or two they could claim they owned the land because they were born there... devious and simple... and it worked perfectly on you Leftists who cannot understand real history. You all have been so brain washed with the Left's revisionist BS history, it is pathetic.
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